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NAME: Alyanna Gzelle P.

Esponilla DATE: March 28, 2022

STUDENT ACTIVITY 1: The Train Dilemma

This is a thought experiment. The trolley dilemma is a known moral problem situation
particularly in the realm of ethics. The problem goes as such. There is a train that lost its breaks
and is headed towards two tracks: one towards five people and the other towards a person.
Now, you have the control whether to save the lives of five people or save one.

What will be your choice? Defend your answer. (There is no right or wrong answer)

I believe that this experiment or called as the train dilemma is just a challenge to our mind
wherein we should really decide critically and morally. By also inhibiting this thought in our
mind, we give more importance to the people around us, as we now know that every life is a
passing time which we should appreciate the presence of one another because no one knows
what will happen next. However, if I really must make a decision, it is really expected to most
people that they would choose the save lives of five people which I, too, would choose. Maybe
its because the more lives I saved, the better, and that sacrificing one life is morally accepted.
For me, if put on that spot, it would really take a toll on my mind as all the lives are important,
but I have no choice but to sacrifice a life or more based on my decision. It’s really difficult to
make a decision, but we have to weigh all the pros and cons on both or more options. By
correlating it to the train dilemma, saving five people weighed more in terms of pros, that is
why I chose it. Those people still have lives ahead of them, compared to only one person. I am
not invalidating the life of the one person, but it would hurt and put me in a guilty state five
more times if I sacrificed the lives of five people.

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