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Public Disclosure Authorized

Reports ___ ___

Report E0051
Public Disclosure Authorized

Ghana -
Thermal Power --
Public Disclosure Authorized

EA Category A

Environmenta Assessment.
Public Disclosure Authorized

August 1993

This report has been prepared by the Borrower or its Consultant

* Republic of Ghana
Volta River Authority

/I/fl VIIfMI IIklIhII7f lk I/ lY/

August 1993

AcresIntenational Limited ADF

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

This report has been prepared to review and evaluatethe environmental

impact of a proposed300-MW,with the potentialto upgrade to 600 MW,
combined-cyclethermalgeneratingplant to be located 15 km northeastof
Sekondi-Takoradi,near the village of Aboadze. This environmental
assessmentaddressesthe requirements of theAfricanDevelopment
also those of the World Bankas a Category'A' project.

The analysisinvolveda 1-wk visit to the area by an environmentalspecialist

and the provisionsof socioeconomicand other data by VRAstaff, both of
which supplementedsite visitsby engineeringstaff. Some monitoringdata
is presented,whilefurtherinformationis beingcollected,andwill be included,
as an addendumto this reportat a laterdate.

The plant will initiallyuse light crude oil, or distillateoil with the possibilityof
later conversionto naturalgas shoulda supply becomeavailable.The plant
requiresa 3.0 m conduitfor once through coolingwater, drawing 5.7 m3 /s
from the sea.

Current estimatesindicatea constructionwork force of approximately400

including 75 expatriatesand an operatingwork force of up to 125. Plans
includea townsitefor constructionand operationsstaff,likelyincludinga first-
aid clinic. A permanenttownsitewill be developedfor operatingstaff,and a
school will be providedif existingcommunityservicesare insufficient.

There will be a self- contained sanitary sewage treatmentsystem and a

desalination plant to provide an adequate long-term, water supply for
operational and domestic requirements. In addition, the plant will be
connectedto the municipalwatersupply.

In general the analysis indicates that the plant will have modest, but
mitigatable,environmentalimpacts. The key potentialissuesinclude:

the effectof the cooling wateron marinelife and the consequenteffects
on the thrivingfishing industryof Aboadzeand neighboringvi!lages

the effectsthat the loss of site land (some35 - 40 ha) will have on nearby
familieswho currentlypracticepredominantlysubsistencelevelagriculture
on that site

air qualityimpacts

potentialspillageand/or leakageof oil.

CoolingWater and Marine Life

Normalambientsea water temperaturesare 26 to 27C0,however,water
temperaturesoccasionallyrise to 30 to 31 degrees. Draft guidelines
proposedbythe Environmental ProtectionCouncilof the GhanaianMinistry
of Environmentsuggest that the maximumambientwatertemperatureat
the beachesshould not exceed33°Cand not raisetemperaturesby more
than 50C. The State of Floridauses 36°C maximum. Giventhe small
dischargevolume, it is proposedthat a higher occasionaltemperature,
*than 360C be allowed. Modeling results have indicated that the
temperaturerise will be no more than 0.50Cbeyond 200 m from the
discharge,even under two unit (600 MW) operation. This would ensure
that undernormalconditions,the temperatureincreaseof 120Cwould still
be acceptable. The use of a discharge nozzle which creates an exit
velocity greater than 2 m/s, would ensure that discharge temperatures
above the 360Clevel are confinedto a small, localizedarea (less than
20 m from dischargepoint). No measurabledamage is expectedto the

It is recommendedthat baselinemonitoringbe undertakento assist in

selecting the optimum intake and outfall locations and to ensure that
predictons of impactsare verifiedand applicablestandardsare met.

Farm Land Loss

It is estimatedthat some 35 - 40 ha of the site are farmed - generallyby
women, as income and food supplementsfor their families. In some
cases,quitevaluablecrops (e.g.,coconutpalm,tigernuts)aregrown. The

lands are farmedby tenants. Commercialfarmerspay for the use of the
land with a shareof theircrops grown,whilesubsistencefarmersmakea
nominal contribution to the land owner. The concern is that any
compensationwill be paid to the land ownersand not to the tenantwho
may find it difficultto find an alternatefarm site. It is importantthat this
issue be addressed in the compensationstructure and it may be
appropriateto provideassistanceto tenantsin locatingotherlands. The
developmentplan for the projectincludespreservation2of the beachridge
coconut palm plantings.

Air Quality
The majorair qualityconcernof the projectis relatedto NOxemissions.
Sourceemissionstandardsare measuredin nanogramsperjoule and the
World Bank guideline for NOx is 130. The plant could generate
approximatelythreetimes that levelwithout controlmechanisms. Water
injectiontechnologyused to lower NOxemissionswill be installedon the
combustionturbineburners,however,dueto limitedfreshwateravailability
on site,may be delayedby up to 12 monthsfrom the start-upof the first
CTG. To provide,a sufficientand reliablesourceof waterfor this control,
a desalinationplant is providedin the plantdesign. Assumingno delays
in contractawardor schedule,thewatersupplyfrom the desalinationplant
will be availableshortly after the start-upof the second CTG, thereby
ensuring thatemissionlevelsarebelowapplicablestandardsfor operations
beyondthis point.

It is suggestedthat an environment/social developmentofficerbe appointed

to the project. The taskof this officerwill be to overseethevariousmonitoring
programsthat will be taking place and to ensurethat impacts, both natural
and socioeconomicare dealt with and minimized. A comprehensive
environmental trainingprogrammeshouldbe providedto supervisorystaff.

A detailed monitoringand baseline/datagatheringprogrammeis outlined.

This will supplementthe existinginformation,providethe data requiredfor
sitingthe marinestructuresand determineif emissionsare in compliancewith
the guidelines. As this will be the first large scale thermalpower plant in
Ghana, detailed effects monitoringwill aid in developingfuture mitigation

requirementsand help determineif the predictionsand mitigationsgivenhere
are correct.

As the local communityof Aboadzewill be changedby the presenceof the

plant,it is recommendedthatthe populationshouldobtainsomebenefitsfrom
the project to offset these changes. VRA should consider assisting the
communityin some of their developmentprojects.

Table of Contents

Ust of Talies
Ust of Figures

1Introductlon ..................................... 1 -1

2 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework ................ .. 2- 1

2.1 Requirementsof Cofinancers .......... ................ 2-1
2.2 RegulatoryConditions . ......................... 2-2
2.3 Comparisonof Predictedversus Regula:cry Conditions ....... 2-7

3 Description of the Proposed Project ........................ 3-1

4 Description of the Existing Environment ......... ............. 4-1

4.1 PhysicalEnvironment. ...................... 4-1
4.1.1 Topography,Geology,and Soils ....................... 4-1
4.1.2 Climateand Air Quality .......... 4-7
4.1.3 Ground and Surface WVater .......... 4- 9
4.1.4 Coastal Environment.......... 4- 9 Lagoons and Estuaries.......... 4-9 PhysicalOceanography .......... 4 -10
4.2 BiologicalEnvironment .......... 4 -15
4.2.1 TerrestrialVegetation .......... 4 -15
4.2.2 Wildlife .......... 4 -16
4.2.3 Marine Environment .......... 4 -19 Uttoral and Subtidal BenthicCommunity ....... .......... 4 -19 Primaryand SecondaryProduction ......... ............ 4 -20 Fish Community ............................... 4 -21
4.3 SocioculturalEnvironment............................ 4 -22
4.3.1 Populationand Demographics ............ ............ 4 -22
4.3.2 Ethnic Religions and CulluralBackground ...... .......... 4 -28 Ethnic Groups ................................ 4 -28 Religiousand CulturalGroups ........... ............. 4 -28
4.3.3 Historical Resources............................... 4 -29
4.3.4 Aestheticsand Tourism ............................. 4 -30
4.3.5 Infrastructure .. 4 -30
4.3.6 Education........................................ 4 -31
4.3.7 Land Tenure and Land Ownership .. 4 -32
4.3.8 Land Use ... -35
4.3.9 Fisheries .. 4 -39
4.3.10 Employment/Manufacturing .. 4 -44 Employment.. 4 -44 Fisheries .. 4 -45 Industry .. 4 -46 Agriculture .. 4 -46 SandcreteBlock Manufacturing.. 4 -48
4.3.11 PublicHealth ........ 4 -48
Table of Contents- 2

4.3.12 CoastalPollution .................................. 4 -53 Wastesof HumanOrigin............................. 4 -53 Wastesof IndustrialOrigin ........................... 4 -54 Oil............................................. 4 -57

5 Significant EnvironmentalImpactsand ProposedMitigation .. .... 5 - 1

5.1 ConstructionPhase ................................. 5- 1
5.1.1 PotentialSourcesof Effects ........................... 5- 1
5.1.2 PredictedElfecisand ProposedMitigationDuringConstruction. . 5 - 7 AtmosphericEnvironment ............................ 5-9 Groundand SurfaceWater............. ............... 5-9 TerrestrialEnvironment............................... 5-1i1 MarineHabitat.................................... 5 -12 SocioculturalEnvironment ............. ............... 5 -13
5.2 OperalionsPhase ................................. 5 -16
5.2.1 Operational Characteristics of the ProposedPlant.......... 5 -16
5.2.2 PredictedEffectsand ProposedMitigation
DuringtheOperationof the Plant . ................... 5 -18 AtmosphericEnvironment ......................... 5 -18 SeismicHazard . 5 -40 MarineEnvironment. 5 -41 SiteDrainage.............. 5 -61 SocioculturalConcerns............ ........... 5 -62

6 Analysis of Alternatives ....... ................ 6- 1

7 Mitigation Plan ....................... 7-1

7.1 Air Emissions ....................... 7- 1
7.2 AquaticConditions....................... 7-9
7.3 SocialMitigation....................... 7 -14
7.4 ResidualImpactsAfterMitigation ...................... 7 -14
7.5 Costsof MitigativeMeasures....................... 7 -15

B EnvironmentalManagementand Training ........ ............ 8-1

8.1 Training .......................................... 8- 1
8.2 Environmental
and Healthand SafetyProcedures.... ....... 8 - 2

9 Monitoring Plan ...... ...... ........................... 9-1

9.1 Preconstruction......................... 9- 1
9.1.1 Air........................... 9-1
9.1.2 Noise ......................... 9-2
9.1.3 Marine Environment......................... 9-3 PhysicalParameters ........... .............. 9- 3 BiologicalParameters......................... 9-3 Oil ......................... 9- 4
9.1.4 TerrestiralEnvironment......................... 9- 4
9.1.5 SocioculturalEnvironment......................... 9- 5 FiFheries ......................... 9- 5
92 Construction Monitoring.......................... 9-5
9.21 Air .............................................. 9-5
9.2.2 Noiseand Vibration......................... 9- 5-
9.23 TerrestrialEnvironment ......................... 9- 6
Table of Contents - 3

9.2.4 SiteDrainage ................ 9-6

9.2.5 MarineEnvironment .9 -6
9.3 Operations.9 -6
9.3.1 Air. 9 7
9.3.2 Noise ............................. 9-7
9.3.3 Agriculture .. 9- 7
9.3.4 MarineEnvironment.. 9- 7 PhysicalParameters .............. 9- 7 BiologicalParameters .9 -8 Oil ..............................................
9 -8
9.3.5 SocioculturalEnvironment.. 9 -9 Fisheries.. 9 -9 Agriculture.. 9-9

10 Interagencyand Public/NonGovernmentalInvolvement.. 10- 1

10.1 InteragencyContacts . 10- 1
10.1.1 Cer: RIGovernment Contacts. 10- 1
10.1.2 WesternRegion. 10- 1
10.1.3 Universities,Etc . 10-2
10.2 PublicInvolvement. 10-2
10.3 Non Governmental (NGOs).
Organizations 10- 3

11 Conclusions and Recommendations . .11- 1

11.1 Conclusions.. 11- 1
11.2 Recommendations.. 11- 2
11.2.1 Follow-UpProgramme.. 11- 2
11.2.2 CommunityImpactAgreementand LocalCitizens'Committee. . 11-2
11.2.3 MitigativeMeasures.. 11- 3
11.2.4 Air Emissions.. 11- 5
11.2.5 Training. ........................................ 11- 5
11.2.6 ContractDocuments.......... ...................... 11- 5


Appendix A- Physical Data

Appendix B- Biological/Fisheries Data
Appendix C- Socioeconomic Data
Appendix D- Agency and Public input
Appendix E - Emissionsand Air DispersionModelling
Appendix F - Thermal Plume Modelling
Appendix G - Technical Specifications(from Tender Documents)
Appendix H - Plates
List of Tables

Number Title

2.1 Air QualityObjectivesand Guidelines

2.2 Water Ouality DischargeGuidelines

2.3 Thermal GenerationMaximumAir EmissionGuidelines

2.4 TakoradiThermalPlant - PredictedEmissions

4.1 AverageMonthly Sea SurfaceTemperaturesat Takoradi

4.2 Waders,Terns and Herons Found Along the GhanaianCoastline

4.3 PopulationStatistics

4.4 Summaryof Landings by Artisanal(Canoe)FisheryShamaAhanta East

District (1988- 1992)SpeciesLanded in Excessof 500 Tonnes

4.5 Top Ten Diseasesin ShamaAhanta East MetropolitanDistrict

4.6A Medical Staff for ShamaAhanta East MetropolitanArea

4.6B Comparisonof MedicalStaff to PopulationRatio

4.7 Trace Metal Concentrationsin the GhanaianMarine Environment

5.1 PotentialSourcesof EnvironmentalEffects During Construction

5.2 Characteristicsof AvailableUght Crude

5.3 Distillate Fuel Specification

5.4 Operationaland EmissionCharacteristicsof VariousCTGs

5.5 PredictedEmissionsof :l0x and Subsequent

Ground Level Concentrations

5.6 PredictedEmissionsof S02 and Subsequent

Ground Level Concentrations

7.1 ConstructionPhase- PotentialEffects and ProposedMitigation

7.2 OperationPhase - PotentialEffects and ProposedMitigation

List of Figures
Number Title
1.1 Study Area
3.1 ConstructionSchedule
3.2 GeneralSchematicof Combined Cycle Plant
3.3 Plant Components
3.4 TypicalArrangementof Cooling WaterTunnel Intake
3.5 Intake, Dischargeand SPM Locations
4.1 Topographyof Proposed Site
4.2 RegionalGeology
4.3 Distributionof Round Sardinellain Ihe Gulf of Guinea
4.4 Fishing/SpawningGrounds in the Gulf of Guinea
4.5 Infrastructure
4.6 ApproximateLand Use at ProposedSite
4.7 ApproximateLand UseAlong ProposedTransmissionLineStudyCorridor
5.1 PotentialMovementof Oil Spills
5.2 ContingencyPlan
5.3 Thermal Plumefrom Cooling Water Discharge- Case 1
5.4 Thermal Plumefrom Cooling Water Discharge- Case 4
6.1 AlternativePlant Locations
A1.1 SurfaceWindFrequency,0000 G.M.T.
A1.2 SurfaceWind Frequency,0300 G.M.T.
A1.3 SurfaceWind Frequency.0600 G.M.T.
A1.4 SurfaceWind Frequency.0900 G.M.T.
A1.5 SurfaceWind Frequency.1200 G.M.T.
A1.6 SurfaceWind Frequency.1500 G.M.T.
A1.7 SurfaceWind Frequency.1800 G.M.T.
A1.8 SurfaceWindFrequency.2100 G.M.T.
B1 RegionalVegetationPattern of CoastalZone
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
TofulfilltheVoltaRiverAuthority's(VRA's)mandateto providea reliablesupplyof power
and energyto its cuslomers,an additional300 MWof Installedgeneralingcapacityis
requiredby 1997. Fromthe analysiscarriedout Ina numberof previousstudies,Itwas
determined that themostsuitablemannerof deliveringthispowerwas froma combined
cycle (oiVsteam) thermalplant. This documenthas been preparedto addressthe
environmental and socioeconomic concernsof theconstructionand operationof such
a plant.

It is proposedto buildthe planton thesouthwestcoastof Ghana,approximately 15 km

east of Sekondi-Takoradi, close to the villageof Aboadze.The locationis shownin
Figure1.1. The Sitewas selectedsuch thatcoolingwatercouldbe providedfromthe
seawhilemaintaining closeproximityto thenationalgridand thecentreof demand.The
initialplantconfiguration willconsistoftwo100-MW combustion turbinegenerating(CTG)
units and one 100-MWsteamturbinegenerating(STG)unit. It will be the first thermal
plant of its kind to be builtand operatedin Ghana.It is expectedthat theplantwillbe
expandedto 600MW(anadditionaltwo100-MWCTGunitsandone 100-MWSTGunit)
at some point in the future, hence the coolingwater circuit has been sized to
accommodate theadditionalcoolingwaterrequirements of thesecondSTGunit,and the
site is of sufficientsizeto accommodate the additionalunits.

Ught crudeoil will be theprincipalfuel usedto firethe plant. Thiswillbe deliveredvia

tanker to a single-pointmooring (SPM)anchoredoff the coast and, from there,
transferredto the Sitethroughan underwaterpipeline. The initial300 MW plantwill
consumeapproximately 260000tonnesof fuelperyear.Three36 000m3 aboveground
storagetankswill be provided,as willspacefor a fourth.In thisway,adequatestorage
will be availablewhileprovidingthe capabilityfor oil treatmentand tankmaintenance
operationsto takeplace. Expansion of the plantto 600MWat somepointin the future
would resultin morefrequent tankerdeliveries, ratherthan a largeincreasein on-site

The plant will be connectedto the main transmission system,approximately

5 km
northwestof the proposedSite,by two2-circuit161-kVlines.

It is proposedto commenceconstructionin October1994with Projectmobilization

beginning3 monthsearlier.The Projectwill be contractedon a turnkeybasisand will
consistof four majorcontracts. Most of the equipmentwill be prefabricated, hence
constructionwill be limitedon site;consistingprimarily
of sitedevelopment,

of thecoolingwatercircuit,constructionof foundationsand assemblyof prefabricated


Financialassistanceis beingsoughtfroma numberof agencies.Inorderto meetthese

lendingagencies'mandates,an environmental assessment is requiredto determine
whetherthere will be signilicantimpacts and, for any impacts,whetheradequate
mitigationcan be appliedto minimizeadverseImpacts.ThePiojecthas beenclassified
asa CategoryA ProjectundertheWorldBankscreeningsystem.Thesetypesof projects
mayhavediverseand significantenvironmental impacts,andthereforenormallyrequire
a full environmentalassessment.The AfricanDevelopmentBank has classifiedthe
projectasa CategoryI project,whichrequiresdetailedfieldreview,andan environmental

Thisstudywas initiatedin April1993with a draftsubmission for Projectevaluationto the

lendingagenciesin mid July 1993. Somedetailedsite-specificinformationis not yet
available.On-sitedatacollectionwasinitiatedin July,1993andwillcontinuethroughout
the preconstructionperiodin orderto acquirenecessaryinformationprior to Project
mobilizationin 1994.However, it is anticipatedthattheoverallimpactsof theProjectcan
be mitigated.Thebaselinedatacollectionwouldbe to assistin establishingtheexact
locationof suchfeaturesasthe coolingwaterintakeandoutfall,theoil pipeline,andthe
SPM;andto providethe background information of project
impactsand predictions.

Thisreporthasbeenarrangedin theformatoutlinedby theWorldBankandthe African

Development Bank(ADB).Section2 describesthe requirements of thecofinancersand
also regulatoryconsiderationsfor emissionsfrom a thermalpowerplant. Section3
outlinesthe key featuresof the plant. Section4 describesthe environmentalsetting
alongthe southwestcoastof Ghanaand providesspecificdatafor the Takoradisiteas

Section5 identifiesthe potentialimpactsthat could be expectedfrom the proposed

Projectboth duringconstructionand operationand then alsorecommendsmitigation,
where necessary,to minimizethese impacts. Section6 discussesthe analysis
undertakento definethe alternativesthat were examinedboth in terms of different
methodsof generatingthe requiredpoweraswellas thevariouslocationsfor sitingthe
plant. Section7 summarizes the mitigationrequirements,
as outlinedin Section5. The
environmentaltraining that should be undertakenis identifiedin Section8, while
Section9 givesthe detailsof the monitoringplanthat shouldbe implementedpriorto
and continuewhenthe plantis fully operational.Theagencyand public
.0 V's P&MI
I g


VAROKAN- Stg" OAtA4Ck M' DC CCtC ~- - I

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input is documented in Section 10 wilh detailed minutesof these contacts provided in

Appendix D. Generalconclusionsand recommendationsare provided in Section 11.

An executivesummaryprecedes this more detailed analysis,outliningto the readerthe

key issues and the required mitigationand monitoringwhich must be implemented.
2 Policy, Legal and
Administrative Framework
2 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework
2.1 Requirementsof Cofinancers
To constructtheTakoradiThermalPowerPlant,VRAIs askingfor financialsupportfrom
the WorldBank,the ADB.theEuropeanInvestment Bank(EIB).and a numberof other
internationalloanagencies.Theseagenciesrequire,as a minimum,an environmental
study report (ESR). The World Bank's OperationalDirective 4.00, Annex A:
'EnvironmentalAssessment',October 1989, outlines the World Bank policy and
proceduresfor environmental assessments (EA)of theWorldBankinvestmentlending
operationsandrelatedtypesof environmental and socioeconomic analyses.AnnexA-3
discussesenvironmental screening,the processof labellingprojectsaccordingto
probableenvironmentalimpacts.InAnnexA-3,a thermalpowerdevelopment is defined
as a 'CategoryA project',i.e.,one that mayhavediverseand significantenvironmental
impactsandwouldnormallyrequirean EA. In discussions with theWorldBank,it has
beendecidedthatthisprojectshouldindeedbe classifiedas a 'CategoryA' project,and
a full environmental
assessment is required.

ADB issued an Environmental Policy Paper in 1990. Their key to environmental

managementand sustainabledevelopmentis the use of proceduresto assessthe
environmental impactsof ADB'slendingprogrammes and projects. These,procedures
will enablethe integrationof environmental safeguardsin projects. Environmental
considerationswillbecomean integralpartof loanagreements and biddingdocuments.
An initialenvironmentalexaminationmustbe carriedout on all projectsto determine
whetheranenvironmental impactstudyor mitigationmeasuresarerequired.Fromthere,
dependingon thenatureof theproject,moredetailedinformationmaybe required.ADB
tieldstaffhaveidentifiedthe projectas a CategoryI project,requiringfieldreviewanda
environmental impactassessment.

TheEIBhasrequestedelaboration of theenvironmental
impactof the project,particularly
withrespectto theeffectsofwarmwaterdischargesandfuelspillageonaquaticlife. The
impactof noiseon thecommunity of Aboodzeandthepotentialto reduceNOxemissions
to lowerlevelswith newtechnologyas it becomesavailable.

As the WorldBankandADBwill be the majorfinancingagencies,their guidelinesand

reportformatwerefollowedin a preliminary
draftof thisdocument.However,
informationhasbeen/andis beinggatheredto meetADScriteria.

develDpment. The Action Plan has been approved by the Ghana Environmental
ProtectionAgency and these principles have been followed here.

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 provide ambient air and water quality emission guidelines for the
World Bank,US and Canada,whileTable 2.3 provides hourlyair emissionguidelinesfor
a thermal power plant operatingwithin those different jurisdictions. Discussionshave
been undertakenbetweenGhana's EnvironmentalProtectionCounciland VRAregarding
air emissionstandardsduring the past3 years. Initially,it was proposedthat the thermal
plant be located inland from the coast and air emissionswere consideredmost critical
and criteriawere developed (see Table 2.1). The preferred site for the plant has now
been identified as a coastallocation. Although Ghana has some proposed guidelines
for freshwaterqualitythey have no establishedwaterqualitycriteriafor marinesituations.
In discussionwith the EnvironmentalProtectionCouncil(1993),they have proposedthat
discharges of warm water into the sea, not exceed 33°C with a temperaturerise of not
more than 50 C at the beach or landfall,and that the dischargesmust be controlledsuch
that they do not have any adverseeffects.

Criteriafromother administrationswith similarconditionsto Ghanaweresought. Thermal

surface-watercriteria from Florida are considered to be the best example of current
legislation regardingmarine discharges,into warm-waterenvironments,and these are
included in Table2.2. In the Floridaregulations,open wateris defined as all waterin the
state extending seaward from the 5.5-m (18-It) depth contour line (the three fathom
bottom depth contour)which is off shorefrom any island,exposedor submergedbar or
reef, or mouth of any embaymentor estuarywhich is narrowedby headlands. Coastal
waters are thosewaters less than 5.5 m in depth and which have a salinity >1500 mg/L.
The following table summarizesthe criteriafor coastal and open water conditions.

Coastal Waters Open Waters

Summer of Year All year

Maximumallowabledischarge 33°C 32.2C 36.10 C


Allowable increaseabove 1.10C 2.2°C 9.40 C

ambient temperature
Table 2.1

Air QualityObjectivesand Guidelines

(RevisedEPC, Aug. 1990)

World United Acceptance
Parameter Bank States Llmits Ghana

1 SulphurDioxide(SO2 )
- Ambient Concentrations
- annualarithmeticmean (ug/m3 ) 100 80 30-60
- maximum24-h concentration(ug/m3 ) 500 365' 150-300 200
2 NitrousOxide (expressedas NO2)
- AmbientConcentrations NO2
- annual arithmeticmean (pg/m3) 100 100 0-100
average24-h concentration(pg/rn 0-200 320

3 Carbon Monoxide(CO)
- Ambient Concentrations
- averageconcentrationover 8-h period (mg/m3 ) 10 6-15
averageconcentrationover 1-yr period (mg/m ) 351 15-35 10
4 SuspendedParticulateMatter
- Ambient Concentrations
3) 100 50 60-70
- annualgeometric mean (ug/mr
- average24-h concentration(pg/rn3 ) 500 150 0-120 260
5 Opacity = <20% <20%

Maximumconcentrationnot to be morethanonce per year.

Table 2.2

Water Quallty Discharge Guidelines

._________________ RegulatingAgency

Parameter USEPA Canada' Florida

BOD5 30-d average Complexrule

(mg/L) 30 20

Suspendedsolids30-d 2S
average(mg/L) 30

Fecalcoliform(MC 400/100mL Ccmplexrule

Method) (afterdisinfeclion) for shellfishwalers(medianvalue <14 MPNIIOOml)
ffor well balancedtishpopulationmonthlyaverage200/100mL

Chlorineresidual(mg/L) 0.2 1 (after30-mincontacttime) Not > 10%abovenormalbackgroundlevelsin marinewater

pH 6- 9 6-9 Not < or > 1 unitfrombackgroundil backgroundbetween6-8.5.

11backgroundbelow6 or above8.5, mustnol be belowor above

Phenols(ug/I) 20

Dissolvedoil and 15 15 5
grease(mg/L) No visiblesheen

Phosphorus(mg/I) I
Temperature state not to alterambientlemperatureby SeeSection2.2 in text
regulated > 1__C2


2 At edge of mixingzone.
Table 2.3

Thermal Generation Maximum Air Emisslon Guidelines

Parameter World United
Bank States Cana
1 Sulphurdioxide
- tonnesper day 1002 500
- maximumallowablegroundlevelIncrement 3), 1-yraverage.
to ambient(pg/m 10 - 50 340 3
- hourlymean rate of discharge(ng/J)' 258
2 Nitrousoxidehourlymeanrateof discharge(rng/J)
- liquidfossilfuel 130 130 129
- gaseousfossilfuel 86 86 86
3 Suspendedparticulatematterhourlymeanrateof discharge(ng/J) 43 43
4 Opacity 20% 20%

- nanograms

2 Mostto leastrestrictive
(seep 435WorldBankEnvironmental

lessthan2580ng/Jol heatinput.

Temperatures listedreferto thoseat the 'point of dischargeandsummerrefersto the

June to Septemberperiod. Uponapplication,on a case-by-case basis, the Florida
Department of Environmenlal Resourcesmayestablisha zoneof mixingbeyondthepoint
of dischargeto afforda reasonableopportunityfor dilutionand mixingof heatedwater
dischargeswithinthereceivingbodyofwater.However, theDepartment
Resourcesrequiresthat the proponentbe able to show that there is protectionand
propagationof a balancedindigenouspopulationof shellfish,fishandwildlifein and on
the bodyof waterbeforeapprovalis granted.

2.3 Comparisonof Predictedversus

Predictedair and wateremissionsfrom the TakoradiThermalPlantare presentedin
Table2.4 andcomparedto an applicablestandard.Furtherdiscussionand evaluation
of the potentialeffects oDtheseemissionsis presentedin Section5, while mitigative
measuresare presentedin Section7.
Table 2.4

TakoradiThermalPlant - PredictedEmissions
(300 MW CombinedCycle Plant)

EmtsslonTo Parameter Predicltion Standard Exceedance

Air Sulphurdioxide(SO 2 )
* maximumstackconcentrations (mg/m3)l 63.5
- annualmeanconcentralions at plumeimpact(ug/m3) 12.3 Amb + 50 No
* emissionrate- hourly(ng/J) 927
* daily(/d) 5.5 100 No

* maximumstackconcentralion(mg/m3) 297.5
- annualmeanconcentrations at plumeimpactf(glm)
- uncontrolled 57.4 100 No
* controlled 8.0 100 No
* hourlyemissionrate(ng/J)
- uncontrolled 447 130 Yes
- controlled 77.9 130 No
- daily emissiontate (td)
- uncontrolled 27.2
* controlled 4.7

* maximumstackconcentration(mg/m3) 7.2
- maximum0.5 h conceniration
al plumeimpact ug/m) 5.1
over 8 h period(mg/m)
* averageambientconcentration 10 No
* averageambientconcentrationover 1 h period(mg/r) .004 35 No

* maximumstackconcentration(mg/rn) 3.3
* maximum0.5 h concentrationat plumeimpact ug/Im3) 2.4
- averageannualgeometricaverage(rg/m3) 0.7 100 No
- average24 h concentration(ug/m3) 0.8 500 No
- meanhourlyrateof discharge(ngfJ) 4.9 43 No
Table 2.4
TakoradiThermalPlant - PredictedEmissions- 2

I I 2
I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Applilable
EmluslonTo Parameter Predictlon Slandard Exceedanee

Water Serviceand make-upwater

BODs(mg/L) 30
* suspendedsolids(mg/I) 25 30 No
* fecalcoliforms(No/100 mL) 100 t00 No
- residualchlorine(mg/I) 0.2 0.2 No
* pH 6.5 - 9 6 *9 No
- phenols(ug/L) 2.0 20 No
* dissolvedoil and grease(mgfL) c5 5 + NVS No
- phosphorous (mg/L) I

t-emperature(C) - Tmax- at discharge 42 33 - 36 Yes
- at edgeol mixingzone ambient+ 0.5 33.36

AT -at discharge 12Q5e

* at beach c0.5 5 at beach No
* mixingzone limit(m) c200 none


2 At moststable(c), atmosphericconditions,wilh 40 m stackandat low temperalureoperalion(i.e.,worstcase).
3 NVS= no visiblesheen.
4 Worstcasescenario,12'C at 11.3m3/s and 0.1 m/s ambientlongshorecurrent.
S Not to exceed100ug/m3
^ NO,controlwilh walerinjection
'* Worstcasescenario,uncontrolledoperation.
3 Description of the Proposed Project
3 Description of the Proposed Project
The proposed TakoradiThermal Plant consists of a 300-MW oil-fired combined cycle
thermal generatingplant. I Is to be located just west of the village of Aboadze on the
Gulf of Guinea, approximately15 km northeast of the city of Sekondi-Takoradi. The
purpose of the plant is to furnishpeaking powerto the nationalgrid and to providebase
load capacity in timesof low water levelswhen hydroelectricgenerationis affected. The
plant will be built for a 20-yr life. Constructionis anticipatedto begin in 1994, and the
first unit would be operalionalby February1996 (theschedulefor consiructionis outlined
in Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.2 providesa generalschematicof a combinedcycle plant, as envisagedat the

Takoradisite and Figure 3.3 shows the main plant components. A brief descriptionof
the proposed plant, process and operation follows. A detailed operational regime is
included in Section5.2.

The proposedarrangement,definedas a combinedcyclesystem,will consist of two high

efficiency combustion turbine generators,burning liquid fuel, each with heat recovery
boilers,which in turn producesteam to supply a traditionalsteam turbine generator. In
this arrangement,high temperatureexhaustgases fromthe CTGsare utilizedto produce
steam for the STG. The large, heavy frame combustionturbinescurrently availableare
well suited to combined cycle operation,because of the high energy content of their
exhaust gases. The temperatureof exhaustgasesdischargedto the environmentvaries
from approximately1750 C during combined cycle operarion to 1100°C during bypass
(combustion turbine only) operation. The heat recovery system does not, in other
respects, alter the componentsof the gaseous emissions. The plant will be equipped
with tour stacks; one at the outlet of each combustion turbine to allow for peaking
operationwithoutthe combinedcycle feature,and one at the outletof each heat recovery
boiler. Stack heights of no more than 40 m are proposed.

Combustionturbinesspecifiedfor the planl will be in the 95 - 120 MW range, depending

on the final supply and ability of manufacturersto meet specified performanceselection

Combined cycle plants offer operationalflexibility,in that one, two or three unit operation
can be providedto meet demand. Combustionturbinescan be brought into servicevery
quickly (<1 h from start to full output), while total operationalcapacity can be achieved
within 12 - 48 h, depending on the degree and length of the previous shutdown.

The key featuresof Ihe site and plant are as follows

- 1 km2 site, providing potential for expansionat a later date

- two 100-MWcombustion turbine generating(CTG) units

- one 100-MWsteam turbine generating(STG)units

- 161-kVswitchyard

- two 2-circuit, 161-kV transmissionlines from the site to the nationalgrid at Inchaban

- use of light crude oil as the principalfuel supply for powergenerationwith the option
of convertingto natural gas it a suitablesourcewas to become available. Operation
also possible on distillateoil

- oil to be offloaded at a single-point mooring (SPM)and piped to shore; maximum

tanker size would be 120 000 tonnes (deadweight),and maximumdraft of 18.5 m

- a fuel oil tank farm having enoughcapacity for a minimum60-d supply; proposedto
have three tanks of 36 000 m3 each (224 000 bbls)

- requirementfor 5.7-m3 Is or once-throughcooling water drawn from and discharged

back to the sea through a conduit of approximately3.0 m diameter. This conduit is
sizedto provide adequatecapacityfor a second steamunit at a laterdate. A typical
submergedcooling water intake arrangementis shownin Figure3.4.

- the cooling water intake and dischargewill both be located on the sea bottom, in a
water depth not less than 7.5 m. at lowest astronomicaltide level (Figure3.5).

- the intake will be fitted with a cap and bellmouthto preventvortex formationand
reduce entrainment of marine organisms,while the discharge will be fitted with
appropriatestructuresto facilitatehydrodynamicmixingof the thermalplume. Intake
velocitywill be no morethan 0.5 m/s,while dischargeexitvelocitywill be a minimum
of 2.0 m/s

- approximately400 local workerswill be requiredduring the constructionof the facility

with 75 foreign supervisorsand foremen. Most constructionactivitywould be related
Activity 1994 1995 1996 1997

Contract TK-1
Award Combustion Turbine
Plant ........ I....*. ..... ........ ..... I. ................ ......................... ....... .......
*........*........ ------- ...
Tr*2A xlare ....... .................. . .....................................................................................
Design, Etc.
' DesignTK-1........1........... m.I........... m.......................-........
... ..-..... .......... .... ........ ...

Personnel TK-1
At Sheo TK-2........2.............-.. ........ ................ ................-........ . ......... ... ....... ........... . .....

Turbine & Installation
-Unit2(Combustion ..................... .. ..... .. ....... ..
............. ...........

- Unit3 (Steam ............. I...........................................................
*Heat Generators
Steam 1&2
forUnits ........ ............... ...... ............. -........................

Siteaccess, Works
* SiteServices, Site,Offices
Town ......... -....... n...... ....... ..-....................... .. . ....-....-.... ................ I .......
.......................... 01-1,,11 ................................
*Intake SiteSelection
andOutfall Study m..............-.
............-.............. m....... ......-...... . .. .......- ..... .... I..........
*Intake Construction
andOutfall ........... .............-.... ....... .....-.. m....... m.... ........ ........ ................. .......
*Fuel Tanks
Storage Systems
&Treatment ........ ....... ................ ..................... .............. ........... ..... .......

*Desalination Plant
andDemineralization ... ... I. . ................ ....... ................-.-.........................
-....... -.. ................
'Ancillary n s......... ........ ........ ....... m...... m. .................. -.. .... ......... ..... ........
' Completion
Housing Units &Guest
Houses.*... . ....... ....... ....... .. .............................. ........................ ....... ....... ....... .......

Switchyard &Instrumentation
*TransmissionLine- TieInatInchaban .......... ..... ....... . ........................ ....... ....... ....... .......
'Transformer, &PlantControl.m....... ........ ........ ..-.................. m.... ........ ....-...................- .......
ionStudy ......-......................... .... ......................... ................ .............. .........
SPMandOilPipeline.......-.................................- ....... ..-.... ............... .............. *.... .......
.... …a.
Takoradi Plan
Scherf""' ..4k-f
_____________________________ GENERAL OF CC PIANTI
jIgr S1N3NOdPlOO INYd- -

V11OA |< _)l........................._.
J 10

I $ .M
[11-S.gF gA I~~~~

LowestWater Level0.0

Ez 4.5m l

} j 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 )s X ci1* 0.25%Slope/.,1.,.;

Volta River Authority
Typical Arrangementof CoolingWaterTunnellntaki nllIl

l~~~~~~~~ SC IV Z r Of r 6V1 N r A /<s_ '

*S '

v- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOLTA

to site preparation and assembly/interconnectionof various pre-engineered

components and buildings,and installationof utilities and services

a permanentwork force of 125 will be required for its oper-tion

permanenttownsiteto accommodateapproximately75 familiesof the supervisoryand

technical operation work force, with guest houses, to accommodate overseas

a second development and appropriate infrastructure will be constructed to

accommodate the constructionspecialists,technical work force and then families.
This will be located beside the permanent site, and sized as appropriate for
constructionneeds. It is anticipatedthat manyof the labourerswill be coming from
the local communities.This facilitywill likely be taken over by VRAafter construction

fresh waterrequirementof 378.5 m3 /d (100 000 US galtd) madeavailableto the plant

by the Ghana Waterand SewageCorporationfrom the lnchabanlAboadzepipeline.
In addition, a desalinationplant will be installedand will be operationalat such time
as the cooling water circuit is completed and operational. Plant, townsite and
emission control (NOx) water requirementswill then be supplied by both the
desalinationfacility via water drawn from the sea, and the municipal supply. The
requirementis estimatedto be 1500 m3/d (400 000 US gaVd)

contaminated site drainage containedand treated prior to discharge,which must

meet specified criteria.

a self-containedsanitarysewagetreatmentfacility to handle all sanitarywaste from

the plant and the townsite. Effluent discharged to Anakwari River prior to CCW
system operation,but piped to CCW outlet when operational

maximum additional water flow through the cooling water circuit, associated with
desalinationplant operation,estimatedat less than 0.05 m3 /s and operational monitoring employed to refine final

design and verify predictionsof station impact

a Community ImpactAgreementrecommendedto be negotiatedwith the village of

Aboadze, to .nitigate and compensatefor predicted negativeimpacts of the plant

- the project to be contracted on a turnkey basis, and will consist ol four major
contract, relating to CTGs, STU,transmissionand housing.
4 Description of the
Existing Environment

4 Description of the Existing Environment
The area encompassed by the environmentalstudy is shown In Figure 1.1. The
proposedTakoradiThermalPlantwill be located on the southwestcoast of Ghana in the
WesternRegionin the Districtof ShamaAhanta East. The proposedsite for the plant is
approximately15 km northeastof the city of Sekondi-Takoradi,Immediatelyto the west
of the village of Aboadze. The sitewill coveran area of approximately1 km2. Presently,
the site is connected by a gravel road to the main Takoradi-CapeCoast Highway at
Inchaban. The transmissionline from the plantwill run parallelto, and north of, this road.

Much of the following descriptionof the existingnatural and coastalenvironmentrefers

to conditions generally applicable to soulhwest Ghana. Site-specificdata, for some
aspects of the project area,are not presentlyavailableand are to be collected as input
to the final design process.

4.1 Physical Environment

4.1.1 Topography, Geology, and Soils

Regional Topography
Generally,the areahas an irregular,hillysurface,risingin elevationfrom sea level
to 50 m inland. The shorelineshows evidenceof bothdepositionaland erosional
features. Clifis, rising 5 to 10 m in elevation,are located2.5 km east of Sekondi,
which then recede along the shoreline in an eastwardlydirection. A wave cut
platform,backed by a sandy beach/ridge,is moretypical of the area. There are
rocky headlandsat Aboadze and Aboesi with sandy bays between. The Pra
Riveris the mainwatercoursein the area and dischargesinto the sea through a
coastal lagoon just east of Shama. Immediatelyto the west of the proposed
plant site is the AnankwariRiverand its tributarieswhich flow through a verylow-
lying,wet floodplain. Generallythis river is isolatedfromthe oceanby a sand bar
that builds up across its mouth during the dry season. This riveris controlledby
a dam at Inchaban. Water is spilledfrom the reservoirdepending upon rainfall
amount, but otherwisethe flow in the lower reaches results from a few small
tributaries downstreamof the dam.

Site Topography
At the proposedpower plant site, land elevationranges between 1 and 8-10 me
with the higher ground forming a discontinuousridge on the north side of the

site. The centralportionof the site (at 2 m elevation)consistsof a shallow

depressionrising gently to the east, west and south (see Plates 1 and 2,
AppendixH). A distinctivebeachridge (Plate4, AppendixH) at 5 to 6 m
elevationlies along the southernedgeof the site. This topographicunit Is
approximately 200m inwidth,but hasbeenpartiallyremovedInthemiddleof the
site,wherethe sandwas reportedly excavatedas borrowmaterial.Thesouthern
marginof the beachridgeis characterized by a verticalcliff of 1 to 1.5 m In
height,createdby the erosionalforcesof waveaction.

A wave cut platlorm(Plate3, AppendixH) extendsoff shore an unknown

distancefrom the shore. Walerdepthappearsto drop off gentlyreachinga
depth of 5 m at a distanceof 200 m off shore. Sitetopographicfeaturesare
shownin Figure4.1.

In the southwestquadrantof the site,the beachridgelinkswith a northward

extendingknollalsoat 5 to 6 m elevationwhichdividesthecentraldepression
fromthelow-lyingareasto thewest. Twoareason thewesternboundaryof the
site,at 1 m elevation,havefree-standing
of wh-ch,is greaterduringthewetseason.Seasonalfloodingalsoextendsinto
the lowergroundin the north-centralsectionof the siteadjacentto the road.

TransmissionLine Topography
Along the proposedtransmissionlineroute,the terrainccnsistsof a seriesof
steep-sidedhills (occupying50%to 60%of the area)and broadflat-bottomed
valleys,200to 500 m wide,whichcontaintributariesof theAnankwariRiver.

Regional Geology
Theunderlyingbedrockin thestudyareaisof Precambrian to Carboniferousage,
thebasementrocksconsistprimarilyof gneiss,granitesandschists.Throughout
mostof the region,theserocktype, are overlainby sedimentsof the Sekondi
Serieswhichare believedto be of Devonianor Carboniferousage. Theyconsist
mainly of sandstones and shale_;with occasionalconglomeratestrata.
Overburdenin the region consists of weatheredbedrockthat can reach
thicknessesof 20 m. SouthernGhanais not a highlyactive seismicarea;
however,it is a regioncapableof producingsignificantearthquakes.The area
100 - 200 km east and southeastof the site is periodiceally
(Crowe,1952). A seriesof fault lineshavebeenmappedthroughthe general
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~~~~0

I R~~~~~~

~~~~~/ '3, =-0 NEPETDGON

335M ~ ~ ~ OKOUCOeJ / :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_::__________SUFCCOTR


~0.41~ ~
MARK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ErE

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Sekondi
/S6 AboaVi
Nkwanta /S55
_ / S4
Takoradi Ab',eu
I /S3
-I Takoradi Incha,anFault
AjuaShales/ Faull
NoithBoundafy Site
IJ IMetamorphic
- Line

\ - .: ~~~Windy
I X' > g

s pVlaRieAuhrt

-' If


Pumpunl . =- _--~~~ TakoRegional

Site Geology
Sedimentary rockof theAjuaShaleandElminaSandstoneunitsof the Sekondi
Seriesunderliethe projectsite. TheAjuaShalesare presentin an east-west
depressionacrossthenorthend or the site,butthereare no surfaceoutcrops.
Outcropsof Elminasandstoneoccur east of the site in Aboadze.along the
shorelineon the outer edge of the site, and along the basalridge near the
northerncontactwith theAjuaShale. Surfaceoutcropsalongthe tidalzoneof
theshorelineconsistol freshto slightlyweathered
exposedfurtherinlandusuallyhavea completely weatheredmantleof 0.5to 1 m
overlyingsoundbedrock.Therockweathersto a brown,hardsand,andclayto

Generally,the majorsoilunit at thesiteisweathered

bedrockof a sandand clay
to clayeysandtexture.It variesin thicknessfrom1.0- 6.5 m with the top0.7 m
consideredorganicsoil. A whitesanddepositexistsas a ridgealongtheshore
to a maximumdepthof about2 m.

The geologicalliterature(Crow,1952)inferredthat a fault (AboadzeFault)

transverses the site in an east-westdirection.However,such a faultwas not
observedin the preliminary site investigations
(AppendixG). It is possiblethat
the fault may crossthe northwestcomerof the site. Furtherinvestigations,
includingtrenching.arethereforerecommended to ensurethatthe primaryplant
componentsdo not straddlethefault.

Transmission Une Geology

Theproposedtransmission lineroutewill run mostlyalong terrainunderlainby
the Precambrian gneiss.Theredoesnotappearto be any surfaceexposuresof
soundbedrock;generally, the areais coveredby a thickmantleof residualsoil
and decomposed rock,possibly5 to 20 m thick.Thesoilis mainlylaterizedclay,
silt, and sandmixtures.

4.1.2 Climate and Air Quality

A summaryof the climaticdataforTakoradi, thenearestclimatestation,for theyears

1931 to 1960 are providedin Table A1.1, AppendixA, while more recent
meteorological data is presentedin TablesA1.3to A1.4,and FiguresA1.1to A1.8.
Overall,thereis verylittletemperature
variationthroughoutthe year,with meandaily
maximaaveraging27 C fromJuly throughSeptember and reaching30C to 31°C,
betweenNovember andApril. Meandailyminimumtemperatures varyonlybetween

210C to 23°C. Averagerelativehumidityshowsa consistentdailyvariation,reaching

95% overnightand decreasingto 70% to 80% duringthe day. Averageannual
precipitationat Takoradiis approximately 1200mm,with Mayand Junebeingthe
wettestmonths,whenover 250 mmof rainfalls each month. A second,smaller
precipitationpeak(130mm)occursin October. August.andDecember to February
are thedriestpartsof theyearwithlessthan40 mmof raineachmonth.Windsare
relativelylight but steady throughoutthe year, and show a diurnal variation
(FiguresA1.1to A1.8)relatedto the land/seabreezeeffect,superimposed on the
prevailingsouthwestmonsoon(TablesA1.3 and A1.4). Averagemonthlywind
speedsrarelyexceed4.5knots(2.3m/s),resultingin a verystableair regime.The
maximuminstantaneous windspeedrecordedbetween1961and 1993is 49 knots
(25.2m/s). Stormsareveryrare. DuringDecember to February,
occurrencesof the hot, dry northeasterlyHarmattan(a wind from the Sahara
characterized range).
by air-bornedust in the <5 micron-size

No air qualitydata are availablefor the area,exceptfor 2 weeksof hi-voldust

samplingcarriedout betweenFebruary8 to 24, 1993,nearthe proposedsite. The
work wasundertakenby representatives of the GhanaianEnvironmental Protection
Council(EPC)(Dansoet al, 1993)in thevillageof Aboadzeimmediately to theeast
of the proposedsite. Theresultsareprovidedin TableA1.2,AppendixA. Thetotal
particulatematterconcentrationsvariedbetween48to 106pglm3witha meanvalue
of 94 Pg/M3. Thelowerparticulate values,as mightbe expected,corresponded to
rainfallevenis. Thesevaluesindicatethattheareahasa moderateconcentration of
particulatesin theair,ascomparedto themaximumacceptablelevelssuggestedby
dust,and determined that89%of theparticulatematterwasrespirable.Theirsurvey
indicatedthat the majorcontributorsto particulatematterin the Aboadzeareaare
woodsmokefromfish smokingoperations,andsaltspray(chlorideconcentrations
comprised14%of the ambientair particulates) fromthe surfzone. TheEPCstudy
comparedtheair qualityherewith thatin Tema,theotherareaof Ghanawherethere
has been an ongoing air quality monitoringprogramme. The particulate
concentrations here are muchlower. Thisis to be expected,as Temais a highly
siteareaisnot. Therecentsitesurveywasperformed outsidethepeakperiodof the
Harmattanwhendustlevelswouldbe expectedto be considerably higher.

4.1.3 Ground and Surface Water

Groundwaterinformationis availableonly for the proposedsite Itself, where

standpipeswereInstalledin January/February 1993. Data are presentedin the
TakoradiGeotechnical report(Acres,1993). Groundwater is foundat thesurfacein
the lowlyingareasand between0 and2 m elevationelsewhere.Thewateris saline
and is not suitable,nor used,for drinkingwatersupplies.

ThelargestriverIn theareaisthe Prawhichemptiesinto ShamaBayjusteastof the

project site. Annualaverageflow over a 34-yrperiod from 1955to 1988was
222 m3/s,rangingfroma lowof 78.6m31sin 1977to a peakof495m3/s in 1968(see
TableA2.1,AppendixA). Monthlyaverageflows over the 34-yrperiodof record
rangefroma lowof 42 m3/s in February,to the maximumof morethan370m31sin
June,Julyand October.Minimummonthlyflowduringthe34-yrperiodof recordwas
4.96m3/s (February 1978),whilemaYimum monthlyflowwas1200m3/s (September
1968).indicatingthe widepotentialrangeof dischargelevels.

TheAnankwariRiverand itstributariesdraintheproposedsiteandtransmission line

route. The Anankwariis dammedat Inchabanto providethe water supplyfor
Sekondi.AboadzeandAboesi,henceupstream flow is highlyregulated.Duringthe
rainyseason,water is spilledit the maximumoperatinglevelsof the reservoiris
achieved,otherwise,thereis no flowdownstream of the dam.

Rawwaterflow,waterqualityand damwaterlevelsfor the Inchabanreservoirfor

recentyearsareprovidedin AppendixA (TablesA2.2to A2.4). Ithasbeenindicated
byVRAsRealEstateDepartment thatthewatersupplyiserraticandnotdependable.
Althoughthe dataarenot Dfsutficientextentto undeTtake
a detailedanalysisat this
time,data gapsand extremelylow readingswouldappearto confirmthatsituation.

4.1.4 Coastal Environment Lagoons and Estuaries

Coastallagoonsare foundat the mouthsof manyGhanaianriversand thosenear

the projectsiteare no exception.Thelagoonsof largerriversare openthroughout
mostof theyearwhilethoseof smallerperennialstreams,or thosewith iittleflow in
the dryseasonareclosedthroughmostof theyear.Theconstantwaveactionof the
seaworksto buildandmaintainthecoastalbarrierthatseparates theselagoonsfrom
the sea. Whenriver flowsincrease,the overflowcuts outletsthroughthe coastal

barrierallowingthefreshwaterof the riverandsaltyseawaterto mix. Lagoonstend

to retainsedimentstransportedby the rivers,and infillingleadsto the formationof
marshesandswamps.Estuaries are presentat themouthsof thoseriversthathave
sufficientflowto maintainan openingto thesea duringall partsof the year. They
are oltenveryproductiveenvironments, owingto themixingof freshand seawater
and the continualdownstream transportof nutrientsand elementsfrom the river's

In the vicinityof the proposedproject,the PraRiverestuaryis located6 km eastof

Aboadzeand the easternmarginof the site,whilethe Anankwari lagoonis located
approximately 1 km beyondthe westernperimeterof thesite. The Praestuaryand
ShamaBayare consideredto be one of the mostimportantareasof the Ghanaian
coastlinein terms of fisheryresources(personalcommunication,K. Korenteng,
FisheriesDepartment, Departmentof Agriculture),
while no informationis presently
availablefor the Anankwarilagoon. Both rivers are associatedwith wetland
complexesin theirlowerreaches, whichvaryconsiderably in extent,dependingupon
the seasonand amountof rainfall.Furtherdeta&ls of thevariouscomponentsof the
estuaryand ShamaBayecosystems are providedin thefollowingsections. PhysicalOceanography

Thecoastof theGulf of Guineashowsslightconcavecurvesbetweena series
of capes (Palmas,ThreePoints,St. Pauland Formosa).TheVolta and Niger
rivers,both some distanceto the east of the site, are the only large rivers
discharginginto the Gulf of Guineaand werehistoricallythe mainsourcesof
sedimentsfor formationof the shores. The coastal orientationand the
continuousactionof the oceanswellfrom the southwestresultsin sediments
being transportedawayfromthe capesand depositedon the shorebetween
them. On a smallerscale,thispatternof depositionis repeatedwithinthelarger
concavecurves,makingthe coasta seriesof beachesintersectedby rocky
promontories andsomecliffs. Thispatternis apparentin thevicinityof Aboadze
wherethe shoreconsistsprimarilyof sandybeacheswith rockyoutcrops. The
depthof the sanddepositsis not likelylargeas evidencedby the occurrence of
severalexposedrocksin the nearshorearea. In shoreof the 10 m contour,the
bottomsubstrateconsistsof sandwithrockoutcropschangingto mudandsand
in deeperwaters.

Immediately in frontof theprojectsite,severalrockoutcropsare evidentat low

tide, but are infilledbetweenby sanddepositsand overlainin their northern
extremities,representing the upperportionof thebeachzone. Lowsandclifls
(1 to 1.5m)areapparentat the shorelineinterface,indicatingthe presenceof a
mildlyerosionalenvironment.Sand-winning activities,(whicharenowoutlawed),
tookplacealongtheeasternmarginof thesiteandmayhaveimpactedthe local
sedimenttransportregime. Thediscontinuation of futureactivitiesof thisnature
is expectedto havea positiveImpacton the sedimentbudgetof the shoreline.

Beyondthe beach/tidezone the bottomslope is more gentle, progressing

seawardto the edgeof the continental
shelf,about75 km fromshore.

Currentsin the studyareaare generallywest to eastbeing dominatedby the
GuineaCurrentwhichis a countercurrentto thecounterclockwise circulationof
the SouthEquatorialCurrentin thesouthAtlantic.Alongthecoast,this general
west to east circulationis alteredlocallyby eddy currentsin bays, and by
dischargesfromrivers.Currentsare generallystrongestfromMayto Julywhen
speedsbetween0.5and 1 rn/sare oftenrecorded,but rarelyexceed0.25 m/s
during November to January.

Breakwallsconstructedto protect the harboursat Sekondi-Takoradi have

depositionof sedimentin thelocalarea. Thisis onlyin theimmediatevicinityof
the harbourand its effectdoesnot extendto the proposedprojectarea

AJthoughno detailedinformation is availablein theimmediatevicinityof thesite.

some predictionsof in-shorewater movementscan be made, basedon the
shapeof the shorelineand the presenceof a majorriver(Pra)discharginginto
the nearbybay (ShamaBay). This would indicatethe likelypresenceof a
counterclockwisegyre to theeastof thesite in ShamaBay. Theshapeof the
sandbar at themouthof the PraRiverestuaryindicatesthat sedimenttransport
is eastto west in the beachzoneeastof the rivermouth,providingadditional
evidenceof the existenceof this localgyre. In frontof the proposedsite, the
currentdirectionis expectedto be predominantly west to east. Althoughno
assessment of alongshore currentconditionshasbeenundertaken to thispoint,
it is consideredhighlylikelytnatthesecurrentsaresomewhataffectedbythe Pra
Riverdischarge. Duringthosemonthsof high discharge(>300 to 400 m3Js).
long shorecurrentscould potentiallybe deflectedoff shoreby the riverflow,

while seawaterintrusionis reportedto occurup 1o10 km or moreInlandIn the

Praduringlow-flowcondltions.It Is notexpectedthateitherof theseconditions
would significantlyalter the overalldirectionof long shorecurrentmovement
frontingthe projectsite,althoughcurrentspeedsmaybe somewhataltered.

ThetidalrangealongtheGhanacoastis approximately 1 m on a dailybasis,but
rangesalmost2 m annually.Thissmallrange,combinedwiththeshallowcoastal
plainsand lack of largetidal basinsmeansthat strong,tidallyinducedcurrents
are generallyabsent.

Theprevailingwindsalongthe Ghanacoastare generallynotstrongenoughto
generatesignificantwaveaction. Windgeneratedwavesrarelyexceed1 m in
heightand periodsgreaterthan3 to 4 seconds.However, the shoreis attacked
by constantswellsthat aregeneratedin the openwatersof the Gulfof Guinea
and beyond.Theseswellshavean averageinternalheightof between0.9m in
winterand 1.2m in summer.Theyoriginatefromstormsin thesouthernAtlantic
and arriveon the coastfroma relativelynarrowsoutherlysector. Theseswells
are verylongwith a periodof 12 or 13 seconds.

Temperatureand Salinity
Sea surfacetemperaturesand salinitiesalong the coastof Ghanacan vary
widely,with the oceanographicregimecharacterizedby a seasonalmajor
upwellingand a minorupwelling.Themajorupwellingoccursfor approximately
3 monthseach year, beginninglate June or earlyJuly and ending in late
Septemberor early October. This eventis defined as that periodwhen sea
surfacetemperature failsbelow25aC.Theupwellingis strongerandlastslonger
alongthewesternsectionof thecoast. Surfacetemperatures candropto as low
as 17.5'Cduringthe upwelling,whilesalinitygenerallyincreasesand dissolved
oxygendeclines.Seatemperatures tendto be lowestduringthisperiodas solar
heatingis limitedby cloudcoverandupwellings arefrequent.Salinityon average
is highestin August and lowestin late Octoberand November. Salinityis
influencedby rainsand highriverdischargeswhichdilutenear-shore watersand
upwellingthat bringsdeeper,moresalinewatersto the surface.

variesfrom10 to 50 m on
In the off-shoreregion,the depthof the thermocline
an annualbasis,with the resultthat watersin shoreof the 10-mcontour,and
c'ftenthe 20- or 30-mcontour,are isothermal.Seasurfacetemperatures are

therefore consideredto be representativeof the temperatureot the water mass

abnve the thermocilne.

The minor upwelling occurs for approximately3 weeks In either January or

February,or rarelyin Decemberor March. The minor upwellingIs defined as that
period whensurfacetemperaturesfluctuatebetween27.5 and 260 C (Mensahand

Averagemonthlyseatemperaturesrecordedat Takoradiover a 4-yr period (1968

to 1971) are presentedin Table 4.1.
Table 4.1

Average Monthly Sea Surface

Temperatures at Takoradi (1968 - 1971)'

Month Average Temperature

January 25.7
February 26.8
March 26.8
April 27.3
May 27.1
June 26.0
July 23.1
August 21.1
September 21.3
October 24.9
NDvember 27.0
December 26.5

Annual Mean 25.3

Reference:Olori- Adu,ND

4.2 Biological Environment

4.2.1 Terrestrial Vegetation1

Agyeponget al. (1990)dMdedthe terrestrialplantcommunitiesalong the coastal

zoneinto threemajorenvironments:

- intertidalzone
- strandzone
- evergreen shrubzone.

Growthis relatedto windiness,salineconditions,salt spray,and loosenessof the


Intertidal Zone
Theintertidalzoneis the presentbeachzoneand has littleplantlife exceptfor
well-attachedmarinealgaeandmicroscopic organisms.(Thiszonewasincluded
in the terrestrialvegetationalzoning although,it is also part of the marine

Strand Zone
Thestrandzonecan be dividedinto the pioneerzone,whereplantcoveris low
stable communities.The pioneerzone is characterizedby rhizomatousor
stolonilerousspecieswiththeirunderground spreadingrootsystemsstabilizing
the shiftingsubstrate(e.g., Canavaliarosea,SDorobolusvirpineusSisaland

Themainstrandzonehasa highergroundcover,bettersoiltexture,andhigher
organicmatter. Thereis a greatervarietyof plantsand not all are adaptedto
salineconditions.CommongrassesareAndroDopon qavanusandHeteroDopon
contortus.Thiszoneis oftenthesite of copra(coconutpalms)plantations.

This sectionis adaptedfromAgyepongel al. 1990.


EvergreenShrub Zone
Landward, thestrandzonegraduallymergesintotheevergreen
shrubzone. The
shrubsmay be dwarfedand shapedby the prevailingwinds. The common
species include Eugenia coronalus.Chrvsobalanusorbicularis.Thesoesia

In Ghana,immediatecoastalzonevegetationis broadlymappedas'strandand
mangrove'(Dicksonand Benneh,1988). On a broad scale, the regional
patternof theareainlandof Sekondi-Takoradi
beyondShamaBay (encompassing the projectarea),is dry semi-deciduous.
Coastalzone vegetationis shown in FigureBi. Appendix B. Mangrove
communitiesmaydevelop,especiallywithinthe coastallagoons.and locally,
theseare mainlyfound to thewest of CapeThreePointsand eastof Shama.
Mangroveare,however.prevalentalongthe banksof the PraRiver.extending
upstreamasfarasthemainhighwaybridge.No mangrovearepresentalongthe
southernedgeof the site.

At the projectsite,the strandzone is stabilizedby the cultivationof coconut

palms(Plate4), with the exceptionof a centralarea,whichwas subjectedto
previoussand extractionactivities. Furtherinland, the wet low-landarea is
dominatedby grassesand sedges;while nativeshrubsare presentin limited
numberson oneof the higherknollsnearthe northboundaryof the site. Wild
oil palmsare scatteredthroughoutthe site at elevationsabove3 to 4 m. The
majorityof the land above3 m. with the abovenotedexceptions,is subjectto

4.2.2 Wildlife

Thereis a generallack of detailedinformationon populationsand distributionof

wildlifein thecoastalzoneof Ghana(Agyepong et al, 1990).Thedensityof wildlife
along the coastis generallylowbut wildlifeis particularly abundantin the Ketaand
Songawlagoonsandthe CapeThreePointsarea(GNOSCP. ND).TheCapeThree
PointsForestReserveis of particularsignificanceas it is the only coastalforestof
appreciable sizeleft in Ghana. In additionto thevegetation,it is reportedto havea
rich faunaof bush bucks,duikers,and severalspeciesof primates. It has been
proposedthattheCapeThreePointsForestReservebeconservedasa nationalpark
(Agyeponget al, 1990).

It wouldappearthatwildlifeis limitedin the projectarea. Fewwildlile,exceptbirds,

wereencounteredwhile in the field. Somesmallantelope(e.g.,dulkers)maybe
foundalongthetransmission line. No snakeswereseen,butit is suitablehabitatfor
possiblypull adders,cobra,and greenmambas.

Migrantwater birds (terns.waders,herons/egrets)

are particularlyabundantin a
numberof lagoonsalongthe Ghanaiancoastline(Ntiamoa-Baldu. 1991)with some
wadersoccurringin numbersof Internationalsignificance(i.e.. >1% of the East
AtlanticFlywaypopulation).Theseare shownin Table4.2.

Eachspecieshas its ownperiodof peakabundance,that mayvarysomewhatfrom

year to year. Formostof the wadersshownin Table4.2, the periodof maximum
abundanceoccursbetweenAugustand March,with themonthsof Novemberand
Decemberbeingthe periodsof highestabundanceand diversity.The monthsof
May,June andJuly havethe lowestnumber.

In additionto thewaders.the Ghanaian coastis an importantareafor migrantterns

and herons/egrets.A listof speciesobservedin numbersgreaterthan 1000birdsis
also presentedin Table4.2(Agyeponget al. 1990).

Lagoonsalong the Ghanaiancoastlineare particularlysignificantas wintering

groundsforshorebirds, wadersandotherseabirdsalongtheEasternAtlanticFlyway.
Someof the lagoonsfurtherto the eastespeciallythe Songawand Ketalagoons
neartheVoltaestuary,are of international
significancebasedon theabundanceand
diversityof birds utilizingthem and have been identifiedas Ramsarlsites and
scheduledfor futureconservation andprotection(Ntiamoa-Baidu,1991).No Ramsar
sites have been identifiednear or in the immediatevicinityof the projectarea.
However,duringmigrationperiods,birdsare relativelyabundantalongmostof the
coast,utilizingthebeaches,lagoonsandestuariesas feedingareasand thecoastal
zoneas a routebetweenindividuallagoons.

In the localarea,the HwinRiverestuary,locatedjustwest of Takoradiis a major

stopoverpoint that is utilizedby migratingwaterfowl.In the vicinityof the project
area,shorebirds(mostlyterns)utilizethe Aboadze/Aboesi areaextensively during
migration.Theestimated birdpopulationsandthenumberof speciesrecordedin the

The 'Conventionon Wetlandsof InternationalImportance especiallyasWaterfoiAHabitat'.knownas Ramsar

afterthe town in kan whereitwassignedby the originalpartiesonFebruary2. 1971. Ghanahasbeena party

Table 4.2
Waders, Terns and Herons Found
Along the Ghanaian Coastline
A - Waderm
Percentof Eastern
Atlantic Flyway
Species Fopulation
CurlewSandpiper Calidristerruqinea 2 -3
UttleStint C. minuta 2-3
Sanderling C. alba 2-4
Knot C. canutus 1
SpottedRedshank Trinaaervthroous 17 - 38
Greenshank T. nebularia 8 - 16
RingedPlover Charadrius hiaticula 2-3
GreyPlover Pluvialissquatarola 1- 2
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantovis 2 - 10
Avocet Recurvirostraavosetta 1-6
Godwil Limosalimosa 1-2
Bar-tailedGodwit L. laDponica I
WVhimbrel NumeniusphaeoDus 1
Tumstone Arenariainterwres 1
B - Terns and Heron/Egrets
Species Observed
CommonTern Sternahirundo 17 200
BlackTern Clidoniasniara 12 000
SandwichTern S. sandvicensis 6 100
RoyalTern S. maxima 3 300
UttleTern S. albiJrons 1 000
UttleEgret Eqrettaaarzetta 12 200
WesternReefEgret E. aularis 2 000
GreyHeron Ardeacineria 1 500
C - The Importanceof CoastalAreas In
the Western Region for Sea- and Shorebirds
Total Numberof Estimated Bird
Slte SpeciesRecorded Population
RiverHwinestuary 341 3000
Sekondiharbour * 10 100
Aboadzibeach 7 1500
Aboesibeach 6 1000

1ncludesone threatenedspecies,Sternadouqalli(Roseate

vicinityofAboadzeandAboesibeacharealsopresentedInTable42, andcompared
to thoserecordedIn the HwinRiverestuaryand Sekondiharbour(Ntiamoa-Baldu,

Therehavebeenthreespeciesof marineturtlerecordedalongthe coastof Ghana:

thegreenturtle(Cheloniamvdas),theleatherback turtle(Dermochelvscorlacea),and
the loggerheadturtle(Carettacaretta).Marineturtlesneston opensandybeaches
just abovethehightidelinebetweenOctoberandJanuary.Importantnestingareas
are betweenSrogboeand Ada (theVoltaestuaryarea)and aroundShamato the
eastof the studyarea(Agyeponget al, 1990).Thelocalrecorderfor the Fisheries
Department atShama(personal communication Acres,1993)indicatedthatturtlesare
presentin the local areafor 2 to 3 monthsprior to nestingactivity. Turtlesare
protectedby law,but poachingof theturtlesand eggsstill occurs.

4.2.3 Marine Environment

Althoughconsiderable effort has beenexpendedinvestigatingintertidaland near-

shorebenthiccommunities in Ghana,the majorityof thiswork has beenperformed
in the vicinityof Tema. However,some generalitiescan be made, which are

42.3.1 Littoral and Subtidal Benthic Community

The upperpart of the littoralzone,oftenreferredto as the littoralfringe,is an area

dominatedbyseasprayandwavesplashandsubjecttowidevariationsin waterlevel
andwave..ction. It is a hostileenvironment,colonizedby variousalgaespeciesof
the Littorinagenus,includingL punctata andL. aranosa,and potentiallycushionor
mat-formingalgaeof the Bostrvchia/Murravella/LoDhosiDhonia association.

The eulittoralzone,correspondingto the intertidalareaof the shore,is generally

dividedinto twozones.Theuppersubzoneis dominatedby barnaclesof thegenus
Chthamalus, limpetsof thegenusSiphonariaandthegastropodNeritaatrata.Algae
are usuallynot wellrepresented,althoughoccasionally extensivecrustsor matsof
blue-greenalgaemayoccur;and a belt of crustosebrownalgae.oftendominated
by Basisporaafricana,mayoccur nearthe bottomof thezone.

Thelowersubzone,referredto asthe'lithothamnnia' (encrustingredalgae)subzone,

is generallyalgaldominated,withthe principalspeciesdependingto a largedegree
on the extentof waveexposure.Animalinhabitants of thissubzoneincludethelarge

musselPernaperna, thelimpetsPatellasaliana,Fissurella
and carnivoroussnailsof the genusThais.Wherewaveactionis considerable,the
large barnacle,BalanustinfinnabulumIs also present,as Is the crab GraDsus

Thesublittoralfringeis just beyondthelowerlimitof the littoralzone. It Is generally

theupperlimitof theseaurchin,Echinometra lucunter,andmaybe accompanied by
Arbacialixula.Brownalgae,suchas DictvotterisdelicatulaandSarpassum vulqare
mayalso be present.

Theabovedescriptionappliesgenerallyto beachesand littoralzoneshavinghard

substrates.In areaswith stablesandsubstrates.polychaetes
of the genusNerine
and crabsof thegenusOcvoodaand Donaxarethe maininhabitants.

Rocky,off-shorereelsand shoalsareoftenwellcolonizedbyvariousred,blue-green
and solitaryalgae species,providinghabitat and feeding grounds for various
invertebrateand fish species. Off-shorereefsand cobblebanks,especiallythose
nearTema,are quite unstablebeing subjectto surfacemovementand cobble
tumblingdue to tide and wave-induced surgeaction,whichis especiallyprevalent
duringtherainyseason(May/June).Thisresultsin theremovalof muchof thea!gal
growth, and a correspondingreductionin benthic populations. It has been
suggestedthat theseseasonaldisturbances preventthe obtainmentof trueclimax
communitiesand helps to maintainthe presenthigh level of speciesdiversity.
Commoninhabitantsincludethe bivalve,CreDidula porcellana and thefishspecies
Abudeldutsaxatilis(terrestrialdamselfish), Acanthurusmonroviae(Surgeonfish),
Ophioblenniusatlanticus,Steqastesimbricatusand Pseudoscarus hoefleri(large
parrotfish)(Johnand Lawson,1991). Primary and SecondaryProduction

Peaksof primary(phytoplankton) and secondary(zooplankton)productionboth

correspond withthemajorupwelling,withthisperiodcharacterized
activity.Primaryproductionhasbeenmeasuredat 2.7 g C/m /d off Takoradiduring
the upwelling,butdecreasesto aslowas0.4 g C/m2/doutsidethisperiod(Gulland,
1971).Duringthe upwellingmostfish,both demersalandpelagic,spawn,although
somelimitedspawningactivitymayalsotakeplaceduringthe minorupwelling.Fish
eggs and larvacan be a majorconstituentof the planktonduring peakperiods
(Mensahand Koranteng,1988).
4-21 Fish Community

The majorityof the Informationrelatingto the fish communityIn the near-shoreand

oft shorearea has been oblained fromcatch recordsof the irtisanaland commercial
fisheriesand from Interviewswith local fishery officers and recorders(i.e., Shama).
Fish catch informationis presentedin furtherdetail In Section4.3.9.

Generally, major pelagic stocks off shore of the project area include Sardinella
species (flat and round sardines) (Figure4.3), anchovy, and tuna species, while
demersalspecies Includemembersof the sparidaelamily(sea breams,pandorasand
dentexs)with red pandora (Paqellusbellottic)being the most abundant.

Shellfish are primarily present in lagoons, estuaries and the near-shorezone. A

breeding/nurseryareafor shrimphasbeen identifieddirectlyoff shoreand ext.,.iding
to the west of the proposedproject site (Figure4.4).

In the near-shorezone (<;10 m depth) in front of the proposed project site, no

significantfisheryresourcesapparentlyexist. Fisheriesofficersindicatethat sting ray
are the only species caught immediatelyoff shore, while juvenile grey mullet were
being fished by one person in the surf zone during a site visit in late June 1993.
Sardinellalarvaeand juvenilesare knownto come in shoreto feed nearestuariesand
beach zones. The extent of usage of the near-shorezone near the project area by
these species is presently unknown.

To the west of the site no significantfishery resourceshave been identified in the

vicinity of the AnankwariRiver.

To the east of the site, from Aboadze Point through ShamaBay to the east side of
the Pra Riverestuary,significantfisheryresourcesexist. Shrimp,lobsterand cassava
fish are majorlocal resourcesin ShamaBay,utilizingthe bay and/or Pra Riverestuary
as spawning/nurseryor foragingzones. Otherspecies noted to occur near-shorein
the area between Aboadze Point and Fort Shama include barracuda, snapper,
grouper and thread fin, while pelagic or semi-pela-ic species such as long-finned
herring,ribbonfish,shad, burrito.anchovy,and cuttlefishare presentfurtherof f-shore
to the 2Dto 30 m depth zone. The catchesand presumablyabundanceof cassava
fish, long-finned herringand burrito,arehighest in the 26 to 290C temperaturerange.
while the abundance of shrimpand cuttlefishare also highest during the periods of
high water temperature. Other species noted to breed in or around the Pra River
estuaryinclude long-finned herring,ribbonfishand cuttlefish.

4.3 Sociocultural Environment

4.3.1 Populationand Demographics

The populationof theWesternRegionwas 1.1millionIn 1984,with 15%of the
peoplelivingIn theSekondi-TakoradiLocalAuthority.Presently,
EastDistrictcoversapproximately 2
350km , andhasa populationof 340000or
20%of the total populationof the WesternRegion.

Itself Is the secondlargesturbancentreIn the

The city of Sekondi-Takoradi
country having a populationof 93 000 in 1984. With decliningeconomic
opportunitiesbetween1970and 1984,the urbangrowthof thetwin citieswas
only 1.6%.Agyeponget al, (1990)expressedtheviewthat therewouldnot be
rapidgrowthin the nearfuture,as furtherexpansionof the townsis physically
constrainedby thecoastlineto the soulhand surrounding,flood proneland.

The StatisticalServicesof Ghana,however,has estimatedthat the average

populationgrowthfor thewesternregionis 3%. Takingthisvalue,thepredicted
for Sekondi-Takoradi
populationin 1996(atprojectimplementation) wouldbe in
the orderof 133000 or a 42%increasesince1984. Thisfigurewouldappear

Thesecondlargestsettlementin the immediate vicinityis the mouth

11 000in 1984.Immediately
of the PraRiver,witha populationof approximately
to the east of the proposedprojectlocationis the villageof Aboadzewith a
populationof 4495 (in 1984)and then 1.5km east,again,is Aboesiwith a
populationof 4581(in 1984). Thesettlementof Inchabanhad 3524peoplein
1984(Republicof Ghana,1987). Throughoutthearea,thereare a numberof
smallervillageswith a populationof lessthan3000.

Table4.3 providesa breakdownof the populationby urbancentre. It also

providespopulationdatafor 1960and 1974.Thisshowsthattherewasactually
a declinein populationin Aboadzeduringthattime,possiblyattributableto a
migrationof theyouthto theurbanareas.Population
for 1996forthe
variouscommunities, assuminga 3%annualpopulationgrowthfrom1984,are
I . I~~~~~~

GUs1 Guneda C 5.

It<m~~~~~~~~~CrGUI1~~~~~~~~~ 46X

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_- Coastwardus
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M Oclober-March

1976in Agyeporig
atal, 1990) VoIlaRiver
Auihority I
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. CEEftlz Of' C>tVEiN

Table 4.3

Population Statistics

Populatlon1984 No. of Houses Populatlon Prolected'

Locatlon Total Male Female 1.984 1970 1960 1996

Takoradi 61 484 30 763 30 721 3 525 58 161 40 935 87 661

Sekondl 31 916 15 446 16470 1 831 33 713 34 513 45 505
Shama 11268 5 329 5 939 677 7 739 6 718 16065
Inchaban 3 524 1 710 1 814 422 2 797 2 575 5024
Aboadze 4 495 2 171 2 324 297 3 084 3 586 6 409
Aboesi 4 581 2 278 2 303 364 2 509 2 064 6 531
WesternRegion 1 157807 586288 571519 129352 = 1 650756

Usinga 3%gieMhralefrom1984- 1996.


Most ol the local populationlivesin villagecommunitiesalthoughthere are

smaller,scatteredsinglefamilyunits,oneof which(comprising
Is locatedjust to the westof theproposedsite (Plate10,AppendixH).

In the entireWestemRegion 1 therewas a slightly highermale popuilatUon
female(50.6%comparedto 49.4%)In 1984.Forthe studyarea,however,it was
onlyin Takoradithat malesoutnumberedfemales(Table4.3). Also,45%of the
totalWesternRegionpopulationwasunderthe age of 15 in 1984and lessthan
10% were in the 'over 50' age category In the Shama Local Authority
approximately40%of thehouseholds consistedo' morethan 4 peoplewnth2r7
having6 or moremembers.Thispatternwas alsosimilarfor the urbanareaof

4.3.2 Ethnic Religionsand

Cultural Background

4.3±1 Ethnic Groups

The inhabitantsof Aboadze are mostlyFantes who have migratedfrom the

surroundingareasand to the presentday haveclearconnections with theirnative
towns. Thegroupsrepresented includeElminas,Ekumfi's.KomendaandSekondi.
Eachgroupdepartsto theirnativetownfor festivals,funerals,etc, at specifictimes
of the year.

Historically,the villagewas ruledby a councilof seveneldersdrawingfrom the

differentgroupings. Thissystemhas nowbeen replacedby the Apofohene(chief
fisherman) andhis sevenelders,in apparentrecognitionof thenatureof theirsociety
and theirprimeeconomicconcem(i.e.,fishing).

4.32-2 Religious and Cultural Groups

It is believedthat AlbertNkrumah.a FantefromEkumfi,whosettledat Aboadzein

the 18th Century(as a fisherman),establishedthe first MethodistChurchin the

1 Thisinformationis takenfromthe 1984Censusof Ghana. Sincethen the administralive

The infomahionfromShamaand Sekondi-Takoradi LocalAuthorftieshave beenused in Ihisdiscussion.

The Shamaand Sekondi-Takoradi

Local Authoritiesare now amalganatedto lorm the Shama-Ahanta

village. TheCatholicChurchfollowed at a later dale and there are now a numberof

denominationsIn the village. The proporlionof Muslimsin the communityis one of
the highest In SouthernGhana.

Fetisheswerethe only known forms of worshipbefore the establishmentof the first

church. Currently,the elders of the village recognizetwo main fetish shrines in the
community and libations are poured at these spots in August during the annual
Apaatwa festival of the people of Dwomo. The first shrine is a pool of water
approximately4 m2 called Ngangawhich servedas the source of drinking waterfor
the first settlers. The second is a circular outcropof sandstonerock, approximately
2.5 m high and 22 m radius. Both are located in the southeasl of Aboadze. The
priestess of these shrines. Okomfo Esaaba.indicatedthat three minor shrines are
located on the proposedsite and certainriteswill haveto be performedbeforework
commences. No taboos were mentioned, except for abstinence from fishing on

The differentgroups formingthe communityhave each brought their own customs

and traditions from their native towns. Thereare a number of Asafo groups from
differentareas,and theirculturaltroupes playtheirown musicand dance. Traditional
dance forms includeApatampaand Adenkum.

The Asafo CompaniesincludeAboradze,Otam and Enyumafo.

4.3.3 Historical Resources

The area of the proposed developmentwas initiallysettled by the Akan-speaking

people with the study area falling under the jurisdictionof the Ahanta tribe. The
coast of Ghanasaw the struggle for dominance by Europeanpowers during the
slaveryperiod and those seekingthe country's rich mineralwealth. To protect their
interests, the Europeansconstructed 76 for:s along the Ghana coast under the
ownership of the British, Dutch. Danes and Portuguese. The nearestfort to the
proposed site (Fort San Sebastian) is at Shama on the Pra estuary (Plate 13,
Appendix H). There is no information that the project area has any historically
significant sites.

The landowners of Aboadze are said to have migrated southward on hunting

expeditionsand settled at the village of Dwomo.2.5 km off the main Accra-Takoradi
road in Inchaban. Aboadzestarted as a hamletwith the name Akuraban (meaning
hamlet)and was predominantlysettled by migrantfishermenfromsurroundingareas

such as Elmina,Mankessim, SekDndi.The earlydevelopmentof the villagewas

severelyImpactedby an epidemic(Aboadze',Is a corruptedFanteword meaning
subsided',in referenceto Iheepidemic).

LandsIn thevicinityof Aboadze,likethoseof ShamaandAboesi,areIn the Ahanta

tribe area,but are mostlyoccupiedby Fantes,who migratedthereto fish.

4.3.4 Aesthetics and Tourism

Presentlythe site area, and especiallythe beach ridgeand shorezone is very

aestheticallypleasing,as is muchof Ghana'snaturalshoreline(Plates3 and4). The
coconutpalmplantingsalongthe beachridgecombinewiththe sight and sounds
of the surf to providea pleasantaudiovisualexperience.AboadzeIs a relatively
undeveloped,rural fishingcommunity,with a sizeablenumberof children. The
shorelinein the villageand the near-shoreareais almostcompletelytakenup by
canoes,thelargerof thembrightlypaintedanddecorated(Plate11). Itwouldappear
to be a verylively,close-knitcommunity,
whichis in directcontrastto the quietand
solitudeof the proposedsitearea. Eachcomplements theother.

The castleat Shamais consideredto be a veryimportanttouristpoint,while the

fishingvillagesthemselvesmaydrawa limitednumberof tourists.A largesectionof
land,betweenEsuponand the Anankwari River(approximately
3 km to the westof
theproposedplantsite)hasbeenacquiredforfuturedevelopment as atouristresort.
An accessroad has beenstartedand some site clearinghas been undertaken.
Approvalfor this projecthas been grantedby the RegionalEconomicPlanning
Council and the TouristBoard. The resortwill serviceboth the nationaland

4.3.5 Infrastructure

The proposedprojectsite lies in the ShamaAhantaEastDistrictof the Western

Regionof whichSekondiis the capitalcity. In the proposedcoastal
zone managementsystem,it was suggestedthat a coastalzone management
agencyshouldbe established and,withinthatagency,regionalshorezonetechnical
unitswouldbe established(Agyepong et al, 1990).In thissystem,theAboadzesite
wouldbe adjacentto theurbanfrontplanningareaforSekondi-Takoradi (i.e.,anarea
designatedfor urban developmentrather than for protectionof the natural
environment).Althoughnot clearlydefined,the urbanfront planningareawould
probablyextendjustto the eastof Esupon- approximately 3 kmto thewest of the

proposed plant site. At present,this planning area Is only In the proposal stage.
Thereare no planning schemesdrawnup for the Aboadze/Aboesiand Shamaareas.

The main Infrastructurecomponentsare shown In Figure 4.5. The Takoradi-Accra

highway (a two-lanedasphalt road)passesthrough Inchaban 5 km northwestof the
proposedsite.The country'smain 161-kVtransmissionline Is also In much the same

Two of the country'smajorports arelocatedat Takoradiand Sekondi. Both harbours

are protectedby breakwaters.Takoradican accommodateocean going vesselswith
drafts up to 10 - 11 m. While Sekondi'sHarbourhas only a 5- 1o6-m draft. Sekondi
Is used exclusivelyby the navy, whereas,TakoradiIs used for commercialvessels.
Takoradiis the more activeharbourwith berths for 17 ocean going vesselsand nine
mooringberths. The main anchoragefor ships waiting to enter Ta'coradiHarbourIs
in TakoradiBay which lies betweenTakoradiand Sekondi.

The area located immediatelyoff shore from the proposed powe plant site is not
used as a shipping route or anchorage into Sekondi or Takoradi harbour. The
Sekondi-Takoradimetropolitanarea has an airport.

The site for the proposed plant is presentlyconnectedto the mainroad at Inchaban
by a Class 3, half-tarred,half-gravelledroad. A 150-mmwaterlinefrom the Ghanaian
Waterand SewageCorporationwater treatmentplant at Inchabanprovides potable
waterto Aboadzeand Aboesi. Thewaterlineis located besidethe Aboadze-inchaban
road. The water supply has been described as erratic, at times (VRA, 1993).
Aboadze is supplied with electricity. Aboadze has a police station, headed by an
Inspectorof Police. The crime rateis low, consistingof petty assavlltsand arguments
among the residents,especiallyduring the bumper fishing seasons.

There are no waste disposal sites near the proposed site and both domestic refuse
and human excretaare dischargeddirectlyinto the sea.

4.3.6 Education

In the 1984 census for the WesternRegiDnit was determinedthat 62% of the total
populationhad attendedor were presentlyattendingschool,consistingof 73% males
snd 51% females. Almost 70% of those that attended completedmiddle school.

Aboadzehas twoprlmaryschools. It sharesa juniorsecondaryschool(JSS)wilth

Aboesi. Oneprimaryschooland the JSShavetwo streams,whereasthe second
primaryschoolhasonly one stream. Classenrolmentrangesfrom 46 to 50. For
highereducation,facilitiesarelocatedIn Sekondi-Takoradi.
locatedat CapeCoast.

350m to theeastof theproposedplant

OneprimaryschoolIs locatedapproximately
whilethe othertwoschoolsareapproximately
perimeter, 500m to the north-east.

4.3.7 Land Tenure and Land Ownership

Landtenuresystemsvaryin differentpartsof the countrybut referbasicallyto the

relationshipestablishedamongpeople,whichdeterminetheir rights in the use of
land. Land tenurein Ghanais widelycommunalin nature,and this dictatesthe
patternof land administration.The 1992constitutionrecognizesland ownership
underthreegroups--publicland,privatelandsandstoollandsof whichthelatteralso

By Article267(6)of the 1992 FourthRepublicanConstitution,no interestcan be

createdin any stool land which vasts in any personfreeholdinterest. Also,all
dispositionor developmentof any stool landmustbe with the concurrence of the

In the Aboadzeareathe land is ownedby families,whichby definition,fall under

stoollands. Thus,althoughthe Paramount Chief(Chiefof Shama)holdstheofficial
title,theusufructuaryinterest(rightsof use)restswiththe families,whoarethedirect
beneficiariesof any returnsfromthe land.

No privatelandsare available,thereforeany grantof landwill haveto be with the

concurrenceof the principalmembersof the familyand/orthe stool. Mostof the
dispositionsof land in the area,are not evidencedin writing. It is only in a few
caseswherepeoplewhohaveimprovements of permanentnature,haveindentures
on the transactionon the land. The greaterpercentageof the land usershave
interest,and as suchwill not go to thestool for permissionto usethe
land. However,by customif thelandis givento anybodyratherthanan indigenous
person,then permissionis requiredfrom thestool.

Instancesof sharecroppingwereencountered.Bythis systemthe grantee,who is

usuallya stranger,is requiredto sharetheproceedsfromthe farmswith thegrantor

In the ratio of two thirds to a third In favour of the former. The grantor provAdesonly
the land, whilst the granteeprovideslabour and capilal for the farm operations.

By the State Lands Act, Act 125, 1962, the central government or delegated
authorities, wield sweeping powers with regard to compulsory acquisition
(expropriation)and compensationof land holdings for purposesIn the Interestof the
generalpublic. Paymentof promptand lair compensationfor thoseaffected by such
acquisitlonsIs guaranteedby the constitution. Under the Volta River Development
Act (amended),the AuthorityIs empowered to acquire land compulsorilyfor their
operations, using the State Lands Act. The land for the project will therefore be
acquired under this legislationin view of the secured title It aflords requisitioners.

Recognizing that the land for the project falls under stool land, not all the
compensationwill enureto the benefitof the Aboadze stool. The greaterpercentage
of the compensationwAIIgo to the wider community, including the Metropolitan

The status of the land and its ownershipwas reaffirmedby the ParamountChief of
ShamaTraditional- the oflicial land holder. With respect to the proposed site, he
mentionedthe Abradzefamilyof Dwomoand Aboadze as the bona-fideland owners.
ElderKwesi Egyiris the head of the familyand other membersare ElderEssounWui
and Mr. J. K. Arthur,secretaryto the family. At an earliermeetingwith the Chief and
people of Abradze, (AppendixD) the Chief (chief fisherman) pronounced the
Aboadze family with Elder Kwesi Egyir as the head of the land owners. Any
compensationpaymentsor proceedsfrom the land would have to be made to this

Land litigation is not a common occurrence in the area, as all the people are
informed of who to deal with in land transactions

4.3.8 Land Use

The regional area exhibits a range of land uses from intense urbanization in the
Sekondi-Takoradiarea to well established plantations of coconut and oil palm, to
areas of nativeforests and savannasfurther to the north. Within the ShamaAhanta
East District, about 45% of the land area is suitable for agricultural production
(17 700 ha), with approximately 30% of that area (=6000 ha) currently under
cultivation. The remainder is native forest, swamp/wetlandand areas of urban

development.TimberextractionIs an Importantcommercialactivityfurthernorth in
the region.

At thesiteof the proposedthermalplant,the higher(anddrler)landis cultivatedon

a shiftingbasis, with the generalpatternshownIn Figure4.6. Smallfarm plots
currentlyoccupyat leasthalf thehigherland,whilethe restis left to recoverfor the
nextcroppingcycle. Cassava, pepper,maize,yams,sweetpotatoes,tomatoesand
aubergines(eggplants)aregrownthroughoutthe site. A numberof specialtycrops
andvegetables aregrownon thesitein speciallypreparedraisedbeds. Thesecrops
includetigernuts(estimated at a totalacreage1+ ha),watermelons, shallots,garlic,
groundnutsand okra. Mostoil palmson sitearewild. Othertreesof significanceon
the site,althoughpresentin lownumbers,includemango,guava,and neemaswell
and on thehigh knollson eithersideof the Aboadze-lnchaban road,aswell as on
the one knollcentrallylucatedin the site (Plates1, 4, 5 and 6, AppendixH). Farm
plotsare also found dotted amonga heavilywoodedareain the locationof the
proposedtownsiteand coconutpalmsare foundat the proposedtownsite. Areas
not undercultivationduringthe presentyear,as well as the seasonallyinundated
grasslands, weresubjectto grazing,priorto thecommencement of siteinvestigations.

A few dwellings,with gardenplots,are located200 to 300m eastof the proposed

plantboundalyand a cemeteryis foundon a knollnorthof theroad. Adjacentto the
cemeteryis an areawheresand has been extracted. A smallsettlement(eight
buildings)is presenton the beachridgeapproximately 500m beyondthe westem
siteboundary(Plate10.AppendixH). Thesecomprisethemoretraditional wattle/clay
hutswith thatchedroofs. Thereare no dwellingson theactualproposedplant site.

Sandcrete-block makinghastakenplaceon the beachridgeat thesoutheastcorner

of the site usingbeachsand (Plate12,AppendixH). Beachsandhas also been
excavatedextensively fromthebeachridgein the centreof thesiteand aroundthe
mouthof the AnankwariRiver(Plate7, AppendixH). Upstreamon the Anankwari
Riverare abandonedsalt ponds(Plate8, AppendixH).

TheAboadzetowusiteis located500m fromthe easternboundaryof the proposed

plantsite. The town is typifiedby closelyspacedhousesthat extenddownto the
shoreline(Plate9. AppendixH).

The land use along the proposed transmissionline route Is predominantlycoconut

plantation(Plate6, AppendixH), althoughthereare small plots of maizeand cassava
and at least one planting of Cessia (Figure4.7). The latter trees are cut for fuel,and
utilizedfor fish-smokingoperations. The low marshyland and the steep-sidedridges
do not lend Ihemselvesto annual cultivationand are mainly lelt in perennialcrops
with an undergrowthof natural vegetation. The town of Inchaban is located at the
northwestend of the transmissionroute. Someblock manufacturingalso occurs on
the south side of the lnchaban-Aboadzeroad close to Inchaban.

4.3.9 Fisheries

Subsistenceand commercial fishingis a significantactivity along the Ghanacoast.

Ghanaiansconsume approximately20 kg of fish per capita per year (Ntou and
Khwaja,1989)and it is the principalsource of animal protein in their diet.

The coastalfisheryis exploitedby four fleets: the artisanalor canoe fleet,the semi-
industrialfleet, the industrialfleet,and the tuna fleet. The artisanalfisheryin Ghana
consisted of approximatelyBOO canoes in 1986 (Mensah and Koranteng,1988).
Severalfishing gears are utilized by the artisanalfishery including beach seine, set
net, hook and line, drift gill net, 'ali', 'poli'. and 'watsa'. The canoe fisheryis limited
to the coastalzone.

The semi-industrial(in shore) fleet consistsof locally built trawlersand purse seiners
of varying lengths between 8.2 and 37 m. These boats generally operate in the
coastal zone. There were approximately250 vessels in the semi-industrialfleet
between 1980 and 1986 (Mensahand Koranteng,1988).

The industrial fleet (distant water vessels)consists of trawlers generally >35 m in

length. In 1986, there were24 vesselsin the industrialfleet. With implementationof
the 200 nautical mile economic exclusionzone, most of these vesselsonly operate
in Ghanaianwaters.

The tuna fisheryis operated by both artisanaland tuna fleets, the latter consistingof
32 vesselsin 1986 (Mensahand Koranteng,1988). The canoe fleetutilizes hookand
line and drift gill nets to catch tuna while the tuna fleet uses largelypoleand line and
to a lesserextentpurse seinesto exploittuna. The canoefishery is limitedto the in-
shore coastal zone while the tuna fleet operatesfrom the coast to the equator.

The In-shorefleets (artisanaland semi-industrial)exploit both pelagic and demersal

fish specieswhile the industrialvesselstarget demersaland semi-pelagicfishes. On
a nationalbasis,the artisanalfleet caught from 137 000 to 190 000 tonnes of fish per
year between 1981 and 1986. The principalspecies caught Included

- Round Sardinella 3ardinellaaurita (Val.)

- Flat Sardinella S. maderensis(Lowe)
- Anchovy Engraulisencrasicolus(Linn.)
- GreyTriggerfish Balistescapriscus (Gmel.)
- Chub Mackerel Scomberjaponicus (Houtt.)
- Burrito/BigeyeGrunt Brachydeuterusauritus

Nationally,the semi-industrialfleet landed from 15 000 to 22 000 tonnes of fish per

year between 1981 and 1986 (Mensahand Koranteng,1988). The principal species
included in the catch were identical to those ol the artisanalfleet with the exception
that anchovywas not an importantcomponentof the catch.

During the period 1981 to 1986, the industrialfleets landed from 34 000 to 57 000
tonnes of fish inc;uding the followingmain species:

- Sardinella SardinellaSPD.
- SkipjackTuna KatsuwonusDelamys(Unn.)
Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares(Bonn.)
Sea Breams Sparidae
Burrito/BigeyeGrunt Brachydeuterusauritus
Cuttlefish Seia SPD.

The most productivefishing occurs during the major upwellingin July to September
and to a lesser extent during the minor upwellingin January and February. During
the upwellings, pelagic species such as the sardinellasmove in shore to spawn.

Stock estimatessuggest that currentnumbersof round sardinellaare below historic

levels due primarilyto overexploitalionin the 1970s. The yield of demersalspecies
is at or slightly higher than the maximumsustainableyield for thesespecies (Mensah
and Koranteng, 1988). Thus, it would appear that increased fishing pressure on
these preferred stocks would likely result in stock size reductions.

In additionto fin fish.shelilishand molluscsarealsoexploitedIn the coastalzone.

Craband shrimparecaughtInthecoastallagoonsandrivermouths,andshrimpare
exploiledoff shore.

Withintheprojectarea,recordso1landings(byspecies)areavailablefor theShama
AhantaEastDistrict,as well as for the threefishingvillages(Shama,Aboesiand
Aboadze)closestto theproposedsite. Thisinlormation is summarizedIn Table4.4
and presentedin its entiretyin AppendixB. The artisanalfisheriesIn Shama,
AboadzeandAboesicontributebetween25 and50%of the District'slandings.The
district'slandingin turn representapproximately
10%of the nationaltotal landed.

Pelagicspecies,especiallythe Sardinellasp. andlong-finnedherring,comprisethe

majorityof thecatchwithinthe Districtand arethemainstayof the canoefisheryas
well. Localfisheryofficialsindicatedthat this speciesis mainlytaken off shore,
beyondthe20-mcontour,as shownin Figures4.3 and4.4.

Thosespecieswhichformthe predominant partso1thecatchat Shama,Aboesiand

Aboadzeare shownin TableB.2.AppendixB. Of these,cassavafish, long-finned
herring,ribbonfish,shrimpandcuttlefisharethespeciesthat aregenerallytakenin
shoreof the 10-mcontour,and are thespeciesof importancein ShamaBayandin
the vicinityof the PraRiverestuary.

Anareaoff shoreof and extendingto thewestof thesite(forapproxmimately

25 km),
generallybetweenthe20- and 50-mcontour,has beenidentifiedby the Fisheries
Departmentasa spawningandfishinggroundsfor shrimp(Figure4.4). Shrimpare
also a majorresourcein the areaand are an importantcomponentof the beach
seinefisheryin ShamaBay. Shrimpbreedinggroundsaresaid to occur alongthe
ShamaBayshorelineandthe estuaryis utilizedduringearlylife stages. Cuttlefish
are also said to breed alongthe shorelineof ShamaBaywest of the PraRiver
estuary. Locallylandedshrimpandcuttlefishboth supplyan exportmarket.

WithinShamaBay,differentfishingtechniquesareemployedto capturethevarious
specieswithinspecificpartsof the bay. Eastof the PraRiverestuary,the sand
bear:h and smooth bottom lend themselvesfor beach seining,with activities
extendingoutwardto the 12 m depth. Mainspeciescaughtincludeshrimp,cassava
fish, ribbonfish,meagrefish and shad(Ethmalosa

Thewesternshorelineof ShamaBay.fromthewestsideof the PraRivermouthto

thewestsideof AboadzePoint,is rocky,henceis fishedprimarily
with set netsand
Table 4.4

Summaryof Landingsby Artisanal(Canoe) Fishery

Shama Ahanta East District(1988 - 1992)
Species Landed in Excessof 500 Tonnes

Common English Name 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

ROUNDSARDINELLA 7554 4521 5496 2045 7665

FLATSARDINELLA 1595 1968 684 702 2878
BURRITO 1151 1199 1953 1220 1220
LONG-FINNEDHERRING 834 745 1373 1160 1420
CHUB MACKEREL 532 75B 188 1702 946
RIBBONFISH 190 234 203 322 1831
SHAD/BONGA 439 546 561 286 769
BUMPER 333 564 249 733 636
REDPANDORA(Yiyiwa) 1187 449 199 294 205
ANCHOVY 257 686 615 167 452
CASSAVAICROAKER 584 308 263 228 770
FRIGATEMACKEREL(Okpoku) 382 226 1139 132 206
BARRACUDA 773 239 113 260 601
SCAD MACKEREL(Emule) 523 73 822 36 123
PINK DENTEX (Tsile) 854 281 69 64 89
SHRIMPS 117 172 147 77 706
GROUPER 504 132 25 19 20

Total Landings (all species) 20983 15759 15617 11273 22765

Landings by Community
- Shama nlal 1960 2895 2003 2600
- Aboesi n/a 1280 1960 1945 2156
- Aboadze n/a 965 1770 1490 1893

Total (for three communities) 4205 6625 5438 6649

Percent of district landings 26.7 42.4 48.2 292

1 NotNaivbl

smallcast netsratherthan seines. Lobsterare presentalongall of this shoreline,

amongthe rock,and are said to be locallymostabundanibetweenShamaand
Aboesi.No lobsterarereporledto be takenacrossthefrontof theproposedsiteor
neartheAnankwari estuary.Lobstersaremarketed in Sekondi-Takoradi
purchasedlocally(Shama)for export. Cassavafish are locallythe most important
speciesin ShamaBay,being presentIn abundancein the PraRivermouth,and to
a lesserextentfartherwest alongthe shorelineto AboadzePoint. Catchesare
smokedand sold in the villages,as wellas beingshippedinto Sekondi-Takoradi,
althoughprimarilystillutilizedfor localconsumption.Anchovyarealsotakenlocally
in ShamaBay,directlyoff the PraRivermouthduringthe upwelling.

Aboadze,Shamaand Aboesiare all veryactivefishingvillages. Agyeponget al,

(1990)estimatedthatthevillageof Aboesi,1.5km to theeastof Aboadzecontained
825fishermen.FisheriesDepartment officialsestimatedthatthereareapproximately
1000fishermenin Shama. Thereare no directestimatesavailablefor numberof
fishermenin Aboesi.however,it wasestimated thatthereareapproximately
as manyboatsas in Aboadze,thiswouldthensuggest250 - 350 fishermen.

4.3.10 Employment/Manufacturing Employment

Approximatelyhalf a millionpeoplewereemployedin the WestemRegionwhenthe

populationcensuswasundertaken in 1984.and65%of thesewerein theagriculture.
hunting,forestryand fishingsector. The majorbreakdownby occupationfor the
WesternRegion,Sekondi-Takoradi andShamaLocalAuthoritiesin 1984is provided
inTableC.1,AppendixC. TheSekondi-Takoradi areaaccountedfor over30%of the
employmentin the WesternRegionin the skilled,professional,clerical,retailand
productiontrades. The ShamaLocalAuthorityarea accountedfor 28% of the
fishermenand huntersin the WesternRegion. Fishingand hunting,however,only
represented15%of the employmentfor all workersin the ShamaLocalAuthority
accountedfor over30%.

Forthe actualcommunities of Aboadze,Aboesiand Shamait is estimatedthatover

75%of the malework forceare fishermen.Thisinformation was not availablefrom
the 1984censushencethe 1970censusdata was used. However,there is no
reasonto expectthe employmentpatternto havechanged. The employmentat
these local communitiesis summarizedin TableC2, AppendixC. Although
employment foragriculture,
hunting,fishing,andforestryareall putintoonecategory,

for the seasidecommunities

of Shama,AboadzeandAboesi,this can be equated
with fishingactivities. Fisheries

Commercial fishingislocallyImportant, asnotedin Section4.3.9.supplyingdomestic,

nationaland internationalmarkets.Themajorityof themalepopulationIn the three
fishingcommunities (Aboadze.AboesiandShama)in theprojectareais employed
eitherdirectlyor indirectlyin this lishery. Outsidethe upwellingperiods,fishingIs
reducedto subsistence levels,with lewertripsundertaken.Most(estimated at 80%)
of the womenare also involvedin eitherfish smokingor fish mongering(trading)

Aboadze/AboesVShama areknownnationallyasimportantfishingareas,andassuch
attractfishermenfromotherplaces.A fishrecordingstationis currentlyoperatedby
the FisheriesDepartmentat Shama,and a similarstationoperatedat Aboadzeuntil
the mid-1980s.

Artisanal(canoe)fishingoperations employ20to 25 personspercanoe,andthedaily

incomesof thevesselis dividedon a 50/50basisbetweenthe crewand theowners.
Themajorityof the annualincomeis achievedduringthe 2- to 3-monthupwelling
period,with operationsreducedto subsistence levelsoutsidethe upwellingperiods.
Fromdiscussions with localfisheryofficers,the investmentrequiredto establisha
newfishingoperationis estimatedto be as follows:

Equipment Cedis

Canoe 600.000to 800,000

Rigging,preparationof canoe 100,000
Outboardmotor 1.650,000
- drift gill nets 5,000.000
- set gill nets 1.700,000
- purse seine 5,000,000

Total Cedis 14,050,000- 14,250,000(- US $22,000)

Incomefromthe fishingoperationdependson the quantityof fish caught,and the

priceat landing.Yearlyincomespervesselfor averageto goodyearsare estimated

to rangefrom7 to 20 millionCedis(US$11,000to US$31,000),with thoseactively

InvolvedIn the Sardinella
fisheryoftenachievingthe upperfigure.

Incomepotentialfor canoeownersis thenup to 10 millionCedis(a US$15,000)from

whichthe vesseland equipmentloansare repaid,while crew incomesaverage
400,000to 500,000Cedis(US$620to US$770)permember,dependingon number
of crew members. Daily incomesare reportedto be as high at 25,000to
30,000Cedis(US$40to US$50)duringpeakportionsof theseason. Industry

The main industrial employmentin the area is centred in Sekondi-Takoradi.

Sekondiwasthesolecommercial portin thecountryexportinggoldand
thencocoa. Itslowlyslippedfromcommercial prominenceafter1920whenTakoradi
waschosenasthe sitefor a newharbour.Sekondiis nowtheadministrative centre
fortheWesternRegionandhastheheadofficesfor theGhanaian Railroad.Takoradi
is the manufacturingcentrewith saw mills, plywoodfactories,paper mills, an
aluminiumproductsfactory,tobaccoplant,and cocoaprocessing.It has a very

TableC.3 (AppendixC) givesa breakdownof numberof employeesin the major

industriesin theWesternRegionandlocaldistricts.Over25%of all manufacturing
in the WestemRegionis carriedout in the Sekondi-Takoradi
area. Also almosthalf
anddefenceemployees of theregionarein thisareaaswell
as thoseindustriesrelatedto transportation
requirements. Agriculture

The ShamaAhantaEastDistrictis locatedin the southeastcomerof the Western

Region. Withinthe district,45%of thetotal landarea(17 700ha) is consideredto
be suitablefor agriculturalcrop production.Thirty-seven
percentof the population
(89000 persons)is engagedin farmingon a landarea of approximately 6000ha,
whichrepresentsa farmingintensityof slightlyover30%.

Intermsof agricultural
the Districtranksninthof theelevendistrictsin the
Region. A comparisonof croppingarea, yield and productionof major crops
betweenthe Districtsis presentedin TableC.4,AppendixC. Landareadevotedto
peppers,tomatoand eggplantin the Districtis estimatedat 100.115 and 100ha,
respectively.Yieldsof cassava,maize,plantainand cocoyamsare low to below

averagein comparisonto otherdistrictsin the Region.Weatherconditionsand soil

type In the Districtcan supporta widevarietyof tree and food crops(coconut,oil
pH rangesfrom near 6 in the eastto 5 in the west. Farmersfollowa shifting
cultivationpattern,allowinglandto lie fallowfor 3 or moreyearsbetweensuccessive
crops. Landpreparation is by hand,andmixedcroppingisthegeneralrule. Women
are extensivelyinvolved in production, processing and marketinggenerally
outnumbering their malecounterparts.

Treecrops are an importantcomponentof agriculturalproductionin the area,with

250 ha of coconut,300ha of oil palm,and 40 ha of citrusundercultivationin the
District.The Districtis especiallysuitableforcoconutproduction,providingstable
temperature conditionsand a constantwatersupplyin the coastalzone. Coconut
production also has high income potential,yielding net incomesof up to
177,000Cedis(US$270)per hectareversuspotentialnet incomesof 40,000Cedis
(US$60)and 4,000Cedis(US$6) per hectarefor cassavaand maize,respectively
(TableC.5,AppendixC). In addition,agroforestry is beingencouragedto produce
fuel woodfor the fish smokingindustry. The species crop,
grownis the leguminous

Livestockproductionin the Districtranksfourthof the elevendistrictsin the Region,

but the Districthasthe secondhighestcattleproduction(660)in the Region.Small
ruminantsarekeptby manyruraland urbanfamilies.Theabundantrainfallensures
a continualsupplyof vegetationfor livestockgrazing,whichis generallyon a flee-
range basis. Coconutand oil palm plantationshave considerableamountsof
undergrowth, whichcanbe efficientlyutilizedbylivestock.Sheep,goats,pigs,rabbit
and fowl are alsoraised.

The generaldistributionof agriculturalcrops in the projectarea and along the

proposedtransmissionrouteis shownin Figures4.5 and 4.6. Assessment of the
valueof on-sitecropswillbe undertaken bythe GhanaianLandEvaluation Board,in
conjunctionwith localMinistryof Agricultural agents.

The ShamaAhantaEastDistrictpresentlyhas an agriculturaldevelopment plan in

placefor the7-yrperiod,commencing 1993.Thegoalsof theprogramaregenerally
in a sustainable
to increaseand improvecrop andlivestockproductioncapabilities,
fashion,that does not destroynaturalresources.Specificaspectsof the program
that arerelevantto this projectinclude

- introductionof higheryielding,fastermaturing,hybridcoconutvarietieswith
bettertoleranceto wiltingdisease(leaf-hopper

- introduction
of higheryieldingvarietiesof maize,cassavaand othercrops

more technicalsupport to farmersin termsof additionaland bettertrained


demonstrations and encouragement of use of the chokor smokerfor fish

smoking. Encourage localinvestment
in coldstorageand processingfacilities
to reducefishspoilage

- increaseemphasisandassistancein developing

establishmentof anAgricultural
SectorInvestmentProject(ASIP)to providecredit
to localcommunitiesfor eligibleprojectssuch as small-scalewaterschemes,
andrehabilitationof markets,construction
andrehabilitationof rural
roads and the constructionand operationof farm and village level food
processingandstorageunits. SandcreteBlock Manufacturing

Sandcreteblockmanufacturing activitieshavetakenplacealongthe beachridgeat

the easternedge of the site. As sandwinninghas recentlybeenoutlawed,this
activityhas largelystoppedat this location.A considerable
quantityof blocksare
stockpiledbothon theeastemcomerof theproposedsite (Plate12) andalongthe
ridgefurtherto the east.

4.3.11 Public Health

Publichealthin Ghanais stronglycorrelated

with standardof living,withpoor, rural
areashavinglow levelsof public health. In these areas,water-borne and water-
relateddiseasessuchasguineaworm,cholera,typhoid,hepatitis,dysentery, malaria,
and onchocerciasis are common.The lack of suitableand
efficientmeansof humanwastedispDsalresultsin a continuedcyclingof disease
pathogensand bacteriumback to the peoplethroughnumerousmediaincluding
food,watersupplies,and by directexposure.

In urbanareas,approximately95%of residentshaveaccessor aresuppliedwith sale

drinkingwater. In ruralareas,thisproportiondecreasesto less than40°h(for larger
500to 2000persons),
settlements, of lessthan500people,
whilein smallsettlements
the percentagecan be as low as 15%.

In the projectarea,thevillageof Aboadzeand Aboesiare suppliedwithwaterfrom

the Inchabanfiltratingplant. Shama'swater supplycomesfrom the Pra Riverat
Daboase.Thisalso servicesTakoradiwhileSekondiobtainswaterfrom Inchaban.
Thetwosystemsareconnectedand it onewereto be out of service,the othercan
supplywaterto all areas.

The diseasesof particularsocialand economicconcernin the ShamaAhantaEast

area have been identifiedas upperrespiratoryinfectionand acute poliomyelitis,
measles, tuberculosis, neonataltetanus,AIDSandleprosy(Shama
AhantaEastAnnualReport,1992). Thetop 10 diseasesrpportedby the health
servicesis givenin Table4.5. Malariatopsthelistwith 10%of thepopulationhaving
the disease. Also,it can be assumedthat thesefiguresdo not includea large
segmentof the population.

Thereis onegovernment hospitallocatedin theShamaAhantaEastDistrictand this

is the TakoradiDistrictHospital. Twodoctorsand one eye specialistservicethe
hospital. This is the only eye healthunit withinthe Districtand it also services
patientsfromotherareas.Therearetwohealthcentres,twogovernment clinics,two
maternityhomes,one healthpostandfivecold-storage facilitiesfor vaccineslocated
throughoutthe District(seeFigure4.5). Inadditionto government institutions,there
are five defenseforceshealthinstitutions(mainlyat Sekondi), about five private
midwifeclinics,15 companyclinicsand one PPAGcentrein Takoradi.Beyondthe
actual clinics and healthposts, there are outreachclinics, and house-to-house
immunization is carriedout. Thedistricthas41 vaccination
vaccinationcoverageis low. Otherprimaryheaithcareactivitiesincludetrainingand
supervisionof traditionalbirth attendants(TBA). A totalof 186 TBAs had been
trainedby 1992and they are visitedin their localvillagesmonthlyby a trained

The Ministryof Healthmedicalstaff is listedin Table4.6A. A comparisonwith the

nationaland regionalmedicalstaff to populationis providedin Table4.6B. This
illustratesthat the populationin this districtare poorlyservedin comparisonwith
otherareasin thecountry.The regionis shortof technicallyskilledpersonnel.
Table 4.5
Top Ten Diseasesin ShamaAhanta
East Metropolitan District (1992)
Disease Cases % of Populatlon
Malaria 35 616 10.0
Upperrespiratoryinfection 7 652 2.3
Acuteeye iniection 6 750 2.0
(Accidentsand fractures) 4 730 1.4
Diseasesof the skin 4 031 1.2
Diseasesof the oralcavity 3 262 1.0
disease 3 207 0.9
Earinfection 2 986 0.9
Hypertension 2 048 0.6
Intestinalworms 1 298 0.4
Total 71 580 21
Total district populatlon 340 000
Table 4.6A

MedlcalStaff for ShamaAhanta East MetropolitanArea

Doctors/ Paramedlcs/ Support Unskilled
Dlstrict Populatlon Den'lsts Assistants Staff Assistants
ShamaAhantaEast 340000 8 188 32 179

Table 4.6B

Comparisonof Medical Staff to PopulationRatio'

| Natlonal WesternRegion ShamaAhantaEast

TotalMinistryof HealthStafl:population 765 600 827
TotalMinistryof HealthNurses:population 1 426 1 818 2 228
TotalMinistryof HealthPhysiclans:population 34 549 33 458 56 806

d Heath

Generallyit is consideredthathealthcoveragein the DistrictIs poor (ShamaAhanta

EastDistrictAnnualReport,1992).ThisIs relatedto a numberof issuesfroma lack
of communityInterestand understanding In healthservices,competitionbetween
villagesfor servicesratherthan cooperation,and lack of healthfundsto be ableto
servicethe moreremoteareas. TheWesternRegionalHealthAdminstration (1993)
goes as far as sayingthat "the performance of the healthdeliverysystemIn the
WesternRegionin termsof coverageand qualityis seriouslybelowexpectations.
Dueto inadequacy of suitablestaffaccommodation at thehealthcentrelevelsin the
Districtsof this Region,It is humanlyimpossibleto equitablyreo,stribute health
personnelin the Region."ThereportIllustrates this commentby showingthat53%
of all the region'smidwivesarein theSekondi-Takoradi Metropolis.Thestrategyfor
1994fortheregio:1is to increasethemedicalaccommodation at thesubdistrict

The immediatehealthgoalsin the Districlare to provide80 to 90%coverageon

pregnancyand deliveries.Presently, althoughover80%of the womenregistered
theirpregnancies, only36%hadsuperviseddeliveries.TheChildHealthServiceis
to targetat least80%of theunder1-yroldchildrento provideimmunization,growth
serviced,but thereis a needto reachout to the smallercommunities.

In theareaof the proposedprojecthealthservicesarepoor. Thereis onlyonehealth

post at Shamawhich servicesShama,Aboadze,Aboesi. Inchabanand the
surrounding villages.Thereareplansto upgradethishealthpostto a polyclinic with
a residentdoctor. However,there is presentlyno adequatedoctor'sresidence
availablewith potablewaterandelectricalpowersupply. In thesecircumstances, it
is difficultto attractmedicalstaff. Also,it is physicallydifficultto operatehealth
outreachservicesin these villages. The staff frequentlycannot locate their
destinationthrough the general maze of the village layout. Also, the fishing
communities havean overallgenerallackof interestin publichealthandhavepoor
sanitation.TheRegionalDirectorof Healthstatesthattheywouldbe pleasedif they
could achievea 50%coveragein these areas(Hanson,1993pers.comm.,see
AppendixD). The Shamahealthpost presentlyhas one medicalassistant,eleven
nursesand one midwife.

Thereis a proposalthat as theAgricultural

Officersarea frequentcontact
with many of the villagewomen,their task should also be to advisethemon
nutritionalneedsalongwith the cropadvisetheyalreadyprovide.Trainingmoney
would be requiredfor such a programme (Hanson,1993pers.comm.).

4.3.12 Coastal Pollution

Pollutionof the coastalzonecanbe attributedto wastesoriginatingIromtwo main

sources: thoseof directhumanoriginand those ol Industrialorigin. The current
levelsof each and Iheirimpactson thecoastalzoneand marineenvironment are
examinedbelowon a nationaland localbasis. Oil is discussedseparately. Wastes of HumanOrigin

Of all wastes,thoseof humanoriginare the mostwidespread,constitutethe major

pollutionload[in termsof biochemical
oxygendemand(BODO)] and,in manyareas,
arethecausefor mostconcern.Wastesof humanoriginarethosesuchasdomestic
sewagebeingexcreta,food andwashingwater,and solidwastessuch as plastics,
tin cans,and othernonor slowlydegradableitems.

Properfacilitiesfor sewagetreatmentdo not existin mostcommunitiesalong the

Ghanaiancoastor,for thatmatter,in neighbouring countries.Theresultis that raw
sewage from urban collectionsystemsis dumped directly into the nearest
watercourse, be it stream,lagoon,estuaryor ocean. Inaddition,coastalbeachesare
useddirectlyas pointsof depositionanddisposalfor humanwastes.

Theseverityof impactof thesedischargesis determined,to a largeextent,by the

of thereceivingwaterbody. Insomeareas,lagoonswhich
havelittle or no exchangewiththe seaaretheprimaryreceivingbody. Thiscauses
highlevelsof de-oxygenation to occurdue to oxygendemandof the decomposing
sewagewith a resultantdecreasein aquaticlife. Thisimpactis lessseverein areas
of higherwaterexchange, but ultimately
dependson theabilityof thereceivingbody
to assimilatethequantityof wastesreceived.Twocoastallagoons,Korleand Chemu
(nearAccra),arealreadyconsideredto be grosslypollutedand the entirefisheries
in these lagoonshavebeenlost (Biney,1982,1989).

In additionto creatinga direct healthhazardfrom contactwith fecal remainson

beaches,high levelsof coliformsand otherpathogenicbacteriain coastalwaters
subjectedto moderateto heavysewagedisposalcause contaminationof local
shellfish. Ingestionof these productscaii then exposeconsumersto the risk of
infectionof typhoid,cholera,or hepatitis. Parasiticwormsare also transferredin
these media. Localwater suppliesare also degradedby inadequatesewage

In the vicinityof the proposedthermalstation,few data are availableon pollutant

of humanwasleand thecitiesof SekondiandTakoradiare both upstream(in terms
of the prevailinglong-shorecurrent)of the projectarea. Loadingof BOD 5 and
suspendedsolidsto the coastalzonefromthesetwo citieshas beenestimatedat
4906and 6976tonnes/annum, respectively
(UNEP,1989),whichis approximately
20%of thetotalloadsestimatedfor the Ghanaiancoast.

ThePraestuary,Immediately eastof theprojectarea,is heavilyimpactedbysewage

pollution,as wellas by the miningoperationsin Itscatchmentzone. Theresultant
water qualityis consideredto be low overall(Biney,1982). Comparedto other
coastalestuariesexamined duringthestudy,BOD5 (7.0mg/L)wasthehighest,while
dissolvedoxygen(4.9 mg/L) was among the lowest of all estuaries. Low
transparency (Secchidisc11.25cm)wasattributed primarilyto the miningoperations
upstream,while nutrient levels(orthophosphate - 0.07 mg/L, nitrate nitrogen-
6.7mg/L,and ammonianitrogen- n.4mg/L)werehighin comparison to the range
exhibitedby otherGhanaianestuaries.

No immediateinformationis availableon microbialpopulationsin the Praestuary.

Levelsof fecalcoliformsin certainreachesof theVoltaestuarywerefoundto be in
excessof 1000/100 mL (Odeiet al, 1981). Similarconditionsmayexistin the Pra

Solidwastesarepositivelycorrelatedwithhumanpopulationdensity,withthe areas
most affectedbeingthosenearcoastalsettlements.
Accumulations of plasticsof up
to 200 g/m2 havebeenobservedin someof themostpollutedareas(Biney,1982). Wastes of Industrlal Origin

Industrialwastesencompassthose releasedby industriesand factoriesin the

productionof manufactured items.aswellasthebyproductsand/ordiscardsof local
dischargeddirectlyto the nearestwatercourse.

As mostlargerindustrialprocessesare locatedin populatedareas,theseareasare

the greatestcontributorsof industrialloadingto the coastalenuironment.Wastes
from some industrialprocesses,(estimatedat 1414 tonnes;annum),such as
breweriesandedibleoils industries,contributeto the BOD5 while otherindustries,
suchas mining,contributeto the loadof suspendedsolids(estimatedat 3669t/yr)

(UNEP,1989).As previouslynoted,thePraestuaryIs the recipientof highloadsof

largelyoriginatingIromgoldminingoperations at Dunkwaand
Obuasi,and diamondminingoperationsat Oda.Kode,and Akwatla.

Trace metais,such as mercury,lead, cadmium,zinc, and copperare wastesor

byproductsof numerousIndustrialprocesses, and are dischargeddirectlyIntothe
watercoursesthat flow into the coastalzone. Estuaries,lagoons,and near-shore
watersare elficlentin trappingdissolvedand particulatemetals,mostof whichare
then availableto bottomdwellingorganisms(Bineyand Ameyibor,1992). The
concentrations of a numberof theseelementshavebeendetermined In seawater,
sediments,algae,shrimpand lish alongtheGhanaiancoast,andare presentedin

Mercury,potentiallyone of the moreseriouscontaminants of fish and shellfishIn

termsof humanhealthrisks,ispresentlybelowtheWorldHealthOrganization (WHO)
recommended concentration
limitof0.5 mg/kgof fishflesh.Largepredatory species,
which are near the top of the food chain (such as tuna), exhibitthe highest
concentrations, dueto mercury'scapacityto bioconcentrate throughthefoodchain.
Smallerspeciessituatedlowerin the food chainexhibitthe leastaccumulation.In
the vicinityof Takoradi.the meanconcentration of mercuryin water sampleswas
22 ng/L while concentrations in flesh of ten commercialfish speciesaveraged
0.22 ± 0.06mg/kg (Ntouand Khwaja,1989).

Concentrationsol othermetalsaregenerallywithinacceptable limits.However,

of specificconcern(suchas theKorleLagoon)havebeenidentified(Biney,1982).
Shrimp generallyhave higher levelsof lead, copper, and zinc than fin fish,
presumablydue to their preferredhabitatin estuariesand lagoonmouths.These
areasarethemainreceptorsandtrapsof land-based pollutants(BineyandAmeyibor,

Pesticidesareused in agriculturalproductionand to controldiseasevectorspecies

(i.e., black flies and mosquitoes).Althoughabout 60 compoundsare officially
recognizedin Ghana(UNEP,1989),no dataareavailableon thedistributionof these
pollutantsin the localmarineenvironment.Valuesreportedfrommarineorganisms
(shrimp,fish, crab) in SierraLeoneare not particularlyhigh comparedto results
presentedin the worldliterature.
Table 4.7

Trace Metal Concentrations In the

Ghanalan Marine Environment

Mercury Lead Cadmium Zinc Copper

Sea water (ng/L) <20 - _
Sediment (mg/kg) 0.002 - 6 - 35 - 1 - 80 2 - 20
0.04 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Algae (mg/kg) 0.02 - 20 1- 2 <0.1 2-5 1- 2

Shrimp(Penaeussp) (mg/kg) <0.02 0.9 - 2 <0.1 5.6 - 6.3 2-6
Fish (mg/kg) <0.02- <0.2 - 0.65 <0.1 - 0.3 0.5- 16 <0.2- 5.6
WHO Concentrationfor fish flesh limit (mg/kg) 0.5 ______ _____ _____

LogsfromtimberIndustryoperations,mainlyat TakoradiHarbour,and wreckedor

abandonedfishingboats (whichmay be as numerousas five per kilometreof
shoreline)alsolitterthe beach. CharcoalIs alsoa commonoccurrence,distributed
fairlyuniformlyalongthe shoreline(Biney,1982;UNEP,1989). Oil

Oilcontamination of beachesIn theGulf of Guineais notan Infrequent occurrence.

Muchof thiscontamination is thoughtto originatefrom passingships(offshore)on
the mainMiddleEastto Europeoil route. However,localsourcessuchas harbour
facilitiesand operations,and refineriesmayalsocontribute.

Contamination of beachesin Ghanais not consideredto be a seriousproblem.

Some areas (such as Takoradi)have higher incidencesand levels of oil
contaminationthan othersdue to the prevalenceof oil handlingactivities.Locally,
sourcesof crudeand refinedoil on beachesand in thewatermayincludetanker
andindustrialdischarge;and lossesfrom pipelinesand off shoreexploitationand
productionfacilities.Thedisposalof usedmotorvehiclecrankcaseoil into coastal
streamsis alsoseenas a significantcontributorto localoil contamination

Oilis transferredand spreadalongthecoastalzoneby theactionof wavesandlong the projectarea,runfromwest to east. Oil,dependingon
its form, is depositedas eithera liquid or as tar balls. Tar balls are especially
prevalentin the vicinity of Takoradi(22 g/m2) due to the ongoingoil handling
activities. They are less prevalentat Sekondi(4 g/m2 ) and Elmina(7 g/m2).
Concentrations are againhigh at CapeCoast(24 g/m2), but then decreasefarther
5 Significant EnvironmentalImpacts
and Proposed Mitigation
5 Significant EnvironmentalImpacts
and Proposed Mitigation
Environmentaleffectscan occurduring both the constructionand operationphaseof the
project. This section identifiesthe major sourcesof theseeffects for both phases of the
proposedTakoradiThermalPlant,describesthe predicted Impacts from these activities
and then recommends appropriate mitigative measuresthat should be adopted to
minimizethose Impacts. An estimate of the overall cost of environmentalmitigation Is
provided In Section7.

5.1 ConstructiotnPhase

5.1.1 Potential Sources of Effects

Potentialsourcesof effects havebeen identifiedby reviewingthe projectengineering

documentswith respectto the existingenvironmentthat may be affected (Table5.1).
The activitieswhich could cause the mainenvironmentalimpact are describedbelow.

Site Access
The presentroad from Inchabanto Aboadzewill be upgradedto a pavedasphalt
surfaceand increasedin width from its present6 m to 7.5 m with a further1.2 m

Site Preparatlon
The location of the main components of the proposed plant are shown in
Figure 3.3. The majorityof the plant will be on the higherwestern ridge but some
infilling and levellingwill be required. The final site elevationwill be 3.5 m. A
total area of 115 ha will be used for both plant and town site.

Disposal of Excavated Material

It is not anticipatedthat therewill be any large quantity of excavatedmaterialfor
disposal. The fill and berm requirementson site will use most of the excavated
material. A small disposal site will be required for the clean materialunsuitable
for fill.
Table 5.1
Potential Sources of Environmental
Effects Durlng Construction

Co ponent Potentially Affected

Environment AquaticEnvlronment TerrestrialEnvironmenl Socloeuhural
Water Fresh- Geology/
aualltyl Marlne water Hyd'ogeology/ Wild- Land Local Inr*-
sourcesof Effects oust Noise Vibrtanio Sediments Blota Blota Soils Vegetatlon it Use Flsheries Community structure
Site access _ . = _
Site prepatallon - . _ _ _ __

line _
preparalion - _
dewatering . ._ .
Borrowdevelopmenl _ _ _ __.
Aggregatesources = =_=_=_=
Batchplant . . _ __=

materiala S S

disposal . _
constructlon . . . . .

Deliveryof r,aleilalsa
Oredgirhand disposal _ _
ofmalerialat sea _ ____ _

Worklorce . . . . .

WastedisposalsHe . . . .

Dewateringfrom Excavatlonsand Surface Water Control

It will be necessaryto dewaterwhile constructingsome o1 the building
foundations.Surfacewaterwill be directedawayfromthe excavations
and the

Clearlngthe TransmissionUne Route

Thetransmission linerequiresa 60 m right-of-way
for approximately
5 km. It will
be constructedto the northor theexistinglnchaban-Aboadze road.

Borrow Areas
Themajorityof fill for sitelevellingduringtheinitialphaseof thedevelopment will
be providedfrom a combinationof the redistributionof on-sitematerial(hills,
knolls) and the import or aggregatefor lay-down areas, backfill around
foundations.etc. It is. however,possiblethat a smallamountof fill will be
requiredto completesitelevellingandlandscaping.A smallborrowareaclose
to the site,pDssiblyalongthetransmission line,will be used,if required.

Tunnelspoils will be unavailableto satisfy fill requirementsfor the initial

development,but will be retainedon site to use for the second stage

Batch Plants for Concreteand Asphalt Production

A temporarysmallbatch plant will be requiredto producethe approximately
12 000m3 of concreteneededfortheproject.Asphaltwillbe producedforroad

Aggregate Sources
Therearesevenbedrockquarrieswithin9 - 14 kmof thesitewhichwouldmost
that new
likelybe usedfor aggregatesourcing(Figure4.5). It is not anticipated
quarrieswouldbe openedup. Approximately 3
200000 m of aggregatewill be
requiredfor concrete, asphalt,fill and lay-downareas.

Intake and Outfall Construction

It is currentlyproposedthat the intakeand outfallfor the powerplantcooling
systemwill be constructedby tunnellingusinga tunnelboringmachine.The
tunnelswill be 3.0 m in diameter.Thelengthwill be dependenton the final
intake/outfalllocation selected(see Section522.3). The tunnel will be
shotcretedas required.Therecouldbe upwardsof 40 000m3 (bulked)material
excavatedfromthetunnels.Thiswillbe disposedeitherat the westernedgeof

the site and used for ground levelling/preparationneeds if the plant were
expanded In the future or used for berm materialaround the site, If required.

Pipeline Construction
A 16- to 20-in. (40-50cm) pipelinewill connect the SPM lor the oil tankersto the
fuel oil storagetanks on site. The underseaportion of the pipelinewill be laid on
the sea bed and anchoredto preventmovementdue to the currentswell or wave
action. The pipeline will be buried from an off shore location beginning at a
minimum depth of 3 m below low-waterlevel to the plant fence line. It may be
necessaryto excavaterock by drilling and blasting to bury the pipeline.

Underwater Excavation and Disposal

of Material at Sea
Underwaterrock excavationmaybe requiredfor both the intake and outfalltunnel
portalsand the oil pipelineunderseaportion. It is proposed that this materialbe
disposed off shore within a radius of 10 km of the site.

Delivery of Materials
Materialswill be delivered to the site by truck using the access road.

In general,all majorequipmentwill be suppliedfrom off shore. It will be delivered

by ship to Takoradi,offloaded there,and transferredto trucks for final transport
to the site.

The followingprovides an estimateof the traffic movementto and from the site.

Vehicle Type Frequency

Light duty utility vehicle virtually continuous at and

between site and townsite

Buses for employeetransportation 2 trips/d to Takoradi and

surrounding communities

Heavy constructionvehicles for 2 - 3 mo periods

Dump trucks, cement trucks. etc approximately4 - 6 trucks/hr

Aggregate movementfor one year 11 trucks/hr over a 10 hr day


Transports,materialdelivery 3fwk

Major component delivery 20 - 30 during project

Construction Lay-Down FacilItles

An area of approximately4 ha immediatelynorth of the permanentplant facilities
has been allocatedas a constructionlay-downarea. This areawould also house
the constructionoffices,fuel storagefor the constructionphase and batch plant,
if required. This will require temporarywater, sewageand power services.

Work Force
Approximately400 local workerswill be required during the construction phase.
The followingis the breakdownof the work force:

Type Total

Electricians 60
EquipmentOperators 18
Labourers 100
Drivers 15
Iron workers 24
Carpenters 6
Millwrights 6
Boilermarkers 20
Plumbers 5
Welders/pipefitters 130
Masons 16

Total 400

The total expatriatesupervisorystaff will be approximately75.

It is assumed that the majority of the work force can be met from the local
Sekondi-Takoradiarea (exceptfor the supervisorystaff). Buseswill be provided
for the local work force for transportationto the site. Housingin the form of both
dormitoriesand single dwellingunits will be required for expatriatesand special
trades only. Initialaccommodationwill be arrangedmainlyin Sekondi-Takoradi
and the workerswill be bussed to.the site, until the construction housing has
been developed.

Handling, Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Materials

The mainhazardousmaterialsthat will be requiredduring the constructionphase
includeexplosivestor blastingactivitiesand fuel for all machineryoperationand
electricalpower generation. In addilion,chemicalswill likely be used for system
cleaning and effluent treatmentalong with paints. industrial epoxy coatings,
solvents and spent lubricatingoils. Weldingof the fuel tanks (includingX-rays
of welds) will be required.

Domestic Waste Disposal

Uquid and solid wastedisposalwill be required. A sewagetreatmentplant (STP),
consisting of an activatedsludge extendedaerationsystem,will be constructed
on site. (Priorto the STPconstruction,liquid wastewill be collected and treated
in a portable 'package treatment'unit.)

Thereare no solid wastelandfillsites in Aboadze. Therefore,an engineeredsolid

waste disposal site will have to be developed such that there is no resulting
degradation of surface or groundwater. This site should be primarily for
nonbiodegradablematerials.The amountof materialgeneratedfor disposal must
be kept to a is suggested that the borrow area be used as the
disposal site. Priorto this site being available,solid wasteshould be trucked to
the landfill site in Sekondi-Takoradi.

Paints and solvents may possiblybe stored on site and disposed of in the oil
sludge incinerator. Any materialsthat can be reused/recycledshould be reused
or disposed of in accordancewith VRA procedure.

Potable Water Supply

Potablewaterwill be obtained from the existing 150-mmwater pipe running from
the reservoirat Inchaban to Aboadze during the construction and operating
phases of the project. However, long-term operational requirementswill be
providedby a desalinationplant. Priorto installationof the cooling watercircuit,
groundwaterfrom a seriesof boreholesmay be developedon site will supply the
plant, while final supplywill be from the CW intake. Chemicalanalysisof water
from Inchaban is provided below.

Parameter Value

pH 7.6
Colour 6 Hazen
Nitrite nil

Nitrate 11.8 mg/L

Oxygenabsorbed 0.6 mg/L
Chloride 56 mg/L
Alkalinity 50 mg/L
Total hardness 87 mg/L
Calciumhardness 41 mg/L
Magnesiumhardness 46 mglL
Calcium 16.4 mg/L
Magnesium 14.16 mg/L
Suspendedsolids 24 mg/L
Total dissolvedsolids 40 mg/L
Silica 0.36 mg/L
Sulphate nil
Iron (total) 0.1 mg/L
Manganese nil
Free carbon dioxide 0.1 mg/L
Dissolvedoxygen 11.3 mg/L
Residue chloride 0.2 mg/L

5.1.2 Predicted Effects and Proposed

Mitigation During Construction Atmospheric Environment

Air Quality
The major effectson air qualityduring the constructionphase will be an increase
in total suspended particulate matter during site clearing and constructon of
access roads. Traffic speeds should be reducedto minimizedust, and approved
dust suppressantsshould be applied as required. Dust suppressantsshould not
include oil. All trucks carryingfine materialshould be covered. Wheretopsoil is
to be stockpiled for a long period of time, it should be covered or seeded to
preventwind erosion.

Poor air quality can result from diesel-powered machinery and vehicles.
Constructionequipmentmust be wellmaintainedto minimizeexcessivegaseous

Batch plant operations can produce high dust levels. Dust collectors may be
requiredto preventhigh dust emissions.Otherwise,water spraysystemsmaybe

When working underground during the construction of the intake and ouffall
tunnels, there is a possibilitythat gassescan be encounteredwhich could either

be detrimentalto workers'health or safety. Ventilationof the tunnel must be in

accordancewith recognizedconfined space entryoccupationalhealthand safety
practices,such as the World Bank's UndergroundMining Occupational Health
and Safety Guidelines(i.e., air current must contain not less than 19.5% of
oxygen by volume and not more than 0.5% carbon dioxide by volume and no
harmfulquantitiesof other noxious or poisonous gases). The fresh air supply
should be In accordancewith specification 13.14,UndergroundRock Excavatlon
(see Appendix G) requirementsuch that the supply shall not be less than the

- that required to produce a linear velocity of 10 m/min on the average

throughout the tunnelcross section

- 5.5 m3/min at the face of the tunnel for each man underground plus
2 m3 /min/brakehorsepowerfor all diesel units operatingin the underground

Toxic and other gasesmust be continuouslymonitoredunderground and work

stoppedif permissiblelevelsare exceeded.TheWorldBankUndergroundMining
OccupationSafetyand HealthGuidelines(1988)shouldbe followed to determine
permissiblelevels. Theseare as follows:

- carbon monoxide 50 ppm

- nitrogen dioxide 5 ppm
- hydrogensulphide 10 ppm
- hydrogencyanide 10 ppm
- sulphur dioxide 5 ppm
- methane <1% by volume
- oxygen >19.5% by volume
- carbon dioxide <0.5% by volume.

Dust levelsshould be measuredand the concentrationsof respirablesilica dust

determined. These levelsshould not exceed 0.1 mg respirablequartz per cubic
metre of air. If levelsare higher, approved dust respiratorsmust be worn.

The ventilationexhaustsystemfrom the tunnelshould also be monilored for high

dust concentrationsand dust collectorsshould be installedif unacceptablyhigh
levels (>260 pg/m3 for 24 hours) are measuredat the perimeterof the site.

Noiseand Vibration
Excessive noiselevelscan occurfromthe operationof constructionequipment,
the concreteand asphaltbatch plants,and blasting. Thereis presentlyno
Informationon noise levels In the area, hence backgrounddata Is being
obtained. Generally, It is recommended thatnoiselevelsat theperimeterof the
site should not exceed55 dBA(WorldBank Guideline,1988). Duringsome
construction(i.e..clearingoperationsusinglargeequipment), closeto the site
boundariesand along thetransmission line, It will not be possibleto meetthis
guideline.However,to causethe leastdisruptionto theadjacentcommunityof
Aboadze,Itis recommended thatconstruction workthatproducesnuisancelevel
noisebe minimizedduringthenightor an locallyrecognizeddaysof rests.All
equipmentshouldbe well maintained and particularly noisysystemsshouldbe
screenedor muffled.Allworkersshouldbe providedwith,andtrainedin theuse,
of hearingprotectionwhenworkingnearnoisyequipment.

Somerock removalby blastingwill be requiredfor site levelling,and for the

andvibrationimpactsaswellasdamagefromfly rock. Strictblastingprocedures
mustbe established(specification 13.13.3,AppendixG). A preblastsurveyof all
buildingswithin300 m of the blastshouldbe undertaken to provideinformation
andallowaccurateassessment of potentialdamageclaims.AJIblastsshouldbe
monitoredand the maximumpeakparticlevelocityat any structureshouldnot
exceed25 mm/s.A standardblastwamingcodemustbe institutedandthelocal
population,as wellas theworkers,shouldbe awareof theseprocedures.Any
opencut blast mustbe coveredby blast matsto controlfly rock. Ground and SurfaceWater

Veryminorshort-termloweringof thegroundwater tablemayoccurduringdewatering

activtiesfor foundationexcavalions.Thereis no domesticuse of the groundwater
and these changeswould not haveany significantimpactas theyare very local.
There should also be minimaleffects to the groundwatersystem during the
transmission line construction.

Thereare no majorsurfacewatercourses acrossthe proposedsite. Surfacewater

flowwillbe controlledin the immediatevicinityof the plantandtownsitelocation.A
site drainageplanwill be developed,designedto followthe naturalflow directing
waterawayfromthesiteandto preventanypondingof thewater.Therewillbe more
rapidsurfacerunoffand lessinfiltration.Protectionmeasures, (i.e.,retentionweirs

and sediment settling ponds) must be used where necessary,before the water
discharges into the existingnatural watercoursesto preventany increasein erosion
and sediment loading to the watercourse.

An increase in the total suspended solids in the surface water could result from
erosionof soil stockpiles. Measuresmust be takento minimizesoil erosion,Including
seeding any topsoil that Is to be stockpiled for a considerableperiod of time; straw
berms/silt fences, etc, should be used as temporarycontrol measures.

During dewateringactivities, there is the polentialfor both suspended solids and

other contaminant (i.e., metals, oils and grease) to enter the discharge water.
Sediment settling ponds, sediment sumps and other sumps as necessary,must be
constructed to ensure that this muddy or contaminatedwater is not discharged
directly into any natural watercourse,into the sea,into wetlands, or onto agricultural
land. The settling basins must be constructed to remove all sediment before
discharge. Any oil and grease should be skimmedoff the surface with absorbent
pads. The basins should be monitored regularlyto ensure their effectivenessand
provisions made for their periodic clean-out. The discharge water should be
monitored to ensure it meets the water qualityobjectivesgiven in Table 22.

Accidentalspillsof fuels, etc. can cause considerablecontaminationof watercourses.

Everyprecaution must be taken to preventaccidents. All workers should be trained
in the handling, storing, and disposal of hazardousmaterials. In the eventof a spill,
there must be an emergency response plan in place so that the spill can be
contained immediately. There must be emergencyspill containmentmaterial and
cleanup equipment in place so that the spill can be cleaned up as quickly as
possible to minimizeany adverse effect. A centralyard should be established and
bermed for the storage/parkingof constructionequipment when it is not in use.
Runoff from this yard must be directed to the on-sitesettling basins. Wasteoil and
other liquids originating from maintenance of construction equipment must be
disposed of in a proper manner.

To prevent the leakage of oil/fuel from tanks into the ground and ultimatelyinto the
watercourses.all storagefacilities,eventemporaryfacilities,mustbe in a bermedarea
with an impermeableliner and of a capacitygreaterthan that of the tank. There must
be a means to remove rainwaterfrom the bermed area and the water treated (oil
removed) before discharge.

Runofffromthebatchplantsiteaswellas runofffromtheconstructionlay-downarea
mustpassthroughthe settlingbasinbeforebeingdischargedto a watercourse.

Uquiddomesticwastedisposalcouldhavea detrimenlaleffecton thewaterquality

of the Anankwarland the adjacentmarinearea at the mouthto the river. The
constructionof theSTPshouldbe completedearlyin the schedulepriorto theinflux
of thepeakworkforce. BeforetheSTPis completed,a smallpackagetreatmentunit
shouldbe used. Rawsewagemustnot be dischargedto anywatercourse.

Duringconstructionof the accessroad,there couldbe a considerable increasein

suspendedsolidsintotheadjacentwatercourses. Sediment controlmeasures should
be installednextto all streamcrossings.Baresoil surfacesshouldbe seededwith
nativegrassesas quicklyas possible. Culvertsizingshouldbe adequateto take
floodflows. Terrestrial Environment

Themajorimpactson the naturalterrestrial

environmentwillbe fromconstructionof
the transmissionline, wideningof the access road, and at the new townsite.
Considerableclearingof thenaturaldensethicketsof deciduousshrubs/trees and
the coconutplantationswillbe required.

Treeclearingin thetownsiteshouldbe minimizedas treeswill providefuturevalue

for aesthetic.shade,and erosioncontrolpurposes.Plantingof fruitandshadetrees
shouldbe undertaken.

It is recommended that treeclearingalsobe minimizedalongthe transmission line.

If possible,the entireright-of-wayfor the transmission
line shouldnot be stripped.
Only at tower locationsand areaswherethere is insuffidientfine clearanceor
encroachment shouldthetreesbe cut. Whenaccessingthetowersites,treecutting
shouldalsobe minimized; crossingwatercourses byaccessroadsshouldbe avoided

At the proposedplantsite, no treesof commercial significancefor timberor other

industrialuses are present. It is howeverrecommended that woodyvegetationbe
clearedand piled at the site perimeter,to be availableto localresidents,before

Mostwildlifecapableof movement willleavetheareaat thestartof theconstruction

activity.andwillbe permanently
displaced,withthe exceptionof thebird population.
Wetland/low-land areason sitewill be filledfor placementof the oil tankfarm.

Borrowareasshouldbe carefullyselectedto minimizetheeffect on landuse,such

as areasin activefarm production. Coconutplantations,should be avoided.f
possible. The siteshouldbe closeto the proposedplantto minimizetrucktravel

The borrow area must be regradedand revegetatedafter use. Slopes in

unconsolidated materialshouldbe 2:1.and revegetation
nativespecies. Approvalfor the developmentmust first be obtainedfrom the
landowner.If theborrowsiteis usedfor solidwastedisposal,the sitemustbe also
selectedsuch that thereis no degradationto surfaceand groundwater. The site
shouldbe remotefromresidencesand duringuse,thewastemustbe coveredwith
an adequateamountof inertfill to minimizeodourand disease.

Constructionactivitiesare not expectedto impact wildlifebeyondthe presently


5.12.4 Marine Habitat

Impactsto the marinehabitatfromthe constructionphasewill be localizedand will

arisefrominstallationof the SPMbuoy,layingtheoil pipeline,and excavation
of the
intakeandouffalltunnelportals.Thisworkmayinvolvedredging,underwater blasting
and then, subsequently,submarinedisposal of the excavatedmaterial. The
constructioncoulddamagepotentialfishingandspawninggroundsand maycause
sedimentreleaseto adjacentsensitiveareas.

As discussedin Section52.2.3.the main mitigationis in placingthesestructures

awayfromthe mostsensitiveareas. By committingto constructingthe intakeand
ouffallbytunnellingratherthanopen-cutexcavations, therewill be considerablyless
effectto the marineenvironment,as tunnelspoilswillbe usedfor on-sitefill for the
secondstageof development.

Underwater blastingmaybe requiredfor boththe pipelineinstallationandthe intake

andoutfallportalconstruction.Blastingcankillfish. Thereis relatively
possibleexceptfor timingthe blastingactivitiesto be outsidethe upwelirngperiod.
Bubblecurtainsor other fish deterrentshave not been found to be completely

At the town site location,where feasible, any coconut and oil palms should be
retained. Duringconstruction,the trees, should be fencedoff to preventdamage
from equipment.

Aggregate Resources
It is planned to use aggregatefrom existingquarries. It would appear that there
are sufficientsupplies to meetthe project's needswithout depleting the reserves
to the detrimentof the local community. When actual aggregate requirements
are known,furtherinvestigationsof the aggregatesourcesshould be undertaken.
If negativeeffects are forecast,then alternatesourcing should be examined.

Off site sourcesof fill maybe required. Beforeany borrow areasare openedup,
the necessaryapprovalsfrom the appropriatelandownersmust be obtained. All
sites must be graded and revegetatedwhen constructionis finished.

In water constructionactivitiesfor the intake and outfall portals, the oil pipeline,
and the SPM buoy will interferewith fishing activitiesin their immediatevicinity.
To minimizethe impact,constructionshould not occurduring the time of greatest
fishing activitywhich coincideswith the upwellingperiods. These are the times
when in-shore fish numbers are highest, i.e., July to September (see

Coastal Navigation
Marineconstructionactivitiescould interferewith coastalnavigation. An barges.
buoys. etc.must be clearlymarkedand illuminatedat night. Notificationmust be
given to the naval authoritiesat Sekondiand the TakoradiHarbourMaster prior
to commencementof any in-waterconstructionactMties,and conflicts with the
approachto Sekondi Harbourmust be avoided.

Delivery of construction materials and the main plant components will put
considerable pressure on the existing Inchaban-Aboadzeroad. The main
mitigationis to upgrade the existingroad so that it is able to handle the increase
in traffic. It is recommendedthat the road improvementscontinue past the plant
and into the village of Aboadze. Thiswill be a benefitto the Aboadze community
in the long term as it will improvethe access into the area.

effective in preventionof fish kill. The preconstructionmarine ecology monitoring

programwill provide the required input to determinewhether blasting activitiescan
be undertakenduring the upwellingperiod.

Any marine disposal of excavated materialmust be outside the sensitiveshrimp-

spawningareas IdentifiedIn Figure4.4. Furtherinvestigationsshould be undertaken
to clearlyidentify those areas where disposal is appropriate. Dlsposalshould also
be timed to be oulside the upwellingperiod. (It should be noted that it Is anticipated
that only a very small quantity of material (approximately200 - 300 m3) will require
sea disposal and thereforethis is not a major concern.)

Marine contractors involved in the above-noted construction activities should be

monitored to ensure that they are following good environmentalpractices. This
includes proper disposal of waste/used fluids, such as oils, chemicals, and other
hazardous materials;solid wastes including plastics, wood and metals, and other
byproducts/wastesof the constructionprocess. It is recommendedthat this be made
a part of their employment contract,that they be liable for the cost of cleanup of
negligent activities. Soclocultural Environment

Land Use
The effects of constructionactivitieson land usewill be most markedat the plant
site-itself. All land will be clearedand, therefore,all the small farm plots will be
destroyed as will the tree crops on the two knolls. The only mitigationpossible
will be to compensatethe owners and land users. Negotiationswith the owners
and land userswill be required to establish reasonablecompensation.

It is recommendedthat the plant be located away from the sand ridge adjacent
to the beachwhere coconut palms havebeen planted. Coconutsprovide a high
and dependable source of income for the local population. Their root systems
also stabilize the beach ridge protecting the land behind from erosion and
inundation. The beach ridge reduces erosionaleffects and should be flagged
and/or fenced and all construction equipment must be kept out of this area.
Plant property has been purposelyset back 150 m from the beach to protect
coconut plantation. The central section of the beach strand, where sand was
excavatedin the past, should be infilledwith excess clean fill and replantedwith
coconut palm.

Therewill be someunavoidableminordisruptionto trafficflowwhenmajorplant

aredelivered.Schedulingof these
deliveriesoutsidepeakhoursshouldbe attempted.Speedsshouldbe limited
on thenewroadandcontrolledto reducethepotentialfor vehicleaccidentsand
injuryto pedestrians.

Local Communityand Services

Thepresentforecastfor thelocalconstruction
workforceneedsis approximately
400. Thebreakdownof skillsrequiredis providedin Section5.1.1.

A numberof impactscan be anticipated, dependingon theavailabilityof these

workersin thelocalarea. If mostworkerscanliveat homeandbe busedto the
site,minimaleffectsare anticipated.However,if theworkersare not available
and there is an influxof peoplefromotherareas,considerablestresscan be
placedon theexistingcommunities andtheirservices.Forexample,therecould
be pressureput on housingneeds,medicalservicesand schools(if families
movewiththeworkers).Oftendisruptive behaviourcanoccurduringnonworking

At the presenttime, it is unknownif the workforcecan be met fromthe local

area. It will be necessaryto undertakea labourforcesurveyto determinethe
localavailabilityof the requiredtrades.If the labourneedscan be met,thenno
furtherwork is required. It the needscannotbe met, it will be necessaryto
undertakean inventoryof housingavailability, schooling,etc. anda construction
socialimpactplanmaybe required.Itis mostprobablethatthelabourers willbe
availablelocally,but some of the skilledtradesmenwill come fromthe rest of
Ghana,and housingwill be required. If it is assumedthat thereare 193 in-
movers(halftheGhanaianworkforce)and theylocatein Sekondi-Takoradi area,
this would only representan increaseof approximately0.3% in the town's
population.It is mostprobablethatthis wouldnot presenta significantsocial
impact. However,furtherinvestigations are requiredto confirmthis assertion.

It isat presentexpectedthattheexpatriate labourforcevill be approximately 75.

Forthe initialmobilization, thisnumberwouldbe potentially25,and theywould
be housedin motels/hotels inSekondi-Takoradi.Temporary constructionhousing
is to be establishedto accommodate the supervisorystaff. Thesewouldbe a
priorityitemandwould be availablefor use beforethe full workforceis on site.
A first aidclinicwill be providedso thatpressureis not put on existingfacilities.

Thepermanent townsitewouldbeestablished to houseconstructionsupervisors,
and later,operationsstaff. Generally,the townsitewoulddependon Sekondi-
Takoradifor health,educationand othersocialfacilities.However,provisionwill
be retainedwithinthe townsitelayoutfor the additionalof someof the above
mentionedfacilities,if Sekondi-Takoradiservicesare unavailable
or insufficient.

5.2 Operations Phase

Thissectiondescribesthe mainoperationalfeaturesof theplantandthen identifiesthe

effectsof theoperation.Mitigationmeasures

5.2.1 Operational Characteristics

of the Proposed Plant

It is expectedthat to meetimmediatepowershortages,the first four yearsof the

plant's operation,commencing in 1996.will be at baseload. Thereafterthe plant
mayfunctionin a peakingmodetogetherwith somebaseloaddutyduringperiods
of drought. However,evenduringthe initialyears.plant operationwill be highly
dependenton thehydrological conditionsbeingexperienced at thetime-as a result,
the modeof operationcouldvarywidely. Inyearsof highinflowsto LakeVolla,the
thermalplantcouldbe operatedfor peakingpurposes,with as manyas 200 starts
peryearon eachof the combustionturbines.In periodsof drought,the plantcould
be operatedat fulloutputfortheentireyear.Forhydrological conditionsbetweenthe
two extremes,the plant may operatein a varietyof modesdependingon the
availabilityof othergeneratingunits. Up to 50 startsperyearfor eachof the HRSG
maybe required.As the loaddemandof the systemgrowswith time,the modeof
plant operationis expectedto becomeincreasingly 'baseload'.

A probableyears operationis givenby the followingtable.

Percent Annual Hours of Operation

of Year Duty Days CTGs STGs

40 4 h or less 146 584 0

45 baseload 165 3960 3960

18 h or more

7.5 4 -18 h 27 486 486

7.5 down 27

100 5030 4446

Themaincomponentsof thepowerhouse willbe the combustion turbinegeneration

(CTG)units,heatrecovery steamgenerators (HRSGs), steamturbinegenerator(STG)
unit,auxiliaryequipmentandcontrols.TheCTGs,STGandauxiliaries willbe housed
in a commonbuilding.TheHRSGsand transformers will be locatedoutside.Each
CTGwill be connectedto its owndedicatedHRSG,and a bypasswill be provided
betweeneachCTGand HRSGto facilitateoperationin thesingle-cycle mode. The
STGwill exhaustto a surfacecondenser,whichwill be sea watercooledusinga
once-throughsystem. Coolingfor the CTGswill be ambientair. Therewill be
facilitiesto preventair ingressandinternalcorrosionof theHRSGsand condensate
systemswhenthe steamcycleis not requiredfor generatonoverextendedperiod
(i.e.,nitrogenblanketing).Thenitrogenwill be storedin highpressurecylinders.

Fuelfor the plantwill be deliveredby tankerto an SPMwith an underseapipeline

connectiondirectlyto the powerplant. Threeoil storagetankseachof 36 000 m3
capacity,willbe providedat theplant. A separatefuel oilpumphouseandtreatment
facilitywill containthe equipmentto cleanthe fuel and pumpit to the combustion
turbines.Therewill be a systemto transferwastesfromthetreatmentprocessto an
oil sludgestoragetank. Waterwill be separatedfrom thisand all oilywastes,and
wasteoil, and sludgeswhichcannotbe reusedwill be incinerated.

Freshwateris requiredfor the potablewatersystem,the servicewatersystem,fire

protectionandthe demineralizedwatersystem.Freshwaterfortheplantwill initially
be suppliedfromthe existingtnchaban- Aboadze150 mmwaterlineat a raLenot to
exceed378500 Ud. It willbe treatedwith chlorineif necessary,
andstoiedin fresh
waterholdingtanks. An analysisof thewatersupplyis providedin Section5.1.1.

The long-termfreshwatersupplyfor the plantwill be providedby a desalination

plant, capableof generatingapproximately 1150m3/d (300000 US gal/d). The
desalinafionplant will obtain water from the cooling water systemwhen it is
operational.Priorto installation
of thecoolingwaterintakea seriesof boreholesmay
be developedto supplythedesalination plant- Emissioncontrolequipmentfor NO,
is dependanton the availabilityof waterfromthe desalinafionplant. No emission
.controlwill be possiblepriorto desalination

Wastewater willbe generatedfromhumansources,boilerblowdownfromtheHRSGs

and other operationsat the plant. Therewill be a completepackagedsewage
treatment facilityandlagoonsortanksfortreatingthe HRSGchemicalcleaningwater.
All wastetreatmentsystemseffluentwill be dischargedthrougha commonoutfall
pipe. Thedischargepointwill initiallybe to a feederstreamof the Anankwari
but will be directedto the CWoutfalltunneluponits completion.

In additionto the mainfeaturesof the planttherewill be maintenance
servicingvehicles,and plantmechanical and electricalequipment. Housingwill be
provided for the permanentsupervisoryoperating staff. This will include
approximately 75 housesandguesthousescapableof accommodating 12 people.
Townsiteserviceswill be providedas notedin Section5.1.2.5.

5.2.2 PredictedEffectsand ProposedMitigation

Duringthe Operationof the Plant Atmospheric Environment

Air Quallty
Themajorityof air emissionswill resultfromboth the burningof fuelfor power
generation,while intermittentemissionswill originate from the waste oil
incinerator.The plantwill operatewith light crudeoil as the principalenergy
sourcewith provisionto alsousedistillatefueloil. Futureoperations
naturalgas if a dependablesupplybecomesavailable.

Thecharacteristics of a numberof availablelight crudeoils (Nigerian,Algerian,

Angola and Yemen)are presentedin Table5.2, while the specificationsfor
distillatefuel are givenin Table5.3. Thefuel selectedfor use in the planthas
beenspecifiednot to exceed0.2%sulphur,andas can be seenin Table5.2the
sulphurcontentof the light crudesbeingconsideredfor operationof the plant
is lessthan 0.2%,and couldbe as lowas 0.1%.

Majorenvironmental effectshavearisenfrom air emissionsfromthermalplants

in thepast.Theseeffectsarewellknownandtechnologyis availableto minimize
the effects.Themajoremissionsfromcombustionof fuelsin thermalplantsare
sulphurdioxide,oxidesof nitrogen(NOx).carbonmonoxideand carbondioxide.
and particulates(whichmaycontainheavymetals).
Table 5.2

Characteristicsof AvailableLight Crude

CRUDE BonnyLight BraceR"e Escrave Forcadd Mahlb 0O0-OST Paanca ua Nigera Sar an Wend
COUNTRY OFORIGIN Ngeria Niaeria NigerIa Nigoria Yemcn Nigera Angb Ngeria Algerba
YEAROFASSAWATA BANKNO. 1073 4014411502 87115 118 401677 1095 4711221592 471830 19O 401741U
t90o 471714 1001 49178691075 4014218
rav1ty.API 34.50 l40.10 3520 30.50 -in11
42.10 -943-8 30 3- .40 44
Specific GrvIly 0.8524 0.8240 0.0488 0.8731 0.e11e 0 7938 0.8304 0.1621 0.3026
OIstillation. C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F
S% VolRecovred 23 74 la 58 60 140 41 105 15 69 17 63 40 121 51 124 27 so
l0 101 213 71 160 67 189 111 232 62 144 46 11e at 173 77 171 10 139
20 151 303 107 224 132 270 177 350 97 206 01 195 123 263 123 253 - 209
30 202 396 146 299 lei 357 117 441 123 263 113 236 178 352 170 338 133 271
40 246 474 192 373 222 431 Z62 604 164 328 144 291 225 637 219 427 166 331
S0 2bJ 536 242 468 2le 502 294 661 207 405 176 353 272 522 266 S10 206 403
60 316 696 261 537 305 51 332 629 255 491 235 455 322 612 307 S5S 264 489
FleshPoint. -16 -.I N/A N/A N/A -15 -10 WA -18
FlashPoint.Tag.F 0 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 0 N/A 0
Pour Point. Upper.C -1 -4 4 4 5 12 0 13 -54
Pour Podnt,Upper,F 30 25 40 25 23 6s 32 55 -s
Viscosity.KinemalleISC( SOF),eS 5.40 3.62 7.02 11.10 3.67 2.20 8.21 WA 2.78
Viscosity,Kinemtlic 40C (104F).cS 3.52 2.23 3.50 5.13 2.16 1.44 3.20 3.08 1.82
Viscosity 500(122F).cS
Kinematic 3.03 1.00 2.89 2.46 1.32 1.25 2.67 WA 1.57
CarbonResidue.% Wt(CCR) 1 0.7 1.25 1.2 0.91 0.14 0.75 1 0.79
AnilinePoint. C 6s 6S N/A N/A N/A e5 N/A WA e6
Aniline Point, F 149.2 143.5 N/A 0.18 N/A 143.3 N/A NWA i15
Sullur. WI 0.122 0.093 0.14 N/A 0.09 0.042 0.12 0.12 0.145
'Hydrogen Sulfide, ppm 0 0 10 0.31 N/A 0 WA WA 0
NeutralizationNO, Total Acid (D0643 0.13 0.15 N/A N/A 0.17 0.15 0.06 0.30 O.os
Water and Sediment.% Vd. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WIA N/A
*Salt contont.Ibe/10009 1 4.2 36 N/A N/A 1.6 20 N/A a
Reld VaporPreurtc. lbs. 5.3 7.3 1.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.2 6.4
Nitrogen.Tdal, ppm 000 490 N/A N/A 700 170 00 6093 310
Nickel,ppm 2.7 1.7 3.6 4.6 1.1 0.5 0.2 6 0.15
Vanadium,ppm 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.27 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.25
Copper.ppm 0.55 1.2 N/A N/A N/A 0.0o N/A WA 0.05
Carbon% wt. 67.39 37.11 N/A N/A N/A 33.36 N/A NWA 14.37
Hydrogen,% wt. 13.23 13.63 N/A N/A N/A 13.2 N/A WA 13.26
Carbon/HydrogenRatlo 6.61 6.39 N/A N/A N/A 6.32 WA N/A o0.
*U.O.P. characterizatlonFactor *K 11.6 11.S N/A N/A N/A 11.0 WA NWA I 1.0
Mercury,ppb N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WA WA
1LIghtHydroeaubon analysis Wt l Vol % Wt % Vd % Wt % Wt
Vol St Vol % Wt % Vo % Wt W Vol WVA % Vd % Wt % Vd 6Wt 6 Vd
Ethaneand lighter 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.04 0.6 0.11 0.24 0 0 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.06 0 0
Propane 0.3 0.60 0.55 0.39 0.26 0.43 0.28 0.43 0.23 0.36 0.44 0.09 0.25 0.44 0.3 0.49 0.36 0 56
iSO-Butane 0.31 0.67 0.64 0.04 0.22 0.33 0.31 0.43 0.41 0.59 0.U3 1.25 0.22 0.33 0.2e 0.41 0.30 0.43
N-Butans 0.62 0.90 1.30 1.34 0.53 0.S6 0.S3 0.70 2.11 2.03 2.04 2.77 0.03 1.33 0.37 1.25 1.79 2.46
C4 and lighter 1.27 1.06 2.56 3.81 1.1 1.60 1.23 1.00 2.75 3.33 3.83 6.73 1.44 2.13 1.47 2.21 2.46 3.46
ISO-Pentans 0.71 0.07 1.42 1.U6 0.66 0.30 0.63 0.23 1.37 1.73 2.40 3.OS 0.34 1.12 0.34 1.13 1.36 1.75
N-Pentans 0.66 0.30 1.30 1.70 o.6s 0.87 0.52 0.71 1.72 2.21 2.31 2.91 1.26 1.67 0.02 1.22 2.61 3.41
TotalCS 1.37 1.30 2.72 3.58 1.31 1.67 1.16 1.60 3.00 3.00 4.72 5.96 2.11 2.70 1.70 2.36 4 04 5.16
CS and llghter 2.64 3.83 5.20 7.30 2.41 3.46 2.31 3.50 5.e4 7.38 6.10 10.7 3.56 4.03 3.23 4.57 e6.s0 363
-may ob Iniluenced by mannerow amp ng nd sampls hmnnl -Einimngd
Table 5.3

Distillate Fuel Specification

(Fuel ClassiiicationASTM D28802 GT)

Property Limits Method.
Flash Point Greater than 38C D93
Pour Point D97
KinematicsViscosity Not greaterthan 4.1 cSt (60 US) at D445/D
Thermal Stability Not to exceed Class 2 classification D1661
Specific Gravity Not greaterthan 0.88 D1298
Water and Sediment Not greaterthan 0.05% by volume D1796
Sulphur Not greaterthan 0.2%
Ash Not greater than 0.01% by weight D482
Trace Elements Sodiumplus potassium--notgreater
than 0.5 ppm by weight

morethan 0.5ppm by

Calcium--notmore than 0.5 ppm by


Lead--not more than 0.5 ppm by

Table 5.4

Operational and Emission

Characteristics of Various CTGs

OeneralElectric Westinahoume Semews ASB

DryLow Standard Low NO, Standard DryLOWNO LowNO, Low NO,
NO. Burnet withWaler withsteam with wate withwaterwhhwater

Site Condiions
FuelType Oil Oil Oil lI Oil Oil
O(F 60 86(30) 86 (30)
Fuel HeatingValue,
BTUABLHV 18450 18450
ReativeHumidity 6o 60
BarometricPresure, PSLA 14.696 14,696
In-water 42 4.2
In-water 10.6 11.2
injectionFluid None None Water Steam Water Waler Water
GeneratorPowerFactor 0.95 0.85
PSIA 30 30

LoadLevel Base Base

Net Pwr OutplutKW 121110 140570 131470
Heat Rate.BTUJKW.H LHV 10190 9980 11110
ExhaustFlow. LB/HR 3263 3521011 3470052
ExhaustTemperature,IF 1004 1032 1030
Fuel Flow. Lb/Hr 76030 79160
InjectionRate.Lb/Hr 140650 87070
AuxilaryLoad. KW 550 700
InletAir Flow. Lb/Hr 3276533 3276821
Heat hnput.MMBTLHr(LHV) 1402.754 1460.502
InjectionRatio.LBLB 1.85 1.1

ExhaustGas Composnion
(by PCT Vo):
Oxygen 13.9 1227 1229
Carbon Dioxide 4.17 4.42 4.71
Water 5.48 12.70 10.73
Nitrogen 75.56 69.72 71.37
Argon 0.85 0.88 0.90

@15%02 & ISO 160 241 42 42 42 S6ppm 42 ppm
NO.. Lb/Hr 827.9 1247 220 229
CO.PPMVD 10 50 90
CO.LblHr 30 158 284
S02, PPMVD - 11 12
S02. Lb/Hr 78 82
H2S04 Mist,Lb/Hr - 12A 12.9
UHC.PPMVD 7 10 20
UHC,Lb/Hr 13 18 36
Table 5.4

Operational and Emission

Characteristics of Various CTGs - 2

General Electric Wesilnahouse Siemens ABE

DryLow Standard Low NO, Standard DryLow NO, Low NO, Low NO.
NO3 Burner withWalsr with seam with wate wth waterwth water

VOC,Lb/Hr 18 9
TSP& PM-10,Lb/Hr
(exclH25(4) 14 50.8 51.6
Opacity% 20 20

1. Net poweroutputIs powerat the generatortermial minusthe auxiliaryloads.
2. Thu fueloNcompositionis 86.425%C, 13.5%H. 0.5%S. 0.01%Asb and is mumed to contain cO.015% FBN
3. Pat loads are achievedby modulatingIGVsandwe basedon percentol unrestrictedCT. output.
4. Thegross powerlimitIs 169000KW.

Sulphurdioxidehasbeendirectlylinkedto acidrain,whichhasbeenresponsible
for alteration of certain aquatic ecosystems,damage to vegetation,and
deteriorationot buildingmaterials.Sulphurdioxideis alsodetrimentalto health,
as It is knownto aggravateasthma,lung and heartdisease.

CarbondioxideIs one of the 'greenhouse'gasesand IncreasedlevelsIn the

atmosphere havebeenlinkedto globalwarming.It Is notpossibleto predictthe
exactcontributionof specificemissionsto these globalconcerns. However,
of theiremissionshouldbe the goalof any project.

Oxidesof nitrogenareoneof theingredientsIn photochemical smog,and high

levelsof NOx are thoughtto increasethe risk of respiratorydiseasesand
contributeto heart,lung,liverand kidneydamageandeye irritation.HighNOx
levelsalsocausedamageto vegetation.

Highparticulateemissionscan be detrimentalto vegetation,be responsiblefor

health problems (especiallyto the respiratorytract) and are aesthetically
displeasing,causingdepositson buildings,etc.

To assessthe potentialimpactof a newsourceof emissionson air quality,two

approachesare employed.Emissioncriteriaor guidelines,specifyupperlimits
foractualor potentialemissionof contaminants at thepointof discharge.These
criteriaare usuallyexpressedastheweightor volumeof pollutantsdischarged
overa givenperiodof timeor unitof energyconsumed.Airqualityobjectivesor
guidelinesproviderecommendations tar theoverallcharacteristics
of ambientair,
taking into accountall existingand new sources. Theyserveto verifythat
ambientair qualityis acceptable(i.e., not healthor life-threatening)and that
emissions,aftercontrol,dilutionor dispersion,remainwithinspecificlimitsat or
near ground level. Thesecriteriaare generallyexpressedas the weight of
contaminantin a givenvolumeof air or othermedian(i.e.,concentration).

Applicableair qualityobjectivesor guidelines,and emissioncriteria,havebeen

assembledandarepresented in Tables2.1and2.3respectively. Thecriteriaare
assembledfrom guidelinespublishedby the World Bank, and applicable
regulationsin effect in the USAand Canada. Guidelinesconcerningpower
stationemissionswereobtainedin draftformfromthe EPChowever,Ghanaat
thistime has no formalregulationsfinalized.

At this pointtheequipmentselectionand finaldesignfor theplanthas nottaken

place,hencea detailedpredictionof the emissionsfrom the plantcannotbe
provided. However the emission characteristics(including operating
requirements,performanceand exhaustgas composition)of commercially
availableCTGs from a varietyof potential suppliers have been obtained
(Table5.4) In an effortto determinea worsecase scenario.The CTGshave
been selectedto covera rangeof potentialtechnologies,includingemission
controls(primarilyrelatedto NOxcontrolwhich,is of primaryconcern).

A series of potentialscenarioswere evaluated in order to develop the

forthe plant. Thesespecifications
will be quotedin
thetenderdocuments, andarestatedin Table2.4. Thepurposeof thefollowing
discussionis to indicate that the specificationsoutlined are reasonable.
achievableand environmentallyacceptable.

Basedon a 300MWplant,theworstcaseemissionswhichwouldbe discharged

from twostandarduncontrolled
CTGsare predictedto be as follows.

Hourly Mean CombinedCycle

Rate of Tonnes/ EmissionDischarge
Discharge Day Concentrationsat Stack
(ng/J) (mg/nm)

S02* 92.8 5.8 63.6

NOx 447.0 22.40 297.5
cO 10.4 0.50 7.2
Particulate 4.9 0.25 3.3

* Based
onfuel contining0.2%sulphur.

Theseemissionsmeetthecriteriaoutlinedin Section2, withtheexceptionof the

NO.. The sourceemissionof NO, for the plant in the amountof 447ng/J is
in excessof thegenerallyacceptedcriteriaof 130ng/J.

Notwithstanding the achievedemissionrates,the contributionto ambientair

qualityshouldstill meetthe objectives
set out in Table2.1. Ambientair quality
is dependenton the existingbackgroundin the areaof impingement and must
considerpotentialcontributionsfromotherdevelopments, in additionto those
expectedfromthe newsource.At Aboadzeno developments otherthanthe

proposedpowerplantarein placeat thistime. Background information

was not
availablefor this analysis,although steps have been Initiated to obtain
meteorologicaland air qualitydatafor subsequentevaluations.

The OntarioRegulation308 Air DispersionModelwas utilizedto determine

maximumgroundlevelconcentrations (GLC)of thevariouspollutants.Themodel
was developedto uselimiteddata,andconsidersonlymixingdueto windunder
slightly unstable conditions. The model provides peak ground level
concentrations for a 0.5h period,undertwo atmosphericstabilityclasses(C
beingrelativelystable,D beingslightlyunstable).ThemaximumGLCis specified
in terms of distancefrom the source,and the prevailingwind speed which
createsthis condition.Thewindspeedsthat areevaluatedby themodelrange
from2.235mIs to 18.235mJs,withthe modelperformingprogressive iterations
at 0.5m/s intervals,untilthecombinationof windspeedand distance(fromthe
source)whichprovidesthe maximumGLCis determined.Eachpollutantwas
evaluated,withvariousstackheights.Themajorpollutantsof concem.NOxand
SO2 are discussedseparatelybelow.

NOxContributionto Ambient Conditions

As discussedabove,NO, emissionsfrom a plantwithoutcontrolexceedsthe
guidelinessubstantially.Modellingwas undertakento determineif ambientair
qualitycriteriacouldstill be metwith increasedstackheights.

The modelwas used to predictmaximumGLCsof NO, at a varietyof stack

heights,underboth stabilityclasses,during both combinedcycle (175 0C) and

bypass(1100C) modesof operation. The resultsof these modelruns are

presentedinAppendixE (tablesandfiguresE2.1).Extrapolation to 1 h.24 h and
annualaverageNOxconcentration for variousstackheightsarealsopresented.
Modelpredictionsunderthevariousoperational regimesandstabilityclassesfor
stack heightsranging from 40 to 120m are summarizedand presentedin
Table5.5for combinedcycleoperation.Thismodeof operationprovidesworst
caseconditionsin termsof plumedispersion(i.e..lowertemperature17S7C) than

Comparisons of theuncontrolled emissionrates(Table5.5)with criteriaspecified

in Table2.3.indicatethatNO,emissions wouldexceedapplicableguidelinesby
approximately a factor of 3.5. Modelpredictionsof maximumground level
concentration (0.5h peak),andsubsequent extrapolation
to 1 h. 24 h andannual
averagesindicatethattheguidelinecan be metfor averageannualgroundlevel
Table 5.5

PredictedEmissionsof NO, and Subsequent

Operation- 175°C)
Ground LevelConcentrations(Combined-Cycle
Predlctlon/ Maxlmum Distanceof Wind Velocity
Control Emission Stack Stability Measurement Ground Level MaximumGLC Providing
Option Rate Helght Class Interval Concentration' from Source Max GLC
[(gm/s)/(ng/J)l (m) (ug/M3) (m) (m1Js)

Uncontrolled 314.24/447 40 C 0.5-hpeak 198.1 979 18.235

(2 CTGs) 1-haverage 163.2
24-hraverage 67.0
Annualmean 57.4

40 D 0.5-hpeak 162.6 2 337 18.235

1-haverage 133.9
24-haverage 55.0
Annualmean 47.2

80 C 0.5-hpeak 98.9 1952 10.235

1-h average 81.5
24-haverage 33.5
Annualmean 28.7

variationwith averagingtimeapproawhas pet Fundamenlais

To obtainthe I h, 24.h, and annualaveragethe 1/2.h peaksarefactoredusirg the concentratfion
odAir Pollution,AcademicPress.Inc. SectionVI,page296' tot the I-h and 24-hvalue andusingthe ratio of wind frequency forthe annualmean.
Table 5.5
PredictedEmissionsof NO, and Subsequent
Ground LevelConcentrations(Combined-CycleOperation- 1756C)

Predlction/ Maximum Distanceof Wind Velocity

Control Emisslon Stack Stability Measurement GroundLevel MaximumGLC ProvIding
Option Rate Height Class Interval 1
Concentration from Source Max GLC
[(grn/s)/ngIJ)] (m) 3)
(pg/m (m) (M/s)

Uncontrolled 314.24/447 80 D 0.5-hpeak 64.8 4921 14.235

(2 CTGs) 1-haverage 53.4
24-haverage 21.9
Annualmean 18.8

120 C 0.5-hpeak 66.5 3042 6.735

1-h average 54.8
24-h average 22.5
Annualmean 19.3

120 D 0.5-hpeak 36.7 7762 11.235

1-h average 30.2
24-haverage 12.4
Annualmean 10.6

Drylow NOx 209.2/296.8 60 C 0.5-hpeak 88.0 1422 13.735

burner 1-h average 72.5
(2 CTGs) 24-haverage 29.8
Annualmean 25.5
Table 5.5
PredlctedEmissionsof NO, and Subsequent
Ground LevelConcentratlons(Combined-CycleOperation 175'C)

Prediction/ Maximum Dlstanceof Wind Velocity

Control Emission Stack Stability Measurement GroundLevel MaximumGLC Providing
Interval 1
Concentration from Source Max GLC
Option Rate Helght Class
(Mg/m (m) (PAs)
[(gmfs)/ng/J)l (m)

Drylow NOx 209.2/296.8 60 D 0.5-hpeak 64.7 3242 18.235

burner 1-h average 53.3
(2 CTGs) 24-haverage 21.9
Annualmean 18.8

80 C 0.5-hpeak 65.9 1952 10.235

1-haverage 54.3
24-haverage 22.3
Annualmean 19.1

80 D 0.5-hpeak 43.1 4921 14.235

1-haverage 35.5
24-haverage 14.6
Annualmean 12.5

120 C 0.5-hpeak 44.3 3042 6.735

1-haverage 36.5
24-haverage 15.0
Annualmean 12.8
Table 5.5
of NO, and Subsequent
Ground Level Concentratlons
Operation- 175C)
Emission Predictlon/
Option Stack Stabillty Maxlmum
Rate Measurement Dlstanceof
Height Class Ground Level WindVelocity
[(gm/s)/ng/J)l Interval Maxlmum GLC
(m) Concentration' Providing
from Source
(g/rm3) MaxGLC
Cry lowNO, (rms)
burner 120 D 0.5-hpeak
(2 CTGs) 24.4
1-haverage 7760 11.235
Low NOxwith 7.1
waterInjection 50 C 0.5-hpeak
(2 CTGs) 27.6
1-haverage 1176 16.235
50 D 0.5-hpeak
1-haverage 2778 18.235
80 C 0.5-hpeak
1-haverage 1952 10.235
Table 5.5
Predlcted Emissionsof NO, and Subsequent
Ground Level Concentrations(Combined-CycleOperation- 175"C)

Predlctlon/ Maxlmum Dlstanceof Wind Velocity

Control Emisslon Stack Stability Measurement Ground Level MaxlmumGLC Providing
Optlon Rate Helght Class Interval Concentratlonl from Source MaxGLC
((gmls)fngIJ)] (m) (g/m3 ) (m) (mIs)

LowNOxwith 54.6/77.9 80 D 0.5-hpeak 11.3 4921 14.235

waterinjection 1-haverage 9.3
24-haverage 3.8
Annualmean 3.3

100 C 0.5-hpeak 13.8 2548 7.735

1-haverage 11.4
24-haverage 4.7
Annualmean 4.0

100 D 0.5-hpeak 8.2 6810 11.735

1-haverage 6.8
24-haverage 2.8
Annualmean 2.4

Uncontrolled 157.121223.5 40 C 0.5-hpeak 99.0 979 18.235

(1 CTG) 1-h average 81.5
24-haverage 33.5
Annualmean 28.7

40 D 0.5-hpeak 81.3 2337 18.235

1-haverage 67.0
24-haverage 27.5
Annualmean 23.6

concentration(100ug/m3 ), however,groundlevelconcentrations duringshorter

periodsof time (0.5and 1 h averages)generallyexceedthisvalue,especiallyat
stackheightsof lessthan 60 - 75 m. Thepreferredstackheight(dueto cost,
aestheticand other considerations)was 40 ±5 m. At that height,predicted
groundlevelconcentrations froman uncontrolledplant,at C stabilityconditions
(theworstcase)areas follows

- annual mean 58 pg/M3

- 0.5 h peak 3
198 pg/rM
- 1 h average 163 pg/m3
- 24 h average 67 pg/M3

Considerable concernwasexpressed byADBprojectappraisalstaffwithrespect

to theseemissionsandprojectedgroundlevelconcentrations.Considering the
potentialfor a futuredevelopmentof a similarsize,and the needto maintain
provisionfor contributionsfromother sources,it was recommended that the
stationcontributionnot exceed1/3 of the total, and preferablybe less than
3 . Underthe worstcasescenario,
10 ug/im a 1/3contribution( =30fg/m3) would
requirea stack heightof 80 m. It was thereforedecidedto investigateother
optionsas well.

HighNOxlevelsare producedfromcombustionat extremely hightemperatures.

To controlNO, emissionsboth dryandwet techniqueshavebeenused. Both
thesetechnologieswereinvestigatedto ascertaintheirfeasibilityfor usein this

Whilereviewingavailabletechnology,it becameapparentthat dry 'LO NO,'

burners have been developed,and are in widespreaduse for gas fired
installations,achievingemissionratesof aslowas 5%of thosenowpredictedfor
the oil firedequipment.Althoughdry 'LO NOX'burnersfor oil firingare in some
stageof development and mostmanufacturers indicatethatprototypeunitsare
being investigated, thereis no manufacturer at thistime preparedto indicatea
definiteschedulefor the availabilityof these new burners,nor identifythe
obtainableemissionvalues. Publisheddata from researchpapersdo however
indicatepotentialreductionsto approximately 2/3 of the presentemissionlevels.
Further reductioncan be achievedby injecting steam or water into the
combustionzone, which satisfactorilymodifiesthe NO. generationand in
conjunction withsophisticated
computerized control,achievesa levelof emission
well belowthe allowableemissioncriteria.However,the presentlevelof control

achievedby dry 'LO NO.' burnersis marginal,as reflectedin the values

presentedin Table5.4.

Considering thatdry'LO NOx'burnerswillbecomeavailableat a laterdateItwas

invesligatedwhethera temporaryloadreductionwouldachievean emissionrate
a loadreductiondoesproduce
a lowerheatrelease,today'shighefficiencyunitsusemultiburnerarrangements
whichmaintains theflametemperatureandhencelitileorno variationof NOxcan
be achieved.Increasingthe stackheightresultsin a reductionof the ground
level concentrationbut does not producea reductionof the emission. To
a totalof four (4) stacks.

Theothertechnologyfor NO. controlandthe onebeingcurrentlyusedat a few

oil fired plantsthroughoutthe world,involvesinjectionof freshwaterinto the
burners.Considerable quantitiesofwaterarerequired(i.e.,wateris addedin the
ratioof .5 to 1.8 kg per kg of luel burned). Basedon a fuel consumptionof
25 000to 30 000kg/hper turbinethiswouldrequirea watersupplyof 25 000to

Additional model runs were undertakenutilizing emission characteristics

(Table5.4)of thoseCTGsemployingNOxcontrolwitheitherdrylowNOxburners
or with waterinjection. The predictedemissionratesand groundlevelNOx
concentrations for similaroperatingconditionsandstackheightsare presented
in Table5.5. Modelruns for interveningstack heightsand bypassmodeof
operationare presentedin AppendixE (tablesand figuresE2.1).

Emissionratesfor the dryNOXcorirolsystemareestimatedat 297 ngJJ.These

still exceedthe WorldBankguidelinesby a factorof overtwo. To achievethe
recommended ambientGLCsthestackheightwould still haveto considerably
exceed40 m (AppendixE).

Forwaterinjection,the emissionrateof 77.9ng/J falls considerablyunderthe

guidelines.AmbientGLCswith a 40 m stackare considerably less than with
eitherthe uncontrolledor dry Noxcontrolcondition,and areas follows

- annualmean 10.0pg/M3
- 0.5peak 3
- 1 h average 28.3pg/M3

- 24 h average 11.6pg/mr3

Howevertheselectionof thisoptionwouldrequirethata constant,reliablesource

of waterfor Injectionbe located.Theavailabilityof a freshwatersupplyat the
proposedsitewas Investigated.

Thesitewas selectedfor Itsproximityto theoceanto provideaccessto cooling

waterfor thecondensers of thesteamturbine.However,thefreshwatersupply
is at presentlimitedto a singlesource,that Is a supplyfromthe GhanaWater
and SewerageCorporation(GWSC)at Inchabanin the amountof 100000 gfd
(378.5m3/d). GWSCprovidesabout 300000 g/d of municipalwater to the
villagesof Aboadzeand Aboesi,of which 100000g/d could potentiallybe
assignedto thenewplant. Noadditionalwateris at thistimeavailablefromthis
source,whichis knownto be erraticduringdry periods.Hydrologicdata is not
adequateto allowconfirmation of the overallreliabilityof thissupply.

AlternatewatersourcesaretheRiverPra.about20 kmeachof thesite,or saline

waterfromthe ocean.

Waterfromthe Prais now piped to Takoradifor their municipalwater supply.

Thissupplyis alsoverydependenton the riverflowwhichvariesconsiderably
with the season. To createa secondwatersupplyfrom the Prawould likely
affectthe reliabilityof theTakoradisupplyandwouldnecessitatea newdamor
weir to be built on the RiverPra. Minimally,this wouldrequirean intakefor a
pumpingstation,anda 20 km pipelineto the plant. Its dependabilitycouldnot
be assuredwithoutcreationof an adequatestoragereservoir.

A desalination plantusingseawaterwouldmeettherequirements (a highgrade

of purity) of water for injection. A nominalplant of 300 000 g/d, would be
required,equivalent to approximately47 500kglh,whichwouldrepresentawater
injectionrateof 1 kg/kgat a fuel flow of approximately
28 000 kg/h per unit. It
would also requireother systemcomponentsconsistingof seawaterpumps,
additionalpumphousespace,reverseosmosisunits (completewith theirfeed
systemscomprisingpumps,filters,pipingsystems,etc.)and an increaseto the
proposeddemineralizers to handlethelargerwaterflow.

Fromtheabovediscussionit isthenrecommended that NOxcontrolbe installed

at theproposedTakoradiThermalPlant.Thetechnologyto be usedisthewater

Injectionsystem. To ensurea constant and adequalewatersupplya desalination

plant will be built.

In order to salisty the requirementso1the lenders(financiers)for Ihe project, four

separatepackageshave been developed,related to combustionturbines,steam
turbine, transmissionand housing. This has resulted in assignment of the
desalinationplant to the STGpackage, as both require a seawater supply. The
end resulto1this Is a scheduling problemin that the first combustionturbine will
operate for 3 - 6 monthswithout NOxemission control (potentially6 - 12 months
or more If delaysoccur In the awarding of the STG contract). Giventhat only one
unit will be operational,ground level concentrationswill be reduced fromthat with
two units, and is shown in Table 5.5 (i.e., uncontrolled one CTG opertion),
however,the emission rate will still exceed applicable guidelines. Although not
a favourablesituation, It is felt that approval for temporaryoperation should be
granted, to allow the plant to opcrate before the long-term water supply is

Temporaryoperationof both CTGswill exceed emission criteria, and may result

in ground level concentrations up to the maximt5,, allowed (annual average
<100 PgIm 3 , 24-h average<200 pg/r 3). As ambientwind speeds in the project
area (AppendixA) are quite low, two model runs were undertaken,representing
one and two unit uncontrolledCTGoperation,to provide preliminaryinformation
conceming the potential point of impingementof the plume under light wind
conditions. The results of those runs are presented graphicallyin Appendix E,
FiguresE2.1(a2) and E2.1(a3). As shown,plume impingementis expectedto be
a considerable distance downwind (beyond 10 km) under those conditions.
MaximumambientGLC undertwo unit operationis predictedto be approximately
70 pg/M3 , which is below the 100 pg/M 3 annual average criteria. One unit
operation would more closely approximatethe GLC goals previouslydescribed
(30 - 35pg/m 3 ).

Howeverambient conditions will be monitored,and should testing reveal GLCs

in excess of the maximum allowed, then it would be recommendedthat the
second CTG not be allowed to operate until the water supply from the
desalinationplant is availableto provide NOx control for both units.

Thus the desalinationplant should be placed on the critical path within the STG
contract,as it hasa significantimpact on the plant's abilityto producepowerand
meet emission standards. Groundwaterfrom a series of boreholesmay be able

to providea temporarywatersupplyfor the desalinationplant. Emissionswith

waterinjectionwill meetthe applicablestandardslistedin Table2.3, and are
presentedIn termsof a first orderapproximation
In Table2.4.

S02 Contributionto Amblent Conditions

As previouslynoted,predictionsof sulphurdioxideemissionsarebasedon oil of
0.2%sulphur,whichunderworstcaseconditionsresultsin an emissionrateof
67.0gm/s(92.8ng/J),for an expectedtotalof 5.8 tonnes/d,whichIs wellbelow

Subsequent groundlevelconcentrations
havealsobeenmodelled, undervarious
stackheights(40,80 and 120m). for bothstabilityclassesin orderto evaluate
potentialnegativeimpacts. Model runs are summarizedIn Table 5.6 and
presentedin moredetailin AppendixE (SectionE2.2).

Thepredictedannualaveragegroundlevelconcentration, with a 40 m stack.

variesfrom10.1to 12.3ug/m at D and C stabilityclasses,respectively.The
WorldBankrecommends thattheannualaveragegroundlevelconcentration not
exceedthe ambientbackgroundconcentration by more than 10 - 50 ug/m3,
dependingon theexistinglevelof S02 pollutionat theproposedsite(unpolluted
siteallowedan increaseof 50 ug/m3, whilemoderately highto verypollutedsites
allowedanincreaseof no morethan10 ug/m). Althoughmonitoring of ambient
sulphurdioxidelevelshasbeeninitiated,no datahasyetbeenobtainedin order
to provideadditionalinputto this topic. It is howeverlikelythat ambientlevels
arelow,henceanincreasecloserto 50 ug/m3 . couldbe tolerated.Thepredicted
increaseis well belowthis limit.

It has beenspecifiedthat the actualfuel usedby the plantwill havea sulphur

contentof 0.2%or less,as shownin Tables52 and 5.3. Currentinformation
indicatesthatdistillatefuel (thealternative
fuelfor the plant)willbe regulatedto
a 0.2% sulphurcontent by the year 1995,within the EuropeanEconomic
Community (EEC),whichwouldbe primaryconsumerandmostlikelysupplierof
a fuel of this type. A final factor is that presentforecastsof the long-term
operational regimeof the plantindicatethattheplantwilloperatein the orderof
40%of its life,withapproximately 45%of thatoperationon combinedcycle.The
plantis howeverexpectedto operateat, or nearbaseload (85%operation)for
thefirst fouryearsof its life. Useof this low sulphurfuel wouldsubstantially
reduceemissions.Thus,it appearslikelythatthe averageannualincrementto
groundlevelconcentrations wouldbe approximately 10 ug/m3 or less.
Table 5.6

Predicted Emissions of SO2 and

(basedon 0.2%sulphur)
Prediction/ Maximum Distanceof Wind Veloctty
Control Emisslon Stack Stabillty Measurement Ground Level MaximumGLC Providing
Option Rate Height Class Interval Concentration from Source Max GLC
(gmIs) (m) (VglnI) (m) (mis)

Uncontrolled 67.1 40 C 0.5-hpeak 42.3 979 18.235

1-haverage 34.8
24-haverage 14.3
Annualmean 12.3

D 0.5-hpeak 34.7 2337 18.235

1-haverage 28.6
24-haverage 11.7
Annualmean 10.1

80 C 0.5-hpeak 21.1 1952 10.235

1-h average 17.4
24-haverage 7.1
Annualmean 6.1
Table 5.6
Predlcted Emisslonso1SO2 and
SubsequentGround LevelConcentrations
(basedon 0.2%sulphur)

Predlction/ Maximum Distanceof Wlnd Velocity

Control Emission Stack Stabillity Measurement Ground Level MaximumGLC Providing
Optlon Rate Height Class Interval Concentration from Source Max GLC
(gm/s) (m) (pg/M3 ) (m) (rmis)

67.1 D 0.5-hpeak 13.8 4921 14.235

1-haverage 11.4
24-h average 4.7
Annualmean 4.0

120 C 0.5-hpeak 14.2 3041 6.735

1-haverage 11.7
24-haverage 4.8
Annualmean 4.1

D 0.5-hpeak 7.8 7760 11.235

1-h average 6.4
24-haverage 2.6
Annualmean 2.3

Other Emisslons
GuidelinesfortheTakoradiThermalPlanthavenotbeensetfor particulate matter
or opacity.Theseemissions shouldfollowthesamelimitsasset for Canadaand
the UnitedStates. Particulate
emissions,however,are normally nota factorIn
an oil-firedplant.

Emissionsof COandparticulatematterareestimated at 0.54and0.25tonnes/d,

respectively.Initialdispersionmodelruns with a 30 m stack indicatedthat
maximum of 2.5 ug/m3 and <2.0 ug/m3 forCO
0.5 h groundlevelconcentrations
and particulatematter,respectively,
couldbe presentdue to stationoperation.
Theselevelsare notconsideredexcessive and arewellbelowapplicablecriteria.
Dispersionmodeloutput for CO and particulatematterare also providedin
AppendixE (Sections2.3and 2.4,respectively).

Waste Oil Incinerator

An incineratorwill be used to disposeof oil sludgegeneratedfrom the fuel
cleaningoperation.Theexpectedsludgeflow is 3.7tonne/dwhencombustion
turbinesare in operationon baseloaddutymode. Theincineratoris equipped
with auxiliarydiesel oil firingto ensureeffectivecombustion.The unit will be
sizedwitha minimum2 secondresidencetimeto ensurecompleteincineration
at an operatingtemperature of 9500C. Theexhaustgas streamis expectedto be
<500 m3/minif the unit is operatedtwoto three8-h shiftsper week. Exhaust
gaseswill be dischargedat 950mC to atmospherevia a stackwith a discharge
heightto be determinedduringfinaldesign.

Comparedto the continuousemissionsfromthe CTGunits,emissionsfromthe

oil incineration
are minor. Thisunit will be designedto operatein accordance
with the wastestreamflow and the holdingtank capacity. Theincineratorwill
also meetemissioncriteriaspecifiedin Table2.3.

Noise and Vibration

Highnoiselevelscan be associatedwith thefollowingequipment.In particular

- the turbine generatorunits

- exhaust gas from the stacks
- intake for the combustion air system
- air cooling system for the generator
- the powerhousebuilding, generally
- transformers.

High noise levelswithinthe plant Is a healthconcernto the workerswhile

externalnoiseat theplantboundary is adisturbanceto thelocalcommunity.The
WorldBankEnvironmental Guidelines(1988)on noiseindicatethat continuous
noiselevelsabove90 dBAhavedetrimental effectson humanperformance and
thathearinglosscan occurwithprolongedexposuresto noiselevels>70 dBA.
with outdooractivitiesoccurswhennoiselevelsexceed55 dBA.

Whenthe plantis operatingin simplemode(i.e.,whenonlythe CTGunits are

being used), high noiselevelscan occur in the exhaustgas stack. These
exhauststacksmustbe providedwithsilencersbehindtheexhaustgasdiffusers
so Ihat noiselevelsat theplantfencelinecan be reducedto at leasttheWorld
Bank guidelinesof 55 dBA. Whenthe plant is operatingIn combinedcycle
mode, noise levelsfrom the HRSGexhaustgases are lower,however,it is
recommended that this stackis alsofittedwith a silencer.

Veryhighnoiselevels(possibly120dBA)can be generatedfromthecombustion
turbines.Theseunitswillbe placedin acousticalenclosuressuchthatthenoise
levelwill not exceed85 dBAat 1 m from the enclosures.All workersin the
vicinityof this equipmentmustbe trainedin the use of and mustuse hearing

To reducenoiselevelsfromtheair coolingsystems,theair intakesystemforthe

gas turbinecompressorand generatormust be fitted with a silencer. Also
anothersilencermust be placed in the exhaustduct return line of each
combustiongeneratorcooling- air circuit.

Generally,as the equipmentwithinthe powerhousebuildingwill be noisy,the

buildingitselfmustbe cladwith noiseattenuationpanels,suchthatnoiselevels
at the fencelineof the proposedplantwill not exceed55 dBA.

Periodichigh noise levelscould be experiencedfrom such itemsas steam

releasevalves.If theseoccurduringmaintenance
procedures, ratherthanas an
emergency,theyshouldbe timedfor possiblymid day so as to causetheleast
disturbanceto the localcommunity.

Transformers and sometypesof fans,forexample,oftenaresingletonesources

which can cause extremediscomfortto the public. It is recommended that
OntarioHydro'snoiseprotocolbe followedwhichstatesthatthe acceptable
for single tone sourcesis the minimummeasuredambientone hourlyLeq

(equivalent soundlevel)from23:00to 07:00hoursminus5 dB subjectto a lower

limitof 35 dBA.

Once the plant design has been finalizedaccuratenoise levels can be

determined andfurtherattenuation
includedto ensurethatnoiselevels
at the fencelinenot exceed55 dBA.

At present,thereis no informationon the ambientnoiselevelsin the Aboadze

area. Noiselevelswill be determinedprior to construction.The aim of the
projectshouldbe suchthat noiselevelsat sensifivereceptorsshouldnotexceed
theexistingconditions.The mostsensitivereceptorcloseto the planthasbeen
identifiedas the primaryschoolapproximately 300 - 350m to the eastof the
proposedplant fenceline. It the noiseat the fenceline wereat the maximum
allowablelevelof 55 dBA,it can be anticipated
thatafurtherreductionof at least
6 dBA wouldoccurover the distancefrom the fenceline to the school. This
shouldprovideadequateattenuationhowever,noisebarriers,such as earthen
berms,couldbe placedaroundtheboundary,to furtherreducenoiseif ambient
conditionsso warrant. Plantingof treesand shrubson the bermscould be
undertakento furtherdissipatenoise.

Ongoingnoisemonitoringshould continueonce the plant is in operationto

determinewhetherthese noiseobjectivesare met. The tonalcontentof such
equipmentas thetransformers shouldbe examinedto see if thetonallevelsare
beingmet. If noiselevelsexceeddesignspecifications,
remedialactionswill be

Thereshouldbe no significantvibrationsfrom operatingthe CTGunitsor STG

unit for mechanicalreasons.Resonantfrequencies couldoccurin the flue gas
ducts,stacks,etc, whichwouldbe experienced as noiseat theplantboundary.
However,thisshouldnot occurif the mechanicalspecifications outlinedin the
contractdocumentsare followed.

52.22 Selsmic Hazard

The areahas a moderatelevelof seismicitybut thereis no evidencethat anyfaults

are seismically
origin(Crow,1952.).andshouldbe considered to be capableof seismicmovement.
Also,areas 100to 200 km east and southeastof the site are seismicallyactive.
Therefore,the plant should be designedto sustaina moderateseismicevent.

foundedon rock,shouldbe designedfor a seismicfactor(Z) of 0.25In
accordance withthe 1991UnilormBuildingCode.Theoil pipelineandcoolingwater
Intakeanddischargestructuresshouldalso be designedto meetthis seismicrisk.

522.3 Marine Environment

Themajorpotentialimpactsto the aquaticenvironment

willarisefromoil deliveries,
use of once throughcooling water and dischargeof wastewater. These are

(a) Oil
Potentialsourcesof oil spilledinto themarineenvironment
fromoil usageat
theTakoradiThermalPlantmayarisedue to threemainactivities:shipping,
unloadingand transferto shore,and storageon shore.

Predictions weremadeapproximately 10 yearsago (IMCO/IJNEP, 1982)of

the likelihoodof oil spillsin the Westand CentralAfrica(WACAF)Region.
These indicated that, at any time, there could be 126 tankers of
>200 000tonnesdeadweightand 400 tankersaveraging60 000 tonnes
deadweightwith50%of thesebeingfull. Theestimatessuggested1.5spils
eachyearof 1000tonneswithin50 milesof land,and 0.26spillseachyear
of 334tonnesfurtherthan 50 milesfrom land. Between1975and 1980,
therewere10 shippingaccidents,includingthe loss of a fully ladenvessel
(Salem)in 1980.

The proposedthermalplant facility,at full operationalcapacity,will require

260 000tonnesof oil per annum.Thecurrentplanis for thisoil to arrivein
40 000to 120 000-tonne vesselswithanapplicableportionof thetotalvessel
capacityoff-loaded(= 40 000 tonnes)at the plant, duringeach delivery.
Thisthen,is sixor sevenshipsperyearand representsa smallincreasein
riskto the areaas a resultof thisproject.

Thesecondpotentialsourceof oil contamination to the environment arises

fromtheunloadingandtransferof oil fromthetankerto shore-based storage
at theoff-shoreSPM. Smallscalelossesarea commonfeatureof mostoil
handlingoperations(Putnamet al, 1989);hence,some degree of local
contamination is expectedto occur. However,it willbe sporadic,linkedwith
the oil deliveryschedule.Experience in Louisiana,US,whereapproximately

one millionbarrelsof oil per day is receivedin similartypes of facilities,

indicatesthattheSPMis a highlyefficientandsalemeansof transporting oil.

Thesefacilitiesare widelydistributed,and usedby manyoil producingand

consumingcountriesto transleroil. Onemanufacturer In particularhad 198
such terminalsInstalledby 1992. Thismanufacturer recommends that an
auxiliarylaunchassistthetankerwlth mooringand on-boardtransferof the

Spillage/leakage canoccurat disconnect,anddoesoccuralmosteverytime,

if left to the tankercrew. Theamountof spillage/leakage varies,depending
on thesituation,but is generallyat leasta fewbarrels.Oildeliveryshouldbe
dedicatedto one companyor one tankerso that it is in their interestto
undertaketheunloadingin a safeanddiligentmanner.Thedeliverycontract
should be conditionalon the safe deliveryof oil and providethat the
transporterbe financiallyresponsiblefor spillagewhich occurswhen the
deliverylinesare disconnected.A floatingoil boomshouldbe deployedso
as to containleakageduringthe offloadingand disconnectprocess,if no

Thepotentialalsoexistsfor moreseriousaccidentalreleasesat theSPMdue

to failureof thepipeline,themooringbuoyattachmentortransferhose. This
potential can be reduced to near zero with a proper inspectionand
maintenanceschedulefor the buoy,pipelineandtransferhose. A specific
set of regulationsestablishing
theseaconditionsunderwhicha vesselmay
or maynot dock and unloadshouldbe developed.

TheSPMand underwal:rpipelineshouldbe sitedto minimizetheeffectsto

themarineenvironment.As discussedin relationto thedischargeof heated
water,the SPMshouldbe locateddowncurrent of RaoniandSherbrobanks
andmustbe placedin greaterthan12 m of water.To handlethe40 000to
120000tonnetankerswhichareexpectedto be the deliveryvesselfor light
crudeoil, the SPMwill be locatedin waterapproximately
25 m depth.

Shorestoragefacilitiesmustbe designedwith bermsof sufficientheightto

retaintankcapacityshoulda ruptureoccur. Smallscalespillsand leakage
withinthestorageareacanbe retainedandhandledthroughthesumpwithin
the oil storagearea. Efftuentsfromthissumpmustmeetthe criteriaoutlined
in AppendixG.

TheImpactsof spillsand releasesof oil depend,to a largedegree,on the

magnitude,location,and possiblytimeof yearof the release.Forexample,
a largeoff-shorespillwhichmayoccuras a resultof a tankeraccident,could
be dispersedbeforesignificant
environmental Impactscouldoccur.
Ontheotherhand,a smallernear-shore release,suchasthatfroma pipeline
rupture,couldhavesignificanteffectson the coastalarea.

To assistIntheassessment
of impactsassociated withreleases,thepotential
movementof off shoreand coastaloil spillswereevaluated.Accordingto
proceduresIn the GhanaNationalOilSpillContingencyPlan,the rateand
directionof movementof a spill Is a vector (V,) that can be estimated
throughvectoradditionusingthewatercurrentspeedvector(Va)and the
windspeedvector(Vw)multipliedby a correctionfactorof 0.035.

The GhanaNationalOil SpillContingency Planpresentsmeteorology and

theoceanography chartsfortheGulfof Guineaandcoastalwatersof Ghana.
Accordingto thosecharts,the off-shorewatercurrentsare generallyto the
southeastat approximately1.1knotsfromDecemberthroughFebruaryand
to the east at 0.9 to 1.0 knots from March through November. The
predominant windsare fromthe southand southwestwith speedsof 7 to
10 knotsfor mostof theyear. InJune,the predominant windsare fromthe
southat speedsof 11 to 16 knots.

Spillswhich are most likelyto impactthe coastwould be those which

occurredwith the strongeston-shorewindsand the weakestlong-shore
currents.Forthe purposeof estimatingthemovement of spills,the extreme
Juneconditionswereused. Witha 0.9knotcurrentto the eastand16 knot
southerlywind,an oil spillwouldmoveat an approximaterateof 2 km/hto
the northeast.

Spillswhich are most likelyto impactthe off-shoreshrimpfishing and

spawninggroundand Sardinellaspawningand feedinggroundswould be
associatedwith the strongestlong-shoreor off-shorecurrentsand the
weakeston-shorewinds. Toestimatethemovement of a spillimpactingoff-
shoreareas,the extremeJanuaryconditionswereused. Witha currentof
1.1knotsto the southeastand southwesterly windsof 7 knots,an oil spill
would move at an approximaterate of 2 krrmhin an easterlydirection.
Variabilityin the directionand speedof the wind and currentswould,of
course,affectthesepredictedmovements of spills.

Figure5.1 showsthe directionof movementof near-shoreand off-shoreoil

spillsunderthe differentconditionsof wind and watercurrentsevaluated
above. As suggestedby this figure, spills from either the SPM or a
near-shoresource may be transportedrelativelylarge distancesbelore
reachinga coastalzoneor significantoff-shorefisheriesarea. Forexample,
spillsmovingin a northeaster'ydirectionfrom a near-shoresourceor the
SPMmay haveto traversedistancesof over 25 and 75 km, respectively,
beforeencountering a shoreline.Spillsmovingin an easterlydirectionfrom
eitherthe SPMor a near-shore sourcemaynot impingeon a coastalarea.
Spillsmovingin an easterlydirectionmayundergotransportof 25 km or
morefromtheSPM,and over 50 km fromnear-shore sources,to reachthe
nearthe northeastern edge of the shrimpfishingand spawninggrounds.
Therefore,spillsfromeithersourcetravellingin an easterlyor northeasterly
directionwouldprobablynot enterthis shrimphabitat.

Thelongdistance'rom potentialspillareasto eitherthecoastalzoneor the

significantfisheriesarea should help to lessenthe potentialfor adverse
environmental impacts. The transporttime,coupledwith wind and wave
action,will allowevaporationand volatilizationto occur. The actionof the
vind. prevailingcurrents,tidalforces,andwaveswill alsoserveto disperse
and dilutea spill. Thedisadvantage is thatthe spillmay be so dispersed
that a largesectionof the coastalzoneor fisheriesareamaybe affected.
Thetransportdistanceand rateof movement shouldprovidesomeUmefor
spill responsemeasuresto be organizedand implemented.Responders
shouldbe allowedadequatetimeto assessand monitora spillanddevelop
the most effectiveresponseplantto combatthe releases.

Oil spills may adverselyaffect marineorganismsthrough a numberof


- adherenceof oil to the epithelialcells in the gills of fish and other

organisms,interferingwith respiration

- coatingof algaeand otherplanktonby oil, causingmortalityof thisfood

sourceof fish and otherorganisms
*' 6

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Rspen VollaRiverAsghlwt

Potential ofOa SpinsIhh

Noticeaf SpillReceived

for FuelandPower

Usersof SeaWater
(Sat andPetrolieumIndusiries)

|Notily all Coneemed

l ~~~~Staff

by Obtaining
Information Observes

NotifyNeighbouring Countriel
if SpillPosesa Treat

Is Response

Activate Team,
NotifyGovernment F StandDownand

Can Spill be Controlledand CleanedUp


OCSTakesCharge andCompletes to Notify

Resources VesselOwners,
Appropriate InsurersEtc.

Request as Deemed
Assistance Appropriate

& Economic
ProperAccounting of SpillActivities

OSCAssumes OverallFieldResponsibility
for allOpeiations
Outside Ghana
Volta River Authority
Ref:Ghana 0i SpinContrigency
National Plan TakoradiThermalPlant IPUW
Contingency Plan IWO11
.3 0


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^eJATrOD re ns 1151

- coatingof the substrateby settlingoil, which may causemortalityof

benthicorganismsand Interferewithspawningof the benthos

I of water solublecompoundsby fish and other organisms.
whichmaybe acutelyor chronicallytoxic

- deoxygenation
of water throughthe biologicaland chemicaloxygen
demandassociatedwith the weathering
of oil

- coatingof the watersurfacebyoil, interferingwith the reaeration

of the
waterat the air-waterinterface

- coalingby oil and destructionof eggs,larvae,andjuvenilesof fishand

otherorganismsutilizingthe surficialwaters

- oil coatingand absorptionto feathers,causingloss of buoyancy,the

abilityto fly, and mortalityof birds

- ingestionof toxiccompoundsduringthe preeningof featherscausing

mortalityto birds.

Themagnitude oftheimpacton themarineenvironmentwouldbe dependent

on the concentrations of the variouscompoundsin the oil spill and the
of the spillin anyarea.

If a spillor releaseshouldoccur in, or reach,a coastalzone,oil couldbe

dispersedontoand alongtheshorelinebythecombinationof the prevailing
southwestand southwindsand thedominanteasterlylong-shorecurrents.
Theeffectsof a near-shore spillwouldbe mostsevereon thoseorganisms
inhabitingthe intertidalzone, or those dependingupon it for their food
supply,suchaswadersandshorebirds andsessilebenthicspecies.Interms
of internationallysignificantareas,theclosestareadownstream is the Muni
Lagoon,130km to the eastwhichhasbeenidentifiedas a futureRamsar
site. In-shorecoastal fisheriescould also be significantlyimpacted,
dependingon the extentof the spillor release.Thiscouldbe veryserious
as an estimated70% of Ghana'sproteincomesfrom the sea. Estuaries
and/orlagoons,havingsea access,couldalsobe severelyimpactedif the
spillcoincidedwithperiodsof hightide,southwesterly windandwaveaction,
and squallor stormeventsthat coulddrivethe spilledmaterialshore-ward.

Thedegreeof overallImpactwoulddepend,to someextent,on the timeof

year,as notedby seasonaldillerencesin fish stocks,migratoryshorebirds,
and in-shorespawningmigrationsby olhermarinespecies(i.e.,turtlesand

Small-scale spillsand chronicleakageare more likelythan majorevents.

Thesecouldleadto increasedlevelsof oil contaminationdownwindand
downcurrent(east)of theprojectarea. However, thelightdistillatefuelsand
crudeoils proposedfor this powerplantarehighlyvolatileand moreprone
to evaporation.Small spills would not aggravatethe tar ball pollution
situationasit presentlyexists,as theseballsare presumablycreatedwhen
heavyoils likeBunkerC are spilled.

A NationalOilSpillContingency Planhasbeendevelopedfor Ghana,which

would be implemented in the eventof a large-scalespill or incident. This
planrequiresthatthe spillimmediately
be reportedto the Ministerfor Energy
and Mines,who would then proceedto mobilizeother departmentsand
agenciesasrequiied to assessand initiatecleanupactivities.A chartof the
prDcedure is shownin Figure5.2. However,there is presently
no dedicatedequipmentforoil containment andrecoveryandfor thisreason
a detailed mitigationplan has been developedwhich is discussedin

thata spillmayoccur,a goodunderstanding of present
fisheries'r.,omemust be obtained,so that in the event that a spill does
occur,therewould be a basis upon which to developa compensation

(b) Once-ThroughCooling Effects

couldleadto environmental effectsinclude

- intake of water
- dischargeof heated water
- chronicoracutedischargesof toxicsubstances.

Intake of Water
At full capacity,theproposedfacilitywill utilize5.7m3fs of coolingwater.
In additionto the waterdrawnfrom the sea,largequantitiesof marine
organismswill alsobe drawnIntothe generatingfacilitywith the water.
Planktonicorganisms(phytoplankton, zooplankton), macroinvertebrates
andthe larvalstagesof fishand shellfishwillbe entrainedIn thecooling
waterflowand passedthroughthestation.Mortalityto theseorganisms
willoccurdue to mechanical effects(pressurechangesor abrasion)or
due to the effectsof a temperatureIncreaseas the organismsare
passedthroughthe condensercoolingsystem. Althougheachfacility
hasitsownuniquecharacteristics thatcontributeto entrainment mortality,
it is generallyassumedthata newfacilitywillinflict100%mortality,until

Generally, the effectson phytoplanktonandzooplanktonpopulationsin

largebodiesofwaterdueto mortalitycausedbycondenser coolingwater
entrainment areconsidered smalland difficultto measure.Entrainment
of larvalfishand shellfishcan havesignificanteffectson stockswhich
spawnin relativelyrestrictedareas. If the intakeis situateda short
distancedowncurrentfroma significantspawningarea,a substantial
proportionof the larvaeproducedon the spawningground could be
entrainedin thecondenser coolingwaterwitha subsequent reductionin
stock recruitment. Usingonly hydrographicchartsas the basis for
analysis,it wouldappearthatthe intakeshouldbe placedup-currentof
the Sherbroand Raonibanks,awayfroma marine/geological structure
that maybe attractiveto fish.

In additionto the entrainment

of larvalfinfish,juvenilepelagicformsof
shellfish are also easily entrained into the cooling water flow.
Consequently,the intake should also be sited up-currentof any

Theplantshouldbeequippedwith 1-cmmeshtravelling screens.These

coolingwatersystem. If impingementof fish and shellrishoccurs in
significantnumbers,plantoperationmay be negativelyaffected,and
reductionsin localfisherystockscouldoccur. Pelagicspeciessuch as
sardinesand anchovies are mostsusceptibleto coolingwaterintakes.
Areasof highfishor shellfishconcentrations
shouldbe avoidedin siting

theIntake.Thus,theintakeshouldbe locatedInsidethe 10-mcontour.

Thefish,shellfish,andotherdebriscollectedon thetravellingscreenswill
needto be disposedof in an acceptablemanner.If thenumberof fish
and shellfishimpingedon the screens is substantial,consideration
shouldbe givento distributing
themto thelocalcommunities or possibly
usingthemas a fertilizer.

TheIntakewillbe fittedwith a velocitycap to avoidformationof a vortex

on the water surface. The locationof the intakeshould be clearly
markedto avoidinterference with fishingequipmentsuch as trawlnets
andanchors.Further,thelocalfishermenshouldbe educatedregarding
this structureand its location,and the potentialhazardto their fishing

Dischargeof Heated-Water
Ascoastalwatersin tropicalareasare generallyverywarm,manyspecies
of marineorganismsare living at the upper end of their thermal
tolerance.Additionalheatdueto the dischargeof heatedeffluentscan
increasetemperaturesbeyondthermallethallimits of some species.
Fishes,being mobile can normallydetect and avoid heatedareas.
However,non-mobilespecies,such as clamsand seagrasses,cannot.
Hence,sensitivespecieswill either move out of, disappearfrom, the

Howells(1984)suggestedthata 30C to 50C temperature increaseabove

ambienttemperaturewould be adequatein tropicaland subtropical
environments to protectthe areaoutsidea near-fieldzone,providedthat
The Texas EnvironmentMinistry.US (State of Texas, 1991) has
developedtemperaturecriteriafor heated effluentsinto the Gulf of
Mexicooff the coastof Texas. Thesecriteriaare that the temperature
increase,outsideaninitialmixingzone,shouldnotexceedO.8 0C to 227C

aboveambient,dependingon the seasonand that the actualwater

temperatureshouldnot exceed35°C.

In peninsularFlorida,a distinctionis madebetweencoastaland open

waterreceivingenvironments. In coastalwaters(insidethe5.7-m[18-ft]
contour),thetemperature of effluentsat the pointof discharge(i.e.,end
of pipe)arenot to exceed1.10C to 22C aboveambient,dependingon

theseason,and totaltemperature of theeffluentis not to exceed33.3°C

or 32.20C,dependingon season. In openwaters (beyondthe 5.7-m
contour),the temperatureat the point of dischargemust not exceed
9.4aCaboveambient,and surfacewatersof the receivingenvironment
shall not exceed36.10C. Also, the dischargeshould be placedtar
enoughoff shoreto ensurethatwatercriteriain the coastalzonearenot

Floridaregulationsalso providefor thermalmixingzonesinsidewhich

temperatures mayexceedtheabovecriteria,providedtwoconditionsare
met. First, the mixingzone must provide for the protectionand
propagationof a balanced,indigenouspopulationof shellfish,fish,and
wildlifein, and on the bodyof waterinto whichthe dischargeis to be
made. Second,thatthetemperature criteriamustbe metat theedgeof
the mixingzone (Stateof Florida,1993).

Hydrodynamicmodellingwas conductedto provide a preliminary

assessmentof the impactof the thermaldischargeon the receiving
waters. The modellingincludedboth single port and multipleport
outfalls. For the singleport outfalls,four scenariosweremodelledin
whichthethermaldischargerateandtemperature, and ambientcurrent
velocitieswerevaried. The resultsof this modellingare presentedin

Figures5.3 and 5.4portraythe thermalplumesresultingfroma single

portoutfallundertwo of the scenariosmodelled,referredto as Case1
and Case4. In Case1. thethermaldischargewas 6.4m3/s with a 90C
rise above ambienttemperatureand an ambientcurrentvelocityof
0.25m/s. This case was initiallyselectedto model one STGunit
operation,however,it has sincebeenindicatedthat the plant would
operatewith a 12C temperaturerise. Under Case4, the thermal
dischargewas 11.3m3/s with a 12ZCriseaboveambienttemperature
and an ambientcurrentvelocityof 0.10m/s. This approximate 2 STG
unitoperation,with low ambientcurrentflow (worstcasescenario).

Theresultsof the modelling(discussedin AppendixF) indicatethatthe

impactsof the thermalplumewill be limited. UnderCase1. the water
temperaturein the plumewas predictedto be 4.STC overambientwater
temperatures at a 10 m distancefrom the outfall. UnderCase4, the

temperature was 6°Coverambientat a distanceof 16 m. The mixing

zoneboundaries werepredictedto extendapproximately
200 m fromthe
outfall. AssuggestedbyFigures5.3and5.4,thewatertemperature was
pre.dictedto be lessthan 1°Caboveambientwatertemperatures at the
edgeof themixingzone. At a distanceof 2000m thewatertemperature
in the plumewas projectedto be 0.5DC(or less)abovethe ambient
temperatures. Theotherscenariosmodelledprovidedsimilarresults(see
AppendixF),suggestingthat the thermalimpactswillbe limited.

Thetemperatureof thefinaleffluentof the proposedTakoradiplantwill

potentiallyexceedthe ambientsea temperature 120C
by approximately
at full plantoperation.Thisincreasewillresultin dischargetemperatures
rangingfrom330C duringupwellingeventsto 390Cto 400C duringmuch
of theremainder of theyear. Onrareoccasions,dischargetemperatures

To moderatethesehightemperatures thefinal designof the discharge

portalwill includeeitheran off-shorediffuseror a nozzle. If a single
orificeis employed,it shouldprovidean exitvelocityof not less than
2 m/sec. Bothtypeswill providerapidmixingof theeffluent,in a small
area where the discharge-inducedcurrents exceed the ambient
alongshorecurrents.As thedischargecurrentsapproachthevelocityof
the ambientcurrents,the thermaleffluentwill riseto thesurface(dueto
temperature-related density differences). At the surface, further
temperaturereductionswill take placeat a slowerrate,and will occur
both dueto atmospheric coolingandfurthermixing.Additionalmodelling
willbe requiredbythesuccessful co.itractorto undertakethefinaldesign
of the exit portal,to assureadequatemixingand cooling and meet

The increasein temperatureof the discharge(aboveambient)will not

meettheFloridacriteriafor openwaterdischarges, however,thediffuser
will actto rapidlymixthedischargewithambientwater.Thetemperature
of the surfacewater at the edgeof the zone of dischargegenerated
dilutionwill fall wellwithinthe Floridacriteria.

Theexactlocationof thediffusercannotbe identifiedat thispoint. The

diffusershould,however,be locatedoff shorebeyondthe mostdistant
6 m contourin an areaawayfromanyimportantshellfishbedsandfish

concentrationareas. Preconstruction investigations

will be requiredto
selectthe appropriatelocation. It shouldbe designedto ensurethat
temperaturesat the edgeof the mixingzoneare less than 9°Cabove
ambientand below36°Ctotaltemperature.

Modellingand/ordroguestudiesof the behaviourof the thermalplume

shouldbe conductedto identifywhereand at what temperaturethe
plumewillenterthecoastalzone(i.e.,insidethe 6-mcontour).Thefinal
designandsitingof thedischargeshouldensurethatthetemperature of
the plume does not exceed20Cabove ambientor 33°C maximum
temperatureat the point wherethe plume entersthe coastalzone.
Adherenceto thesecriteriawill alsomeetthe EPC'srequirements.

Chronic or Acute Dischargesof Toxic

SubstancesIn CoollngWater
Themainsubstancethatcouldbe presentin thecoolingwaterdischarge
at toxiclevelsis chlorine.A chlorinationsystemis to be includedin the
circulatingwatersystemto chlorinatethe water,as well as to prevent
biofoulingof the heat exchangers and piping. The chlorinewill be
producedusingan electrolyticchlorinator (seawaterwill be electrolyzed
to producea hypochlorite solution).Chlorination
will be an intermittent
activity,but levelswill be highduringactivation.

Excessive chlorinecankill or damageaquaticrife. Theresidualchlorine

at the dischargepointwillbe considerably
diluted. It shouldat no time

The coolingwatercircuitwill be the finalreceptorfor all otherseffluent

streamson Site. Priorto its installation,
thesestreamswill have been
dischargedto a feederstreamof theAnankwari River.All liquideffluent
streamswill be joinedtogetheron Site,anddischargedas one common
wastestream.Thiscombinedstreamwillbe monitored andwill meetthe
criteriaspecifiedin thefollowingsectionandin thetenderdocumentsfor

The other dischargeto the cooling water circuit will be from the
desalinationplant. Thiscouldamountto up to 750m3/d (<0.01m3/s).
whichis a smallamount,comparedto predictedcoolingwaterdischarge.

Thisdischargewill be of elevatedsalinity,but Is not expectedto have

significantImpacts,due to Its limitedvolume.

(c) Discharge of Wastewater

Dischargeof effluentscanhavedetrimentaleflectson thewaterqualityof the
receivingwaterbody. Forexample,excessiveamountsof organicmattercan
depletethe oxygenavailablefor the existingorganisms.High phosphate
levelscan producerapidgrowthof algae.etc, in the receivingwater.

Wastewaterwill come mainlyfrom sewage and preoperationalcleaning

all be treatedat one central facility,consistingof an activatedsludge
extendedaerationtreatmentsystem.The systemwill be designedto meet
a BOOsof 25 mg/Land suspendedsolidsof 200mg/L.

Wastewater willalsobe derivedfrompreoperational cleaningof the HRSGs

and otheroperationalchemicalcleaning. It is proposedthat thesewastes
willbe storedin a suitablylinedlagoonor tank(i.e.,onewhichwill not react
with thechemicalcleaningsolutions).Thewasteswillbe neutralizedby the
additionof limeand dissolvedmetals,such as iron,will be precipitatedout
of solution.A polymermaybe addedto helpcoagulateandsettlethesolids.
Oncethe solidshave settled,the clear waterwill be pumpedout to the
dischargeoutfall.Asthelagoonfills,thesolidswillbe cleanedout andtaken
to the solidwastelandfillarea.

To ensurethat the wastewateris strictlycontrolled,the effluentfrom all

systemswill be dischargedthroughonecommonpipe. Thiseffluentwill be
monitoredto ensurethat the criteriabeloware met. Thesecriteriashould
ensurethatthewaterqualityof thereceivingbodyis notnegatively impacted.
Theeffluentwill initiallybe dischargedintoa feederstreamof theAnankwari
Riverbutwillbe divertedto theonce-through coolingwaterdischargesystem
when it becomesoperational. Provisionwill continueto be retainedto
monitorthis effluentbeforembingwith the coolingwaterdischarge.

The effluentsfrom the differentwaste treatmentsystems shall meet the
lollowvngcriteria prior to discharge':

- pH 6.50 to 9.0
- iron s 1.00 mg/L
- chromiumhexavelant s0.05 mg/L
- chromiumtotal s0.50 mg/L
- copper s Q.50 mg/L
- nickel s 0.50 mg/L
- zinc s 0.50 mglL
- total suspended solids (TSS) s25.00 mg/L
- oil and grease s 5.00 mglL
- total residual chlorine (TRC) 0.20 mg/L
- biochemicaloxygen demand (BODO) s20.00 mg/L

It should be noted that the criteriaprovidedabove are for an effluentthat

is discharged into a receivingwater body which has sufficient flow to
provide mixingand dilution, such than the overall quality of the waler is
not impaired. If the effluent is the sole source of supply to a
watercourse,further reductions would be appropriate for the various

In this regard. it is thereforerecommendedthat during the dry season,

prior to diversionof this effluentto the coolingwater circuit, the outlet of
the AnankwariRiverto the seabe monitoredon a regularbasisto ensure
that blockage, and hence, upstream ponding of effluent has not
occurred. Should this havetaken place, the outlet should be re-opened
to maintain flow to the sea. Site Drainage

Runoff from the site may discharge contaminantsinto the feeder stream to the
AnankwariRiverand increasethe rate of discharge. As discussedin the construction
phase, a site drainage plan will be developed. Site runoff will first be collected in

Codesd Pracdce

settlingpondswithoil sumpsif required,so thatcontaminants

can be removedprior
to dischargeinto the river. SocloculturalConcerns

Therearea numberof sociocultural

issues;someof whichareeasilymitigated,

(a) Land Use

Asdiscussedin theconstructionphasesection,theproposedplantandthe
transmission line will eliminatea numberof farm plots,coconut,oil palm
trees.etc. Approximately 35 - 40 ha at the proposedsite are farmedon a
shiftingcultivationbasis. Thenumberof familiesusingthis land has not
beendetermined yet, but eachfarmplot probablydoesnot exceed0.25to
0.50ha per family.Considering that thelandis alsoleft fallowfor a period,
it is possiblethat 50 familiesor morecouldbe farmingthisland. Thecrops
grownare mainlyfor home consumptionand possiblyprovidethe main
carbohydrate components of thediet. Thisworkis carriedoutby thewomen
in thecommunity, whilethe menarefishing.VRAwillpurchasethelandand
paycompensation to theChiefandowners.However, dueto thelandtenure
system,thosethat are actuallyworkingthe land couldreceivelittle of this
compensation.Assistanceshould be givento these familiesin locating

(b) Religious and FetishSites

Therehavebeenthreeshrinesitesidentifiedat the proposedsite. VRAReal
Estatestaff haveindicatedthat The Priestessof these shrinesmust be
allowedto propitiatethe gods, beforeanyworkcommences.

(C) Townsfte Development

A new townsitewill be establishedfor the project. It will consistof two
developments.Thefirstwill consistof approximateiy 75 singlefamilyunits.
and a numberof guesthouses. Thissitewill be for VRAsupervisorystaff
and expatriate
specialistsassignedto theproject.It will be constructed
financedas partof the overallprojectdevelopment plan. The sitewill be
providedwith electricity,water,sewageand otheramenities.

A secondwill be developedby the primarycontractorsof the projectto

supplyhousingfor constructionpersonnel.Thissitewill be developedon
landwithintheprojectacquisitionboundary.Thehousingmaybe takenover
by VRAafterplantconstruction and commissioningis complete.

It is recommended thata clinicand schoolbe providedfor the plant and

thesetownsitesif facilitiesandcapacityin SekondiVTakoradi
are insufficient.

(d) Site Aesthetics

Theplantand housingcomplexwill coveran areaof approximately 100ha.
Thepowerhousebuildingscouldbe up to 15 m in height,whilethe stacks
maybe threetimeshigher.Thisplantwill be visiblyintrusiveto the present
naturalappearanceof the area.

TheTouristBoardhasno plansto developthisimmediate areaintoa tourist

thereareplansto developa sitefurtherwestnearEsupon.asa touristresort.
If this were to occur the plantwould not impactdirectlyon the resort(in
termsof emissions),but mayhave a negativeimpactfrom an aesthetic

It is recommended that theview of the plantfromthe beachand sea be

screenedas muchas possible. The coconutplantationalongthe beach
strandshouldbe maintained, and enhancedasdiscussedelsewhere in this
report. Thiswill providea firstlineof screening.Theperimeterof the plant
should be bermedand nativetree speciesplantedon it to add further
screening(besidesassistingin noiseattenuation).Generallandscapingof
boththe proposedplantandhousingareashouldbe undertaken to improve
the appearanceof the project.

(e) Fresh Water Supplies

Thefreshwaterneedsof theTakoradiplant(asproposed)and thetownsite
are estimatedto be 1500m3/d (400000 g/d)

Inthe long-term,thiswaterwill be providedby twosources,froman on-site

desalinationplant,drawingwaterfromthe seavia thecoolingwatercircuit.
and fromthe existingmunicipalwatersupplysystem.Priorto installationof
the desalinationplant, a potablewater supplywill be requiredfor the
constructionphase,initialoperationsof the plant,and the townsite. This

waterwill be drawnfromthelnchaban-Aboadze pipeline(150mm),whichis

suppliedfromthe reservoir
at Inchabanon theAnankwarl Riveradministered
by the GhanaWaterand SewageCorporation.Thisis alsothe freshwater
sourcefor Aboesiand Sekondi.

TheGhanaWaterandSewageCorporation has indicatedthatan amountof

freshwater,not to exceed100000g/d (378m3/d) Is availablefrom this
source. Thiswill not providesufficientcapacityfor NOxcontrol.

(f) CommunityImpact Agreement

Thecommunity of Aboadzewillbechangedby thepresenceof theproposed
plant. It will gain by obtainingbetteraccessto the rest of the region by
meansof the upgradedroad. However,therewill be negativeeffectsfrom
the project including increased noise, increased population,loss of
agriculturalland,visibleintrusion,etc. The communityhas a desirefor a
numberof facilities,in particular: KVIP (public washrooms),a clinic.
community centreand a postoffice. It is recommended
a communityimpactagreementwith the villageto assistin someof these
ventures,andtherebyimprovethegeneralstandardof livingin thearea. As
discussedin Section4, the public health serviceand generallevel of
sanitationwould benefitfrom this typeof agreementand these measures
wouldgreatlyaid the community.
6 Analysis of Alternatives
6 Analysisof Alternatives
To fulfil the VRA'smandateto have a reliablesupply of powerand energyto Its
customers,300 MWof newInstalledgenerationcapacityIs requiredby 1997. The 'Do-
Nothing'alternativewouldmeanthat Ghanacouldnot meetthesecommitments.

Ghana'sexistingpower generationIs mainlysuppliedby two hydroelectricplants:

Akosombo(912MW)and Kpong(148MW).Theseplantsrelyon wsater fromLakeVolta
whichhasa highdegreeof hydrologicvariability.It is commonto haveboth prolonged
wet and dry periodssuch that flowscan vary between3049 m3/s at the highestto
283m3 /s at the lowest. Thus,althoughthe energypotentialfrom the two plants is
approximately 6000GWIh/yr, the powergenerated duringdryperiodscan be as low as
4800 GWhlyr while the energypotentialduring wet periods may be as high as
8000GWVh/yr with significantvolumesof waternot usedfor powergeneration.

Acres(1985)undertooka powersystemssludyforVRAanddetermined thatit wasbetter

to augmenttheexistingsystemwitha relativelylowcapitalinvestmentthermalplantthan
by furtherhydroelectric
development.A furtherstudy(Acres,1992)determined that the
leastcostgenerationoptionwasa combinedcycleplant,andsuggestedthat theplant
be basedon 300 MWcombinedcyclemodules(2 CTGsand 1 STG),witha unit sizeof
100MWasa basiccomponentof theplant.ThisunitVmodule sizeprovidesa flexibleand
practicalapproachto the additionof futuregeneratingcapacity.

Initially,a numberof alternative

areasfor a combinedcycleplanlwereexamined.These

- eastern Ghana in the vicinity of Tema

- westernGhanain thevicinityof Takoradi,Hall-Assiniand Prestea.

The easternarea was consideredas a candidatelocationmainlybecauseof the

of residualfueloil fromtheTemarefinery.Thisareawaseliminateddue to the
lack of assuranceson the qualityand availabilityof this fuel. In the westernarea,
Takoradiwaschosenas themostsuitablelocationdueto its proximityto the loadcentre
andconvenienceof tie-into thenationalgrid.

A combinedcycle plantrequiresa largecoolingwatersupply. In the case of a land-

basedplant,coolingtowersareused,whereasa coastalplantcouldobtaincoolingwater
requirementsfromthe sea.

August24. 1993.

An economicevaluation(Acres,1992)was undertakenof the various potentialcooling

watersystems,to comparetheir specificdesign and operationalrequirements,and their
subsequentimpact on condenser design and operation. Both open- and closed-circuit
(wet and dry) were Investigated.

Openi-circuit,once through cooling systemsdrawwater from a natural water body, pass

it through the condenser,and dischargeit to the same or nearby water body (lake, river,
ocean) at an elevated temperature. This option generally results In attainmentof the
lowest condenser pressure (due to lower temperaturewater being delivered to the
condenser, 20 - 2rC in the tropics) and consequentlyhigher power output than is
possiblewith closed-circuitoptions.

Closed-circuitsystems use cooling towers to achieve the required level of cooling of

condenserfeedwater. If no water supply is availablea dry cooling toweris used which
depends on large fans to reduce the temperatureof the condenser water. Of the three
options, dry systems provide the least cooling, hence feedwater to the condenser is
warmer,resultingin higher condenser pressures,and lower poweroutput. Dry systems
ilso incur a substantial energy cost for fan operation. If a limited water supply is
available, a wet cooling tower can be employed. This relies on the cooling from
evaporation,to achievea satisfactorycondenserfeedwatertemperature. Generally,wet
cooling resultsin lower condenserfeedwatertemperaturesthan can be attainedwith dry
cooling, but less than is possible with once through cooling. Wet towers also incur
substantialenergycosts for pump and fan operation,although less than that requiredfor
dry coofling.

Thus, it was deemedthat from an economicviewpoint,a coastal site was preferredover

an inland site. Although environmentalcriteria were not specifically included in the
economicevaluation,it was recognizedthat each option has its own impacts,and these
were identifiedin a broad manner. The noise associatedwith operationof fans for both
wet and dry cooling towers, as well as the impact of wet towerwater vapour drift, were
noted,as werethe potential impactsto the marineenvironmentfrom a open-circuitplant.

A selectionstudywas undertakenof all coastalsites (Acres,1992Supplem.ientary Study),

which resultedin Aboadze being given the highestranking. The Aboadzesite was then
comparedwith the inland site at the Takoradisubstation. This determinedthat therewas
an insufficientwatersupply at the inlandsite for the necessarymake-upwaterfor the wet
cooling towers, and that cost for the seaside plant was lower. Thus, the Aboadze
locationwas selected as the most suitable site for the combined cycle plant. There is

Reied August24, 1993.


an adequate supply of cooling water, Ihe site is generally flat and accessible and It
requires no resettlementof the local population.

Considerationwas given to whether the fuel oil should be provided by a land-based

pipeline,an underwaterpipeline,or deliveredfrom an SPMjust off shore of the site. For
the land-based or underwaterpipelines, oil would be delivered through the port of
Sekondi or Takoradi(Figure6.1). Urbanland use conflicts could result If a land-based
pipeline were selected. The underwaterpipellne would be shorter and have fewer
conflicts, however,the length of pipelinefor a SPMwould be the shortest ol all.

Thereis also a considerabledifferenceIn the size of tankerthat could be accommodated

at Sekondias opposed to the SPM. Sekondiharbouris shallowand can accommodate
a maximumof 6-m draft, thus limitingtankersize to 30 800 tonnespartiallyloaded. The
SPM is to be located in water approximately25 m deep which could accommodatefully
loadedtankersup to 120 000 DWT.Thiswould,therefore,meanthat fuel deliveriescould
be less frequent, possibly only six to seven. Oil deliveryby SPM was selected as the
preferred oil supply option.

An SPM at this depth will also accommodatevessels of less capacity and draft,
increasingthe flexibilityof supply options. Smaller tankerscould provide full capacity
deliveries,whereaslarger tankerswould dischargeonly a portion of their total capacity.

7 Mitigation Plan
7 Mitigation Plan
TheTakoradiThermalPlantwillhaveoverallpositivebenefitsto thecountryas a whole.
Locelly,thecitizensof Aboadzewillhaveimprovedaccessto thelargertowns,andsome
new employmentopportunities will be available,especiallyfor skilledtradesmenfrom
Sekondi-Takoradi, andlabourersfromthelocalarea.Thereare,however,somenegative
impactspredicted,but with carefulmitigation,thesecan be minimized.Thissection
discussesthe mitigativerequirements of the projectand providesa preliminarycost
estimatefor thosemeasures.

The mitigativemeasuresfor theconstructionandoperational phasesaresummarized in

Tables7.1 and 7.2. respectively.Thesetablesidentifythe mitigationthat should be
implemented to minimizethe predictedeffectof eachactivity. Muchof themitigationis
alreadyincludedtermsof thegoodengineering practices,andis thereforeimpossibleto
isolateas environmental

The majorenvironmental concernsrequiringmitigation,arisingfrom constructionand

operationof the proposedplant,can be groupedinto threeareas

- air emissions
- effects to marine environment
- social requirements.

7.1 Air Emissions

The bestavailabletechnologyfor controllingair emissionswill be used at the Takoradi
ThermalPlantin orderto meetapplicableair qualityand emissioncontrolstandards.As
such,combustionturbineswhichemploywaterinjectiontechnology,willbe specifiedto
ensurethat NOxemissionsandgroundlevelconcentrations are belowWorldBankand
applicablestandards. Other air emissionswill also meet the criteriaspecifiedin
Tables2.1and2.3.andasoutlinedin Section5.2.2. Furtherair modellingmusthowever
be undertaken whenbuildingdesignandfuel selectionhas beenfir-Iized to determine
if the proposedstackheightis adequateto providethe requiredmixing/dispersion to
achievethe desiredambientair qualitycriteria,takinginto accountgood engineering
design(i.e.,to avoidcavityformation).

The NOxcontrolequipmentrequiresthat waterbe injectedinto the burnersat a rateof

150000 USgaVd/unit.Thisamountofwaterisnotavailablefromexisting
Table 7.1

Construction Phase
Potential Effects and Proposed Mitigation

Acilvity Predicted Effecs. Mlitgation Plan

Site Clearing, Grading, Lossof agriculturallands Compensate for crop boss. Ens;re coconutplantationalongcoastalstripis not affected. MIll previous
Railsinglo General sandextractionateain the beachridge, replantwithhybridcoconut. Fenceof this areaso no access
Elevatlonof 3.5 m providedfromsite. Preservealloil and coconutpalmselsewhere wherevetleasible. 1fpossible
providealternativelandarrangements to thosewho lostlanddue to projectsiting.

Lossof topsail All topsoilis to be stockpiledandusedfor landscapingduringsiterestotation.

Lossof trees Minimizeall treecutting. No treesto be cul that do not interferevith the worksandthoseretained
fencedto preventconstructionequipmentdamage.Oflerany useablewood for fuelpurposesto local
population.Beforecuttingtrees,shouldevaluatewhethertheycan be movedandusedfor aesthetic
screeningalongplant perimeter.Replantwithfruit andshadeIfees.

with naturaldrainage
Inteilerence Unavoidableto changedrainage. Finalgradeto facfliatedrainageandavoidfloodingand ponding.
of site Sitedrainageplanlo be developedthat ensuresminimalsoil erosion,excludeshazardsto personsor
duringstormflaro. Watercolkcted by site drainswill be
damageto propertyand land particularly
dischargedthroughsump/settlingbasinto teducevelocityand sedimentload,into watercourse to west
of site.

Increasederosionand sediment Minimizeamountof land leftbare,vegetateslopesas quicklyas possile. Protectany temporary

loadInto streams stockpilesfromerosionby covering,reduceslope angle,use secimenttraps,etc.

Noisefrom earlhmoving No equipmentnoiseto exceed85 dBAat 15 m. Workinvolvingnuisancelvel noisemustbe

equipmentdisruptinglocal minimizedduringthe nightor on locallytecognizeddaysof rest(withoutpriorapproval).Al equipment
community to be in goodworkingorder. Mufflersto be maintained.

Elevateddust levelson vegetation Dustlevelsto be conlrolled,use of dust suppressants Sections13.3,

as required.(SeeSpecifications
and at local settlements 13.4,and 13.5,AppendixG.)

Disruptionto cemeteryand other at three

Cemeterylandto be avoided- constructioncrewto be informednot to trespass. Propitiation
significantfeatures minorshrineson the proposedsitepriorto commencement of work. Discussionsto be heldwithlcal
areasexistthatshouldbe avoided.
populationto determineil any othersociaVhistorical

Disruptionto somedwellingand s-deis nolongerin use but wil

Plantperimeterhas beenlaid out to avoidall dwellings.Block-making
sandcreteblockmanufacturing be avoided.

with buriedservices
Interference No buriedservicesat the site; no mitigationrequired.

2 site accessUpgrading Dustand noisefromequipment Seemitigationin Item1 above.

and Wldeningof Inchaben operation
to AboadzeRoad
Table 7.1
Construction Phaso
Potentlal Effects and Proposed MitlgatIon- 2

;Activity i; Predlited Effecs* Mitigatlon Plan

to local population SomeInconvenience
Is unavoidable,roadto remainopenduringconstruction.Obtainpermissionfrom
duringconstructionof road GhanaHighwayAuthorityto upgraderoad.

with naturaldrainage Culvertslo be designedto accommodate
flood flowor permittoppingof road- flood watersarenot to
be backedup by road.

with buriedservices All servicesare to be located,if necessary,movedandtheir continuedoperationensured.

3 Dewaterlngand Contamination to local Sedimentsettlingponds,sedimentsumps,oil be usedto ensue that

Unwaterlng watercourses fromhigh sediment muddyor contaminated wateris not dischargeddirectlyinto naturalwatercoursesor the ocean.
loads,oil andgrease,etc Erosionprolectionmeasuresto be providedat the point of dischargeto preventexcessive ecosion.
Sitedewateringplanto be developed(seeAppendixG, Speciication13.6).
4 Borrow Area Development Conflictswilh presentuse of land Borrowareato be as closelo site as possiblebut mustbe in an unsettledarea,shouldavoid
agriculturallandsand coconutplantationsif possible.

Disturbanceto local community All permits,appfovalsandclearancesto be obtainedfromthe appropriate

authorityand landowner
Unsighlyscarleft on landscape On completion,exploitedareasto be reinstatedso theyblendinto the surroundings.Revegetate with
local plants. All slopesandworkingfacesto be left in a sale,stablecondition.Areato be left so that
it drainssatisfactorily
anddoes not interferewithany naturalwaterways(seeAppendex G.
Specilication '13.7).
5 Land Dlsposal of Interference
to drainage Amountof materialto be disposedis to be minimizedby usingas muchof the excavatedmaterialfor
ExcavatedMaterlal earthworkson site.
(if required;at presentnot Disturbanceto land use Disposalsiteto be approvedby localauthority;mustnot be on good agriculturalland.
anticipated) Site must not interferewithnalutaldrainage.Finalconfiguration
of siteshouldblendwith surrounding
topography,and vegetationshouldbe ableto re-establish on surface.Finalgradeshouldhavestable
slopes:necessary berming.ditchingand erosionprotectionto be providedas required.

6 Rock Removal by Blastlng Disturbance

to local tesidents, Blastsurveyof all structures
within300m lo be undertakenpriorlo commencement of blasling. Blast
noiseandvibrationdamage, warningcodesto be established for employeesand residents.Adviselocal authoriiesandpolice
damagefromfly rock, damageto regardingstoringand handlingof explosives.(SeeSpecification13.3.AppendrxG). Use d blastmats
groundwaterflow pattern over open-cutblaststo controlflyrock. Groundwaterflowshouldnot be adverselyaffected.
7 ProvIslon of Pitable Diminished
watersupplyto village Watertakeoffmustnot exceed378.5m3/d. Watersupplymustbe monitoredto ensurethatproject
Water of Aboadzeand Aboesi demanddoes not affectotherwaterusersin the area.
Table 7.1
Construction Phase
Potentlal Effects and Proposed Mitigatlon - 3

Activity PredictedEffects Mitigation Plan

8 Handling and Storage of Potentialhealthand safety All employees

to undergohealthand safetyIrainingbeforegoingon site. Thosedealingwith
Fuels and Hazardaus concerns hazardousmalerialsmusthavedelailedtrainingin handlingthe specificchemicalstheywill be using.

Soiland watercontamination
from Everyprecautionto be takento preventspills. Fueltanksto be enclsed in animpermeableberm.the
spills holdingcapacityof whichmustexceedthe volumeof the largesttank. Thebermedareamusthavea
sumppump or methodof watet removal.Watermustfirst haveanyoil remorved belorebeing
dischargedoff site. Spillandemeigencyresponseplanto be developedand in placepriorto
commencement ot consiruction.
9 Aggregate Sources Pressureon existingresources No new pitswill needto be opened;existingquarrieswill be used. Studyto detetmined existing
to meetfequirements andnot to depletereserves to detrimentof local
community.If negativeimpact,alternatesourcingto be examined.
10 Batch Plant/ Noise,dust concerns,runoff Runofffromplantto go throughsettlingbasins;noisemustbe controledso thati does not exceed55
Concrelb and problems, dBA at boundaryof works. Dustbags to be installedif necessary.

11 Construction Work Influxof workersIromother areas Influxof workersnot anticipatedto exceed100andtheywil be housedin the Sekondi-Takoradi
Force hopingto findemploymenl, Employees to be bussedfromresidencesto site.

Potentialmarketfor local No mitigationrequired;positivebenefit,especiallythe marketfor rish.

communityto sell products

Competitionfor food supplywith Food availability/price

structuremonitored.Veryfew in-movers
ate anticipatedand therfeoreeffect
local community wouldbe minimal.

Disruptionto Aboadzeandother Wotkers'behaviourto be strictlycontrolledand no distuptionof vnblgeife to be accepted.Workersto

surroundingcommunities by Influx ha.e medicalsbeforecommencing workand anycommunicable diseasestreated.
ol workers. Increasein crime,
drunkenness, disease,etc

Pressuresput on local social Projectto provideown first aid clinic. Majoritycf the work forcewil be derivedfromlcal communriies,
structures- schools,health andwill liveat homethereforepressureIrornin-moversshouldbe mrinimal.
12 Delivery
of MeatIals Increasedtrafficflow on Aboadze- Upgradeof roadto be designedto lake existingand increasedtrafficflowexpectedto be a positive
Inchabanroadcausingdisruption effectto localpopulation.Dustfromtiuck movementeliminaledby useof tarredroad. Trucksshould
to use by local community be tarpedwhen catryingload. Sometemporarydisruptionwil occurwhenlargecomponentsare
I I delivered.Speedscontrolledto reducepotentialfor pedestrianandvehicleaccidents.
Table 7.1
Construction Phase
PotentialEffectsand ProposedMitigation- 4

Activity PredictedEffects Mitigation Plan

13 Waste DiOposal

* SolidWaste Sourceof pollutionand health An engineeredlandfillsite to be developedawayfromlw coastalweas (possiblyuse borrowpit area).
concerns only nonbiodegradable materiallo be landrined.Recycleand reuseas muchas possible. Ste should
not be closeto residences.To minimizeodouranddiseasethe ste shouldbe coveredregulalyby
inertfill. No contaminated runoffto groundor surfacewatercoursesto be allowed.
* LiquidWaste Contamination
of surfaceand Sewagetreatmentfacilityto be a priorityitemin constructionschedule.No dkectdischargeof iqidd
groundwater wastewill be allowed.

Healthconcernsdue to BeforeSTPin operalion,smallpackagetreatmentfacilrtyto be provided.


14 Pipe Laying,Intake and Disturbanceto fishingand Mainmitigationis in sitingintake,outfal, andpipelinelocation(seeoperationaleffects).Construction

Outfall Constructlon spawninggrounds shouldbe scheduledto avoidupwelirng period. Constructionwasteproducts(d1.sold wastes.etc) not
disposed of at sea.

to fishermen Construction
shouldbe scheduledto avoidthe upwellingperiod.

to coastalnavigation All barges,buoys,etc, to be clearlymarkedandilluminatedat night. Notification
of andpermission
Iromnavaland port authoritiesin Sekondifor marinework.
- RockExcavation Sedimentreleasefromexcavation Intakeandoutfallmustbeconstructedby tunnellingratherthanopencutexcavion to minimize
sedimentreleaseandelfectto fisheries.

Fishkill from rockblastingfor Littleeffectivemitigationfeasible. Blastingshouldnot occurduringmajorupweTngperiods.(June.

pipelineroute September)dependingon outcomeof marinefisheriesinvestigations.

* SubmarineDisposalof Burialof spawningbeds,sediment Sea dumpingmustoccuroutsideshrimpspawningaweas.Discussion wih EPCregardngprdefered

ExcavatedRock releaie, inteflerence
to seabed dumpinglocation. Possiblepositiveeffectil artificialspawningareacreated.
* Intakeand OutfallTunnels Healthandsafetyconcernswhen Ventilationmustbe strictlymonitoredandmeetrequiredstandards.Gasesto be monitoedandwork
tunnelling- noxiousgases stoppedi permissible levelsexceeded. (SeeSpecification13.14.Appendrix

dust andnoiselevels Dustand noiselevelsat plantperimeterto be monitored.Dustcollectorsand noiseshieldingto be
fromventilationexhaustsystem usedif required.

15 Site RehabIlIatllon Poorimplementationcouldresult Topsoilspreadout, gradedand seeded. Treeplantingto screenshe. Any borrowareas/disposal
In erosionandaesthetically gradedendrevegetaledto preventlong-termerosion.Accessroadgradingandseedingas required.
displeasingsite Generalgood housekeeping to be maintainedthroughconstruction
Settlingbasinsprovidemosquito Basinsmustbe decommissioned
follwing construction.

PredictedEffectsand ProposedMitigation

Activity Predlcted Effects Mitigatlon Plan

I Burning Fuel Burningof oil for CTU increases Air emissionsto be strictlymonitored.Emissionsnot to exceedWorldBankguidelines.Ii
theemissionof S02,NO, CO, levelsare higherplant operationsadjustedto meetemissionrequirements.Ambient
and particulalematterwhichcan conditionsaroundthe plantare lo be monitoredandtheymustmeetthe conditionsgiver.
adverselyaffecthealth,vegetation, in Table2.1. Choiceof luel to minimizethe emissionof noxiousgases. Alternativefuels
buildings,etc. withhighersulphurcontentsnot to be used. Oil burnerslo befitledwithwaterinjectionto
controlNO1 emissions.

EmissionsdirectlyImpingeon Stackheightshouldbe designedto ensureambientair qualitycan be achieved.Further

local community. modellingto be undertlaken
when moredesignleaturesare available.

Noxiousemissionsfrom burning Oilsshouldonlybe burntperiodicallyas quantilieswairant. Incineration

to be completeor
wasteoils passthoughappropriatecontrolequipmentto removepollutants

2 Operatlonof Excessivenoisefromlurbineunits Turbinesto be in acoustically

enclosedareasso noisedoes not exceed85 dBAat 1 m
Equipment withinplantdetrimentalto workers' fromenclosure.Allworkerscloseto this equipmentto usehearingprotectivedevices.

noisefromstack Silencersto be placedon stackssuchthal noiselevelsbeyondthe plant fm6nce
line do
emissions not exceed55 dBA.
noisefromair intake Fanslo be surroundedby acousticalbarriersas necessary
suchthat noiselevelsbeyond
fans the plant'sfencelinedoesnot exceed55 dBA.

Disturbancefrom singletonal Single-tonesourcesshouldbe 5 dB lessthan ambientconditionsto a minimumof 35 dBA

fans, at nearestsensitivereceptor.Transformer
station,etc, shouldbe screened,locatedin
etc arearemoteIromhousing,etc.
OvetallIncreasein noiselevelat Noiselevelsat plantfencelineto be monitored;levelsnotto exceed55 dBA.
adjacentcommuniiesfromplant Backgroundambientconditionsto be determinedpriorto construction at the closest
operation buildings,eastof the lenceline. Treesand noisebarriers(berms)shouldbe placedat
boundary,it required,to furtherreducenoiseto existingambientconditions,especially
towardsAboadze.Any noisymaintenance activityshouldbe carriedout only duringthe
daytime shift.
Table 7.2
Operatlon Phase
Predicted Effectsand Proposed Mitigatlon - 2

Activity Predicted Effects Mitfgation Plan

3 Intake at Coillng Entrainment
of larvalfish, shellfish Site inlakeupcurrentfrom knownspawninggroundsand shellfishbeds(i.e.,westof
Water andother marinefauna SherbroandRoaniBanks).Finallocationselectedbasedon outcomeof marinersheries
Impingement of adult andjuvenile Site intaketo avoidfishand shellfishconcentration
areas(i.e., <10 m of water). Dispose
fishandshellfish of Impingedfish In an acceptablemanner.If numberswarrant,considerdistributionto
local community,potentialfor fish fertilizer.
4 Dlscharge of Thermaleffectson marinefauna. ImpactIsconsideredminimalas temperature tise wouldnot exceed0.5C beyond200 m
Cooting Water fromdischargepoint. Sitedischargeoffshoreof the mostdistant6-m contourawayfrom
importantshellfishbedsand fishconcentration areas. Designand localeexit portalwith a
to inducemixing. Exitvelocitynot lessthan2 m/s to ensurembing.
Ensurethatwherethe plumemovesinshoreof the 6-m contour,it does not exceed2C
aboveambientor 33C totallemperature.

Effecison marinefaunadue to Dischargeof chemicals(oils,biocides,etc)shouldbe controlledand concentrations

at the
chemicaldischarges. pointof dischargeshouldnot exceedappropriatecrite_ia.
S FreshWater Supply Reducedwater supplyto local Desalinationplantshouldbe installedfor earliestpossiblestartup datesuchthat NO.
communities controlcan be ensuredearlyin projectoperationsschedule.
S SewageTrealment Discharge of nutrientsandother Providesewagetreatmentfacilityfor stationand ensurefacilityeffluentachieveswater
contaminants and consequent qualitycriteria. Discharge(directlyto sea) throughcoolingwateroutlet.
effectson walerqualityandbiola
7 Site Drainage Dischargeof contaminants to Collectsitedrainagein settlingpondsand ensurethat discharges frompondsto feeder
feederstreamsof AnankwariRiver streamsmeetcriteria:otherwise,treatas appropriate(e.g.,oil separation).
with consequentellects on river
waterqualityand biola
8 Local Community An estimated125permanentstaff Permanent townsiteto be buill. Site facilitiesto be developedif insufficient
and Services wiltbe requiredto operateplant. availablein Sekondi/Takoradi. Employment preferencefor local people,basedon
Someof thisworkforcewill not be adequateskills.
availablefromlocal areaand
workerswill haveto moveIn
puningpressureon local housing
Predicted Effectsand Proposed Mitigation - 3

Activity Predicted Effects Mligation Plan

Possibleconflictsbetweenlocal Unesof communications. meetings,etc, to be set up withvillagecouncilto dealwithany

populationandplant staffdue to potentialconilictsbeforetheyarise. Rulesto be definedwherenecessary.h is
socialculturaldifferences. recommended thata communityImpactAgreementbe establishedbetweenVRAandthe
Conflictswith employees' community.The communityhasidentifieda numberof development projectswithwhich
pursuits(i.e.,fishing, theydesireassistance.Theseincludea clinic.KUIP(placeof convenience), conmmunity
sailing,walking,beachactivities) centreandrehabilitationof the school.
interferingwith local community's
Publichealthconcernsrelatedto Spraytreatmentof lagoonsas necessary
increasein mosquitobreeding
areaswith retentionpondlagoons,
9 Ol1Usage
* Delivery Overallimpactof oil spill depends Oilspill contingencyplanto be immediately
onsize. Couldhavesignificant
effecton coastalenvironment

- Delivery Possibletankeraccidentloilspill Onlya - 7 delivetiesof oil peryearto the site. Verysmallincreasein riskof accidentthan
on routeto site presentlyin Gulf of Guinea

* Unloadingof oil at Oil spill duringdisconnect Oil deliveryshouldbe dedicatedto onefirmor onetanker--their contractshouldbe
SPM conditionalon the safedeliveryof oil andno spillageis to occurduringthe drsconnect.

Oilspill dueto failureof pipeline. Potentialcan be reducedto nearzerowithpropermaintenance and inspectionschedule

mooringbuoyattachmentor of all equipment.Strictregulationsto be enforcedregardingsea condilionsunderwhicha
transferhose vesselmaymoorand unload

- OilStorageat site Corrosionof oil tanks by saline Oil tanksto be placedaboveground.

All oil storagefacilitiesto be containedin bermedareaof sufficientsize so as to retain
Oil spillsIn groundwateror suriface largesttank capacityif ruptureshouldoccur. A drainfor rainwatermustbe supplied.Oif
water mustbe removedfromthiswaterpriorto dischargeoff site.

10 Aesthetic
* Intrusionof plant Aesthetically
displeasing Somedisruptionto viewunavoidable.Plantset backfromcoasl with coconutplantation
appearance,disturbanceto to act as screen. Areabermedand treesplantedto furtherreducevisibleintrusioninto
potentialtouristappealof landscape.

suppliesInthearea.Thedesalination plantis expectedto be operationwithin6 moafter

start-upof the first unit. Thuswaterfor NOxcontrolcouldbe provided,If an alternate
sourceof water(otherthan CWcircuit)couldbe madeavailableon a temporarybasis
groundwater froma seriesof on-siteboreholes).

However,as planned,thefirst CTGwill operateIn an uncontrolledmannerfor a period

of time predictednot to exceed6 ma, assumingthe presentscheduleis maintained.
Duringthisperiod,ItsNOxemissionswillexceedapplicablestandards,but groundlevel
concentrationsare predictedto be belowmaximum acceptablelevels.ThesecondCTG
unit mustnotcomeon lineuntilthe coolingwatersupplyis availableand desalination
plantoperation,suchthat NOxcontrolcan be implemented, If theair qualitymonitoling
programassociated withtheproject,indicatesthatmaximum groundlevelconcentrations
are being exceeded. Preferably, the schedulefor the intakeand outfall construction
shouldbe advanced,suchthatthewater,andthe desalination plant,areboth available
andoperational whenthefirstunitis commissioned, anddefinitelybeforethesecondunit
is operated.A desalinationplantwillbe builton-siteto providethelong-termfreshwater
requirements. Thecostof thismitigationmeasurehas beenestimatedat approximately
US$5 million. If the presentprojectscheduleis followed.

7.2 Aquatic Conditions

Furthermarineinvestigationsare requiredasoutlinedin Section9 to selectappropriate

locationsfor the intakeand dischargeportals,and the SPM. It is requiredthat the
studiesto selectan appropriate
locationfor theSPMbe undertaken andcompletedprior
to contractawardin orderto provideinputto thefinalsite selection.Studiesto select
appropriateintakeand dischargelocationswill requirea 12-moperiod (in orderto
evaluateseasonaldifferences)and will be completedpriorto November,1994. (See
constructionschedule.Figure3.1.) Themajormitigationc.astswill be in theformof the

Location of Intake
Theintakemustbe locatedupstreamof the RaoniandSherbiobanksandinsidethe
10-mcontour. Theintakewill be fittedwith a velocitycap,and raisedoff the sea
bed. Buoys shall be placed to indicatethe locationof the intake. Detailed
preconstruction marineinvestigations
willbe requiredto selectanintakelocationthat
does not inflict undueimpacts.Thesestudieswill includephysicaland biological

At thistime,It is not consideredthatthe environmental

will affectthe
cost of the Intakeconstruction,
whichIs estimatedat $14.5M,

Location of the DischargeOutlet

Fieldstudieswillbe requiredtodeterminethemostsuitablelocalionforthedischarge
outlet. Generally,the outfallmus:be locatedoff shoreof the most distant6-m
contourand awayfromImportantshellfishbeds and fish concentration areas. It is
expectedthatonlya nozzlewillbe requiredbut theexitvelocityof thewatermustnot
be lessthan2 rn/sto ensuremorerapidmixingof the heatedwater. Thenozzlewill
be designedto meeta proposedT.. of 360C outsidethe mixingzone,and <50C
aboveambienttemperature risein the near-shore
zone (beach).

The outtall shall extenda minimumof 1500m from shore. Cost of the outfall
constructionis approximatelyUS$14.5M, whichincludesprovisionof the nozzle.
Thefield investigationsrequiredto selectan appropriatedischargelocationwill be
undertakenat the sametimeas the intakesite selectionstudies.

Location of the Single-PointMooring (SPM)

TheSPMmustbe locateddownstream of Sherbroand Raonibanksin an areasuch
that anyoil spilledat the buoywouldnot be sweptdirectlyintoShamaBayby long-
shorecurrentsor localgyres. Hence,an oceanographic studywill be requiredto
selectan appropriatelocation.Thisstudyshouldbe undertakenduringthe period
of the low flow in the PraRiver;thus,would be undertakenpriorto contractaward
(January/February 1994).

Warninglightsshallbe requiredon the SPM.

Oil Spill Response/RecoveryMitigation Plan

Currently,thereareno dedicatedoil spillresponseteamsoroil recoveryequipment
in Ghanaand thereis a probabilitythat spillageor leakagemayoccurat the SPM.
Therefore, VRAshouldobtainanddedicatesuchequipmentand developan action
planto providean 'initialresponse'capability.Thegoalof theinitialresponsewould
be to stabilizethe situations,and containa spillor releaseto as smallan areaas
possible,preventingfurtherdispersalalongtheshorelineor out to sea. The oilspill
responseplan of the VRA should be integratedwith the National Oil Spill
ContingencyPlan (NOSCP). Such an integrationwould allow recovery/cleanup
operationsto be then conductedunderthe auspicesof the NOSCPfollowinginitial
containmentby VRA. This approachwould limit and minimizeVRAs liabilityfor
environmental and otherdamagesincurredby the oil spill. At the sametme, this

approachwould maintain the VRA capIlal expenditureefficiencyby utilising

equipmentIdentifiedIn the NOSCP(I.e.,tugs,barges,loaders,tankertrucks,etc)for
therecoveryand cleanupprocess,

Theminimumequipmentconsiderednecessaryfor the initialresponseinclude

- a vesselcapableof operatingin in-shorewaters,and of carrying300 m of

floating,oil containmentboom(*7-rn hull)

- 300 m of oil containment boom

- oil recoverypumpto transferoil on water'ssurfaceto barge/tanker

- sorbents/dispersants
to acceptable

Therecommended optionis thatVRA,potentially in conjunctionwithotherGhanaian

governmentagencies,contractor purchaseand maintaina larger,tug-style,oil
responsevessel.Inadditionto providinginitialresponse/cleanup capabilities,
wouldalsohavethecapabilityto assista tankerwithdockingoperations at theSPM.

If purchasedin conjunctionwithothergovernment agencies,costscouldbe shared,

includingequipmentoutfittingand maintenance. Theresponsevesselshouldhave
thefollowingcapabilitiesin regardto oil spilVcleanup:

- abilityto carry,deployand retrieve500m of oil boom

- oil recoverypumpwith pumpingrateof not lessthan 10 tonnes/h
- on-boardtankageto retain0.5-hpumpingcapacity
- sorbents/dispersantsas required.

To counteractchronicsmall-scalespillsat theSPM,VRAshouldstipulatein theoil-

purchasingcontractthatthe supplieremploya "designatedtanker".In thiswaythe
crewwouldbecomefamiliarwith localconditionsand off-loadingprocedures.The
VRA r.ontract should require that the supplier be financiallyliable for any
environmental damageof spilled oil and that the tanker deploy a floatingoil
sessionsand drills could be undertaken with tankercrewsand otheremergency
responsepersonnelto ensurethat everyoneis aware of his respDnsibility.A
procedureshouldbe developedby VRAto overseethe oil transferat the SPM.

Trainingor personnelwould be requiredfor the properand timelyresponseto oil

spillsandreleases.Trainingshouldaddressvesseloperation,boomdeployment and
operationof theoilrecoverypump,aswellas themostefficientmethodsof restricting
and/orcollecting,oilon thesea surface.As no dedicatedteamexistselsewherein
thecountry,an agreementmaybe madewith theMinistryof Interior(leadagencyin
NOSCP)to utilizethe team'sexpertiseIn otheroil spillsituationsIn exchangefor
coordinationof cleanuprecoveryoperations followinginitialcontainment.

VRAshoulddevelopan oil spillresponse and contingency

planin sufficientdetailto
ensurethat properinitialresponsesare implemented.Theplanshouldinclude

- the namesand responsibilities

of the spill responsecoordinatorand team

- theprocedures fornotifyingthespillresponsecoordinator
and teammembers
oil spillsand release

- the proceduresfor notifyingoff-siteagenciesand organizationsof spillsand

coordinatingthe responseof thesegroupswith on-sitepersonnel;

- a list and the locationof all spillresponseequipmentand materials

- thegeneralprocedures to be followedfor responding

to spillsdependingon size
(i.e..largeor small)and location(i.e..SPM,near-shore,full storagetanks,and
otheron-shorefuel handlingand storagefacilities)

- recordkeepingand reportingrequirements

- decontaminationproceduresof personneland equipmentafter a clean-upor

otherspillresponsehas beencompleted.

In regardsto spillresponse,theplanshouldpresentthe proceduresto be followed


- identifyand securethe sourceof the spill

- identifythequantityandstateof thespilledmaterial.especiallywith referenceto

the potenUalfor combustion

- determinethesize (area)of the spilland predictspillmovement

containthe spill untilclean-upand recDveryare initiated.

The oil spill responseand contingencyplan developedby VRA for the Initial
responsesshoulddescribehowthatplanIs to be Integrated intotheGhanaNOSCP.
To facilitatethis Integration,
theproceduresInVRAresponseplanand the NOSCP
should,to the extentpossible,be consistent. In the NOSCP,spill containment
followedby the recoveryand removalof the materialis the preferredapproach.
NOSCPsuggests,however,thatthe useof chemicaldispersants maybe necessary
In some situations. Chemicaldispersantshavethe potentialto spreadthe toxic
componentsol oilwhilehelpingto break-upa spill Thisdispersalmayincreasethe
potentialfor thebiologicalexposureto thetoxiccomponentsof oil. Therefore,VRA
shouldminimizethe use of chemicaldispersantsin spill responses.The NOSCP
recommends the use uf natural,locally-occurring
materialsas the
greatestextentpossible. TheVRAplan should seek to implementthis NOSCP

The NOSCPrecommendsdifferentresponsesdependingon the directionof

movementof the oil spill. If the spillis movingon-shore,the NOSCPrecommends
containmentand recoveryfollowedby shorelineclean-up. If the spillis movingoff
shore,the NOSCPrecommends monitoringof the spillmovement
and dispersalon
a routinebasis. VRA'splanshouldidentifythe conditionsunderwhichspillsneed
to be containedand recovered.

Underthe NOSCP.the responsibility for spill recoveryand cleanupare divided

betweena numberof organizations. TheGhanaItalianPetroleum Company(GHAIP)
has beengiventhe responsibilityof arrangingfor the storageandeventualdisposal
of therecoveredoil. If theVRAresponseplancannotbe integrated into theNOSCP.
VRAshouldprovidea meansof performingthesetasks.

Initially,all wastewaterwillbe dischargedthroughonepipeintoa feederstreamof
the AnankwariRiverjust westof the proposedsite. The effluentat the point of
dischargewill be monitoredon a continuousbasis. All waterwill be treatedpriorto
dischargeso thatit meetstherequirements asoutlinedin Section5.2.2.3.Oncethe
coolingwatersystemis in operation, wastewaterwili be directedthroughthe ouffall
pipe. Effluentmonitoringwillstill be undertaken.

All waste oil will be separated,storedand finally disposedof in an oil sludge

incinerator.Olhersolvent-basedwastescanbe disposedof Inthismanner,provided
emissionlimilsare achieved.

The totalcostof wastetrealmentsystemsis approximately

US$1 M.

7.3 Social Mitigation

Loss of Land
The land ownershipand land tenuresystemin Ghanais such that the persons
activelyfarmingthe landat thepresenttimeare not the ownersandwill receiveno
or verylittlecompensationfor their loss.otherthan the valueof the currentyear's

It is recommendedthat theybe assistedin the relocationof theirfarmingactivities,

such that.adverse
impactsdo not occur.

Loss of Fisheries
As yet, this isan unknownfactor. it is not anticipatedthat therewill be a major
changein thefishery. However,monitoringis required(seeSection9). If catches
in the immediate fishingareasdecrease,butthereis no similartrendalongthe rest
of the coast,thenthe fishermenshouldbe compensated for theirlossof catch,if the
loss is attributedto the project.

Influx of Non-LocalWorkers
It is expectedthat most of the constructionwork force will be from the Sekondi-
Takoradiarea,whiletheremainder willbe fromotherpartsof Ghana.Mostof the in-
moverswill residein Sekondi-Takoradi, althoughsome maytake up residencein
Aboadzeor Aboesi. It is not anticipatedthat in-moverswill put excessivepressure
on the existingsocialservices. The supervisory staff will not be localand will be
housedin a newtownsite.A schoolandclinicwill be providedif SekondiVTakoradi

7.4 ResidualImpacts After Mitigation

Therewill be someunavoidableimpactsthat cannotbe completelymitigated.These


- air emissions

- loss of agriculturallandat the proposedpowerplantlocation

- entrainmentof fish at intake
- changeIn marineenvironment
at outfall
- visual appearanceof area
- newhousingandpermanentpopulationof possibly85 to 125families.

7.5 Costs of Mitigative Measures

A numberof mitigative measuresare proposedthatwillfequire fundingoverandabove
that presentlydesignatedIn other portionsof the feasibility-levelengineeringdesign
study. A numberof thesecostsare associated with the monitoringprogramsrequired
to selectappropriateintake,dischargeand SPMlocations,and to collectbaselinedata
Iromwhichfutureperformance of the plantwill be assessed.In addition,a numberof
socialimpactsareforecast,thefull extentof whichhasnotasyet beenfullydetermined.
Socialissuesprimarilydealwith the loss of farmland(hence,incomeand, potentially
livelihood),the operationalimpactsof the stationon the local communitiesand the
surroundingareaandthe provisionof a community impactagreement.

It is recommended
that a p.ovisionalsumbe set asidefor the first 3 yearsof operation
to addresspotentialcommunityimpacts. After this time, the situationshould be
reassessedandan actionplandevelopedas requiredfor futureoperations.

Environmentalmitigationcostsare estimatedat approximately2.5%of thetotalproject

costs ($10.0million),includingthe desalination
50%of this amount.
8 EnvironmentalManagementand Training
8 EnvironmentalManagementand Training
8.1 Tralning
Formaltrainingprogrammes in all aspectsof theplantoperationwill be developedand
Implemented forVRAstaff. Theprogrammes areto commence priorto plantstart-upand
would continuefor a 5-yrperiodfollowingthe takeoverof the first combustionturbine
generatorby VRA. Thetrainingprogrammes will be designedto enableVRAstafi to
becomefullyconversant withtheoperationandmaintenance orthegeneratingfacilityat
theend of the 5-yrperiod. As thiswill be the firstthermalgeneratingstationin Ghana,
VRA'sstaffwill havelimitedworkexperiencein operatingand maintainingthis type of
facilityandthe trainingprogramme will reflectthis.

Environmental trainingwill be incorporatedinto this overalltrainingprogramme.It is

importantthat all plant employeesare awareof environmental requirements and that
properoperationof the plant reducesnegativeenvironmental impacts. it is to be
impressedthat soundenvironmental managementis in everyone'sinterestbesides
conformingto loanrequirements.

A detailedenvironmental
and trainingprogramme
mustbe developed.

Themajorcomponentsof this programme


General understandingof concept of sustainabilityand reasonsfor sound

of potentialenvironmental
impactsthatcan be expectedfromthetwo
mainphasesof the powerplantdevelopment

- construction
- operation.

Reasonsfor mitigationmeasuresproposed.

Establishingchainof responsibility
and decision-making.

Specific Training
Air-and water-quality

- criteriafor establishment of monitoringstations

- methodologyto be usedfor fieldsampling
- trainingIn the use of fieldequipmentand correcttechniquesfor sample
- trainingin requiredlaboratoryanalysesand theimportance of qualityassurance
and qualitycontrolmethods
- trainingIn identificalionof noncompliance situationsand proceduresto be
followedin such instances
- reporting requirements.

during construction,emphasizingthe major

Training for inspectors/supervisors
environmental areaswheretheireffortshouldbe concentrated.

Handling,transporting,and disposalof hazardousmaterials,includingusedoil.

for off loadingoil,specifically
to eliminatespillageduringplantoperation.



and spillresponse,especiallyfor oil at sea andon site.



8.2 Environmentaland Health and Safety Procedures

Environmental and healthand safetyproceduresare to be developedfor both the

constructionand operationphase of the project. These procedureswill provide
management with the necessaryguidelinesfor both environmentalprotectionand the
protectionof theworkers'healthandsafety.VRAsexistinghealthandsafetyprocedures
shouldbe followedand expandedas appropriate for theTakoradiplant. TheGhanaian
FactoryInspectorateDivisionshouldbe approachedand consultedfor approvalwith
respectto healthand safetyissues,as appropriate.

Besidesdetailed procedures,a simplifiedhandbookshould be developedtor all

employeesoutliningthe Importance
of environmental
and healthand safetypractices.

A tentativelistof procedures
Is providedbelow.

Healthand SafetyProcedures
- administrationand organization
- project emergencypractices
- tunnel rescue
- work over or near water
- first aid and medical services
- control measures
- safety officer
- site security
- safety tagging and lock out
- trainingand orientation
- accidentinvestigation,
reportingand recordkeeping
- workplacehazardousmaterialinformationsystem(WHMIS)
- specific safety requirements
- confined space entry
- blasting operations
- employer safetyprogramme
- project healthand safety committees
- use of personal protectiveequipment
- personal decontaminationpractices.

- noise and vibration plan
- contacting outside agencies
- handling,storage,and disposalof fuelsandhazardousmaterials
- site aestheticsand restoration
- site drainage,dewatering.erosionandsedimentcontrol
- blasting procedures
- waste managementplan
- dust control
- spill responseplan
- water monitoring
- air monitoring

- communityrelations
- environmentalinspection
- oil handling plan.
9 Monitoring Plan
9 Monitoring Plan

TheTakoradiplantIs thefirst largethermalplantof Its kind(combinedcycle)proposed

for Ghana. Thereforean appropriatemonitoringprogrammemust be establishedto
determineIts impactson the physical,biologicaland human environments.The
programmewill also be used to verify that predictionsof environmentalimpacts,
developedin the designphase,are accurateand thatunforeseenImpactsaredetected
at an earlystage. This then, allowscorrectivemeasuresto be implementedbefore
significantdamagehastakenplace.Information gainedfroma well-designed monitoring
programme willbe usefulin refiningfuturedesignsto be morecost effectiveand have
fewer,and lessserious,environmental impacts.

Althoughmonitoringprogrammes for eachof themajorenvironmental componentsare

identifiedand definedin separatesectionsbelow,it is necessarythat one agencyor
individualmaintaina coordinatingrole to overseeand reporton the outcomeof all
Mtudies.It isrecommended thatVRA'sEnvironmentalrepresentative orequivalentretain
thisrole,andcommunicate progressandissueson a regularbasisto theTakoradiproject
managerandto VRAseniormanagement.

9.1 Preconstruction

dataexistat themomentconcerningthe characteristics

As few site-specific of the site,
it is recommendedthat detailed baselinestudies be conducted prior to the
commencement of constructionactivities. The parametersto be examined,and the
proposedmonitoring planfor each,areoutlinedbelow.

9.1.1 Air

Preconstructionair qualitymonitoring will establishambientconditionsandprovide

the basis for verificationof futurestationimpacts. The followingprogrammeis

Establishmentof three monitoringstations, each capable of taking hourly

measurement of the followingelements:CO.SO2, NOx,and 03. In addition,each
stationwill be capableof samplingsuspendedsolidson a 24-h basis(i.e..high-
volume samples). Particulatematterin the breathablesize range (SPM-10,
suspendedparticulatematterof 10 micronsor less),will also be monitored

These stations should be located as follows:

- one control site, upwind and to the west of the project area
- one located near the village of Aboadze
- one furtherdownwindof the projectarea (eastnortheast)In the vicinityof Aboesi.

These stationsshould be operated for one completeyear prior to the commencement

of constructionin order to adequatelydefine backgroundconditions (i.e.. determine
seasonal variability,site-specificcharacteristics,elc).

It is recommendedthat spot measurementsof temperature,precipitationand wind

speed and direction be taken at the site and compared to measurementsat the
Takoradi meteorologicalstation. 11a significant difference exists between these
locations, a meteorologicalstation should also be establishedon site to record air
temperatures,precipitationwind speed and wind direction.

The monitoring programme should be designed with adequate quality

assurance/qualitycontrols (blanks, duplicates, etc).

9.1.2 Noise

Preconstruclionnoise monitoring should be performedat the following locations:

- on the west side of the school, on the western outskirtsof Aboadze

- at the southernedge of the proposedtown site

- approximatelyone-halfway along the transmissionroute between the plant site

and the interconnectionwith the existingline

- at the settlementon the beach ridge just beyondthe SW corner of the project
site area.

At each location,noise will be monitoredfor 8 hours, once during the day and once
during the night and this will be repeatedthree times prior to construction.

9.1.3 Marine Environment

Although general Information on the marine environment Is available, specific

Informationon the proposedsite is requiredas Input to the selection process for the
preferred location of the Intake, dischargeand SPM. In addition to providing this
information,the preconstructionmonitoringprogrammewill providethe baselinedata
from which predictions of future effects are assessed. Specific programmesare
outlined for the physicaland biologicalenvironment. Physical Parameters

The physicalenvironmentmonitoringprogrammewill provide input to the selection

of appropriate locations for the intake and dischargeportals and the SPM and oil

On a seasonalbasis, current speed and direction are to be measuredat a number

of locationsoff shore of the projectarea and in ShamaBay. It is recommendedthat
drogues be used in this assessmentto determinelong-shorecurrent patterns(drift)
such that predictEonsof thermal plume dispersal and mixing can be made. It is
anticipatedthat a mathematicalmodelwill be requiredto assistwith the delineation
of the plume characteristics. The particularmodel and the number of data points
requiredby the modelwill determine,to a great extent,the numberof field sampling

As a one-time event, a field programmeto determineoil dispersionAlandfall points

down current from the selected SPM location should be undertakenas well. The
direction of travel and dispersionof an oil spill at the selectedSPM locationshould
be modelled,utilizingdata from the initial field investigationsand from the seasonal
biological program.

The off-shore temperatureregime will be measuredat the same t,rne that current
measurementsare taken. Biological Parameters

The preconstruction biological surveywill also provide informationto assist in the

selectionof preferredlocationsfor the intakeand dischargeportals,and the SPMand
oil pipeline; specifically,in retationto existingspawning grounds, nurseryareas, or

other fish aggregations(i.e., feeding grounds). It will also establishbaseline

conditionsfromwhichan assessment of operationalimpactscan be made.

It Is recommended that the minimumbiologicalsamplingprogrammeconsistsof

seventransects,spaced1 km apartalignedperpendicular to shore,and centredat
the projectsite. Inventorytypesampling(netting)for fish and shellfishwould be
requiredon each transectat depthsof 5, 10,15 and 20 m and at the beach. It is
Imperativethat both Sherbroand RoanlBanks be sampled and that transect
placementbe adjustedto ensurethisdoesoccur. Samplingwouldbe undertaken
four timesprior to the slart of constructionactivitiesto defineseasonalvariation.
Samplingperiodsare January,May,earlyAugustand October.

In addition,a near-shoresurveyis to be conductedof the areaIdentifiedby the

modellingstudyas the pointof impactof a potentialoil spilVleakat the SPM. The
surveyshallpayparticularattentionto thelocationof spawningornurseryareas,and
to theexistenceandabundance species,suchasshorebirds,
of sensitive wadersand
marineturtles. If currentstudiesindicatethat oil, or the thermalplumewould be
drawninto SharnaBay,theentireshorelineshouldbe inventoriedand mapped,as
this is an especiallyproductiveandsensitivearea.

Diving,netting,orothermeansof samplecollectionwillbeemployed(asapproptiate)
to collectsubtidalsamples. Oil

An assessment of beachesand the near-

of the presentlevelof oil contamination
shorezonefrontingthe projectarea,andeasterlyfor 20 km, shouldbe undertaken
priorto sitepreparation.Samples(tarballs,oil)shouldbe collectedat 1 kmintervals
at each location, expressingcontaminationas g/m2 of shorelinesubstrate.
Proceduressimilarto thoseemployedby Biney(1982)shouldbe usedto ensure
comparability of results.

9.1.4 Terrestiral Environment

A terrestrialecologysurveyof thetransmissionrouteandthe vicinityof thetownsite

is outlinedin responseto a request(byADB) during their sitevisit and project
appraisal. The surveywill be scheduledto coincidewith the completionof the
transmission input can be considered.
routingprocess,suchthat environmental

The surveyshouldbe undertakenby a qualifiedterrestrialbiologist,familiarwith

Ghanaianfloraandfauria.It shouldconsistof a walk-over
typereconnaissance and
mappingexercise,designedto Identifydominantlandusesandspecies,aswellas
evaluatethe presenceand/orsignificanceol rare and endangeredspecies,or

9.1.5 SocioculturalEnvironment Fisheries

Theextentof thesubsislencelevelcanoefishery,basedout oaAboadze,and other

portsIn ShamaBayis currentlyunquantilied.It is recommended that an inventory
of vesselsin thiscategorybe obtainedat thistime. Thestudyshouldbe directed
to determiningthemainspecieslocallycaught,somemeasureof theirlandings,and
wouldbe usedto providea baselinefrom

9.2 ConstructionMonitoring

The followingparameters
are to be monitoredduringtheconstructionperiod.

9.2.1 Air

Hi-Volsamplingfora 24-hrperiod,onceperweek,shouldbe undertaken throughout

theconstructionperiod.TheHi-Volunitshouldbe locatedat the north-eastcorner
of theproperty.In particular,
theHi-Volsampleswillbe usedto monitoremissions
fromthe batchplant. Dustfromtrafficmovement will be spot-checkedthroughout
theconstructionperiodto determinewhetherdustcontrolmeasuresareeffective,or
if furthermeasuresarerequired.

Air qualitywillbe monitored

in confinedspacesas outlinedin Section5.1.2.1.

9.2.2 Noiseand Vibration

Noisewillbe monitoredonce at leasttwice(dayandnight)for an 8-h periodat the

perimeterof the site duringthe peak of constructionactivity. In addition,spot
monitoringof variouspiecesof construction
equipmentwilltakeplaceto ensurethat
noiselimitsarenotexceeded(L 85 dB at 15m). Thesiteconstructionmanagerwill
maintainrecordsof anynoisecomplaintsreceivedduringthe constructionprocess.

Blastingactivitieswill be monitoredto ensureihat they remainwithinthe ground

accelerationcriterialisted on page5-9. Blastingproceduresmust followthose
outlinedIn Volume3, Section13.3.3of the TurnkeyrenderContract. A preblast
surveyof buildingswithin300m of theblastshouldbe undertaken.A standardblast
warningcodeis to be established.

9.2.3 Terrestrial Environment

No specific monitoringof the terrestrialenvironmentis proposedduring the

constructionstage. It is assumedthat site supervisorswould be responsiblefor
implementingbest managementpracticesand ensuringthat disruptiondoes not
occur to site resources.Areasout of boundsto the constructioncrews(i.e.,the
beachcoconutplantation)will be fencedand labelledas such.

9.2.4 Site Driinage

Inorderto meetthespecifications
forfreshwaterdischargefromconstruction settling
basinsto thefeederstreamof theAnankwari River,it is necessarythatthe discharge
is monitoredon a weeklybasisfor the parameters identifiedon page5-31.

9.2.5 Marine Environment

No specificprogrammeis proposedto monitorconstructionactivitiesin the marine

environment.but there should be on-goingenvironmental inspections. Impacts
relatedto the openingof the intakeand dischargeportals,installationof the SPM
anchorand oil pipelinewillbe quitelocal,and of shortduration.Adherence to Best
ManagementPractices,in terms of marineconstructionand disposalof waste
materials,by the contractorinvolvedin these activities,should be stipulatedin
contracttenderdocuments. Off-shoredisposalof excavatedmaterialwill be as
directedby the GhanaianMinistryof the Environment.If monitoringof suspended
solidsis stipulatedaspartof theirapproval,it willbe undertaken.Blastingactivities
are to takeplaceoutsideof the upwellingperiodsto reducefisheryimpacts.

9.3 Operations
Thefollowingparameters areto be monitoredduringtheoperational phaseof theproject.
As the constructionandoperationof the plantis phasedto takeplaceovera numberof
years,operationalmonitoringprogrammes havebeendesignedto monitorvariouskey

9.3.1 Air

The air qualitymonitoringprogramme developedto determineambientair quality

condillons(Section9.1.1)is to be repeatedduringthe operationalphasewhenthe
two CTGunitsare operational.

In addition,thefluegas characteristics
of eachCTGwillbe determinedon a regular
basis over a period of 1 yearalter commencement of operationto ensurethat
emissionperformance criteriaaremet.

Vegetationshouldbe monitoredfor the effectsof S02 and NOxdownwindof the

plant. Recordsto supportanalysisof this inlormation(hoursand timesoperational.
fuel use,fuel characteristics,
etc)will alsobe maintained.

9.3.2 Noise

Thenoisemonitoringprogramme describedin Section9.1.2willbeundertakenduring

the operationsphaseand spotmeasurements will be takenof specificoperational
events(i.e.,exhaustgas release)whichgeneratehigh noiselevels. Oneof the
daytimemonitoringperiodswillbescheduledto coincidewitha highnoiseeventso
as to recordtheimpactof thateventat a downwindlocationon the siteperimeter.

9.3.3 Agriculture

No specificmonitoringprogramme is proposed. In the eventthat VRAreceives

claimsfor compensation,
arisingfromthelossof agriculturalresources
dueto station
emissionsor operations,
will be required.

9.3.4 Marine Environment

programme is designedto assessthe impactsof station
operationon themarineenvironment.Theprogrammes are phasedto evaluatethe
stagesof implementation
and thefinalinstalledcapacityof theplant. PhysicalParameters

Thermalplumedelineationstudiesarerequiredfor normalonesteamunitoperation.
It is recommendedthat dyes or droguesbe employedto definethe extentand

directionof plumedispersal,and that the plumebe thermallytrackedand plotted

alongshoreto within0.5°Cof ambienttemperature.

It Is recornmendedIhatthe outfalltemperaturebe monitoredon a continuousbasis

fromthe time of the sleam unit start-upfor a period of 1 year to coincidewith

Site wastewaterdischarges,including runoff and dischargefrom the sewage

treatmentplantwill be regularlymonitoredto verifycompliancewith designcriteria. Blological Parameters

The biological samplingprogrammedescribed for preoperationalconditions

(Section9.3) should be repeatedwhen the plant has achievedfull operational
conditions. If necessary,an additionaltransectmay be requiredto samplethe
dischargeareaif not coveredby an existingtransectlocation.

A specificstudyshouldbe undertakendownstream
of the diffuserto delineatethe
area impactedby the plume. This study could be undertakenby diving,
supplemented with intensivesampling.

Recordsof fish impingement,

includingnumberand weight,by species,are to be
kept. Oil

A routinemonitoringprogramme shouldbe implemented for the SPM.pipeline,and

on-shoreoil storageandhandlingareas.Duringfueldeliveries, a VRArepresentative
shouldbe presentto monitortheconnectdisconnect andfuel transferoperationsat
the SPMfor leaks and releases. the conditionof the SPM shouldbe inspected
routinelybetweenfuel deliveriesto ensurethe facilityis in properoperatingorder.
The entirelengthof the underwater buriedpipelineshouldbe monitoredroutinely,
preferablyduringfuel deliveryperiods,for signsof leakage,such as oil percolating
into the watercolumn. Gaugesshouldbe installedto monitorflow in the pipeline,
as an additionalaid to identifyingfuel losses.

The on-shoreoil storageand handlingfacilitiesshould be inspectedfrequently,

preferablyon a daily basis. The inspectionsshould note any deteriorationof
equipmentand containersand signs of oil leakageor spills. All gauges and

monitoringequipmentshould be inspectedto ensurethat the equipmentIs

functioningproperly.All repairsshouldbe implemented
as theneedis Identified.

Recordswillbe maintainedof all oil spillage/leakage

at theSPM.Includingestimaled
quantityspilled,quantitycleanedup, etc.

Thepreoperationaloil monitoring programme willbe repeatedat intervalsof 1,3, and

5 yearsafteroperationto assessthepotentiallocalimpactsof spillage.If no spills
occur,It is recommended that the pre-operatlional
study be repeatedat the 5-yr
intervalto updatethe data base, If a large spill or a tankeraccidentoccurs,
additionalmonitoringwill be requiredto assessits environmentalimpact.

9.3.5 SocioculturalEnvironment Fisheries

If complaintsare receivedfromlocalfishermenregardingdecreasingcatchesafter
the station is in operation.a surveysimilarto that outlinedin Section9.1.4.1is
recommended. Agriculture

As no assessmentof the value of presenton-site crops currentlyexists,it is

recommendedthat this be undertaken as soon as possiblein conjunctionwith
Ministryof AgricultureExtensionAgents.Theactivitywouldfocuson perennialand
annualagriculturalcrops,such as coconutand oil palmtrees,maize,cassava,etc.
Thisinformationwouldbe usedduringfinaldesignstage(i.e.,locatingof facilitieson
site) to determinewhichresourcesare worth retainingand the best methodto
accomplishthatgoal. Itwouldalsoprovidethebasisforthecompensation package.

As localspresentlyusingthe site areawareof the potentialcomingof the project,

but not awareof the exacttming,an immediatesurveywillprovidea moreaccurate
evaluationand assessment than one at a laterpointin time.
10 Interagencyand Public/
Non Governmental
10 Interagencyand Public/
Non GovernmentalInvolvement
Meetingsregardingthe projectareawereheldwith a numberof agencies,university
personnelandthe public. Information
on theareawas obtainedand alsoInputon any
majorconcernsor issues,eithergenerallyor with respectto theeffectof the proposed
was sought.

agenciesand thepublic.Minutes
of thesemeetingsare providedin AppendixD.

10.1 InteragencyContacts

Thefollowingcontactsweremadeby L P. Kingof AcresInlernational


10.1.1 CentralGovernment

Ministryof EnvironmentEnvironmental
- Mr. J. K. Dansoand Mr. D. S. Amialo,June22. 1993

(NationalOil SpillContingencyPlan,1985)
- Mr. D. S. Amlalo,EPC,June 21, 1993. Mr. Amlalowas involvedwith the
preparationof the existingplan:updateforthcomingin nearfuture.

Departmentof GameandWildlife
- Mr. N. K. Ankudey,June 22, 199

- Mr. M. Mensah. Director- June 25, 1993
- Ms. E.Annang,June21, 1993,DeputyDirectory.
(Researchand UtilizationBranch)
- Mr. K. E. Koranteng,FisheriesResearchOfficer - June 21, 1993

10.1.2 WesternRegion

RegionalEconomicand PlanningGroup(Sekondi-Takoradi)
- Mr. A. Arthur, Planner,June 23, 1993

- Mr. E. D. Arkhurst,Director,June23 and24, 1993
- Mr.J. Osel,RegionalDeputyExtensionOfficer,June23, 1993
* Mr.V. Agadjie,AgriculturalDevelopment Officer,June23, 1993
- Mr. l. Longdon,AgriculturalExtension Agent.June24, 1993

- Mr. A. Addo. June 22, 1993

- June23. 1993
- Dr. E. Hanson. Director

- Mr. Opoku,DistrictFisheryOfficer.June23, 1993
- Mr. Asselua.Recorder.Shama,June 23,1993

- Mr. Oppong,RegionalManager.June24. 1993

10.1.3 Universities, Etc

Instituteof AquaticBiology
- Dr. C. Biney - June 22,1993

Universityof Ghana
- Dr. Yaa Ntiamoa-Baidu.June 24. 1993
- Mr. C. Gordon

Universityof CapeCoast
- Dr. John Blay. Jr. - June 24, 1993

10.2 Public Involvement

VRA held a meetingwith the Chief (Landowners) and the people of Aboadzeon
January29, 1993. Minutesof that meetngareincludedin AppendixD. TheChiefand
his eldersindicatedthat therewas a lot of speculationas to what the landwas to be
usedforand howthelocalinhabitants wouldbe affected.Theywantfaircompensation
paidpromptlyfor any landexpropriated.

As described in VRA's draft socioeconomicreport (1993),il is apparent that the local

people do not fully comprehendthe natureof the project. ThereIs a generalheightened
anxiety and expectation of improvements to their community and Increased job
opportunities. The leadershope that, from the project,they may be able to put through
some of the developmentprojects they require for their village,Including

- KVIP(place of convenience)
- cold storage
- clinic
- post oflice
- resurfacingthe road
- constructionof a communitycentre.

Ongoing discussions between VRA and the Chief of Shama (the Paramount Chief
responsible for Aboadze) and the local families, are planned to solicit views for the
mitigation plan.

10.3 Non GovernmentalOrganizations(NGOs)

There are no NGOs currentlyoperatingin the Aboadze area. The Regional Directorof
HealthServices(WesternRegion)explainedthat both WorldVisionand CAREare present
in the region. World Vision has provided administrativesupport throughout the region
but, in particular,in the northernpart of the Region. They have helped to develop cold
storagefacilitiesand obtain vehiclesfor outreachservices. CAREhas undertakensome
preliminaryinvestigationsand studies. They are interestedin providing support at the
District level. One further NGO. Adventist DevelopmentRehabilitationAgency (ADRA)
was reported to also be presentin the Region.
11 Conclusionsand Recommendations
11 Conclusionsand Recommendations

11.1 Conclusions
The TakoradiThermalPlant will have overall benefits to the country. It will provide the
powerto meet Ghana's energyneeds in the nearfuture. Locally,citizensof Aboadzewill
haveImprovedaccessto the larger towns,and some new employmentopportunitieswill
be available,especiallyfor skilled tradesmenin the Sekondi-Takoradiarea.

1he power plant is to be prefabricated,and will thereforeminimize the need for a large
constructionlabourforce and extensiveconstructionfacilities. Generally,on site activities
will be directed to site preparation, plant assembly, and installation of utilities and
services. The plant will use equipment designed with availableproven technologyand
as such, will reduce many of the potentialimpacts on the environment. Provisionof a
desalinationplant will ensure that there is sufficient water for control of NOx emissions
and also provide a reliable fresh water supply for other operational requirements. By
carefulsite selectionof certainfeatures(i.e.,the locationsof the cooling waterintakeand
outfall and the SPM)it will be possible to furtherminimizeimpacts. At this time,there is
a lack of baselinedata to finalizethe environmentalinput into this site selectionprocess,
hence an extensivemonitoring plan has been outlined to gather the requiredbaseline
data, as well as fulfil long-termmonitoringneeds. The plan also indicatesthe appropriate
time frame during which this monitoringmust be undertaken.

In general,the analysisindicates that the plantwill havemodest, but mainlymanageable

environmentalimpacts. It is anticipated,however,that there will be some unavoidable
impactsthat cannot fully be mitigated. These include

- air emissions

- loss of agricultural land at the proposed power plant location and along the

- entrainmentof fish at the intake

- changlesto the marine environmentat the ouffall

- visual appearanceof area


newtownsitefor up to R5permanentfamilies.

11.2 Recommendations

11.2.1 Follow-Up Programme

As this willbe thefirst largescalethermalpowerplantof its kindIn Ghana,Itwill be

necessaryto closelymonitorsuch featuresas waterand air emissions,and other
socioeconomic factors,to determinethe validityof the predictionprovidedin this
analysisand to determinewhetherproposedcriteriaare appropriatefor the future.
A follow-upprogramme to analyzetheoveratlimpacts,positiveandnegative,should
be partof projectapproval.

The programme

- themonitoringplanas outlinedin SectionB

- threeinterimreports

- on completionbf construction
- oneyearafterthefirst unit comeson line
- oneyearafterall units areoperational

- finalreport.3 yearsafterfull operation.

If significantnegativeimpactsare discernedat any stage,this schedulewill allow

reassessment of thesituation,andprovideadequatetimeforfurthermeasures to be
put in placeto reducethe impact,beforeirrevocable changeshaveoccurred.

Reportsshouldbe submittedto theEnvironmental ProtectionCouncilof the Ministry

of the Environment for their reviewand comment,as well as to the appropriate
departmentof the international lendingagencieswhohavefinancedthe project

11.2.2 CommunityImpactAgreement
and Local Citizens'Committee

Thelocalcitizenscannotpresentlycomprehend thenatureof theprojectthatis being

proposed. There should be ongoingdiscussionsbetweenVRAand the local
communityduring constructionand the first 3 years (at least) of operation,to

determineIf there are any concernsand to providesolutionsto any problems.

Possiblymonthlymeetingsshouldbe heldIniltlally,
diminishingIn frequencyas the
concernsare resolved.Thereshouldbe a plantliaisonofficeravailableat all times
to dealwith ImmediatelocalIssues.

The communityof Aboadzewill be changed by the presenceof the plant

(i.e.,aesthetically,possiblyby increaseIn noise, Influxof workers). The local
populationshouldobtainsomebenefitsfromtheprojectto offsetthesechanges.It
Is recommended thatVRAshouldenterIntoa community impactagreement with the
Chief and landowners.For example,Insteadof direct monetarypaymentfor
ownershipof the land at the proposedplantlocation,someof the facilitiesthat the
localcommunityhas Identifiedto improvetheirsocialconditions,couldbe Installed
as partof thecompensation package.

Somefundsshouldbe setasideto addressany unforeseen

adverseimpactsof the

11.2.3 Mitigative Measures

As outlinedIn Section7, 2%to 2.5%of all the projectcostsshouldbe set asidefor

environmental mitigativeuses. All mitigationmeasuresoutlinedshouldbe included
in projectapproval. In particular,the followingmitigationmeasuresare strongly

The desalinationplant is the major,and most expensive,mitigationmeasure
proposed.Theplantis requiredto ensurethatthereis sufficientwaterfor control
of NOxemissionsto the atmosphere.Withoutcontrol,NO. emissionscould
exceedtheWorldBank'scriteriaby morethanthreefold.

It is highlyrecommended thattheconstruction of thedesalination

plantbe on the
criticalpathof the engineeringconstructionschedulesuchthat theplantwould
be operational whenthe firstCTGunit is commissioned. ThesecondCTGunit
mustnotbe operateduntilthewatersupplyfor NOxcontrolis in place,if ambient
air qualitymonitoringindicatesthat maximumgroundlevelconcentrations are

Installationof the desalination

planthas added benefitsto the projectbesides
providingwaterfor NO. control. It enablesthe projectto havean independent.

reliablewater supply of lls own. Thus, it will not impose undue pressureon the
potable waler supply to the existing local communities,although the connection
will be maintainedto the municipal supply. It reduces water chlorination and
demineralizationsystem requirements,although some additional storage and
handling of chemicalsmay be associated with the systems.

Land Loss
The land at the proposedsite and along some of the transmissioncorridor Is
farmed mainly for subsistence requirements. It would be prelerable If
replacementland could be located for these farmersratherthan a one-timecash
payment. VRA should contact other landowners/titleholders in the immediate
area and ensure that replacementland is available.

Ol Spill Response
As there is no dedicatedoil spill responseteam or oil recoveryequipment existing
in Ghana, it is recommendedthat VRA, purchase and maintain, a tug-style oil
responsevessel. To minimizeoil spills at the SPM, especiallyat disconnect, it
is recommendedthat a dedicatedvesselor companybe usedfor all oil deliveries,
stipulatingthat their contractis dependent upon the safe deliveryof oil, and that
they will be directly liablefDr clean-up costs and environmentaldamages from
spilled oil.

Aquatic Requirements
Furthermarine investigationsare required to select appropriatelocations for he
intake and dischargeportalsand the SPM. The intakeand dischargestudies will
require a 12 month period and must be completed prior to the start of
construction of those facilities (January 1995, if both contracts awarded
simultaneously).The SPMsite selectionstudy will be of shorter duration, being
required prior to contract award in August 1994.

Although it is not anticipatedthat there will be a major change in the fisheries,
it is recommendedthat the fish catch be monitored. If the catch in the immediate
area decreasesbut there is no similartrend along the coast, then compensation
for catch loss may be required.

11.2.4 Air Emissions

The stack height for the CTG units should not be less than 40 m to ensure that
ground level ambientair quality Is minimallyImpacted, particularlyby SO2 .

At no time should oil with greaterthan 0.2"% sulphur content be used to fire the
plant,or that the plant be operatedwithoutitsemissioncontrolequipmentfunctional.

11.2.5 Training

The training and managementprogrammeoutlined in Section8 mustbe undertaken.

11.2.6 Contract Documents

This environmentalassessmentreport should form one of the Turnkey Contract

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Appendix A
Physical Data
i - Climatic/Air Quality Data
2- Hydrologic Data
Appendix A
Ust of Tables

Number Title

A1.1(a) Summaryof ClimaticData - Takoradi

1931 - 1960,5 m Above Mean Sea Level

A1.2 SPM and ChlorideConcentrationsin Ambient Air in Aboadze

A1.3 Ghana MeteorologicalServicesDepartment

(Summary,1961- 1993)

A1.4 Data an Wind Direction(WD) plus Speed (WS)

A2.1 Summaryof Flow Recordsfor Pra River at Daboasi

A2.2 Inchaban RawWaterFlow

A2.3 Raw Water Qualityat InchabanReservoirfor 1992

A2.4 InchabanDam Levels

List of Figures

Number Title

A1.1 SurfaceWind Frequency.0000 G.M.T.

A1.2 SurfaceWind Frequency.0300 G.M.T.

A1.3 Surface Wind Frequency,0600 G.M.T.

A1.4 SurfaceWind Frequency,0900 G.M.T.

A1.5 SurfaceWind Frequency,1200 G.M.T.

A1.6 SurfaceWind Frequency,1500 G.M.T.

A1.7 SurfaceWind Frequency.1800 G.M.T.

A1.8 SurfaceWind Frequency,2100 G.M.T.


1 - Climatic/Air Quality Data


Summaryof ClimaticData - Takoradi

1931- 1960,5 m Above MeanSea Level

*1~~~~~~~ 3~~~406 speed p

sum t & % frequencyeuew

I.Ae 4 [163 fi 34 11 4
lsnwv..... 111 inI so3 3 9S1 I3 ii 3I 1 3 4 5 lIQ Is I 2 5 3to 3 3 4 3 S S
ManL......10100 jil 23 31 21 9' 13S 4 0 59 4 3364 5921914 23 1 313 6 Ia z ou
A.I ...... 10103 2I3 33 22 9117351 10 11311I 4 I61623 is3 2 43is43133 I
XV...... lol 29 23 3! 2941 SI 336
1$0 14 415 I10a 1 5is
a 314 530396333 II
Na 23 3v 219 so13116 111 56 451 it 1 621111
aJo 23 3344113to IOa


Z 23 19 9!179 ,6 U 6 3I4 i 19 to 59 a3 a 3I3S4333oI2II3t 90 3
S~ptn~4a....0l31 3a 2' 20 95P an 16 413 l US 6 '10 Is s 1,2 I 03 153o 43 I Is33 2
tOll 23 fl 31~~~5
2336 95 333 II II 4 3 3 4 I 30 34 23 2 3 2 3~li 29 4 S I I I 10 0 1

1I I
Not-trAb.. 303,
1I I oU m
1oi 23 3 33
2 1 23 94
219 Qf 73U4 4 3 I 77
0 3130 5344561134
4 4 6 3 317 21 2I 3 0
a16 S431 3 2 I I3

Toids.........lbcs U… ---
Obuns....qiew.... I0I I IK fCP1 11 8 2 I I
Ewem.v,l un. - - - -3z -6- -

egh ~*v
*Ietnlof h4Lheel Ihuc taiidmpuvaiuus. *13tmr.
91l= o3am to h p1. ILw,i uided wtvmeitwet. eAlsobwrvanuem.
NJK ftwhdrA
.ini 1...
Table A1.2

SPM and Chloride Concentrations

in Ambient Air In Aboadze
(from Danso et al, 1993)
*; I: I :'I
raROII TO 1993 5;,.tl 01tiam ;1 J'U.Ci;!.AN :14
;24 , ,j,.

8 Feb. 9 Feb. O. 12w.3i 11.52

9 " 10 1U12.31 7.LX5 7. C'

11 " 12 " 9.1i J5.42 L5.S8

13 " 14 " 99.'Yi 5.32

14 15 I UJI *r ;4| ;|9. _{

16 " 17 " 97.25 1l.9Y

r, i:.

17 8 18 9 2.93 I4,.4 15.56

19 20 " 95.()( 1;'. U? 13.44i

22 23 " 48.i 1U.93 22.5;

23 ir 24 ijU!,I I :9
31.* 3 i . ti a

9.2 Summ.iry of Resulcs:

Highest Value 1r)6.35 :1.3!9

Lowest Value 4':.,.51 L

Arithjietric thn:iin >1"s . 1.",

_ _

S tand3rd DVvlaciowi 10.39

*occurred with 38w R:at:ifall duirinj 1


9.3 R.espirable FracLtidi LCf 1:

Weight of SPJl CQIIJCCLe L'l ft.!cLt . O.W151

,,oft itiCic 'c 0.OOOVSg

Respirable FractLon S- M cullcc-eJ in rlitcr

u 01I 515 ,
0.0OS) . 9) 3
tx . U(2 u:

- - 09
E -'
Table A1.3

Ghana Meteorological Services Department

Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Deo Y"r

PrevailingWind Direction



30.8 31.3 31.5 31.3 30.6 28.9 27.9 26.4 27.9 29.1 30.4 30.6 1961 90

Mean Monthly MaximumTemperature(C)

31.0 32.3 32.1 31.7 312 29.4 28.9 27.9 28.3 29.5 31.8 31.4 1989
31.3 31.8 32.5 31.8 31.3 29.8 27.6 27.4 28.6 30.0 31.1 31.0 1990
31.6 31.6 31.9 30.8 30.8 30.1 28.5 27.2 28.5 28.6 30.1 30.7 1991
31.4 32.4 31.7 31.8 30.7 28.7 27.2 27.4 27.8 29.3 30.3 31.0 1992
31.1 31.3 31.2 31.7 31.1 29.1 1993

AverageMinimum Temperature ('C)

23.6 23.2 23.5 23.8 23.5 23.1 22.4 22.0 22.2 22.5 22.8 22.5 1961-90

Mean Monthly Minimum Temperaturercs

20.9 23.6 23.7 24.1 23.7 23.4 23.1 22.1 22.3 22.8 23.7 23.2 1989
23.2 22.8 24.9 24.2 24.0 24.0 22.2 22.0 22.9 23.2 23.5 -22.8 1990
23.3 24.0 24.3 23.6 23.8 23.9 22.5 22.2 23.1 22.3 22.9 23.1 1991
21.3 23.9 24.6 24.7 23.9 23.2 21.4 21.5 22.4 23.0 22.9 232 1992
21.7 24.0 23.4 23.9 24.5 23.5 1993

AverageWind Speed (knots)

2.4 3.1 3.3 2.9 2.5 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.5 3.4 2.9 2.3 1951- s

Mean Monthly Wind Speed (knots)

1.9 3.5 4.5 4.1 3.5 3.3 3.5 4.4 4.3 3.9 3.0 2.2 1989
2.8 3.2 3.0 4.3 3.5 4.4 3.9 4.2 4.9 42 32 2.5 1990
al 4.1 3.9 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.0 3.1 2.1 1991
2.8 3.8 4.1 3.1 3.8 3.6 3.8 4.8 4.4 4.6 2.9 2.4 1992
2.5 4.0 3.2 3.4 2.6 32 1993

HligheslMuamum Wind Speed (knot)

41 36 44 49 40 40 31 0 23 34 46 36 1961-93
Table A1.4

Data on Wind Direction (WD) plus Speed (WS)

Station height (rain gauge) 4.5 m above m.s.l.

Wind vane height 11.2 m above ground level
Cups or pilot head height 2.0 m above ground level
Location of station 04053'N

Hourly Readings
Time 1101/92 1/02/92 1/03/192 1/04/92 1/05/92 1/06/92 1/07/192
00 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 030 4 070 4
01 X X X X X X X X X X C 0 C 0
02 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
03 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
04 X X X X 340 2 X X X X X X X X
05 X X X X 360 X X X X X X X C 0
06 300 2 X X X X X X X X X X 040 2
07 C 0 X X X X X X X X X X C 0
08 340 4 X X 040 4 X X X X C 0 X X
09 320 X X X X X 360 3 X X 050 4 X X
10 X 6 X X X 11 060 5 050 10 020 8 350 6
11 X 8 170 5 060 X X 12 060 040 X 030 X
12 X 5 140 2 X X 090 X 090 12 080 X 080 8
13 300 4 X 4 090 14 X 16 080 10 090 X 090 X
14 160 5 180 6 070 12 X 12 090 X 080 12 080 12
15 190 4 160 4 X X X 10 808 X X X 090 X
16 X 6 200 4 080 8 060 4 090 X 070 X 080 8
17 X X 170 X 050 5 050 6 X 8 X 10 X 4
i8 X 4 C 0 X 8 090 2 X 5 050 X X 2
19 230 X X X X X 080 X 070 6 070 7 C 0
20 250 5 X X X X C 0 0509 080 6 X X
21 230 X X X 060 6 X X 070 10 X 7 X X
22 C 0 X X 020 4 X X 3950 2 X X X X
23 X X X X C 0 X X 050 4 X 5 X X

C Calm
Table A1.4

Data on Wind Direction (WD) plus Speed (WS)

Station height (rain gauge) 4.5 m-abovem.s.l.

Wind vane height 11.2 m aboveground level
Cups or pilot head height 2.0 m above ground level
Locationof station 040 53'N

Hourly Readings Wind (cont)

Time 1/08/92 1/09/92 1/10192 1111/92 1/12/92

00 020 4 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0
01 X 3 X X X X X X
02 010 6 X X X X X X X X
03 X X X X X X X X X X
04 X 3 X X X X X X X X
05 350 2 350 2 X X X X X X
06 020 3 X X X X X X X X
07 010 2 360 2 X X X X X X
08 350 3 C 0 X X X X X X
09 010 4 340 4 X X X X 030 3
10 X 10 320 X 080 2 100 4 020 X
11 X 8 080 6 090 2 140 X 070 5
12 060 2 050 4 140 4 150 X 120 X
13 090 7 090 X X X X 5 140 4
14 100 4 010 5 X X 140 10 X 2
15 120 10 080 2 X 6 160 X X 1
16 10 8 090 X 120 3 170 4 X X
17 090 4 X 1 C 0 C 0 C 0
18 C 0 C 0 X X X X X X
19 X X X X X X X X X X
20 X X X X X X X X X X
21 X X X X X X X X X X
22 X X X X X X X X X X

/ Z/ ~~~~~TAKORADI %


_ , ~~JAN. (302)Bl 51 JULYC(310)

¢ 40>01 fn
. C
_ ~~FEBE.
C28J3) 68-9Z AUG. (310) 40-61
_J; _| ~MAR.(310) 51-31 SEP.C300)39-71,
_ _ ,7 ~~~~APR. (3o0) 57-41 OCT.(31o) 4o0o1 t,§
\ ~~~~~MAY (31 0) 47-21 NOV.(300) 44-41 W
\\ \Z \ ~~JUNE(C300)3601l DErGC30ED 65-91

\ };!t5t
\ ~~~TOTAL

~~~~~~~IUIl 11\1

Fee -T Frc. * r~ T F. a r- 7

Sco% or Percentoges
* O * @12 isDt 24 to 32 n do Ad 4 SR so

Takoradi Thermal Pat 1

Surface Wind Frequency, 00oboGM.T. R
Feq.5IU FB(5 e. 72...... ..... 5 11

e G#
\< , ~~~ ~~~MAR.
(31AND 4R
SEP. (300) 4861-7 030 G M TT.11111W
\ \\ ~JUNE
(300) 470O DEC(31 0) 74-21 /

\S on/ATn

_ _ _ MAR. (310) 59 1
a EP..c.nt 48g.,

SURFASurfaceWiQUNdCYoaiThra ln

rem 1-3 r. *A rb a re-. * rs 7

Scat* or Powc9rotaog-
O *= *t Is Ito 2 to 1X X. s 40 4- St 14 so

Fig.Al 2
Voka RiverAuthorky
Takoradi l
SurFaceWind Frequency, 0300 G.M.T. lW

/ / ~~~~~TAKORADI \
/ |^} ~~~~~0600
G.M.T. ^'


. _ 3C JAN (310) 70-4 JULY(310) 53-31

FEB. (283) 73-91 AUG.(3Io) 56-a1
MAR.(310) 61-9! SP. (300) 48-6_
APR.(300) 63-31 OCT.(310) 50-31
MAY (310) rs-l- NOV.(300) 54-71
\ \\ > ~~JUNE(300)
460l DErC(308) 72-71g



*.. I-1 rwc. a r.. 5 Fr. 6 r.. 7

Scale of Percentages
0 * U 11 is 10 24 to 12 16 40 44 48 St is g0

Fig. A1.3
Volta River Authority
Takoradi Thermal Plant
SurfaceWind Frequency,0600 G.M.T. H I

/ // / /j ~~~~TAKORADI \
. F. 4 F.0900
&T. U \

O _= _

c _, JAN. (310) 26-81 JULY(310) 14-21

=_ __X ~~~FEB.
(2 83) 2 9*71 AUG.(31 o) 9-01
_ _ e_ ~~~~MAR.
(316) 14 8Z SEP.X300) 4-3l ,
__ k!
_ S | a ~AFR.(300) 15-01 OCT (31o)
0) 21
MAY t3£1 No. (oo) iss B /
\JUNE(3oo)wol DEC. {303) 34-4F4/
\ A:.~~~~~~NMOM JINXw
1" M S &IN/


Au tr

F at rufi g

Fr.- 1--s Fe a r_F s Fe a '6 7

Scaeb of Percnteg-s
aa 1ist so*2 sA i as at so so

Fi. A1.4
Surface Wind Frequency, 0900 G.M.T.Jn
/ > t ~-

1200 GM.T.


3r ~ JAN. (310) 1l31 JULY(310) 262Gm

FEB. (2) 2682 AUG.(310) 3-9%
MAR.(3 10) 2-61 SEP.(3oo) ool
iE , > ~APR.(300) 2-31 OCT.(310) o-e^>
F....MAY (310) 3-51 NOV.(300) 2-71..
\°SJUNE(300)l DEC.(3on) 6t,l
o\4 S 32 '0N2E IN3
11111114ET A tRE
@ ~~~~~~~~TOTAL

ScleT or Pc Plentato
a a 9 12 of 20 Sr t W in
sen 4 se StM 1
o0 0

Volta River Authority.
Takordi Thenna Plant 1
SurfaceWind Frequency,1200G.M.T.iR

1500 GMT.


JAN. (310) I-3Z JULY(310) I-oZ P1

a FEB. (2B3) 3-21 AUG.(310) I IC,
MAR.(310) i-.o SER (300) o'3Z
APR. (300) 201 OCT.(310) 071l
\ \9
+ MAY (310) 3-21 NOV. (300) 3-37
JUNE(300) s-31' DEC.(30s) 6-21
\ \..... 4C r...,S

Scale or Percentages
0 o _2 so s 24 13 11 3 40 Ad as 12 so 60

Fig. A1.6
Volta River Authority
TakoradiThenmalPlant I![ I
SurfaceWind Frequency,1500G.M.T. HE
~~~~~~~.A. . j .5..0....N

/S ~~~~~~AT \
1800 GMT,


JAN. (310) 9-3Z JULY(31o) 6-.1

FEB. (283) 7-1t AUG.(30o) 3-9Z
MAR.(3 10) 5-51 SER (300) 301
APR.(300) 77Z OCT.(3o) i-s1
MAY (30o) o-3Z NOV. (3oo) 5-31
JUNE(300) I1-o0 DEC.(308) 12.31


. Fe

Scale of Percentages
o 4 5 32 is t0 ad &I 32 34 4o 44 a3 s2 1t o

Fig. A1.7
VoltaRiver Authority
Takoradi Thermal Plant i
SurfaceWind Frequency,1800 G.M.T. HNlU_

F ~~~~~~AT \
2100 GA.T.


JAN. (303) 80.6Z JULY(310) 27.71

FEB. (283) e0SZ AUG.(310) 29-3Z
MAR.(310) &o0 SEP.(300) 23z0a
APR.(soo) SI71 OCT.(3io) 3031
MAY(310) 432Z NOV.(300) 3s-oZ A /
JUNE(Jwo)3z-oZDEC.(308) 65s61
s /
\ \ \ \ % ~~~~~~~NUKRS IN 11AKTS ARE^

----. U-S Fam. a Fer s rFo. a Femu 7

Scale oe PercenLages
o 4 I2 lgo No id St 22 U do 44 3 2 4 so

VoftaRiver Authority
2100G.M.T. nunw
Appendix A
2 - Hydrologicand Water Quality Data
Table A2.1

Summary of Flow Records for Pra River at Daboasi (cumecs)

_____ -,.. Marl. .. Acr... ,iy ' un.: :' ,' u......h.n

1955 43.19 40.56 107.99 113.74 197.39 423.34 480.77 269.27 172.22 418.21 422.74 192.13 240.13
19S6 65.06 43.02 117.84 171.34 192.04 482.47 177.88 36.62 73.21 275.45 215.83 104.47 162.98
1957 27.70 10,31 21.33 63.10 101.19 419.88 718.23 227.70 266.27 485.33 409.63 266.89 251.30
1908 79.10 49.84 63.95 85.84 303.85 544.44 169.33 166053 157.92 260.63 262.31 223.17 197.24
1959 155.90 115.77 176.21 226.54 607.82 538.90 810.71 350.50 323.17 692.18 659.84 362.76 410.33
1960 71.45 48.31 78.62 241.63 142.93 338.80 337.30 182.72 146.05 510.82 407.65 118.86 216.76
196) 56.90 20.53 12.52 97.34 78.87 430.30 618.85 294.00 184.74 398.10 216.71 99.77 206.71
1982 46.76 13.14 64.66 95.98 228.65 647.15 731.89 471.28 124.64 367.83 396.53 271.25 288.30
1963 97.34 84.45 113.88 123.87 157.12 311.33 591.16 631.01 779.86 1040.22 459.64 182.81 381.06
1964 114.30 82.10 102.52 139.34 225.40 475.45 278.32 137.10 193.00 185.36 150.55 141.29 185.23
1965 W6.95 72.02 111.47 138.20 170.72 451.71 865.17 342.76 464.97 638.12 289.89 141.35 311.94
1968 88.78 51.40 60.72 143.50 145.66 359.44 684.51 424.44 314.19 475.42 355.37 163.66 272.28
1967 86.60 57.66 64.80 113.65 184.17 555.79 307.65 111.67 264.06 228.18 141.91 80.0)9 193.02
1966 00.55 31.41 55.99 95.44 160.32 539.34 1047.78 1134.27 1200.68 893.97 453.75 275.84 494.94
1969 - _ 135.77 177.49 295.33 409.74 391.31 220.82 185.30 198.19 383.83 127.64 202.04
1970 86.41 58.48 100.16 151.91 219.97 233.05 145.34 70.38 172.22 368.13 308.38 92.01 171.20
1971 63.83 37.61 68.62 49.38 45.20 229.85 235.37 232.77 204.28 285.76 130.95 109.63 141.10
1972 35.80 18.35 51.20 200.08 221.64 472.19 288.56 192.64 120.78 193.57 125.63 65.62 165.00
1973 42.34 17.53 17.67 66.44 56.27 162.22 138.54 177.06 345.99 280.03 188.67 64.43 129.77
1974 26.68 9.26 37.27 85.44 218.35 294.25 331.78 250.24 417.79 337.36 229.40 90.29 193.1B
1975 43.39 68.20 52.59 92.52 159.50 249.50 520.25 140.27 89.55 226.20 140.50 100.06 156.88
1976 30.87 28.18 52.70 65.47 156.22 415.29 192.61 86.43 57.89 127.33 212.26 62.82 125.66
1977 29.23 13.03 11.55 17.87 42.14 277.48 63.83 21.86 45.45 282.07 80.66 58.00 76.60
1978 11.81 4.96 23.58 118.86 218.78 525.28 102.38 56.98 133.90 210.28 152.17 57.16 134.68
1979 31.32 14.42 18.34 19.82 83.43 261.14 310.54 296.78 296.67 721.13 329.99 247.86 219.45
1980 _ - - - 218.63 362.11 246.16 317.53 275.64 486.86 - - 317.82
1981 - _ 130.95 165.48 270.63 336.31 391.31 322.77 347.95 379.35 333.16 183.21 286.11
1982 59.47 51.97 102.61 116.57 198.47 324.87 526.42 215.29 206.00 204.59 139.51 53.07 183.24
1983 _ - - - 106.43 293.68 188.90 67.71 107.05 168.37 87.57 72.06 136.50
1984 28.32 22.23 48.03 90.06 114.27 282.64 339.56 494.39 252.70 438.97 247.41 122.23 206.74
1985 74.43 40.33 55.78 133.47 137.38 210.31 341.09 358.65 432.31 306.37 200.64 103.99 203.73
1986 77.06 57.58 117.05 161.63 171.28 271.96 286.97 137.13 170.36 237.07 238.57 87.71 167.87
197? 50.35 25.28 63.07 138.23 129.76 172.10 223.05 381.88 662.42 763.30 298.83 136.09 251.86
1986 71.06 63.52 127.05 127.95 175.05 420.08 385.98 179.21 378.59 424.19 243.50 158.54 229.56
Average 60..1 1.71. 75.45 ,120.26,,180,37 374.19 395.98 264,20 281.47 397.21 271.63 139.61 222S3.
- no monihly reading
Table A2.2
InchabanRawWaterFlow' (1992)
Date Jan Feb March AprIl May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 9860 10420 7680 7040 3060 3080 3600 2480 5600 8550 9600 8800
2 8960 10200 8340 9460 3560 3060 3600 6600 3220 9700 8800 9600
3 8040 9820 7580 9120 3640 3560 4200 2840 4000 9600 9600 s8o0
4 8480 8480 8040 8720 3360 3360 4200 3000 3200 9600 7200 96o0
5 8720 10740 6020 8480 3360 3640 4800 1200 3200 9600 9200 9600
6 8340 9260 10040 7420 3080 3560 4200 3000 4000 9600 7200 8000
4 8040 8960 10080 8020 1120 3200 4200 4800 9600 - 8800 9600 96
8 8860 9260 9000 4740 3080 3660 3600 3000 9040 9600 7200 1300
9 8640 9400 9020 5900 2500 2840 4800 3000 4800 9830 4000 9800
10 8340 9600 9680 7A60 2960 2400 3000 3600 7200 9600 6200 10320
11 9020 6150 9600 7520 6240 4200 4200 72D0 9600 8600 10700
12 9680 10020 9600 7440 2780 4200 3000 1600 9600 9640 15400
13 9600 9820 8800 6840 3200 5400 4200 4800 7200 9800 16380
14 9300 8460 7700 6320 2620 5400 3200 5000 1600 7200 3200 15180
15 10420 10168 3940 6340 3220 5400 6600 8200 7200 9600 8S00 16560
16 10200 7620 8140 2020 3220 5400 4800 4400 9400 9700 g600 15400
17 10020 9760 9760 3500 4000 6000 4200 5600 9610 9600 15980
la 10168 11040 9020 6260 4200 5520 600 4200 5600 9600 960D 7600
19 11040 111oo 9560 8160 4800 7560 4200 9600 7200 9600 9040
20 11100 10540 9800 8240 3600 7520 6600 1600 8800 9600 11540
21 10800 10940 9600 5780 5000 5400 5400 9600 7200 6400 16800
22 9520 10380 9600 4800 5020 2400 6400 2400 9600 14000
23 9320 7560 9600 5420 5600 4800 6000 9600 7200 5600 11400
24 10460 7100 8860 5290 6680 3000 5400 7520 7200 8000 9600
25 11060 6900 4520 4940 7480 4200 4800 8400 8000 80W0 9600
26 10960 9300 4980 2000 5380 4800 4800 9000 8800 8800 11400
27 10200 6840 4980 480 5580 4800 7200 9600 7200 9600 9600
28 9300 5880 7900 4360 6000 4240 8800 9660 8800 9600 8800
29 8760 3200 5320 4240 7560 5400 9000 9760 9600 9600 9600
30 8640 8640 52.80 7200 4200 3600 9600 9600 8800
31 7900 7360 6960 2800 7 7200

TOTAL293748 258928 253060 181820 127040 132820 143000 86700 183600 272800 241640 347500

AVG 9475.7 8928.6 8i63.2 6060.7 4380.7 4427.3 4766.7 3923.5 6331.0 8800.0 8332.4 11209.7

1 mies perday
Table A2.2
InchabanRaw Water Flow' (1991) - 2

Date Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 7200 5240 8200 7840

2 7200 6960 8160 6580
3 7200 5620 8140 8800
4 7200 7420 7200 9600
5 7200 8140 7200 9040
6 7200 7480 7200 10320
7 7200 8160 9400 10700
8 7200 7440 8320 11540
9 7200 8200 11400
10 7200 5400 8400 14000
11 7200 7200 8400 15400
12 6000 5460 8400 15180
13 7200 5580 8160 15180
14 5400 7300 7200 15400
15 6600 1200 7200 16380
16 7200 7200 16560
17 7200 4800 6960 16380
18 8400 1200 6960 16800
19 8200 3580 9400 16800
20 11000 3600 9400 18560
21 7200 4900 9360 13000
22 10180 1800 9360 9600
23 6580 6820 8160 9600
24 4100 5020 6440 10700
25 5400 7200 8960 10320
26 7680 5380 6960 9600
27 5640 5380 6960 8800
28 6680 4800 6960 9640
29 8320 6960 9640
30 7480 5240 8800

Total 215660 143080 233060 360160

Avg 7188.7 5503.1 7768.7 12005.3

1 Cubicmetresperday
Table A2.3
RawWater Quality'at InchabanReservoirfor 1992
Number Parameter January April July Ocober

1 Temperature(°C) 32 30.9 31.4 30.4

2 pH 6.9 7.1 6.8 6.7
3 Colour (Hazen) 125 90 102 325
4 Free CO2 1.4 0.96 - -
5 Free ammonia 0.96 0.62 nil nil
6 Ammoniumn
(NH4 ) 1.10 0.68
7 Nitrite (NO2 ) nil nil nil nil
8 Nitrate (NO2 ) nil nil 6.9 11.75
9 Oxygenabsorbed 0.32 1.08 0.2 0.36
10 Conductivity 240 260 210 273
11 Chloride 40 50 48 48
12 AlkAlinity 55 45 30 30
13 Total hardness 61 48 60 51
14 Calciumhardness 30 23 33 37
i5 Magnesiumhardness 31 25 27 140
16 Magnesium 8.9 7.15 7.72 4.0
17 Calcium 1i20 9.2 1a2 14.8
18 Manganese nil nil nil trace
19 Tot dissolved solids 120.0 130.0 136.5 136.5
20 Silica 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
21 Sulphate nil nil nil nil
22 Total iron 1.3 2.0 2.34 2.34

1 Unitsthat havenot beenindicatedare in mg8L

Table A2.4
Inchaban Dam Levels (ft)
Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
I 22.10 20.80 20.10 20.80 19.50 21.000 22.30 22.10 21.00 22.30 . 22.30 2210
2 21.10 20.60 20.10 20.80 19.40 20.900 22.30 22.10 21.00 2230 27.30 22.10
3 21.10 20.30 21.10 20.80 19.40 20.800 22.30 22.10 21.15 22.30 22.30 22.05
4 21.10 20.10 20.90 20.70 19.90 20.700 22.40 22.10 21.10 22.30 22.30 2200
5 22.20 20.10 21.00 20.60 19.80 20.600 22.30 22.10 21.00 2220 2225 22.15
6 22.20 20.00 21.00 20.50 19.70 20.500 22.20 22.10 21.00 2220 22.25 22.10
7 22.20 20.00 20.90 20.40 19.50 20.400 22.20 22.10 21.00 22.20 25 22.05
8 22.20 20.00 21.00 20.25 22.30 20.400 22.20 22.10 21.00 22.20 22.25 Z2.05
9 22.20 20.00 21.60 20.10 22.40 20.600 22.20 22.10 21.00 22.30 22.30 22.00
10 22.20 20.00 21.60 20.00 22.30 22000 22.20 22.00 22.30 22.30 22.30 22.30
11 22.20 20.30 . 21.80 20.10 22.20 22.375 22.20 22.00 2Z.30 22.30 22.25 2225
12 22.20 20.50 21.80 19.90 22.10 22.350 22.20 22.00 22.20 22.30 22.25 22.20
13 22.20 20.50 21.80 19.80 22.00 22.300 22.20 22.00 22.20 2230 22.25 22.20
14 22.20 20.50 21.80 19.70 220. 22200 22.20 21.90 22.20 2230 2225 22.20
15 22,20 20.40 21.80 19.60 22.10 22000 22.10 21.80 22.20 22.30 2225 22.20
16 22.20 20.40 21.80 19.50 2.00 22.000 22.10 21.80 22.20 22.30 22.20 22.20
17 22.10 20.40 21.80 19.30 21.90 22000 22.30 21.70 22.30 22.20 2220 22.20
18 22.00 20.20 21.70 19.20 21.80 22.350 22.30 21.60 2230 Z20 Z20 22.20
19 22.00 20.10 21.60 19.10 21.70 22.400 22.30 21.50 22.30 2Z30 2Z20 2220
20 21.80 20.00 21.60 19.00 21.60 22.300 22.20 21.50 22.30 2Z30 22.20 22.10
21 21.70 20.10 21.70 19.00 21.50 22.400 22.20 21.40 2230 2Z.30 22.20 22.10
22 21.70 20.00 21.60 19.10 21.40 22.300 22.20 21.30 2Z30 22.30 22.30 22.10
23 21.60 20.00 21.50 19.10 21.30 22300 22.20 21.30 22.30 22.30 22.30 22.10
24 21.60 20.00 21.30 20.10 21.30 2.200 22.20 21.30 2Z30 22.30 22.25 22.10
25 21.60 19.90 21.10 20.10 21.30 22.200 22.20 21.20 22-30 2Z30 2220 22.00
26 21.60 19.80 21.10 19.90 21.20 22.300 22.20 21.20 2220 22.30 2220 2210
27 21.60 19.80 20.00 19.80 21.10 22.6W 22.20 21.20 22.20 22.30 22.20 2200
28 21.40 19.80 20.00 19.70 21.00 22.600 22.20 21.10 22.20 2230 21.10 21.90
29 21.30 20.10 20.90 19.70 21.00 22.400 22.20 21.10 22.20 2Z30 22.00 21980
30 21.00 20.90 19.60 21.10 22.300 22.20 21.00 22.20 22.30 22.10 21.70
31 21.00 20.80 21.60 21.00 22.20 22.30 21.60
Table AZ.4
InchabmnDam Levels (t) - 2

Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 21.50 18.11 16,30 13.10 12.30 12.40 22.20 22.20 22.40 22.30 22.25 20.80
2 21.80 18.10 16,20 13.00 12.20 12.90 22.50 22.20 22.40 22.30 22.0 20.75
3 21.40 18.90 16.10 13.10 12.10 12.80 22.50 22.20 22.40 22.30 22.20 20.70
4 21.30 18.80 16.00 13.00 12.10 12.60 22.50 22.30 22.40 22.30 22.20 2060
5 21.20 18.70 16,00 13.00 12.00 12.50 22.50 22.20 22.40 22.30 22.15 2050
6 21.10 18.60 15,90 13.80 11.90 12.40 22.50 22.30 22.40 22.30 22.15 20.40
7 21.00 18.50 15.80 14.00 11.80 14.60 22.50 22.30 22.40 22.20 22.10 20.30
8 21.10 18.40 15,70 14.10 11.70 14.60 22.40 2230 22.40 22.30 22.00 2020
9 21.00 18.30 15.50 14.01 11.60 16.20 22.30 22.30 22.40 22.30 22.15 20.10
10 20.90 18.20 15.40 14.00 11.50 16.20 22.20 22.30 2240 22.30 22.10' 2000
11 20.80 18.10 15.30 14.10 11.55 17.40 22.20 2230 22.40 22.30 22.05 20.15
12 20.80 18.00 15.20 14.00 11.60 19.80 22.10 22.20 22.40 22.25 22.00 20.10
13 20.80 18.05 15.10 13.90 11.60 22.80 22.10 22.15 2230 2230 21.95 20.15
14 20.70 17.90 15.00 13.80 12.40 22.80 22.10 22.20 22.30 22.20 21.90 2000
15 20.60 17.80 15.10 13.70 12.40 22.60 22.10 22.20 22.20 22.20 21.80 1990
16 20.50 17.60 15.00 13.60 12.30 22.50 22.10 22.20 22.30 22.75 21.75 19,85
17 20.40 17.50 14.90 13.50 12.30 22.50 22.10 22.10 2230 22.70 21.70 1980
18 20.20 17.40 14.80 13.40 12.20 22.40 22.10 22.10 2Z30 22.70 21.60 19.70
19 20,05 17.30 14.60 13.30 13.70 22.25 22.30 22.20 22.30 22.40 21.50 1960
20 20.15 17.20 14.50 13.20 13.60 22.40 22.30 22.20 22.40 22.30 21.45 19.50
21 20.1O 17.00 14.40 13.10 13.50 22.50 22.20 22.20 22.40 22.30 21.40 1940
22 20.00 17.10 14.30 13.00 13.40 22.40 22.20 2220 22.40 22.30 21.30 1930
23 19.90 17.00 14.20 13.10 13.30 22.70 22.20 2220 22.50 22.40 21.20 1920
24 19.80 16.85 14,10 13.00 13.20 2270 22.20 22.60 22.50 22.40 21.10 1905
25 19.70 16.70 14.00 12.90 13.10 2260 22.20 22.60 22.50 22.40 21.00 19.10
26 19.60 16.60 14.00 12.80 13.00 22.50 22.20 22.70 22.50 22.35 21.10 1900
27 19.50 16.50 13.90 12.80 13.10 22.40 22.20 22.70 22.40 22.30 21.05 18.85
28 19.40 16.40 13.70 12.70 12.90 22.30 22.20 22.70 22.40 22.30 21.00 18.75
29 19.30 13.50 12.60 12.80 22.50 22.20 22.60 22.30 22.30 2095 18.65
30 19.15 13,30 12.40 12.60 22.25 22.20 22.50 22.30 22.30 20.90 1850
31 19.00 13.20 12.50 22.20 22.40 22.30 18.40
Table A2.4
Inchaban Dam Levels (Rt)- 3

Date Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Doe

1 990
1 18.30 15.80 13.375 10.70 8.00 3.80 6.70 5.70 3.40 1.70 6.18 5.68
2 18.20 15.70 13.275 10.60 8.10 6.70 5.70 3.20 1.70 6.20 5.59
3 18.10 15.60 13.150 10.50 8.00 5.60 5.60 3.00 1.66 6.20 5.59
4 18.00 15.50 13.200 10.45 7.90 6.60 5.60 3.10 1.58 6.20 5.50
5 18.10 15.40 13.100 10.30 7.90 3.60 6.50 5.50 3.00 2.58 6.15 5.49
6 18.00 15.30 13.000 10.15 7.80 6.30 5.50 2.90 1.60 6.12 5.40
7 17.90 15.20 13.050 10.00 7.70 6.10 5.50 2.90 1.62 6.11 5.40
a 17.80 15.20 12.900 10.10 7.60 3.40 6.30 5.40 2.85 1.61 6.56 5.45
9 17.70 15.10 12.775 9.95 7.50 6.50 5.30 2.80 1.50 6.00 5.50
10 17.60 15.00 12.575 9.80 7.40 6.70 5.20 1.40 5.95 ' 5.55
11 17.60 15.00 12.450 9.70 7.30 3.20 6.90 5.10 1.40 5.91 5.s5
12 17.40 15.10 12.300 9so 7.20 3.00 6.80 5.00 1.38 6.00 5.55
13 17.30 15.00 12.200 9.30 7.10 3.10 6.90 5.10 1.35 5.95 5.46
14 17.20 14.90 12.050 9.15 7.00 2.90 7.10 5.10 1.55 6.00 5.39
15 17.10 14.80 12.150 9.00 7.10 2.70 7.00 5.00 2.75 6.05 5.39
16 17.00 14.70 12.150 9.10 7.00 6.80 4.75 4.25 6.05 5.39
17 17.10 14.50 11.950 9.00 6.90 6.80 4.80 4.80 6.00 5.40
18 17.00 14.40 11.850 8.90 6.80 2.30 6.70 4.70 5.38 6.00 5.30
19 16.75 14.30 11.850 8.85 5.60 2.00 6.60 4.58 5.75 5.95 5.29
20 16.67 14.20 11.750 8.75 5.40 2.00 6.45 4.65 6.00 5.95 5.28
21 16.58 14.10 11.650 8.65 5.40 2.00 6.30 4.60 6.10 5.95 5.27
22 16.50 14.00 11.525 8.55 5.40 6.15 4.50 6.15 5.93 5.27
23 16.42 14.10 11.525 8.60 5.00 6.00 4.30 6.28 3.93 5.22
24 16.33 13.95 11.325 8.65 5.10 3.30 6.05 4.20 6.30 5.91 522
25 16.25 13.80 11.167 8.65 5.00 4.10 6.90 4.10 6.15 5.91 522
26 16.17 13.70 11.100 8.55 4.00 5.30 6.75 4.10 6.15 5.90 522
27 16.08 13.60 ¶1.000 8.50 4.60 6.10 6.60 4.00 8.15 5.80 5.22
28 16.00 13.50 11.000 8.40 4.45 6.30 6.90 4.50 6.15 5.70 522
29 16.08 11.100 825 4.30 6.80 3.90 6.18 5.60 522
30 16.00 10.900 8.10 4.00 6.60 6.70 3.80 2.65 6.18 5.70 522
31 15.75 10.800 3.90 6.80 3.60 5.10
Table A2.4
Inchaban Dam Levels (ft) - 4

Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 5.08 4.00 2.90 2.15 2.00 i8.60 22.50 22.35 22.40 22.15 22.35 21.10
2 5.04 4.00 2.85 2.15 2.00 18.72 22.55 22.35 22.40 22.10 22.30 21.00
3 5.00 4.00 2.85 2.15 2.00 19.40 22.90 22.35 22.35 22.05 22.30 21.00
4 4.97 4.00 2.5 2.10 2.00 19.40 22.90 22.40 22.35 22.00 22.30 20.95
5 4.93 4.00 2.85 2.10 2.00 19.35 22.85 22.40 22.35 22.00 22.30 20.90
6 4.90 4.00 2.85 2.10 2.00 19.36 22.90 22.45 22.35 21.95 22.30 20.80
7 4.88 4.00 2.80 2.10 2.00 19.25 23.00 22.50 22.35 21.90 22.30 20.70
8 4.88 4.00 2.80 2.10 2.00 19.20 23.50 22.45 22.35 22.25 22.25 20.60
9 4.86 3.11 2.80 2.10 2.00 19.15 22.80 22.45 22.35 21.80 22.20 20.50
10 4.85 3.11 2.80 2.05 2.00 19.07 22.65 22.45 22.35 21.95 2210 20.40
11 4.80 3.11 2.80 2.05 2.00 19.05 22.60 22.45 22.35 22.35 22.00 20.40
12 4.73 3.10 2.70 2.05 2.00 19.50 22.55 22.35 22.35 22.35 21.90 20.30
13 4.67 3.t0 2.70 2.05 2.00 19.50 22.55 22.35 22.25 22.35 21.85 20.25
14 . 4.55 3.90 2.70 2.05 2.00 20.00 22.60 22.35 22.35 22.35 21.75 20.20
15 4.50 3.80 2.70 2.05 2.00 21.50 22.70 22.40 22.35 22.35 21.75 20.10
18 4.45 3.70 2.60 2.05 2.00 21.30 22.90 22.40 22.35 22.35 21.70 20.00
17 4.41 3.60 2.55 2.05 2.00 21.50 22.75 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.70 19.90
18 4.41 3.60 2.50 2.00 2.00 21.60 22.60 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.60 19.80
19 4.35 3.60 2.40 1.90 2.00 21.80 22.55 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.50 19.70
20 4.30 3.60 2.30 1.80 2.00 22.35 22.50 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.55 19.60
21 4.30 3.50 2.30 1.80 2.00 22.40 22.50 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.65 1950
22 4.25 3.50 2.25 1.80 2.00 22.40 22.45 22.40 2230 22.40 21.60 19.40
23 4.25 3.40 2.25 1.80 2.00 22.45 22.40 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.60 19.35
24 4.20 3.12 2.25 1.80 2.50 22.50 22.35 22.40 22.30 22.40 21.55 19.25
25 4.15 3.11 2.20 1.80 3.80 22.50 22.35 22.40 22.30 22.35 21.55 1920
26 4.10 3.11 2.20 1.80 5.40 22.60 22.35 22.40 22.30 22.35 21.50 19.10
27 4.05 3.00 2.20 1.80 7.24 22.60 22.35 22.40 22.30 22.35 21.50 19.00
28 4.02 2.90 2.20 1.80 1.40 22.60 22.35 22.40 22.30 22.30 21.30 18.90
29 4.01 2.20 1.80 15.60 22.60 22.35 22.40 22.20 22.30 21.42 1880
30' 4.00 2.20 1.80 16.72 22.55 22.35 22.40 222.0 22.30 21.20 18.70
31 4.00 2.20 2.20 17.64 22.35 22.40 22.35 21.20 18.60
Table A2.4
Inchaban Dam Levels (It) - S

Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 18.500 15.00 11.60 7.70 3.90 4.90 22.30 2230 21.60 22.30 22.70 22.10
2 18.300 14.90 11.50 7.60 3.80 4.90 22.30 22.30 21.60 22.20 22.60 22.00
3 18.20 14.80 11.40 7.40 3.70 10.70 22.30 22.30 21.50 22.20 22.50 21.90
4 18.10 14.70 11.30 7.30 3.50 15.70 22.20 22.30 21.50 22.20 22.50 21.80
5 18.25 14.60 11.20 7.20 3.40 16.10 22.15 22.20 21.40 22.20 2250 21.80
6 17.95 14.50 11.10 7.10 3.20 17.10 22.30 22.20 21.40 22.15 22.70 21.80
7 17.95 14.A0 10.80 6.80 3.00 17.50 22.65 22.20 21.40 22.10 2270 21 70
8 17.85 14.30 10.70 6.70 2.80 17.70 22.50 22.20 21.30 22.00 22.60 21.70
9 17.70 14.15 10.50 6.60 2.80 18.10 22.50 22.20 21.30 21.90 22.60 21.70
10 17.60 14.00 10.40 6.50 2.90 18.60 22.50 22.20 21.20 21.80 22.60 21.70
11 17.50 13.85 10.30 6.30 2.80 18.80 22.50 22.20 21.10 21.70 22.60 21.60
12 17.30 13.75 10.20 6.20 2.70 18.90 22.50 22.00 21.10 21.80 22.60 21.45
13 17.20 13.65 10.10 S.90 2.60 18.90 22.50 21.90 21.00 21.90 22.60 21.40
14 17.25 13.55 10.00 5.80 2.90 20.00 22.40 21.90 20.90 21.90 22.60 21.35
15 16.90 13.45 9.90 5.70 2.90 20.70 22.40 21.50 20.90 22.0 22.60 21.30
16 16.80 13.35 9.80 5.60 2.90 20.70 22.40 21.80 20.85 21.90 22.60 21.20
17 16.625 13.25 9.65 5.50 2.90 22.50 22.40 21.70 20.85 22.00 22.60 21.60
18 16.50 13.50 9.50 5.40 2.90 22.50 22.40 21.70 20.80 22.00 22.60 22.80
19 16.40 13.00 9.40 5.30 2.90 22.50 22.40 21.60 20.70 22.50 Z50 22.50
20 16.30 12.90 9.20 5.20 3.20 22.50 22.40 21.60 21.65 20.60 22.40 22.50
21 16.20 17.70 9.10 4.90 3.40 22.50 22.40 21.60 20.90 22.60 22.40 22.50
22 16.10 12.50 8.90 4.80 3.50 22.50 22.40 21.60 20.95 22.60 22.35 22.50
23 16.00 12.40 8.70 4.70 3.70 22.40 22.40 21.60 20.95 22.60 22.30 22.50
24 15.90 12.20 8.60 4.60 4.20 22.40 22.40 21.60 21.50 23.10 22.35 2250
25 15.725 12.10 8.50 4.50 4.60 22.40 22.40 21.60 21.80 22.70 22.40 2245
26 15.600 12.00 8.40 4.40 4.60 22.40 22.40 21.60 22.0 22.60 22.30 22.40
27 15.500 11.90 8.30 4.30 4.80 22.40 22.40 21.60 22.50 22.0 22.30 2230
28 15.400 11.80 8.20 4.20 4.80 22.40 22.40 21.60 22.0 22.50 22.30 22.20
29 15.300 11.70 5.10 4.10 4.80 22.40 22.40 21.60 22.45 22.50 22.30 22 10
30 15.300 8. 4.00 4.90 22.40 22.30 21.60 22.35 22.50 22.20 22.00
31 15.100 7.90 4.90 22.30 21.60 22.70 21.90
Appendix B
Appendix B
List of Tables

Number Tlitle

B.1 Summaryof Landingsby ArtisanalFishery


B.2 FishLandingsin Shama,Aboesiand AboadzeArea

Appendix B
List of Figures

Number Title

B.1 RegionalVegelation Patternof the CoastalZone

Table B.1

Summary of Landings by Artisanal (Canoe) Fishery

Shama Ahanta East District (1988 - 1992)

Common English Name 1388 1989 1990 1991 1992

TOTAL 20982.63 15759.31 15617.28 11273.05 22764.89

ROUND SARDINELLA 7554.19 4521.36 5495.85 2044.89 7665.47

FLATSARDINELLA 1594.61 1968.37 683.86 702.31 2878.25
BURRITO 1150.64 1199.11 1952.52 1220.46 1219.57
LONG-FINNED HERRING 834.12 745.48 1373.10 1160.29 1419.83
CHUB MACKEREL 532.25 758.06 1B8.12 1702.03 946.16
RIBBONFISH 190.68 234.16 203.16 322.19 1830.59
SHADIBONGA 439.47 545.74 561.43 286.12 769.17
BUMPER 333.10 563.68 248.91 732.76 636.27
RED PANDORA(Yiyiwa) 1187.34 448.80 198.86 293.56 205.07
ANCHOVY 257.08 686.36 615.36 167.96 452.20
CASSAVA JCROAKER 583.90 308.24 262.53 227.92 769.77
FRIGATEMACKEREL(Okpoku) 382.49 225.76 1138.69 131.92 205.65
BARRACUDA 772.53 239.47 112.98 259.90 601.05
SCADMACKEREL(Emule) 523.38 73.01 822.19 36.11 122.51
SHARKS 300.42 499.16 197.14 193.78 296.54
THREADFIN 343.74 326.15 187.82 352.64 273.03
PINK DENTEX (Tsile) 853.60 280.54 69.02 64.43 88.90
SHRIMPS 116.89 172.49 146.70 77.14 705.57
ATLANTICSAILFISH 305.12 207.24 107.97 132.56 137.21
SKIPJACKTUNA 67.19 174.26 141.16 246.51 224.35
GROUPER 504.49 132.18 24.88 18.55 19.91
HORSEMACKEREL(Apapa) 358.37 35.58 163.01 25.14 79.82
BURRO 212.26 95.38 80.63 92.80 95.94
ATLANTICLITTLETUNA 161.17 231.81 44.40 33.16 94.36
MOONFISH 64.51 148.72 45.81 82.71 192.71
RED SNAPPER 317.34 150.82 18.76 17.77 17.53
HALFBEAK 105.04 62.18 120.00 121.61 108.96
YELLOWFlNTUNA 9.27 226.68 21.59 13.81 97.23
KINGFISH (Sallo) 163.04 49.03 27.54 96.29 20.76
MANTA RAY 44.81 99.94 41.54 34.25 65.32
DOLPHIN FISH 25.19 40.20 29.51 25.06 89.35
Table B.1
Landings of Artisanal (Canoe) Flshery
Shama Ahanta East District (19B8 - 1992) - 2

Common English Name 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

DECAPTERUS(PAMPLOBAA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 139.85 57.15

ANGOLADENTEX(Bala) 146.46 0.00 10.67 5.64 24.09
COMMON SOLES 29.09 42.63 6.06 82.93 6.46
BIGEYE FISH 16.25 53.79 28.60 50.30 11.73
BLUE MARUN 11.52 41.55 13.94 11.92 42.42
FLYING FISH 9.57 0.00 2.01 0.00 95.77
ROYAL SPINYLOBSTER 50.21 17.60 9.56 2.25 14.45
MEAGRE 1.49 9.59 12.16 4.35 51.19
STING RAY 27.61 13.33 8.53 5.93 17.45
TONGUE SOLES 0.00 6.07 30.08 0.00 26.31
DRUM 11.94 15.96 6.18 4.19 8.57
LEERFISH 1.70 24.23 8.50 3.56 6.35
LADYFISH/TENPOUNDER 13.79 6.62 0.00 20.56 1.12
SP-LDEFISH(Okposansa) 34.35 3.65 0.72 0.32 0.70
BIG EYE TUNA 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.13 27.05
CUTTLEFISH/INKFISH 10.57 13.39 2.56 0.00 0.12
TUNA UNSP. 8.20 9.28 2.81 0.00 2.71
SWORD FISH 1.52 7.57 3.09 1.54 6.02
GREYMULLET 0.00 2.95 3.64 13.08 0.00
ATL H/MACK(KPANLA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.94
TRIGGERFISH 11.75 2.57 0.00 0.00 0.18
BONITO 0.33 0.00 0.86 0.00 8.14
WHITE MARLIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65 6.60
DOCTORFISH/R. RUNNER 0.00 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
GREY SNAPPER 0.00 4.31 0.79 0.00 0.00
CRABS 1.54 2.35 0.32 0.25 0.35
PAMPANO(Kokobli) 0.00 3.04 0.56 0.00 0.00
RAYS UNSP. 0.00 2.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
SEABREAM(Sikasika) 0.00 1.50 1.11 0.00 0.00
SURGEON FISH 0.31 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.00
CONGO DENTEX(Yeke) 0.29 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00
GUITARFISH 0.42 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00
SLIPPER/ROCK LOBSTER 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Fishes 305.10 18.59 138.80 0.95 4.97
Table B.2

Fish Landings in Shama, Aboesi

and Aboadze Area'

Catches In Metric Tonnes

Year Shama Abuesl Aboadze Total

1989 1690 1280 965 4205
1990 2895 1960 1770 6625
1991 2003 1945 1490 5438
1992 2600 2156 1893 6649

Predominant Species of Fish Caught

Sole (CvnoalossesSDDS.)
Burrito (Brachydeuterus aurilus)
Burro (Pomadaysiubelioi)
Horse Mackerel (CaranxhipDos)
Round Sardines (Sardinellaaurila)
Flat Sardine(Sardinellamaderensis)
Longfinned herring (Illishaafricana)
Ribbonfish (TrichiurusleDturus)
Sharks(Carcharhiaidal p2)
Shrimps (Peueidael
Manta ray (Manta birostrus)
Cuttlefish (Sepiaofficinali)
Am. Sailfish (Istiophorusamaicanus)
Tuna (yellowfin)(Neothunnusalbacares)
Frigate mackerel(Auxis thazard)

1 As providedby RegionalFisheriesDirector.WesternRegion(Mr.A. Addo).

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Fi. 61
ThermalF. :I1
Regional Vegetation Pattern of the Coastal Zone 1!'",-
Appendix C

Socioeconomic Data
Appendix C
List of Tables

Number Title

C.1 Employmentby Occupation for WesternRegion

Sekondi-Takoradiand Shama Local Authorities

C.2 Employmentfor SelectedCommunitles

C.3 Selected IndustrialActivities

Numberof PeopleEmployed- 1984

C.4 Productionof Major Crops in the WesternRegion,1992

C.5 Crop Budget for Coastal SavannaZone

(1992)per acre, WesternRegion
Table C.1

Employment by Occupation for Western Region

Sekondi-Takoradi and Shama Local Authorities'

Occupation W"ewrn Reglon Sakondi-Tmkoradl Prcentege Shama Percentage'

Alloccupations(over15 years)
- Total 530228 71 219 13 23 321 4
- Male 25 844 36 305 14 10 769 4
- Femnale 264 384 34 914 13 12 552 5
Prdof onal,lechnicalandrelated workers
- Total 20 294 5 759 28 609 3
- Male 13248 3 483 26 407 3
- Female 7 046 2 276 32 202 3
Claricaland relatedworkers
- Total 12 417 6 359 51 223 2
* Male 9 481 4 437 47 177 2
- Female 2 936 1 922 65 46 2
Wholesaband tetail trade
- Total 58 199 19 852 34 5 811 10
* Male 3 860 1 440 37 130 3
- Female 54 339 18 412 34 5 681 10
workersand hunters
- Total 354 742 8 735 3 12 882 4
- Male 173726 4 968 3 7 832 5
- Female 172016 3 767 2 5 050 3
- Total 223 506 6 093 3 7 322 3
- Male 77 456 2 473 3 2 796 4
- Female 146050 3 620 2 4 526 3
Fishermen,huntersand relatedworkers
- Total 12 759 1 976 15 3 522 28
- Male 12542 1 951 15 3 491 28
- Female 117 25 2 31 26

operators,labourers,and relatedworkers
- Total 79126 23820 30 3 546 5
- Male 54 518 16927 31 2 032 4
- Female 24 608 6 899 2 1 514 6

Onlymajoroccupationcategorieshavebeenincludedin this table. Reference:1984PopulationCensusolGhana Demographic

and EconomicCharacteristics.

2 Percentageof WesternRegion[or that occupation.

Table C.2

Employmentfor SelectedCommunities'

Number In Employment l
Total Huntilng
Aged 15 and Flshing
Locallty Sex over Total Forestry Unemployed Homemaker Other
Shama M 1927 1641 1199 135 16 236
F 2269 1736 72 69 245 219
Aboadzi M 715 567 455 41 9 98
F 903 750 14 18 44 82
Aboasi M 621 526 450 12 3 80
F 648 564 15 14 48 22
Sekondi M 9433 6363 285 842 84 1942
____________ F 8932 5135 95 646 2122 1029
Inchaban M 738 579 134 70 89
F 764 615. 232 21 61 63

Note: Morerecentdatanot available.

Source: 1970PopulationCensusol Ghana,Vol 11 StalisticsofLocalityand Enumeiation

Table C.3

Selected Industrial Activities

Number of People Employed - 1984

Occupallon Wesem Reglon S.kondl-Tmkoradl Shama

All industries
. Total 530228 71 219 23 321
. Male 265 844 36 305 10769
* Female 264 384 34 914 12 552
AglicuIlursand hunting
- Total 332 094 6 894 9 279
. Male 160147 3 091 4 306
. Fernale 171937 3 803 4 972
. Total 12 964 2 175 3 551
. Male 12 777 2 122 3 503
- Female 187 53 48
* Total 47 807 12 903 2 152
. Male 23 795 6118 677
. Female 24 012 6 785 1 475
- Total 1 9904 5 548 1 253
- Male 3 776 1 311 96
- Female 16128 4 237 1 157

. Toal 9 725 2 498 417
- Male 2 661 504 131
- Female 6 064 1 994 286

Wood.wood products
- Total 7 032 2 073 258
- Male 6 707 1 989 255
* Female 325 84 3
* Total 63207 21 691 5 894
- Male 7 516 2 690 184
- Female S5 691 19001 5 710
Transport.storageand communications
Total 16 655 8 902 669
Male 15 949 8 372 662
Female 706 528 7
and defence
* Total 8 858 4 411 249
- Male 7 625 3 712 223
- Female 1 213 699 26

Socialand relatedcommunityservices
- Total 19 966 5 885 575
- Male 12 251 3 112 375
- Female 7 715 2 773 20

Ref.Censusof Ghana,1984.
Table C.4

Production of Major Crops in the

Western Region, 1992

Crop: Cassava

District Area Yield Production

(ha) (Vha) (MT)

ShamaAhanta East 1,310 0.7 8,777

WassaWest 4,760 6.7 31,892
Aowin Suaman 4,948 .8 39.544
WassaAmenfi 5,790 9.6 55,584
BibianVAnhwiaso/Bekwai 5,942 8.2 48,724
Sefwi Wiawso 5,990 9.2 59,108
NzemaEast 3.630 8.6 31,218
Jomoro 4,080 7.9 32,232
Mpohor Wassa East 4,623 7.8 36,059
AhantaWest 4,438 8.5 37,723
Juabeso Bea 5,542 8.9 49,323

Total 51,053 8.34 426,224

Crop: Yam

Dlstrict Area Yield Production

(ha) (t/ha) (MT)

ShamaAhanta Fast - -
WassaWest 106 3.5 371
Aowin Suaman 890 5.7 5,073
WassaAmenfi 882 6 5,292
BibianVAnhwiaso/Bekwai 1,055 6 6,330
SefwiWiawso 1,580 6.4 10,112
MpohorWassa East 114 5 570
AhantaWest 37 5 185
Juabeso Bea 2,420 7.4 16,940

Total 7,084 6.33 44,873

Table C.4
Production of Major Crops In the
Western Region, 1992 - 2

Crop: Maize

Dlstrict Area Yield Production

(ha) (tlha) (MT)

ShamaAhanta East 218 0.95 207

WassaWest 2.584 1.07 2,764
Aowin Suaman 4,825 1.1 5,308
WassaAmenfi 7,850 1.12 8.792
BibianVAnhwiaso/Bekwai 4,887 1.12 5,473
Setwi Wiawso 6.173 1.12 6.914
NzemaEast 574 0.91 522
Jomoro 620 0.92 570
MpohorWassa East 2,054 1.11 2,280
AhantaWest 1,334 1.02 1,361
Juabeso Bea 6,740 1.12 7.548

Total 37,859 1.1 11,739

Crop: Rice

District Area Yield Production

(ha) (Vha) (MT)

ShamaAhanta East 65 1.1 71

WassaWest 891 1.17 1,042
AowinSuaman 1,220 1.09 1,329
WassaAmenfi 1,817 1.18 2.144
Bibiani/Anhwiaso/Bekwai 1,296 1.12 1.451
SefwiWiawso 850 1.13 1.074
NzemaEast 336 0.95 319
Jomoro 180 0.97 174
MpohorWassa East 145 0.98 142
AhantaWest 42 0.96 40
Juabeso Bea 1,903 1.2 2284

Total 8,845 1.14 10,070

Table C.4
Production of Major Crops In the
Western Region, 1992- 3

Crop: Plantain

District Area Yield Production

(ha) (t/ha) (MI)

ShamaAhantaEast 90 4 3600
Wassa West 645 4.2 2.709
Aowin Suaman 4,331 5.6 24,254
Wassa Amenfi 5,829 6.6 38.471
BibianiAnhwiaso/Bekwai 5.256 6.5 34.164
Sefwi Wiawso 6,108 6.8 41.534
NzemaEast 133 4.3 572
Jomoro 1.900 5.4 10,260
Ahanta West 168 4.2 705
Juabeso Bea 7.050 7.1 50.055

Total 31,664 6.44 203,777

Crop: Cocoyam

District Area Yield Production

(ha) (Vha) (MT)

ShamaAhanta East 71 3.8 269

WassaWest 328 4.5 1.476
Aowin Suaman 4,188 4.9 20,521
BibianVAnhwiaso/Bekwai 4.289 5.1 21.874
WassaAmenti 3,985 4.9 19,527
SefwiWiawse 4,807 5.3 25,477
Nzema East 45 3.2 144
Jomoro 35 3.4 119
Mpohor Wassa East 874 4.7 4.108
Ahanta West 85 3.7 315
Juabeso Bea 5,316 5.4 28,706

Total 24,023 5.1 122,536

Table C.5
Crop Budget for Coastal Savanna Zone
(1992) per acre, Western Region


Land clearingand Preparation(1 acre) 12.000

Planting(3 MD) 3.600
2nd weeding (6 MD) 4,200
Harvestingand collection(3 MD) 3,600
Dehuskingand shelling (3 MD) 3,600
Caring (4 MD) 2,800
Sack (4 at 300 cedis each) 1,200
Seed 5.000
Hoe (1: amortisedsingle season) 800
Cutlass(1; amortisedsingle season) 1,000
Basket (2 at 800 cedis each) 1.600

Subtotal 43,600
Contingencies (10%) 4,490

TOTAL 48,090
Total revenues, (Cl 30,000 per ton for 0.4t/acre) 52,000

Gross margln 3,910

Land clearing and preparation(1 acre) 12,000
Planting(6 MD) 4.800
Harvestingand collection(4 MD) 6.000
Threshing (4 MD) 4.800
Carting (4 MD) 4.800
Sack (4 at 300 cedis) 1,200
Seed (40 kg at 200 cedis) 8,000
Hoe (amortised,single season 800
Cutlass(amortised,singleseason) 1,000
Table C.5
Crop Budget for Coastal Savanna Zone
(1992) per Acre, Western Reglon - 2

Basket (2 at 800 cedis) 1.600

Milling 3.200

Subtotal 56,600
Contingencies 10% 5,660

TOTAL 62,260
Total revenues, (C230,000 per ton for 0.4 tlacre) 92,000

Gross Margin 29,740


Land clearingand preparation 12,000

Planting(6 MD) 4,200
Harvesting(8 MD) 5,600
Carting (8 MD) 5,600
Baskets (2 at 800 cedis) 1,600
Cassavasticks (20 headloadsat 400 cedis) 8.000
Hoe (1, amortisedsingle season) 800
Cutlass(1, amortisedsingle season) 1.000

Subtotal 51,400
Contingencies 10% 5,140

TOTAL 56,540
Total revenue ( 2.7t/acre at 35,725 cedis per ton) 96,457

Gross Margin 39,917

1 HA Local variety,no establishmentcosts

Weeding (1 ha) 15.000

Harvesting(20 400 nuts at 200 cedis per 100 nuts) 40,800
Transportation(20 400 nuts at 300 cedis per 100 nuts) 61,200

Subtotal 117,000
Contingencies 10% 11,700

TOTAL 128,700
Revenues (1 nut at 15 Cedks for 20 400 nuts) 306,000

Gross Margin 177,300


Appendix D

Agency and Public Input


I L'.>:s 'LJW

WZTI rfU ClI!37

DA!U: . Jinuazy 29. l993.
V30:, Chief 's house , Abeadze
3.00 p.M
1.0 X.§ A-tenadanv
1. AMdzw Amankwah t VRA, RED
2. S. Xofi Yeboah - VXA, RED
3. IKwasi Amoah - ViA, Tranuismsion Dept.
4. Nana Isem - Aboadze Apofohene (Chief/FiSheh@ an)
5. Abusuapayin K. &gyir Head of Family - Abrade Family of
- Domo and Aboadze.
6. Opaii.I Essuon lui - Blder, Abrade Family af Dwomohand
- Aboadz.-
7. J.1:. Arthur - secretary, Abrade Famoly
8. Mohammed kvofie CDR Organizing Secretary - Aboadze
9. Kenneth Eshun Secrftary Aboadz. CDR & 4 other CDR
* membezs.
10. )luke Krah Reoresentative of A5semblyman.
1.. Right of entry on land for Geo-technical Investigations.
2. Declaration Of VPA intention to acquire lanrd for a Thermal
cenerating Plant Project.
3. Request for declaration of ownvers oe the chosen site.
4. Affirmation of Grant.
5. Compensation foX land taken and associated issues.
6. Others matters.
3.0 DX5CIM3SOmg
The VPA team informed the meeting that the prinary
objective for callingthe meeting-was to seek the consent ol
the local people and the Chief and his elders for some
agents of ViA to undertake some tests an the land intended
for the thermal plant.
The chiet and the peopleon the other-hand complained
about the Provence of yRIAi,n the locality withouzt ilforming
them of what they wore doing. The VAA team thorefore
apo;o0ited 'or not keeping the people informed oS her
actviti.ev in the area.

. * ... ~~~~~~~/2

After lengthy deliberation on the issue8 a customary

fee of a bottle of schnapp and n atount of ton thousand
Codis (C10O00 0.0O) vas pruente to the chiefs and hie
elders for permssion to be gra ted to VRA to undwrtake
the preLiminary test on the ladd.
3.1 The Aboadze chief and his 4lders indicated that there
vas a lot of speculation as to what use the land would be
put to, and hca thie project Vill affect the local
inhabitants and requested for c1arification
The VRAteam explained thtan if the test being
undertaken by VRA proved the Si to be suitable,f thermal
plant will be established to suXplement the existif9
electricity generating capacity of VIA. The people were
assured that the project vas not going to creat any socio-
economic problem Soz them, and lJo no adverse environmental
e*Sect vas envisaged. On the psuitive impact, it Vas
explained that the locality waa going to be very important
in the country and also IobI co ld be created with the
implementation of project.
4.0 lgV;3MATION oF SnT
The VRA team requested the chief to affirm to the
agreement to grant about 110 he tres of land to V*A should
the need arise. The Chief pron unced that the Abrade
family of both Aboadze andc Dwomi, ace the cu3todiana of the
land, and assured the mee'ting et A the land would be
granted to the Authority.


several question were put o the vRA team on the issue
of compensation p ent. A lot of time was spent in
explaining that ;Kqo,s3 nQ,t hrk its responsibility of
pay ng compensa.aion' ihibev;i 9tidue. As an official
policy and also as a constituti cnal requirement, VRA payy
adequate and prompt compensatior* tor land taken and
properties to be displaced, ba3 d on open mazket values.

.. ./3

2321 PAE. 93

inalluation of Custo-I I t
The c1anxani no ciersndicated that further
customary rites vould have to ae per4o:med bY VRA be.rOZe
actual work begins on thi site should the land be found
Duitable. The payment made at the meeting vas only to
SIord VRA the right to enter 'ho land -or the tests.
4.1 TnDe-otion of Stit
A team Made Up of the Chif'V representative, miembers
Of the Abradze family,CDR and tho VRA officials inspected
the site after the meeting.


..~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
lol ONi
A aN~
rH. hIiaL

EiWZR,-G1I A!Ltust, go

Ch*' Uscutv.e,
Vo2tc liver Authority,

D"r lsx

I vish to refer to your lttuT of APrTIl 2, 1990, lef. No.

1258/1177nothe above-sectioned*ubj9oe and inform you that
Etf11ww% * *Ludy wLVj&upwSlv SUML6Le1d by yuv amal GuvL1dSaluu
of backgroundcondiLtioc of the locatio of the propow-d generatLng
plant the follov±ag guidelines based on the aablsut levels of the
pollutant coucerenedand being submitted for your guidance.

Sulphur Diozide (so): 'ooWul . 24 `hS.

Carbon )4onxide (C0): lOs/. 3 maxBhr
Parteculates 260 0:;/23 :uh 24 hr.
NItrogtn Oxide (NOx):. 320 IS) ai
?lease note that the above guidelines sre subject to
and say be altared without notice.
Where conaldared necessary the Authority v4ll be t.
ro set up *a approvedfacility for mouLtoriug anvr- I
peor.osncs vith regard to the pollutants In quest.'

Your. faithfully,

for: mZICUTV
Minutes of Meeting July 12, 1993
Held In the offices of P1040802
Cape CoastUniversity
Cape Coast,Ghana
on Junw 22, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Dr. J. Blay Jr. - FisheriesBiologist

Mr. D. Del - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

D. Dei and L. King brieflyoutlinedthe scopeof the proposedprojectand Action

enquiredas to the availabilityof informationon the nearshorezone along
the front of the site, and of the marine resourcesof ShamaBay. Dr. Blay to en-
quire of his
Dr. Blay indicated that the only previouswork that he was awareof in colleagues as
that area had concentratedon the oystersat the mouth of the Pra River to the existence
estuary,whichwere exploitedand utilizedon a local basis. He indicated of any addit-
that most of the economicpotentialof the areawas centredaround the ional site spec-
marine fishery, and this was primarilydirected toward the Sardinella ific information
species. Mostof t he university'swork is concentratedin the Cape Coast for Shama Bay
- Elmina area, rather than furtherwest. Dr. Blay provided two journal or the site near-
articles describing feeding and reproductive characteristics of shad shore zone.
(Ethmalosafimbriata)in the coastalwatersoff Cape Coast.

Dr. Blay and his colleagueswould be interestedin undertakingany field

studies requiredfor the project, either by themselves,or in conjunction
with Fisheries Departmentstaff. Other specialists in the Department
wouldbe availableto investigateshellfish/bivalveresourcesof the project
area as required.

LPK Reportedby
L. King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutesof Meeting July 12 1993
Held in the offices of P1040802
FisheryDepartment(Min. of Agriculture)
on June 22, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. A. Addo - RegionalFisheriesOfficer

Mr. D. De! - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

D. Dei and L King outlined the proposedproject,and requesteddistrict Action

level information on the local artisanal (canoe) fishery. It was also
requestedthat the districtfisheriesofficer accompanyD. Deiand L. King
on visits to Shama and Aboadze, to assist with the evaluation of
informationobtained from local fishermen.

A. Addo providedlandingsinformation(weights)by communityand a list

of predominantspeciesin the canoefisherycatch. He indicatedthat the
sardineand anchovyfisherywere the mainstayof theselocal commun-
ities. Mr. Opoku (Shama District FisheriesOfficer) would accompany
during site visits and assist as required.

LPK Reportedby /<1L-7

L King f
% S

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 13. 1993
Held In the offices of P1040802
Ministry of Health- RegionalOffice,
on June 23,1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Dr. E. Hanson - RegionalDirector

Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

D. Dei and L. King outlinedthe proposed projectand requestedMinistry Action

of Health informationon the level of public health and health services
within the Regionand within the ShamaAhanta East Districtand locally Pick up Dr.
near the project area. Hanson's pre-
sentation notes
Dr. Hanson indicated that there is one health post at Shama,and that from the reg-
the district is providedwith outreachservices,which take the form of a ional confer-
monthly tour. There are plans, over the nextyear of so. to upgrade the ence, after July
health facilities at Shamato provide better maternaland generalhealth 6, 1993.
care. This would be achieved by the installationof a doctor in the
community,as well as trainingprogramsfor local staff. He indicatedthat
the Pra Riverarea is a difficult area to operatein. due to the existinglow
level of services and infrastructure(ie hard to get professionalstaff to
relocate there), and the current goal is to achieve 50% health care
coverage within that particulararea.

Within the district; there are 5 doctors, excluding those at Takoradi

Hospital,which is the nearestgovernmentmedicalfacility to the project
area. Other private health care facilities also exist within the district.
Although no specificnationalhealth care or health provisiongoals exist.
a comparisoncan be made with other regionswithin the country. Dr.
Hansonindicatedthat the WesternRegionhasa higherlevel of unskilled
staff, and needed more skilled staff to bring it up to national levels.
Health service targets for the region are 80 - 90% coverage of all
pregnanciesand deliveries,immunizationof all childrenand an equitable
distribution of nationalresources.

District level data for was provided in the form of a copy of the 1992
ShamaAhanta East MetropolitanAuthorityAnnual Reportand Develop-
Minutes of Meeting - 2

mentPlan,and regionaldatawas promisedat a laterdate (afterJuly 6,

1993),in the formof Dr. Hanson'spresentation

In terms of NGOs (Non GovernmentOrganizations) workingwithin

WesternRegion, Dr. Hanson indicatedthat World Vision is active
throughout theregion,providingadministrativeandInfrasiructuralsupport
(le cold stroragefacilityfor medicines,vehiclesfor outreachprograms);
while CAREhas donesomepreliminaryInvestigations and is interested
in workingat the districtlevelwithintheregion.

LPK Reportedby
L King
A/AZ )eK
cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 13. 1993
Held In the offices of P i040B02
Ministryof Agriculture
on June 23, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant



Mr. E. Arkhurst- RegionalDirector

Mr. J. Osei - RegionalDeputy ExtensionOfficer
Mr. V. Agadjie - SeniorAgriculturalDevelopmentOfficer
Mr. A Arthur - RegionalEconomicPlanner
Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

D. Dei and L King briefly outlined the proposedproject and requested Action
Min. of Ag. assistance in obtaining site specific, district and regional
information to be used in the evaluationof project impacts and the Meet Mr. Lon-
preparationof an environmentalreport. E.Arkhurstdescribedthe major don the fol-
agricultural activities of the Shama Ahanta East District, and also lowing day, and
provided a report documenting production information as well as undertake site
outlining the Ministry'sseven year developmentplan for the District,to reconnaissance
the year 2000. visit.

Generally,the district is a poor producerof crops, ranking9th of the 11

districts in the region. Tree crops, especiallycoconut, are importantto
the district, with 250 ha under cultivation. Coconut does well near the
coast, as both temperaturesand water supply are more constant,with
less variation than further inland. Coconut disease,which is a leaf-
hopper transmittedmycoplasmicdisease,is evident in the west and is
spreadingeastward in the region. Plantingsof fuelvood crops (Cessia
sp) have also taken place in recent years, to supply wood for fish
smokingoperations. Generally,peoplearemore interestedin fishingand
livestock raising (free range) than cropping, although a considerable
increase in activity,much of it undertakenby women, has taken place
within the last few years. Cassavais the main subsistencelevel crop
grown thoughout the district,with a second crop normallyobtained the
followingyear from the regrowth. This is then followedby a 4 - 5 year
fallow period beforethe land is croppedagain. Malzeis often intercop-
pped with the cassava.

Soils in the region decrease in pH from east to west, ranging from

approximately6 to 5, respectively;reflectin;, the rainfall pattem in the
Minulesof Meeting- 2

region. Higherrainfallin thewesttendsto leachbasicmaterialsout of

surfacelayers,resultingin moreacidicsoils in the westernpart of the
region. Coconutis not deemedto-bepH sensitivein termsof soil Ph.

1992croppingyear,as wellas average1992pricesfor variouscrops.

In responseto an enquiryabouttourismand presentor futuretourist

development in thedistrictandregion,Mr.Arthurindicatedthata siteon
thewestsideof theAnankwari hadbeenpurchased and partiallycleared.
with the intentionof developinga beach resorton the site. The
development hadbeenapproved bytheEconomic PlanningDepartment.
He also indicatedthat the castleat Shamahas historicalsignificance,
and as such is a touristattraction,
whilethe PraRiverestuarywas also
a significantfeature,primarilydue to thefishingcommunities.Theold
highwaybridgeoverthe PraRiveris a tourist/historical attraction,while
the sectionof shorelinefromShamato Sekondiis recognizedas very
beautifulbeach,with highpotentialfor futuretouristdevelopment.

Coastalzone erosion is becominga problemalong much of the

shoreline,and is being furtheraggravatedby sandwinningactivities,
whichsuppliessandfor buildingblockfabrication.Mr.Arthurindicated
that sandwinning(mining)along the shorelineis now illegal,and is
expectedto helpremediate the erosionproblemto somedegree.

In responseto requestfor assistancein evaluatingthe agricultural

activitieswithinthe proposedsite area,E. Arkhurstindicatedthat the
DistrictExtensionServicesAgent (Mr. I. London)would accompany
duringa sitevisitthe followingday.

LPK Reportedby . -- _

L King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 13, 1993
Held In the offices of P1040802
Public InformationCentre
on June 23, 1992

Takoradi ThermalPlant
Feasibility Study


Mr. Opoku - District FisheriesOfficer

Assefua - Fishermanand FishCatch Recorder,Shama RecordingStation
*Mr.D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

Information was requested on the species that comprise the major Action
components of the commercial catch, and those that are commonly
taken in ShamaBay and inshore(in the beach zone) along the front of
the project area.

Mr. Opoku confirmedthat the Sardinellaspeciesare the mainstayof the

commercialfisheryin the district,providingthe majorityof the disposable
income for fishermen,and employingthe largest number of persons.
The fishery is predominantlyoffshore, beyond the 30 meter cDntour,
although Assefuanoted that someanchovyare takendirectlyoff the Pra
Riverestuaryin the 15 - 20 meterdepth zone. Sardinesand anchovyare
taken with purse seine nets. Long-finnedherring are often associated
with the sardines and are caught at the same time off the site beach.
Mr. Opoku indicatedthat this species foragesinshore,particularlyin the
vicinity of the Pra River estuary.

The species most prevalentand of most significancein the nearshore

catch in Shama Bay and in the vicinity of the Pra River estuary is the
cassava fish (Pseudotolithusand/or Argyrosomasp). It is steaked and
smoked, and sold locally in the communities,as well as being shipped
into SekondiVTakoradi.Catchesare highestduring periodsof high water
temperature (26 - 29°C), and spawning is said to take place along the
beaches, in the Decemberto March period.

Shrimp are also locally important in Shama Bay and in the Pra River
estuary. Rearing and foraging areas are both present in the estuary,
while breedinggroundsare presentalongthe shoreline.The abundance
of shrimp locally is also related to temperature(ie high temperatures
Minutesof Meeting- 2

an exportmarket.

OtherspeciescaughtInshore,whichare presentIn ShamaBay,and

utilizethe estuaryduring one part of their life cycle,are ribbonfish,
threadfin.burrito,and cuttlefish.

Fromhis own experienceas a fisherman,and from discusssions with

otherfishermen whilerecordingcatches,thefollowinginformation
on the
specificlocationof individualspeciesin ShamaBayand alongthe front
of the projectsitewas obtainedfromAssefua.

Alongthe beachon theeastsideof the PraRiverestuary,extendingout

as far as the 15 m contour,fishermentake shrimp, cassavafish.
ribbonfish,and shad (Ethmalsoma
sp). Thisis the primaryareain the
bay for shrimp,wherethey are taken in abundance,with the peak
occurringfromNovemberto January.Onlyseinenetsareusedin this
area(ie no set nets).

FromShamato Aboesi,the shorelineand bottomis rocky (to 20 m

depth), with lobstersone of the prime componentsof the catch.
Lobsterslandedat Shamaaresuppliedto local,aswellasinternational,
markets(ie buyerfromCoted'lvore). Cassavafishare moreabundant
in thevicinityof the Praestuarythan furthersouthalong theshoreline.
Barracudaare occassionally takenat Shamaamongthe rocks.

NearAboadzePoint,lobstersaretakenamongthe rockson both sides

of the point during the hot season(15 - 30 m water depths),while
snapperand grouperare takenon the immediatewestside duringthe
cool season.

At the AnunkwariRiverestuary,and along the shorelinein frontof the

proposedthermalplant, no fish or shellfish,with the exceptionof
stingraysare caught.

Assefuaestimatedthat there are apprDx.1000 active fishermenin

Shama,and that mostof the populationis involvedin eitherfishingor
fish smokingor subsisitencefarming. All of thefish catchis smoked.
Somewood is broughtfrom the bush betweenShamaand the main
road, althoughthis supplyis considerablydepletedand the majority
comesfrombeyond(northof) themainroad. Mangrove is presentalong
the Praas far northas the mainroadbridgeand is cut and utilizedfor
fishsmokingaswell. Tilapiaand catfishare takenin the riveraswell.
Turtleswereonceabundant,but havenot beenseenin ShamaBayyet
this year, althoughtwo were seen last year. Assefuaindicatedthat
turtlesspendup to 3 monthsneartherivermouthbeforemovingto the
beachto lay eggs.
Minutes of Meeting - 3

Thefollowingcostestimates wereprovidedbyAssefuafortheequipment
to initiatea newfishingoperation:

canoe 600,000- 800,000cedis

preparecanoefor sea 100,000cedis
outboard 1,650,000
drift gilinets 5,000,000
set g9ilnets 1,700,000
purseseine 5,000,000

It was estimatedthat Shamahas78 boats,whileAboadzeand Aboesi

have300and 100each.respectively.Fishsaleswould be expectedto
bringin 7 - 10 millioncedisduringan averageyear.whilea goodyear
couldprovidesalesin excessof 20 millioncedi. Assefuaindicatedthat
those boat ownersextensivelyinvolvedin the sardinefisherycould
expectincomesnear20 millioncedis. Ofa boat'sincome,halfwouldgo
to the owner,whilethe restwouldgo to thecrew.

LPK Reportedby /•-L {

L King /
cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 13. 1993
Held in the offices of P1040802
Bureau of Tourism
on June 24, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. Oppong - RegionalManager

Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

Mr. Oppong was asked if he could provide additional information Action

concerning the proposedtourist developmenton the west side of the
AnankwariRiver,and to provide an assessmentof projectarea in terms
of its potential for future tourism or tourist developments.

The site in question is near Esupon, and known as Paradise Beach.

Approval has been given to develop the site for a tourist resort, and a
road has been startedinto the site. The developerwas identified as Mr.
J.D. Quakyi,who is the owner of the PalmBeach Hotel at Saltpond.

Mr. Oppong indicatedthat the Pra Riverestuaryis consideredto be an

areawith high tourismpotential,due to its location,natural scenery and
historical/communityattractions(ie fishing villages).

LPK Reportedby
L. King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 14, 1993
Held in the offices of P1040802
FisheriesDept., Researchand UtilizationBranch
Tema, Ghana
on June 25, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Ms. E. Annang - Head, Researchand UtilizationBranch

Mr. M. Mensah- SeniorFisheriesOfficer
Mr. D. Del - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

Retumed to FisheryDepartmentoffices to pick up fish catch data for Action

ShamaAhanta EastArtisanal(canoe)fishery. Met alsowith M. Mensah
on this date. Uaisewith
Fishery Depart-
L King enquired as to the significanceof the local shrimp fisheryfrom ment staff in the
a national perspective. M. Mensahindicatedthat is a major resourcein selection of
the local area, and a contributorto the national total. methodologies
for and in the
L King enquired as to Fisheries Department interest in or ability to timing of field
undertake a portion of future field studies for the proposed plant. E. investigations.
Annang indicated willingness to assist with field investigatiDns. M.
Mensah suggestedthat a varietyof assessmenttechniques(ie set nets,
trawling, plankton investigations,etc) would be required to fully assess
the various fish stocks (ie pelagic,demersal,larvae). He indicatedthat
Sardinellalarvaand juvenilescome inshoreto feed near estuariesand
beaches, and that this would be an importantcomponentof the fishery
to quantify, particularlywith respect to the potential impact of station
operationon the stocks.

LPK Reportedby
L King
A•E7 *;1r
cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Results of Site Reconnaissance July 14,1993
In associationwith P1040802
Ministryof AgricultureExtensionAgent
for ShamaAhanta East District
on June 24. 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. I. London- Ministryof Agriculture

Mr. L. King - Acres

1.London accompanied L King on a walk-overreconnaissanceof the Action

proposed site, to assist in the determinationof the extent and com-
positionof agriculturalactivity in the area. A Land Ass-
essment group
The majorityof the land above inundationlevel within the proposedsite within the Mini-
is under shiftingcultivation. Presently,approximately50 % of the arable stry of Mines
land (25 - 30 ha) is being utilized for the current year's crops. and Energyhas
Crops being grown throughout the site include cassava, maize, sweet capabilities and
potato,hot peppersand eggplant. Theseare in small plots scatteredon should be con-
higherground throughout the site. Cattlehad been allowedto grazethe tacted to aid in
site previously, but had recently been removed due to the potential cropevaluations
development. . for the pur-
poses of com-
A number of specialty and vegetablecrops are being grown including: pensation.

Tiger nuts - a cash crop grown in raised beds, estimatedat 1+ ha

presently under cultivation
Watermelon- intercropped in tiger nut beds
Groundnuts - in raised beds, in associationwith tiger nut plots

Shallots,garlic, tomatoes and okra were also noted.

Of the tree crops, Mr. London indicatedthat most of the oil palms on site
were wild, with only one fruiting plant observed. Coconut palms are
presenton the beachridge borderingthe ocean on each side of the site,
but are absent from the central portion of the site in the former area of
sand excavation. Scattered coconut palms are also present on the
centralknoll on high ground. Othertreesof significanceobservedon the
site, although scatttered and in low numbers,include mango, guava,
Minutesof Meeting - 2

neem and plantain. A small plantationof Cessia exists on the western

half of the knoll furthest northwestin Ihe site. The eastern halt of the
knoll consists of native scrub brusht

LPK Reportedby
L. King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 7, 1993
Heldin the officesof P1040802
FisheriesDept.,Researchand Utilization
on June21, 1993

Takoradl Thermal Plant



Ms. E. Annang- Head. Res. & Util. Br.

Mr. K. Koranteng
- FisheriesResearchOfficer
Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

D. Dei brieflyoutlinedVRA'splansto site a thermalpowerplant in Action

WesternRegionnearthe lishingcommunity of Aboadze,approximately
15 km. east of Sekondi-Takoradi. L KingexplainedthatAcresis in the Pick up infor-
processof assessing thefeasibil,.yof theproposedplant,and preparing mationpackage
an environmental report,and that the purposeof the meetingwas to on Friday.
determine theavailability
of fisheriasdatain thegeneral
vicirnityof the proposedplant(ie regionaland districtlevelinformation).
Specifically,we are interestedin determiningwhetherany locally or
regionallysignificantfish stocksexist in the immediatevicinityof the

K. Koranteng indicatedthatthe PraRiverestuary,immediately to theeast

of the site,is oneof the moreimportantlocationsalongthecoastlinein
termsof fisheryresources.He indicatedthat speciesof importancein
the nearshore area(0 -20 meterdepthzone)wereshrimp,cuttlefishand
billfish.Fisheries dataiscollectedat a recordingstationat Shama,which
is reportedthroughthe Regionalofficein Sekondi.That officecould
providemoresitespecificinformation with respectto the fisheryin the
immediate vicinityof the proposedsite. TheRegionalOfficerto contact
at Sekondiis Mr.A. Addo,whilethe recorderat Shamais Assefua.

E. Annangindicatedthat districtleveldata,by species,was available.

L Kingrequestedthatinformation for themostrecentfiveyearperiodbe
madeavailable.E. Annangindicatedthat this shouldbe possibleby
Friday,andwouldbe readyfor pick-upat that time.
Minutes of Meeting 2

Reportedby L. King / C
r7 - t,

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Mlnutes of Meeting July 7, 1993
Held In the officesof P1040802
Dept. of Gameand Wildlife
Accra, Ghana
on June 21, 1993

Takoradl Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. N.K. Ankudney- Deputy Director

Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

Dept. of Game and Wildlife contacted to ascertainwhether there were

records of any wildlife resources of significance (rare, endangered or
unusual species)in the project area. N. Ankudneydid not believethere
was, but enquiredwhether the EnvironmentalProtectionCouncil (EPC)
had been contactedwith respect to this potential project.

D. Dei indicatedthat they had been, and that VRA/Acreswere continuing

their discussionswith the EPC. N. Ankudneyindicatedthat Gameand
Wildlife concernswould be addressed through the EPC,but requested
that a brief descriptionof the project and a map showingthe location of
the proposedsite, alongwith an officialrequestfor review,be forwarded
to Game and Wildlifefrom VRA.

LPK Reportedby
L King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 14, 1993
Held in the residenceof P1040802
Dr.Y. Ntlamoa-Baidu
on June 24, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Dr. Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu- Universityof Legon

Mr. C. Gordon - Savethe Shorebirds(UK)
Mr. D. Del - VRA
Mr. L King - Acres

D. Dei and L Kingbrieflyoutlined the proposedprojectand enquiredas Action

to the existenceof specificshorebirdmigratoryrest or feedingstops near
the project area. Dr. Ntiamoa-
Baidu to pro-
Dr. Ntiamoa-Baiduindicated that a major migratoryshorebirdstopover vide abundance
point existson the Hwin River estuary,west of Takoradi. Closer to the data for the
projectarea,the westernshorelineof ShamaBay is utilizedas a resting Aboadze and
area for some shorebirds,primarilyterns. Countingstations have been Aboesi stations
establishedat both Aboadzeand Aboesi for the last few years. for the previous
3 years.

LPK Reportedby
L King

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 12, 1993
Held In the officesof P1040802
Institute of Aquatic Biology
Accra, Ghana
on June 22,1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Dr. C.A. Biney - IAB

Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

Met with Dr. Biney to enquireas to potentialfor him to accompanyD. Dei Action
and L King to Aboadze to assist with evaluation of nearshore and
Shama Bay fishery. Contact either
Dr. Blay,Jansen
Dr. Bineyexplainedthat the majorityof his previousexperiencehad been or Amehia at
with coastallagoon and freshwaterfisheries,and hence did not feelthat Cape Coast
he was the appropriateindividualto adviseon marine fishery, although University.
he was aware that Shama was an important fishing area. He did
howevernote that a new FisheriesBill had recentlybeen passed, which
would prohibit the taking of juvenilesby the seine fishery.

His background is in chemistryand waterqualityanalysis,as relatedto

assessmentof pollutant impacts. He indicatedthat the IAB would be
willing to assistwith or undertakeanywater qualitysamplingor analysis
required for the project.

Also indicated that the Fisheries Departmentwould likely be the best

source of oceanographicinformation. Providedreferralto either of Dr's
Blay. Jansenand/or Amehiaas potentialcontactswithinthe Department
of Zoology of Cape Coast University.

LPK Reportedby L Kn
L KingJ

cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee .
Minutes of Meeting July 8. 1993
Held In the offices of P1040802
Accra, Ghana
on June 22, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. J.K. Danso - Deputy Director(TechnicalServices),EPC

Mr. D.S.Amlalo - SeniorProgramOfficer,EPC
Mr. D. Dei - VRA
Mr. L. King - Acres

D. Dei and L. King outlined the scope of the proposed project, and Action
enquiredas to the EPC'sregulatoryrequirementsor guidelinesfor such
a project. Environmental
report for-
J. Dansoindicated that the EPCwould requirean environmentalimpact warded to EPC
assessmentof a project of this scale. The Ministryof Environmentis for review and
currentlyin the processo; establishingregulatoryrequirements(presently comment as
in draft form) for various projects and operations,as well as an EIA part of project
ReviewBoard- The Boardis expectedto be establishedby mid-lateJuly. approval pro-
after which time,all projectproposalswould go through it for reviewand cess.
comment. Mr.Dansoindicatedthat the TechnicalServicesSectionof the
EPC would undertakean intemal reviewof the environmentalreportfor
this project,and providecommentswithin 10 - 14 days, if the reportwas
receivedprior to mid-July,1993.

In terms of specific requirementsfor the aquatic environment,the draft

regulationsproposethat water temperatureshould be increasedby no
more than 5eC above ambient, at the beach or landfall; and that
dischargesto the marine environmentbe controlledso as not to have
adverseeffects. Thereis no specific provisionfor a mixingzone.

In response to the mechanism by which EPC could influence the

approval process for constructionor operationof the plant, Mr. Danso
indicatedthat VRAwill requireprojectapprovalfrom the Ministryof Mines
and Energy,which derivesinput fromthe EPC. Henceproject approval
is contingent on EPC'sapprovalof the project environmentalreport.

Mr. Danso provideda copy of the draft regulations.

Minutes of Meeting- 2

LPK Reportedby e -- //-I

L. King / I
cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Minutes of Meeting July 7, 1993
Held in the offices of P1040802
EnvironmentalProtectionCouncil -
Accra, Ghana
on June 21, 1993

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Feasibility Study


Mr. D. Amlalo - SeniorProgramOfficer

Mr. D. Dei - VRA
MF.L. King - Acres

D. Dei had arranged a meeting with Mr. J. Danso (Deputy Director - Action
TechnicalServices),however,J. Dansocould not attend. Upon review
of our (VRA/Acres)informationneeds. D. Amlalo indicated that he had Assesspotential
been involved in the preparation of the NationalOil Spill Contingency impacts of off-
Plan - 1985 (NOSCP). L. King noted that the potential for oil spillage shore oil spill on
would be increasedwith the installationand operationof the SPM,and sea water in-
that therewas no mentionof "dedicated" oil spill responseequipment in take, and whet-
the NOSCP,and enquiredas to its existencetoday. her it is ad-
ditional justif-
D. Amlalo noted that it was not feasibleat the momentto maintain any ication for the
dedicated oil spill recoveryequipment in the country, howeverthe plan establinhmentof
had provisionfor mobilizationof existing resources,either nationally or dedicated initial
internationallyas required, depending on the severityof the spill. He response capa-
indicated that the NOSCPwill be revised in the near future, with the bility.
assistance of the InternationalMaritime Organization,and various oil,
industryand governmentrepresentatives.A meetingis plannedwithin the
next six months,and VRAwould be invited,to input to the development
of a new plan.

In addition, to the environmentalconcernsassociatedwith oil spillage or

leakage,D. Amlalo enquiredwhetherVRAhad consideredthe impact of
a large offshoreoil spill on the proposedsea water intake,and whether
VRAplannedto purchaseoil containmentequipmentto protect the water
supply from oil contamination. If dedicatedoil spill responseequipment
was purchased, then one would also have to train personnel in its
operation and maintenance. D. Amlalo recommended that VRA
establish its own initial oil spill responsecapability, which would then
serve both functions.
Minutes ol Meeting - 2

LPK Reported by £t' - L/I,

L. Klng / 5
cc 0. Gaube
C. Mee
Appendix E
Emissionsand Air
Dispersion Modelling
i - GasTurbineEmissions
2 - Air DispersionModelPredictions
Appendix E
List of Tables

Number TItle

E1.1 TakoradiThermalPlant
Gas Turbine Emissions

E2.1 Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel Runs

E2.1(a)-1 NOx Concentrationsfor UncontrolledOperation

(CombinedCycle Mode - 1750 C, C Stability)

E2.1(a)-2 NOx Concentrationsfor UncontrolledOperation

(CombinedCycle Mode - 175°C,D Stability)

E2.1(b)-1 NOx Concentrationsfor UncontrolledOperation

(BypassMode - 1100°C.C Stability)

E2.1(b)-2 NOx Concentrationsfor UncontrolledOperation

(BypassMode - l1100°C,D Stability)

E2.1(c) NOx Concentrationsfor Dry Low NOxOperation

(CombinedCycle Mode - 75°C. C and D Stability)

E2.1(d) NO, Concentrationsfor Dry Low NOxOperation

(BypassMode - 1100°C. C and D Stability)

E2.1(e) NO, Concentrationsfor Low NO,/WaterInjection

(CombinedCycle Mode - 1750C,C and D Stability)

E2.1(f) NOxConcentrationsfor Low NO./WaterInjectionOperation

(BypassMode - 11000 C, C and D Stability)

E2.2 SO2 Concentrationfor UncontrolledEmissions

(CombinedCycle Mode - 1750C, C and D Stability)

E2.3 Carbon MonoxideConcentrationsfor UncontrolledEmissions

E2.4 ParticulateConcentrationsfor UncontrolledEmissions

Appendix E
List of Figures

Number Title

E2.1(a1) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack Height Resultingin MaximumGLC of NOx,
(uncontrolled)CombinedCycle Mode

E2.1(a2) Point of ImpingementPlot

(Two Unit UncontrolledOperalion)

E2.1(a3) Point of ImpingementPlot

(One Unit UncontrolledOperation)

E2.1(b) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack Height Resultingin MaximumGLC of NOx.
(uncontrolled)Bypass Mode

E2.1(c) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack Height Resultingin Maximum GLC of NOx,
(dry LO NOx) CombinedCycle Mode

E2.1(d) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack HeightResultingin Maximum GLC of NOx.
(dry LO NOx) Bypass Mode

E2.1(e) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack HeightResultingin MaximumGLC of NOx.
(water injection) CombinedCycle Mode

E2.1(f) Ontario RegulationAir DispersionModel

Distancevs Stack HeightResultingin Maximum GLC of NO,.
(water injection) Bypass Mode

E2.2 Distancevs Stack Height Resultingin Maximum GLC of SO,,

Combined Cycle Mode

E2.3(a) CO Emissions

E2.3(b) CO Emissions

E2.3(c) CO Emissions

E2.4 ParticulateEmissions
Appendix E
I - GasTurbineEmissions
Table E1.1

TakoradlThermal Plant
Gas Turbine Emisslons
F-rom GE PG9171(E)

Heat Rate 10oj9c) EItu/k[zWh

Outo.ut 121110 I'W
Input 1.2E+09 EBtu/hr- (calculated)
LHV 1.3550 Btu/lb
Fuel Flow 66529 lb,'hr
Exhaust Flow 3'2 6 3C0001 b/ hr
S in Fuel C0. 2C0.

Concentrations for Unit

NO>: ppmvd 241 id15-'0 02

Co ppmvd 10
UHC ppmvw 7

Emissions Mass Flows for Unit

6 021 e266.1 lb/hr 3;3530 mo/s

NGO: 1247 lb/hr 157119 moa/s
CD 30 lb/hr 3780 mo/s
UlC 13 lb/hr 1633 mo/s
Part 14 lb/hr- 1764 ma/s

Hourlyv mean rate of discharae for emissions

602 927.704a3 no/3

NO,, 434.408"37na/J
cD 10.4506:09 no/J
UBC 4.5 28720 nofJ
Particulate 4.877083 rno/J
-- -- -- - -- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ -_ -_ -_ -__---_-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table E1.1

Takoradi Thermal Plant

Gas Turbine Emissions(cant)

E .'haustE au. An olI s5 -±%

CO'2 4 i. ' 'i 166 00s:'4866I b,',f t .;

02 139f) k.0043 0.01172
l b /f t"
IrIJ2 75.5& 6 0.0C736, 0.055 76 1 b/ ft 73
0-. 3% 0. 1.C5-3, 0)..Q(I0094 1 b/l f t"{3
120 5. 4 2 % . * . 00204 1 b /f t. 3->

een i tv ; 0l.
i 2 If t.t ,
@ 60 F arnd 14.696 psi;t

NOx Density 0.12t118 1 b/ft-^3

@-d6 F and i4.696 psia

CO Density b
0. 0).730:i
lb/f t'3
@ 60' F and 14.696 psia

Check Mass Flc-ws (calculated from concentrations in ppm)

JQ 1265 lb/hr 01<
CO lb/hr
l2 OK

Cycle Type Combined

Eh:haust Temr-p - dc-9 F 3A46 4

Densitv - lb f tt " 3 0.048596 0).026.-754

VoLAume Flow - f t-3/hr 67144900 1 . -2iE+0S

Emissi6ns Discharoe Coricentratioris at Stack- ma/nV'r 3

S02 63.5 35.0C

NOx ow9 ..5 16'3 . 9
CO 7 .2 3 .9
UBC 311.7
Particulate ; 1.8

Emissions @ 300 MW (i.e.. 2 - 100C)MW CTGs)

S02 55371 ma/s 4.78 t/d

Nox 259464 mo/s 22.42 t/d
CO 6242 mo/s 0.54 t/d
UBC 2705 mo/s 0.23 t/d
Particulate 2913 ma'/s 0.25 t/d
Appendix E
2 - Air Dispersion Model Predictions
TableE2.1(a)-1 - NOxConcentrations
for Uncontrolled

OntarioRegulatoryAir Di persionModel Reg.308
EmissionRate(grn/s) 314.24 NOxppmVD& 15%& ISO 241
Exit Velocity(m/s) 21.2 NOxIbfh/130MW 1247
StackDiameter(m) 5.5 NOxng/J 447
Temperature(C)^ 175

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations |
No. Height1/2-h PeakDistance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UG/m3) (m) (misec) (UG/m3) (UG/m3) (UG/m3)
34 140 57.4 3620 5.735 47.275 19.418 16.646
33 135 59.4 3548 5.735 48.922 20.095 17.226
32 130 61.6 3318 6.235 50.734 20.839 17.864
31 125 64.0 3247 6.235 52.710 21.651 18.560
30 120 66.5 3042 6.735 54.769 22.497 19.285
29 115 69.4 2972 6.735 57.158 23.476 20.126
28 110 72.4 2787 7.235 59.629 24.493 20.996
27 105 75.7 2625 7.235 62.347 25.609 21.953
26 100 79.3 2548 7.235 65.311 26.827 22.997
25 95 83.2 2336 8.735 68.524 28.147 24.128
24 E0 87.9 2201 9.235 72.394 29.737 25.491
23 85 93.1 2073 9.735 76.677 31.496 26.999
1 80 98.9 1952 10.235 81.454 33.458 28.681
2 75 105.6 1837 10.735 86.972 35.724 30.624
3 70 113.2 1685 11.735 93.232 38.296 32.828
4 65 121.9 1548 12.735 100.397 41.239 35.351
5 60 132.1 1422 13.735 108.798 44.689 38.309
6 55 144.2 1306 14.735 118.763 48.783 41.818
7 50 158.7 1176 16.235 130.705 53.688 46.023
8 45 176.5 1043 18.235 145.365 59.710 51.185
9 40 198.1 979 18.235 163.155 67.017 57.449
10 35 223.9 916 18.235 184.404 75.745 64.931
11 30 255.2 854 18.235 210.183 86.334 74.008

'Operatingin combinedcyclemode.
Table E2.1(a)-2 - NOxConcentrationfor UncontrolledOperation

Takoradi GeneratingStation
Ontario RegulatoryAir DispersionModel . Reg. 308
EmissionRate (gm/s) 314.24
Exit Velocity (mIs) 21.2
Stack Diameter (m) 5.5
Temperature(C)^ 175

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations
No. Height 112-hPeakDistance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UGBm3) (m) (m/sec) (UGIm3) (UG/m3) (UG/m3)
34 140 28.6 10643 9.235 23.555 9.675 8.294
33 135 30.4 9833 9.735 25.037 10.284 8.816
32 130 32.3 9086 10.235 26.602 10.927 9.367
31 125 34.4 8401 10.735 28.332 11.638 9.976
30 120 36.7 7762 11.235 30.226 12.416 10.643
29 115 39.3 7389 11.235 32.367 13.295 11.397
28 110 42.2 7000 11.735 34.756 14.276 12.238
27 105 45.3 7000 11.235 37.309 15.325 13.137
26 100 47.2 6808 11.735 38.874 15.968 13.688
25 95 50.8 6327 12.235 41.839 17.186 14.732
24 90 54.8 5873 12.735 45.133 18.539 15.892
23 85 59.4 5317 13.735 48.922 20.095 17.226
1 80 64.8 4921 14.235 53.369 21.922 18.792
2 75 71.0 4447 15.235 58.476 24.019 20.590
3 70 78.2 4013 16.235 64.406 26.455 22.678
4 65 86.9 3547 17.235 71.571 29.398 25.201
5 60 97.2 3242 18.235 80.054 32.883 28.188
6 55 109.5 3007 18.235 90.184 37.044 31.755
7 50 124.0 2777 18.235 102.126 41.949 35.960
8 45 141.4 2553 18.235 116.457 47.836 41.006
9 40 162.6 2337 18.235 133.917 55.008 47.154
10 35 188.4 2127 18.235 155.166 63.736 54.636
11 30 220.5 1925 18.235 181.604 74.595 63.945

*Operating in combitiedcycle mode.

Figuee E2.1(al)


* 10-- _-2 -l -. …………- 1 1 1 ] r 1 -


4 -

0 --

140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 8s5 0 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30

Emission Rate 314.24 gm/s

Temperature 175'C
Takoradi .Thermal Plant - 314.24 gm/s 0o \
50000 T


40000 0



&3 25000


15000 (wUntOeai)

WindDireclian: SW
sac:)o WindSpeed: 2.235 roos

o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0
o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In O in I)n 0 in 0 Ln 0
w- Ditatanca frornfSt,ac Cm) ) + t Ln
Takoradi Thermal Plant 157.12 gm/s N)

45000 -

40000 - /o

35000 -


co 25000 -
8 20000-
15000 PonofIpneetlt

*10000 -Wn ieto: S

.~~~~ on nFiur E2o (no

o 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In 0 In 0 tn 0 LI) 0 LI) 0
w- Dist ~an c WfroniPuStaoV( Cm)m 14 in
Table E2.1(b)-1 - NOx Concentrationfor UncontrolledOperation

Takoradi GeneratingStation
Ontario Regulatory Air DispersionModel - Reg. 308
EmissionRate (gmls) 314.24
Exit Velocity (mJs) 40
Stack Diameter (m) 6
Temperature(C)* 1100

l ~~~~~C
Run |Stdc NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations
' Height 112-h Peak Distance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UGIm3) (m) (misec) (UGIrn3) (UGlm3) (UGIm3)
46 140 13.3 4291 18.235 10.954 4.499 3.857
45 135 13.7 4218 18.235 11.283 4.635 3.973
44 130 14.2 4148 18.235 11.695 4.804 4.118
43 125 14.6 4075 18.235 12.025 4.939 4.234
42 120 15.1 4003 18.235 12.436 5.108 4.379
41 115 15.6 3932 18.235 12.848 5.277 4.524
40 110 16.1 3861 18.235 13.260 5.447 4.669
39 105 16.6 3788 18.235 13.672 5.616 4.814
38 100 17.2 3717 18.235 14.166 5.819 4.988
37 95 17.8 3645 18.235 14.660 6.022 5.162
36 90 18.4 3574 18.235 15.154 6.225 5.336
35 85 19.1 3504 18.235 15.731 6.462 5.539
12 80 i9.8 3432 18.235 16.307 6.698 5.742
13 75 20.6 3363 18.235 16.966 6.969 5.974
14 70 21.4 3292 18.235 17.625 7.240 6.206
15 65 22.2 3221 18.235 18.284 7.510 6.438
16 60 23.1 3150 18.235 19.025 7.815 6.699
17 55 24.0 3081 18.235 19.766 8.119 6.960
18 50 25.0 3011 18.235 20.590 8.458 7.250
18 45 26.1 2941 18.235 21.496 8.830 7.569
20 40 27.2 2872 18.235 22.402 9.202 7.888
21 35 28.4 2802 18.235 23.390 9.608 8.236
22 30 29.7 2733 18.235 24.461 10.048 8.613

Operating in bypass mode

Table E2.1(b)-2 - NOx Concentrationsfor UncontrolledOperation

Takoradi GeneratingStation
Ontario RegulatoryAir D persionModel-. Reg. 308
EmissionRate (gm/s) 314.24
Exit Velocity (mis) 40
Stack Diameter (m) 6
Temperature(C)@ 1100

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations
No. Height 112-h Peak Distance Velooity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UG/m3) (m) (m/sec) (UG/m3) (UGIm^' (UG/m3)
46 140 5.6 20972 18.235 4.612 1.8t4 1.624
45 135 5.8 20367 18.235 4.777 1.962 1.682
44 130 6.1 19793 18.235 5.024 2.064 1.769
43 125 6.3 19224 18.235 5.189 2.131 1.827
42 120 6.6 18650 18.235 5.436 2.233 1.914
41 115 6.9 18090 18.235 5.683 2.334 2.001
40 110 7.2 17541 18.235 5.930 2.436 2.088
39 105 7.5 17005 18.235 6.177 2.537 2.175
38 100 7.9 16469 18.235 6.506 2.673 2.291
37 95 8.2 15939 18.235 6.754 2.774 2.378
36 90 8.6 15417 18.235 7.083 2.909 2.494
35 85 9 14902 18.235 7.412 3.045 2.610
12 80 9.5 14406 18.235 7.824 3.214 2.755
13 75 10.0 13909 18.235 8.236 3.383 2.900
14 70 10.5 13421 18.235 8.648 3.552 3.045
15 65 11.0 12942 18.235 9.060 3.721 3.190
16 60 11.6 12469 18.235 9.554 3.924 3.364
17 55 12.2 12009 18.235 10.048 4.127 3.538
18 50 12.9 11556 18.235 10.624 4.364 3.741
18 45 13.7 11108 18.235 11.283 4.635 3.973
20 40 14.5 10669 18.235 11.942 4.905 4.205
21 35 15.3 10233 18.235 12.601 5.176 4.437
22 30 16.3 9816 18.235 13.425 5.514 4.727

'Operating in bypass mode

Figure E2.1(b)


20 X0000
1501TW S J1111



140 135 130 125 120 115

I O 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
Table E2.1(c)- NOx Concentrationsfor Dry Low NOx Operation

Takoradi GeneratingStation
Ontario RegulatoryAir DispersionModel Re. 308
EmissionRate (gm/s) 209.2 NOx ppm VD & 155%& ISO 160
Exit Velocity (mIs) 21.2 NOx IbIhIl 30 MW 828
Stack Diameter (m) 5.5 NOx ngIJ 296.8
Temperature(C)* 175

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations _

No. Height 112-h PeakDistance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UGIm3) (m) (m/sec) (UG/m3) (UGIm3) (UG/m3)
63 120 44.3 3042 6.735 36.485 14.987 12.847
62 115 46.2 2972 6.735 38.050 15.629 13.398
61 110 48.2 2787 7.235 39.698 16.306 13.978
60 105 50.4 2625 7.735 41.509 17.050 14.616
59 100 52.8 2549 8.735 43.486 17.862 15.312
58 95 55.4 2336 9.235 45.627 18.742 16.066
57 90 58.5 2201 9.735 48.181 19.791 16.965
56 85 62.0 2073 10.235 51.063 20.975 17.980
55 80 65.9 1952 10.235 54.275 22.294 19.111
.54 75 70.3 1837 10.735 57.899 23.782 20.387
53 70 75.3 1685 11.735 62.017 25.474 21.837
52 65 81.2 1548 12.735 66.876 27.470 23.548
51 60 88.0 1422 13.735 72.477 29.770 25.520

63 120 24.4 7760 11.235 20.096 S.255 7.076
62 115 26.2 7389 11.235 21.578 8.863 7.598
61 110 28.1 7000 11.735 23.143 9.506 8.149
60 105 30.1 7000 11.235 24.790 10.183 8.729
59 100 31.4 6809 11.735 25.861 10.623 9.106
58 95 33.8 6327 12.235 27.838 11.435 9.802
57 90 36.5 5876 12.735 30.061 12.348 10.585
56 85 39.6 5317 13.735 32.615 13.397 11.484
55 80 43.1 4921 14.235 35.497 14.581 12.499
54 75 47.2 4447 15.235 38.874 15.968 13.688
53 70 52.1 4013 16.235 42.910 17.625 15.109
52 65 57.8 3547 17.735 47.604 19.554 16.762
51 60 64.7 3242 18.235 53.287 21.888 18.763

Operatingin combinedcycle mode

Figure E2.1(c)

g9 i- 1____ 1


8~-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _

02 4-

6-~~~ _ STBLT_ _ TBLT

2 - _

120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 so 75 70 65 60

Table E2.1(d) - NOx Concentrationsfor Dry Low NOx Operation

Takoradi Generating Station

Ontario RegulatoryAir Dizirsion Mo e Reg. 308
Emission Rate (gm/s) 209.2 NOx ppm VD & 15% & ISO 160
Exit Velocity (m/s) 40 NOx lb/h1130MW 828
Stack Diameter (m) 6 NOx ng/J 296.8
Temperature(C)9 1100

_______ C STABILIT Y
Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentralions
No. Height 1/2-h PeakDistance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UG/m3) (m) (m/sec) (UG/m3) (UG/m3) (UG/m3)
87 120 10.0 4003 18.235 8.236 3.383 2.900
86 115 10.4 3933 18.235 8.565 3.518 3.016
85 110 10.7 3861 18.235 8.813 3.620 3.103
84 105 11.1 3788 18.235 9.142 3.755 3.219
83 1OD 11.5 3717 18.235 9.471 3.890 3.335
82 95 11.9 3645 18.235 9.801 4.026 3.451
81 90 12.3 3574 18.235 10.4130 4.161 3.567
80 85 12.7 3504 18.235 10.460 4.296 3.683
79 80 13.2 3432 18.235 10.872 4.466 3.828
78 75 13.7 3363 18.235 11.283 4.635 3.973
77 70 14.2 3292 18.235 11.695 4.804 4.118
76 65 14.8 3221 18.235 12.189 5.007 4.292
75 60 15.4 3151 18.235 12.683 5.210 4.466

87 120 4.4 18640 18.235 3.624 1.489 1.276
86 115 4.6 18090 18.235 3.789 1.556 1.334
85 110 4.8 17542 18.235 3.953 1.624 1.392
84 105 5.0 17007 18.235 4.118 1.692 1.450
83 100 5.2 16469 18.235 4.283 1.759 1.508
82 95 5.5 15939 18.235 4.530 1.861 1.595
81 90 5.7 15417 18.235 4.695 1.928 1.653
80 85 6.0 14901 18.235 4.942 2.030 1.740
79 80 6.3 14406 18.235 5.189 2.131 1.827
78 75 6.6 13907 18.235 5.436 2.233 1.914
77 70 7.0 13421- 18.235 5.765 2.368 2.030
76 65 7.3 12939 18.235 6.012 2.470 2.117
75 60 7.7 12469 18.235 6.342 2.605 2.233

Operating in bypassmode.
Figure E2.1(d)

20 - _ _


120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
Table E2.1(a) - NOx Concentrationsfor Low NOxlWater Injectlon

Takoradi Generating Station

Ontario RegulatoryAir Di persionModel-- Reg. 308
Emission Rate (gmfs) 54.6 NOx ppm VD & 15% & ISO 42
Exit Velocity (mis) 21.2 NOxIb/hIl 30 MW 216
Stack Diameter (m) 5.5 NOxngJJ 77.9
Temperature(C)- 175

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations

No. Height 112-h Peak Distance Velocity 1-h Avg 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UGIm3) (m) (mlsec) (UG/m3) (UG/m3) (UG/m3)
74 100 13.8 2548 7.735 11.366 4.669 4.002
73 95 14.5 2336 8.735 11.942 4.905 4.205
72 90 15.3 2201 9.235 12.601 5.176 4.437
71 85 16.2 2073 9.735 13.342 5.480 4.698
70 80 17.2 1952 10.235 14.166 5.819 4.988
69 75 18.3 1837 10.735 15.072 6.191 5.307
6B 70 19.7 1685 11.735 16.225 6.665 5.713
67 65 21.2 1548 12.735 17.460 7.172 6.148
66 60 23.0 1422 13.735 18.943 7.781 6.670
65 55 25.1 1306 14.735 20.672 8.491 7.279
64 50 27.6 1176 16.235 22.731 9.337 8.004
108 45 30.7 1043 1&.235 25.284 10.386 8.903
109 40 34.4 979 1E.235 28.332 11.638 9.976
110 35 38.9 916 18.235 32.038 13.160 11.281

74 100 8.2 6810 11.735 6.754 2.774 2.378
73 95 8.8 6327 12.235 7.248 2.977 2.552
72 90 9.5 5876 12.735 7.824 3.214 2.755
71 85 10.3 5316 13.735 8.483 3.484 2.987
70 80 11.3 4921 14.235 9.307 3.823 3.277
69 75 12.3 4447 15.235 10.130 4.161 3.567
68 70 13.6 4013 16.235 11.201 4.601 3.944
67 65 15.1 3547 17.735 12.436 5.108 4.379
66 60 16.9 3242 18.235 13.919 5.717 4.901
65 55 19.0 3007 18.235 15.648 6.428 5.510
64 50 21.5 2778 18.235 17.707 7.273 6.235
108 45 24.6 2553 18.235 20.261 8.322 7.134
109 40 28.2 2337 18.235 23.226 9.540 8.178
110 35 32.7 2127 18.235 26.932 11.062 9.483

*Operating in combinedcycle mode

Figure E2.1(e)


a]X-_ X - -


I, -- __ - __

0 9
100 g 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
Emmbsion Rate 54.6 gm/s
Temperature 175 C
Table E2.1(f)- NOx Concentrationsfor Low NOx Water InjectionOperation

Takoradl GeneratingStation
Ontario RegulatoryAir Disperson Model- Reg. 308
EmlsslonRate(gnvs) 54.6 NO rppm VD & 15 ISO
A& 42
Exit Velocity (mis) 40 NOx Ib/h/130 MW 216
Stack Diameter (m) 6 NOx ngiJ 77.9
Temperature(C)9 1100

Run Stack NOx Conc. Wind NOx Concentrations
No. Height 1/2-h PeakDistance Velocity 1h Ava 24-h Avg Annual
(m) (UG;m3) (mn) (mlsec) (UG/m3-) (UG/m3) (UGIm3)
98 100 3.0 3717 18.235 2.471 1.015 0.870
97 95 3.1 3645 18.235 2.553 1.049 0.899
96 90 3.2 3574 18.235 2.636 1.083 0.928
95 85 3.3 3503 18.235 2.718 1.116 0.957
94 80 3.4 3432 18.235 2.800 1.150 0.986
93 75 3.6 3363 18.235 2.965 1.218 1.044
92 70 3.7 3292 18.235 3.047 1.252 1.073
91 65 3.9 3221 18.235 3.212 1.319 1.131
90 60 4.0 3151 t8.235 3.294 1.353 1.160
89 55 4.2 3081 18.235 3.459 1.421 1.218
88 50 4.3 3011 18.235 3.541 1.455 1.247
111 45 4.5 2941 18.235 3.706 1.522 1.305
112 40 4.7 2871 18.235 3.871 1.590 1.363
113 35 4.9 2802 18.235 4.036 1.658 1.421

98 100 1.4 16469 18.235 1.153 0.474 0.406
97 95 1.4 15939 18.235 1.153 0.474 0.406
96 90 1.5 15417 18.235 1.235 0.507 0.435
95 85 1.6 14908 18.235 1.318 0.541 0.464
94 80 1.6 14406 18.235 1.318 0.541 0.464
93 75 1.7 13907 18.235 1.400 0.575 0.493
92 70 1.8 13421 18.235 1.482 0.609 0.522
91 65 1.9 12939 18.235 1.565 0.643 0.551
90 60 2.0 12469 18.235 1.647 0.677 0.580
89 55 2.1 12013 18.235 1.730 0.710 0.609
88 50 2.2 11549 18.235 1.812 0.744 0.638
111 45 2.4 11109 18.235 1.977 0.812 0.696
112 40 2.5 10663 18.235 2.059 0.846 0.725
113 35 2.7 10233 18.235 2.224 0.913 0.783

*erating in bypass mode.

Figure E2.1(f)

20 - _ _ _ _ _ _


to0 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35
EmmissionRate 54.6 gmJs
Table E2.2

S02 Concentration for

Uncontrolled Emissions

RATE(gml 67.06
EXITVELOCY(m/s) 21.2
(m) (UG/M3) (M) m/see) (UG/M3) (M) mJsec)
106 120 14.2 3041 6.735 7.8 7760 11.235
105 80 21.1 1952 10.235 13.8 4921 14.235
104 70 24.15 1685 11.735 16.7 4013 16.235
103 60 28.2 1422 13.735 20.8 3242 18.235
102 sO 33.9 1176 16.235 26.5 2778 18.235.
101 40 42.3 979 18.235 34.7 2337 18.235
Figure E2.2





120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40

Rate 67.06gmts
Table E2.3

Carbon MonoxideConcentrations
for Uncontrolled Emissions


Date: July 2, 1993
Reviewer: JJN
Title: Takoradi Generating Station

Data from file: co.STK

Point Sources

Number Height Emission Exit Diameter Temp X Y

Rate Velocity
m gm/s m/s m C m m
1 30.0 3.12 21.2 5.5 175.0 0. 0.
2 30.0 3.12 21.2 5.5 175.0 30. 0.

Single Source Maximum Ground Level Concentrations

source Stability Maximum Distance Wind Speed

Conc (ug/m3) (m) (m/sec)

1 C 2.5321 854. 18.235

D 2.1876 1925. 18.235
2 C 2.5321 854. 18.235
D 2.1876 1925. 18.235

All Stacks Tested

Maximum off-property ground level concentration 5.0614 ug/m3

Stability C
Wind direction 180.0CO deg
Wind speed 18.235 m/s
Coordinates -838.4 .0 (m)
Takoradi GeneratingStation. CO emissions
500- -.. ~~* ---.-- .-----.- r-..~1~~*-



a' ~ 00

-5 0 -.. . . 1m.. .- .

C3 ~ Il(1 U( V

00 I I


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dsane
_ .. ...
Takoradi Generating Station. CO emissions




~i 150 0 - 0 0C a
~0 in)
0 a
in 0

F 5000
~~~XY 0. (M)
Takoradi Generating Station. CO emissions. from 2 so-.

.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table E2.4

Particulate Concentrations
for Uncontrolled Emissions


Date: July 2, 1993
Reviewer: JJN
Title: Takoradi Generating Station

Data from file: partcl.STK

Point Sources

Number Height Emission Exit Diameter Temp X Y

Rate Velocity
gm/J mJs m C m u

1 30.0 1.46 21.2 5.5 175.0 0. 0.

2 30.0 1.46 21.2 5.5 175.0 30. 0.

Single Source Maximum Ground Level Concentrations

Source Stability Maximum Distance Wind Speed

Conc (ug/m3) (m) (m/sec)

1 C 1.1836 853. 18.235

D 1.0229 1922. 18.235
2 C 1.1836 853. 18.235
D 1.0229 1922. 18.235

All Stacks Tested

Maximum off-property ground level concentration 2.3659 ug/m3

Stability C
Wind direction 180.000 deg
Wind speed 18.235 m/s
Coordinates -837.1 .0 (m)
Takoradi Generating Station. Particulete Emissions

u 0~~~~I

i500 1
I.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

-i 5 0 0 _.......... ._._....__.._.3._..
n _ _ _0 0 0 _ _ 0 0
In ~0 In0nI

m m

Appendix F
Thermal Plume Modelling
Acres Office Memorandum

To L P. King Date August12,1993

File P10408.

From P. J. Rae cc

Subject TakoradiTGS
CondenserCoollng Water Disposal

A preliminaryanalysisof hydrodynamic mixingdownstream fromthe condensercoolingwater

(CCW)outfallfor the TakoradiThermalGenerating StationIn Ghanawascarriedout as partof
an environmental reviewof the project. Theobjectiveof the analysiswasto

nearfieldhydrodynamic mixingto determinethe behaviorof the CCW
dischargecurrentnearthe outfall,

- to identifythepotentialfor formationof surfacethermalplumesin thefarfieldregion.

Wasteheatdisposedby theCCWdischargemayaffecttheaquaticenvironment in thenearfield

andfar fieldregions.Theseeffectscan be mitigatedby increasingthehydrodynamic mixingin
thevicinityoftheoutfallto reducethenettemperature riseabovetheambientoceantemperature.
Thismemorandum describestheanalysiscarriedout andpresentsinformationon thebehavior
of the thermaldischargeto assistin preparationof the turnkeycontractspecificationsfor the
project. Moredetailedanalysisis requiredfor finaldesignand optimization
of theoutfallbythe

Thefollowingsectionsprovidea briefoutlineof theapproachto theanalysisandthe parameters

adoptedfollowedby a descriptionof the conditionsat theoutfall.


Theanalysisof the conditionsin the receivingwaterwas carriedout usingthe CORMIXIand

CORMIX2models'2. The CORMIXmodelsweredevelopedas expertsystemsfor useby the
U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgencyin the analysisof dischargesinto watercourses with
emphasisonthe dilutioncharacteristics
of theinitialr'ixingzone.Themodelcollectstherelevant
data for the ambientreceivingwater and the dischargeand provides a hydrodynamic

Doneker,R. L. and G. H. Jirka. ExpertSystemfor Hydrodynamic

Midng ZoneAnalysisof Conventional
and Toxic
Submerged SinglePoftDischarges(CORMIX1r. Officeof Research

2 Akar.P.J. and G. H. Jirka 'CORMD2:An ExpertSystemforHydrodynarnic

MixingZoneAnalysisd Conventional
ToxicMuliporlDifluserDischarges-. Officeof Researchand Development,
US. Environmental
L. P. King - 2 Augustl12,1993

classificationof the situation. A simulationis preparedto predictthe dischargeplume behavior.

The analysisfor this study was carried out assuminga conservativeCCWrelease. In this case
there Is no surface heal exchange and cooling occurs only as a result of dilution. This
assumptlon Is considered to be acceptable because of the possible occurrence of air
temperaturessimilarto the temperatureof the CCW discharge.

Study Parameters

Key study parameterswere obtained from other project staff and incorporatedin the analysisas

CCW Characteristics
- normal ambientwater temperature 2C
- maximumtemperaturerise 9'C Phase 1
- maximumtemperaturerise 12"C Phase2
- CCWflow 6.4 m3/s Phase 1
- CCW flow 11.3 m3 /s Phase2

Outfall Characteristics
- distance to shoreline 1 250 m
- outlall pipeline diameter 2m
- water depth at outlet 6m
- elevationof outlet above bed 1m

Amblent Current Conditions

- normal design velocity 0.25 m/s
- maximumvelocity 1.00 rM/s

The ambient currentwas assumedto be longshorein an easterlydirection under all conditions.

Both singleport and multiportoutfallswereconsideredin the analysis. For the single port outfall
a port diameterof 2.0 m with the centerlineset at 1.0 m above the bed level was assumed. The
discharge was directed offshore. The multiport outfall assumed for the analysis had a 2.5 m
diameter manifold with 18 - 500 mm diameterdischargeports set at a spacing of 1.5 m. The
centerline axis of the diffuser would be aligned normal to the shorelinemwththe outlet ports
directed in the samedirection and line as the ambientcurrent (co-flowingdiffuser arrangement).

The assumedoutfall characteristicsare consideredto be preliminaryand were selected to allow

for characterization of the hydrodynamic conditions. A more detailed examination and
optimizationis requiredfor final design. This should include examinationof the wave forceson
the outfall pipeline, longshore transport of sediments, foundation conditions, sediment
accumulationin the pipeline, etc.

Single Port Outfall Analysis

Three analyseswere performedwith the single port ouffall with variousCCWflows and ambient
current velocity.
L. P. King - 3 August 12, 1993

Case 1: CCW a = 6.4 m3 /s, Ambient V = 0.25 m/s, Temperature Rise £OT= 9

The flow from the outlet is classifliedas a weakly deflectedlet in crossflowsince the
discharge from the outlet Is directed offshore and the longshore ambient current
deflects the let. The dischargevelocityIs 2.04 m/swhich resultsin mixingin the zone
Immediatelydownstreamfromthe outletreducingthe temperatureriseto approximate-
ly 4.5 C within a distanceof 10 m. Beyond10 m from the outlet a plumeforms which
continuesto be deflected by the ambientcurrentas it spreads on the ocean surface.
The flow continues to become diluted by mixing along the plume boundary. The
centerlinetemperatureis reducedto less than 1 C°aboveambientwithin a distance
of 1000 m from the outfall. The plume wIll continue to spread but the maximum
temperatureat the leading edge becomes much lower.

In the vicinityof the outfall the rising water is expectedto spread upstreamfrom the
outlet for a distanceof about 7 m. No effect on the intake location is expected.

Note that the above analysis provides a conservativeestimateof the CCW plume
development. Some surface heat exchange may occur to reduce the plume
temperaturesand waveinduced mixingmayalso occur to increasethe rate o1dilution.

Case 2: CCW 0 = 11.3 m3 /s, Ambient V = 0.25 m/s, Temperature Rise AT =

12 Co

This conditionis similarto Case 1 abovebut the plant CCWflow is increasedand the
temperatureincreaseabove ambientis 12 Co. The flow from the outlet is classified
as a weakly deflected jet in crossflowsince the dischargefrom the outlet is directed
offshoreand the longshore ambientcurrent deflectsthe jet. The dischargevelocity
is 3.59 m/swhich resultsin mixingin the zoneimmediatelydownstreamfrom the outlet
reducing the temperature rise to approximately6 Co within a distance of 13 m.
Beyond 13 m from the outlet a plume formswhich continuesto be deflected by the
ambientcurrent as it spreadson the oceansurface. The flow continuesto become
diluted by mixingalong the plume boundary. The centerlinetemperatureis reduced
to less than 1 C°aboveambientwithin a distance of 1000 m from the outfall. The
plume will continue to spread but the maximumtemperatureat the leading edge
becomes much lower. The majorityof the mixing occurs within the hydrodynamic
mixingzone which extends about 22 m from the outlet and producesa leading edge
temperaturerise of just over 1 CO.

As noted above,these predictionsmay be conservative.

Case 3: CCW Q = 11.3 m3 /s, Ambient V = 1.00 mIs, Temperature Rise AT =

12 Co

This condition is similar to Case 2 above but with an increased ambient current
velocity. The generaldischargemixingconditionsare verysimilar,however,the extent
of the hydrodynamicmixing zone is smaller at 20 m. The temperaturerise at the
boundary of the mixing zone is approximately2 C°. Intrusionof the heated effluent
L. P. King - 4 August 12, 1993

upstream from the outlet Is reduced from 11 m In Case 2 to only 1 m wlth the
Increasedambientcurrentvelocity. The centerlinetemperatureis reducedto less than
approximately1 C°aboveambientwithin a distance of 1000 m from the outfall. The
plume will continue to spread but the maximum temperatureat the leading edge
becomes much lower.

Case 4: CCW 0 = 11.3 m3 /s, AmbientV = 0.10 m/s, Temperature Rise OT =

12 C

This condition Is similarto Case 2 above but with low ambient current velocity. The
general discharge mixing conditions are very similar, however. the extent of the
hydrodynamicmixingzone is largerat over 200 m. As in Case2, the temperaturerise
above ambient is less than 6 C° within a distance of approximately13 m from the
outlet. The temperaturerise at the boundaryof the mixingzone is approximately0.5
CO. Intrusionof the heated effluent upstreamfrom the outlet is much larger at about
175 m. The centerlinetemperatureis, therefore.less than I C°aboveambientwithin
a distance of 1000 m from the outfall. The plume will continue to spread but the
maximumtemperatureat the leading edge becomes much lower. The key difference
in this case is the extent of the upstream intrusion by the plume. With the low
ambient currentvelocitythe fluid densitydifferenceis able to establish the upstream
flowing plume.

Muftiple Port Outfall Analysis

One analysis was performed with a multiple port outfall for comparisonwith the single port

Case 5: CCW 0 = 6.4 m3/s, Ambient V = 0.25 m/s, Temperature Rlse LT = 9


Discharge from the ports is directed in the direction of the ambient current at a
velocityof 3.02 m/s. Whencomparedto Case 1 with a singleport ouffall, the velocity
is higher and the dimensionsof the jets are reduced. This enhancesthe mixingof the
CCW effluentproducinga mixedflow with a temperaturerise of less than 1.5 COin the
immediatevicinity of the outlets. The dischargere-stratifiesat approximately13.5 m
from the outlet port with a temperature1.5 COabove ambient. A plume forms which
flowswith the ambientcurrentas it spreadson the oceansurface. The flow continues
to become diluted by mixingalong the plume boundary. The centerlinetemperature
is reducedto approximately0.5 C°aboveambientwithin a distanceof 1000m from the
outfall. The plume will continue to spread but the maximum temperature at the
leading edge becomes much lower.


The analyses performedindicate the CCW dischargefrom the TakoradiTGS can be effectively
mixed with the ambient ocean waterto producea plume with a reasonablylow temperaturerise
within a short distance from the ouffall. At 1000 m from the outlet the temperaturerise is less
than approximately1 COin all cases tested. The plume will flow with the ambient current and
L. P. King - 5 August 12, 1993

additionalmixingwill occurto furtherreducethe plumetemperature. Surfaceheat exchangewas

neglectedin the analysissincethe ambientair temperaturesmayinhibitrapid cooling. Enhanced
mixing caused by wind and waves was also neglected. These combined effects result in
conservativeestimatesof thermalplumetempercturesand extent. Withthe availableInformation,
temperaturesare expected to be close to the ambient ocean temperaturebefore the plume
contacts the shorelineor approachesthe outlet of the Pra Riverdownstream.

Further more detailed analysis'should be required as part of the final design. The analysis
prepared for this memorandumassumesdimensions for the outfall structure which must be
properlydevelopedby the designerand supportedby mixingzone and plume analyses.


PJR A ,/ .. '-
Date: Aug 11. 1993
RE: Thernal Plots ior Taikoradi

Buoyant Ambient Spreading

Ambient Dcneity - 1022.67

Outlet Density - 1019.59 Ouadratic
Amblent Temp. - 27 am -0.0038
b- -0.1024
c- 1028.205

Actual - Plot Scale Avg Local Regres

x y BH x y BH %Conc DeunsIy Temp DeltaT
(m1 Im) (ml (mm) (mm) (mm)
13.78 -11.11 18.16 0.281 -0.227 0.370 8.78 1022.400 27.96 0.96
163.09 -11.11 60.18 3.327 .0.227 1.228 6.51 1022.469 27.74 0.74
312.40 -11.11 90.18 6.373 -0.227 1.840 5.88 1022.489 27.67 0.67
461.71 -11.11 115.78 9.419 -0.227 2.362 6.52 1022500 27.64 0.64
611.02 -11.11 138.81 12.465 -0.227 2.832 5.28 1022.507 27.61 0.61
760.33 -11.11 160.06 15.511 -0.227 3.265 5.10 1022.513 27.60 0.60
909.64 -11.11 179.97 18.557 -0.227 3.671 4.95 1022.518 27.58 0.58
1058.95 -11.11 198.84 21.603 0.227 4.056 4.83 1022.521 27.57 0.57
1208.27 -11.11 216.86 24.649 .0.227 4.424 4.72 1022.525 27.56 0.56
1357.58 -11.11 234.15 27.695 -0.227 4.777 4.63 1022.527 27.55 0.55
1506.89 -11.11 250.83 30.741 -0.227 5.117 4.55 1022.530 27.54 0.54
1656.20 -11.11 266.97 33.786 -. 227 5.446 4.48 1022.532 27.53 0.53
1805.51 -11.11 282.63 36.832 -0.227 5.766 4.42 1022.534 27.53 0.53
1954.82 -11.11 297.87 39.878 -0.227 6.077 4.36 1022.53k 27.52 0.52
2104.13 -11.11 312.74 42.924 -0.227 6.380 4.31 1022.537 27.52 0.52
2253.44 -11.11 327.25 45.970 -0.227 6.676 4.26 1022.539 27.51 0.51
2402.76 -11.11 341.45 49.016 -0.227 6.966 422 1022.540 27.51 0.51
2552.07 -11.11 355.37 52.062 -0.227 7.250 4.17 1022.542 27.50 0.50
2701.38 -11.11 369.01 55.108 -0.227 7.528 4.13 1022.543 27.50 0.50
2850.69 -11.11 382.41 5&154 -0.227 7.801 4.10 1022.54 27.50 0.50
CORMIX1: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)

SITE NAME: West African Coast - Ghana
DISCHARGER NAME: Takoradi TGS Thermal Discharge Plume
POLLUTANT NAME: Condenser Cooling Water

DESIGN CASE: Single Port Initial Plant Vel 0.25



HA 6.00 HD = 6.00
UA = 0.250 F 0.010


RHOA 1022.67


DO 2.000 AO = 3.142 HO = 1.00
THETA = 15.00 SIGMA = 270.D0
UO 2.037 QO = 6.400 (QO =0.6400E+01)
RHOD. 1019.59" DRHOO = 3.08 GPO =0.2953E-01
co =0.1000E+03 UNITS = percent

QO =0.6400E+01 MO =0.1304E+02 JO =0.1890E+00 SIGNJO = 1.0
LQ = 1.77 LM = 15.78 Lm = 14.44 Lb = 12.10
Lmp = 99999.90 Lbp = 99999.90

FRO = 8.38 R 8.15


* FLOW CLASS - H4-90 *



Co =0.1000E+03 CUNITS = percent
NSTD = 0 CSTD =0.1000E+07
LEGMZ = 0 LEGSPC = 0 LEGVAL = 99999.90
XLEG 0.00 WLEG = 0.00 ALEG = 0.00
XINT = 3000.00
XMAX = 3000.00


ORIGIN is located at the bottom and below the center of the port:
1250.00 m from the LEFT bank/shore.
X-axis points downstream, Y-axis points to left, Z-axis points upward.


Date: Aug 11. 1993
RE: Thermal Plots for Takoradi

Cas 4
Buoyant Ambient Spreading

Ambient Density - 1022.67

Outlet Density - 1016.43
Ambient Temp. - 27

Actual - Plot -- Avg Local Regress

x y BH x y SH S%Conc Densty Temp DeltaT
(m) (m) (M) (mm) (mm) (mm)
228.25 -12.79 453.94 4.655 -0.261 9.260 2.82 1022.550 27.45 0.48
366.84 -12.79 484.18 7.484 -0.261 9.877 2.77 1022.553 27.47 047
505.42 -12.79 513.51 10.311 -0.261 10.476 2.73 1022.554 27.46 046
644.01 -12.79 542.03 13.138 -0.261 11.057 2.70 1022.556 27.46 046
782.60 -12.79 569.81 15.965 -0.261 11.624 2.66 1022.557 27.45 04S
921.19 -12.79 596.93 18.792 -0.261 12.177 2.63 1022.558 27.45 0.45
1059.77 -12.70 62345 21.619 -0.261 12.716 2.60 1022.560 27.44 0.44
1198.36 -12.79 649.41 24.447 -0.261 13.248 2.58 1022.561 27.44 0.44
1336.95 -12.79 674.87 27.274 -0.261 13.767 2.55 1022.562 27.44 0.44
1475.54 -12.79 699.85 30.101 -0.261 14.277 2.53 1022.563 27.43 0.43
1614.12 -12.79 724.4 32.928 -0.261 14.778 2.5t 1022.564 27.43 0.43
1752.71 -12.79 748.54 35.755 4.261 15.270 2.49 1022.564 27.43 0.43
1891.30 -12.79 772.29 38.53 -0.261 15.755 2.47 1022.565 27.43 0.43
2029.89 -12.79 795.69 41410 -0.261 16.232 2.45 1022.566 27.42 0.42
2168.47 -12.79 818.74 44.237 -0.261 16.702- 2.43 1022.567 27.42 0.42
2307.06 -12.79 841.48 47.064 -04261 17.166 242 1022.567 27.42 0.42
2445.65 -12.79 863.91 49.891 -0.261 17.624 2.40 1022.568 27.42 042
2584.24 -12.79 886.05 52.718 -0.261 18.075 2.39 1022.569 27.41 0.41
2722.82 -12.79 907.93 55.546 -0.261 18.522 2.37 1022.570 27.41 0.41
2861.41 -12.79 929.54 58.373 -0.261 18.963 2.36 1022.570 27.41 041
B - Gaussian l/e (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C - centerline concentration
S = corresponding centerline dilution

x Y Z S C P
0.00 0.00 1.6o 1.0 0.100E+03 1.00


------------------------------------------------------------ __---------------__

---------------------------------------------------------- ____---------------__



B = Gaussian l/e (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C = centerline concentration
S = corresponding centerline dilution

0.00 0.00 1.00 1.0 0.100E+03 1.08
0.15 -0.56 1.17 1.1 0.945E+02 1.15
0.31 -1.11 1.34 1.1 0.895E+02 1.21
0.48 -1.67 1.52 1.2 0.S51E+02 1.27
0.66 -2.22 1.69 1.2 0.Sl1E+02 1.34
0.85 -2.78 1.87 1.3 0.774E+02 1.40
1.05 -3.33 2.06 1.4 0.740E+02 1.46
1.25 -3.89 2.24 1.4 0.710E+02 1.53
1.46 -4.45 2.43 1.5 0.681E+02 1.59
1.68 -5.00 2.62 1.5 0.655E+02 1.65
1.92 -5.56 2.82 1.6 0.63lE+02 1.72
2.15 -6.11 3.02 1.6 0.609E+02 1.78
2.40 -6.67 3.22 1.7 0.588E+02 1.84
2.66 -7.22 3.43 1.8 0.568E+02 1.91
2.92 -7.78 3.64 1.8 0.550E+02 1.97
3.20 -8.33 3.86 1.9 0.533E+02 2.03
3.48 -8.89 4.08 1.9 0.517E+02 2.10
3.77 -9.45 4.30 2.0 0.502E+02 2.16
4.07 -10.00 4.53 2.1 0.487E+02 2.22
4.38 -10.56 4.76 2.1 0.474E+02 2.29
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.35



B = Gaussian l/e (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C = centerline concentration
S = corresponding centerline dilution

4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5,00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.95
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96



--------------------------------------------------------------- __------------__







BV = top-hat thickness,measured vertically
BH = top-hat half-width, measured horizontally in Y-direction
C = average (bulk) concentration
S = corresponding average (bulk) dilution
ZU = upper plume boundary (Z-coordinate)
ZL = lower plume boundary (Z-coordinate)

4.70 -11.11 5.00 2.2 0.461E+02 2.96
13.78 -11.11 6.00 11.4 0.878E+01 8.03 18.16 6.00 0.00






BV = ton-hat thickness,measured vertically
BH a top-hat half-width, measured horizontally in Y-direction
C - average (bulk) concentration
S = corresponding average (bulk) dilution
ZU upper plume boundary (Z-coordinate)
ZL = lower plume boundary (Z-coordinate)


13.78 -11.11 6.00 11.4 0.878E+01 8.03 18.16 6.00 0.00
163.09 -11.11 6.00 15.4 0.651E+01 3.27 60.18 6.00 2.73
312.40 -11.11 6.00 17.0 0.5B8E+01 2.41 90.18 6.00 3.59
461.71 -11.11 6.00 18.1 0.552E+01 2.00 115.79 6.00 4.00
611.02 -11.11 6.00 18.9 0.528E+01 1.75 138.81 6.00 4.25
760.33 -11.11 6.00 19.6 0.510E+01 1.57 160.06 6.00 4.43
909.64 -11.11 6.00 20.2 0.495E+01 1.44 179.97 6.00 4.56
1058.95 -11.11 6.00 20.7 0.483E+01 1.33 198.84 6.00 4.67
1208.27 -11.11 6.00 21.2 0.472E+01 1.25 216.86 6.00 4.75
1357.58 -11.11 6.00 21.6 0.463E+01 1.18 234.15 6.00 4.82
1506.89 -11.11 6.00 22.0 0.455E+01 1.12 250.83 6.00 4.88
1656.20 -11.11 6.00 22.3 0.448E+01 1.07 266.97 6.00 4.93
1805.51 -11.11 6.00 22.6 0.442E+01 1.02 282.63 6.00 4.98
1954.82 -11.11 6.00 22.9 0.436E+01 0.99 297.87 6.00 5.01
2104.13 -11.11 6.00 23.2 0.431E+01 0.95 312.74 6.00 5.05
2253.44 -11.11 6.00 23.5 0.426E+01 0.92 327.25 6.00 5.08
2402.76 -11.11 6.00 23.7 0.422E+01 0.89 341.45 6.00 5.11
2552.07 -11.11 6.00 24.0 0.417E+01 0.86 355.37 6.00 5.14
2701.38 -11.11 6.00 24.2 0.413E+01 0.84 369.01 6.00 5.16
2850.69 -11.11 6.00 24.4 0.410E+01 0.82 382.41 6.00 5.18
3000.00 -11.11 6.00 24.6 0.406E+01 0.80 395.58 6.00 5.20


End of Output

CORMIXI: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)


CORMIX1: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)

Start of session:



Site name: Ghana
Discharger name: Takoradi
Pollutant name: CCW

DESIGN CASE: Full plant with low ambient

FILE NAME: st5 01

Cross-section = unbounded
Average depth HA = 6.00 m
Depth at discharge HD = 6.00 m
Ambient velocity UA = 0.1000 m/s
Darcy F F = 0.0097
Stratification Type STRCND = U
Surface density RHOAS = 1022.67 kg/m-3
Bottom density RHOAB = 1022.67 kg/m^3
Nearest bank = left
Distance to bank DISTB = 1250 m
Port diameter DO = 2.0000 m
Total area of opening AO = 3.1416 m-2
Discharge velocity UO = 3.59 m/s
Discharge flowrate QO = 11.3003 m^3/s
Discharge port height HO = 1 m
Vertical discharge angle THETA = 15.00 deg
Horizontal discharge angle SIGMA = 270.00 deg
Discharge density RHOO = 1018.43 kg/m-3
Density difference RHOD = 4.23 kg/m-3
Buoyant acceleration GPO = 0.0407 m/s-2
Discharge concentration Co = 100.000000 percent


LQ = 1.77 m Lm = 3.75 m Lb = 459.43 m
LM = 23.74 m Lm' = 99999.89 m Lb' = 99999.89 m

Port densimetric Froude number FRO = 12.6
Velocity ratio R = 35.9


Toxic discharge = no
Water quality standard specified = no
Regulatory mixing zone = no
Region of interest = 3000 a downstream


Flow Class = H4-90
This flow-configuration applies to a layer corresponding to the full water
depth at the discharge site.
Applicable layer depth - water depth - 6.00 m
- _________________________________________
X-Y-Z Coordinate system:
Origin is located at the bottom below the port center:
1250 m from the left bank/shore.
----------------------------------- _-------------------------_________________


Note: The HHZ is the zone of strong initial mixing. It has no legal
implication. However, this information may be useful for the discharge
designer because the mixing in the HMZ is usually sensitive to the
discharge design conditions.
Pollutant concentration at edge of HMZ - 2.8200 percent
Dilution at edge of HMZ - 35.4
HMZ Location: x - 228.24 m
(centerline coordinates) y - -12.79 m
z = 6.00 m
11HZplume dimensions: half-width - 453.92 m
thickness = 4.41 m


Plume exhibits upstream intrusion due to low ambient velocity or strong
discharge buoyancy.

Intrusion length - 174.58 m

Intrusion stagnation point = -173.29 m
Intrusion thickness = 8.72 m
Intrusion half width at impingement = 453.92 m
Intrusion half thickness at impingement = 4.41 m

In this case, the upstream intrusion is very large, exceeding ten (10)
times the local water depth.
This may be caused by the small ambient velocity, perhaps in combination
with the strong buoyancy of the effluent, or alternatively, a strong
ambient stratification.
If the ambient conditions are quite unsteady (e.g. tidal), then the
CORMIX steady-state predictions of the upstream intrusion are probably
unrealistic. The plume predictions in the immediate near-field, prior
to the intrusion layer formation, are acceptable, however.

************t*********** TOXIC DILUTION ZONE SUMMARY *

No TDZ was specified for this simulation.

******t*************t REGULATORY MIXING ZONE SUMMARY ************************

No RMZ and no ambient water quality standard have been specified.

DESIGN CASE: Full plant with low ambient FILE NAME: st5 01
End of session: 7-29-1993 13:23:16
CORMIXI: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)
CORMIXI: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)

------------------------------------------------------------- __--------------__


DESIGN CASE: Full plant with low ambient



HA - 6.00 HD = 6.00
UA = 0.100 F = 0.010


RHOA = 1022.67


BANK - LEFT DISTB = 1250.00
DO = 2.000 AO = 3.142 HO = 1.00
THETA 15.OD SIGMA = 270.00
UO = 3.597 QO = 11.300 (QO =0.1130E+02)
RHOO = 1018.43 DRHOO = 4.24 GPO =0.4066E-01
Co =0.1000E+03 UNITS percent

QO =0.1130E+02 MO =0.4065E+02 JO =0.4595E+00 SIGNJO = 1.0
LQ = 1.77 LM = 23.75 Lm = 63.75 Lb = 459.44
Lmp = 99999.90 Lbp = 99999.90

FRO = 12.61 R = 35.97


* FLOW CLASS - H4-90 *

******************* **********************,****************************


Co =O.1000E+03 CUNITS = percent
NSTD = 0 CSTD =D.1000E+07
LEGMZ = 0 LEGSPC = 0 LEGVAL = 99999.90
XLEG = 0.00 WLEG = 0.00 ALEG = 0.00
XINT = 3000.00
XMAX = 3000.00
NSTEP = 20


ORIGIN is located at the bottom and below the center of the port:
1250.00 m from the LEFT bank/shore.
X-axis points downstream, Y-axis points to left, Z-axis points upward.

_______________________________________ ______________________________________

B - Gaussian 1/. (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C - centerline concentration
S * corresponding centerline dilution

0.00 0.00 1.00 1.0 0.100E+03 1.00


------------------------------------------------------------ __---------------__



B - Gaussian l/e (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C = centerline concentration
S = corresponding centerline dilution

X Y 2 S C B
0.00 0.00 1.00 1.0 0.100E+33 1.08
0.04 -0.64 1.18 1.1 0.937E+02 1.16
0.08 -1.28 1.36 1.1 0.882E+02 1.23
0.13 -1.91 1.55 1.2 0.832E+02 1.30
0.17 -2.55 1.73 1.3 0.788E+02 1.37
0.22 -3.19 1.92 1.3 0.749E+02 1.45
0.28 -3.83 2.11 1.4 0.713E+02 1.52
0.33 -4.47 2.30 1.5 0.681E+02 1.59
0.39 -5.10 2.50 1.5 0.651E+02 1.66
0.45 -5.74 2.69 1.6 0.624E+02 1.74
0.51 -6.38 2.89 1.7 0.599E+02 1.81
0.58 -7.02 3.09 1.7 0.575E+02 1.88
0.65 -7.66 3.29 1.8 0.554E+02 1.95
0.72 -8.29 3.49 1.9 0.534E+02 2.03
0.79 -8.93 3.70 1.9 0.516E+02 2.10
0.87 -9.57 3.91 2.0 0.498E+02 2.17
0.95 -10.21 4.12 2.1 0.482E+02 2.25
1.03 -10.85 4.34 2.1 0.467E+02 2.32
1.11 -11.48 4.56 2.2 0.453E+02 2.39
1.20 -12.12 4.78 2.3 0.440E+02 2.46
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 2.54


- ------------------------------------------------ …------------- __ ------------

B = Gaussian l/e (37%) half-width, normal to trajectory
C = centerline concentration
S = corresponding centerline dilution

1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
1.29 -12.76 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.6S










BV - top-hat thickness,measured vertically
BH = top-hat half-width, measured horizontally in Y-direction
C - average (bulk) concentration
S = corresponding average (bulk) dilution
ZU = upper plume boundary (Z-coordinate)
ZL = lower plume boundary (Z-coordinate)

1.29 -12.79 5.00 2.3 0.427E+02 3.65
228.25 -12.79 6.00 35.5 0.282E+01 4.41 453.92 6.00 1.59


_______________________ ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- - _ ___
-- - - - - - -_____.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- __----__




BV - top-hat thickness,measured vertically
BH - top-hat half-width, measured horizontally in Y-direction
C - average (bulk) concentration
S * corresponding average (bulk) dilution
ZU - upper plume boundary (Z-coordinate)
ZL - lower plume boundary (Z-coordinate)


228.25 -12.79 6.00 35.5 0.282E+01 4.41 453.94 6.00 1.59
366.84 -12.79 6.00 36.0 0.277E+01 4.21 484.18 6.00 1.79
505.42 -12.79 6.00 36.6 0.273E+01 4.02 513.51 6.00 1.98
644.01 -12.79 6.00 37.1 0.270E+01 3.86 542.03 6.00 2.14
782.60 -12.79 6.00 37.5 0.266E+01 3.72 569.81 6.00 2.28
921.19 -12.79 6.00 38.0 0.263E+01 3.59 596.93 6.00 2.41
1059.77 -12.79 6.00 38.4 0.260E+01 3.48 623.45 6.00 2.52
1198.36 -12.79 6.00 38.8 0.258E+01 3.37 649.41 6.00 2.63
1336.95 -12.79 6.00 39.2 0.255E+01 3.28 674.87 6.00 2.72
1475.54 -12.79 6.00 39.5 0.253E+01 3.19 699.85 6.00 2.81
1614.12 -12.79 6.00 39.9 0.251E+01 3.11 724.40 6.00 2.89
1752.71 -12.79 6.00 40.2 0.249E201 3.03 748.54 6.00 2.97
1891.30 -12.79 6.00 40.5 0.247E+01 2.96 772.29 6.00 3.04
2029.89 -12.79 6.00 40.8 0.245E+01 2.90 795.69 6.00 3.10
2168.47 -12.79 6.00 41.1 0.243E+01 2.84 818.74 6.00 3.16
2307.06 -12.79 6.00 41.4 0.242E+01 2.78 841.48 6.00 3.22
2445.65 -12.79 6.00 41.7 0.240E+01 2.72 863.91 6.00 3.28
2584.24 -12.79 6.00 41.9 0.239E+01 2.67 886.05 6.00 3.33
2722.82 -12.79 6.00 42.2 0.237E+01 2.62 907.93 6.00 3.38
2861.41 -12.79 6.00 42.4 0.236E+01 2.58 929.54 6.00 3.42
3000.00 -12.79 6.00 42.7 0.234E+01 2.53 950.90 6.00 3.47


----------------------------------------------------------- __----------------__

End of Output

CORMIX1: Submerged Single Port Discharges EPA Version 1.40 (February 1992)

11111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Appendix G


13.3 Site Clearing

13.3.1 General

1 Thissectiondescribesthe requirements
thesite,on-siteaccessroadsandparkingareas,andfueltransferfacilitiesai Sekondi
for SchemeB.

13.3.2 Definitions

1 Clearingshallconsistof cutting,removaland disposalof all treesand roots,

brush,fallenUmber,debris,andstrippingthetopsoil,and otherperishablematerials
on the groundsurface,and alsodemolitionand disposalof existingbuildingson

13.3.3 Safetyand EnvironmentalControl

1 All nonmerchantableand unusabletimbershallbe piledand burnedoff site,

in a controlledmannerand in anareaacceptableto theEmployer'sRepresentative.

2 The Contractorshall obtainall requisitepermitsand notifythe concerned

authoritiesregardingburning.All necessary
precautions to protectlife andproperty
shallbe takenduringburningoperations.Treeson the site,notinterferingwith the
Works,shallnotbe cutwithoutwrittenapprovalfromtheEmployer's Representative.

3 The Contractorshalllocateand protectall buriedservicesnot intendedfor

removaland shallpreservethemin operatingcondition.

4 Permanent disposalof materials

out outsidethe areaof the Works. The disposalstockpileshallnot interferewith
naturaldrainagechannelsand shallbe left in a neat andworkmanlikeconditionin
accordancewith theapplicablesectionof thesespecifications.

13.3.4 MinimumTechnicalRequirements

1 Topsoilshallbe stockpiledfor the useof the Contractor

in landscapingand
excavatedsurfacesand embankments.

13.4 Site Grading

13.4.1 General

1 Thissection describesthe requirementsfor gradingthe site, accessroads to

the site, on-siteaccessroadsand parkingareas,drainageditches,landscapedareas,
and fuel transferfacilitiesat Sekondifor SchemeB; supply and spreading of topsoil
and seeding of landscapedareas, embankments,excavatedand fill slopes, borrow
areas and disposal areas as directed by the Employer'sRepresentativeand as
specified herein.

2 Thissectionalso describesthe requirementsfor seedingwhich shall include

preparationof ground surface,loading, transportingand placing of topsoil,fertilizer,
grass seed, erosion control measures,and watering, as required.

13.4.2 Safetyand EnvironmentalControl

1 All necessaryprecautionsshall be takenby the Contractorduring the grading

operationsto protect life, property,and trees on the site which are to remain. The
Contractorshall make good any damages.

13.4.3 MinimumTechnicalRequirements

1 The Contractorshall bring the site to the finalfinish grade,to facilitatenatural

drainageand runoff of surfacewaters so that floodingand ponding is avoided. The
Contractorshall initiallybring the site and roadbedsto subgradelevels,profiles,and
contours allowing for the appropriate depth of surface treatment for the different
areas of the site such as asphalt paving, gravelpaving, landscaped areas, etc.

2 Roughgradesshall slope awayfrom buildingsat 1:50 minimum. Ditchesand

swellsshall be graded to allow drainageand runoff and to minimizethe potential for
erosion gullies.

3 Prior to placing fill over existing ground, the Contractor shall scarify the
ground surface. Zones of fill materialshall be placed and compacted in layers as
specified in the applicable sections of these specifications.

4 All excavationand earthworksshall be performed in accordance with the

applicable sections of these specificatons.

5 Topsoil for seededareas shall be 150 mmIn thicknessand shall be spread

with adequate moistureand in uniformlayers. The topsoil shall be obtained from
stockpiles of topsoil strippedIn accordancewith these specificationsor from other
areas acceptableto the Employer'sRepresentative.

6 The fertilizerand grass seed shall be applied evenlyusing a slurryseeding

or hydroseedingmethod. The amountsof fertilizerand seed to be applied shall be
in accordancewith suppliers' instructions.

7 Seeded areas on sloped surfaces shall be protected against damage and

erosion. The Contractorshall water seededareasas requiredto ensure germination
and growth of grass until final acceptanceand shall repair and reseed dead spots
to allow establishmentof seed prior to acceptance.

8 The Contractor shall cut grass to 40 mm height and remove dippings

wheneverit reaches60 mm in heightand shall fertilizeafter firstcutting. Weedsshall
be removedby mechanicalor chemicalmethods.

9 Seeded areaswill not be accepted by the Employer'sRepresentativeuntil

they have been fertilized,cut at least twice,and areuniformlyestablishedand turf is
free of rutted, eroded or bare spots and free of weeds.

13.5 Site Drainage

13.5.1 General

1 This section describesthe requirementsfor the following:

- constructionof permanentopen drains

- supply and installationof culvertsand subsurfacedrains including the supply,

placementand compactionof backfill materialaroundculvertand drainagepipes.

- constructionof drainagemanholes,if required

2 This section also describes the requirements for transportation and

permanent disposal of all excavatedmaterialsunsuitablefor construction.

13.5.2 Safetyand EnvironmentalControl

1 The Contractorshall ensure that foflowing measuresare being observed in

the design and constructionof site drainageworks.

- All excavatedtrenches,whetherpermanentor temporary(subject to backfilling)

which, due to their depth and/orvicinityto roads, pedestrianaccessesor working
areas may representa dangerof injuryor damageshall be protected by barriers,
hand or guardrails or any other means acceptable to the Employer's

- Watercollected by the site drainagesystem shall be conveyedand discharged

into the nearby naturalwater course.

- Dischargeof the drainagesystemshall be located, designed,and constructed

to minimizeerosion of soil, excludehazardsto personsand damage to property
and land particularlyduring the routing of storm flows. Exitsof culvertscrossing
the fence line of the plant shall be secured by bars, racks or other means
acceptable to the Employer'sRepresentative'sto preventintrusion.

- All provisionsof Section13.8 relativeto disposalstockpiling and landscapingor

excavatedmaterialshall apply.

13.5.3 Standards and References

1 The followingstandardsand referencesshall be used for this section of the


- ASCE, Design and Constructionof Sanitary and Storm Sewers. Manual of

EngineeringPracticeNo. 37

- US Departmentof Navy NAVFACDesignManual DM-53 DrainageSystems

- ASTM Cl1 8, StandardSpecificationfor ConcretePipe for Irrigationof Drainage

- ASTM C663,StandardSpecificationfor Asbestos-CementStorm Drain Pipe

- ASTM F891,Standard Specificationfor CoextrudedPVC Plastic Pipe

- ASTM C478, StandardSpecificationfor Precast ReinforcedConcrete Manhole


- US NationalCorrugatedSteelAssociation- CorrugatedSteelPipeStorm Sewers.

13.5.4 Minimum Technical Requirements

1 Excavationand backfillwork as wellas rip rapplacementfor slope protection

shall comply with the provisions of Sections 13.12 and 13.9. The provisions of
Section 13.6shall apply to dewateringduring construction. Concretelinerand works
shall comply with Section13.19.

2 Site drainageculvert shall be corrugatedsteel pipe or concrete pipe as per

standard specificationsmentionedin Secton 13.5.3. Concretepipe may be precast
or cast in place.

3 Subsurfacedrains,if necessary,maybe concrete,plasticor asbestos-cement,

as per specificationsmentionedin Section13.5.3.

4 Drainagemanholes,i necessary.may be precast concrete (ASTM478-90),

cast-in place concrete,brick or masonry.

5 Backfillingof culvertand pipe work shall not be done priorto the Employer's
RepresentativeInspectionand approvalof the work.

13.6 Unwaterlngand Dewatering

13.6.1 General
1 This section describes the requirementsfor controlling water inflow on
construction areas so that these areasare maintainedIn a dry state.

13.6.2 Defintilons

1 Unwatering shall mean the complete removal of water from within a

cofferdammedarea and the maintenanceof the area in a dry state.

2 Dewateringshall mean the control and removalof surface or groundwater

from the working areas such that they are maintainedin a dry state.

13.6.3 Safetyand EnvironmentalControl

1 The Contractor shall excavate,at locations acceptable to the Employer's

Representative,sediment settling ponds, sediment sumps, and other sumps
necessaryto ensure that muddy or contaminatedwater originatingfrom unwatering/
dewateringoperationsare not dischargeddirectlyto anynaturalwatercourseor to the

2 Settlementponds shall be watertightso that no uncontrolleddischargescan

occur into any natural watercourseor to the ocean.

3 Water shall not be dischargeddirectlyinto wetlands or agriculturalland.

4 Stabilizingmeasuresand erosionprotectionshall be providedat the point of

discharge into natural watercoursesor the ocean to preventexcessiveerosion.

13.6.4 MinimumTechnicalRequirements

1 In addition to initial removal of water from within a cofferdammedarea,

unvwateringshall include the design, installation,and operationof wells and/or the
deploymentand operationof surfacepumps for the removalof water and control of
inflow into a cofferuammedarea for the duration of the constructionwork. When
appropriate, the Contractor shall install, monitor, and record water levels in
piezometersto confirm the effectivenessof unwp!edngsystems.

2 Dewateringshall includethe design,installation,and operationof wellsor well

points for the stabilization of slopes and inverts of temporary and permanent
excavations. The Contractor shall install, monitor, and record water levels in
piezometerslocated adjacent to or within excavationsto establishthat groundwater
levels have been lowered sufficientlyto safelyproceedwith excavation. Well points
and sumps shall preferablybe located outside the area to be excavatedto avoid
loosening of soil. Precaut,onsshall be taken to ensure that fine material is not
washed out of the foundation because of improperscreeningof wells.

13.7 Borrow Area Development

13.7.1 General

1 This sectiondescribesthe requirementsfor developingand operatingfill

borrowareas,includingclearingand reinstatement
of theseareasaftercompleting
the Work.

13.7.2 Definitions

1 Borrowareasinvolveexploitation
in Section13.12,OpencutExcavation In Overburden.

13.7.3 Safety and Environmental Control

1 The Contractorshall be responsiblefor obtainingall requisitepermits,

licenses,and clearancesfor the operationof borrowareasfrom the appropriate
authoritiesand the Employer's

2 On completionof borrowarea operations,the exploitedareas shall be

reinstatedso that they blend in with the surroundingareasand, if appropriate,
vegetationsimilarto surroundingareasshallbe re-established.

3 Uponcompletion,slopesand workingfacesshallbe left in a safe,stable

condition. All excavatedmaterialin and aroundthe borrowarea,whetherfrom
oversizematerial,orexcessexploitedmaterials, shallbe replaced
in the borrowarea,eitherto flattensteepenedslopesorto fill areasexcavatedbelow
the surroundingterrain. In filling,care shall be takento place soil capableof
sustainingvegetationon thesurfaceof anyfill.

4 Therehabilitation
of borrowareasshallbe donesothat the areais properly
drainedanddoesnotinterfere withnaturalwatercourses. Ditchingand bermingshall
be usedto prevenm
long-termerosionof excavation or fill slopesdue to runoff.

13.7.4 Minimum Technical Requirements

1 TheContractorshallbe responsiblefor exploitingboffow areasin such a

manneras to yield the maximumof usablematerial. Exploitationmethodsshall

ensurethat borrowmaterialsarenot adverselyaffectedby prolongedexposurebefore

final exploitation.

2 Clearingshall be carriedas speciliedin Section13.3, Site Clearing,of these

specifications. Topsoil originated from clearing operations shall be stockpiled
separatelyfor re-use in revegetatingthe area as specified in the applicable sections
of these specifications.

3 Cleared areasand the developedborrow areasshall be adequatelydrained.

at all times, to prevent ponding as specified in Section 13.6, Unwatering and
Dewatering,of these specifications.

13.7.5 Quality ControlTesting and Reporting

1 The Contractor shall carry out requisite pre-exploitationinvestigationsand

testing. The Contractorshall preparedetailed test pit reportstogetherwith location
plans. Laboratorytesting resultson samplesshall be recorded in accordancewith
the requirementsof the relevantstandards. Test reports shall include the date.
detailed sample location,and test type/standard.

2 The Contractorshall documentthe resultsof all qualitycontrol testing carried

out during constructionin accordancewith the reportingrequirementsof the relevant
standards. Test reports shall include the date, detailsof the sample location, type,
and test standard.

3 Test pit reports and documentationon pre-exploitationand quality control

laboratorytesting shall remainaccessiblefor reviewby the Employer'sRepresentative
over the duration of the contract.

13.8 Disposal of ExcavatedMaterials

13.81 General

1 Thissectiondescribes therequirementsforhauling,dumping,andpermanent
disposalof all wastematerialswhichare unusableas fill arisingfromopencutand
underground excavations.

13.8.2 Safety and Environmental Controls

1 Disposalof excavatedmaterialsshallbe carriedout in areasdesignatedby

the Employer'sRepresentative.

2 Surfacesof disposedmaterials
shallbe trimmedto regularlinesand grades
to the Employer'sRepresentative.

3 Disposalareasshallbe locatedso that theywill not interferewith natural

drainage,or drainswillbe constructed
to preventundesirable
accumulation of water
in or aroundthe disposalareas.

4 TheContractor shallensurethatthefinalconfigurationof disposedmaterial

blendsin with the surrounding topographyand, if possible,that vegetationcan re-
establishitselfon the surfaceof thedisposalarea.

5 The sitesof disposalareasshallbe reasonably firm and level. In general.

materialsshallbe placedin horizontal
layersno, -xceeding 2 m in thickness.

13.8.3 MinimumTechnicalRequirements

1 Disposalareas shall be finish graded .o give stable side slopes. If

necessary,berming,ditchingand erosionproter..onshall be providedto prevent

13.8.4 Quality ControlTestingand Reporting

1 The Contractor with the requirements

shallcarryout testingIn accordance
specifiedin Section 13.9, Earthworks,and Section13.19, Concrete,of these
specifications thatwastematerialsareunusableasfill oraggrepates.
to demonstrate

2 Ouality control test results shall remainaccessiblefor review by the

overthe durationof thecontract.

13.13 Opencut ExcavationIn Rock

13.13.1 General

1 Thissectiondescribesthe requirementsfor opencut excavationsIn rock,both

on land and submarine.

2 Thissectionalsodescribes
the requirements
for the transportation
permanent disposal of excavatedrock which is unsuitablefor constructionand the
of acceptable
materialto locationswhereit can be stockpiledIn
orpermanent useasrequiredbytheContractor.Rock
materialfor submarineexcavation
shallbe disposedof offshoreat a location
designated bytheEmployer'sRepresentative,
vAthina radiusof 10kmof thesite.

13.13.2 DefinItlons

1 Rockexcavation
of bouldersinexcess
of 1.5m involume,in-situbedrock,
withan in-situcompression
Vp,in excessof 1500m/s.

2 Dental
oftheremovalanddisposal ofunsuitablematerial
foundin excavated
theuseof lightequipment

3 Controlled
perimeter blasting
includes,butis notlimitedto, presplitting
knownaspreshearing), cushion blasting
andblastingmethods shallbeemployed to produce smoothrockfacesconforming
to the prescribedneatlinesandto minimize anyoverbreak andblasting-induced
fracturesin therockfacesoutsidetheexcavation lines.

4 Presplitting
consists ofdrillinga singlerowof closelyspacedholes,loading
all or selectedholeslightlyandcontinuously, andfiringthemsimultaneously before
anyadjoiningmainexcavation areais blastedto producea crackalongthelineof
presplitholesto whicha subsequent primaryblastcanbreak.Completion of the
blastingtechniques necessary to removethe adjoiningrockrequiresa suitable
burden/spacing ratio,a reducedexplosive chargein the lineof holesnearestthe
presplitlineanda limitonthedistance between thepresplitlineandthenearestline
of primaryblastholes.

5 Cushionblastingconsistsof drillinga single rowof closely spaced holes with

a suitable burden/spacingratio,loading all the holes lightly and continuouslywith a
uniform continuous charge of small diameter explosive, and firing them
simultaneouslyas the last delay period In the round.

6 Une drilling consistsof

- drilling a single rowof veryclosely spaced holes

- not loading the holesexcept for the possible useof specialexplosiveto split the
rock webs betweenadjacent holes

- havinga suitableburden/spacingratioand a reducedexplosivecharge in the line

of holes nearestthe line drilled holesand a limit on the distancebetween the line
drilled holes and the nearestline of primaryblast holes.

7 A lift is definedas a singlecycle of drilling,loading, and blasting to excavate

rock including scaling, mucking, and moving equipment in and out of opencut

3 Overbreak consists of the volume of rock removed during excavation

operations beyond the neat lines of excavation.

13.13.3 Safety and Environmental Control

1 The Contractorshall assumefull and sole responsibilityfor the safety of all

excavationsperformedunder this section until final acceptanceof the Work.

2 The Contractorshall remove and dispose of any loose rock, unsound or

disintegrated,or in anywaydeemedunsafe,from the faces of the excavatons made
under this section. Wire meshprotection shall be installedon sloping and vertical
rock faces to protect the Worksor any persons workingbelow.

3 The submarinedisposal of excavationrock materialshall be carried out at a

location and in such a manner as to have minimal environmentalimpact and
interferencewith the long-termequilibriumstate of the seabed.

4 The Contractorshall take suitableprecautionsfor the protection of persons,

adjoining property,and compleledwork. The Contractorshall be held liable for all
claimsresultingfrom personalInjuryand damageto propertyand equipmentthat may
result from blasting operations.

5 In all areas, the Contractorshall design opencut blasts so as to minimize

excessivefly rock. In addition,fly rockshall be controlledby providing blasting mats
over blastsin opencut excavation.Suchblastingmatsshall be In good conditionand
of a constructionconformingto best current practice.

6 For blasting underwater.the Contractor shall design and provide an air

curtain positioned betweenthe blast and shock sensitiveadjacent structures.

7 A standard blastingwaming code shall be instituted by the Contractor. It

shall be used in connectionwith all blasting.

8 Detonatorswith protectedbridging or other acceptableprecautionsshall be

used in all blasting operationsdone by electricfiring.

9 Responsibilityfor the proper care of detonators and explosives shall be

assignedto responsibleemployeesand these materialsshall not be left unguarded
unless secured in explosivesmagazines. Local authoritiesand police shall be
advised of the Contractor's security arrangementsfor storing and handling all

10 When carryingout blastingoperations,the Contractorshall take all proper

precautionsfor the protectionof personsand propertyand shall be responsiblefor
any mishap or damageresultingfrom the blasting operations.

11 The Contractor shall provide experienced, licensed blasting personnel

capable of, but not necessarilyrestrictedto. the following: inspectingfreshlyblasted
areas, dealingwith misfires,evaluatingair and dust conditions,and directing scaling
operations in accordancewith the specifications.

12 Should the Contractorrequirethe placementof heavyplant and equipment

within close proximity of any excavated slope, additional rock support may be
required to maintain temporaryslope stability. This support shall be designed by a
qualified professionalengineer,and design notesshall remainaccessible for review
by the Employer'sRepresentativefor the durationof the Contract.

13.13.4 Standardsand References

1 The followingstandardsand referencesshall be used In opencut excavations

in rock:

- OuarterlyJournalof EngineeringGeology,The Preparatlonof Maps and Plansin

Termsof EngineeringGeology,by Anon,Vol 5, pp 293-381,1972Vol 5, pp 293-
381, 1972

- EngineeringGeological Mapping for CMI Engineering Practicein the United

Kingdom, by W. R. Dearmanand P. G. Fookes, 1974

- InternationalSociety for Rock Mechanics,Suggested Method for Quantitative

Descriptionof Discontinuitiesin Rock Masses

- InternationalJournalof RockMechanicsand MiningSciencesand Geomechanics

Abstracts.Vol 15, No. 6, 1978.

13.13.5 MinimumTechnicalRequimements

I In orderto preservethe structuralintegrityof the excavations,it is the intent

of these specificationsthat the Contractor'srock excavationmethods be such as to
produce smooth and sound rock surfaceswith a minimumof fracturingof the rock
outside the excavation. All necessaryprecautionsshall be taken to achieve this

2 The Contractorshall develop,by trial,controlledperimeterdrillingand blasting

techniqueswhich will result in a minimumof overbreakand a minimum of fracturing
of the rock beyond the excavationlines, thereby producing sound and reasonably
uniformsurfacesto the completedexcavations.For this purpose,the Contractorshall
perform trial controlled perimeter blasting in the opencut excavationsvarying the
burden,drill hole pattem,hole depth, explosivetype and quantity,blastingsequence,
and delay pattern.

3 Particlevelocitiesfrom blastingshall generallynot exceedthe followinglimits:

- for concrete and grout in place more than 60 hours, the maximum particle
velocities shall not ecceed 50 mmrs measuredat the concrete surface

- for concreteor grout in placeless than 60 hours, the maximumparticlevelocities

shall not exceed 10 mmls measuredat the concrete surface

- for existing structures Including structures not forming part of this Contract
adjacent to excavationareas, the maximumparticle velocitiesshall not exceed
50 mm/s measuredat these structures.

4 Shock wave pressures through bodies of water on existing concrete

structuresshall not exceed 100 kN/m2 .

13.13.6 QualIty Control Testing and Reporting

1 The Contractorshall prepareand submitto the Employer'sRepresentativeits

overall plan of proposed methods and sequence of excavation for opencut
excavation,includinglocationand methodof treatmentof disposal areas. The plan
shall includethe location,depth and areaof blast holes; the type, strength,amount.
column load and distributionof explosiveto be used per hole, per delay, and per
blast; 'Lhe sequenceand pattem of delays;and the descriptionand purpose of any
special methodsto be adopted by the Contractor.

2 Blastproposalsshall be preparedfor each blastwith all the aboveinformation

included and shall remainaccessiblefor reviewby the Employer'sRepresentativefor
the duration of the Contract.

3 The Contractorshall monitorall his blasting operationsusing seismographic

equipment to determinethe magnitude and intensitiesof ground vibrations. The
Contractorshall supplyand operateequipmentfor measuringparticle velocities. The
equipment shall be of the 3-componenttype for measuringvertical,transverse,and
longitudinal wave forms, such as the Instantel DS-377 Digital Seismograph or
equivalent. A record of seismographicmeasurementsshall be prepared following
each monitoringoperation,accompaniedby a detaileddiagramof the blast showing
the number of holes,delay sequences,total quantity of explosives,and the quantity
of explosive per hole. These records shall remain accessible for review by the
Employer'sRepresentativeuntil completionof the Works.

4 Should the results of this blast monitoring indicate that the Contractor's
blasting methods endanger either completed excavaton, completed grouting,
concrete work, or adjacent structures,the Contractorshall be required to alter his
blasting methodsto preventsuch damage.

5 The Contractor shall carry out detailed engineering geological mapping of

foundation excavationsfor structures on land, at a scale of 1:100 or larger, In
accordancewith the methods detailed in the followingdocuments.

Anon, 'The Preparationof Maps and Plans in Terms of EngineeringGeology",
OuarterlyJournal of EngineeringGeology,Vol 5. pp 293-381, 1972.

Dearman.W. R. and P. G. Fookes. "Engineering Geological Mapping for Civil

EngineeringPracticein the United Kingdom', 1974.

Rock Descriptlons
InternationalSociety for Rock Mechanics,"Suggested Method for Quantitative
Descriptionof Discontinuitiesin Rock Masses', IntemationalJournal of Rock
Mechanics and Mining Sciences and GeomechanicsAbstracts, Vol 15, No. 6,

6 Detailsof rock supportand drainageincludinglocation,type, length,tension,

and capacity of rock bolts/anchorsshall be indicated on geological maps or on
drawings to the same scale.

7 All mapping and other records shall remain available for review by the
Employer'sRepresentativeover the durationof the contractand become part of the
permanent project records handed over to the Employerat the completion of the
project. All maps shall show the site grid or survey referenceson each sheet.

13.14 UndergroundRockExcavation
13.14.1 General

This section describesthe requirementsfor undergroundrock excavationssuch as

for the cooling seawaterintake tunnel and associatedshafts.

13.14.2 Definitions

1 Definitions and descriptions already given in Section 13.13, Opencut

Excavationin Rock,of these speclications,which also apply to this section,will not
be repeated.

2 A round is defined as a single cycle of drilling, loading and blasting to

excavate rock, including scaling, mucking and moving equipment in and out of
underground excavations.

13.14.3 Safety and Environmental Control

1 The Contractorshall assume full and sole responsibilityfor the safety of all
excavationsperformedunder this section unti final acceptanceof the Work.

2 Safety precautionssuch as grounding of electric equipment used under-

ground and preventinginterferencebetweenpowercircuits used for detonatorsand
otherequipmentshall be fully incorporatedin the constructionspecificationsprepared
by the Contractor.

3 Effectivecommunicationfacilitiesfromthe tunnelportal areato workingfaces

shall be provided and maintainedby the Contractor.Specific arrangementsshall be
made for transmitting warnings of approaching electrical storms. No loading
operations shall be carried on while an electricalstorm is active in the immediate

4 The Contractorshall light the undergroundworks in accordance with the

OccupationalSafety and Health Act In addition, the degree of illumination in the
tunnels shall not be less than that providedby a string of 100-Wlamps hanging on
one wall of the tunnel at 10-m intervals,25 m above the tunnel grade.

5 The Contractorshall ventilatethe undergroundworksIn accordancewith the

OccupationalSafetyand HealthAct.

6 The fresh air supply for the tunnels shall not be less than the greater of

- that requiredto producea linearvelocityof 10 nVmlnon the averagethroughout

the tunnel cross section

- 5.5 m3 /min at the lace of the tunnel for each man underground plus
2 m3 /min/brake horsepower for all diesel units operating in the underground

7 The exhaustgases of all intemalcombustionenginesoperating In the under-

ground works shall be passedthrough an advancedoxy-catalystexhaust purifier or
similardevice. Oxy-catalystexhaustpurifiersshall be maintainedin accordancewith

a The Contractorshall provide testing devices as manufacturedby Draeger

WerkeAG, Moislingeralle,Lubeck,WestGermany,or equivalentfor measuringcarbon
monoxide,nitrogendioxide and aldehydesduring operationof internal combustion
engines underground.

9 Readingsfor carbon monoxideshall be taken by the Contractorat frequent

intervalsduiing each shift and additionalreadingsmay be taken when required by
the Employer'sRepresentative.Readingsfor nitrogendioxideand for aldehydesshall
be taken at appropriateintervals.

10 Tests shall also be made by the Contractorat frequentintervalsfor methane

gas and oxygen content using an electronic measuringdevice such as a National
Mine ServiceCompanyoxygen and combustiblegas meter,Model MX240or similar.

11 A written record of all readingsshall be kept by the Contractor. In the event

that readings exceedthe stipulatedsafety levels,the Contractorshall evacuate the
personneland de-energizeall electricalcircuits in the area.

12 Notwithstandingthe requirementsgiven above, the maximumamounts of

noxious gases permissibleat any location in the undergroundatmosphereshall not
exceed the followingconcentrations/levels:

- carbon monoxide - 0.10% In exhaust gases of equipment or 0.005% In the


- nitrogen dioxide - 0.0005%

in the undergroundatmosphere

- aldehydes- 0.0005%in the undergroundatmosphere

- methane- 50% of the lower explosivelimit (LEL)

- oxygen - not less than 19%in the undergroundatmosphere.

13 Drilling,blasting,and muckingoperationsshallbe so conductedthat the

concentration of respirablesiliceousdust measurednearthe faceof the workmen
shallnot exceed0.1mg respirablequartzper cubic metreof air.

14 Thefreesilicondioxidecontentof dustshallbe determinedfromcollected

samplesrepresentative of thedustfromthevariousworkareas.TheContractor shall
providethe apparatusfor checkingthe concentration of airbornerespirabledust
containingsilicondioxide,namely,suitablepersonalmonitoringpumpssuchas SKC
ModelAircheck11. a collectiondeviceconsisting
of a cyclonesuchasSKModel225-
01-02, and a silver membranefilterin an appropriatecassetteholder such as
SKC225-13and SKC225-2,respectively, or equivalent.

15 The Contractorshall make and record measurementsduring normal

operationsto determinetherepresentative
concentration of respirablesilicondioxide
and shallperiodicallyrepeatthe monitoringto ensurethat the levelsof respirable
silicondioxidedo not exceedtherecommended limit. Thefrequencyof samplings
may be reducedwneneverthe Contractor is maintaining,satisfactorily, the under-
groundatmosphere freefromdust.

16 Analysisof collecteddustsamplesmustbe doneby a qualifiedlaboratory

usingan analyticalprocedurefortheX-raydiffractiondetermination
of silicain dust.

17 The Contractorshall,in the designand operationof the tunnelventilation

system,takeall necessarymeasuresto limitthe generationof fog, to removefog
accumulationsand to maintainadequatevisibilityfor safeand efficientoperationat
all timeswhenworkis in progress.

18 The air Intakefor tunnelventilationshall be so located that the exhaustair is

not re-used.

13.14.4 Standardsand References

The standardsand referencesto be used In undergroundrock excavationsshall be

the same as specified in Section 12.13, Opencut Excavation in Rock, of these

13.14.5 MinimumTechnicalRequirements

1 In orderto preservethe structuralintegrityof the excavatedopenings,it is the

intentof thesespecifications
rockexcavation methodsbe such
as to producesmoothand soundrocksurfaceswith a minimumof fracturingof the
rockoutsidetheexcavation.Allnecessaryprecautionsshallbe takento achievethis

2 TheContractorshalldevelop,bytrial,controlled perimeterdrillingandblasting
techniqueswhichwill resultin a minimumof overbreak anda minimumof fracturing
of the rock beyondthe excavation linestherebyproducingsoundand reasonably
uniformsurfacesto thecompletedexcavations. Forthispurpose,theContractor shall
perimeter blastingin theunderground excavations, varyingthe
roundlength,burncut locationandgeometry, drill holepattern,explosivetypeand

3 Presplitting
shallnotbe usedas a controlledperimeterblastingtechniquein

4 Particlevelocitiesfor blastingshallgenerallynotexceedthefollowinglimits:

- for concreteand grout in place morethan 60 hours,the maximumparticle

velocitiesshallnotexceed50 mm/smeasured at the concretesurface

- forconcreteor groutin placelessthan60 hours,themaximumparticlevelocities

shallnot exceed10 mm/smeasuredat theconcretesurfaceunlessotherwise
authorizedby the Employer'sRepresentative

- for existingstructuresadjacentto excavafionareas,the maximumparficle

velocitiesshallnot exceed50 mm/smeasuredat thesestructures.

13.14.6 QualktyControlTestingand Reporting

1 The Contractorshall prepare,and submit to the Employer'sRepresentative,

Its overall plan of proposedmethods and sequenceof excavationfor underground
excavation,includinglocationand treatmentof disposalareas. The plan shall Include
the sequenceof excavationfor each round, location,depth and area of blast holes;
the type,strength,amount,column load,and distributionof explosiveto be used per
hole, per delay and per blast; the sequenceand patternof delaysand the description
and purposeof any specialmethodsto be adoptedby the Contractor. The plan shall
also state how these methodsare to be variedto suit differing rock conditions.

2 Blast proposalsshall be preparedfor each blast with all of the information

relating to blasting in its overallplan includedand shall remainaccessiblefor review
by the Employer'sRepresentativefor the durationof the contract.

3 The Contractorshall monitorall its blastingoperationsusing seismographic

equipment to determinethe magnitude and intensitiesof ground vibrations. The
Contractorshall supplyand operateequipmentfor measuringparticlevelocities. The
equipment shall be of the 3-componenttype for measuringvertical,transverseand
longitudinal wave forms, such as the 'Instantel DS-377 Digital Seismograph' or
equivalent. A record of seismographicmeasurementsshall be prepared lollowing
each monitoringoperation,accompaniedby a detaileddiagramof the blast showing
the number of holes, delay sequences,total quantity of explosivesand the quantity
of explosive per hole. These records shall remain accessible for review by the
Employer'sRepresentativeuntil completionof the work.

4 Should the results of this blast monitoring indicate that the Contractor's
blasting methods endanger either completed excavation, completed grouting,
concrete work or adjacent structures, the Contractorshall be required to alter its
blasting methodsto preventsuch damage.

5 The Contractorshall carry out detailed engineeringgeological mapping of

underground excavationsat a scale of 1:50 or larger,as specified in Section 13.13,
Opencut Excavationin Rock, of these specifications.

6 Detailsof rock supportand drainage,includinglocation,type, length,tension

and capacity of rock bolts/anchors,steel ribs or lattice girders and extent of wire
mesh and shotcrete,shall be indicatedon geologicalmappingor on drawingsto the
same scale.

7 All mappingand other recordsshall remainavailablefor revlewby the

overthe durationof contractand becomepart of the
permanentprojectrecordshandedoverto the Employerat the completonof the
Appendix H

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