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Good morning again, first of all I would like to thank you for your time, soo, I’m Amal

i’m 26 years old, holder of a bachelor degree in computer science from ISTIC, and thanks to
this 3 years courses i’ve discovered my passion for BI and data in particular thanks to
subjects like Data base, BI course, SQL etc,.. which was the first beginnig of the path that I
chose to take by continuing with an engineering degree from ESPRIT school majoring in ERP-
BI and actually I’m in my final year class, then I got a job opportunity at intellixx which was
the begining of my professional experience, so I’ve decided to swich to part time- night
classes still in the same field ERP-BI.
My first experience at intellixx was full of chanllenges, a new world, professionals, customers
and deadlines but it has taught me a lot, I’ve discovered ERP, I had to deal with customer
inquiries, I learnt to manipulate Sage X3 and its programming language 4GL from scratch in
order to develop specefic requests to fit customers’ needs. Such as interfacing applications
or functions with import / export models, 4GL developping, implementation of views and
Also I’ve found out more about an another tool for reporting related to Sage X3 which is
Crystal Reports, I create reports and even some visuals for further set them up with Sage. I
really owe this first experience a lot.
At inetum that was actually the same function but more targeted responsibilities, provide
technical support, I used to translate clients’ issues to technical requirements and fix them, I
gather requiremennt among customers, and develop customized Crystal Report reports.
I also highly contributed to the developement of a new Sage X3 add-on « Tax withholding »
specefic to the tunisian legslation, it includes 4GL developement, setting up views, functions,
windows, import / export models, etc..
And I did some reporting on another ERP SXA, but it was diffrent compared of what I did on
Sage X3, it has its own module to manage dashbording, we started by gathering and
understanding customer requirements and then identifying KPIs to select to function to work
on and also choose the convinient visual for the purpose.
The consulting has taught me a lot even if it’s not really BI, but I consider theese experiences
as technical consultant a complemantary part for my professional career which is a BI or
data consultant, by the way I attended a session called TKS : Thursday knowledge session led
by Jean Paul Muller who is global practice manager AI at inetum and that session ensured
me that I would like to continue in this direction.
As academic projects they are all BI-data science ralated, the first one is about defining the
scope of a compaign against alcohol dependence, I starded by defining KPIs, modeling the
datawarehouse, and then I proceeded to data integration from csv file and cleaning with SSIS
and finally data Viz with Power BI. This analysis based on diffrent dimentions aims to define,
which categories to focus on, man or women, adults or teenagers, and also to detect the
impact of education and livings standard.
The next project is AI related, and I really liked it and wish if i will have the opportunity to
work on AI real projects, this machine learning project is about predecting churn rate of a
phone operator using several algorithms. We did analyse and model data and proceded to
feature selection, data processing and hyper parameter tuning, and for each algorithm we
plot confusion matrix and classification_report in order to define which result is the best
The last one is a deep learning project which deals with image classification with CIFAR-10
data set, we proceeded first of all to load and verify the data set, buold the model and add
convolution layers and pooling, compile, train and evaluate the model, we proceeded also to
data augmentation.

Well, Sorry I’m trying find the right term, my level in english was better than actually,
because as you know in Tunisia is a frensh speaking country and even in a professional
context we deal mainly with Frensh customers, even our internal communications are in
frensh, but I’m working on it, by the way I’m going to start an english class at Amedeast soon

Well, my university background is all about BI, but I want to go further, estimations,
prediction and classification with machine learning and deep learning algorithm, so for that
I’ve mensioned it in first section

Qualities : I consider my self as Fast learner,, Rigorous and a flexible person.

Défault : I tend to be a perfectionist person, too much sometimes,
I also can forget everything happening around me if I’m a 100% focus on something
I’m not a very expressive person, well I can be motivated but still don’t express it.

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