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co g ni tive d istort ion s

Below are 14 common cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions are mistaken,

exaggerated, or irrational thought patterns.

f i lt e r i n g - only focusing on the negatives and not seeing the positives

polarized thinking - seeing things as black and white instead of shades of gray
Over-generalization - applying broad interpretations based on a single or
few events

jumping to conclusions - believing in something without having the

evidence to back it up

catastrophizing - f ixating on worst-case scenarios even when they have very

slim chances of happening

Personalization - taking unnecessary blame for negative outcomes

blaming - pointing the f inger at others when things go wrong
Fallacy of fairness - being overly concerned that everything needs to be fair
and equal

emotional reasoning - believing that because you feel something then it

must be true

fallacy of change - expecting others to change in order to suit your wants

and needs

a lways b e i n g r i g h t - refusing to accept the possibility of being wrong

heaven’s reward fallacy - expecting that the sacrif ices you make will result
in a reward or praise

all or nothing thinking - thinking in absolutes such as “always,” “never,” or


shoulds - feeling guilty over things you “should” be doing

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