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1. On your worksheet, write down the common activities that you do every day in a week
reflecting how you spend your 24 hours.
2. Make a pie by categorizing the following activities (e.g. meals, study, leisure, family,
church activities, relationships, house chores…).
3. Be able to approximately indicate the time spent for each category.



social media


14% study

Important Note: To edit data on the pie chart, double click on the pie and click ‘edit data’ on the
top portion of the page. An excel file will pop up and there you can edit/add data for your pie of

Guide Questions:

1. Which activities take up the most/least of your time? As a typical student, I can say that
the majority of my time is spent on social media and studying, and I can accept that
because of social media, students like me are now engaging in activities that can entertain
you throughout the day. Furthermore, since I am now in college, I spend the majority of
my time in front of a computer and taking online classes.

Furthermore, for my limited time, I can consider the family and meals, as there are times
when I am unable to interact with my family due to the busyness of our lives. The second
one is meals; honestly, I was unable to eat meals at times due to my academic priorities.
2. Given this schedule, would you consider yourself productive? Why or why not?

For me, I am not productive because of my actual pie of life. I cannot easily state that I
am a productive person because of my life characteristics. However, as the years pass, I
manage to adjust my time to improve myself and become a better person.

3. How can you improve your pie of life to be more productive?

One of the charactersitics I want to occur for my self is to have organized skills . Make a plan for
your day the night before. Being aware of the scope of the activity at hand might help you budget
your time properly, increasing productivity. To-do lists are a stylish way to split your workday.
You can assign various priority levels to various tasks and complete them one by one.

Furthermore Smart time management skills. This can help to do more in less time since their
attention is focused and avoid being distracted. It also alleviates stress when the to-do list shrinks.
It gives a sense of accomplishment when goals are met. For example, plan to do an assignment
by a certain date. This habit enables me to complete my work on time while remaining engaged
in their learning. It enables me to maximize their abilities and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.
As a result, it's always a good idea to organized

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