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Korean Lecture Quiz Notes:

Lession 3

If you look at all of them, you will know how they sound. Criticism of the Unification Plan of the Dance
Act> The sea written in Edo.

It is unknown whether he was aware of these circumstances or whether he was conscious of the fact
that 'Han' in 'Hangeul' and 'Korean Empire' were simply the same, but since 'Han' is not used as an
expression to refer to his own country in North Korea, The name 'Hangeul' is also changed to

3. History[edit]

Details icon For more information, refer to the Hangul/History document.

Hangeul was created in 1443 and published in 1446. There are many theories about the principle of its
invention, and in the Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon, 'ㄱ', 'ㄴ', 'ㅁ', 'ㅅ', and 'ㅇ' were made after the
articulation organs, and it is written that the other consonants were edited. However, scholars including
Gary Redyard argue that the consonants of Hangeul are simplified consonants of some of the Paspa

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