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What is your preferred type of media when you want to look for information about
a product or a service?

 Today's generation we are aware that the majority of people use social media, and
everybody in the world uses it. By advertising on social media, you may reach a wide
audience. In my opinion, I preferred with this type of media when looking for
information about a product/service because we can see the brand’s visibility and
how feedback of a certain product.

2. What is the purpose of advertisements?

 The aim of advertisements is to draw attention to an offering or a brand by informing and

persuading consumers about a certain product and convincing them that a company's
services or products are the best.

3. Search for an infographic showing the timeline of advertising history.

The advertising industry has changed

drastically over the past century. Check out
this infographic that highlights the last 100
years of advertising/ digital marketing
4. What are the attributes of advertising?

- The following are the attributes of advertising:

 Paid form- Advertising only refers to a seller's effort, for which a financial
investment was made, to inform the consumer. It won't be referred to as
advertising if some information about a product or service is published without

 Impersonal Presentation- advertising is a non-personal presentation of

information. In other words, the advertiser and the consumer do not come into
personal contact. Advertising is a monologue and not a dialogue.

 Speedy and Mass Communication- Advertising is a speedy medium of

communication. Besides being speedy, its operational area is very vast. In other
words, it reaches millions of people simultaneously.

 Identified Sponsor- Whenever we come across an advertisement, its sponsor is

easily recognized. Obviously, its sponsor can be either the seller or the producer
of that product or service. If due to some reason it is difficult to identify the
sponsor, then that information cannot be called advertising. It will be called
propaganda or publicity.

5. Give 5 importance of advertising.

 Increases employee morale- An effective advertisement may improve the morale of

coworkers who see or hear about it. People may find it easier to talk to potential
customers about new products or services if the customer is already slightly aware of
them. A quality advertisement may also increase a person's pride in their workplace.

 Increases customer trust- Advertisements can improve client familiarity and trust with
a business. If potential buyer sees numerous advertisements for your product, they
might view you as a reliable brand. Additionally, you can use advertising to resolve any
issues, which will increase client trust in your business.
 Explains company values- a company's strong, obvious beliefs can connect with
customers and possibly foster brand loyalty. A large audience can hear about your
company's defining characteristics or principles through advertising, which may
persuade them to try your goods. A brand's identity may be strengthened and client trust
increased by having distinct company values.

 Differentiates your brand- Since there are numerous businesses offering the majority
of goods and services, your business may need to discover a means to set itself apart
from rivals. The use of marketing tools like logos, color palettes, fonts, and taglines can
help you build your brand identity and set your business apart from competitors.
Customers are more likely to buy your product if they are familiar with or enjoy your
brand design.

 Increases Sales- The primary objective of advertising is to increase the number of

consumers who purchase your goods. To do this, you can utilize advertising to persuade
consumers that your product is excellent, practical, or attractive. An effective ad can
persuade consumers to buy your goods, which could significantly increase your overall

References used:

 S, S. (2014, February 24). 4 important features of advertising. Your Article Library.

Retrieved September 7, 2022, from

 Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, December 15). What is the importance of advertising?
(plus definition and tips) Indeed Editorial Team. Indeed Career Guide. Retrieved
September 7, 2022, from

 (September 7, 2022)

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