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Commentary of the story.

 To begin with I'd like to say that the story is written by a famous American writer. . .
 The title of the story is . . .
 I think that it gives us an idea about the story . . .
 Reading the title we can understand that the story is about . . .
 The structure of the title is a letter, a word, a word combination. (The title is made up
of a word . . .)
The structure
1. Exposition/introduction (including setting and the means of creating local
2. Inciting moment
3. Development of plot/rising action
4. Climax
5. Falling action
6. Resolution/Denouement
7. Epilogue (which includes additional facts about the future of the characters)
 The story presents first (third) person (narration).
 The main character(s) of the story is (are). . . .
 All parts of the story follow in their natural succession. The story begins with the
exposition where.... development of actions Climax and Denouement . . .
 Having read the story I came to the conclusion that the theme treated here is . . .
 The main idea of this story is . . .
 Reading the story I noticed that the author dwelt on such problems are . . .
 Speaking about the structure of the story I can say that it is written in the form of
narration intercepted with dialogue and description.
 The author used dialogue to show the readers the inner-world of the main characters.
 I think that the story has a closed (open) plot structure, because the author gives the
ending of the story (because the author lets his readers give their own ending).
 I conclusion I should like to say that the story impressed me deeply, because it treats
an up-to-date problem and it describes a true-to-life story.
The pilot
The text presents a story about . . .
The plot of the story is... very complicated/very simple/far-fetched/realistic/closely related
to ...
The author offers a faithful/truthful/and amusing narrative. The author introducea us into the
atmosphere of. . .
The plot goes like following...
The plot is set . . .
The plot goes like this.
Let me summarise the narrative of the story briefly.
The central story is overlapped with several story-lines.
The author leads us to believe that..
The story is essentially about ..
Later in the story-we learn ..
As the story continues we witness ....
The point I'm trying make is that...
On closer inspection it becomes obvious/apparent that..
One of the book's most important scenes is the one in which...
We become aware of the picture created by the author.

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