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Informal Letter

Lesson 1: Crying - Poem

Lesson 2: My Elder Brother - Prose

Lesson 3: Informal Letter


What Why How

Students will learn This lesson will give Students will learn this
how to write a letter. students a chance to by:
reflect on: ● discussing in pairs.
● the way they ● writing a letter.
study. ● sharing their letter.
● understand why
play is important.
Time Distribution

After 10 years 05 min

Think-Pair-Share 05 min

Parts of a letter 05 min

Sample letter 05 min

Step-by-step 20 min
After 10 years
It has been ten years
since Munna and Bhaiya
were in school. They
have grown up now.
Munna is studying in
college and Bhaiya has
started working.
Get into pairs and discuss what Munna and Bhaiya are
doing now, using the pictures.

Bhaiya is now ____ to a

smart and beautiful
woman. He lives in a ____ .
He works at a ____ ____ .

Bhaiya is now married to a

smart and beautiful
woman. He lives in a big
house. He works at a book

Munna is studying in a ____ .

He wants to become a ____ .

Munna is studying in a
college. He wants to become
a doctor.
● Munna wants to thank
Bhaiya for helping him do
well in his studies in
school. This helped him
get into a good college.
● Munna wants to say
‘Thank you’ to Bhaiya
through a letter.
Let us learn how to write a letter.
Parts of a Letter
● Form groups of three.
● Discuss three important things that a letter
needs to have.
Let us learn what are the important things that a
letter needs to have on the following slides.
Sample Letter
New Delhi your address
12th November 2018 date

Dear Bhaiya, greeting

I hope you are doing well. I am fine.

I just wanted to thank you for body
guiding and supporting me.

With love, closing

Munna your name
Step by Step
Let’s write a letter!

● Open your notebook.

● Think about someone in your life whom you would like to
● Follow the steps on the slides to write a letter to them.
Step 1

<your city/town/village>
Step 2

<your city/town/village>
Step 3

<your city/town/village>

<greet them>
Step 4

<your city/town/village>

<greet them>

< -------------------------------
-------- body ----------------- >
Step 5

<your city/town/village>

<greet them>

< -------------------------------
-------- body ----------------- >

Step 6

<your city/town/village>

<greet Bhaiya>

< -------------------------------
-------- body ----------------- >

<your name>

● Get into pairs.

● Read the letter out loud to your partner.

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