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William Somerset Maugham - British writer, one of the most successful prose writers of

the 1930s. Theater ironic work is the best among the creative heritage of Maugham. A
subtle, ironic story of a brilliant, intelligent actress who celebrates her "mid-life crisis"
with an affair with a handsome young man.
Julia Lambert met her future husband in the troupe of Jamie Langton. Michael
Gosselyn conquered her with his appearance, he was a handsome brunette, with a
perfect body. But he was no actor. Fortunately, Michael understood this. Julia fell
blindly in love with him, she was ready to do anything to get his attention. She simply
did not notice his shortcomings or idealized because of his appearance. Julia played the
role of a simple girl to please his parents, as she understood why he brought her to
them. Michael's appearance completely clouded the mind of the young actress. Julia
was hypocritical when she said that she was happy that Michael would go to America to
perform, she wanted him to fail and stay with her. When he left for America, she wrote
love, emotional letters to him, and in return she received dry 4 pages. After the
wedding, she was jealous of him, constantly complimenting him. Michael became for
Julia the center of her universe. She was ready to give up her career when he went to
war. But he convinced her. And then comes the moment when he returns from the
war. The short-haired, older, weightier one gets into bed with her, and Julia just wants
this to be over as soon as possible. In all her life, Michael had never loved her, he did
"the right way", so she could not feel his love. And because of this, all her love rested
on the appearance of Michael, when he got older, her love also left.
Julia was happy only in her head when she got this man, but over time she realized that
marriage with this man did not bring her happiness. At the end of the work, Julia finds
her happiness - this is acting.

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