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Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725 https://www.facebook.



address (v)
• to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it
• to write on an envelope, etc. the name and address of the person, company, etc. that you are sending it to by mail
• to make a formal speech to a group of people
• to use a particular name or title for somebody when you speak or write to them
career fair
e.g: The career fair starts in 10 minutes.
cookery (n) I'm going on a cookery course.
courage (n)
e.g: Success comes to those who have enough courage and will.
➔ courageous (a)
➔ encourage (v)
➔ discourage (v)
degree (n)
discriminate (v) = differentiate, distinguish
e.g: A number of features discriminate this species from others.
➔ discriminate against
discrimination (n)
e.g: I think we can join hands to reduce discrimination against women and girls.
discriminating (a): able to judge the quality of something (biết suy xét)
e.g: They are very discriminating about what restaurants they go to.
discriminatory (a) unfair; treating somebody or one group of people worse than others
e.g: sexually/racially discriminatory laws
degree vs certificate
domestic violence
earn (v)
• earn a living
• earn a reputation/ the respect/ the right/ a degree
eliminate (v)
➔ elimination (n)
enroll (v)
➔ enrollment (n)
equal (a)
➔ equally (adv)
➔ equality (n)
➔ inequality (n)
graduate (n) vs undergraduate vs. postgraduate
knowledge (n)
-> knowledgeable (a)
e.g: through workingthey discover their strengths and weaknesses, become more knowledgeable and can fi nd good ways to
educate their children.
Infographic (n)
e.g: The article contained some useful infographics.
labor force
mature (a)
➔ mature (v)

Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725

➔ maturity (n)
medical knowledge
nightingale (n) chim sơn ca
organized (a)
e.g: She is a very organized person
represent (v)
➔ representative (n)
perform operation
e.g: I perform operation and help the sick.
prefer (v)
➔ preference (n)
give preference to
➔ preferable (a)
➔ preferential (a)
property (n)
e.g: satisfy one’s needs
slight (a)
➔ slightly (adv)
reform (n)
e.g: She spent her life wotking in nursing and social reform.
Role model: hình mẫu
e.g: She is widely considered a good role model for the young.
sugary (a)
➔ Kids shouldn’t eat too much sugary food.
sue (v) = bring sb to court
suppose (v)
e.g: I suppose this is an example of gender discrimination in education.
➔ be supposed to do sth
e.g: What am i supposed to do now?
The Middle East
trouble-maker (n)
E.g: Women are considered trouble-makers because they are too talkative.
upbringing (n)
Weathy (a) = rich
force sb to do sth
be allowed to do sth
manage to do sth
mean +
e.g: He always manages to find solutions to the problems.
pay attention to sth
stay/ keep in touch
grow up
work on sth
make an appointment
some days and some day
in conclusion
e.g: In conclusion, I think that raising money for charities is the besr way to help people in need.
Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725

e.g: I am working on this project with a view to finding out a way to address gender equality.
according to
according to a recent survey, we’ve found that women have less access to education than men.
I couldn’t agree more = I completely agree
Such a/ an + adj + N
e.g: Being a firefighter is such an interesting job.
so that = in order that
similar to
e.g: Hopefully, scientists will discover a planet similar to earth.
in an effort to do sth = in an attempt to do sth
e.g: The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money.
in favour of >< out of favor
dream of
e.g: I’ve always dreamt of becoming a super model.
apply for
prevent sb from sth
Her story shows that gender differences can’t prevent a person from pursuing a job.
wage vs salary vs pension vs allowance vs income
contribute to
be likely to
pass down from … to
Such family values are likely to pass down from generation to generation.
make progress
make a remarkable progress
e.g: as a high-income country, the united kingdom has made a remarkable progress in gender equality.
make up = account for
make an effort
in case of
They can open this exit door in case of emergency.
Mainly = principally (adv)


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