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GNS 106

1. ………………………. declares that no preposition can be true and false at the same time (LAW OF
2. Fallacy occurs when one neglects the rule of inference called …………………….. (MODUS PONENS)
3. Latin name for ignorance (IGNORANTIAM)
4. What’s the fallacy for “HAVE YOU GIVEN UP YOUR WICKED WAYS”…………………………….
5. ……………………… is the symbol for negation (TILDE)
6. The appraisal of an inductive argument is based on the degree of …………………………….
7. African philosophy of arts analysis that principles of ideal forms of African ……………………….. and
works of art (BEAUTY)
8. Logic is defined as the …………………………. With which philosophy works (INSTRUMENT)
9. Old method of philosophizing is …………......... (SOCRATIC METHOD)
10. Ethics is that branch of philosophy known as …………………….. philosophy (MORAL)
11. Full meaning of JTB (JUSTIFIED TRUE BELIEF)
12. ………………………… is a philosophical theory that holds that all knowledge comes from experience
13. To Democritus (460-370 BC) ………………………….. is the highest goal (DELIGHT)
14. The appraisal of an inductive is based on the degree of …………………….. (PROBABILITY)
15. ………………………. argues that God cannot exist ()
16. Latin name for EDUCATION is …………………………. (EDUCARE)
17. African philosophy can change the belief of individual TRUE/FALSE
18. A hedonist may be ………………………….. And ………………………… (DEONTOLOGIST AND TELEOLOGIST)
19. The summary of law of nature is state by …………………………… (FADAHUNSI)
20. Which fallacy was about jumping into conclusion (HASTY GENERALIZATION)
21. Argumentum ad Baculum is known as (APPEAL TO FORCE)
22. ………................. is the school of thought that says anything that is pleasurable is worth good
23. Law of …………………………. says A can only be (A=A) (IDENTITY)
24. ……………………… gave rise to stone age and invention of fire (REFLECTIVE ACTIVITIES)
25. All philosophical inquires ends with ………………………… (belief)
26. The theory ALTRUISM was introduced by …………………………… (AUGUSTE COMTE)
27. Argumentum ad hominem is known as ……………………………. (ATTACKING THE PERSON)
28. The ……………………… conceive ethics as the logical study of the language of morals
29. Logic is the study of appraising ………………………argument
30. African philosophy of arts analyses the principles of ideal forms of African ……………………………..
and works of arts
31. exisentialism…………………………….. is the school of thought which says man is answerable to
32. The father of the law of thought is ……………unah……………………..
33. The branch of philosophy that cuts across all other branches is
34. Aristotle see knowledge as ……………………………………
35. Rational inquiry begins with …………doubt…………………………
36. logic………………………………….. is seen as a tool and not a branch in philosophy
37. Another name for formal fallacy Is non sequitur………………………………………..
38. Fallacy is ……error……………………………… in reasoning
39. Which philosophy method follows syllogism ……deductive………………………….
40. socrate………………………………. was a philosopher who compared himself to a mid-wife
41. Altruism was gotten from the French word …altrui…………………………….
42. An hedonist believes that pleasure is …intrinsically……………………………. Good
43. ………………………………….. school of thought that opposes the idea of hedonism
44. The prophetess said everyone should leave the building as it will collapse anytime, this is an
appeal to …argumentum ad verecundiam ……… appeal to authoriy
45. The main statement of an argument is …premises…………………………..
46. …pope paul IV……………. Said economics and technology has no meaning except from man for
whom they should serve
47. Good ethical orientation gives birth to …POSITIVE AND PRODUCTIVE IDEA…
48. Some scientists call philosophy as ……………………………..
49. One of the approaches to philosophical problems is …CONCEPTUALl… analysis
50. Plato and Theodorus defines knowledge as true opinion…………………………..
51. ADRONICLES…………………………….. of Rhodes was Aristotle editor
52. Two aspects of ethics namely …NORMATIVE ethics and meta-ethics
53. SOCRATIC…………………………..... method in philosophy was named after Socrates
54. The EMOTIVISM…………………………… are of the view that moral judgments cannot be evaluated as
being true or false
55. …C.B OKOLO………………………….. defined African philosophy as a path to a systematic coherent
discovery and disclosure of the African as a being in the African world
56. African philosophy can be defined as a critical reflection on the African and his AFRICAN
57. THEISM………………………………..affirms that man is a creature of God endowed with an immortal
soul which is destined for an immortal life.
58. …LOGIC…………………………….. can be regarded to as a tool rather than a branch in philosophy
59. The appraisal of an inductive argument is based on degree of …PROBABILITY…………………………….
60. Which type of statement use the words if and only if …BICONDITIONALS………………………………
61. UNAH…………………………….. stated the law of thoughts
62. Fallacy of…….. EQUIVOCATION.. occurs when words are used ambiguously
63. How many school of thought …17….
64. The norms of logic is …CORRECT REASONING..
65. According to the …OMOREGBE………………………………. Philosophy is the study of analysis
66. Inductive method is conclusive TRUE/FALSE…..FALSE
67. …ARISTOTLE……. Said man is a political animal
68. The activity of critical thinking is an exercise in …PHILOSOPHIC ENTERPRISE…………………..
69. ETHICS………………………………… is defined as the theoretical study of human conduct
70. The method of philosophy that was criticized on the ground that it denies philosophy the
opportunity of offering new knowledge or serving as a guide to action is …………………………
71. LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN……………………………………. Championed for analytic method
72. …SOREN KIERKEGAARD………………………………….. is the father of existentialism
73. Another name for premises is PROPOSITION……………………………
74. Logical variables p to z means SYMBOLIC VARIABLE……………………………….
75. Formal fallacy are also called …NON SEQUITUR………………………….
76. ………………………………. Occurs when an attack is made on a character
77. Logic is the study of the norms of …………………………………..
78. A group of statement is ……………………………………….
79. …………………………………….. is a doctrine that .tends to reduce all reality to matter
80. Etymogically, philosophy is ……………………………….
81. Nature of philosophical theory is ……………………………….. of ideas
82. The subject matter of African philosophy is the African and ……………………..
83. ………………………….. is the branch that cut across all other branch of philosophy.
84. The prophetess said everyone should leave the building as it will collapse anytime, this is an
appeal to …………………………………..
85. Your dead step mom that appeared to you in your dream is the cause for you losing your job,
fallacy of …………………………………
86. All students must partake in environmental sanitation, any student that fails to do so will be
removed from the hall of residence, appeal to ……………………………
87. ........................ makes a leader a good one
88. ....................... used the method of dialog up in philosophy
89. Not all inductive argument are Aristotlean TRUE/FALSE
90. Fallacy of relevance is known as .....................
91. Neglecting the rule of inference is ......................
92. .......................... is the father of phenomenoloical method
93. .......................... brings all nature to matter
94. Self love is a theory named by.........................
95. ......................... is the search for reality, the nature of reality, the science of quality being.
96. Hedonist is a ....................... pleasure
97. Plato and theodorus defined knowledge as ........................
98. Argument in its ............................ refers to a quarrel or disagreement
99. ............................. is the proper of situation ethics.
100. ................................ method was criticized on the ground that denies philosophy the
opportunity of offering new knowledge
101. Aristotle defined metaphysics in his dialogue titled ................................
102. ............................... makes use of syllogism.

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