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M1 Pre Task


1. Is sacrificing one life to save the lives of many the best possible
ethical outcome? Why or why not? (Answer in one sentence
That situation is considered a dilemma as I ought to decide between
conflicting options and I think the best possible ethical outcome is
sacrificing one life to save five lives because I think the morally
right decision is the one that maximizes the lives of the greater
number of people and in this case, the five lives outweigh one life.
2. Based on the video itself, what is the "means" (or tool) in
arriving at what "end" (or outcome)? (Answer in one sentence only)
Based on the video, the “means” is either pulling the lever so the
train will drift to a different rail or pushing a large person from the
bridge to stop the train from moving forward in arriving at the
“end” which is to save five lives, however, if I were to choose
between the two means, I’d rather pull the lever than push a large
person from the bridge because, for me, forcing someone out of the
equation or forcing someone to be in a specific situation is not
acceptable for it would be more like “I murdered someone” than “I
saved many lives” – the act of heroism is not visible.
3. Does the video show "the means justify the end" or "the end
justifies the means"? Provide an explanation in two to three
sentences only.
In my opinion, the video show “the end justifies the means” as
saving the lives of many justifies pulling the lever so the train will
drift to a different rail and involve only one fatality. The end which
is saving five lives is enough argument to justify the action that’s
been taken which is pulling the lever to drive the train from
different rails and having only one person die. To make it simple,
saving five lives justifies sacrificing one life.



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