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Performance task

How will the database you created in the previous question benefit others?

The database I created for the Emirates system will, firstly, keep the organization working as
planned by its organizers, and secondly, it will keep track of passengers, employees and data
stock and this may help it in inspecting the needs and requirements of travelers through its
airlines. Third, the table I created will organize and store various types of traveler's data, such
as ID number, phone number, destination etc. and finally, it will automate database operations
and tasks. Also, the database may improve the data operations of Emirates Airlines and will
increase the organizational value of its data assets and this may attract many people to these
airlines and affect them positively such as an increase in profits due to their organization
through the database.

Write in your own words why it's important to assign data types to the fields in
databases? mention two reasons

It’s important to assign data types to the fields in database because

1- It defines the types of data and info which the field can store
2- It enumerates the characteristics of the data inserted into that field.
3- Assigning Data types to the fields in database will develop the business operation

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