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Any longer… Durante más tiempo

Sample… muestra
Workaholic…a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not
to work:
Be off… irse “I’m off too my friend”
Despise sth/ sb… despreciar
I’m broke… pelado, arruinado
(Exp) better late than never… mejor tarde que nunca
No and Full stop… full stop…. ¡y basta!, ¡punto final!
Perpetually… perpetuamente, eternamente
Valid… válido /valed/
Thrive… (flourish, prosper) “philip's business didn't do very well at first, but he
worked hard and it's thriving now”
Manipulative… manipulador
Disclosure… revelar
It doesn’t seem appealing… atractivo, interesante
I need time to process this
At this rate… a este ritmo
Defy… desafiar, retar
Feel good about… (be optimistic) ser optimista con respecto a
Third well… (exp) sujetavelas
Markup… sobreprecio, incremento del precio “The dealer added a 5% markup to the
Killjoy… aguafiestas
Let on… soltar prenda “John tried his best not to let on about Jane's surprise party”
If it helps at all… si ayuda
Bloodshed… derramamiento de sangre, matanza
It’s a really hectic time… frenético, agitado
It’s not a turn-on thing… algo excitante, algo que calienta
It was a turning point in my career… turning point… punto de inflexión
Impractical… impracticable, irrealizable
Your business is on wheels… sobre ruedas
L.A is growing me… grow on… (eventually like) empezar a gustar
“For good measure”… por si acaso “Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to
the recipe for good measure”
It’s sturdy… robusto, fuerte
Tryout… (sports trial)… prueba
I’m not here to help the competition… competencia; tb “partido, concurso”
It’s better you find a magician… mago
A little bit… un poco, poquito, pelín
Twist… (meaning) distorsionar, malinterpretar; tb resto “doblar”
“I’m literally four billion times the player you are”
(Exp) I wouldn’t bet in it… yo no estaría tan seguro
Makeover…. Cambio de imagen, nuevo look
Headspace…. Estado mental
(Exp) by far… con diferencia, de lejos “the year 2020 has been by far the worst year
for most people”
Blushing… ruborizado, sonrojado/ ruborizarse, sonrojarse
Stud… (horse) semental
I told you so… te lo dije
Grip… agarre, empuñadura/ agarrar, sujetar
(Exp) go for it!… ¡vamos!, ¡a por ello!
The world doesn’t revolve around you… dar vueltas, girar
“I’m so excited to find out from him, though”
Bear… soportar, aguantar, resistir
Play dumb… hacerse el tonto
Scoreboard… marcador
In jeopardy… en riesgo, en peligro
It was blatant.. insolente, descarado, evidente
It isn’t befitting… (suitable, proper) adecuado
Underdog… no favorito, el que se espera que pierda “the underdog won the match”
Girly… femenino, afeminado
Well-being… bienestar
Ditto… idem, igual
Barge in… colarse, entrar por la cara
It’s rife with material… rife with… plagado de, lleno de
Code word… clave, contraseña
What’s the latest on Guy?… the latest news…
I won’t miss it for the world… por nada del mundo
Emphatic… empático, comprensivo
Truthfully?… ¿honradamente?
How much longer…?

Sociopath… sociópata
Modernism… /modernisem/
Sandwich… one bit… I dare you… dare sb to sth… retar a alguien a algo
Out of turn… fuera de lugar, inapropiado
Lovebirds… tortolitos
Shorten… acortar, reducir
Handrail… pasamanos
Take sth for granted… dar por supuesto, por hecho
(Exp) my best friend is giving me the cold shoulder… hacer el vacío, tratar con
Stand by… mantenerse firme “I stand by my decision to sack Richard”
Zonk out… (informal: fall asleep from exhaustion) desmayarse, caerse muerto
Conniving… conspirador, confabulador
He’s worthy of you… digno de, merecedor de
Lifespan… (person: lifetime); (good: duración) duración, vida útil
Well-rested… bien descansado
(Exp) beg for mercy… pedir piedad, suplicar clemencia
Dad is so old-school… vieja escuela
Foolproof system… infalible
Sweet/savoury… dulce/ salado
May I ask questions?
I’ve been coming to this hospital for LIKE 5 months NOW
You PLAYING matchmaker now?
Don’t say that because I’m not going to buy it
He was fearless…. Valiente, sin miedo
Upgrade/downgrade… bajar de categoría
Ok, don’t worry, we’ll retrace our steps and we’ll find it… (exp) volver sobre sus
I lowered my standards
The brags were on sale… rebajas, liquidación
Geez!… caray, Jesús
Take the reins… coger las riendas (control)
Plebeian… /plebian/
Listen young blood… Sangre joven
Go under… irse a pique
Loud and clear… (exp) alto y claro
You’re glowing tonight… brillar, resplandecer
Make resolutions… hacer propósitos/ New Year’s resolution
Buckle down… aplicarse

Peacock… pavo real; (figurado) fanfarrón

Speak out… opinar sobre, manifestarse acerca de
She wears the pants… llevar los pantalones
Motivational… motivador
Fly the coop… ahuecar el ala
We all make mistakes…. Todos cometemos errores
I’m glad you’re here, circumstances aside… aparte
“To whom it may concern”
Checkmate.. jaque mate
Probation… (work) periodo de prueba
Hide-and-seek… escondite
On second through…pensándolo bien, considerándolo
Miscreant… malhechor
So far so good… por ahora todo bien
Fall in line… formar una fila; tb “seguir las reglas”
Kindhearted… bondadoso, compasivo
No way
This world will be plunged into darkness… plunge into… sumergir “I plunged the
sheets into the water”
Rousing… emocionante, conmovedor
Heartland… (central area) corazón, núcleo “The heartland of the country is mostly
Grab a bench…
Sets & reps
We often host a reading group here
Fulfilled person… (person: having a sense of accomplishment) satisfecho, lleno
Guess what?
You’re very thoughtful… atento, considerado
Zillion… (informal: incalculably high number) tropecientos
(Exp) over my dead body… antes muerto, por encima de mi cadáver
Put away… ordenar, guardar
Cold sweat… sudor frío
I got hooked… (hobby, drug) me he enganchando, pillado
Harp on… insistir, machacar
(Estructura) Not to harp on this, but I feel like… !!
Frigging… (slang) maldito, puto “Are you out of your frigging mind?”
And the last but not least… y por último pero no menos importante
Pry… (ask personal questions) curiosear, fisgonear
We got to hustle… apresurarse, moverse deprisa
In pristine conditions… inmaculado, impoluto
Deflower… desflorar, desvirgar
Nag at sb… molestar, fastidiar
We were inseparable when we were young
Carve out some time… sacar algo de tiempo
I’m doing the best I can
Travel back and forth… de aquí para allá, de un lado para otro
Blissful… feliz, dichoso
They’re gonna run out of candies… quedarse sin
Rehearse… ensayar
Unravel… 1) plan: go wrong (venirse abajo, desmoronarse); explain: solve (resolver,
Milestone… (figurative) peldaño, escalón
The hell are you talking about right now?
(Exp) do the math… sacar cuentas, hacer cálculos
The funeral is the day after tomorrow
(Exp) through and through… de la cabeza a los pies
Night owl… (figurado) pájaro nocturno
Come over… (pay a visit) venir, pasarse, dejarse caer “If you come over this evening
we'll watch a movie together”
Fetch us a bottle… fetch… ir a buscar, traer
Don’t ever stop believing that!
And what’s worse… y lo que es peor.
To hell with you
Thank you, this means a lot
I need to perk up… (become more alert, lively) espabilarse, despertarse, reaccionar
(Exp) Believe it or not, I was in a date
(Exp) as if that weren’t enough… por si fuera poco
Be/ walk on thin ice… pisar terreno peligroso
Your mother was worried to death/ worried sick
Supportive… comprensivo
My mum was a lot like your dad
What am I missing?
Then what is it?… ¿entonces qué es?
Feat… hito, logro, hazaña
Bide your time… esperar/aguardar el momento
Dig… pulla, indirecta
I’m positive… otra forma de decir “seguro”
Brush off the senator… brush off… ningunear, no hacer caso a
Yeah, there’s a lot going on here
Stick around… (informal: stay) quedarse
Worldly… cosmopolita, sofisticado, de mundo
Binge… atracarse, comer en exceso
Blurt sth out… soltar, largar
Go over sth… dar vueltas a algo, analizar, revisar
Dive… zambullirse
As usual… como siempre
We had a little setback… revés, contratiempo
(Exp) be just like sb… ser típico de “it’s just like Alice to lock herself out of her own
hotel room”; es típico de Alicia quedarse fuera de su propia habitación del hotel
Greasy… /grisi/ grasiento, lleno de grasa
Tombstone… lápida
Run sth/sb down… 1) mensopreciar; 2) atropellar
A boatload of… un cargamento de (figurative informal: large quantity)
Map sth out… planear “The general mapped out a strategy with his advisors”
Kate stuff aside, you look pretty well
It was a rash decision… impulsivo, temerario, imprudente
Dawn on sb that… pasarle por la cabeza, ocurrírsele a
I will be
(Exp) whatever it takes… lo que sea necesario, lo que haya que hacer
This spread (feast) is next level
I love his witty humor… ingenioso, ocurrente
You have my support
Wind down… (figurative) relajarse, desconectar, bajar las revoluciones “after work I
have a drink to wind down”
Rigged game… juego amañado, partida amañado
I took the liberty of ordering
Small talk… Charla, cháchara
It doesn’t have to be horrible
Time after time… Una y otra vez
Swanky… pijo, estiloso
Your smile is very nice, but my sister’s…
We are on the lookout for a sales rep… be on the lookout for… a la búsqueda de
“My partner and I were meant to do a housesit in Dublin for 2 months”… tener la
intención de, querer
It’s tough but hang in there… hang in… perseverar, pelear hasta el final
I’ll drive you… llevar, acercar
It’s probably a good call… Una buena decisión
Headfirst… adv… sin pensarlo, precipitadamente
He doesn’t age… age… envejecer (=grow older)
“No, I think I just got a second wind”… recuperar la energía (exp)
“That’s why I drawn to him”… draw… atraer
Play along… seguir la corriente, seguir el juego
Vapid… soso, insulso, aburrido (“bland”para los sabores y también las cosas)
Get your act together… empezar a comportarse como es debido
The timing is off… be off… irse
Right away… ahora mismo, inmediatamente
My job is challenging… desafiante, retador
You’ve been hogging my guy… hog (monopolize) acaparar, monopolizar
Box seats… palco
Fight over… pelearse por, discutir por “Let's not fight over who does the dishes
Massive… enorme, descomunal, gigante
Thankless work… desagradecido, ingrato
Lifelike… (realistic) realista
Time Capsule… cápsula del tiempo
Squeeze… apretujar, apretar (sth pero también una reunión para luego tener más
Leave sb in the dust… dejar atrás, superar, adelantar (exp)
Unsteady… inestable, cambiante, fluctuante
Offer up… ofrecer en sacrificio, sacrificar
Effortless… sin esfuerzo, fácil
Ballsy… de armas tomar, con pelotas
Dopey=sleepy… aletargado, atontado
Actuar… act/ (role) play/ (live) perform
Bang out… hacer como churros (produce rapidly) “George banged out the letter as
quickly as he could on the computer”
Centered… centrado, con los pies en la tierra “My family helps keep me centered”
Go hard at… darle duro, pegarle duro “I started learning Italian a year ago and I’ve
been going hard at it ever since”
Ever since… desde entonces
Fleeting images… breves, fugaces
Peek… espiar, echar un vistazo
Weepy… lloroso, emotivo, a punto de llorar

Listen to reason… atender a razones

I was worried sick
Be on your toes/ keep sb in their toes… mantenerse alerta
Patch sth up… (mend: clothing, tear) arreglar algo
Allegedly… presuntamente, supuestamente, según se dice
Unbecoming… impropio… that was a very unbecoming thing to say to your
Bend your elbow… empinar el codo
In no time… en cuestión de segundos, en un santiamén
One-time… único “This is a one-time only offer”
Anticlimactic… (disappointing) decepcionante
I’m loath to ask but… be loath to do… see reacio a, ser reticente a
The more publicity the better… cuanta más publicidad, mejor
I’m bad with faces
Dreary… gris, deprimente, triste, sombrío
These photos are never seeing the light of the day… ver la luz del día
Sorry, I’m a little shaken up… (shock) conmocionado, agitado /shake up/
Classy… con clase, estilo
(Exp) Do sth the hard way… hacer algo por las malas
Learn sth the hard way… aprender a golpes, a malas
The pieces don’t fit…
Drop the act! = stop pretending
This is maddening… exasperante, irritante
Give sb the time of day… no darle a alguien ni la hora
… if it wasn’t for you
Reiterate… reiterar, repetir
Approach… acercarse, aproximarse
Merely… simplemente
I’m pretty sure I…
Spill!… suelta, larga, canta
Dead duck… causa pérdida, hombre muerto
Push away… empujar; tb “negar, rechazar a alguien”
Subtle… sutil, disimulado
Tacky… hortera, chabacano
Bossy… mandón
Your wish is my command
Play dead… hacerse el muerto
This is how it has to be!
Reckless… imprudente, temerario
Daredevil… temerario, atrevido
Make up your mind… decidirse
Lay waste to… devastar, asolar
To free up my mind… free up… dejar libre algo, desocupar algo

Truce… /trus/ tregua

Hustle… ajetreo
Walk the walk…hacer lo que uno predica (note: Often used in combination with "talk
the talk": We must not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk)
He’s a skilled individual… 1) individual; 2) individuo, tipo
Fit to do… estar cualificado, ser competente para
Fair enough… está bien, me parece justo
Fingers crossed… crucemos los dedos
Like-minded… que piensan parecido, que tienen cosas en común
If another buyer swoop in… (attacker) abalanzarse, precipitarse; (bird) bajar en
Strike… dar en el blanco
Inquisitive… curioso
Scum… escoria, parásito
Hold hands… agarrarse de la mano
Shatter… hacerse añicos, destrozar
I’ll take my secrets with me to the grave

Nod off… (fall asleep) dar una cabezada

Check out… verificar, comprobar
Hang out… pasar el tiempo, pasar el rato
Outgoing… extrovertido
In my view…!
Given your luck… dado…
Blindside… (=attack unexpectedly) pillar por sorpresa (exp)
Sewer… alcantarilla
Pay off… valer la pena, compensar, dar buenos resultados “Hard work and careful
planning always pay off”
Those who don’t want… aquellos que
For a change… para variar “It's nice to see her smile for a change”
You should have trust your gut… instinto
Incentive… incentivar (incentivased)
Up and down… con altibajos
Play hooky… faltar a clase; hacer novillos
Warrant… orden judicial/ tb (justify, give reason) justificar, explicar”
Juggle… hacer malabares
Keep over… dar un patatús, un chungo
(Estructura) Does it look like I know how…?
Man-made… sintético, artificial, hecho por el hombre
She’s worried sick about Dorian… preocuparse mucho
Lend a hand… echar una mano
Fall guy… cabeza de turco; chivo espiatorio
(Exp) here we go… allá vamos
Listen up… poned atención, escuchad
Cold and all… and all… y demás
Bottle up… reprimir, sepultar “It is not emotionally or physically healthy to bottle up
one's emotion”
Shady… turbio, sospechoso
Withdraw… retractarse, retirar (=take back) “He withdrew the accusations”
Sit out… No participar, estar en el banquillo
What sorrows are we drowning?… “drown your sorrows” ahogar tus penas
Wait around… quedarse esperando
Refreshing… (idea) original, innovadoras, nuevas
Hole up… (take shelter, hide) refugiarse, esconderse
Alliance… alianza, coalición
Knock out sb… dejar inconsciente
Handy… (useful) útil, práctico
Wake-up call… llamada de atención, toque de atención
Deep down… en el fondo (deep down in your heart… en el fondo de tu corazón)
Pretty much… principalmente, más que nada, sobre todo “Josie’s pretty much
figured it out”
(Rec) either you do it o I will
Spit… escupir
Relapse… recaída
Muddle through… salir del paso, arreglarse, apañarse “One of the team members is
absent today. We'll just have to muddle through without her” (exp)
Riddle… adivinanza, acertijo
Convene… convocar, reunir
Over there… allí, allá
Tell… (distinguish) distinguir “can you tell the difference between these two colours?”
Gut feeling… instinto
Dreamy… de ensueño “Soft focus helped to give the film its dreamy atmosphere”
Get back on track… reencaminarse
All about… todo sobre
Nocturnal… nocturno
We have chemistry…
Glow… (give light) brillar, resplandecer
You’re drawn to me… atraído
I have a crush on him
What are friends for?… ¿para qué están los amigos?
Lurk… acechar, merodear
Is he a monster? - I can’t rule it out… rule out… descartar
Ditch… deshacerse
Best of luck… Que tengas mucha suerte
Bewitch… hechizar, embrujar
That’s understandable… comprensible
I spent much time bettering myself… better sth… mejorar “she spent her life trying to
better the living conditions of the poor”
They don’t really seem hit it off… hit it off… (=get on well) llevarse bien, hacer
buenas migas
Skinny… muy delgado, muy flaco
It’s quite a turnoff…. Chasco, palo, desencanto
Picky… selectivo… “I think that’s why I’m picky”
(Estructura) I also enjoyed having worked with you in the process… también me
gustó haber trabajado con usted en el proceso
Actually… de verdad, realmente “After all these years of medical school, I can't wait
to actually start treating patients”; sorprendentemente, de hecho “The dirtiest
restaurant in town actually serves the best food”
Jumpy… nervioso, asustadizo
(Estructura) Dude, how about you worry about yourself tonight?
Brunch… almorzar
Better off… mejor “I’m much better off now I have this job”; mejor, en mejores
circunstancias “Don't worry, you're better off without him”
Word… formular, (escrito) redactar “You should word it differently so he doesn't get
Follow through… acabar lo que se empieza, terminar
Laze around… hacer el vago
Wingman… compinche, compañero
Unhand… soltar
Regar… water, irrigate
Shed light on… aclarar, echar luz sobre, clarificar
Vouch for sth… poner las manos en el fuego por, dar fe de
I’ll be here for you either way… either way… en cualquier caso, sea como sea
Have a bad feeling… mal presentimiento; a good feeling about… buen
What a turnaround…. Cambio radical,
Gnome… /noum/ gnomo
He felt unwell… malo, enfermo, indispuesto
He’s holed up in the library… refugiarse, esconderse
This trident will be of use… be of use… ser útil, ser práctico
I get chatty when I am nervous… hablador, parlanchín
This is my failsafe… (backup plan) respaldo, plan de respaldo
Cook up a plan… tramar, maquinar, inventar
Decipher… (decode) descifrar
I have to patrol the school… patrullar, rondar
I know I shouldn’t gloat… regodearse, relamerse
…but you screwed me over… joder, jugársela
I feel drained… exhausto
Worn out… desgastado, gastado “This sheet's so worn out there's a hole in the
Agenda… plan secreto, intenciones ocultas
Hit the road… ponerse en camino, en marcha “We rose early and hit the road before
7.00 am” (rise… levantarse: “I rose at 7 AM to make coffee”)
Bottomless… sin fondo, insaciable (insatiable)
Hit… golpear, pero tb “acertar, dar”The arrow hit the target”
You’re insufferable… insufrible, insoportable
Pack up… guardar todo, empaquetar
A hard one… ser duro “the boss is a hard one”
The one about… el de, la de “When I told the one about the horse and the bar,
nobody laughed”
I touched base with Caroline… ponerse en contacto
Blindly… ciegamente, a ciegas (adv.)
It’s a balance… equilibrio
It’s a charade… farsa, payasada
You can’t mope like this… mope… deprimirse, desanimarse
Try on… (clothing: test for fit) probarse
Devise… (plan) idear, trazar, concebir
Loose… soltar; suelto “I can’t loose you”
Slaughter… matanza
Bedwetting… hacerse pis en la cama
Fancy… lujoso, caro; elaborado
Blend in… camuflarse, mimetizarse
Just enough… lo justo de, lo suficiente de “There is just enough sugar for my coffee
Vengeful… vengativo
Prone to fits of anger… fit… ataque “She had a bad fit of coughing”; “he suffers from
fits, periodically”
Take a turn… (exp) tener una oportunidad, tocarle a uno el turno
Aide… /Eid/ asistente, ayudante
Hostage… rehén
Nosy… /nousy/ entrometido, indiscreto
Keep clear of sb/ sth… mantenerse alejado, mantener las distancias
Cheater… tramposo
How dare you!… ¿cómo te atreves?, ¡qué descarado!
Wipe out… (eradicate, eliminate) barrer, aniquilar
Dated… anticuado, desusado
(Exp) “he had it coming”… have it coming… tenerlo merecido
Curfew… toque de queda
Hunt down… encontrar, capturar
The revolt was short-lived… breve, efímero
So, fess up! What did you do?… (=confess; slang) escupir
Mock sb… ridiculizar, parodiar
Count on me!
Thingy… chisme, coso “give me the engine thingy”
He’ll be an asset… recurso, valor; ventaja
Suck it up!… aguantarse, hacer de tripas corazón
Well-liked… que le gusta a todo el mundo, del gusto
(Exp) Fair and square… con todas las de la ley, sin hacer trampa
(Exp) It’s a low blow… golpe bajo
Undying… (= eternal) eterno, inmortal
Run over… atropellar
What’s done is done… lo hecho, hecho
Live off sth… vivir de “The widow lives off her late husband's pension and Social
Security checks”
Don’t fret, you’ll be fine… preocuparse, inquietarse
Given my last crush, I can’t judge
Get left behind… quedarse atrás
Get behind sb/sth… respaldar, dar apoyo
(Exp) in a nutshell… en resumidas cuentas, en pocas palabras
Containment… contención
(Exp) Give sb the upper hand… sacar ventaja
I can set aside my differences with her… dejar a un lado las diferencias
As a matter of fact… =(in fact) de hecho
Are you hungry? - famished… muerto de hambre, famélico
Gummy candy… golosinas
Good cop or bad cop… policía bueno o malo
Mind reader… adivino
Compel… forzar, obligar a alguien a algo
Dry out… (slang) desintoxicarse, rehabilitarse
Unbearable… inaguantable, insoportable
Trustworthy… de confianza, en quien se puede confiar
You got a sec?
Sure, whatever… lo que sea
Runner-up… subcampeón
Nosy… entrometido, indiscreto
(Exp) get a move on… (hurry up) darse prisa
Stature… estatura/ tb talla, importancia
Snoop… husmear, fisgar
Reckless… imprudente, temerario
“A Ripper is a vampire who is driven by obsession”… drive… impulsar, mover “Wind
drives the fan” el viento mueve las aspas
Scatter the letters through the cemetery… esparcir, dispersarse
I’d rather not think about it at all… PREFERIRÍA NO
Call the shots… tener la sartén por el mango
They must have followed you
Too bad… qué mal, qué lástima
No one I worked FOR remember me
Stay off… mantenerse alejado de “I trained my dog to stay off the furniture”

Make sth… inventar

Go off… (=spoil: food) perderse, echarse a perder
Wicked… /wikid/ malvado, retorcido; wrecked… roto, destrozado
Catchphrase… eslogan
Nag… molestar, dar la lata
Reimburse… reembolso
Down payment… adelanto, pago inicial
A true-blue fan remains loyal even when his team loses… true-blue… verdadero, de
Evict… desahuciar, desalojar
Gutted…. Destripado
Dust off… desempolvar
Feel like… apetecer, querer, tener ganas de “I feel like a cup of tea”
Venue… (of event) lugar, recinto
Revenue… ingresos
Pry… curiosear, husmear
I’m all ears… soy todo oídos
Thank you for rescuing me
This can’t be real
Caretaker… cuidador
Step up… ofrecerse, dar un paso adelante “The chairman asked for a volunteer and
Andrew stepped up”
Pokémon, trust me, you dodge a bullet… (exp) librarse de una buena
Homesick… nostálgico
Whim… capricho
It’s special - how so?/ why is that?… ¿y eso por qué?
She left me in charge of the girls
It’s tempting but extreme… tentador, atractivo
Bend over… agacharse, inclinarse
Don’t overthink it!… no le des vueltas
Enforce… hacer cumplir, ejecutar (law, rule)
Sit out… (not take part in it) no participar en algo
Dying… agonizante
No shit… No jodas
Sniper… francotirador
What are you doing? - going over the plan one more time… go over sth.. dar vueltas
a algo, rumiar algo
Overlap… superponerse
Rudimentary… rudimentario
Guardar… keep, put away
He’s on his way to music class…
Bordar algo (slang)… ace, nail
Can your siblings pitch in?… (participate, join in) colaborar, contribuir, echar una
Rather… preferir
Switch gears… (change topic) cambiar de tema
Uproot… (remove violently) arrancar de raíz
“I will out of your hair soon”… out of sb’s hair… (not disturbing) dejar en plan,
Over here/ over there… aquí/ allí
Sure thing… (como respuesta) ¡claro!, ¡por supuesto!
I’ll let it go this time… lo dejaré pasar por esta vez
Out of reach… (figurative) inalcanzable
It’s no use doing sth… =it’s pointless… no servir de nada
They are unfurnished… vacío, sin amueblar
Imaginable =
Get down to business/ down to business… ponerse manos a la obra
Beware the mines they’ve laid… beware… tener cuidado con
Fan out… dispersarse, diseminarse
Keep up… seguir el ritmo
At once… inmediatamente, en seguida
Step aside… moverse a un lado
Collateral damage… daño colateral
(Exp) not in the least… en absoluto, para nada
Everything’s backfired… backfire… salir el tiro por la culata, resultar producente
(Exp) Put sth to bed… poner cierre a algo
(Exp) Don’t judge a book by the cover
(Exp) by the book… a raja tabla, según las reglas “my boss likes to do things by the
“It has pained me much begin away from you”
Hardship… adversidad, dificultad
Lure sb… atraer, lanzar el anzuelo
Catch up… /kechap/
Your reputation proceeds you
They’re still connected somehow… de algún modo
Root sth out… extirpar, erradicar
Stamp sth out… aniquilar, acabar con, terminar de raíz
Complain… Quejarse
(Exp) Stay the course… no aflojar hasta conseguirlo; seguirla a muerte
In no time… en cuestión de segundos
Upside-down… al revés, patas arriba “the painting on the wall is upside-down”
Reflex action… acto reflejo
On purpose… a propósito…. You did that on purpose?
Rebellious.. rebelde
Why am I here blessing you with my presence
(Rec) had better… sería mejor “he had better to do what he is told”
Trait… rasgos, características
“He went from encouraging me to looking at me like he didn’t know me”
Subtle… sutil, disimulado
You’re required to fulfil your obligations
Hand-to-hand… (combatir) cuerpo a cuerpo
Hold back: 1) contener “he held back his anger until…”; 2) ser un lastre, bloquear
“…but a lack of talent is holding her back”; 3) ocultar, esconder “he suspected she
was holding something back”
(Exp) I’m on the mend… on the mend… recuperándose, mejorándose
Bunk down… (informal) ir a la cama, dormir
Opinionated… obstinado, terco (=stubborn)
Short-sighted… miope/ (figurative) corto de miras (failing to plain ahead)
America thrives on diversity… thrive on… progresar con, prosperar con
(Exp) see both sides (of…)… oír las dos campanas
Sound the alarm… hacer sonar la alarma
Pick sb off… cargarse a
It was only a matter of time… era solo una cuestión de tiempo
Please, get him up to speed… al corriente, al tanto
Fight sb off… defenderse de, luchar contra
Offer up… ofrecer en sacrificio, sacrificar
Vengeance… /venyens/ venganza
It’s only the tip of the iceberg
(Exp) sleep tight… Que duermas bien, Que sueñes con los angelitos
You ladies tired me out… tire sb out… agotar
“What’s eating at you, Rae?”… eat at sb… comer por dentro, corroer
(Exp) have your ear to the ground… tener los ojos oídos abiertos
Avenge… vengarse
(Exp) get on your nerves… poner de los nervios, sacar de quicio
You don’t have to be the head of intelligence to know there’s a bigger story there
Out of reach… inalcanzable
False move… paso en falso
End up… ir a parar, terminar
You aren’t calling the shots here… call the shots… tener la sartén por el mango
Cross the line…
Sb’s number is up… llegarle la hora
Welcome back!… bienvenido de nuevo
Momentous… crucial, muy importante
Have to do with… tener que ver
Sit back… quedarse de brazos cruzados
Are you okay considering everything’s happening?
Look up to… admirar
In so doing/ in doing so… al hacer eso; haciendo eso
Wipe out… aniquilar, liquidar
If you can say so… si tú lo dices
I wasn’t putting myself in your place… put sb in his/her/their place… ponerse en tu
Don’t lose heart… lose heart… perder esperanza

Passionate… apasionado
Turn down… (offer i.e) rechazar
Other bars are charging $12 a drink
(Exp) Learn the lesson
Child’s play… (figurative too) juego de niños
Takeout’s very expensive… comida para llevar
Uno detrás de otro… one after the other
So what? (I don’t care)… ¿y qué?
So what if… ¿y qué importa si…?
Good riddance!… ¡al fin!, ¡qué alivio!
For better or for worse… en las buenas y en las malas; para bien o para mal
Slaughterhouse… matadero
… understood?… ¿entendido?
(Exp) Blow it… echarlo todo a perder, meter la pata
Quote sb… citar
Selfless… abnegado, altruista
Haughtiness… altivez, arrogancia, altanería
She tried to ditch us… deshacerse de
High and mighty… arrogante
Foretell… predecir, presagiar
Why are she excelling right now?… sobresalir, distinguir
Buck up… levantar el ánimo, alegrar esa cara
Stick around… quedarse
Are you coming? - I’ll catch up
Go south… (Exp) irse al Diablo
Get laid… echar un polvo
Flaw… imperfección
You’re a very gifted student… talentoso, dotado
You’re so demanding… exigente
It’s a disturbing new strategy… alarmante, preocupante, perturbador
Become public… hacerse público
Burlarse de… make fun of/ mock
Any time… (your welcome) de nada, no hay de qué
Fight back… contraatacar, tomar represalias
Touchstone… piedra angular “trust is the touchstone of a healthy relationships”
Lean on us… apóyate en nosotros
Reprimand… reprender, regañar
Starve… matar de hambre

Open up… sincerarse, abrirse “She opened up and told me all about her
troublesome marriage”
Troublesome… problemático
“This country is a hotbed of mass shooters”… hervidero
Subject sb to sth… someter a alguien a algo
Bulk up = gain weight… muscularse, ganar músculo
Rent out = rent
I don’t love outsiders… forasteros, extraños, personas ajenas
(Ecco) you’re a sight for sore eyes… a sight for sore eyes…. Benditos los ojos que
te ven
“I worked my ass off…”… work one’s ass off… trabajar como un burro
I fucked up… cargarla
Ungrateful…. Desagradecido, ingrato
Wondrous… maravilloso, asombroso
Get on with… 1) get on with sb (informal; be friends) llevarse con, llevarse bien “If
you can’t get on with your boss…”/ 2) sth ponerse a, ponerse con “don’t watch tv,
just get on with your homework”, “I have to get on with the job”
(Exp) “Sleep on it”… consultar algo con la almohada
Brat… niño mimado, mocoso
Turd… zuruño
Income… renta, ingreso
It’s just rust, it goes away… se quita
Trashy… malo, de baja calidad
Get a boner… Una erección
Can you meet me halfway?… meet sb halfway… llegar a un acuerdo
Scarf… (slang; eat rapidly) engullir, devorar
Cheer on sb… hinchar por, animar
Keep track on sth… mantener un registro de algo, llevar la cuenta de algo
She’ll vouch for me… (give support) responder por “Harry vouched for Dan by
lending him some money when he had a lot of debts”
Misuse… usar incorrectamente
Ray of sunshine… Rayo de sol; tb exp “alegría de la huerta”: “my daughter is a little
ray of sunshine”
He doesn’t reflect our values… reflejar
Ongoing… en curso, en desarrollo
(Exp) Rub off on sb… pegarse, contagiarse “Dad's bad mood rubbed off on the rest
of us”
(Exp) It’s like a riding a bike
Surefire… de éxito seguro, infalible
Join forces… unir fuerzas
In case I would take my cut… cut… parte
We should team up… (join forces) team up
Mission accomplished… misión cumplida
(Exp) he really lost it today… lost it… perder la cabeza, perder el control
Brain-dead… muerte cerebral/ tb “descerebrado, estúpido”
Win in a landslide… goleada, triunfo aplastante
…then good for her
It’s undeniable… indiscutible, innegable, incontestable
Pricey… (informal) caro
Hit the nail on the head… dar en el clavo
Sorry, but at the risk of sounding a fool…
Unseen… inadvertido, desapercibido
Merely… simplemente “merely that”
Obey… obedecer
For once… por una vez
Come what may… pase lo que pase, venga lo que venga
Push your self too hard
You deceived me… engañar, engatusar
Rule… reinar, gobernar
More than ever… más que nunca
(Exp) Get off my back… get off your back…. Dejar en paz, dejar tranquilo
Markup… sobreprecio, aumento de precio
Mismatched… incompatible, que no pegan
This stuff is expired… caducada
Career advancement… desarrollo profesional
Law-abiding… respetuoso con la ley
Workplace… lugar de trabajo
Purposefully… a propósito, deliberadamente
Derrochar… waste, squander
Over there… allí, allá
Light bulb… bombilla
I’ll call you in a bit… en un rato, dentro de un rato
Big shot… gran cosa, pez gordo
Clean up your language
“You have poured everything you had into that place”… pour into… despilfarrar
(money; effort)
(Exp) in a heartbeat… en un santiamén
Guess what?
Ease up/ ease off… (be less severe) aflojar, bajar
Condemn sb to…
Dead-end… sin futuro
Appease… calmar, tranquilizar
Defraud… /difrod/ estafar, engañar
We can’t cut and run… cut and run… salir corriendo
Lowlife… escoria
Take that back!… retíralo (v. Take back)
Bald… calvo
Undesirable… adj indeseable/ n malviviente
Mope… desanimarse, deprimirse
The more the merrier…. Cuantos más, mejor
Den… guarida
Middleman… intermediario
Snitch… soplón, chivato
Flourishing… floreciente, exitoso
He took advantage of you… take advantage of… aprovechar

Inebriated… ebrio, borracho

Midlife crisis… crisis de la mediana edad, de los 40
It’s outlawed… prohibido, ilegal
Stud… semental
Haul… arrastrar, tirar, transportar
The bills are piling up… pile up… amontonar, apilar
Felony… (serious crime) delito, crimen
Pay sth back… devolver
Sore… doloroso, dolorido
Pay up… saldar la deuda, pagar en su totalidad
Rally… mitin
Raggedy… adj andrajoso, harapiento
I’m counting on you
Torch… incendiar, prender fuego

Defiance… resistencia, desafío /difaians/; “in defiance of” a pesar de, pese a
In due course… a su debido tiempo
Build up… desarrollar (muscle; business) “Johnson gradually built up his business
empire”: “Jason does weight training to build up his arm muscle”
Please forgive me
Never say never… nunca digas nunca
You’re a role model… modelo a seguir
Every now and then… de vez en cuando, de tanto en tanto
I’m told she has some… (me han dicho)
Spoil… arruinar, echar a perder; (children) malcriar, consentir
Tongue twister… trabalenguas
(Exp) bite your tongue… morderse la lengua
(Exp) walk a tightrope… estar en la cuerda floja
Opaque… /opeik/ she’s very opaque
WHY ON EARTH are you doing…?
Get on… (informal be friends) llevarse bien, caerse bien
Enrich… enriquecer
He gets my goat… get sb’s goat… molestar, tocar las pelotas
That can’t overpower you… overpower sb/sth… dominar, subyugar
Sneak off… escabullirse
I won fair and square… fair and square… con todas las de la ley, sin trampas
Misspent… malgastado, derrochado
(Exp) have friends in high places… tener amigos en las altas esferas
Submerge… /sabmerch/ sumergir, hundir
Spice up… animar, dar vida, ponerle pimienta
Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it… walk sb through sth… llevar a alguien por,
revisar algo con alguien
You got what you deserved
Hoarder… acaparador, persona que colecciona compulsivamente
Step into my office… step into… (enter) pasa a mi oficina
How long is this session? - We have two hours left, Frank
Time-out… tiempo muerto
Give thought to sth… (consider) reflexionar “you need to give thought ti what is
suitable for your garden”

It was overlooked… pasado por alto, ignorado

Sealed… sellado, cerrado
Draw up… redactar
Have the last word… tener la última palabra
Despedida… farewell
Mindful… consciente
Greatness… grandeza
Squander… despilfarrar, derrochar (money, opportunity)

Livestock… ganado
I’m dying to try it
Why don’t you accompany me?
Sort… ordenar (Put in order)
At one time… hubo un tiempo en el que, hace tiempo “at one time you were allowed
to buy milk straight from the farmer”
To tell the truth… para ser sincero, a decir verdad
Make a refreshing change… hacer un cambio innovador
Don’t put me off… put sb off… desanimar, desalentar, ser un aguafiestas/ put sth
off… aplazar, postergar
Go on… continua
Trial… prueba experimental; ensayo, prueba; prueba, competición
Unnamed… anónimo, sin nombre
With an iron hand… con mano dura, con mano de hierro
Fan out… dispersarse, diseminarse
Scarper… pirarse, darse el piro
(Exp) fight tooth and nail… pelear con uñas y dientes
Snore… roncar
Be at ease… estar tranquilo, relajado, a gusto
Rank… rango, nivel
Take sth to heart… tomarse a pecho, tomarse a la tremenda
It’s a passing thing… pasajero, transitorio
Kneel… /ni:l/ arrodillarse
Pant… jadear, respirar entrecortadamente
Toll… peaje
Spit… escupir
Stem… cortar de raíz
Swing by… dejarse caer, aparecer por ahí
I’m beat… molido, hecho polvo
Overnight… (figurative) de la noche a la mañana
Recuperar… recover, get back “the police recovered the stolen objects”
Try me… ponme a la prueba

I don’t give a shit

Packed… abarrotado
I would like to do it in one piece… sano y salvo
He step down as host… dejar el puesto, cargo
Fortune teller… pitoniso
Once and for all… de una vez por todas
Be hooked… estar enganchado/ be hooked on… ser adicto a, estar enganchado a
IT’S ON me and you to do better… sta a noi/ depende de nosotros
I guess this is finally my shot to be here for you… shot (informally: attempt) intento “I
know you think you can’t do it; but it has to be a worth shot”
Flip out… (lose your temper) ponerse como loco, volverse loco
I take no pleasure in telling you this, but…
Relapse… recaída
Because I loaned it to her… loan (=lend) prestar
He’s an unstable man… inestable
Tenant… inquilino
You were unconscious… inconsciente
Don’t worry, I wouldn’t fit in anyway… fit in… (belong) Adaptarse, encajar
Shadow economy… economía sumergida
You want to crash at my place?… (slang) pasar la noche, quedarse
I have a theory and I think I nailed it… nail sth… dar en el clavo
Judging by your reactions… a juzgar por vuestras reacciones
High-end… de calidad superior, de lujo “I work in at a high-end clothing store”
Trapped… atrapado, capturado
At first I was elated… eufórico, exultante /eleitid/
Convertible… descapotable
Coworker… compañeros de trabajo
I think you know deep down… en el fondo
Censorship…. Censura
In the long run… a la larga
At least I own who I am… own… reconocer, admitir
I ride a bike for a living… ganarse la vida, dedicarse a (do sth for living)
Paradox… paradoja
I’m trying to make a point… decir algo importante
(Exp) make a point of sth… hacer énfasis, hincapié “this chef makes a point of
cooking with locally sourced ingredien”
Chew… masticar
Spotless… inmaculado, impecable

We don’t have all day… no tenemos todo el día

Nice reflexes!
You are as swift as the wind
(Exp) not for the faint of heart… no apto para cardíacos
‘Casualty… baja, herido
(Exp) get off my case… get off sb’s case… dejar en paz; dejar tranquilo
Whose is this?
“Take money from your purse? I never did any such thing!”… Any such… algo
semejante, tal cosa
One thing at a time
Outage… Corte, apagón /autich/
Here’s the issue… esta es la cuestión, el asunto /ishu/; además de “expedir”
Lenient… indulgente, tolerante, poco severo /liniant/
(Exp) can you cut me some slack?… cut sb some slack… dejársela pasar a, hacer
Quitter… rajado; que abandona
It’s safer if we stick together… stick together… mantenerse unidos
Asswipe… limpia culos
Moneybags… (slang pejorative) ricachón

He’s very thoughtless… desconsiderado

He’ll never get over the shock… recuperarse del shock
It’s a moot point/ moot question… irrelevante, discutible
We better get back
I don’t think she’s up to seeing many people
Ground in/on… (=based on) basar, fundamentar
Stretch your legs… estirar las piernas
Overlook… pasar por alto, omitir
It’s unworthy… indigno, no merecedor
(Exp) todo va sobre ruedas… everything is running like clockwork

Have a hunch… tener una corazonada

Livestock… ganado

Downpour… aguacero, chaparrón

Given that you weren't really listening, I see why you don't understand… given that…
dado que
No doubt I’ll discover it
At a snail’s pace… a paso de caracol, a paso tortuga
The others should be ready by now… by now… ya, a esta altura
(Exp) stand shoulder to shoulder with… mantenerse codo con codo
Stand down… (resign) renunciar, abandonar
Plead with… suplicar a
That burdens me… burden… carga/ tb v. Atosigar, agobiar
Don’t push your luck… push your luck… tentar a la suerte

Misled… mal informado “you’ve been misled”

Lift a finger… (figurative: make effort) mover un dedo, levantar un dedo
It’s handy… útil, práctico
Please! Stick up for me!… stick up for sb… defender, dar la cara por
Indulge…. Consentir, mimar /indalch/
Lean on me… lean on sb… apoyarse en alguien (física y emocionalmente)
I have a cast-iron alibi/ excuse…. Irrebatible, irrefutable
(Exp) bite off more than you can chew… el que mucho abarca, poco aprieta
What in God’s name…?
So what? (Informal: I don’t care)… ¿y qué?
Call her straight away… (immediately) en seguida, inmediatamente
Well said!… ¡bien dicho!
I shouldn’t have run off… salir corriendo, huir
Thank the Lord!

I don’t want to be a nuisance… molestia, fastidio /nuisens/

Your name in vain… /vein/ en vano
So… the changes of… are nil… nulo, inexistente, cero
Kit sb out… equipar
Superbly… (wonderfully) magníficamente, maravillosamente
Bloody hell… (vulgar) mierda, la puta madre
“Then I shall strive to keep the peace”… strive to do… tratar de
By that time… para entonces
(Exp) so there… para que los sepas “I don’t need your help anyway! So there!”
Cut sth off… 1) amputar; 2) repudiar a alguien, apartarse de alguien; 3) interrumpir,
cortar (cuando alguien está hablando)
It puzzle me why you choose… (confuse) confundir, desconcertar
Can I ask you something? - be my guest please
At any rate… de todas formas, en todo caso
Hallmark… (figurative) sello distintivo, marca distintiva
(Exp) have money to burn… estar forrado “don’t pretend you’ve money to burn”
Fain… de buen grado, con agrado “I would fain spend an hour in your delightful
Hard luck… mala suerte
Why not? I’ll come for you at five
Opaque… /opeik/ opaco
I’m bushed… (slang) agotado, hecho polvo
Mighty… poderoso, potente, fuerte

Merciful… compasivo, clemente

Reckless… imprudente, temerario
Spokesman… portavoz
Backing… respaldo, apoyo “the group has the backing of thousands of people”
Trick… engañar
There’s been a mix-up… confusion, equivocación
Squiffy… (drunk) achispado
(Exp) Have sb’s measure/ have the measure of… (coloquial) tener calado a,
“You’re very good to play”
What a coincidence!
Don’t be a spoilsport… aguafiestas
Helper… ayudante
Ration sth… racionar
Eavesdrop… escuchar a escondidas, detrás de la puerta
How are you getting on with…?… ¿cómo vas con…?
You look in a trance… /tr:ans/ en trance
What’s it to you?… ¿qué te importa a ti?
(Exp) turn a blind eye on… hacer la vista gorda con
Leas sb on… engañar, dar esperanzas falsas
Point sth out… señalar, puntualizar
Stand up to sb… hacer frente, confrontar
I feel powerless… incapaz, impotente
Run an errand… hacer un recado
That will buck you up… buck sb up… levantar el ánimo
He will keep you company

This will brighten up your day… alegrar, mejorar

I am ashamed to be your phone
Outdoorsy… amante al aire libre
Upbeat music… alegre, animado
I’m a little rusty to have sex now
I’m starving to death
Speed demon… loco al volante, kamikaze de la conducción “what a speed demon”
Steep… empinado “steep hill”
Slope… Cuesta, pendiente
They’re fucking gross… asqueroso, repugnante
We can’t sneak in… colarse
We could get caught- what if we don’t… ¿y si no?
I have to settle this shit right now… arreglar
We just ran into each other… run into… encontrarse con, toparse con
You’re not being sarcastic, are you? - I can’t handle that right now
I partied with them… salí de fiesta con ellos
You got everything you wanted, so why the long face?… Cara larga
There’s nothing worse under the sun… bajo el sol
You seem downcast… abatido, desconsolado
I think it’s ghoulish… macabro, morboso
She still holds you responsible?
Alleged… presunto, supuesto “the alleged criminal demanded a lawyer”
You’re all ganging up on him… gang up on sb… atacar en grupo
I’m flabbergasted… atónito, estupefacto, de una pieza
That’s a cracking idea… genial, estupendo, guay
What’s the likelihood of… probabilidad
I’m speechless… sin palabras, mudo
(Exp) come down on the side of… ponerse al lado de
Thanks for speaking up… decir lo que uno piensa, dar su opinión
I don’t want to be discourteous… descortés
You know, busy as a bee
He tries to persuade you - still, I think I’ll go… still, but still… (even so) aún así, sin
Cut and run… salir pitando, salir corriendo
I think one must fight for one’s belief
Soppy… muy sentimental, cursi
She would not and nor would I
I don’t want to fall out with papa… fall out with… enemistarse con, pelearse con
I want a favor in return
Unforgiving… implacable, despiadado, cruel “the unforgiving conditions of the…”
Berate… /bireit/ reprender, regañar
Drown your sorrows… ahogar penas
I won’t leave you in the lurch….dejar en la estacada
I though you’d stood me up… stand sb up… dejar plantado
Unsuitable… inadecuado, inapropiado
I’m going straight to bed
Revolting… asqueroso
(Exp) for whatever reason… cualquiera que sea la razón, cualquiera haya sido la
“It’s just a product of your twisted imagination”… retorcido, perverso

Invigorate… fortalecer, revigorizar

To catch a bus… coger/ tomar un autobús (caught… /cot/ y catch out… pillar con las
manos en la masa)
(Exp) Take no notice… No prestar atención
I hope I’ve not spoke out of turn… out of turn… de manera inapropiada
“When the time comes”
Lessen… (decrease) disminuir
Put sth off… aplazar
Workload… carga de trabajo
I do my level best to make her happy… do your level best… hacer todos los
There’s no point in ranking it over… rank over sth… obsesionarse con, no parar de
I’m putting on an act… fingir, actuar (put on an act)
Jumpy… nervioso, asustadizo
Fearful… miedoso, temeroso
Keep up with… seguir el ritmo
Christen… bautizar
What did he come for?
You’re in the soup… en problemas, en apuros
“I wouldn’t be in her bad books for a good clock”… be in sb’s bad books… estar en
la lista negra
(Exp) I won’t sleep a wink… pegar ojo
Forgery… falsificación
Don’t drag it out… prolongar, estirar
Address… dirigirse a “the President will address the Nation on Tuesday”
I’m going to the festival. You come tag along… sumarse, venir
You only have to pull your weight… poner de tu parte… “Stuart needs to start pulling
his weight on this project if he wants to keep his job”
She sought me out…seek out… buscar, tratar de localizar, salir a la búsqueda de
I’ve just got a lot on my mind
“I think we can worry about that a little further down the line”… further down the
line… más adelante
Stop whining… whine… quejarse
The government won’t fall for that!… fall for… creerse, tragarse el cuento/ tb
“enamorarse de”
Vague memory… vago recuerdo “i have a vague memory of doing…”
When the coast is clear
I find your actions despicable… despreciable, vil
Savagery… brutalidad, salvajismo
Get in touch (with)… ponerse en contacto
Enjoy your meal!… buen provecho, qué aproveche
“Tom, how could you have left her all alone to fend for herself?”… fend yourself….
“No fue así”… it wasn’t like that
Firebrand… instigador, alborotador
On dry land… en tierra firme
Overshadow sb… hacer sombra, eclipsar/ overshadow sth… restar importancia,
desviar la atención
He thinks he’s the big cheese, isn’t it?… mandamás, jefazo
You never must take it for granted… take sth for granted… dar por hecho, dar por
Downtown is mismanaged… manejar mal, dirigir mal
Every family has a black sheep
“Have some of my steak” (during lunch)
I want to spit it out… spit out.. escupir
It makes me complacent… /compleisent/ satisfecho con uno mismo
self-explanatory… obvio, evidente “the imagen on the road sign was self-
I just got damped… dejado
Eagle eye… ojo de águila
What is it?… ¿qué es?
I don’t want to brag… presumir, alardear
I’m extremely affable… cordial, amable
It’s so good to have you!
Pop off… palmarla
Meaningless… sin sentido, sin propósito
It’s a bummer… es una lata, una mierda
Detention… castigo “I got a detention for talking during chemistry class”
Push the envelope… ir un paso más allá, expandir límites
It’s one of my faves… favoritos
You’re a catch… partido
Skyrocket… dispararse (price for example)
Fork out… largar, soltar “I can’t believe we forked out two hundred bucks a ticket to
see this lousy show”
He’s understanding… comprensivo
What was the damage? (Para preguntar por el precio de algo)
Home sweet home
Top up… recargar… “I need to top up my mobile phone because I'm nearly out of
Feasible… viable, factible
Predicament… (difficult situation)
I do treat myself when I can afford it… regalar, obsequiar con un regalo
Worst case scenario
Bank holiday… festivo
Pocket money… paga
“They can’t cope with these high prices”… cope with… lidiar con, ingeniárselas con
Give a boost to sth/sb… dar impulso a, dar un empujón a
He’s into archery… Tiro con arco
Bittersweet… agridulce (emotions)
Disheartening… descorazonador, desalentador
Gold digger… buscafortunas, sacacuartos/ tb “buscadores de oro”
I need a nap… siesta
I was a bag of nerves
Bring along your brilliant ideas… traer consigo
Come through… manifestarse, notarse; tb “hacer lo necesario, lo que haga falta”…
“Whenever I need help, my parents always come through”
Shoot sb/sth down… (figurative, aparte de matar a alguien a tiros) echar por tierra,
echar abajo “His idea was immediately shot down by the director”
Skim over… echar un vistazo por encima, hojear
Vengeance… venganza
Restorative… reconfortante, reparador
Law in force… in force… en vigor
Mounting… creciente, cada vez mayor “Many people face mounting debt after they
Safeguard… salvaguardar, proteger
It’s difficult to process it in my head
I do lie awake, I’m not a great sleeper… lie away… no poder dormir, mantenerse
Oversight… (mistake) error, negligencia
Has uncovered… descubierto, destapar
Slap… abofetear
Considerate… considerado (mindful of others)
Ace… (slang) bordar (exam e.g)/ tb as (carta)
Scrumptious… delicioso
He’s a hip guy… hip… a la moda, a la última “he’s hipper than you thought”
He’s stoned… (on drugs) drogado, colocado
Did he make a play for you?… make a play… tirarle los trastos (try to attract
I’m gay and so is Wally
It gave me a boner… erección
He would behead me… decapitar
There you go!…. ¡Buen trabajo!, ¡bien hecho!
Run off… salir corriendo, huir
Head back… regresar, volver
Pass sth down… pasar de generación en generación
“We gather daily to hammer out our island’s future”… hammer out… trabajar duro
Reinstate… reincorporar, readmitir
Token of our friendship… símbolo, señal
But then… (on the other hand) por otro lado
Master… dominar, controlar
In sb’s stead.. en su lugar “I told my mother I would attend the funeral in her stead”/
tb objetos “in its stead”
Downfall… perdición, ruina
Alongside…. Junto a “Let Númenor fight alongside the Elves once more”
Shut down… (entre otros) hacer oídos sordos, cerrarse a escuchar
He who was lost… aquel que…
Overpriced… carísimo, con sobreprecio
Catch fire/ catch on fire… prender fuego

(Exp) first come, first served… por orden de llegada

Our hosts. Saviours or captors?
Better yourself… mejorar, avanzar
Let’s try to not antagonise these people… contrariar, generar antagonismo
On elf’s behalf… de parte de un elfo
It’s time to weigh our request… weigh… sopesar, considerar
(Exp) the time is rape… ha llegado el momento/ the time is rape for sth… es el
momento oportuno
Swiftly… = quickly
Harsh… duro, severo
Sack… saquear/ tb “despedir”
Sweep the enemies… barrer
Craft… (making things by hand) oficio
You’re on a lucky streak, low man… estás de racha
I’m just thinking I might defer… aplazar, posponer
Bloodline… linaje
We are all square… square… a la misma altura, al mismo nivel “is this picture
square with the other one?”
Breadwinner… sostén de la familia, quien gana el pan, proveedor
Give away… 1) donar; 2) (reveal) revelar
Slave away… trabajar como una mula, trabajar como un esclavo
Duck out… escabullirse, escaparse
He ate him alive… comérselo vivo
You’re overtired… agotado
You don’t fret… No te preocupes, no te inquietes
She has a point… tiene razón
You’re very shallow… superficial, trivial, frívolo
Edible… /edibol/
The sunny side… lado bueno
Homesick… nostálgico, melancólico (longing for country of origin)
Crabby.. enfadado, gruñón, malhumorado
It’s advisable… aconsejable, recomendable
(Exp) out of sight, out of mind… ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente
Father… (author, originate) concebir “fathering a child”
(Exp) so to speak… por decirlo de algún modo
Practitioner… (=professional)
Interfere… interferir en “don’t interfere”
Helping hand… Mano Amiga, ayuda “I shall never forget the helping hand you
offered me”
Can you take command, please?… asumir el control, asumir el mando
Unseemly… indecoroso, impropio
Outline… (draw around) delinear “he was outlining some interesting plans for the
Crumble… desmoronarse, desmenuzarse
I won’t give in… give in… darse por vencido, rendirse
Willingness… voluntad, buena disposición
Virtue… virtud /vertu/
Have sb in the palm of your hand… tener a alguien en la palma de la mano
Don’t make me blush… sonrojarse, ruborizarse
Clumsy… torpe, patoso
Lovebirds… tortolitos
I daresay… apuesto a que
How maddening for you… irritante, exasperante
Unreservedly… sin reservas, francamente
Touchy… susceptible, sensible, quisquilloso
Deep down… en el fondo
Runaway… (n) fugitivo/ tb (adj)

Send-off (act of saying farewell) despedida

We are mindful on… (=aware) consciente
Thank you for the coffee but I couldn’t stomach it anyway… aguantar, soportar,
Fancy dress… traje de etiqueta, vestido de etiqueta
And what if…. ¿Y si…?, ¿y qué pasa…?
What I will say to him?… ¿y qué le digo?
Day off… día libre
Don’t bother on my account… no te preocupes por mí
Relax - and speaking of which…
(Exp) don’t hold your breath… tener paciencia, esperar sentado
It’s practical… (uses) práctico, funcional
Next time!
Full-scale… a gran escala
Hold up… aguantar, soportar “how are you holding up with all the work?”
I need a clean slate… clean slate… borrón y cuenta nueva
Maybe this is a sign… señal
Counter… ventanilla “I bought three tickets at the counter”
(Exp) Take a rain check… aplazar, posponer “I can’t meet you tonight - can I take a
rain check for next week?”
No good is gonna come of it
(Exp) Doctors think she’s out of the woods… out of the woods… fuera de peligro
She’s the spit of you… the spit of sb… copia, viva imagen
Unending… infinito, eterno
Dim… (light) atenuar
Sorrow… Pena, tristeza
Sorcerer… hechicero, brujo (=wizard)
Stronghold… fortaleza
(Estructura) it’s been years since the last Orc was sighted
Yearn to do… ansiar, anhelar
Bleak… lúgubre
Enchanting… encantador, fascinante
Ample time…. Abundante, copioso
Defy… desafiar
Countless times… innumerables veces
At last… al fin, por fin
Far-off lands… remoto, lejano, distinto
Accustom sb/sth to sth… acostumbrar, habituarse
Meddlesome… entrometido
Break camp… levantar el campamento
Wounded… herido
Aged… envejecido, anciano
Prowl… merodear, acechar
You cannot barge into my mountain… barge in… colarse, entrar por la cara
Two weeks at most… como mucho
Can you not find a way to mend this?… arreglar, enmendar
Unsuitable… inapropiado, inadecuado “a very unsuitable game”
How soon your maxim will be rested
Settle the matter… resolver la cuestión
Snap up… volar, venderse como pan caliente, quitárselo de las manos “the tickets
were snapped up the morning they were put on sale”
Unscathed… ileso, indemne
As long as… siempre y cuando, con tal de que
You must prepare for the worst
That’s easy to say
Push your luck… tentar la suerte
Speak up!… hablar más alto
He’s starting to get on my nerves… darme de los nervios
I can’t spare the time… spare… escatimar en
(Exp) as a matter of fact… de hecho, en realidad
No, it’s not because of that
You’ll concede there are many… admitir, reconocer
After that, it’s up to her
Depise… despreciar
Tiresome… tedioso, fatigador, agobiante
A wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband… compel to… obligar a
alguien a hacer algo
Strike… golpear
Speak about this and that… de eso y aquello
Mistreat… maltratar
I’m dreadfully sorry about today
Set your teeth on edge… set sb’s teeth on edge… poner de los nervios a
It’s unloving… nada cariñoso, nada afectuoso
Is there are news on Bates?
The opportunities are boundless… ilimitado, infinito, inagotables
Lust… lujuria
Ride sth out… resistir, soportar
(Exp) give up hope… perder la esperanza
I misjudged him… misjudge… juzgar erróneamente
It was a present from a frightful aunt… espantoso, aterrador
He’s been reprieved… indultar a (usually passive)
Kneel down… arrodillarse

Libellous… difamatorio, calumnioso /laibeles/

Your generation is very flighty… caprichoso, constante, voluble
Blow in… aparecer, irrumpir
Jog… trotar, hacer footing
I’m fit… en forma
No improvement… mejoría
(Exp) a needle in a haystack… una aguja en un pajar
Go on, I’ll take over… encargarse de, hacerse cargo de
Take it back now!… take back… retirar
Downer… (slang) deprimente, desalentador/ (slang) calmante, tranquilizante
Are you for real?
You were gone years
Defeatist… derrotista, pesimista /difitist/
Onboard (v)… contratar, reclutar
(Exp) how’s that?… (what) ¿qué dijiste?, ¿qué has dicho?
I should have stuck to my instinct and protected the child…
Do you mind if I have a quick word with…?
Quitter… rajado, derrotista, que cede rápido
Tight budget… presupuesto ajustado
Wishful… esperanzado, anhelante, deseos
He’s the least of your worries… la menor de tus preocupaciones
Put sb through sth… hacer pasar
Hang out… pasar el tiempo, pasar el rato
Toparse con alguien… bump into each other
(Estructura) what an impressive woman!
Thanks for coming back to me
You seem a bit down
“I’m just glad to see you’re blooming”… (look healthy) lucir saludable, verse bien
Fret… (be upset, worry)
Hop in… (get inside a vehicle) subirse, subir
Wreck… destrozar, arruinar
Vibes… rollo, sensación “i get such strange vibes from her”
Maybe I got the promotion down the line… más adelante
On the agenda… en el orden del día
She was drooling over him… babear, caerse la baba por
Outsider… forastero
On watch… hacer guardia
Fair enough… me parece bien, me parece justo
Sabotage the work
(Exp) suck it up… hacer de tripas corazón, aguantarse
Hang around = wait
Take care!… cuídate
Considerate… considerado
(Exp) the go-ahead… el visto bueno
She’s still on cloud nine… on cloud nine… en el séptimo cielo, en una nube
“Send her our best”
(Exp) have knack for… I have knack for it… tengo madera para ello
I know when you’re beating yourself up… bet yourself up… comerse la cabeza,
Get riled up… ponerse como loco
He get on my nerves… get on sb’s nerves… sacar de quicio, ponerse de los nervios

Beg… suplicar
“You just sticking your oar in?”… stick your oar in… meter las narices
Cool off… tranquilizarse, bajar revoluciones
Have a row… (=quarrel: pelea, disputa) tener una discusión
He’s James’ eyes and ears… ser los ojos y los oídos de alguien
(Exp) Spread the word… correr la voz
So then get your fingers out… get one’s fingers out… mover el culo, ponerse las
Bribe… soborno
What part of it don’t you get?
I can’t stay long… no puedo quedarme mucho
“This isn’t up to mum, it’s on you”
Call round… visitar, pasarse
I overstepped, sorry… excederse, pasarse de la raya
We’re good? (Después de aclararse)
We are both at fault… at fault… ser culpables, estar en falta
Snoop around… husmear, meter las narices
“I’ll bear that in mind”… bear sth in mind… tener en cuenta, tener en mente, tener
In a bit… en un rato, enseguida
Freak out… ponerse como loco, perder los papeles; tb “asustar, dar miedo”
This is a one-time offer… único
What do I care?… ¿qué me importa?

I don’t want my money to be gone down the drain… desvanecerse, irse a la basura
Pour sth into sth… despilfarrar “he poured all his money into renovating the house”
He was out of order… (slang) grosero, fuera de lugar
No more cover-ups… encubrimientos
Truth hurts, huh?
What’s the harm in having a doctor check him out?
Are you ok?-grand… excelente, de lujo
I said that for your own good
You don’t order me around… order sb around… dar órdenes
Thug… matón, rufián
Are you mental?… chiflado, pirado
If he gets back, I’m screwed… jodido

He wanted to swapped shifts… swap… intercambiar (for)

I was waiting and I tripped over this… trip over… tropezarse con
I caught her in the act… in the act… in fraganti, con las manos en la mesa
Backstabbing… puñalada por la espada/ tb traicionero “you’re a backstabbing pig”
He wants to set me up with a friend… set sb up… arreglarle una cita a alguien con
I can’t bend down… agacharme
Pamper sb… Mimar, consentir
Yeah, I just had a feeling… corazonada, presentimiento/ tb “sentimiento”
I’m tight on time… voy apretado de tiempo
Cross the line… pasarse de la raya
I’m fit as a fiddle… como una rosa
(Exp) clear as day…claro como el agua
Spot… (informal: lend) prestar
Grunt work… trabajo monótono
Sidekick… secuaz, compinche
Read up on… investigar, estudiar, documentarse “I like to read up o a subject before
expressing an opinion”

You’re decent… /disent/

Sleepless night… noche sin dormir
sticking to the rules is important
“I have your back”
(Exp) have your back to the wall… estar entre la espada y la pared/ estar
Let’s get you to the hospital
“Like she’s gonna believe me”
I might be inclined to help
Age gap… diferencia de edad
(Exp) a barrel of laughs… gracioso, divertido
What more I can do?
He need us on his side
Just drop it… lascia stare
I can’t wait to…
“I’m just sick of…” be sick of… harto de, cansado de
Leak… gotear; filtrar (reveal: secret information)
(Exp) trust me, you’re barking up the wrong tree there… bark up the wrong tree…
fuera del tiesto
Gamble… (place bets) apostar
No bother… ninguna molestia
Mutual friend… amigo en común
I thought you were on board
I can’t stand over you any more… stand over… supervisar
Cheesy… cursi, hortera
(Exp) I’m only pulling your leg… pull your leg… tomar el pelo, burlarse de
Get on… llevarse bien, caerse bien
Thank you for sticking up for me yesterday… stick up for sb.. defender, dar la cara
Drag sb down… arruinar, minar
He caved… (slang) ceder, tragar
He’s a nice guy and I’ve already bugged you up… big sb up… elogiar, aclamar
Lovely time… buen rato, rato agradable

“I’m tempted to say you must be…” tentar a

If someone rings the hospital… (UK) llamar
Pile up… amontonar, acumular
Keep a record… mantener un registro
Are you having second thoughts?… ¿lo estás reconsiderando?
(Exp) on second thoughts… pensándolo bien
Grown-up conversation… de adultos
Bang on… dar en el clavo
Are you up for it?… up for… abierto, apetecer, tener ganas
Tenant… inquilino
Expense… casto “we need a new car to get work, it’s a necessary expense”
Expertise… experiencia, dominio
If you fancy coming…
I’m fed up wondering my wage is… harto, cansado
Things to iron out… poner algo en orden
I thought you were an item… be an item… ser pareja, estar juntos
(Exp) go in one ear and out the other… entrar por un odio y salir por otro
I prefer Jon, to the point… get to the point… ir al grano, ir directo al asunto
You are into him…
Heartless… cruel, insensato, desalmado
Suit yourself… haz lo que quieras
“Not a one-woman man”… no es hombre de una sola mujer
Just dock the shift out of my holidays, ok?… dock sth from sth… descontar (tb sock
sb sth)
Eternal youth… eterna juventud
(Exp) as good as… prácticamente, casi
Marriage wrecker… rompehogares
Who are you texting?
Lapdog… perrito faldero
Let’s just park this for now… aparcar un tema
“I’m three months behind/ my college fees are overdue (retrasados)/ they’ll withhold
my exam results… retener
Bore… aburrido, pesado
Always get the pay upfront… por adelantado
Call girl… prostituta
Maybe you’re fooling yourself… engañándote a ti mismo
Badmouth… difamar, hablar mal de alguien
It can scare off possible investors
Regain… (get back) recuperar, recobrar
Bribery… soborno
Be grateful for sb/sth… estar agradecido
(Exp) Does this mean that the doom and gloom is here to stay?… doom and
gloom… pesimismo, verlo todo negro
Tag along on a night out with you two… tag along… sumarse
Phone coverage comes and goes… cobertura
You’re acting shifty… sospechoso
“Only because I hate to see you turn into something you’re not”… turn into…

I’ve never pictured myself with… picture… imaginar/ tb (figurative) describir

I’m swamped with a lot of work… saturado de tanto trabajo
Are you implying that I wrote this?… imply… insinuar/ tb “implicar”
I’ll bounce back… recuperarse
Throw yourself at… tirarse sobre
“So whatever little scheme you two are cooking up…” cook sth up… tramar,
maquinar, inventar/ scheme… conspirar, maquinar, pero tb “plan, estrategia”
Notion… idea “Nora got a notion”
At best… en el mejor de los casos/ “perform at your best” hacer lo mejor posible,
hacer uno su mejor esfuerzo
Get along with… llevarse bien
Get along without… arreglárselas sin “I can get along without luxuries”
Burst into tears… echarse a llorar
The new job fell through… venirse abajo, fracasar
Hint… pista
“No rush back with it. Imelda made me a spare”… volver corriendo, volver deprisa/
de repuesta, una extra

Embrace the madness of Christmas… acoger, aceptar

Tidy up…. (Put something in order) arreglar, ordenar
Counteract… contrarrestar
Our turnover was down 67 percent… turnover… ventas, volumen de ventas
Competencia… (empresas) the competition
Agriculture is the lifeblood of that country… lifeblood… alma, savia
Remiss… negligente, cuidado
Mermaid… sirena
He’s my rock
They’re great role models
(Exp) it’s not skin off my back… No es asunto mío, no es de mi incumbencia

Player… (slang) mujeriego, Don Juan

Waterproof… impermeable, resistente al agua
You’re changing the subject… estás cambiando de tema
Just stay over… stay over… quedarse a dormir
That ties me down… tie sb down… atar, amarrar
Washboards abs… abdominales marcados
The acting is stilted… forzado, poco natural (unnatural)

Cool down… enfriarse, serenarse

After the earful I got for not remembering… bronca
Bring sth up… sacar el tema, mencionar algo
Bias… /Baias/ inclinación, preferencia
Vary… variar /very/
Teeming… /timin/ lleno de, repleto de
(Exp) over the course of… en el transcurso de
Exuberance… ambition…
The challenge is how to weave these to buildings… weave… entrelazar, tejer (tb
We could solve a host of problems… multitud, montón
Storyline… trama, argumento

Dog trainer… entrenador de perros

Unlock… abrir la cerradura, pero tb “liberar, desbloquear”. “He has to unlock that
Engage sb… llamar la atención de alguien, captar la atención de
I’m really drawn to this one…atraído
Faded… descolorido, desteñido
The history is fraught with manipulation… fraught with… lleno de, repleto de,
cargado de
Mickey restores cars
I was never much into cars
Your mum is taking ages…. Cuánto tarda tu madre

Sympathetic… solidario, empático/ sympathetic to… comprensivo con

Shape… (adapt) dar forma, moldear
I’m not on the bread line… cola para recibir ayuda social
I’m so behind… behind… a la zaga
Thank you!- my pleasure… de nada, ha sido un placer (=you’re welcome)
He’s disturbingly smart… inquietantemente, preocupantemente
Are you all set?… all set… preparado “are you all set for opening night?”
That’s a crucial age… crucial, decisivo
No matter what… pase lo que pase, sin importar lo que pase
He outsmarts me sometimes… aventajar, ser más astuto que
Keep it up! Keep sth up… seguir con, mantener
To push through that… push sth through… aceptar a la fuerza, obligar a aceptar
(Exp) get down on your knees… suplicar “you’ll have to get down on your knees!”

(Job offer) Leverage your skills… leverage… hacer uso de, echar mano, valerse de
It’s like a Christ in a way… de alguna manera, de algún modo
At the hands of… a manos de “many persons died at the hands of their own families”
I’m a spiritual person up to a point…up to a point… hasta cierto punto
Boarding school… internado
It wasn’t my first sexual experience, I was seasoned… experto, veterano
I’ve rejected the idea of…
It’s touching… emocionante, conmovedor
How to disguise the fact… disguise… disfrazar, ocultar
Mettle… temple, entereza, fortaleza de carácter
Resent these moments… estar resentido por, molestado por
Start off… comenzar, empezar
(Exp) Get your head around… entender, encontrarle la vuelta
Make sense
Inventiveness…. Creatividad, ingenio “the inventiveness of his excuses was
Come to terms… llegar a un acuerdo, alcanzar un acuerdo

Along the way… a lo largo del camino

I’m sorry I snapped at you… gritar, hablar mal
Reckless… imprudente, temerario, insensato
They were too good for me - how so?… ¿y eso por qué?
Congregate… congregarse
And that come through on the telly… come through… notarse, evidenciarse,
Bishop… obispo
Quote… cita
Social upstart = social climber (arribista social)
Smash… hacer añicos/ “he was a smashing man” estupendo, fantástico
(Exp) get down to business… ponerse manos a la obra
They are cherished… (=beloved) querido, amado
“And how long was she unwell for?”… mal, enfermo
My father died and… how do you recover from that?
Crestfallen… alicaído, echo polvo
Our concept of ownership is wicked… propiedad/ retorcido /wikid/
Tricky… complicado
Bail out… rajarse, echarse para atrás “we were planning a party but almost
everybody bailed out”/ bail sb out.. pagar la fianza
“Among others”… entre otros
“Because he would have been bitterly disappointed”… extremadamente,
“I asked the doctor and he said that he didn’t make it”
Make sth of sth… pensar de (interpret) “I don't know what to make of his actions.
What do you make of this car?”
Make for… (move towards) “The fleet made for port” dirigirse

Fallback… plano b, último recurso “the state university is my fallback”; “Liam is our
Rear… /riar/ criar, educar/ tb parte trasera “at the rear of the house”
Put labels on people… etiquetar
“They shot a 17 month old baby called…”
It’s a callous thing to say… cruel, insensible, desalmado
“This is to the core of it”… núcleo, corazón
You can’t endorse the past… respaldar, apoyar
I’m not disputing that… disputar
This is not about glamourise what happened… hacer parecer atractivo, embellecer
Reach for… recurrir a, echar mano de
“But what is attainable is…” alcanzable, asequible
Tenet… (= principle)
Atrocity… atrocidad, salvajada
I had a good life, to the full… al máximo

Unveiling the new Bugatti… (reveal for first time) desvelando

In the public eye… conocido por todos
“And how her recent battle with Covid 19 changed her outlook on line”… (mental
attitude) actitud, disposición
(Exp) donkey’s years…muchísimo tiempo, un porrón de años
The education systems of England, Scotland and Wales are broadly similar…
ampliamente, en términos generales
Belief… (faith) fe
In hindsight/ with hindsight…A posteriori, en retrospectiva
Schism… división, escisión
That was very excluding
Broad-minded… tolerante, abierto de mente
Margin of error… margen de error
He’s the calmest person, nothing ruffles him… alterar, aturdir
Throw cold water on sth… tirar un balde de agua fría “they threw cold water on her
“I’m very busy sometimes and I don’t know when to switch the off button”
Flashpoint… detonante, foco de tensión
It changed my life for the better
Pupil… /piupol/ alumno
They were driven people… motivado/ “Steve is a driven student”
We used to go to mass every Sunday… misa
Fight over religion… fight over… luchar por, pelear por
The Pope… el papa
First ever house… first ever… primero, primerísimo
Frame of mind… estado mental, estado de ánimo
“And what age was she, Nathan”?
And how did you cope with grief?… cope with… lidiar con, hacerle frente a
In the midst of… en medio de
If I don’t do it then and there… allí y entonces, en ese momento
Overly… excesivamente, en demasía
And that baffles me… confundir, desconcertar
And so forth… y demás, y eso, y etcetera

“A Polish woman who found the spark with her gym instructor…”
You went to school through The Troubles… Durante, todo
Crawling with… plagado de, repleto de
The reality was money was tight… ajustado
I was very disruptive… revolucionario, perturbador
Worrier… aprensivo
Doctors never sugar coat anything… dorar la píldora
Exert yourself… (make physical effort) esforzarse
(Exp)… don’t jump the gun… no vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo
That would trigger a… desencadenar
Internalise… interiorizar “Barbara has internalised many of the values of her parents”
Call sb over… invitar “I called over to my friends”
And that was a huge awakening for me
Fall out of the habit… perder la costumbre
It’s very important to be ethical… ético
Disclose… revelar, divulgar
A tragedy can befall to all of us… suceder, omitir
… live on in the people who love them… perdura, pervive, sobrevive
Abhorrent… aberrante

In so far… hasta la fecha

Out of reach… fuera de alcance
Eventually… finalmente, al fin
Perish… parecer
They haven’t one, “funnily enough”… curiosamente, por extraño que parezca
Openness… amplitud de miras, actitud receptiva “andrew’s openness is one of his
best points”
Values… valores
(Exp) Raise the evil… armar la gorda, armar lío
Instill sth in sb… “my mother instilled us that purpose was everything”… inculcar,
Uncanny… sorprendente, asombroso
Afterlife… ultratumba, el más allá
If you fear abandonment…
Work in progress… trabajo en elaboración
This is something I’m very proud of
“What I can’t stand is that it has been…” stand… soportar, aguantar

Really? -I’m only messing

“And when he (1) encountered the (2)close-knit community, he was
(3)hooked”… encontrarse con/ unido, estrechamente unido/ enganchado
Hook… gancho/ (v) pescar
“I’m in Dublin for two months now”
Overstate… = exaggerate (exagerar, sobrestimar) “I cannot overstate its importance”
Toll… peaje
There’s so many fish in the sea
Effortless… sin esfuerzo, fácil, cómodo “making a cake using a prepackaged mix is
Intruder… intruso
Whine… gimotear, lloriquear
Rot away… pudrirse, descomponerse
Greatness… grandeza, excelencia
Angle… ángulo, tb “punto de vista, perspectiva”
“So he took him life”… take sb life… quitarle la vida a alguien

Intricate… intrincado, complejo

You are bond to knock them dead… bond to do… de seguro, ser fijo “someone was
bond to steal it”: de seguro alguien lo ha robado/ “knock them dead”… impresionar
(Exp) on its last legs… (about to fail) estar en las últimas “that old car is on its last
“He remains deeply rooted in the tradition of his own locale”… rooted… arraigado
He’s the finest singer of his generations
Turd… zuruño, truño
Watch your language!/ watch your mouth!… modera tu lenguaje
Single sb out… escoger específicamente a alguien “the teachers always single me
Wish me luck! - I see you in a bit
Don’t get shirty!… irascible
What is it?
Turn to sth… volverse, convertirse
Viewpoint… mirador

Replace/ replacement
Wide/ widen… ensanchar, ampliar
Evolve… evolucionar
Aesthetically… estéticamente /iszeti…/
Solitude… soledad
(Exp) break your neck… romperse el cuello, desnucarse/ tb “partirse el alma, el
lomo” (make effort) “this project is so much work; I’ve been breaking my neck all
Stand up to… hacer frente, enfrentar (=confront)
Stand up against… luchar contra “we must stand up against racism”
“Rate the places I’ve cried”… (=classify) clasificar
Entrepreneur… emprendedor, empresario
Fry-up… (meal: fried egg, sausage…) fritanga, fritada
Take your time… tómate tu tiempo
You look no further… no busques más
Label Sth/ sb… calificar, etiquetar como “the media labelled Chamberlain’s policy
“appeasement” (apaciguadora)
“Clankelly is where I hail from”/ “his grandfather hailed from Greece”… hail from…
ser de
Grip… (informal) entendimiento “the students had to show that they had a firm grip”
(Exp) in olden times/ in the old days… en los viejos tiempos
Head… ir, dirigirse “if we head south…”
Plague… /pleig/ plaga, peste
Amenities… servicios, comodidades
Burst out… salir, aparecer “… and his children burst out, shouting, Surprise!”s
Burst out from… salir de detrás de “he burst out from behind the wall”/
Burst out… salir despedido
Hinterland… interior de un país
“We are lucky though”… /dou/ sin embargo
Hive… colmena/ (exp) hive of activity… hormiguero, hervidero “the manuscripts
were hive of activity”
Idealisation… idealización
It refers to… hace referencia, tratarse “what does this call refer to?”
Aparte de algo… apart from/ other than/ besides “apart from jewellery, the thieves
did not take anything”
Scribble… garabatear
Literary work… obra literaria
Disabuse… desengañar de, abrirle los ojos a “the reality of the situation disabused
Carl of his dreams of living abroad”
Seep… filtrar (líquidos, pero tb información) “this information has seeped through
from government sources”
Blend… mezclar, combinar/ blend with… fundirse


At the mouth of the Liffey… desembocadura

“It has long been a place of courting and sporting”… cortejo/ deportista
Skillset… habilidades requeridas
Set up a rod… montar una caña
… and you are at peace
Tease… burlarse de
Togetherness… unión, unidad, solidaridad
Double-decker bus
Team up… (join forces) unirse/ team up with… hacer equipo con “Fergal is teaming
up with photographer Al Higgins”
Beloved… Amado, querido
Reminder… Aviso, notificación
Level of trust… nivel de confianza
(Exp) without batting an eye… sin mover un pelo/ not bat an eyelid… no mover ni un
Cheat on… ponerle los cuernos a alguien
Horn… cuerno/ tb “claxon” (vehículos)
Catch out… pescar con las manos en la masa, coger, pillar
Hardship… dificultad, adversidad
Stretch… tramo, trecho
Up ahead… delante “the stretch up ahead…”
Ounce of energy… Pizca de
Stream… riachuelo, arroyo
Undergo… experimentar, padecer “she had to undergo a lot of criticism when the
deal fell apart”

Saddened… entristecido (sadden… entristecer)

Backstory… trasfondo, historia de fondo
Newcomer… recién llegado
Strain… hacer fuerza
“Things didn’t go very well, hence the need to subtle the room”
Run late… ir con retraso
It’s a headache for they… quebradero de cabeza
Fingers crossed!… crucemos los dedos
“What’s pissing me off here is…” piss sb off… tocar las narices, tocar los huevos
It drives me mad… drive sb mad… volver loco
“Gemma is uneasy heading home after the late shift”… incómodo, molesto/ tb
(feeling) intranquilo, inquieto “an uneasy thought”
Solely… = just, only
Nuance… /niuans/ matiz, tonalidad
Store manager… encargado, jefe de tienda
Periphery… periferia
Some shops are in decline… en decadencia
Shift… turno/ tb v. Mover, desplazar
Win back the costumers… win back… recobrar, recuperar
Buy groceries… comprar comida
Fall victim to sth… caer víctima de
My policy is…
Over again… de nuevo, otra vez
(Exp) in a jumble… (untidy, disordered) a la bartola, desordenado
Jumble sale… mercadillo, rastro, mercado de cosas usadas/ jumble… revoltijo, lío
Jacob was called away… call away sb… recibir una llamada, convocar
“You don’t know what they have on them”
Pull sth/sb together… reunir (assemble, gather) “Brian pulled a team together to…”
Play catch-up… ponerse al día (tanto de información como de trabajo retrasado)
Ticket… etiqueta en el supermercado
On schedule… según los tiempos acordados, puntualmente
“It kinda drained you a little bit”… drain… desagüe, pero tb “agotar, gastar” (energy
or resource)
Kinda… (slang) un poco, una pizca “it seems kinda cold”
“That’s just it, you have to roll with punches… (exp)… aprender a golpes (learn to
survive adversity)
(Rec) “I haven’t a fucking clue what happened…”
It’s more than nothing
Come from… proceder
Saver… ahorrador
Liveable wage… llevadero, soportable
Stall… puestos
Mindset… (mentality, attitude) mentalidad “you need a positive mindset to overcome
these obstacles”
Time frame… periodo de tiempo, transcurso
It’s a hectic day… frenético, agitado
Astonishing/ astonished
I hope they won’t forget when this died down… ir apagándose, disminuir
Down the centuries/ down the ages… Durante, desde hace “philosophers have
sought answers down the ages” [sot]
It’s proven than cold water… demostrado, comprobado
Outset… comienzo, inicio, principio “there were problems with the project from the
Many people are glued to the technology

Blindside… pillar por sorpresa, atacar por la espalda

“I’m here since I’m 19 years of age”
Slum… suburbio, barrio bajo
Evict… desahuciar, desalojar
Conceal… esconder, ocultar
Remnant… restos de, remanentes de “remnants of pathways”
“For the generations to come”/ “we have no idea what is to come in the next few
A place of stillness… quietud, calma.
Flood… inundarse/ inundación
Tame… domesticar/ (figurative) controlar, dominar
Have friends in high places… tener amigos en las altas esferas
Mighty… poderoso, potente, fuerte
Energise… animar, motivar
Unique experience… /iunik/
Closeness/ hardness… cercanía, dureza…
In pursuit of… en busca de
Gruesome… repugnante, horripilante, espantoso
Food prices have rocketed in recent years… rocket… disparar, irse por las nubes
Gear up for… prepararse para “gear up for opening”
(Exp) it’s not a job for the faint hearted…. No apto para cardíacos
Outlay… gasto
“Our country is steeped in tradition”… steep in… impregnado, empapado

Unify… Unidos, aunados

Famine… hambruna, hambre
Reservoir… tanque
Dream up… inventarse, ocurrirse, fabular “he dreamed up the ghosts of the city’s
underground labyrinth”
Upstream… contracorriente (tb figurado) “Simon felt like he was fighting his way
upstream, getting…”
Passageway… pasadizo
Sovereignty… soberanía
I want to showcase who we are… exhibir, mostrar
Fire brigade… cuerpo de bomberos
Swift team… rápido, veloz
“People that retrieve them”… rescatar, recuperar
Overcome… superar, vencer

Sought protection… past v. Seek

It’s about time… ya era hora, finalmente, al fin
“Not that I’m aware of”
That was devastating for us…
Straightforward… directo (“declaración directa”)/ franco, sincero
(Exp) Straight away… de inmediato, ahora mismo
Guardianship… tutela, custodia
Form… formulario
When the height of Covid… punto más alto, cumbre
The feeling of despair… sentimiento de desesperación
“I’m the youngest of a family of five”
Drop in… (visit casually) pasar, caer, dejarse caer
Home-lover… hogareño, casero
(Exp) an outpouring of sth… una efusión de… and outpouring of joy… efusión de
Suffice… ser suficiente, satisfacer, bastar “that will suffice for today”
(Exp) guess what?… ¿sabes qué m?, ¡adivina qué!
(Exp) do your thing… haz lo que se te da bien
(Exp) get out of bed on the wrong side
Baby step… pequeño paso
Pounce on sb/ sth… (animal) saltar sobre, lanzarse sobre
Whereas… (while in contrast) mientras que “he likes broccoli, whereas she hates it”/
tb “considerando que”… “whereas the defendant is now dead…”
I could relate to it so much… relate to sth/sb.. verse identificado/ relate…. Verse
reflejado… “problems with your teenage children? I can certainly relate”
(Exp) every now and again… de vez en cuando
Drop dead… morirse de repente
Overpower… dominar, subyugar
“I still had no understanding of what I was going through”… go through… pasar,
Man-about-town… hombre de mundo egotist… egoísta
Target… meta, objetivo/ tb “blanco”
(Exp) be in a sulk… estar malhumorado, estar de mal humor
(Exp) como dios lo trajo al mundo/ desnudo… in your birthday suit
“But I knew in my heart of hearts that”… In your heart of hearts…(true feelings) en
tu fuero interno
Plead… suplicar
(Exp) get your head around… (informal) entender, encontrar la vuelta “I’m trying to
get my head around the subjunctive”
Unspoken thing between… tácito, sobreentendido
Pregnancy… embarazo
We latched onto the idea that… pegarse, colgarse, pegarse como una lapa
Spontaneity… espontaneidad

Throw sb out… echar

(Exp) make it through… pasar, superar
Knock around… holgazanear/ knock it around… (idea) debatir, considerar, deliberar/
knock sb around… dar una paliza
Some people are inquisitive… curioso
Strip sth away… quitar, remover “we have to strip away all that paint”
Drained… exhausto
Playful… juguetón
I was deemed like the robber… (formal: view as) considerar, juzgar
Negative connotations
“She’s trying to cater to that audience”… cater to… satisfacer, complacer, atender
Whatsoever… (at all) en absoluto; (whatever) cualquiera que fuera
Shape sth.. dar forma, moldear; tb (determine, influence) determinar “the boss
shaped the way things were done”
Likeable… agradable, simpático
Full of hatred… lleno de odio/ self-hatred… autodesprecio
“But this is just what I’ve been coming across recently”… come across…encontrarse
con, cruzarse con
Ebony… ébano
Dismiss… (reject: idea) descartar/ tb sb “despedir”
A shade of… pizca de
No one likes/ nobody likes…
I’m fat and what?… ¿y qué?
I stuffed myself at lunch… me he atiborrado para comer
Put on weight vs. Slim
Vividly… (clearly) I vividly remember…
Outwardly… aparentemente, externamente
Blatantly… abiertamente “he lied blatantly to me”
Hint… dar a entender “your gift will be blue, he intended”
“He said to me countless of times”… innumerables veces, incontables veces
Vent… (release anger, frustration) desahogarse, descargar
Chat sb up… seducir, camelar/ chat… charlar, conversar
Frozen to the spot… quedarse paralizado por el miedo
Hit the spot… dar en el clavo
A string of… serie de, sucesión de “he is trying to catch whoever is behind the string
of robberies”
Portray… retratar, representar
Sphere… esfera, ámbito
Massive (very big)… enorme, descomunal
Grim… nefasto, desalentador
Obese… /obis/
They will be conditioned in the same way…
Self-harm… autolesión
Taboo topic
Throughout… Durante, a lo largo de
Tricky… difícil, complicado
Cautious… /koses +-/
Don’t rule my life… reinar, dirigir
Trait… rasgo, característica

“What matters is what’s good for Charlie”

“Whoever took them remains a mystery”
Don’t warry lads… chicos
Six months or so… or so… (approximately) más o menos
Get into… (slang) engancharse con, interesarse por
Do sb in… (slang) cargarse a alguien/ dejar muerto o muy cansado “this heat wil do
me in”
On average… de media
Outdoorsy… aficionado a las actividades al aire libre
Joker… bromista

“Hace años que no…” for years, in ll these years, it’s been years since I’ve…, it’s
been ages since I…
Snog… besuquear
(Exp) out of nowhere… inesperadamente, de la nada
Look into… analizar, investigar, evaluar
Day by day… día tras día
(Exp) “We’re planning to have kids somewhere down the road”… down the road…
con el tiempo/ tb “calle abajo”
Everyone plays a part… play a part… representar un papel
Embrace… abrazar/ tb (figurative) aceptar, acoger, recibir con los brazos abiertos
High five!… ¡choca esas cinco!
(Exp) Have your head in the clouds… estar en las nubes
(Exp) have a good head on your shoulders… tener la cabeza en su sitio
Homeland… país natal, patria
Misty-eyed… ojos llorosos
It makes sense for me to be recognised
Leanings… (npl) tendencia, inclinación “the governor has some liberal meanings”
“But this relationship and her religion were at loggerheads”… en desacuerdo
Flashy… vistoso, llamativo
Counsellor… terapeuta
It’s utterly disgusting… totalmente, completamente
Vogue… moda/ in Vogue.. de moda
Stunning… imponente, despampanante
Yearn to do sth… ansiar, desear
Contender… contendiente
Crack up… desternillarse de la risa
To get a meal/ go for a drink
“I’ve never been in a relationship”
Pop up… aparecer de repente, saltar
Sidekick… secuaz, compinche
(Estructura) “So this was my grandmother’s”
(Exp) it’ll take your mind off of things…
Take off weight… bajar peso
I’m intrigued… intrigado
(Exp) fair enough… está bien, me parece justo “If that’s really what you want, fair
Take care - see you
For instance… por ejemplo
“Appearance is what draws you in at first”… draw sth… atraer “fights usually draw
large crowds”
Good cap/ bad cop… policía bueno, policía malo

Have your say… decir lo que piensa, dar su opinión

Come along!… (hurry up) vamos, date prisa
To be in a rage… hecho una furia
To be in a fury… hecho una furia
“Reading detective novels is what I like best”… gustar más
Obliging… atento, servicial
Last through… sobrevivir, pasar de “if she lasts through the night, she’ll live”
How bad is it?
Savage… violento, salvaje
Neglect… descuidar, desatender, abandonar
As long as/ so long as…mientras “so long as you’re living under my roof…”/ tb
“siempre y cuando”
Contrive sth.. elaborar, idear, planear/ contrive to do sth… arreglarse, ingeniarse
To express my gratitude
(Exp) when all is said and done… a fin de cuentas, después de todo
We’re cursed… malditos

Besides the fact that… además (del hecho) de que…

The handle broke… asa, mango, palo
Load sth up… cargar, llenar “we loaded up the car”
Estate… finca
Happy Christmas - and to you
On trial… en juicio/ tb “en periodo de prueba”
Look sb away… (past) looked away… encarcelar, metido entre rejas
Display… exhibir, exponer
Trapped… atrapado (v. trap)
“I’m a little out of pocket at the moment”
Dabble in the black market… incursionar, aventurarse
Don’t reopen the wound!
I didn’t expect to get booted out… echar, largar, poner de patitas en la calle
Don’t say anything you may have to retract
Overlook… pasar por alto, ignorar “hace we overlooked who she really is?”
I’m afraid being helpful is not something we associate you with
Mother… it’s not for us to have an opinion
Through thick and thin… en la dicha y en la adversidad
(Estructura) You’d better come quick!
Get the brushoff (from sb)… dar la espalda, volver la cara
Wait on sb hand and foot… esperar al pie del cañón
To be on hand… a mano
I won’t burden you with that… burden sb with sth… cargar con, agobiar con
He’s not prepared to listen to reason

Shaken… conmovido, perturbado, alterado

Just as I am delighted that you can once more look forward to… así de la misma
manera - salir hacia adelante, mirar al futuro
We won’t fall out over this…fall out over…distanciarse, separarse, pelearse
Just make sure… asegúrate
I must have it out with her.. have sth out…tener que hablar acerca de algo, tratar un
Give sth a try… 1) intentar, 2) probar (sample)
Pipe down… hablar más bajo, bajar la voz
Ungentlemanly… poco caballeroso
Pay the price
Trick… engañar
I’ve been taken for the fool that I am

What’s it to you?… ¿qué te importa?, ¿qué tiene que ver contigo?

Black market… mercado negro
We’ll drop the subject… dejemos el tema
“I want to ask a favor of you”
A while ago… hace algún tiempo, hace tiempo
All the while… todo el tiempo
After a while… después de un rato, al cabo de un rato
(Ironía) that lets me out, thank heaven… dejar libre, soltar, liberar
Bustle… ajetreo/ rush… prisa
Do you know it? - I get about… (figurative) me muevo, me desplazo
(Exp) Happily ever after… Felices para siempre/ vivieron felices y comieron
How disappointing of you!
It’s over here… aquí
I don’t mind admitting… molestar
Don’t tire yourself out… tire out… agotar, cansarse
Unbridled… desenfrenado (unbridled passion… pasión desenfrenada)
“It has given me quite AN appetite” (?)
Quite well… bastante bien
What a day!…. Vaya día
Thoughtful… atento, considerado, amable
Tú mismo… you said yourself there wouldn’t be another chance…
Shirk… eludir, esquivar (work, responsibilities…)
(Exp) Soft touch… bonachón, que tiene el sí fácil (who is easy to persuade)

(Exp “faltan dos martes para…”/ Two Tuesdays to go until the…

We’ve had a request… solicitud, petición
Poor fellow… pobre hombre
Abolish… abolir
Errand boy… chico de los recados
“De un lado para otro”… from one side to another
If you need it, I’m your man
Put off… desalentar, desanimar
“I know she holds you in high regard”… hold sb in high regard… tener en alta estima
a, respetar
No doubt… sin duda, “no doubt you have more experience”
She thinks highly of you… think highly… tener bien considerado
She’s in duty… (working) de guardia
Desert… abandonar, desertar
Have you finished IN here?
I’m going to fetch my button box… ir a buscar, traer
Alike… parecido, semejante
I’ve been given a name
(Money) “I’ve a bit put by”… put sth by… apartar, reservar
Preoccupied… preocupado, angustiado
This is my motto… lema, eslogan
Accounting for sth… teniendo en cuenta, tomando en consideración “even
accounting for the bad weather…”
I’ll break the news tomorrow… break the news… dar la noticia, anunciar
Freely… libremente, sin reservas
(Exp) as you say… (I agreed that) tal como dices, “as you say, the cake is delicious”
“I didn’t feel I could say no”
Bring up… sacar el tema, mencionar/ bring sb up… criar, educar
Gang up… aliarse, unirse/ gang up on me… atacar en grupo
“What a stupid thing to say”
Dear me!… ¡válgame Dios!, ¡vaya!
In disguise… disfrazado, de incógnito
Can you relay the news?… pasar, transmitir/ relay sth to sb
You haven’t changed, not a jot… not a jot… nada de nada, en absoluto/ “a jot of”
una pizca de, un pellizco de
(Exp) go overboard… (en una celebración) tirar la casa por la ventana, exagerar
Former… anterior, ex, antiguo “he saw his former wife”
Ceasefire… el alto al fuego
I’m jumping ship… jump ship… (figurado) abandonar el barco
“Jane keeps making out I’m a war widow, but I’m not, am I?”… pintar a alguien,
hacer pasar a alguien como
Make out… hacer como que “Liam tried to make out that he was sick”
On your deathbed… en el lecho de muerte
“But the Titanic story bears out Patrick’s version in every way”… bear out.. confirmar,
corroborar (in every way… en todos los sentidos)
Unearth the evidence… unearth… (discover) descubrir, encontrar, sacar a la luz
Overturn… volcar
Unfeeling… insensible, impasible
Don’t ever cross me… cross sb… enfadar, enojar (ademas de “sth” atravesar)
He’s gone - but he can’t have
That’s worth something
It was very calming… tranquilizador

Engaging with new people… interactuar; relacionarse con

Un my opinion, for me, in my view, according to me…
Muscle… /masel/
For better or for worse… para bien o para mal, nos guste o no
“We’ve got six to eight minutes top”… máximo
Chuck… (informal: throw) arrojar, lanzar
“Dig your own grave”… cavar tu propia tumba
Overthrow… derrocar “the king was overthrown in a military coup”
(Exp) lead sb down the garden path… engañar, tomarle el pelo a alguien
Spit sth out… (figurative y no) escupir “spit it out”
Good intentions… buenas intenciones
Gently, please… cuidadosamente, gradualmente
Know-it-all… sabiondo, sabelotodo
“Don’t take it out on me”/ “don’t take your anger out on your sister”… desquitarse
con, agarrárselas
In all likelihood… con toda probabilidad…
“Regain his health”… recuperar, recobrar
Handkerchief… pañuelo (para sonarse)/ abb. hanky
Haven’t you ever made a mistake? - not on this scale
“In this case I really must be left to my own devices…”… leave sb to his/her/their
own devices… dejar a alguien solo, abandonar a sus propios medios
“If you wish to break off our understanding”… desprenderse, terminar/ (agreement)
“I found his instructions pretty puzzling”… desconcertantes, confusas
Feeble… (weak: temporarily) debilitado, débil
“To put that to one side until…” dejar de lado hasta
Unforgiving… despiadado, implacable, cruel
(Exp) Straight away… de inmediato, ahora mismo, sin tardar
We’re not on good terms
Almighty… todopoderoso
I want to point out… remarcar, puntualizar
Overcome your scruples… superar, vencer/ escrúpulos
No one sane would want… ningún sensato, cuerdo
At this stage… a esta altura
Which is which?… ¿cuál es cuál?
“My only recommendation is to be wary of…” receloso, precavido de
Foresighted… previsor
Slip… escurrirse/ slippery… escurridizo
You understand that women go through a certain change… go through… pasar por,
sufrir, soportar
Call sth off/ call off sth… (rec) suspender
Tempting… tentador, atractivo “he made him a tempting offer”
“We’re used to Matthew bow”… acostumbrarse

(Exp) I’ll be better in the long run… in the long run… a la larga
Source… fuente “I am the source of these stories”
I’m trying my best
(Impersonal) Is there anything worse than losing one’s maid?
Drag sth out… alargar, aplazar, prolongar
Startling confession… sorprendente, alarmante
As you’ll have surmised… surmise… conjeturar, suponer, presumir
On the contrary, I’m very happy… al contrario
Wed… casarse
He asked after you… ask after… preguntar por
Have a good mind to do… tener ganas de hacer algo, sentirse tentado a hacer algo
(Exp) This should do the trick… do the trick… (be sufficient for) ser suficiente, bastar
(Exp) Hold your horses!… para el carro, para la moto
“I can’t even find a secretary who can keep pace at the moment”… keep pace…
seguir el ritmo /peis/
And so on… y demás, etcétera
Hold your tongue… mantener la boca cerrada/ bite your tongue… morderse la
Heartening… esperanzador, alentador
“So, Thomas has been caught red-handed”… catch sb red-handed… con las manos
en la masa
Sort out… (arrange, put in order) poner en orden
They’re not our flesh and blood… carne de mi carne
I’ve done as I promised
Be careful or you’ll end up with no job
Beautifully executed… beautifully… (well) a la perfección, excelentemente
You’re a treasure… tesoro, joya
You know me, I’ve never down for a long… por mucho tiempo, para largo
Unpleasantness… disgusto, molestia, situación desagradable
Regret sth…arrepentirse de, lamentarse
Regret that… lamentar que, temer que
It’s appears they don’t want me
(Exp) Up to a point… hasta cierto punto
(Exp) “This is very early for you to be up and about”… up and about… arriba,
“You have to ease up a bit or you’ll give yourself a heart attack”… aflojar, reducir
Reprisal… represalia /repraisol/
Sybil must be allowed to do her bit like everyone else… do your bit… poner su
granito de arena
Self-interest… egoísmo
At long last, I’m able to divorce… at long last… al fin, por fin
(Exp) Lucky charm… amuleto, talismán
Is it that all? - Not quite… no del todo
As if… como si/ también “cómo no” (ironía) “you’re going to help me clean the
house? - as if”
Loyalty doesn’t matter to you
Don’t be so hard on yourself
“If you were my girl, I know I could tackle anything”… (problem) abordar, enfrentar
I have been summoned by Cousin Isabel for tea… summon (person)… citado,
I’ll see my self out… see sb out… acompañar a alguien a la porta
Bloody hell… ¡la puta madre!, ¡mierda!
In the other ways… de otras maneras, de otro modo
“We old codgers have our work cut out for us”… codger (informal: viejete); cut out…
eliminar, suprimir
(Exp) veil of secrecy… halo de misterio
Quite the reverse… completamente lo contrario
Bad-tempered… malhumorado, de mal humor
Scatter… dispersarse, desperdigarse
Thank you for my deliverance… salvación, liberación
(Rec) why on earth are you doing that?
“Then you refer them to me, and I’ll give them a piece of my mind… give sb a piece
your mind… cantarle las cuarenta
(Exp) penny for your thoughts… ¿en qué estás pensando?, ¿en qué piensas?
I assume you’re having me on, Sir… have sb on… burlarse de, tomarle el pelo a
Medical… reconocimiento médico
Enjoy yourself… pasarlo bien “we’re enjoying ourselves by the beach”
Able-bodied… físicamente capaz, en buenas condiciones físicas
Don’t look so bewildered… (person: confused) desorientado, perplejo
Dig sth up… sacar a la luz algo, revelar
Get on… llevarse bien (friends) - how are you getting on?… ¿cómo vas?/ ir, andar
(entre otras muchas)
Perk (benefit)… beneficio, ventaja
Safe and sound… sano y salvo
Stage fright… pánico escénico
(Exp) if you say so… (I disagree but do not to argue). Si tú lo dices
(Exp) touch wood… tocar madera
Acquaintance… conocido /akuenteins/
(Exp) as it happens… de pura casualidad, casualmente
Is he happy with the changes, so to speak?… so to speak (exp)… por así decirlo,
You could regret it all your life long… para toda la vida
And I would rather have it than dodge it… dodge… esquivar
It looks more suited to shooting than walking…
Self-made man… un hombro que se hace solo/ un artífice de su éxito
Suitable marriage… apropiado, adecuado
(Exp) on the mend… recuperarse, mejorar “she was in hospital for a month, but now
she is finally on the mend”
(Estructura) of course he MAY NOT BE all that ONE could wish, but…
Walk over… pasar por encima “don’t let them walk all over you”
All my life they’ve pushed me around… push sb around…mandonear/ tb “zarandear”
Supply information… suministrar
Forbid… prohibir
Pocket… (como verbo) meterse en el bolsillo, embolsarse
Outsider… forastero, extraño
But if that’s not to be, he’ll be…
“I am your dream come true”
Pinch me… pellizcar
What a treat to see you… regalo/ tb “tratar”
She seems jolly tonight… alegre, feliz
(Exp) make up your mind… decidirse
Madhouse… Manicomio
“That’s not for me to say”
Second best… (1: pejorative) segundón/ (2) segundo puesto (ranking)
Tax… (1) impuesto; (2) gravar; (3) figurative “taxing = agotador, agobiante: this is not
a taxing assignment”
Muster… armarse de, reunir, juntar “Bob mustered his courage and went for it”
Mixing… mezcla
Loiter… holgazanear, vaguear, perder el tiempo
Drive sb mad… volver loco
Day-to-day… cotidiano, diario “day-to-day management”
“But I’m afraid they’ve fallen out”… discutir, pelearse (fall out)
“In my own time”… a tu ritmo
Maimed… mutilado, tullido (v. Maim)
(Exp) Change your tune… cambiar de idea
Go along… seguir la corriente a alguien
He’s handsome and off-limits… off-limits… prohibido
“You’ll be told what to do”
Ship out… largarse
They turned me down… turn down… rechazar
(Exp) Don’t count your chickens… no cantes victoria
Spoilsport… aguafiestas
Either way, it’s happened… de cualquier modo
Unfaithful… infiel
Or suchlike… suchlike… Semejante, de ese tipo
The point is, I can get rid of her
Reins… hold the reins… las riendas
Do you mind? - (exp) not a bit.. ni un poco, ni una pizca, para nada
I haven’t the slightest idea… la menor idea
Phrasing… estilo, expresión, modo de expresarse “from your phrasing…”
Barrier/ cultural barrier
Oneself… uno mismo, sí mismo “one should be able to laugh at oneself”… de uno
It has been wantonly delivered…. Deliberadamente, sin motivo, sin razón
Wartime… tiempo de guerra
Patrol… patrulla
The brushing for instance… por ejemplo
Strain… esfuerzo “the strain of lifting too many boxes…”
“I’m told Mr. Bates’s here”
You know, later on… más tarde, posteriormente
(Exp) don’t jump down my throat… tirársele al cuello, saltarle al cuello
Second-rate hotel… de segunda, malo, de calidad inferior
“Let’s not fall to pieces quite yet”… fall to pieces… desmoronarse, hacerse pedazos
(Exp) spill the beans… irse de la lengua
It’s too early to despair… desesperarse
I misjudged you… juzgar mal
(Exp) you’re a sight for sore eyes… benditos los ojos que te ven
“I’d need a crystal ball to answer that”
Proceeds (=profit)… ingresos, ganancias
“It didn’t seem right to keep you in the dark”
Mismanagement… mala gestión, mal manejo
It’s busier and “that’s saying something”… y ya es decir

Daze… aturdir
Sleepwalker… caminar sonámbulo
(Exp) change of heart… cambio de opinión
Pay up… pagar la deuda, pagar en su totalidad
(Exp) if you snooze you lose… (Ital) chi dorme non piglia pesci)/ dormirse en los
(Exp) shake a leg!… darse prisa, apresurarse
Rot away… (decay) pudrirse, deteriorarse
Pick the lock… forzar la cerradura
“Await further…”… aguardar, esperar
(Exp) In due course… a su debido tiempo
Jammed… (stuck accidentally) atascado, atorado
Dead-end life… sin futuro “Rick hated his dead-end job”
Side effect… efecto colateral, efecto secundario
Let’s forget about sth… (Ital) lascia perdere
We all thought we’d driven you away with…” drive away… ahuyentar, escapar
Warlord… señor de la guerra, caudillo militar, jefe militar
She’s awfully funny… extremadamente, excesivamente
Steeped of… (figurative: full of) lleno de, cargado de
Disown… desheredar, desconocer
swing… balancearse/ tb (be hanged) colgarse
(Exp) by all means… por supuesto, desde ya
Dozy… adormilado, atontado
Wipe off the smiles… wipe off… quitar, borrar
Lean on me…lean on… apoyarse
Adamant… inflexible, terco
Scotch… acallar (scotch the rumor, scotch the gossip)
Powerless… incapaz, inepto
I’m afraid he will hit the roof… estar en cólera, ponerse como loco
(Como respuesta) if you wish… si así lo deseas
A drop of alcohol… gota
Whoever… quienquiera
“I got them to make him some sandwiches”… conseguir, obtener
Minimise vs. maximise

Inspect… inspeccionar, examinar

(Exp) come rain or shine… pase lo que pase, llueva o truene “come rain or shine I
will never abandon you”
Why are you picking on him?… acosar, atormentar, meterse con
Better get a move on… get a move on… darse prisa
Scolding… reprimenda, regañina
For good… (permanently) para siempre, definitivamente
For good measure… por si acaso (tb “just in case”)
Unsullied reputation… reputación impecable, inmaculada
Dismiss… despedir, echar
“I know you mean to help”
(Estructura) “but i also know what I’m capable of”
Boredom… hastío, aburrimiento
(Exp) at your earliest convenience… (as soon as it is possible for you)… tan pronto
como te sea posible
I’m a lost cause… soy un caso perdido
“She has fewer advantages than you”
We must find ways to soften the blow… ablandar el golpe
Fearless… valiente, sin miedo, intrépido
Fight fire with fire… pagar con la misma moneda/ luchar con las mismas armas
Put up with… tolerar, soportar, aguantar
Spoil… arruinar, echar a perder “I don’t want to spoil the party”
Slip away… escabullirse, escurrirse
“Would you make my excuses to your parents?
Never mind… no te preocupes, no tiene importancia
My word/ I give you my word… te doy mi palabra, palabra de honor
Grouch… gruñón, malhumorado
(Exp) muddle through… salir del paso, apañarse “she’ll muddle through with Daisy
for help”
In the long term… a largo plazo
I don’t fit their requirements, so it was all for nothing (trabajo)
Reír por no llorar… laugh to keep from crying
Everyone thought the couple’s relationship would go on forever… go on forever…
parece no terminar nunca
I’m astonished… asombrado, pasmado, estupefacto
I assume this was Branson’s scheme… plan, estrategia/ scheme… (plot, plan)
conspirar, maquinar
Amuse… divertir, distraer
Privy to sth… al tanto, informado, enterado “I can’t tell you; I’m not privy to that
High time/ it’s high time… ya va siendo hora, ya es hora
Pay sb a visit… pasar a saludar a alguien, pasar a visitar

Destitute… (poor, needy) desahuciado, desamparo/ destitute of… desprovisto de,

carente de
Button up your jacket… button up… abrocharse
Odious woman… =hateful… odioso, insoportable
Impoverish vs. Enrich
Custodian… guardián
I must strive to be worthy… strive to do… tratar de, esforzarse por
Stubborn… terco, testarudo
Run riot… (act without restraint) descontrolarse, desbocarse
Envisage… imaginar, concebir “the rebels envisage an era of peace”
Put sth off… aplazar, posponer
What is it?… ¿qué es lo que pasa?
(Exp) How are you getting on?… ¿cómo vas?
Dull… aburrido, soso (deadly dull… mortalmente aburrido)
He died from overwork… trabajo excesivo, demasiado trabajo
Nothing at all… nada en absoluto
Oh, how thrilling!… emocionante, apasionante
(Exp)… Oh, this and that… esto y aquello

Tidy up… ordenar, arreglar

(Exp) good riddance!… ¡qué alivio!, ¡por fin!
Just get past it… get past… pasar, superar
Havens!… ostras, Dios mío, santo cielo
(Exp)… Quite so… así es, exactamente
One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner… go to pieces…
desmoronarse, hacerse pedazos
Bluntly… adv… claramente, sin rodeos, abiertamente
I’m just off, Mr. Carson… be off… (informal) irse
I’m not quite sure how to phrase it… (express in words) expresar, decir, declarar

Criticise… criticar
Your time is matchless… inigualable, sin igual, incomparable
Merely… simplemente “I merely want to get to the bottom of it”
Dawdle… entretenerse, perder el tiempo “he is always late because he dawdles so
Disheveled… desaliñado, desarreglado
We’re worn out… agotado, exhausto
Forget yourself… dejarse ir, dejarse llevar
For the common good… para el beneficio de todos
Suitor… pretendiente

Unwelcome discovery… inoportuno, molesto

Middle class… clase media
Full of enthusiasm/ full of hate…
Be full of yourself… ser egocéntrico “he’s full of himself”
Endowment… (usually plural) dotes, talento, don
Come apart… deshacerse, caerse a pedazos
Cheer up!… ánimo, arriba el ánimo
Take an interest in… interesarse por
Chump… bobalicón, tonto del culo
From stem to stern… de pies a cabeza, de principio a fin
Uncivil… desatento, descortés
(Exp)… push your luck… tentar a la suerte
Crumble… desmoronarse, derrumbarse
Thoughtful… amable, considerado, atento “it was thoughtful of your boss to send
you a birthday card”
“… to make me a laughingstock in this house”… hazmerreír
Resignation… renuncia, dimisión
(Exp) not in the least… en absoluto, para nada
Strengthen… fortificar, reforzar (=make stronger)
Livelihood… (financial support) sustento
Drive sb out…expulsar, echar a patadas
(Exp) have other fish to fry… tener cosas más importantes que hacer

We don’t always see eye to eye… see eye to eye… estar de acuerdo, ponerse de
I daresay… apuesto a que (= I assume, I think likely)
Ravage… devastar, asolar “the violent storm ravaged the coastline”
No wonder… con razón, no es extraño “no wonder the house is so cold”

About a year ago my knee started playing up… play up… andar mal, funcionar mal
Skin… piel/ despellejar (remove skin from)
“I was only going to marry him if nothing better turned up”… aparecer
“Mary, what a horrid thing to say”
“If you’d given me the chance, I’d have taken him like a shot”… como una bala
She’s quite eccentric, even for you… excéntrico
Don’t exaggerate!… exagerar
(Exp) Catch sb out… pescar con las manos en la masa
Nose around… meter las narices, husmear, fisgonear
De cualquier manera, en cualquier caso “be that as it may”…. “Be that as it may, we
will not cancel the open-air concert”
Entail… conllevar, implicar
Plot… conspirar, tramar, planear “the opposition is plotting a takeover”… para tomar
el poder
You should go out to greet them…recibir, dar la bienvenida
How long do we have to put up with this?… put up with… tolerar, aguantar
“Cora, don’t let Mary make a fool of herself”… make a fool of yourself… ponerse en
ridículo, ponerse en evidencia
It must be so difficult for you, all the same… all the same… (even so) aún así, de
todas formas
Don’t stir… (provoke)
Pry… curiosear, husmear /prai/
As it is… tal como está “we’ll have to make do with the vehicle we have, as it is”
Make do… apañárselas, arreglárselas, ingeniárselas
Rush out… (exit in a hurry) salir volando
I quite understand… lo entiendo completamente
Don’t be a chatterbox… cotorra, parlanchín
Will you hold your tongue… hold your tongue… mantener la boca cerrada
Drop a line (informal: send a message) escribir unas líneas
It pains me to say I am… me duele
(Exp) put up a fight… dar pelea, resistirse
Swallow your pride… tragarse el orgullo
Have a lump in your throat… tener un nudo en la garganta
What on earth does he want?… what on earth… qué demonios, qué diablos

Equal to sth… a la altura de “he is strong and he is equal to the task”

“He was too like his mother”
Set eyes on sth/sb… poner los ojos en
“… to a stranger from God knows where”
Daunting /don…/… abrumador, sobrecogedor, desmoralizante
(Exp) get a move on… darse prisa
Dispirit… desalentar, desanimar/ “it’s dispiriting”
Something sinful… pecaminoso, inmoral
For the time being… de momento, mientras

Spare room… cuarto de invitados/ spare to room… (plenty of space) espacio de

Chart… historial médico
Breathlessly… jadeante, sin aliento
Come out on top… salir triunfante, salir victorioso
Chum… amigote, camarada, compinche
I’m in a cold sweat… tengo sudor frío
Bludgeon… aporrear, apalear
“Looks like you fried a turd, Lori”… (piece of excrement) zurullo, truño
I have a purpose on this earth
Poach sth… informal (steal) robar
Hustle (move quickly)… apresurarse, moverse deprisa “… so he had to hustle to
avoid getting in trouble
Snail… caracoles
This is my calling… vocación “Alex truly feels that helping the needy is his calling”
Prophet… profeta
His lifelong passion… pasión de toda la vida
I’m conflicted… (it.) sono combattuto
Have nothing on sb/sth… no tener nada que ver, no poderse comparar con “Richard
is lovely, but he’s got nothing on his brother”
(Exp) my hands are tied… (it.) ho le mani legate
Streetlight… farola
“She does say I should portray myself”… (represent) representar, hacer el papel de
Prone to (susceptible)… propenso a, proclive a “I am prone to migraine headaches”
Tongue-tied (unable to speak)… mudo, con los labios sellados
Do-over… otra oportunidad, segunda oportunidad “there are no do-overs”
Ring a bell… sonar “it doesn’t ring a bell?”/ “the name certainly rings a bell”
(Colocación) jog your memory… refrescar la memoria
Deviant… desviado, pervertido
Hardware store… ferretería (hardware… hardware y “herramientas”)
Subtle… sutil, disimulado

Respect/ disrespect
State… manifestar, enunciar, exponer
Bite sth off… arrancar de un mordisco
“He escaped and he’s on the run”… a la fuga
Camp out… acampar
Stiff… rígido, agarrotado, tieso
“Be a law unto yourself…” dictar las propias leyes
Doubtful… dudoso
You stole it, hand it over!… dar, entregar
Thank for your wait… espera, demora
Bountiful… abundante, espera
Hooray! Hurra (hooray for sb/sth)
(Exp) Gravy train… negocio redondo, mina de oro
He’s a hard-core drunk… acérrimo, incondicional
Foreplay… (sexo) preliminares
Ripe for (sth)… = ready (figurative) listo para
Easy for you to say
That’s “the rub”… (problem, catch) problema, tema “I lover her; that’s the rub”
Arrangement… Arreglo
Seize the opportunity… aprovechar la oportunidad
Lucky you… ¡Qué suerte tienes!
Bubbly… alegre, jovial, lleno de vida
Sporty… deportista
Sewer… alcantarillado, alcantarilla
Bounce… botar, rebotar
It seems that I hit the jackpot… tocar el gordo
It sounds good to me

It’s for thinkers… pensadores, filósofos

“Then focus on the job!”
Cut the chitchat, all right?… chitchat… cotorreo, parloteo
A place more low-key… informal, simple, sencillo
“He’s driven and focused and successful”… (motivated) motivado
Carbs… (informal, abbreviation) hidratos de carbono
It’s a turnoff… chasco, desencanto
Wink at sb… guiñar el ojo
Shady… turbio, sospechoso
Mishear… oír mal, escuchar mal
Contain… contener, reprimir
Contar con alguien… count on
Sloppy… descuidado, chapucero
Once you find him, you hang on to him… hang on to…guardar algo, aferrarse a algo
(Exp) drop-dead gorgeous… de una belleza que paraliza, hermoso
It’s far-fetched… inverosímil, improbable
(Exp) off you go… (please leave) venga, vete “it’s almost time for school - off you go”
Come through… notar, evidenciarse: tb hacer lo imposible, lo que haga falta “I told
you Cristiano would come through”
Shall not = shan’t “I shan’t tell you again!… no debería decírtelo de nuevo
Kick ass… ser la polla “these brownies kick ass, they are delicious”
Enhance… (improve) mejorar, aumentar
So you’re testing me, huh? Well, then, I better get cracking… get cracking… ponerse
manos a la obra, empezar ya
Dreamy… (informal, person: attractive) encantador, atractivo, elegante
I don’t feel right… no me siento bien
He’s renowned… renombrado, famoso
It’s edible… comestible
Don’t worry, I will take over… encargarse de, hacerse cargo de
Hands-on… activo, práctico “Kathy is very much a hands-on person when…”
Cutthroat… (ruthless) despiadado, feroz
Yeah- I can relate… me veo reflejado, lo entiendo perfectamente
Foreseeable… predecible, probable “a foreseeable crisis”

Upward(s) of… más de “all indicators point upwards of 25 grand”

Keep your nose clean… no meterse en líos
I greatly admire your work
Bilk sb… estafar “we bilk these corporate fucks”
Don’t piss her off… no le toques los huevos
Kill off… exterminar
Entrepreneur… emprendedor, empresario
You thought this was pro bono?… (Latin) sin cobrar
“It’s none of my business”
“It’s the thing right to do”
He’ll bond with you… intimar, establecer vínculos con
Undocumented… indocumentados “undocumented immigrants face difficulties
wherever they are”
I want my check posthaste… a toda prisa, con la mayor prontitud, cuanto antes
Not today, budget crunch… (shortage, lack) falta, escasez/ “there is a shortage of
affordable housing”
Appoint… nombrar a, designar q
Readhead… pelirrojo
Pass sth/sb off as a sth/sb… “so you wanna pass off a fake Franny?”… pasar por
Counterattack… contraataque
Strike… (hit) golpear
Rock… balancearse, moverse
“Seems like an oversight”… descuido, omisión
(Estructura) “I’m neither a pedo not dumb”
For real… de verdad, en serio
He’s a easy mark… presa fácil, blanco fácil
I’m eager to get you the compensation… impaciente, entusiasta
For sure… con certeza, seguro “do you know that for sure?”
Endure sth… (suffer) aguantar, soportar, sufrir
Sentiment = feel
It’s the bottom line… conclusion, resumidas cuentas
Bid… oferta (puja)
Working-class… clase trabajadora
Lose touch… perderse de vista/ lose touch with sb… perder de vista, perder el
contacto con
I’m hungover… resacoso
Our chemistry… química (como ciencia y como “atracción”)
Hence… de ahi, por consiguiente

Right before… Justo antes de

Magic trick… truco de magia
(Exp) be in the driver’s seat… (have control)… tener la sartén por el mango
Make sure… asegurarse de
Is that so?… ¿es así?
Empower… dar poder, empoderar
Overturn (vehículo)… volcarse; (boat) capsize
Stainless steel… acero inoxidable
“You could cheer me up”… alegrar, levantar el ánimo/ tb “alegrarse, ponerse
contento”… he cheered up when…
Spin… girar, hacer girar
Nurse’s aide… auxiliar de enfermería
Script… (medical prescription) receta
Pleasure to meet you - same to you
“… and you spit in our faces” escupir
Throw sth away… desperdiciar, tirar por la borda (ej. una oportunidad)
Bring sth out… sacar a relucir “you motherfuckers bring out the worst in everybody”
Thanks Frank. I mean it… (say sincelery) hablar en serio
Save up… ahorrar
Cozy room… habitación acogedora
What’s with you and Mary?
Scrounge… gorronear/ scrounge off sb… vivir a costa de, vivir de
“Don’t haggle with a woman”… (=bargain) regatear
Coach sb in sth… entrenar a alguien en algo
Unemployment benefit… prestación por desempleo
“a Gallagher’s got nothing but time”
Overlap… superponerse
Bum… gorronear “you think I could bum a couple of those?”
“No self-respecting people would have…” Que se respete, con amor propio
Get off on the right foot… empezar con buen pie
Make up with sb… reconciliarse
I definitely lost my way, I did… and… and whatnot… whatnot… y etc, y demás, y
cosas por el estilo
My family keep me grounded… con los pies por tierra, sensato
Goody!… (interj) qué bien, qué estupendo
Outfit… equipado/ equipment… equipamiento
Fake… falsificar/ tb (pretend) aparentar, fingir “she probably won’t know the
answers, but fake it”

Squander… (money: waste) despilfarrar, derrochar

“He worked like a dog”
His dying wish… última voluntad
I’m dizzy… mareado
We’re on strike… en huelga
What does this have to do with being a businessman?… have to do with… tener que
ver, “they investigate matters that have to do with members of police force”
Bestow… (formal) otorgar, conceder
Blockbuster… éxito de taquilla/ tb “exitoso”… I bought a blockbuster vídeo store
That sounds depressing… deprimente, depresivo
Self-explanatory… obvio, evidente
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
I’m the bearer of some sad news… bearer… portador, abanderado
Ditto… ídem “I’ll have an espresso - ditto”
Shared custody is a godsend… bendición, regalo del cielo
Milk… ordeñar, pero tb “explotar” (slang) exploit “the boss milked his employees”
What’s going on there?… (más o menos) con eso
I’m a infant swim instructor - is that a thing?…. To be a thing… existir, ser algo, ser
una cosa

Often enough… con bastante

Breastfeed… amamantar, dar el pecho
Mind your business!
He’s very easy going… de buen trato, fácil de tratar
“Me vale con…” i’m good with/ I’m satisfied to
As the months go by… go by… pasar
Dump sb… (slang) dejar a alguien
To the naked eye - with the naked eye “Jupiter is visible to the naked eye”
Your thingy is wrong… (slang) coso, chisme
Life expectancy… Expectativa/ esperanza de vida
“I’m a single mother struggling to make ends meet”… make ends meet… llegar a fin
de mes (struggle to do sth… costar, tener dificultad)
Smelly… apestoso, nauseabundo
Splash… salpicar
Self-loathing… autodesprecio, odio hacia uno mismo
I’m gonna give my notice… give (my) notice… presentar la renuncia (quit job)
It doesn’t count when you’re a dude… no cuenta
Stain… mancha
We needed it so I took care of it… me encargué
Christ on a cross… Cristo en la cruz
Inmate… preso, recluso
Prince… /prins/ príncipe
It’s about time!… ¡ya era hora!
Draw a line in the sand… establecer un límite claro
I come in peace
This is the problem but that’s not on you
Thank you for your time
Clock in… fichar, marcar tarjeta
Garnish… (money, wages) embargar “I’m supposed to garnish your paycheck this
Nerd… friki
Conniving… conspirador, confabulador
Mishap… (minor accident) percance, contratiempo
Wacky… de locos, absurdo “something wacky happened to me this morning”
Big time… a más no poder, a lo grande “she’s amazing and I fell in love with her big
“Mild fever”… leve, suave; (weather) templado
One step a time… paso a paso
Labor law… ley laboral
No shit, really?… (irony) no jodas, ¿sí?
He has manners… tiene modales
Bold… valiente, audaz, atrevido
Titbit… chisme, chismorreo, cotilleo
It may rain today… puede que llueva hoy
Suit yourself!… haz lo que quieras

Death of 17-year-old struck by car… (hit) golpear “the boxer struck his opponent”
Allocate… distribuir, repartir
Follow on the heels of sb… seguir el mismo camino que
Glaze… glaseado/ glasear
Bone sb… tirarse a, follarse a
Stinky… apestoso
Bum off… gorronear
Spoiled… mimado, consentido
Touch and go… situación inestable, impredecible (informal:precarious situation)
The prime of your life… la plenitud de la vida, la flor de la vida
We can raid his truck first… asaltar, saquead
Ransack.. saquear
Taxpayer… contribuyente
Old fart… vejestorio
“The perfect book for someone who wants to get into reading”… get into…
engancharse con, interesarse por
“Thrown into question”… cuestionado
Brave sth (= defy)… desafiar

Buy still… aún así

Deep down… en el fondo
In cold blood… a sangre fría
Off the record… de manera extraoficial / on the record… registrado, en actas
Head start… ventaja “they got a really big head start”
In a big way… sobremanera, en qué forma
Cook up… tramar, maquinar
Baffling (confusing)… desconcertante, incomprensible
Brat… niño mimado, mocoso
Ouch… (expressing sudden pain)… ¡ay!
I’m going to leave at 8 a.m sharp… en punto
Down to sb/sth… (informal: caused by) deberse a, estar causado a “the accident
was entirely down to drive error”/ depender de “whether he goes free or not is down
to the judge’s decision”
Shoot some hoops… echar unas canastas
We need a rainy day fund… (exp) “for a rainy day)… para cuando no haya, para la
época de vacas flacas
Inflated wage… inflado, pomposo
Egghead… (slang) intelectual, lumbrera
The pain is excruciating… intenso, insoportable, lacerante
Not a chance… de ninguna manera, imposible
He broke his hip… cadera
(Estructura) I’m short a dancer tonight
Firstborn… primogénito
Run off… salir corriendo, huir
The day after tomorrow
Report back to sb… informarle a alguien
Boost… levantar, alzar
Plot twist… giro inesperado
Apron… delantal

Track record… antecedentes, historial, trayectoria (visto en “postdoc”)

A heck of a sth… del demonio, tremendo, terrible “that was a heck of a
Improve… mejorar
Beat up sth… aporrear, dar una paliza
Guzzler… (comida) tragón, comilón/ (bebida) borracho
Endorsement… apoyo, aprobación
To buy in bulk… comprar a granel
So satisfying… satisfactorio
I’m gonna let you two catch up… ponerse al día/ tb “alcanzar”
Boarding school… internado
Shortcut… atajo
What was he like? - all bad… completamente malvado
Unreadable… ilegible
Christ the lord… El señor Jesucristo

Just like that!… así como así, de repente, de golpe

“I’m sorry, he made me”… make sb… obligar “I won’t go! You can’t make me”
“Thank her for me”
There’s no point… no tiene sentido - there’s no point in doing (sth)… “there’s no
point in hiding”
Among other things… entre otras cosas
Among other… entre otros
Get on with sth… ponerse con, ponerse a “don’t watch tv! Just get on with your
Get on with sb… llevarse con, llevarse bien con “If you can’t get on with your boss, it
might be better to quit”

I don’t buy crap… mierda

Funded… financiado
(Rec) “it turns out the back seat of my car is not that comfortable”
Quaint… /kweint/ pintoresco, evocador
“You are not much of a packer…”… ¿No eres un gran empaquetador?
“I knew you’d end up hurting her”… sabía que acabarías haciéndole daño
I offer you a ride to the bus station
“What kind of man do you take me for?”
Overthink… pensar demasiado
“And lo and behold, one day…” lo and behold… (sorpresa) he aquí
Withdraw… retirarse/ tb “retractarse” he withdrew the accusations
Stay over… quedarse a dormir
Who knows… quién sabe
Sure thing!… (exp) claro, obvio, por supuesto
Tangle up… enredar, enmarañar (cables por ejemplo)
“You’re the last person to lecturer anybody, Stella”
Parking lot (US) = car park (UK)
Coop sb up… encerrar, recluir
“You’re all she’s got”
I just don’t think I feel up to it today… (have healthy, energy)… feel up to sth… tener
ganas, sentirse en condiciones de algo
Worrier… aprensivo (not ‘warrior’)
Tuition… matrícula, costes de matrícula
Struggle… Costar a alguien, tener dificultad “many students struggle to pay their
Expense… gasto, desembolso “I can’t justify the expense”
Hitchhike… hacer autoestop
Trail… (sth drawn behind)… rastro, pista, huella
He’s so miserable… triste, destrozado, abatido
Grumpy… cascarrabias, gruñón
Take sb in custody… detener a alguien
Nothing respectable… respetable, decente, honrado
Resemblance… parecido, semejante
I’m down for a road trip… (journey in a car, bus, etc.) viaje/
It look remote.. lejano, remoto
“Too bad we ditched our navigator”… ditch sth… deshacerse de
I could do it blindfolded… con los ojos vendados

I’ll do my best… haré lo posible, lo que pueda

I’m just playing around… play around… tontear
Bury the hatchet… entregar el arma de guerra, hacer las paces, deponer las armas
Crook… delincuente, criminal
Don’t be chicken. You can go a little faster than this.
Do you want to do the honours?
Just a weird vibe!
If you’re pull my leg again… pull your leg… tomarle el pelo, burlarse de
Phony… falso, falsificado (tb person: farsante, impostor)
Handy… (useful) útil, práctico
Bonding… vínculo afectivo, vínculo emocional
My good-for-nothing nephew… inútil, zángano, bueno para nada
Keepsake/ memento/ souvenir
Soon enough… más temprano que tarde, muy pronto
You have to steer clear of him… steer clear… mantenerse alejado
Nosy… entrometido
“You bet”… seguro que sí, puedes apostarlo “are you going to the game tonight?-
you bet”
Senil…/sinail/ senil
Mighty…/maiti/ poderoso, potente, fuerte
You don’t have to downplay it… restarle importancia, minimizar
I thought this would tire him out… tire out… liquidar, agotar, dejar liquidado
It clears the mind
In a good mood/ bad mood… de buen humor/ de mal humor
Doddering… chocho, decrépito
Don’t wait up… no esperes despierto
Why are you so secretive?… reservado, callado
In the middle of somewhere
“And here you are, following in his footsteps”
“He’s been known to brag”… es conocido por presumir, alardear
He was a man of character
Deprive sb of sth
Hardship… dificultad, adversidad
Spooky… espeluznante, que da miedo
I’m not saying we’re out of the woods yet, but… out of the woods… fuera de peligro
(Exp)Last resort… último recurso

(Exp) force of habit… costumbre, hábito

Telemarketer… teleoperador
Think ahead… planear por adelantado, prever
“I didn’t take you to be a karaoke fan”
“I’m sorry if I was short with you yesterday”… short with… seco
“We’re short on printer ink”… tinta de impresora
(Exp) down the hatch… arriba, abajo, al centro y…. ¡adentro!
That guts me… destripar, consumir
You’re a catch… partido

(Estr.) “That’s my decision to make”

Waver… dudar, titubear
I don’t want to go bankrupt… en bancarrota, quiebra
Nothing too groundbreaking… revolucionario, pionero, innovador
Mull it over…! Mull sth over… (=ponder)… reflexionar, meditar, sopesar
Jinx… gafar, echar mal de ojo/ maldición, mal de ojo
Overstay… quedarse/ permanecer más tiempo
Sweep… Barrer (tb figurative)
Shatter… destrozar, hacer añicos, desmenuzarse
Trivial… insignificante
(Exp) just to recap… solo por recapitular…
Snotty… mocoso, arrogante
Gross… Bruto (gross price)/ total (general)/ asqueroso, repugnante (slang)
Tape… grabar
Branch out… (business: expand) expandirse, abrir nuevos horizontes
This is how you repay me?
Lighten up… relajarse, tomárselo con calma (lighten up about… tomarse menos en
You startled me… me has sobresaltado, asustado
restrain… sujetar, agarrar
Hold down sb/sth… contener, agarrar
Brainwash… lavar el cerebro
Pop out… ir a dar una vuelta “I’m just popping out to the shops”
Crossover… mezcla de estilos

Broadcast… programa tv
“We need to go over everything”… go over… darle vueltas a algo, analizar algo,
Blabber… cotorrear, parlotear
Light-year… año luz
Settle… instalarse
Nourish… nutrir, alimentar
He’s a brainiac… cerebrito
Sleepyhead… dormilón
Wander… deambular, vagar
Drafter… vagabundo
White lie… mentirijilla
I’m independent, I’m not in a party… (political group) partido
Script… (medical prescription) receta
Dishwater…agua de fregar
Rule out sth… descartar
Something strange is afoot… estar en marcha, se avecina
Hopefully… con suerte “hopefully, he will pass all his exams”/ tb esperanzado, con
optimismo “he scratched the lottery ticket hopefully”
Unsavoury… desagradable
“This is our riddle to solve”… acertijo
Be over the hill… estar para el arrastre (go over the hill… desaparecer rápidamente/
marcharse repentinamente)
Warm-up… ejercicio de calentamiento/ lead-in… introducción, presentación
Go and do… can you go and…?
Bulb… bombilla
Gas up… llenar el depósito de “gas up the car”
What’s your point?… ¿a dónde quieres llegar?, ¿qué quieres decir?
Might… 1) es posible que, puede que “I might go out on my bike today”; 2) podría
“might I use your bathroom? /mait/
Mow… (grass) cortar, segar
Back in action… de vuelta al trabajo; en marcha de nuevo
“The guy gives me the willies”… to give the willies… dar escalofríos
I’m very cautious… cauteloso, precavido, prudente
I don’t want to sugarcoat this (a doctor said that)… no quiero dorar la píldora
Up for sth… estar abierto, tener en cuenta para “he is up for promotion in the spring”
Up for (doing) sth… tener ganas de algo “we are going to a party. Are you up for it?”
“How’s school treating you?”
“They we’re walking their dog”

OCD… TOC (obsessive-compulsive disorder)

Money box/ cash box… hucha
Roll call… pasar lista/ nómina, lista
The zip is jammed… la cremallera está atascada
Vagrant… vagabundo
Charge up… recargar
I’m unfamiliar with that report
Casualties of the war… bajas, perdidas, heridos
Butthead… tonto del culo
Despise… despreciar
Good to greet you… greet… saludar
Once in a while… de vez en cuando
“And it takes a toll, okay?”… toll… peaje, pero también (figurative) daño, pérdida
Stab in the back… puñalada, traición

Check up… chequeo rutinario, chequeo “I have a check up once a year”

“If it gets out…” salir, divulgar
High road… (figurative) el buen camino, el mejor camino
Bring charges… presentar cargos
Cut out… sacar, extraer
Tease sb = make fun of
“Avenge my fingers”/ “she avenged her husband”… vengar algo
Blend sth into sth… mezclar; blend with sth… fundirse con “the point where orange
blend with yellow”
Stand down = resign “I’d like to announce that I’m standing down as director”
Get a hold of sth… agarrar, sujetar
Have a word with sb… tener unas palabras/ charla con, hablar un momento
Leap… salto, brinco

Food chain… cadena alimenticia

Headfirst… (adv) sin pensarlo, precipitadamente
Pay a compliment… hacer un cumplido
Whorehouse… prostíbulo, burdel
I have to give it a breather… descanso, pausa
God forbid… Que Dios no lo quiera/ no lo permita
Say-so… visto bueno

Smash… hacerse añicos, romperse

Unbeatable… invencible “I’ve beaten the game!”
“The human race is on the brink of extinction”… Be on the brink of doing sth… estar
por, estar a punto de
Parched… (very thirsty) muerto de sed
Witness… testigo/ ser testigo, presenciar
Right away… ahora mismo, inmediatamente
Outbreak… brote
Defeat… vencer, derrotar, ganar
Saviour… Salvador
I’m in heat… en celo
Impeccable… impecable, perfecto
Rec. “I’m not buying it”
What the heck!… qué demonios, qué carajo
Mankind… humanidad, especie humana/ tb (males) hombres

Assessment… evaluación, valoración/ tb “tasación, cálculo”

Embody… personificar, encarnar
Hone the skills… pulir, perfeccionar
“Throughout history”… throughout… Durante, a lo largo de
Feast… (eat well) darse un banquete
scold sb… regañar
Complaint… queja (quejarse… complain)
It’s what I intend to find out…
Spin around… darse la vuelta
Flip-flop… chancletas
Hotspot… meollo
Dismiss… despedir, echar a
Findings… (=discoveries) descubrimientos, hallazgos
Alarm clock… despertador
The benefit of the doubt… el beneficio de la duda
Ensure… garantizar
Besides… aparte de eso, además de eso “besides, it’s not just you”
Praise… elogiar, felicitar
“If we don’t hold the line, we could lose everything”… hold the line… (figurative)
mantener las cosas cómo están
Rant about… despotricar contra, hablar mal de
All over again… de nuevo, una vez más
Sneak out… escabullirse
Swim upstream… nadar contracorriente
Head back… regresar, volver
Ready my helicopter… ready… preparar
Lose your way… “my mother lost her way”… perder el rumbo, descarriarse
Indebted to… endeudado con, en deuda con
Reign… reinar
Either way… sea como sea, de cualquier manera
“You’re twisting my words”
“Have my team find her”
Release… soltar, poner en libertad
Replacement… reemplazo, sustitución
It’s magnificent… magnífico
Doom to failure… condenar al fracaso (often passive)
Peace of mind… tranquilidad
Ordeal… calvario, experiencia dura
Jump to conclusions… sacar conclusiones apresuradas
Relay… transmitir, pasar “if I give you a message for Julie, do you promise to relay
Our non-aggression pact is nullified… nullify… anular, invalidar
I’ll step down as your leader… dejar el cargo
Reckless… imprudente, temerario
The many… (a lot of people) las mayorías, las multitudes

Ho le mani legate, non è il mio compito

Scout… explorar (terreno)
Facility… servicio, instalaciones
It’s remarkable… notable, extraordinario
Oversee… supervisar, monitorear
Influx… entrada, afluencia “influx of people”
Uncharted… inexplorado
Blood work… análisis de sangre
Junkyard… chatarrería
My uncle was the same way… the same way… del mismo modo, de la misma
Have it your way!… haz lo que quieras
Misplace… perder, extraviar
In vain… en vano

The other way around… al contrario

Trust me… Fidati! (It)/ hazme caso
“I heard about you coming in from the cold”… come in from the cold… volver al redil
Slash… cortar, rajar
“You’re a mole”… topo, espía
I told him to stick to the plan… attaccarsi/ pegarse al plan
I found it by accident… sin querer
Assignment… encargo, tarea
Salvage… salvar, rescatar
Wait for my go!
Plead… rogar, suplicar (plead guilty… declararse culpable)
Draw the line… poner límites
She needs a moment to cool off… tranquilizarse, apaciguarse
I’ll burn this place to the ground… burn to the ground… reducir a cenizas
Jeopardise sth… poner en peligro, arriesgar
Right on!… bravo, bien hecho

Roam…. Vagar, deambular

On account of sth... Debido a, por
Go off = go away…marcharse
Befall… suceder, ocurrir
“I hope I didn’t come across as nervous”… come across… dar impresión; tb
“encontrarse con” “We came across Monica in the post office”
Dicey… peligroso, arriesgado
Play… actuar, similar, fingir
Oversight… descuido, error
Exile… exiliar a
It’s astounding… asombroso, sorprendente
Well-respected… respetado
Breakthrough… avance, descubrimiento
Turn sb in.. entregar (inform on to the police) “you’re gonna turn yourselves in?”
Eager to do… ansioso, impaciente “I’m not eager to leave”/ eager for sth
All set? - just about… más o menos
No way… ni hablar, ni pensarlo
At the mercy of sth… a merced de
I tend to favor the tough side… tender a/ preferir
Gentle… amable, agradable

Pay your cards close to the chest… (exp) no tomar riesgos

Get sth off your chest… (exp) desahogarse
Pull through… recuperarse, salir adelante
Wring your hands… jugar con las manos/ retorcerse las manos
Sprain… esguince/ hacerse un esguince
“He’s out of your league”… out of sb’s league… fuera de alcance
It’s a win-win… todos ganan
Perceive… percibir
Wither… marchitarse
Burn the candle at both ends… (figurative) trabajar sin descanso
Cover-up… encubrimiento, cortina de humo
Age… envejecer
Malignant… malicioso
What are you cooking up?… cook sth up… tramar, maquinar
In my own way… a mi manera
Pity sb… compadecer, tener lástima de
Get on you high horse… con los humos subidos “there’s no need to get on your high
horse about it”
Whatever it takes… lo que sea necesario

Deepen… hacerse más profundo, profundizarse

Of late… recientemente, en los últimos tiempos “my relationship with King has
deepened of late”
Rundown… (informal: summary) resumen
That you’re “I’m willing to pay” is a given/ “it’s given that he’ll be late”… (obvious fact)
se da por hecho, descontado
He wanted I chose military route… Camino
Blindfold… vendar los ojos (blindfolded: con los ojos vendados)
Wipe sth out… barrer, aniquilar, liquidar
“Either…or…”… o… “you either accept it or you die”… o lo aceptas o mueres/ tb
cualquiera de los dos “wear either dress/ I’d be happy with either”
Overdressed… demasiado arreglado
Hang about… (exp) un momento, espera, un segundito
Have a boner… tener una erección
Riled up… get riled up… ponerse como loco (also ‘be riled up’)
Pull the strings… manejar los hilos
A stern reprimand… un regaño austero, rígido
Ease… aliviar, reducir
Run late… estar llegando tarde
Be in sb’s bad books… estar en la lista negra
Ok I’m in - you in?
By all means!… por supuesto
What do you have in mind?
Coldhearted… Sin compasión, sin corazón, desalmada
Get a haircut… cortarse el pelo
Throw up… vomitar, devolver
Beauty lies within… la belleza está en el interior
In kind/ kind of…
Sorely… sumamente, extremadamente, muy “You’ll come to sorely regret that”
When I promise something, I deliver… cumplir, portarse

Daft… estúpido, tonto

Retaliate… contraatacar, tomar represalias
I’m not perfect, far from it… (exp) para nada, en absoluto
Give or take… (exp) más o menos
Flattered… halagado, adulado
Insightful… profundo, esclarecedor
Brand… marcar, herrar “the farmer branded the cow with the hot iron”
Sleepyhead… dormilón
Call in sick… llamar para decir que estás enfermo
Sidekick… secuaz, compinche
I don’t make waves… make waves (exp)… causar problemas, buscar pleitos
You can cry if you want to
Tastefully… con buen gusto
My roots… raíces, origen, tierra natal
Get back in shape… volver a estar en forma
Drop the ball… meter la pata, arruinar
Cut her some slack… cut someone some slack… tener paciencia con
Slap sb… abofetear, cachetear, dar una galleta
Muzzle… amordazar a
Have in hand… tener controlado
“Each more ridiculous than the next”

Boast about… jactarse de, presumir de

Burn up… arder de fiebre/ tb fig. “estar que bufa, estar furioso”
You’re off the hook… libre de culpa
Don’t be so closed minded… cerrado (vs. Open minded)
Hateful… odioso, detestable
Give up on sb… perder la confianza en
Point out… mostrar, señalar “the tour guide pointed out the historical monuments”
Muppet… tarado/a
Talk sth out… resolver, arreglar (por medio del diálogo) “until we talk this out”
Nail = catch… pillar, coger (criminal)
Say a prayer… decir una oración/ rezar una oración
Mole… topo, espía, infiltrado
Pack it in!… (exp) ¡estate quieto!, ¡para ya!
I screwed up big time… a más no poder, a lo grande
Over and over you said you wanted… una y otra vez/ sin parar
It’s a guesstimate… estimación aproximada
(Estructura) “I can neither confirm or deny that”
It’s catchy… pegadizo
Cut a deal… hacer un trato
Stand on your own two feet… (exp) valerse por sí mismo
Reign over… reinar sobre
Handful.. puñado “a handful of sth” un puñado de

Beside the point… no venir al caso, ser irrelevante

Trick… timo, truco
That’s a really good point… sentido, fondo
Breakthrough… avance, logro, descubrimiento
Wreckage… restos, ruinas, escombros
Bigot… intolerante, fanático
Bully… matón
Work sth out… resolver, solucionar
What’s on your mind?… (exp) ¿en qué estás pensando?
I saw it- It’s not my type of shit
Easy peasy… (exp) chupado, súper fácil
Knock it off!… (expresión) ¡para!, ¡termina!
Come at a price… (exp) tiene su precio
I’m unwavering in my conviction… inquebrantable, firme, decidido en
I’m not a good role model… role model… modelo/ modelo a seguir
On the warpath… Que hierve, sediento de sangre “Watch out! The teacher is on the
warpath today!”
Dig… excavar, remover la tierra/ dig into sth… investigar a fondo
“I am at my wit’s end with the lies”…At your wit’s end…a un punto muerto,
By any chance… por casualidad
It’s my speciality… especialidad, punto fuerte
She’s hands down the winner… hands down… sin duda
A sight for sore eyes… benditos los ojos que te ven “you’re a sight for sore eyes”
Bloody stupid… (fig.) maldito/ condenado
Farewell speech… último, de despedida
The elephant in the room… la verdad incómoda, la verdad que nadie quiere ver
Hash sth out… debatir
“We’ll take this motherfucker down”… take down… derribar, acabar con
Worldview… visión del mundo
Hear sb out… “Hear me out” escucha lo que tengo que decir
Hierarchy… jerarquía, estructura
Wealth… riqueza / wealthy… pudiente, rico
Sure as hell.. de seguro, sin ninguna duda “sure as hell James will show up”
You’re the only one I can lean on… lean on… apoyarse en, contar con
Vent… desahogarse, descargar “I was just venting about all this fucking bullshit”
Be in your way… estar de camino/ be on your way to… estar de camino a
Buy sth back… comprar de nuevo
Low-profile… de perfil bajo, que no llama mucho la atención, que pasa
Get your second wind… (energy for new effort) recuperar las energías
Drown… ahogarse
Get to the bottom of sth… conocer los detalles, llegar al fondo de
Cocksucker… mamón, chupapollas
Suit yourself!… ¡haz lo que quieras!
Yep/ yup… (informal) sí
Fall apart… derrumbarse, desmoronarse, colapsar
Unforgivable… imperdonable, injustificable
In no time… en cuestión de segundos, en un santiamén
One at a time… de uno en uno
Live one day at a time… vivir el presente
Witness… testigo
Weeper… llorón
Bulletproof… blindado, a prueba de balas
Bite off more than you can chew… (exp) el que mucho abarca, poco aprieta
By rights… (exp) por derecho
Figure of speech… figura retórica, figura literaria
Jinx… gafar, echar mal de ojo
Mourn… llorar la muerte, estar de luto “we mourn a fallen member of The Seven”
In waves… (in large numbers) en manadas
Get over… superar
Transfer… transbordo “my journey from the US to the UK involved two transfers”
Once in a while… de vez en cuando, una vez que otra
Golden… (figurative) dorado/ de oro
Cripple… lisiado, tullido
Talking point… tema de discusión, punto central
An arm and a leg… un ojo de la cara, un riñón “the price is too high. He wants an
arm and a leg for that old car”
I’m at rock bottom… he tocado fondo “hit the rock bottom”
Self-esteem… autoestima/ esteemed… estimado
Enlighten me… ilumíname
Manchild… hombre inmaduro
Preen… acicalarse, arreglarse
whatever, I got to go… como quieras
Shut the fuck up… cállate de una puta vez
Can I have a word?… ¿puedo hablarte un segundo?
Subtle… sutil, disimulado
I’ll level with you, ok?… level with… sincerarse con
Fuck it! I want it… ¡Que le den! Lo quiero
A nose for… olfato (figurative) “he has a great nose for good books”
Despise sb/ sth… despreciar
Sellout… agotado/ tb “traidor”

Demean… menospreciar, degradar

Tip… dar propina/ dato, información, soplo “the police received a tip that the suspect
It is customary… es costumbre
Alongside sb… con, junto con
I owe you an apology… te debo una disculpa
My contract’s up/ your time is up… finalizado, acabado
Shareholder… accionista

It’s a compelling question… pregunta convincente, persuasiva

There’s no secrets, spit it out.. spit sth out.. largar el rollo, escupir, contarlo
Lay low… pasar desapercibido, evitar ser visto
Remain… permanecer, quedarse
Up get to… hacer (travesuras, fechorías) “what’s she getting up to in there”
Care about… preocuparse por
You got a hell of a lad there… hell of a + sust… menudo chico, tremendo,
For the hell of it.. Porque sí (sin ninguna razón en particular) “just for the hell of it”
I choose this one, no contest…. No contest… no hay punto de comparación, no hay
Lay your cards on the table… poner las cartas boca arriba
Downright awful… realmente, sumamente, extraordinariamente
… and I turned out great… turn out… salir, acabar, resultar
You have my word… tienes mi palabra
Fight back… contraatacar, tomar represalias
Comeback… regreso
Ship out… largarse
Bottomless.. insaciable, sin fondo
Else… si no
Naughty… malcriado, desobediente
Have a green thumb… tener manos de jardinero
My better half… media naranja, alma gemela
Your jokes are corny… chistes malos, trillados/ tb (coloquial) cursi, sentimentaloide
Heart-to-heart… conversación franca
Hunt down… encontrar, capturar “the cop swore he would hunt down the murderer”
Has sth out… debatir
Get cold feet… agarrar miedo, echarse atrás
We have an understanding… (agree) acuerdo
Smuggle… traficar, contrabandear
If we head south, we should get home eventually…
Temp… empleado eventual/ trabajar como empleado eventual
Heavenly…. Celestial, divino
I support her in every way… en todos los sentidos, en todo sentido
Jumbo… colosal, gigantesco
Way out… (informal) lejos “the hermit lived way out in the forest”
With your bare hands… (exp) con tus propias manos, sin ayuda

Check sth out… mirar, fijarse en

Have a feeling (that)… tener la sensación de que, tener la corazonada de que
Unskilled… no especificado, no cualificado
She has a head start… ventaja
centrepiece… punto fuerte, plato fuerte “the centrepiece of the conference is the
Relapse… recaer/ relapse into
Rusty… oxidado, herrumbroso
Loner… solitario, hermotaño
Look into… investigar
I’ll come clean… come clean… confesar, decir la verdad, sincerarse
Run sb/sth down… menospreciar, desprestigiar
Come through… hacer lo que haga falta, hacer lo necesario, no fallar
You really screwed up… screw up… cagarla
I always watch over you… watch over… cuidar de, vigilar
Misplaced… perdido, extraviado
Roundtable…mesa redonda
Hang about… (exp) un momento, espera
“How am I supposed to live up to that”?… live up to… estar a la altura, vivir a la
altura de
Pull strings… mover hilos, usar contactos
One and all (=anyone)… todo el mundo
Foreigner… extranjero
Headstone… lápida mortuoria, piedra sepulcral,
Ruined… arruinado, en ruinas
Without further ado…. (Exp) Sin más preámbulos
Truthfully…. A decir verdad
Mastermind… mente maestro, genio/ (v.) planear, dirigir, organizar
Harebrained… (idea, thought) alocado, descabellado/ (person) tonto
Bugger off… (slang) darse el piro, ahuecar el ala

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