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Mastering the Psychic Power in Playing Cards With Cartomancy

Card Quick Reference Guide
Hearts ♥
General… emotions, desires, inner motivations, optimism, relationships,

Ace ♥… #1 or priority, positive feelings, deeper caring or endearment

2 ♥… compatibility, deeper connection, mutual respect, cooperation

3 ♥… sociability, friendship, relationship status, small group

4 ♥… commitment, stability, security

5 ♥… freedom, free-spiritedness, fun, pleasure, decadence

6 ♥… forgiveness, letting go while retaining wisdom from experiences

7 ♥… optimism, positive outlook, healthy imagination, strong intuition

8 ♥… change from the heart, change of goals from greater clarity

9 ♥… enjoying the completion of, dream comes true, daring to dream

10 ♥… next-level connection, a step up in relationship, family, family-like

Jack ♥… an endearing quality, young in age and/or maturity, a romantic

Queen ♥… nurturing, emotional support, gentle guidance, in relationship

King ♥… emotional support, healing, gentle guidance, in a healing career

Diamonds ♦
General… material, property, career, security, practicality, status, patience

Ace ♦… new, positive new source of security (money, relationship, gift)

2 ♦… choice, balance, reallocating, dividing

3 ♦… small increase, gradual growth

4 ♦… sense of security “having enough”, a safe choice, frugal

5 ♦… risk taking, spending beyond one’s means

6 ♦… receiving, not expected or directly “earned”, just-in-time

7 ♦… longterm investment, moving in the right direction with patience

8 ♦… status change

A course by Terri Weston
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Mastering the Psychic Power in Playing Cards With Cartomancy

Card Quick Reference Guide
9 ♦… knowing or acknowledged for your worth, the best or your best

10 ♦… feeling of having more, windfall or a step-up of, feeling fortunate

Jack ♦… pragmatic, needs help, service provider, relationship equity

Queen ♦… grounded, female authority, offers security & material support

King ♦… grounded, structured, authority (figure), major income earner

Clubs ♣
General… planning, action, progress, challenge/ struggle, frustration

Ace ♣… opportunity for something new through an offer

2 ♣… waiting, patience, frustration, but with patience… for the better

3 ♣… communication/ info sharing, gossip, advice, news, self talk

4 ♣… recharging, rest, rejuvenation, recovery, allowing situation to rest

5 ♣… physical energy/ exercise, tug-of-war, philosophical differences

6 ♣… support, advice, recognition, endorsement

7 ♣… standing up for oneself, being challenged, feeling defensive

8 ♣… progress, travel, move

9 ♣… completion, cleaning, clearing

10 ♣… overly, overwhelm, busy

Jack ♣… on the move, spontaneous, freedom & space, progress, travel

Queen ♣… social butterfly, leading social activities, a gossip, actively dating

King ♣… perceived in authority, compelling, may not be what he seems

Spades ♠
General… cleaning/ clearing, blocks/ limitations, releasing, pessimism

Ace ♠… conflict,, saying “no more”, removing blocks

2 ♠… connection broken, lack/ no communication, not compromising

A course by Terri Weston
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Mastering the Psychic Power in Playing Cards With Cartomancy

Card Quick Reference Guide
3 ♠… third party interfering, sabotage, cheating, dishonesty, deception

4 ♠… hindering, broken or broken down, devious or dishonest activity

5 ♠… conflict, resentment, jealousy, abuse

6 ♠… emotional baggage, regret, bitterness, not feeling worthy of…

7 ♠… deceit, misinformation, denial in seeing the facts or truth

8 ♠… power stalemate in relationship, internal struggle, limitations

9 ♠… clearing of emotional attachment, dealing with despair emotions

10 ♠… loss, ending not by choice, forced closure of situation

Jack ♠… malicious person (behavior), undermining/ dishonest, sabotage

Queen ♠… unresolved emotions, unforgiveness, bitterness tainting present

King ♠… unemotional, legal authority, overwhelmed with responsibilities

Little Joker. crossroads, requiring a new outlook, needing to tap into faith

Big Joker… seismic shift, major change, breaking down, breaking through

A course by Terri Weston
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