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Oral Communication

First Quarter
Summative test
SY 2021-2022

Grade and Section:___________________ _____________
Date Accomplished:_______________________________

Note: The deadline of submission of Summative test on of before October 12,2021.

Kindly attach file or send a picture of your summative test and please send in my
Facebook messenger (Clarice Buga-ay).


Write the letter of the correct answer. Choice your answer in the following options.
________1. He or she is the source of information in a communication process.
A.Channel B. Feedback C. Receiver D. Speaker
________2. It refer to the reaction or response provided by the receiver.
A. Channel B. Context C. Feedback D. Message
________3. It refers to the environment where the communication takes place.
A. Barrier B. Context C. Feedback D. Message
________4. It is the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by
the receiver.
A. Decoding B. Encoding C. Feedback D. Message
_________5. It is the process of converting the message into words , actions , or other
forms that the speaker understands.
A. Decoding B. Encoding C. Feedback D. Message
_________6. It is a model of communication which is a two-way process with the
inclusion of feedback as one element.
A. Schramm Model
B. Shannon-Weaver Model
C. Transaction Model
D. None of the choices
________7. It is a model of communication that depicts communication as a linear or
one-way process consisting of five elements.

A. Schramm Model
B. Shannon-Weaver Model
C. Transaction Model
D. None of the choices

_______8. It means that communication functions to convey information.

A. Control B. Emotional expression C. Information dissemination
D. Social interaction
_______9. It means that communication functions to allow individuals to interact with
A. Control B. Emotional expression C. Information dissemination
D. Social interaction
_______10. It means that communication functions to facilitate people’s expression
of their feelings and emotions.
A. Control B. Emotional expression
C. Information dissemination D. Motivation
_______11. It means that insignificant or redundant information should be eliminated
from the communication process.
A. Completeness B. Conciseness C. Consideration D. Concreteness
_______12. It means that the speaker communicates by respecting the culture, values
and beliefs of his or her receiver.
A. Concreteness B. Courtesy C. Clearness D. Correctness
_______13. It means that communication is essential to the quality of the
communication process in general.
A. Completeness B. Conciseness C. Consideration D. Concreteness
_______14. It means that effective communication happens when the message is
supported by facts, and real-life examples and situations.

A. Concreteness B. Courtesy C. Clearness D. Correctness

_______15. The speaker should always view relevant information about his or her
receiver such as mood, background, race, preference, education, status and needs,
among others.
A. Completeness B. Conciseness C. Consideration D. Concreteness
_______16. It refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay message.
A. Facial Expression B. Gesture

C.Nonverbal communication D. Verbal Communication

_______17. It refers to an interaction of behavior is used to convey and represent
A. Spoken words B. Written messages
C. Nonverbal communication D. Verbal Communication
_______18. It means that the meaning of words, feelings or ideas may be interpreted
differently by a listener so it is essential to clearly state your message and express
your ideas or feelings.
A. Appropriateness B. Brevity C. Clarity D. Ethics
_______19. The language used should be appropriate to the environment or occasion.
A. Appropriateness B. Brevity C. Clarity D. Ethics
_______20. Words are carefully chosen in consideration of the gender, roles,
ethnicity, preferences, status of the person or people that you are talking to.
A. Brevity B. Clarity C. Ethics D. Vividness
_______21. This refers to communication that involves at least three but more that
twelve people engaging in a face to face interaction to achieve a desired goal.
A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Small Group
________22. This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio,
newspaper, magazines, books, billboards, internet and other types of media.
A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Small Group

________23.This refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the

message before or in front of a group.
A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Public Communication
D.Small Group
________24. It is a communication that occurs between two people.

A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Small Group

________25. This refers to communication between and among people and

establishes personal relationship among them.
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication
________26. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the
speaker acts both as the sender and receiver of the message.
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication
_________27. This type of speech style is a standard one since professional or
mutually acceptable language is a must.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Intimate
_________28. This style is private which occurs between and among close family
members or individuals.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Intimate
________29. This style is common among peers and friends since it uses Jargon,
Slang or the vernacular language.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Intimate
_______30. It is a type of Speech style that mostly occurs in ceremonies.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Frozen

Prepared by: CLARICE O. BUGA-AY

Subject Teacher

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