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“Do school kills creativity?

”: a summary

According to Sir Ken Robinson, the lecturer, we’re all interested in education because it is

what is going to lead our way into the intangible future. He also comments the extraordinary

talents of kids and says we squander them. He then claims that creativity should be treated

with same status as litteracy in education. Furthermore, he speaks about kids’ ability to try

things and not be afraid of making mistakes: he says that’s how you come up with original

ideas and we’re now educating children out of their creativity because we are stigmatizing


Moreover he thinks mathematics are as important as dance, because we must use our

intelligence in all of its forms, not only focusing on the academic field. Our education system

is based upon that because subjects are meant to be used at work, but there are many

forms of occupation that also include arts. For this reason,he remarks, there’s a lot of

creative people who think they’re not because their abilities weren’t valued at school. We

can’t afford to think like that, since more people are graduating now than ever and university

degrees are devaluating. He then comments the example of Gillian Lynne, the coreographer

of Cats. She became a dancer after being told she had learning problems: she went to the

doctor and, when he noticed the girl’s talent, he told her mother to send her to a dance

school. After doing so, she started enjoying her education and ended up having a successful

carreer. This shows us that we must rethink our education system to promote children’s

imagination and allow them to make a profit out of their talents in the future.

Elena Ríos Cantavella

2n Batxillerat 02

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