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AUGUST 24, 2022


The film Fight Club was released year 1999 and directed by David Fincher. It was also based on
the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. The theme is all about trying to figure out who you are. This is a
concept that will be shown by the unnamed main character which is known as the narrator.

The unnamed narrator who works for a major automaker and has a trouble of falling asleep.
Despite of not having any related disorder, he finds support groups as a way to express
whatever feelings he could be experiencing and which in turn allows him to sleep. However
when he meets a woman named Marla Singer who also attends all these support group therapy,
the purpose of these support groups is considered worthless. Her appearance has decreased
the effect of the experiences he hear since he knew that she is not suffering from any of the
illnesses for which the group exist. His encounter with Tyler Durden, a soap producer who in
many ways contrast his insomia and transform his life. The narrator moves in with Tyler Durden
who lives in a huge decrepit house in a desolate section of town, due to peculiar circumstance
with his condo. After some unexpected violent confrontations with Tyler Durden in the parking
lot, the narrator discovers that it has evolved into a routine between them that enables him to
manage with the other and more challenging aspects in life. In addition, a crowd gather to
observe and participate in the fight. The Fight Club presence expands throughout every way as
its popularity rises. As the narrator existence by the connection entails a situation in which he no
longer understand what is occurring within him or how he is going to escape it without killing
himself. As the essence of the Fight Club in the narrator’s view, he goes from out off reach.

At the first glance of the movie, which is about the pure enjoyment of the narrator and Tyler
Durden through violence and how they find freedom by beating one another into a pulp. The
men involved in the physical battles feel more alive and connected to one another and achieve
a form of satisfaction through bodily suffering rather than developing a desire for vegeance. The
presumption of Fight Club and the idea that people are goal-driven beings who can either strive
for self-improvement or self-destruction. Seeing how hardwork the actor’s portray their roles is
also great, they show the real essence of the movie. The movie shows an unexpected twist and
it was a good plot. The narrator’s connection with his spilt personality is profound because of
how they both talk about issues that reveal on gender identity and the purpose of men in the
society it makes me realize that living in this world was a difficult to understand, that we can
change the world by ourselves.

In conclusion, we must find ourselves more and discover new things to break the connection
between our self-image, and what others expect of us, and in order to regain our own
confidence and uniqueness. We just have to fight for our own and be the better version of

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