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Dissertation Report


“Emotional Intelligence for Leadership"

Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the degree


Bachelor of commerce (Hons.)

Faculty Guide:

Name: Ms Ankita Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor

Submitted By:


Roll No.: AJU/00581/17/Bcom/113


This project on “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR LEADERSHIP” has been submitted

in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Commerce Human Resource at Arka
Jain University.

The writing of a Research project work is a physical, emotional and mental challenge. While
preparing the project, I was aided by a certain group of people belonging to various backgrounds.
I am grateful to Arka Jain University for providing me with an opportunity to explore into such
an upgraded and public project.

Secondly, I express my sincere thanks to my principal Mr. Angad Tiwary for providing me
with such a golden opportunity which will help me in future. I would like to convey special
gratitude to my project supervisor Ms. Ankita Singh who was always there to correct every
mistake of me and gave me appropriate suggestions, as a result of which the project has been
presented the way we are seeing it.

Last, but not the least, I would like to thank my family and friends who freely shared their
insights and shared a common interest in advancing the project beyond a common path.
School of commerce and management

Certificate by the Faculty Mentor

This is to certify that Ms. R.HARSHITA , Roll. No. AJU/00581/17/Bcom/113 , a student of

B.COM (H). (2017-20), has undertaken the Project titled “Emotional Intelligence for
Leadership”. The Project report is hereby submitted by the student for the partial fulfilment of
requirement for the award of Bachelor of Commerce (H), under my supervision. To the best of my
knowledge, this project is the record of authentic work carried out during the academic year
(2019-20) and has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any
Certificate/Degree/Diploma, etc.

Guided By: Verified By:

Name of the Faculty Mentor: Ms. Ankita Singh Ms Priya Raman,

Designation: Assistant Professor Programme Coordinator

B.Com (H)

Verified By: Verified By:

Dr.Angad Tiwary

Dean-School of Commerce & Management External Examiner

School of commerce and management

I, R.HARSHITA , hereby declare that the Project titled “Emotional Intelligence for
Leadership”, has been carried out by me and is hereby submitted for the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Commerce (H). To the best of my
knowledge, the project undertaken, has been carried out by me, and is my own work. The
contents of this report are original and this report has been submitted to the said organization and
to the ‘ARKA JAIN UNIVERSITY', Jamshedpur and it has not been submitted elsewhere, for
the award of any Certificate/Diploma/Degree etc.

Signature of the student with the date:


Roll. No.: AJU/00581/17/B.Com/113

B.COM (H) , Batch : 2017-2020


Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as
well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you. The term was first coined in
1990 by researchers John Mayer & Peter Salovey , but was later popularized by psychologist
Daniel Goleman .

More than a decade ago, Goleman highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in
leadership, “The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way: They all have a high
degree of what has come to known as emotional intelligence. It’s not the IQ and technical skills
are irrelevant. They do matter, but..They are the entry –level requirements for executive

Over the years, emotional intelligence is also known as EQ-has evolved into a must have skill.
Researchers of EQ provider show that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of
performance. And hiring managers have taken notice: 71% of employers said that they value EQ
&IQ, reporting that employees with high emotional intelligence are more likely to stay calm
under pressure , resolve conflict effectively, and respond to co-workers with empathy.

Why emotional intelligence matters?

Leaders set the tone of their organization. If they lack emotional intelligence , it could have more
far-reaching consequences, resulting in lower employee engagement and a higher turnover rate .

While you can excel in your job technically, if you can’t effectively communicate with your
team or collaborate with others , those technical skills will get overlooked by mastering
emotional intelligence.

To develop leadership skills, you don’t need to be a robot and turn your emotions off, but rather
to focus on interpersonal and interpersonal skills. Being an effective leader is about technical
skills, strategic thinking and knowledge.

Chapter No. Chapter Name Page No.(s)

01. Introduction 01-04

1.1 Objective 04
1.2 Scope of the study 05
1.3 Review of Literature 05-06
1.4 Research Methodology 07
02. Data Analysis and Interpretation 08-14
03. Findings and Recommendations 15-16
04. Conclusion 17
05. Bibliography 18

06. Annexure 19

Emotional Intelligence or EI is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and
those of the people around you. People with high degree of emotional intelligence know what
they are feeling, what their emotion means, and how emotions can affect other people.

For leaders, having emotional intelligence is essential for success. After all, who is more likely to
succeed- or a leader who stays in control, and calmly assesses the situation?

According to Daniel Goleman , an American psychologist who helped is popularize emotional

intelligence, there are five key elements-

• Self-awareness
• Self-regulation
• Motivation
• Empathy
• Social skills

The more that you, as a leader, manage each of these areas, the higher your emotional
intelligence. So, let’s look at each element in more detail and examine how you can grow as a


If you are self aware, you always know how you feel, and how your emotions and your actions
can affect people around you. Being self aware you are in leadership position also means
having a clear picture of your strength & weakness and it means behaving with humility.

So what you can do to improve your self-awareness?

• Keep a journal – Journal helps you improve your self awareness. If you spend just few
minutes each day writing down your thoughts, this can move you to a higher degree of
• Slowdown – When you experience anger or other strong emotions slow down to
examine why, no matter what the situation is you can always choose how you react to
it .

Leaders who regulate themselves effectively rarely verbally attack others, make rushed or
emotional decisions stereotype people, or compromise their values, self-regulations is all about
staying in control. This element of EI according to Goleman , also covers a leader’s flexibility and
commitment personal accountability .

So what you can do to improve the self-regulation ?

• Know your values – Spend some time, examine your “code of ethics” . If you know
what’s most important to you, then you probably won’t have to think twice when you
face a moral or ethical decision- you’ll make a right choice .
• Hold yourself accountable – If you tend to blame others when something goes wrong,
stop. Make a commitment to admit your mistakes and to face consequences, whatever
they are.
• Practice being calm - Next time you’re in challenging siyuation be very aware of how
you act. Practice deep breathing exercise to calm down yourself. Try to write down all
negative things you want to say, and then rip it up and throw it away.; Expertising these
emotions on paper than speaking them aloud to your team. What’s more , this helps
you challenge your reactions to ensure that they are few.


Self-motivation leaders work consistently towards their goal and they have extremely high
standards for the quality of their work.

So what you can do to improve your motivation ?

• Re-examine why you’re doing your job – It’s easy to forget what your carrer . So, take
some time to remember why you wanted this job. If you’re unhappy in your role and
you’re struggling to remember why you wanted it , try the five way technique to find
the root of the problem. Starting at the root often helps you look at the situation in a
new way.
• Know where you stand – determine how motivated you are to lead. Our leadership
motivation assessment can help you see clearly how motivated you are, it directs you to
resource that can help.
• Be hopeful and find something good – Motivated leaders are usually optimistic , no
matter what problems they face. Adopting the mindset might take practice, but it’s well
worth the effort.

Every time you face a challenge, or even a failure, try to find at least one good thing about the
situation. It might be a something small, like a new contact, or something with long-term
effects, like an important lesson learned. But there’s almost always something positive, if you
look for it.


For leaders, having empathy is critical to managing a successful team or organisation. Leaders
with empathy have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s situation. They help to
develop the people on their team , challenge others who are acting unfairly, give constructive
feedback and listen to those who need it. If you want to earn the respect & loyalty of your
team, then show them your care and being empathetic.

So, how you can improve ?

• Put yourself in someone else’s situation – It’s easy to support your own point of view.
After all, it’s yours! But take time to look at the situations from other people’s
• Pay attention to body language – when you listen to someone you cross your arms,
move your feet back and forth. Body language tells others how you really feel about a
situation, and the message you’re giving. Learning to read body language can be real
asset in a leadership role, because you’ll be better able to determine how someone truly
feels. This gives you the opportunity to respond appropriately.
• Respond to feelings – You ask your assistant to work late- again. And although he
agrees, you can hear the disappointment, so respond by addressing his feelings. Tell him
you appreciate how willing he is to work extra hours, and that you’re just a frustrated
about work late. If possible figure out a way for your future late nights to be less of an

Social skills

Leaders who do well in the social skills element of emotional intelligence are great
communicators, they’re just an open to hearing good news or bad news and they’re expert at
getting their team to support them and be exited about a new project.
Leaders who have good social skills are also good at managing change and resolving conflicts
diplomatically. They’re rarely satisfied with leaving things as they are, but they don’t sit back
and make everyone else to do the work, they sit as an example with their own behaviour .

So, how can one build social skills ?

• Learn conflict resolution – Leaders must know how to resolve conflicts between, thie
own team members, customers or vendors. Learning conflict resolution skills is vital if
you want to succeed.
• Improve your communication skills – Communication will help you to answer all your
questions, and it will give useful feedback on what you can do to improve.
• Learn how to praise others – as a leader, you can inspire the loyalty of your team simply
by giving praises when it’s earned . Learning how to praise oyhers is a fine art, but well
worth the effort.

Key points: To be effective , leaders must have a solid understanding of how their emotions and
actions affect the people around them . The better a leader relates to and work with others, the
more successful he/she will be. Take the time to work on social-awareness, Self-regulation,
Motivation, Empathy and Social skills.

Working on these areas will help you to excel in the future.

Emotional Intelligence plays a significant role in the organisation and becomes an important
criterion for effective employees. The main objectives of Emotional Intelligence are as follows:

❖ Understand the concept of EI

❖ Explore what emotional Intelligent leadership is.
❖ Understand the relevance to your success and know the competencies involved.
❖ Identify the relationship and impact of EQ skills on others within and outside the
❖ Determine one’s own strength and weaknesses and opportunities in the EQ skills.
❖ Create an emotionally intelligent workplace for employee
The scope of study is to increase the employees emotional intelligence in the work place and to
help in future why some employees are outstanding performers and why others are not.
Emotional Intelligence calls for recognizing and understanding the issue in the organization on
the basis of results , organization can choose a strategy and actions to improve the
performance of their employees.

Emotional Intelligence helps the employees to increase their emotional self-awareness,

emotional expressions, creativity, increases trust and integrity, improve relations within and
across the organization and thereby increases the performance of each


Bar-On’s (1997) “ The Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I). A test on emotional
Intelligence “. This study portrays social responsibility and empathy as specific interpersonal
skills. Goldeman’s 1995 model includes the same empathic awareness and attunement, this is
the skill required to recognisation of emotion in others. Knowing these varying EI models the
study of the relationship of EI to moral/ethical behaviour and to values has been inconsistent.
The moral/ethical/values dimensions are often described as part of the basis of educational
programmes involving EI a well designed empirical research in this area is very much a

Goldeman (1998) “Working with Emotional Intelligence “competency research in over

200companies and organization worldwide shows the about one-third of the difference is due
to the technical skill and the cognitive ability , while two-thirds id due to emotional competence
. ( In the top leadership positions, ever four-fifths of the difference is due to EI).

Carmeli and Josman (2006) “ The relationship amoung EI, task performance, and organizational
citizenship behaviour’s”.This research suggest possible connections between emotional
intelligence and positive performance in workplace. Researchers say thet even though research
suggest thet there is a connection between EI and positive performance in workplace, it is
typically based on self reported assessments and it overlooks that the work performance is
actually multi-dimensional. Research suggest that the possible connections between the EI &
the positive performance in workplace. Authors noted that the task performance may not
reveal the completeness of leader’s work role. Other behaviours like maintaining civil
relationships and helping subordinates with issues, work also influence the work performance.
Researchers explored two essential of the leaders:

Altreism and General compliance could be the reasons that maintain the leader’s respect from
subordinates and could, therefore impact subordinates, willingness to conscientiously perform
work for the leaders. Researchers conduct a study on 215 employees in different 66
organizations in Israel to see if there was a connection between the EI with both altruistic
behaviour & compliant behaviour. This finding suggest that both altruism and compliance are
related to task performance. Researchers also found three elements of EI ( appraisal and
expression of emotions, regulation of emotion & utilization of emotions ) were related to task
performance and to altruistic behaviour, but only partially to compliance behaviours.

Koman, E.S., & Wolff, S.B. (2008) “ Emotional Intelligence competencies in the team and team
leaders “: A multi-level examination of the impact of EI on team performance.” This study
examines the relationship amoung team leaders EI competencies and team performance. The
study was conducted on 349 aircrew and maintenance military team members participated
representing 81 aircrew and maintaince teams. Results show that the team leaders EI is
significantly related to the presence of emotionally competent group norms. (ECGN) on the
teams they lead, and that ECGN are related to team performance. The authors also provide
three suggestion, First, employee leaders with better EI competencies not only increase this
own personal performance but also of the teams they lead. Secondly, by developing or hiring
emotionally competent managers. Finally by developing emotionally competent first line
leaders, organization should develop emotionally competent executive leaders because each
individual on the executive management team influences the development of ECGNs on the
team he/she leads.

Hopkins & Bilimoria (2008) in this study “ Sicial & emotional competencies predicting success
for the male and female executives “ explore the relationship between emotional and social
intelligence competencies and organization success. The study illustrates not much of
difference between Male & Female leaders in his demonstration of emotional and social
intelligence competencies also found that when it comes to competency demonstrations most
successful men & women are more the same than different. However gender did play a role in
relationship between demonstrations of these competencies and success. Further male leaders
consider to be more successful, even though male & female leaders demonstrate the same
level of competencies. The four competencies that divided the most successful male & female
leaders from their typical counterparts were self reliance, achievement orientation ,
inspirational leadership, and change catalyst.


The study is descriptive in nature; relevant data has been collected from both Primary &
Secondary data. The primary and secondary data is collected by structured questionnaire and
secondary data from various Journals, articles,& research report etc

Results of the data are been discussed below:

1) Do you understand the reasons for your feelings?

47 responses


Most of the time
57.4% Never
2) Do you understand how other people's experience affects their feelings, thoughts
and behavior?

47 responses


14.9% 19.1% Always

Most of the time
38.3% Never

3) Do you understand your leadership strength and weakness?

47 responses


14.9% 19.1% Always

Most of the time

19.1% Frequently
44.7% Never
4) Do you look forward for future?

47 responses


10.6% Most of the time
25.5% Never

5) Can you describe your feelings in detail beyond just happy, sad , angry and so on ?

47 responses


Most of the time
34% Frequently
27.7% Sometimes
6) Do you manage your stress well ?

47 responses


Most of the time
25.5% Frequently

7) Are you flexible when situation change unexpectedly?

47 responses

19.1% Always
Most of the time
29.8% Frequently
8) Do you strive to understand people's underlying feelings?

47 responses

Most of the time

9) Are you calm in the face of pressure or emotional turmoil?

47 responses

10.6% 10.6%
Most of the time
25.5% Frequently
10) Can you shift your priorities quickly?

47 responses

25.5% 10.6%
Most of the time
The researchers revealed some of the findings of the survey they are as follows:

1. To improve your emotional self-awareness

• Appreciate the importance of self-awareness as a foundational component of emotional

• Meditate and write down the key plans & priorities

2. To work on having a more positive outlook

• Train your brain to be positive by developing new habits.

• Make an effort to have positive conversation.
• Believe you will succeed.

3. To exercise greater emotional self-control

• Take care of your mind and body to increase your capacity for self control.
• Learn to resist the immediate gratification of technology and other interruptions.
• Must be in your capacity to focus.
• Be mindful of your thoughts and needs.
• Perform better under stress by talking to yourself.

4. To improve adaptability

• Understand why change is hard for you and others.

• Get out of your comfort zone.
• Strengthen your resilience.
• Face your prejudices and iterance.
• Decisive, and able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressure .

5. To become more empathic

• Improve your ability to listen-start by making it a priority.

• Slow down, take time to hear and learn.
• Put yourself in your colleagues place.
• Show sensitivity and understanding other’s perspectives.
• Promote actions that encourage a climate of friendship in the team.
6. To become optimistic

• Help out basd on understanding other people’s need and feelings.

• Have confidence.
• Have a guiding awareness of values and goals.
• Being organised and careful with work.

7. Team building

• Draw all members in active and enthusiastic participation.

8. Emotional competence

• Know emotions at every moment and why.

• Willingness to sacrifice in the name of organisational goals.

9. Responsibility factor

• Provide solutions to the problems.

• Do not hesitate to deal with challenging goals and take risks.
• Take responsibilities of your actions.

10. Relationship factor

• Associate with number of positive outlooks.

• Build rapport and keep in loop.
• Make and maintain personal friendships with associates.
• Appeal to core values of the group to clarify the alternatives and make the right

The researchers revealed that the most of the respondents are only average in their emotional
competencies. Therefore it is suggested that regular programmes at work should be hold by
training band development team in order to improve the level of emotional intelligence.

• Management should provide adequate recreational facilities to employees which helps

superior or subordinates relationship and mainly reduce the job stress.
• Should ensure effective utilisation of manpower.
• For better organizational culture, the company should start hiring emotionally matured
persons and develop an EI among existing ones. Thereby enabling them to face and
overcome tremendous challenge at work.
• Leaders of the organisation must develop emotional stability to ensure the physical and
mental health of the self and the serving organization.

Emotional Intelligence for Leadership plays an important role for employees in the
organization. This topic has made a better understanding about various emotions. Handling
emotions is an important requirement for HR for himself and among the employees as well.
This will help to increase the organisational commitment, improve productivity, efficiency,
retain best talent and motivate employees to give their best. Understanding the political
and talent of the employees and ensure the difference that employees bring it ti the work
place and values them to make it a part of organizational success.

The work place should be better so that the employees can have a better team to work, find
solutions for problems, enhanced job responsibility, group mission, challenges, routine
work, self-confidence among workers. Emotion intelligence will bring in better adaptability,
empathy towards employees, leadership qualities, group rapport, participative
management, decision making and understanding within the colleagues. Leaders try to
take/hire those employees who are emotionally intelligent, so that they can face the
problems in work place easily and become more productive towards the work. Emotional
Intelligence for leadership skills, made strategies like development programmes, self-
awareness and self-management tools.

However, study concludes that the EI is linked in every point for performed and it has
utmost importance nowadays. Hence, to be successful in life Emotional Intelligence plays an
vital role.
The source which I have been able to make this project and which helped me providing efficient
information and data are as follows:

To conduct a survey I took help of Google spreadsheets.

Books, Journals& magazines

➢ Information Technology
➢ Emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman
➢ European journal of Business and Management


Emotional Intelligence for Leadership –Data Analysis:

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