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TROLLEY PROBLEM (Response to the video)

The Trolley Problem is an ethical thought experiment investigating the moral dilemma

of making decisions while someone's life is in danger. It illustrates a scenario in which a

runaway trolley is heading toward a group of five workers who can’t escape, and you

have the ability to redirect the trolley onto a different track, but only one person is

attached to that track.

Making the decision to turn the switch to save five individuals at the price of one

working person is, in my opinion, an exceedingly difficult undertaking. Similarly, in the

video where it shows a second scenario where a random fat guy would be intentionally

pushed in order to stop the trolley, I believe that I would carry an everlasting burden of


In conclusion, the Trolley Problem asks us to navigate a moral dilemma involving

several ethical theories and concerns. It causes us to consider the basic conflicts between

limiting harm, protecting individual rights, and defining moral responsibility. Finally,

the Trolley Problem answer may differ depending on personal beliefs, ethical

viewpoints, and the precise setting of the scenario.

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