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(Cyria) On a gloomy Saturday night, there were 2 children who were Juan and Jose.

They were very

rude and mischievous little boys; they were always disrespecting their elders when being corrected.
Granny Chuk saw this and was very astonished because she grew her daughters and sons with respect
and being kind to them.

She called them, “ Juan, Jose! Vengan aqui immediatamente!!”

(Narrator) :The children ignored her. She yelled again but the boys were very ignorant to her. She told
them in a demanding and scary voice to go or else she will beat them. Juanito and Jose went quickly
because they would’ve got beaten by Granny Chuk. She stated that the reason for going there with her
is because she wanted to talk to them for being so unruly.

(Children) ,” Pero abuela porque eres asi con nosotros?” questioned the children.

“Soy asi porque son muy tercos y no son obedientes y queria hablar con ustedes sobre este tema”
Stated Granny Chuk.

“Ayeeeee abuela ya me voy” said el bad bwai Juanito.


(Narrator)Jose was thinking to leave the room when he took a glance at abuela and saw her furious
face, he slouched immediately and stayed there because he was close to granny and she would have
taken off a tooth. Grandma remembered that juan loved scary stories so she said purposely said

(grandma) “Ven pues jose, te voy a contar un cuento de Halloween”. Juan heard that and ran to granny
quickly. Grandma didn’t scold the children because she saw that there attitude was changing. Granny
Chuk started saying the scary story, at first juan and jose were bold little boys they started saying that
they weren’t afraid and that they have seen a ghost before and they fought with it. Granny laughed and
continued the story,

“ un día este niño se portaba mal y era muy desobediente con sus padres, no quería irse a dormir
temprano y un día el brujo popolis vino a buscarlo y le tomó y le robó el dedo del pie.”

The kids didn’t look disturbed or frightened instead they were being tough, the children were so focused
on the story that grandma took a piece of plastic and threw it through the living room where they were.
The First boy who jumped was Juanito el terco. He looked frightened and when he turned around to
look at jose, Jose was already snoring. Juanito was worried for what had happened, granny then said, “
niños ya es tarde vayense a dormir osi no el brujo popolis les va agarar un dedo”. Juan woke up his
brother and took him to sleep in the bed when suddenly in a moment of terror he saw someone run
across the door to his room. Juanito was so scared that he peed himself, “ oh no I peed my self, what
will grandma say about me” exclaimed Juanito in his head. Jose was smelling d pee but did not know
from where this scent was coming from. Juanito was already scared and was doubting if someone was in
his room, juan rolled up his fist to look bold they entered the room and turned on the lights, they saw no
one. Both went to lay down but the light was disturbing them, so jose ordered, “ Bwi turn off d light bro”
juan did not want to get up but he still got up and turned it off. After a few minutes jose felt someone
tickling his foot and he told Juanito to stop it but then Juanito said that he was on his own side and far
away, both were very alarmed because one was far from the other. Then suddenly the bed sheets were
pulled and both screamed, “ abuelaaaaa”. Abuela never responded. They were worried that the brujo
popolis took granny. At this point they did not want to go check because they did not want to put their
feet on the floor because they were so afraid that the ghost would take them. Both remembered that
they were in the month of Halloween. They fell asleep and after that day they stopped being
mischievous and rude because grandma said that the brujo popolis loved rude boys.

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