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Selling is about leveraging your social networks to find the right

prospects, to build trusted relationships, and ultimately, to help you

achieve your sales goals by answering prospect questions and offering
thoughtful content until the prospect is ready to buy. An easy way to
make extra cash might be to sell some of your things. Selling is here to
stay, and it’s core to your business operations and ultimately, your
company’s success. To do it well, you have to have a deep
understanding of how it works — and accept that it’s not ‘owned’ by one
department in your organization. In fact, selling is — much like a lot of
successful business initiatives — a team effort. The more present a salesperson
is, the more relationships that he or she will build. The less you sell, and
the more you focus on delivering value, the more than your book of
business will grow
Let’s debunk the myths and clear up any confusion about what social selling is — and why
more companies need to have a strategy and program in place.

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