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Name : Hendri Kurniawan

NIM : 061940832860

1. Do you have any work experience ?

As a fresh graduate, i didn't have work experience but i has internship in
PT.KAI Thats make me have a skills and make me able to work as a programmer
in this company.

2. What organization and extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I don't follow any organizations in campus, but i have positive acivities
everyday,like workout in the gym, in the gym i always meet a new person thats
person can makes me have a good relations in public.

3. Why should we hire you ?

Because i'm compatible in this position and i have knowledge and skills in
thats job role.

4. Where do you want to be (in 5/or 15 years)?

In 5 years, i will make a contribution in your company and makes your
company have the best services in this country.

5. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor?

No. I don't have a conflict with them, because if i do or have a mistakes i will
discuss it first to know about my fault.

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