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DepEd Order 49 series of 2022

On Nov. 2, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte signed

DepEd Order No. 49, Series of 2022, which reminded staff to address issues and concerns
regarding primary education through formal and appropriate channels "without resorting to
any political or third-party intervention or accommodation." The order modified a previous
instruction reminding DepEd staff to refrain from seeking endorsements or soliciting
favorable actions from politicians, and government officials. The directive said that failure to
comply would result in a complete denial of any request or appeal for consideration by the
Secretary's Office. The DepEd did not give specifics regarding the policy's implementation,
including the consequences for breaking it. The injunction restricts the freedom of speech,
expression, and association of educators and other support staff. Why does the DepEd feel
the need to create a policy that intimidates and threatens educators, and prevents them from
exercising their rights to free speech, expression, association, and the ability to air their
grievances? Teachers already comply with the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act
of 1994 and the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
To prevent teachers from exercising their constitutional rights, the directive broadens and
even goes beyond the definitions outlined in the applicable legislation. The DepEd should
concentrate on other issues like the lack of classroom space, inadequate support for teachers,
and the escalating educational crisis. As a Student, I feel devastated by the order as it also
says that student and teacher interaction must be limited outside the school setting what
about those students who talk to their teacher about their problems, Ask their teachers for
advice about their issues, those students who open up their problems to their teachers, to
those students who don’t have someone to talk to or those students who don’t have someone
to listen to their problems and only their teachers who can’t reach out to their parents. Those
students already see their teachers as second parents. On the other side, I think this was made
so the students will know the boundaries between a teacher and a student and avoid
disrespecting teachers.

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