At-A-Glance Suit Significances

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Mastering the Psychic Power in Playing Cards With Cartomancy

Suit Significances
Suit Combinations
♥♥Hearts/ Hearts … “Yes!!!”

Happiness, going in a positive/ right direction.

♥♦Hearts/ Diamonds “Yes”… with assistance and support

Reward, windfall.

Positive attraction or positive influence

Comfort and security in a relationship

♥♣Hearts/ Clubs “Yes”… time to step up and take action!

♥♠Hearts/ Spades “Maybe”… but at an emotional cost

Hurt feeling and/ or emotional pain

♦♦Diamonds/ Diamonds “Yes”… with patience

Things progressing slowly.

♦♣Diamonds/ Clubs “Maybe”… requiring effort and action

Need to go after “it”

♦♠Diamonds/Clubs “Maybe”… requiring extra effort

♣♣Clubs/ Clubs “Maybe”… with a lot of effort


♣♠Clubs/ Spades “Maybe”… indicating a huge challenge ahead

uphill battle with challenges beyond control

♠♠Spades/ Spades “Not at this time”

goes beyond a challenge

Although difficult to digest… don’t want someone missing the point of

their own life

Reading messages are not meant to take away someone’s free will.

A course by Terri Weston

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