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What is leadership? Leadership is the process of directing and influencing to direct the
Dunkin Donut’s employee to achieve the organization’s goals. In addition, leadership involve
several activities like creating vision of the future, devising strategy to achieve that vision and
communicating the vision so that everyone in the Dunkin Donut’s company can understand
and believe it. Leadership can be defined as a responsibility and a proses that observable,
understandable, learnable set of skills and practice available to everyone in the organization.
In the other hand, three elements can be introduced which is influence, individual, or group
and goal.

Next I will explain about the importance of leadership in the Dunkin Donut’s company. To
begin with, leader need to make contributions to the organization by developing strategies
that assist in organizations sustainability and success. Leader must focus and detect any
problem or opportunity weather inside or outside the organization for the company growth. In
addition, leader need to enhance and obtain cooperation. For example, leader needs to
promote cooperation to make sure all the planning is transformed in action smoothly to meet
the goal. Besides, leader need to guide collaboration among employee, like encourage them
to participate in decision making and problem solving to generate ideas. Moreover,
encourage teamwork, it is important to have all of your teamwork to have braveness in any
organization in order to achieve the company goal. Not to forget a good working atmosphere
can also help them to feel less stress and improve and strengthen their teamwork in an
organization. Lastly, motivate employees to generate good work. Sometimes your employee
face a hard day and it is the leader needs to motivate their subordinates to behave in a
certain way that can help your grow your organization to a better environment. Also, a leader
needs to influence the employees to do their work effectively and efficiently.

Leadership approaches behavioural theories. The one that Dunkin Donut’s use is the Ohio
State University Studies researcher studied the behaviors of leader and found two critical
behaviors called:

 Initiating structure:

Initiating structure focus on task orientation or leadership behavior which is the criteria is
establish well-defined procedures that the followers should adhere to in performing their job.

 Consideration:
Consideration related to the group maintenance or social which is reflects friendship, mutual
trust, respect, and warmth in the relationship between leader and followers.

Figure ?: The Ohio State University Studies

Move on to contingency theories which is The Hersey Blanchard Life Cycle Theory. This
theory describe how leaders should adjust their leadership style in response to their
subordinates’ situation that evolves desire for achievement, experience, ability, and
willingness to accept responsibility.

Figure ?: The Hersey Blanchard Life Cycle Theory

There are four phase of leadership style under this theory. Phase one is telling/directing
where followers of Dunkin Donut’s must be instructed on what, how, when, and where to do
various tasks and the managers initiates decision-making. The second phase is
selling/coaching, leaders still provides a great deal of direction but attempts to hear
followers’ feelings about decisions, ideas, and suggestions. Also control over decision-
making remain with the leaders. Third phase is participating/supporting where the
employees have more ability and achievement motivation also actively seek greater
responsibility. Leaders provide follower. Last phase is delegating where the follower is no
longer need assist from a leader. This make the leader can reduce the amount of support
and encouragement and totally delegated to recognition and actively listen and facilitate
problem-solving. This phase shift from leader to the follower.

Power describe as the ability to marshal human, information, or required resources to get
something done. It could be the employee’s financial, physical, intellectual, and other
resources. Other than that, it the manager’s ability to influence decisions and others,
especially in directing them to achieve an organizational goal. There are two major types of
power which is position power and personal power. Dunkin Donut’s using the position power
making it inherent in the formal position a leader holds that include legitimate, information,
coercive and reward. First is legitimate, legitimate is the power that an individual gained from
the formal authority due to his/her position in the organization. Second is information where
the power to have control over information. Third is coercive the power to discipline, punish,
and withhold reward. Lastly reward, the control over tangible benefits, for example,
promotion, flexible work schedule.

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