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BBM and Leni Robredo Issue

After the 2022 election , the issue of the two candidates still continues. The supporters of the Leni presidency can’t accept
the fact that BBM is the new elected president. So, the supporters of Leni continues to criticize the past of the Marcos Family.
The main reason Leni Robredo is angry at BBM is because of his Family’s past and she said the from her on voice “ for me, we
shouldn’t be angry at the person, we should be angry at what they’re doing.” You can say that Leni said that to approach the
new president of the Philippines.

Leni Robredo After the 2022 Elections

After election defeat Leni Robredo lead the “ Biggest volunteer movement in Philippines history”. She face her tem thousands
supporters during her thanksgiving event in Ateneo De Manila University in Quezon City on May 13, 2022. Leni Robredo announced the
creation of the Angat Buhay non-governmental organization, harnessing the so call “pink revolution” her campaign inspired for the
bigger battle ahead. And she said, “ The spirit of our campaign must never die.” The ultimate goal of an honest government is to
improve the lives of all. So I am now announcing our target: On the first day of July, we will launch Angat Buhay Ngo,”.

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