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Screen time poses risks at any age

Information science and technology as topic

Technology category

Essay subjects: reliance on technology, effects of technology, and harms of


Pages: 4

Studies using neuroimaging technology show that excessive screen time harms the brain. The

brain regions responsible for emotional decision-making, attention, and cognitive control are

affected in both fundamental and functional ways by internet fixation. What about kids, for

instance, who are not addicted? A definition is a big portion of a much larger problem that

raises real concerns about excessive screen time damaging our children even with what most

people would consider "normal" exposure. An average adolescent will watch screens for about

seven hours per day.

Numerous kids experience sensory overload, little sleep, and a neurological system that is

overstimulated. Regardless of the method of analysis, these kids have "electronic screen

syndrome." They are irresponsible, temperamental, and unfocused.

Even though the majority of parents say they prefer their children watch fewer screens, some

will frequently ask whether there is enough data to support the use of devices. They defend it

by saying that it is typical of today's adolescents, and perhaps they are concerned that others,

including their spouse, will be discouraged by their attempts.

Numerous studies have shown that excessive amounts of screen time cause the gray matter in

the brain, where processing takes place, to shrink. The crucial frontal lobe, which regulates

executive processes like planning, organizing, and putting things first, would be among the

regions affected by this. And also planning their daily routine and exercising restraint. The

striatum, which is entangled in reward pathways and the elimination of socially unacceptable

compulsions, showed a comparable volume decline.

The ability to develop compassion and empathy for others as well as our capacity to engage in

physical movements with feeling are both tangled up in injuries to the insula, according to

research. Beyond the obvious link to aggressive behavior, these abilities enhance the caliber

and depth of close relationships.

Similar discoveries have supported the decline in the white matter's integrity in the brain.

Spotty white materials cause damage to connections between different lobes of the same

hemisphere as well as to and from those lobes and to pathways between the cognitive,

emotional, and survival hubs of the left and right brain. Similar connections are made between

body and brain systems through white brain matter. Broken networks may cause the signal's

speed to drop, acting as a short circuit, or they may cause the signal to become erratic.

According to imaging studies, there are fewer people who can digest information, fewer people

who can control their urges, more people who are sensitive to rewards and uncaring of loss,

and irregular spontaneous brain function linked to weak task capacity. Dopamine is released

during gaming sessions, according to studies on video games, and the need or craving for a

particular game might modify the brain in a way similar to drug seeking. According to an

additional study, internet addiction is less prevalent because fewer dopamine transporters and

receptors are present. In essence, abnormal brain structure and function of the frontal lobe of

the brain, which goes through significant changes from adolescence until the middle of

adulthood, is where the bulk of brain injuries occur. The development of your frontal lobe

primarily controls every aspect of your life, including your sense of general happiness, your

ability to advance in school or at work, and your interpersonal skills.

Adults use screens for an average of 11 hours every day, according to research from 2014.

Computer vision syndrome, which can result in extremely dry eyes and begin to distort our

vision, is one of the undiagnosed symptoms. This may cause us to have neck or shoulder pain

in addition to vision issues.

Considering my personal experience, I believe that spending a lot of time in front of a screen,

whether it be a TV or a video game, may have an impact on our general health. I am a prime

illustration of this. I became severely addicted to computers and video games when I was only

23 years old. This had the same impact on me as I had previously described; for example, it

caused me to drop out of college because all I wanted to do was play with my friends, which

made me feel good. In the past four years, I have not sought a career or any life goals, so now

that I am moving forward and looking for chances, it appears as though I never actually did

anything. And I was simply trapped in time. Additionally, it caused me to put on a lot of weight,

which over time just served to deepen my depression and did nothing to lift my spirits. The

loss of social skills can be one of the most prevalent and dangerous effects of screen time. The

majority of people have difficulty dealing with adults, especially teens, who frequently run

away from uncomfortable circumstances and feel that the only escape is to be immersed in a

game and forget about the outside world. By not learning how to engage with others in any

way. It will have an impact on them later in life, whether they have a career that requires a lot

of interaction or just find it difficult to find love or friends. Although playing specific video

games might help kids improve their visual attention, processing speed, and mental rotation,

viewing the news on TV and playing some video games can also have some positive impacts,

such as letting kids know what's going on in their town when watching the news. However, too

much exposure to these games might impair your working memory and make it difficult for

you to recall the majority of the events in your daily life. And ultimately, rather than making a

decision based on your reality or situation, you can truly believe that you are living a fantasy

and choose the same way that a character in a video game, anime, or film would. Lastly, the

exposure to EMF For instance, most children and a portion of adults hold a headset or a phone

close to their ears when gaming. And because children's brains develop far more rapidly than

adults' do from the time they are born until they are about 25 years old, this electromagnetic

energy can do serious harm to developing children.

I want to check in with everyone and encourage them to consider how much time they truly

spend on devices. In today's society, it is possible to create resumes, seek employment, and

attend college courses online. Whether or not these techniques are practical to employ, we must

realize that the things we do on a daily basis might affect us for the rest of our lives without

any chance of turning back to make up for the time lost.


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