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JAYKE COMPUTERS is a Ghanaian based medium scale enterprise that deals in

the sale of new computer systems and hardware. They started out first as an
affiliate of another company but have now grown to be their own brand with a
strong social media presence. They have good sales and customer interaction.
Their products all come with warranties to assure their customers of their quality.
Overall, they have grown within a short time to have the optimum number of
employees with five (5) being their number. Their main goal is to supply as many
homes as possible with standard computers in the most efficient way possible.
Organizational structure has to do with the overall layout and structure that an
organization takes with regard to addressing their daily process and how they are
carried out. Taking into consideration JAYKE COMPUTERS, their most likely
and probable organizational structure would be the functional organizational
structure. The reason for this assumption is mainly because of the following being
taken into consideration;
In their company as small as it is, assign specific roles and tasks to their employees
based on their particular skill sets. This basically means that every employee is
assessed according to what they best perform in and are given a role to that respect.
In an instance where an employee demonstrates huge skill in handling finances, he
or she is given an accountancy role and that is applied throughout the
organizations’ structure. (BODDY, CASE STUDY: RYANAIR)
The centralization of any organization is heavily reliant on how quick and
efficiently they are able to take their decision and execute any form of commands
under authority. With that being said, JAYKE COMPUTERS makes efficient use
of much delegation but under a single authority such that the employees do what
their manager has ask them to do. Because of the way this structure is taken they
are able to take decision quicker and faster without any lapses and they also ensure
high efficiency in their output since there is not much to handle in terms of human
resources. Problems are also solved a lot quicker that they would be solved
anywhere else. (BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28 Nov 2007))
With their goals being put into perspective, their organizational structure allows for
easy formulation of the needed strategies to undertake any project that they set
their sights on. The authority at the company in its style allows for easy decision
making and their goal to provide digitization to as many homes as possible would
be realized with this motive and structure continued. (BODDY, CASE STUDY
A company of any sort which deals with people and generally interacts with other
companies would definitely encounter some form of effect from those interactions.
These can be characterized as external factors especially when they do not
encompass the daily operations of the organization. In view of that explanation, the
following include the factors that affect the company from external entities and
their general effect on the company (BODDY, CASE STUDY: RYANAIR)
Political factors affecting JAYKE COMPUTERS would have to deal with the
country that the company is resident in. The political engagement and activity that
they would have can have some form of impact on the way the company would
handle its operations. This could include political unrest by the citizens and riots
by opposing political bodies. This would in a way affect the company as they
would not have a conducive environment to engage in business in. With that being
said there would be a need to maintain the flat structure of operation as they would
need to carry out their operations and take decisions in the quickest possible time
and the mechanistic structure of operation would not allow this. In the future where
they do not have these events occurring, they would have the option to adapt to a
mechanistic structure. (BODDY, CASE STUDY: RYANAIR)
Finance in operating any business is a big factor especially applying to JAYKE
COMPUTERS as they import most of their product. This means that they are
affected by any slight change in the value of the currency that their country
operates with. This would affect them positively if the costs go down but
negatively if the costs go up. In view of all that they would generally have to dollar
cost average to see the best way they can carry out their business. To ensure a more
decent model in the future they would have to adopt a mechanistic organizational
structure that would see them allow for more intervention in the procurement of
their goods in order for them to remain profitable in the future. (BODDY, CASE
Legal action has mainly to do with the technicalities involved with an
organizations’ overall engagements and operations regarding their terms provided
by legal bodies governing their operation. This would factor no significant amount
of change in the way the company does their business as they already operate on a
simple and easy to change system that allows for intuitive change in operation to
the necessary requirements of direction. As such they would continue to maintain
the organistic approach to their engagement with regards to legalities. (BODDY,
Interaction is the armpit of any business’s operation as it would deal greatly on
their finances and business. They would be impacted greatly if their customers lose
interest in some products that they have to offer and with being taken into
consideration they would have to adapt some form of mechanistic structure to
interact with their customers with their preferences and what they would like to see
the company do. (BODDY, CASE STUDY: RYANAIR)

The company has encountered a lot of change in its short tenure of establishment
and these have occurred as a result of certain events occurring but one that has
proven to be quite intense in terms of an impact is the COVID-19 pandemic. The
pandemic as it was caused a major change to most businesses and JAYKE
COMPUTERS was not an exception to this. It changed their major operations in
terms of consumer sales and delivery. It had a lot workers laid off and also resulted
in changing their whole output of business. They had a mobile app being
developed for them in order for their customers to be able to order their products.

The types of change that went on in the organization include;

 Technological change
 Cultural change.
Technological Change is the process through which a company undergoes some
of invention and automation to upgrade mundane way of doing things. With
regards to the company, pandemic incited some form of change that would allow
them to go about a lot of processes in the organization with ease. This can be
implemented through the introduction of a mobile app for the company, a website
and overall sales system that would help propagate the business processes at its
optimum. (BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28 Nov 2007))
Cultural change: this is when the company educates the employees on how best
they can serve their customers. To assume a technological culture using the mobile
application built for the company or organization.

With regards to the medium of change and its resistance there following would
encompass the possible situations that would occur. This mainly means that with
the implementation of the above mentioned there are certain things that could be a
hinderance. Some of such situations are being given below;

 Glitches in the technology use

One thing that can cause a bit of resistance to the change is the fact that if the
technology they would use is not functioning as it should in order to function as it
should. It would cause a major resistance and hinderance to its implementation.
(BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28 Nov 2007))
 Insufficient sensitization with regards to the implementation of the change
When the employees and the people involved do not see the direct impact that the
change could bring it could cause resistance as they would oppose it and not accept
its implementation.
 Negative performance in response to change
Again, if the change tends to impact the organization negatively there would be
necessary resistance to the change as the people who would handle it would not be
comfortable with its use or it would not function as it should.
♦ Impact that the resist the resistance would have on the organization
 Glitches in the technology user
Resistance to this change would result in no form of change as a whole mainly
because with the adaptation of any type of technology, risks would have to be
taken into considering result in order for it to be implemented.

 Insufficient sensitization with regards to the implementation of the change

Because there is not much knowledge given to the people involved in the processes
at the company, it would result in the company having to change their resolve in
the future with regards to any form of change.
 Negative performance in response to change
When the change does not meet its intended purpose, it results in having to be
discarded. Procurement of goods to this respect would lead to loss of money to the
company. (BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28 Nov 2007))

Every company has parties involved which need to be notified about all matters
regarding to the company. This may address such parties as either internal or
external. They are officially addressed as stakeholders who take major decisions
for the company and are being made aware of any eventuality that occurs at the
With regards to a susceptible change that might occur, the implementation of an
online system of ordering product is one of such changes. Before this can be done
the stakeholders have to consider the caveats involved and further approve of it.
Internal stakeholders refer majority of the time to the company employees and as
such the ensure that everything within the company is being run with smooth
effectiveness. They have to be made update with every information change and
Mediums through which these can be done for the internal stakeholders is
given below;
They are one of the most conventional ways of information transfer within
organizations. This is when the company plans on informing the employees of the
change they would like to adapt and how best they can get the change implemented
and working. Before the change an email was sent to each employee two months to
the date of the change. This is done to keep employees aware of what’s coming
and how best they could use the new change to serve their valuable customers.
Face-to-Face meeting
Stand up meetings as they are normally called are the most efficient ways of
communicating with employees and internal stakeholders as a whole. This is
because the individuals are being met in person and are communicated with
accordingly to ensure that the needed information is being given to them. In this
type of information rendering, any form of misgivings on the part of the employees
can be expressed without any form of difficulty. The only downside to this
medium is the fact that it is time consuming. (COMPUTERS, 2022)
Mediums through which these can be done for the external stakeholders is
given below
Newspapers are one of the most widespread forms of communication especially
from company executives to customers. The reason for this is that they are
available to everyone and as such they are very much accessible to all who need
them. The change that would be effected on the company is something that need to
be heard and read by a lot of people and as such it would be an effective medium
for communicating the information.
TV advertisement
Television is one of the widespread means of communication in the world today, if
any of the other means of the information being shared prove not effective, this one
would be the best to opt for to ensure that all stakeholders get access to the
information. The information would reach all the people that need to hear it
through this medium as it is widespread; (BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28
Nov 2007))

Bulk SMS
Customers deal with the company through many contacts and the one that proves
to be much efficient is through text messages. Through this medium, text messages
can be given to multiple clients at once notifying them all about the changes that
are about to take place at the company. This method would prove quite effective
for the company.
Remote working is a term that identifies the mode of carrying out duties relating to
a company outside the normal jurisdiction of the company’s working environment.
This means that some employees may carry out some tasks when they are not
available to do them in person at the company. The development of technology and
new modes of communication has allowed for the efficient use of this method.
Some ways by which remote working environments are being initiated are being
given below; (BODDY, CASE STUDY : NOKIA, (28 Nov 2007))
Video conferencing
This is one of the most common forms of technology through which remote
working is being made possible. On apps like skype and zoom, employees can
carry out their various tasks that they would have to perform and they can
communicate with colleagues along side to maintain the efficiency of work that
may have been established in the in person working environment.
Emails have become a common tool in the working space now as any form of
information or files can be sent through email in order for it to reach its target
audience, Many companies use emails to communicate with their employees that
are unavailable in a physical presence. Through emails, tasks can be performed
(remote tasks) and sent to the people in charge and sent back in case there is some
form of review needed.

Tele Conferencing
This technology helps remote workers by communicating with their team mates at
the work space. Many companies just like JAYKE COMPUTERS use this method
to communicate with their employees who are working remotely. Teleconferencing
could be in voice only calls or video depending on the choice of the company.

With regards to ways in which the company’s founders fund the company, these
come in so many different ways especially in a corporate environment. This
normally pertains to how the money is generated at the company in order to carry
out many projects at the company intends to undertake;
Some of such ways are given below;
Through personal funds
This is one way through which any company can generate funds to undertake
anything that they wish to. At JAYKE COMPUTERS, the manager who happens
to be the founder of the company provides funds for projects and other related
endeavors out of pocket. The funds he might provide may be through savings or
other forms of mutual funds but he provides them once they are needed and that is
one way through which the company generates funds for its activities. (BODDY,
It lacks every form of bureaucracy
Through this method, the company gains funds directly from their founders so
there is less time needed in acquiring such funds. All that is needed is the clarity
provided in the utilization of the funds and that would be all.
Loss of capital would not have a great toll on the company
Since the funds are from the company heads of the company, there would not be
any major hit on the company’s capital if the funds are misplaced or do not
generate sufficient returns for the company.
It is not always reliable
Since the funds are coming from the individuals of the company’s leadership, there
could be a time when they are needed and they would not be made available due to
the fact that they feel that they do not want to at a particular point in time which
could affect the project that would be undertaken.
There could be a bias in the use of the funds
The people providing the funds could dictate what the funds would be used for and
since they are the ones providing the money, it would be quite difficult to sway
away from the ideas that they put to the table.

Through cognitive agreement with banks for loans

Banks in time past have been there for consumers and their partners whenever it
comes to loans. Provided you have the necessary requisites to acquire such loans.
The founders of the company have a very good investment portfolio that allows
them to acquire the loans without any form of stress or litigation. (BODDY, CASE
Bureaucracy in the acquisition of loans
Since loans are being acquired through banks and various firms, there may be
various elements of bureaucracy that might come into play in acquiring the loans.
This could delay the company in a lot of ways especially when the event of
initiation of the particular project is near.
Penalty with regards to re-payment
Banks offer interests when they issue out loans to their clients, now the company
would definitely need huge sums of money when going to the bank for a loan. The
problem comes in when the venture being invested into by the company has not
seen returns and the time for payment is due. The bank would issue out penalties
on the amount that has to be paid and would make things difficult for the company.

Going for the bank loan is much better using of own money, an individual can take
any amount required for the type of business he/she wants to start. Using own’s
money, maybe cant sum up to the amount of money the individual wants for a
startup. Even though, there are implications for bank loan yet, they are better than
using own money. Even expanding one’s business, it is always better to go for
bank loan when an individual wants to expands his/her business.

The financial health of the company takes into consideration various items and
procedures. Some of these include the P & L statements and balance sheets. These
are systems that are used to track the financial status of the company to create the
understanding that they either making profit or incurring losses. With regards to
JAYKE COMPUTERS, such information is not open to external stakeholders like
customers but just mainly the investors of the company and their founders. But
with overall analysis to the way in which their business is being run and their
current expansion rate, the company is swirling in deep profits. This assumption is
re-enforced by a conversation that took place with the head accountant of the
company who stated that the company has been a period of profitability for the
past four(4) years since its establishment and has not been hit with any major
Social media has been a blessing in disguise for JAYKE COMPUTERS as they
have made extensive use of the platforms to attract a lot of customers from them.
They are able to know this by querying the customers who come to them the
medium through which they got to hear about the company. The company has
made a strong web presence for itself and below are some of the benefits that they
have derived from it;
Increased Sales
Due to the use of the social media platforms like Instagram, JAYKE
COMPUTERS has been able to increase the sales. This being known by the
analytics that have been taken before the use of the social media channels and after
the use of the social media channels.
Wide customer base reached
The social media outlets have provided the company with a huge audience to
communicate their range of products to hence drawing in a lot of customers from
various backgrounds and ethnicity bringing in more profits for the company.
Expansion and advertisement for new products made easier and wholesome
Whenever a company undertakes an expansion project, they would have to put in a
lot in terms of advertisement in order to allow the influx of customers to that
particular place. The social media channels have been immense for the company as
it has allowed them to create building blocks over the already existing presence
that they have in the company. (BODDY, CASE STUDY MARKS AND
Technology that has JAYKE COMPUTERS benefitted from further application of
technology are as follows:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
The use of CRM could benefit JAYKE COMPUTERS because it could enable my
chosen company to maintain client information, such as client behavior and the
length of time a client has been a customer. Additionally, it keeps track of
purchases and provides feedback on client partnerships, which JAYKE
COMPUTERS could use it to streamline business transactions, promote products,
and enhance customer service in the company I've chosen.(Kuligowski, 2022)

Customer Profiling
For JAYKE COMPUTERS, client profiling could be useful. Due to this, JAYKE
COMPUTERS could be able to understand their clients' ages, sexual orientations,
life stages, locations, pastimes, and historical purchasing tendencies. Additionally,
it could help JAYKE COMPUTERS to better understand how to interact with
clients in light of their unique advantages, which will enhance the customer
experience, commitment, and ultimately deals. (Kiteley, 2018)

Management Information System

As a result of the innovation's expansion of the association's information accuracy,
JAYKE COMPUTERS has profited. Each company, like JAYKE COMPUTERS,
would needs accurate information because it affects important decisions.
(Gunawan, 2022)

COMPUTERS, j. (2022, JULY 12). Tratto da

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