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There is no substitute for becoming members of God’s family than to be born-again.

This is the first requirement Jesus established in the hearts of men during His teachings and
ministry on earth. Without this first process, no man would see or enter the kingdom of God.
God is interested in man’s life other than that his soul should perish. He is interested in the
individual that seeks to be saved and comes with a contrite heart. Christians are not expected
to act like the Israelites who in the days of Elijah dilly-dallied between Baal and the true God.
God wants every believer to serve Him wholeheartedly without compromise. Anyone who
has made a decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly must give in to regular spiritual check-
ups to correct any abnormalities.
Christians can live a meaningful life patterned after Christ by yielding positively to
God’s word, seeking first to please Him unconditionally, and being ready to submit to
authorities that is aligned to the will of God. Heaven-bound Christians should commit their
ways to God and give no room for ungodly thoughts or practices in this degenerated world
but rather stand against the risk of being affected by the pollutants in obedience to God’s
word. Satan desperately craves to make many saints become engrossed in worldly affairs and
pleasures so that they won’t have time to meet up with God’s demand and eventually miss
the rapture. Believers are besought to align their minds to constant study of God’s word,
watch and pray (Jn.10:10), walk in the Spirit, hold on to the faith of our Fathers in order to
finish well.
All the twelve lessons in this quarter have been carefully divided into three units with
a theme for each.
Unit 1: Godliness: Prescribed For Christians
Unit 2: Godliness: Seek To Please God
Unit 3: Salvation Precedes Service
These lessons are designed to open our eyes of understanding to holy living - what
God wants from every man who desires to reign with Him. Obedience to these teachings will
greatly assist our walk with God. Make up your mind not to miss any Sunday (Bible) School
class session this quarter so that you will align yourself with God’s expectations.

LESSON 1 4/9/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 80, 83
Devotional Reading: JN. 3:1-9
Topic For Adults: To Be Born Again Is The Right Choice
Topic For Youths: Choose To Be Born Again Now
Topic For Intermediates: Born Again: The Only Antidote To Wrong Choice
Lesson Scriptures: 1 KGS. 18:1-22; Jn. 3:3-9, 6:61-67; 2 COR. 7:9-11

“Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly, I say to you, unless
one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”
John 3:3 (NKJV).


MON. 29/08/2022 CHOOSE TO SERVE GOD JOS. 24:14-22
We are starting this Sunday School year with a call for decision making. In ab-initio, God
grants man the right to make choice. This is also inherent in the salvation which God offers
through Jesus Christ. Everybody is saddled with the responsibility to choose whom to serve.
In the passage read, Joshua demonstrated that serving God is a continuous exercise. Believers’
commitment to serve the LORD wholeheartedly should be for a lifetime. It should not be like
the Israelites who served God during Joshua’s life time and went to serve strange gods later.
We must make a right choice of renewal to serve God as we continue to reverence Him, keep
and obey His commands with a sincere heart. We must resist Satan and flee from every act
of sinful pleasure.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Start the new Sunday (Bible) School year with a sincere heart of renewal
to serve God wholeheartedly.
PRAYER POINT: I receive grace through the Holy Spirit to serve God wholeheartedly
throughout my lifetime.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 21:22-27; Evening: Zech. 7-9

TUE. 30/08/2022 IMPLORED TO LIVE DEUT. 30:11-18

There is no acceptable alibi why anyone should err in following the Almighty God. He made
His ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ known and plain in His word. His words is not hidden or beyond our
reach. God in our text today compassionately pleads with us to choose life and good. He
pleads and shows us the way just like He did for the Israelites to obtain life and good. Verse
14 says “No, the word is very near to you, it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe”.
God has shown us the way to obtain life, goodness and happiness. The onus rests on each
believer to diligently search God’s word with a view to apply same in our daily routine.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: A Christian chooses life, goodness and happiness when such searches
the word of God and lives it out.
PRAYER POINT: By the grace of God, I choose life, goodness and happiness. I will always
search the word of God and live it out.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 22:1-5; Evening: Zech. 10-11

WED. 31/08/2022 DECIDE TO FOLLOW GOD 1 KGS. 18:18-22
Choosing to follow anything aside God brings indignation, wrath and sorrow. This is a
deliberate attempt to sign one’s own death warrant and be banished to hell. Till date, as it was
in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, evil people hate to worship the true God. The contest
between Elijah and the 850 pagan prophets with the backing of the king shows that Satanic
people may be the majority but they cannot match or overcome a true child of God. Elijah
courageously defended the true God of Israel against distortion, compromise and corruption.
He singularly followed through to establish the true God. At the contest, the prophets of Baal
were put to shame and death. He encouraged the Israelites to follow the true God. He said
“How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD is GOD follow him, but if Baal, then follow
him…” (1 Kgs. 18:21 RSV). Don’t be guilty of divided loyalty or be accused of serving two
masters (Matt. 6:24). Make up your mind to serve and follow God only (Deut. 6:4). It is good
for you to stand for God. Don’t drift because of pleasure and convenience.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t drift from following God because of pleasure and convenience.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, help me to follow the true God wholeheartedly to the end.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 22:6-11; Evening: Zech. 12-14


God says “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked (verse 11b). With this pronouncement, it
is certain that God wants everyone to seek salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. A wicked
person who repents from his or her sin and becomes born again will be saved. None of his or
her sin will be used against such anymore. God sincerely want you to turn from your evil
ways. You cannot continue in your sins and expect grace to abound. Take a step of faith, steer
clear from your evil ways. God is ready to show you mercy if you change. Wickedness brings
death. God loves you. It is sin that has been preventing you from enjoying God’s benevolence.
Turn completely from what God hates.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

PRAYER POINT: Help me Holy Spirit to steer clear of wickedness. Forgive those who
genuinely repent from their sin. Save them by grace.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 22:12-17; Evening: Mal. 1-2

FRI. 02/09/2022 BE A MEMBER OF GOD’S KINGDOM JN. 3:3-9

There is no substitute to becoming a member of God’s family in the New Testament Church
than to be born again as emphasized by Jesus to Nicodemus “You must be born again” (Jn. 3:3).
To be born again is to be regenerated through the act of the Holy Spirit. One must undergo a
spiritual surgical operation in order to have intimate relationship with Christ and become a
citizen of God’s kingdom. The Adamic nature must be recreated to have Christ’s nature. This
spiritual exercise which makes the old nature to be crucified with Christ is what qualifies one
to become a member of God’s kingdom. Any act of worship and service rendered in the house
of God without being born again is neither recognized nor rewarded by God. It is important
to be born again.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Be born again to become a member of God’s kingdom.
PRAYER POINT: Help me not to lose my relationship with you. Holy Spirit help those that are
not born again to be regenerated.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 22:18-21; Evening: Mal. 3-4.


Some people create barriers which make it difficult for them to give their lives wholeheartedly
to Christ Jesus. The anticipation and assurance of eternal life of the man in today’s text was
punctured because of his love for personal achievement – money. The fact that Jesus asked
the man to sell all he had and distribute it to the poor doesn’t mean that all believers should
do the same. It entails that we should remove every barrier that can prevent us from serving
God. Individuals should not allow riches, profession, possession and achievements in life to
hinder them from responding to Christ’s genuine love. Attitude to riches and money is what
should be considered carefully. God does not want His children to be poor but He demands
our loyalty.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Individuals should remove every barrier that prevents us from accepting
His love.
PRAYER POINT: I remove every hindrance preventing me from accepting Christ’s genuine
love in the name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 1; Evening: Gen. 1-2


He who is born of God does not commit sin (1 Jn. 5:18). God declares that it shall not be well
with the wicked. A believer who deliberately continues to sin is a wicked person who doesn’t
love his own soul. The LORD is far from the wicked (sinner) (Prov. 15:29a). The LORD detests
the way and sacrifice of the wicked. It is abomination to Him (Prov. 15:8-9). The service of the
wicked is not acceptable by God. The only way available for sinner to walk his or her way
back to God is to have godly sorrow and repent from his or her sin. Repent, don’t allow
worldly people’s expectation control you. Stand out for God. Don’t compromise. Humble
yourself before the LORD. Admit your sin, pray for forgiveness. Turn away completely from
your sinful ways and then continue to seek God continually. Diligently seek God’s salvation.
It is available for people with contrite heart.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God is always ready to give salvation to those who diligently seek it.
Admit, confess and forsake your sins. Never go back to them.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Holy Spirit not to handle my salvation with levity.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 2; Evening: Gen. 3-4

The state of our society and the Church shows that many who claimed to be adherent of
Christian faith are not truly regenerated (i.e. born again). The Bible clearly declared that all
have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). There is the need for people to be born
again and obtain salvation by grace. The issue of being born again is a vital fundamental basic
doctrine of the Christian faith, is not given attention as it was done in the 20th century. It is

the desire of God for sinners to be saved. In view of this, this week’s lesson is designed to
increase the wise ones and depopulate the kingdom of Satan. Be born again.


During the reign of Ahab in Israel, Ahab the king, his wife and the people worshipped
‘Baal’ – the most popular Canaanite god instead of the true God of Israel – Yahweh.
Baal/idols were often made in the likeness of a bull which represented strength and fertility.
It denoted lust for power and sexual pleasure.
Elijah summoned a contest on Mount Carmel against the 850 false prophets (450 of Baal
and 400 of Asherah) with the backup of the wicked king – Ahab. Elijah told King Ahab and
his people that they had forsaken God (verse 8). He was fearless. He spoke what God wanted
and not what the people wanted. He was called to stand for the true God. The Church needs
prophets like Elijah who will take stand against distortion, corruption, worldliness,
compromise, sin and lethargy. Our profession of Christ must be devoid of selfish ambition.
Elijah warned the people not to waver in worshipping the true God. In verse 21, he said,
“How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow
him. The purpose of Elijah’s confrontation with the Prophets of Baal was to reveal the true
God to the people.
Christians should not be like the Israelites in the days of Elijah who dilly-dallied between
Baal and the true God. We should follow Elijah who despite being the minority exhibited his
love and loyalty to God. Each one of us should do away with anything which prevents
harmonious relationship with God. It is the responsibility of both the ministers and members
to serve God wholeheartedly (Deut. 6:4). God doesn’t condone people with a divided heart.
Serve God only. God is ready to save all. He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. He says
“Listen, I am standing at the door, knocking, if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to
you and eat with you and you with me” (Rev. 3:20) NRSV
Stop dilly-dallying. Give the LORD a chance to admit you into His universal Church on
earth. This will make you to live eternally with Him.

PART 2: YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN – JN. 3:3-9, 6:61-67

Repentance precedes regeneration, new-life or second birth. These are the words that can
be used as synonyms for ‘born-again’. Repentance simply means “change of mind, heart and
attitude from self-influence to God through the power of the Holy Spirit’’. It takes place after
hearing the word of God. The word of God is the driver of repentance in the heart of man.
The Holy Spirit accelerates, puts it in motion and performs the operation. Hearing the word
of God is a vital tool of repentance.
For genuine repentance to take place, sinners must (1) hear the word of God. (2) have
godly sorrow for sins committed. (3) be ready to be forgiven by God – 1 Jn. 1:9. (4) the
repentant soul should make up his or her mind not to go back to sin – Prov. 28:13 (5) surrender
wholeheartedly to the will of God. (6) be desperate to be delivered from the guilt and power
of sin - Lk. 3:8 (7) restitute your ways (Lk. 19:8) (8) consecrate yourself to God – Rom 12:1-3
Whoever goes through the above mentioned process will be born again indeed. It is a
necessity for man to be born again (Jn. 3:3) because all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God. To be born again is an indispensable doctrine of Christianity that cannot be

The truth which Jesus declared to Nicodemus is not limited to a certain set of people.
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Christ’s Ambassadors should
be encouraged to declare to both great and humble in the society the need for them to be born
The process of being born again is simple but the outcome is greatly rewarding. The agents
involved in regeneration are: (1) God – He promised to give a new life. (2) The word of God.
(Jam. 1:18) (3) The Holy Spirit- He is the Spirit that renews and quickens (Jn. 5:5-6).


While it is true that one can only be born-again once, it takes a life-time to maintain
salvation. If one backslides, what such a person will do is ‘rededication’. After getting
assurance of forgiveness and salvation, such an individual should continue in the will of God.
According to the Bible text read for this part, Apostle Paul speaks about two kinds of sorrow
(1) Godly sorrow (2) worldly sorrow. The former leads to repentance and a change of heart
whereas the latter only feels sorry but unrepentant.
After being born again, a Christian continues to live in the world but not of the world (Jn.
15:18-19, 17:15). There should be no compromise with the lifestyle of the world. Knowing fully
well that tribulation is part of the Christian life. Seek to guide your faith jealously. Don’t give
in to Satan – he will sometimes create confusion on the way of a Christian and pressurize that
one takes his suggestion in order to make a Christian ineffective. Resist the Devil and he will
Furthermore, be careful not to embrace ungodly practices and culture at variance with
Christian faith. Don’t comply, conform or compromise with anything that is contrary to the
will of God. Be diligent to guide your Christian faith. If peradventure you mistakenly sin,
have a godly sorrow and seek God for forgiveness.

The criteria for admission into God’s kingdom is that you must be born again. God is
interested in your salvation. Put ego and pride aside. Be humble, seek God for your salvation.
God is ready to save all who come to Him with a contrite heart. There is nothing like sitting
on the fence. It is either you are saved or not. There is no substitute for the experience of
regeneration. Don’t wait till it is too late. Seek to be born again today!

1. Why did Elijah summon the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel?
2. Mention some of the qualities Elijah possessed which a Christian must emulate.
3. Briefly discuss what leads to repentance.
4. Explain the agents of repentance.
5. Explain the criteria for admission into God’s kingdom.
6. Why should one be born-again?

LESSON 2 11/9/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 75
Devotional Reading: 2 Cor. 13:5-10
Topic For Adults: Always Give Yourself Spiritual Check-up
Topic For Youths: Examine Yourself
Topic For Intermediates: Are You A Christian Indeed?
Lesson Scriptures: Isa. 44:10-28; Gal. 6:1-8; Jam. 1:19-25; 2 Cor. 13:3-10

“Examine yourselves as for whether you are in the faith, test yourself. Do you know yourself, that Jesus
is in you? – Unless indeed you are disqualified” 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NKJV)


Arrogance – the twin brother of ‘pride’ keeps a person from turning to God or godly people
for help. Instead, arrogant people claim they don’t need God’s leading. This results into other
sins because they cannot repent without giving up their ego. The hearts of the Israelites during
Hosea’s lifetime were like an oven blazing with intrigues. Three kings – Zechariah, Shallum
and Pekaniah were assassinated (2 Kgs. 15:8-26). Both foreign and domestic relations were
bastardised because they ignored God. They were filled with drunkenness, unclean lusts and
affections (verses 4-7). They let go of the proper method of reformation and justice. They
adopted heathen cultures and religions instead of turning to God for help (verses 8, 13-16). In
our contemporary time, people seek for help and happiness anyhow; but Christians should
stick to God. Don’t imbibe bad cultures and habits.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t imitate heathen cultures.

PRAYER POINT: I will not give in to reprobate mind to do things not in line with God’s will
in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 3; Evening: Gen. 5-6


John’s Gospel centres on the affirmation that Jesus is God’s Son, the Messiah. The Saviour
has been in existence from the beginning and shall continue to be. For the fact that Jesus and
the Father are one makes Jesus to be God. Some agree that Jesus was sent by God but they
see Him as just a Prophet, Messenger and a Great Teacher. Irrespective of their claims, the
Spirit of God was on Jesus without measure. He is the highest revelation of God to man. The
onus rests on each individual to accept Him according to God’s plan and standard. Those
who refuse Christ’s Gospel do so at their own peril. The Gospel came to us as a free gift but
once accepted, we must believe it holistically. Those who undermine the deity of Jesus risk
the right to be saved through Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Jesus is God’s Son; anything less is falsehood.

PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, help me to know who Jesus is and to walk worthy of His calling.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 4; Evening: Gen. 7-8

WED. 07/09/2022 HUNTED BY SHAMEFUL PAST 1 TIM. 1:5, 12-17
There is no saint without a past. A believer who truly exhibited godly sorrow and has repented
of his or her sins will always be ashamed of the sinful past. Paul was not excluded according
to our Bible text. In his testimony, he was a blasphemer, persecutor and an injurious person.
All he did before his salvation experience were done in ignorance. There is a spiritual mirror
in the life of a child of God that contrast the present with the past. The result is godly sorrow.
God in His mercy pardons those mistakes done in ignorance. In addition, they should be
propelled to serve God dutifully. Note that God is gradually working in you to be Christ like.
You are to walk in the newness of life and work on sinners to come to the knowledge of
Christ. Also, continue to work on yourself because the process of Christlikeness is something
that lasts a lifetime.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If God pardoned what Paul did in ignorance, He will pardon yours too.
Prayer Point: Help me Lord God Almighty, not to go back to my sinful past. Make me Christ
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 5; Evening: Gen. 9-10

THUR. 08/09/2022 EXAMINE YOURSELF 2 COR. 13:3-10

Christians are called to grow unto maturity. One must put measures in place to grow in Christ
on a daily basis. The inability of the Church to glow for Christ as it was in the days of the
Apostles, is due to immaturity of many members. Those that ought to be models are yet to
apply the basic principles of Christian faith to their own lives. Nobody grows in Christendom
without conforming to Christian ethics. You don’t own yourself as long as you become a
Christian. It is your responsibility to live for God without being coerced to do so. Examine
yourself if you are living for Christ. If you are not responsible in your local assembly, your
claim to be a mature Christian is a fallacy. Upgrade yourself from feeding on milk and begin
to take solid spiritual food.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God wants you to grow in to a mature Christian.

PRAYER POINT: In the name of Jesus, I will not be retarded. I will grow unto maturity in the
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 6; Evening: Gen. 11-12


Despite human frailty and weakness, God wants to lift believers up, give us worth and dignity.
James lists out what it takes to become dignified. (Verses 7-10) (1) Humble yourself before
God. (2) Resist the devil and he will flee. (3) Come close to God and He will come close to
you. (4) Sinners, wash your hands. (5) Purify your heart. (6) Don’t allow your heart to be
divided between God and the world. (7) Be sober for your wrong doings. (8) Let there be
godly sorrow, deep grief. (9) Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and (10) Gloom instead
of joy. Observing the above will make God to lift you up in honour. God opposes the proud
but honours the humble.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God favours and honour the humble.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, I humble myself before Thee, please lift me up in honour in Jesus’

Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 7; Evening: Gen. 13-14
SAT. 10/09/2022 HUMBLY ACCEPT THE WORD JAM. 1:19-25
The salvation message is the only means to get rid of all that are wrong in this wicked world.
It is good to attend fellowship and listen to Gospel messages. These exercises will be of no
effect if the teachings are not applied. Don’t become dull in hearing the word and don’t
become passive in doing what is instructed. To measure whether you humbly accept the word
of God, measure the effectiveness of the word you hear with positive effect on your attitude,
behavior and commitment.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You are not humbly accepting the word if there is no positive, effective
changes in your devotion to God and humanity.
PRAYER POINT: Help me, Holy Spirit, to live the word.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 8; Evening: Gen. 15-16

SUN. 11/09/2022 SERVE AND TRUST GOD ISA. 44:10-28

Life and mankind originated from God – the creator of all things. Just like God said to Jacob
(Israel), we must pay attention to Him. He is our maker. He will never forsake us (verse 21).
Restoration is possible only through God Almighty. Idols cannot redeem. God exposed the
false prophets as liars who give bad advice. We are mandated to serve the true God. Serving
anything aside God is idolatry. Believers should serve and trust God’s word as the absolute
truth. Have you erred? God says remember me and return. Serve God and trust Him, not the
mundane things of the world. Anyone who remember God cannot be forgotten by Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Remember God, return to Him and continue to trust Him. He will not
forget you.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Holy Spirit not to allow anything to take the place of God in my
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 9; Evening: Gen. 17-18

Sequel to last week’s lesson which taught that God prescribed godliness for Christians, and
as such, believers must experience the initial basic doctrine of salvation – being born again,
this week’s attention is on the need for individual Christian to make a checklist to daily
evaluate whether his or her profession to be a Christian is genuine or not. Self-evaluation is
vital for anyone who wishes to succeed in the Christian race.


Since the fall of man, many people designed religion as a means of reaching God. In some
nations, the government gives support to state religion. The symbol of most religions is
represented with idol made with hands. Regrettably, religion cannot save anyone.
Prophet Isaiah speaks about how the Israelites made their own gods (Isa. 44:10). These gods
cannot help one bit. Those who worship them are like them. They are called fools. It is absurd
and foolish to make god from physical objects and think that such can save.
It was strictly forbidden in Israel to make other gods and worship them (Exo. 20:3). The
essentiality of this law made it number one in the Decalogue (i.e. the Ten Commandments).

The Israelites forsook the real God and went after other gods. This is a sort of lamentation to
Prophet Isaiah. He affirmed that all who worship idols will be disgraced along with the
craftsman who made them (Isa. 44:11).
Today, an idol may not be limited to physical objects alone. It is anything that stand
between us and God. It is something that we give priority or value above God. It could be
money, position, convenience, source of power and security, aside the true God. Putting trust
in anything aside the true God is deadly and suicidal. Jesus is the name that God give for
salvation. It is not only those who say ‘there is no God that are fools. People who out of their
own imagination worship something lesser than the true God are also fools. No religious
leader died to atone for the sins of man and after, rose from the dead. It is self-deception not
to believe in the Lord Jesus whom God appointed as Saviour of the world.
The natural law indicates that what a man sows, he shall reap. If you continue or just
decide now to serve the true God, you will have joy and make eternal life (Gal. 6:7-8). Idols
are man’s enemies, only those who truly surrender to the true God refuse to bow to idols.
Though believers sometimes experience struggling within the flesh and the indwelling spirit,
don’t deceive yourself, seek God’s help.


The word of God is a proper object to do personal spiritual check-up. It is a mirror that
reflects who we are. The Holy Spirit working on the word of God makes man to grow
spiritually. Hence, believers should study the word of God with passion and meditate on their
study through the Holy Spirit.
Some people ignorantly live in Christ less eternity due to their inability to comply with
God’s word. The Psalmist knows the importance of the word of God. Hence, he says “Your
word will I hide in my heart so that I may not sin against you” (Ps. 119:11). Believers must study,
meditate, memorise the Scriptures and yield to the word of God. It must be our vital guide
for everything we do. Yielding to the word helps Christians to get rid of wrong things in their
attitude and character. It is therefore expedient for us to listen attentively to the word, retain
and live it. Taking to the advice given in James 1:19-25 will make us comply with God’s
Some reasons believers should yield to the word of God are: (1) It is divine. It is the book
of all ages. It is corruption-free, not subject to amendment (Ps. 119:89, 152). (2) It quenches
spiritual hunger and gives food for the soul (1 Pet. 2:2; Matt. 4:4). (3) It is profitable for doctrine
(2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21). (4) It gives light and understanding. (Ps. 19:8, 119:105; 2 Pet. 1:19). (5)
It influences rightly. (Heb. 4:12; Rom. 1:16-17). (6) It is a blessing to those who respect, study
and meditate on it. (Jos. 1:8; Jn. 5:24). (7) It purifies the soul. (Ps. 119:9). (8) It is the standard
for measuring and knowing the truth because it is the truth. (Prov. 29:18; Gal. 1:8) (9) It was
purposely written for man’s salvation. (Jn. 20:30-31; 1 Cor. 10:11; 1 Jn. 5:13) (10) It is
trustworthy and reliable. (Ps. 119:76, 89:34; Rom. 4:16).
In view of the above, Heaven-bond Christians must yield to the word. The more you love
the word of God, the more immuned you are from falsehood and deception (Ps. 119:163, 167)


A Christian who aims at finishing the Christian race strong and well, must persistently
examine him or herself to confirm if he or she is still on the right track. Paul the Apostle

10 | P a g e
enjoins the Corinthian Christians to give themselves spiritual check-ups to establish whether
they are Christians (verse 5).
Some Self-Evaluation Questions
1. Am I sincerely and genuinely born again?
2. What is my personal feeling towards any thing called sin?
3. How do I feel whenever I mistakenly fall into sin?
4. How is my spontaneous response to the work of God?
5. How do I feel when my seemingly enemy falls?
6. How often do I willingly forgive?
7. Where does my interest always tilt towards whenever I am offended - vengeance?
8. How often do I pray and struggle to obey God’s instructions?
9. How do I feel whenever I missed any of my Church’s services?
10. How secure do I feel whenever the question of eternity arises?

Everybody knows the state of his or her mind except the one who wilfully wants to deceive
himself or herself. Ask yourself the personal question “Am I a Christian?” Know that a
Christian is a person who is fully converted through the Holy Spirit to the Christian faith.
Such individual has made the decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, come rain, come
sunshine. If you have not given your life to Christ Jesus or you have backslidden, this lesson
avails you the opportunity to experience a new life in Jesus by deciding for Him or
rededicating your life to Him as the case may be.

1. What did Prophet Isaiah say about those who worship idols?
2. Briefly describe the idol which the prophet spoke about and today’s idols.
3. What should believers do with the word of God in order to comply with His instructions?
4. List some self-examination questions.
5. In the light of this lesson, mention some likely benefits of self-examination.

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LESSON 3 18/9/2022
Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 165, 225
Devotional Reading: 2 Cor. 5:17-21
Topic For Adults: New Life, New Spirit
Topic For Youths: Born Of Water And Spirit
Topic For Intermediates: Washed And Cleansed
Lesson Scriptures: Ezek. 36:25-27; Rom. 6:1-12; 2 Cor. 5:17-21;
2 Jn. 5:1-10; 1 Pet. 1:23-25; Tit. 3:5-6

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through
the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” Titus 3:5 (NKJV).


Regeneration is the removal of guilt of the soul and the acceptance of the divine peace. It is
also the renewal of Divine influences when the spirit rests on believers to enlighten, guide and
also comfort them. Regeneration creates a new thing in man. It is a restoration from a former
state of sin. What was lost through sin is restored by regeneration. According to H. Quick, ’’it
is a renovation of the whole man”. True and effectual salvation is evidenced in the evidence of
regeneration. At salvation, the new nature has come but the old nature still remains. The
result is that there is now in one man the carnal and the spiritual (Rom. 7:8-20). In regeneration,
the old man is crucified daily and the new man is to be renewed daily in the image of the
Saviour by the action of the Holy Spirit - the washing of regeneration and His Word.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: True and effectual salvation is evidenced in the manifestation of

PRAYER POINT: God, create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 10; Evening: Gen. 19-20

TUE. 13/09/2022 DESIRE A NEW HEART EZEK. 36:25-27

God’s people were not chosen because they were holy. They are chosen that they may become
holy. It is embedded in man after yielding to God in salvation to be holy, for that power has
been imputed into him and will come to manifestation as he continues in his daily walk with
Him. It is the Father who elects and calls that justifies and sanctifies with the intent to finally
glorify eternally. God is the initiator of sprinkling of clean water upon His chosen at the time
of restoration. A changed heart, a sanctified heart, a new heart is God’s desire for His children.
Let us with sincere heart desire it.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: A new heart – God’s desire for His children.

PRAYER POINT: I receive a new heart by the influence of Your spirit today in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 11; Evening: Gen. 21-22

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The starting point for regeneration is faith. Faith in Christ who loves man with the love that
made Him to go to Calvary. Whoever embraces Him – born of God, becomes a new creature;
have the principle of grace wrought in them with the operation of the Holy Spirit thereby
overcoming the world. Such people overcome the god of this world - Satan, the world, and
its lusts which are capable of averting the regenerated ones from observing God’s command.
Those who have put their trust in Christ and obtained the divine birth have received a life and
nature that makes them far superior to this world. This new life exalts and makes them
victorious over worldly spirit and desires. The weapon by which they overcame was their faith
which in their regeneration is implanted in them. May we be enabled by God’s Spirit to
maintain our faith in Christ to remain regenerated.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Regeneration comes through faith.

PRAYER POINT: My Father, I receive more faith and grace to remain regenerated.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 12:1-30; Evening: Gen. 23-24


The new birth is a birth that is worked out by God, by His word and by His Spirit - For faith
comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The word is a seed that is sown in the
heart and out of which the new life develops. The word of God has life in itself. That life is
not perishable. It is imperishable and everlasting as God Himself is imperishable and
everlasting (Heb. 4:12, 1 Tim. 1:17). A heart that fellowships with God in His word will have
no room for sin. God’s word will surely keep him from sin. The heart will be pure and kept
regenerated eternally. A regenerated life is rooted in God’s word. It is unlike the
unregenerated life which looks like grass and flower of the field - a life in which everything
looks to be prosperous and wonderful but whose loveliness is momentary and quickly fades
away. Make God’s word your companion to obtain and maintain a regenerated life.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Make God’s word your companion.

PRAYER POINT: O God, let the love for your word consume me in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 12:31-50; Evening: Gen. 25-26

A regenerated individual has benefitted immensely from the mercy and grace of God. Grace
is an unmerited favour. God’s grace is abundant as shown us through Christ. The greater the
sin, the more abundant grace becomes. However, to think that because grace is more
abundant is a license to continue living in sin, having been saved, is an indication that such a
person lacks the understanding of Christ’s work of redemption on the cross. When a man
trusts Christ’s redemptive work and gets baptized, he recognizes and declares that death is
God’s only solution for sin. And in baptism, he is considered dead and buried with Christ
symbolically. In life, a dead and buried person has nothing left for him on earth as his life is
over and nothing of him is left to be seen. The same holds for a believer. The old life of sin is
dead. The life he lives from that point is, and should be, one lived in the newness of life of
holiness, righteouness, purity and love. Are you truly dead to sin?

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: Dead to sin, alive to Christ.
PRAYER POINT: I declare myself dead to sin and free from domination of Satan in Jesus’
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 13:1-33; Evening: Gen. 27-28


That believers are perfect in Christ is an amazing fact. They have become one with Him in
his death and resurrection and through their conversion and baptism, they are no longer for
the world. The fact that God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead is a proof that the work of
their salvation was done perfectly. Believers should meditate and think of this often as this
will keep them from the world and its beckoning influences. Colossian Christian’s faith is
threatened by men who were Pro-Judaist and preached observance of some Mosaic
ceremonial laws which the new covenant inaugurated by Jesus has put an end to. What are
the basic principles of world religions, philosophy, and system posing threat to your faith?
There is not a single reason to pay such any honour. You are dead to them. Honour belongs
only to Him who was crucified and overcome all worldly principles.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Honour new life principles as ordained by Christ.

Prayer Point: I receive the power to live above the world and its principles in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 13:34-58; Evening: Gen. 29-30

SUN. 18/09/2022 EVIDENCED BY NEW LIFE 2 COR. 5:14

A regenerated person has died with Christ. Christ is His substitute. Christ has borne his sins
and made complete atonement for it. By faith, he is united with Christ, so united with Christ
that what Christ has done is imputed to him. He is then new in relation to God. He is risen
with Christ and thus partake of the life of Christ. The likeness of the Redeemer is being formed
in him by the Holy Ghost. He is a new creation. The old life of sin is gone. The new life of
righteousness to which he has risen to has come. The love of Christ constrains him to live not
to himself but to Christ and Him alone. Newness of life must be evidenced in a believer’s
spirit, soul, imagination, speech, character, actions, reactions, plans, purposes and desires. Is
the new life evidenced in you? Are you an example of a regenerated man? Check your life.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Are you a likeness of the Redeemer?

PRAYER POINT: Dear Lord God, as I am united with Christ, may His Spirit continually work
out that evidence of the union in me in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 14; Evening: Gen. 31-32

Regeneration as a theological subject has been subjected to several approaches. Though it is
generally understood to be the work of God in a believer’s life, spiritually, it means that God
brings a person to a new life from a previous state of separation from God. However, in some
orthodox settings, it is erroneously believed to have taken place during baptism. Baptism is
an outward sign or symbol and the water used in baptism is an emblem of the Holy Spirit. It
is by the influence of the Holy Spirit that the soul is to be purified from its defilement and
strengthened to walk in the way of truth and holiness. The basics are however discussed in
today’s lesson. Happy feasting.

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At the centre of the reality of entire salvation is regeneration. Regeneration points
particularly to the inward change that occurs in those who have been saved. Regeneration is
a spiritual rebirth. The Psalmist prays “creates in me a clean heart, oh God and renew a right spirit
within me” (Ps. 51:10). The human salvation outside regeneration is indeed fake. This is as a
result of the fact that at Eden, the human mind became darkened, the heart impure and their
actions perverse (Gen. 2:17; Rom. 1:21-32). The summary is: disobedience birthed sin and sin
birthed death. The only hope for the human race that is spiritually dead is spiritual rebirth.
Regeneration is generally understood in Christian theology to be the objective work of God
in a believer’s life. Regeneration means God bringing a person to a new life from a previous
state of separation from God and subjection to decay of death. In our passage, we observe
God bringing His chosen people back to the Promised Land in the last days. The spiritual
transformational experience described in this section illustrates what happens to every sinner
who comes to Jesus for salvation. First, God will cleanse them from their sins. This is pictured
by sprinkling of water. According to Mosaic Law, every Jew who became defiled by sin had
to be cleansed before he or she could return to the camp of blessing of the covenant
community. Secondly, the Lord will give them a new heart. The heart is generally understood
to mean all the affections and passions. God will change the whole infected nature and give
new appetite and new passion after God’s will. Thirdly, God will give them the Holy Spirit
within. That is, God will renew their minds and also enlighten their understanding, correct
their judgment and refine their will. All of these are to make them conform to His standard
for them. It is the Holy Spirit who accomplishes these divine miracles in the heart of those
who trust the Lord for salvation. God gives a new heart and a new spirit He also gives a new
desire to love the Lord and obey Him.
There is a wonderful place
Call the land of Beginning Again
Where all our mistakes and heartaches
Could be left like a shabby old coat
At the door and never put on again …… Anonymous
That place is in God. Seek Him through Christ. Seek Him today.


How is regeneration possible? Regeneration is primarily the work of the Holy Spirit. It is
significant to recall that even Jesus Himself was born of the Holy Spirit. Only
the Holy Spirit of God can bring about the miracle of regeneration. As the
original generation of the heavens and earth was by the Holy Spirit, so it is in
the regeneration, the same Holy Spirit brings forth new life. (Gen. 1:2; Jn. 3:5-
6). Regeneration on the other hand also occurs through the implanted,
impacted, imparted word of God. The word of God is a means by which a man
receives the incorruptible seed of the Holy Spirit. The new birth is a birth that
has been worked by God’s word and God’s spirit. Therefore, a regenerated
heart has to live in fellowship with God to maintain its purity. Furthermore,
regeneration occurs in a process which is itemised below:

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- Illumination – Apostle Paul writes by inspiration “The god of this world has blinded the minds
of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” There is need
then for the interior and internal illumination in order to comprehend the Gospel of
- Conviction – For regeneration to take place, there must also be a conviction of sin. This is
more than illumination which is a matter of the mind. Conviction is an action of the spirit
that brings about inner sense of guilt which also brings about a crying of “What shall we
do” (Acts 2:37).
- Repentance - The climatic moment that makes for regeneration is the moment of
repentance. It is in repentance that a person turns from old to new, from darkness to light,
from the dominion of Satan to the power of God, from the way of destruction to the way
of eternal salvation.
The climax of this process in the believer in Christ is a spiritual union. It is a union with
the spirit of Christ – the Holy Spirit - so that there is a spiritual fusion. The believer is in the
Spirit and the Spirit is in him. Such a believer in Apostle Paul’s language becomes a “temple
of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6a). A regenerated being is aware that he is dead to sin and can no
longer live in it. He is conscious of the fact that at baptism, he is buried with Christ and raised
in glory and should walk continually in the newness of life never allowing sin to reign in his
mortal body again.


In Regeneration, a person becomes a new creature. He is no longer born of the flesh but of
the Spirit. Of course, one is still the same person, but the old in term of sin dominated
existence is no longer there. All things have become new. At regeneration, a believer becomes
a New Being. Regeneration brings about a radical change in man’s being - his heart, his mind
and his will. Regeneration brings a changed heart (Ezek. 36:26). The heart of a sinful man is
the source of many evils (Matt. 15:19). The heart is cleansed, and washed clean by the Holy
Spirit (Tit 3:5) basically from every kind of evil. No sin finds a place to stay in his heart. Is this
true of you? Regeneration brings a renewed mind, the believers mind simply takes on a totally
different attitude or orientation. All of life is viewed in a new perspective. Yes, the primary
devotion is to God - and God alone. Regeneration brings a liberated will. An unregenerated
man’s will is in bondage to sin and evil (Tit. 3:5-4) with no hope of ever changing or escaping,
until the goodness and loving kindness of God and our Saviour appear and save such from
this terrible bondage.
Regeneration also brings the birthing of a New Nature. The new nature is, first, that of
holiness (Eph. 4:24). The innermost being of the regenerated man is now inclined towards
righteousness and holiness. He, in the word of the great Apostle, “becomes a slave of
righteousness” (Rom. 6:17-18). The new nature is also characterized by love. Love is the very
nature of God and that nature abides in the regenerated man (1 Jn 4:7-8).
Also, through regeneration, there is an entrance into a New Life. The man regenerated
actually starts “walking in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). He is alive to God (Rom. 6:11), aware of
God and conscious of Him at all times. His life is now a life of Happiness. His joy is full (Jn.
15:11), “Oh! great is the Joy of salvation” (Luke. 2:10). With joy, a regenerated man draws water
from the well of salvation (Isa. 12:3). Are these evidenced in your life as a regenerated being?
In summary, R. A. Torrey said, “The regenerated man is a temple of God and the Spirit of God
dwells in him.” He is no longer in the flesh but in the Spirit, that is, the flesh is not the sphere

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he thinks, feels, lives and acts. On the other hand, the Spirit is the sphere he does them.
Because he is inwardly renewed in his mind, he is outwardly transformed. He minds the
things of the Spirit and directs his mind, thoughts, desires and purposes toward them. Once
again, are these things evidenced in you as a believer? Look inward and do a thorough
reassessment of your life.

Regeneration is a special act of God. He alone awakens man spiritually through the power
of the Holy Spirit. It is the catalyst that allows the Christian to interact with and be in union
with his Creator. It is the regenerated mind that can have continuous and undisturbed
fellowship with God.

1. What is Regeneration?
2. Itemize the means of Regeneration.
3. Explain the New Being.
4. Explain the New Nature.
5. List 3 evidences of Regeneration.

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LESSON 4 25/9/2022
Suggested Hymn: G.H.B. 69, 75, 222
Devotional Reading: Rom 12:1-2; Gal. 2:17-20
Topic For Adults: Living A New Life For Christ
Topic For Youths: Living A New Life In Christ
Topic For Intermediates: Living Our Lives To Please Christ
Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor 2:14-18; Gal 2:16-20; Rom 12:1-2

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I
now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me”
Galatians 2:20 (NKJV).


MON. 19/09/2022 CEASE TO DO EVIL ISA. 1:16-20; 5:20
This is a clarion call from God to everybody to desist from doing evil. The message was
originally to the Israelites but now goes to every living person dwelling upon the earth. As a
Father, He says come and let us reason together; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be
as white as snow. In other words, He promises a thorough cleansing for all your sins. He also
adds that if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land. If otherwise, the
consequence is also there.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Come and let us reason together; though your sins be as scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow.
PRAYER POINT: Father, wash me in the blood of the Lamb and purge my life of every sin and
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 15; Evening: Gen. 33-34


Our lesson this morning talks about a veil that was removed when Jesus died on the cross.
The veil is still covering the minds of those who don’t believe. We were not like Jesus when
He discovered us but the onus lies on us now to strive to become like Him. Meanwhile, the
secret of becoming more like Jesus is in looking unto Him; and that can only be propelled by
His spirit, not by might nor by power. This way, we can change from day to day and from
glory to glory in order to conform to his glorious image. Remember that song, “I want to be
like Jesus, so lowly and so meek…”

POINT OF EMPHASIS: We can change from day to day and from glory to glory in order to
conform to His glorious image when we look constantly upon Him.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me on a daily basis to conform to the image of your dear Son in
the name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 16; Evening: Gen. 35-36

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WED. 21/09/2022 LIVE IN INTIMATE UNION GAL. 2:17-20
The power of resurrection made our conversion possible, and that is why Christ will not justify
us if we remain in your sins after being forgiven. The doctrine of eternal security that proposes
that once you are saved you are forever saved does not work here. This is why a person must
be genuinely converted and should be able to say like Job ‘Though He slays me, yet, will I
trust Him... Don’t shift ground, don’t go back to your past sins, else, you make yourself a
lawful captive to sin and Satan. Remember you have been washed. Living in an intimate
relationship with Jesus is the antidote to the works of the flesh. Apostle Paul got this secret
when he said” I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me,
and gave Himself for me”.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth
in me
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me by your spirit to live my life in an intimate union with you
in the name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 17; Evening: Gen. 37-38.

THUR. 22/09/2022 LIVE FOR CHRIST PHIL. 1:20-22

The earnest desire and hope of Paul was that either in death or life, Christ should be
magnified. This is the type of resolution that is expected of every true believer in Christ Jesus.
Apostle Paul’s life typifies a life that is totally sold out to Jesus come what may. To crown his
profession of faith, he said, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Paul’s life is an
example for every believer that would like to make heaven at last.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to live and pattern my life after your likeness.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 18; Evening: Gen. 39-40


Every true child of God has an expectation after this life, and that is why your attitude while
on earth should be determined and dictated by your expectation because it is your attitude
that determines your entry into heaven. Put off the old man and his deeds. But now ye also
put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication etc, and put on the
new man which is Christ. This is not religion but knowing God genuinely, not churchianity
but Christianity, not morality but holiness. Regular church attendance does not denote
putting off the old man, and cannot take you to heaven. Remember, not all that call me lord,
lord shall enter into heaven but those who do the will of my father which is in heaven.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The right attitude is to put off the old man and put on the new man.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to always have the right attitude here on earth that I may be
qualified for heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 19; Evening: Gen. 41-42

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The Bible says draw nigh unto God, and He will draw night unto thee. God remains constant;
if you are far from Him, He is far from you, and if you decide to bridge the gap by moving
nearer, He is near too. A daily contact with God is what can keep you going during
troublesome and unpalatable moments because He will guard and guide you. Daily contact
with God will give you testimonies during adversities. Daniel said they that know their God
shall be strong, and they shall do exploits.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Maintain a daily contact with God through the troublesome waters and
storms of life; He alone can carry you through.
PRAYER POINT: Thee only have I resolved to know in all I speak or think or do. Help me to
keep a daily contact with you.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 20; Evening: Gen. 43-44

SUN 25/09/2022 DEMONSTRATE LOVE 1 JN. 3:10-12; 4:16-21

Love is one of the names and attributes of God. This love was demonstrated when He sent
His only begotten Son to die for the sins of the world (John 3:16). This is why the greatest
commandment according to our Lord is love for God and then for fellow humans. Love is
enduring, love is endearing, love is selfless, love is not hateful of anyone, love is not greedy,
love does not pretend, love is not lustful, love is forgiving, love is not easily vexed, love is not
vengeful, love covers a multitude of sins, love is the fulfillment of the law. The lesson
scriptures for this morning emphasize the fact that our actions should be propelled by love.
You can’t say you love God and hate your brother. Apostle John says behold what manner
of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Love covers a multitude of sins, love is the fulfilment of the law.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to walk in love all the days of my life in the name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 21: 1-27; Evening: Gen. 45-46

The issue of living a new life for Christ according to this lesson is something
that every believer should hold in high esteem. Christ has died in order to
secure eternity for us. As a result, He is our new Master since he has paid (by
his blood) the huge debt we owed. Redemption is for us a wonderful story. Apostle Paul
presents it by saying nevertheless I live yet not I, the life I now live in the flesh, I live in the
faith of the son of God who loves me and gave himself for me.


Deadness to sin and self (flesh) is one major thing required from us if we must live the new
life that pleases Christ. The works of the flesh according to Gal 5:19 must not be seen in us
who are members of the body of Christ. We are different from those living in the world
because Satan, the god of this world, has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe lest the
glorious gospel shines unto them (verse. 4).
· We are servants of Christ for the sake of the unbelievers (verse. 5).

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· The light of the glory of God is ordained to shine in us (earthen vessels) that the glory and
excellency may be ascribed unto God (verses. 6-7).
· We may be buffeted on every side but we will not be destroyed (verses 8-9). Because of
the assurance of His presence, He said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. This
promise is for those living their lives for Him (Read Ps. 121:3-8).
· We bear on our body the tag or label of Jesus (our new owner) that His life may be revealed
in us (verse 10).


The old nature in us was crucified and had died the moment we came to know Christ.
Moreover, a level of the Holy Spirit was imparted to us who truly believe in Christ which
helps us to hate sin and the works of the flesh. That is why we can boldly “say the things I
used to do I do them no more”. That which was crucified is expected to die and rise no more.
· Christ has justified us, and after being justified should we continue in sin? Christ will never
approve of that. (verse 17)
· If we go back to sin, we are transgressors. verse 18
· We are dead to the works of the law in order that we may live unto God. (verse. 19)
· Being dead to sin, we are alive, not for ourselves but for Christ who loved us and gave
Himself for us. (verse. 20)
· If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things (self) have passed away (died); …
all things have become new
We should also remember that the flesh works against the Spirit, and the Spirit also works
against the flesh. You should allow the Spirit to dominate the flesh. This is when the flesh is
truly crucified.

PART 3: LIVE IN LOVE FOR CHRIST - PHIL 1:20-21; 1 JN. 3:10-12; 4:16 20
Living in love is the real thing. Love is the fulfilment of the law. Love is one of the attributes
and nature of the Almighty God. We should live our lives in love for the man who bought us
with His blood.
· Apostle Paul says that his earnest expectation without shame is that whether in living or
in dying, Christ might be glorified in him (Phil 1:20).
· According to him, living is for Christ, and to die is gain. The same should be the case for
· John maintains that sinlessness is the nature of those who truly love God. Why? His seed
remains in them.
· The message from the beginning is, Hear o Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord… (Deut.
· God is love and whosoever dwells in love dwells in God (1 Jn. 4:16).

The only meaningful life here on earth is the one that is patterned after Christ; it is also the
kind of life that can take one to heaven.
1. What is the new life?
2. How can we get the new life?
3. What were things that took place in us when the flesh was crucified?

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4. How do the flesh and the Spirit work?
5. What is the wise decision you should take while you are still living?

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LESSON 5 2/10/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 222, 213
Devotional Reading: Jer. 29:11-14
Topic for Adults: It Is Time To Seek The Lord
Topic for Youths: In Spirit And In Truth
Topic For Intermediates: God Is Nudging Your Heart
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 27: 1-10; Matt. 6:25-33; Acts 17: 13-29

MEMORY VERSE: “When you said, ‘Seek my face; my heart said to you, ‘Your face, LORD,
I will seek’. Psalm 27:8 (NKJV)


MON. 26/9/2022 DESIRE TO SEEK GOD PS. 27:1-10
The Psalmist said his greatest desire was to live in God’s presence each day of his life. Sadly,
this is not the greatest desire of many who claim to be believers. We only seek God when we
are in trouble or when we are experiencing difficulties. David sought God every day, so when
troubles came, he was already in God’s presence and prepared to handle any problems. Many
of our problems can be avoided or handled easily by seeking God’s help and direction
beforehand. Therefore, make it a habit to always seek the face of the LORD on a daily basis
and you can be assured that God will provide you solution to all your problems.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not seek the LORD only when you are in trouble.
PRAYER POINT: Oh LORD, I receive grace to always seek your face on a daily basis.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 21: 28-46; Evening: Gen. 47-48

God promised us that if we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. If you seek to know
God in real and personal ways with all your heart, He will reveal Himself to you. To seek
God with all your heart means to make a conscious choice to direct your heart toward God.
You can do this by reading your Bible on a daily basis, singing songs of praise and worship,
and praying. God knows all things, He sees your effort to find Him. When your heart is pure
to seek more of God, you will find the answers you are looking for. Remember, you cannot
hide anything from God. He knows what is going on in your heart.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God can be sought and found when we seek Him wholeheartedly.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, come and have your permanent abode in my heart, let nothing take
your place.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 22: 1-22; Evening: Gen. 49-50

WED. 28/9/2022 SEEK GOD AND LIVE AMOS 5: 4-7

Twice, the people were enjoined to seek God and live from the text. Not seeking God implies
that they are not prepared to live. The world is sick and dying in sin, the only remedy is to
seek God and live. Sin seeks to destroy, but hope is found in seeking God. In times of
difficulty, seek God. In personal discomfort and struggle, seek God. When others are
struggling, encourage them to seek God. Remember that it is only those who seek the Lord

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who will find Him. If you want to enjoy your life here on earth, make seeking God your
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Only those who seek the LORD will live.
PRAYER POINT: I choose to live, therefore, I will continue to seek the LORD. Nothing will
stop me in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 22: 23-46; Evening: Exo. 1-2

Thur. 29/9/2022 SEEK GOD TO LIVE PEACEABLY 2 CHRO. 14:1-6

Asa’s reign was marked by peace because he did what was good and right in the eyes of the
LORD his God. He made up his mind to seek the LORD with all his heart, he also made sure
that the people of Judah sought the LORD. He commanded the people to obey the law of the
LORD. Obedience to God leads to peace with God and others. In the case of Judah’s Kings,
obedience to God led to national peace, just as God had promised centuries earlier. Obedience
may not always bring peace with our enemies, but it will bring peace with God. Make up your
mind to obey God in all areas of your life and you will surely experience the peace of God.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Obeying God is the first step on the path to peace.
PRAYER POINTS: As I make up my mind to obey you in all areas LORD, let your peace not
be far from me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 23; Evening: Exo. 3-4

FRI. 30/9/2022 SEEK GOD FIRST MATT. 6: 25-33

There are so many things seeking to take the place of God in our hearts. People, objects, goals,
and other desires all compete for priority. Any of these can quickly push God out of first place
if you don’t actively choose to give God first place in every area of your life. God desires that
we put Him first in all things. To “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”
means to turn to God first for help, to fill our thoughts with His desires, to pattern our lives
according to His character, and to serve and obey Him in everything. Always make a
deliberate effort to seek God first above any other thing.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not allow anything to take the place of God in your heart.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me the grace to always put you first in all things.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 24:1-31; Evening: Exo. 5-6

SAT. 1/10/2022 GOD IS NOT FAR, SEEK HIM ACTS 17: 13-29
To most people, God is far away and cannot be easily accessed. The Athenains had the same
mind set. They built an idol to the unknown god for fear of missing blessings or receiving
punishment. Paul explained the one true God to these educated men of Athens. Today, we
have a “Christian Society” but to most people, God is still unknown. We need to proclaim
who God is and make it clear what He did for all mankind through His Son Jesus Christ. God
is known in His creation and He is close to every one of us. Do not hesitate to tell others about
Christ. Just like Paul’s audience, some will believe and some will not believe

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God is not far away, He is closer to you than you can ever imagine.
PRAYER POINT: Use me oh LORD, to make you known to others.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 24:32-51; Evening: Exo. 7-8

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Solomon, in the Book of Ecclesiastes made it clear that there is time for everything on earth.
Prophet Isaiah buttresses this statement by saying “Seek the LORD while He may be found, call
upon Him while He is near.” This implies that there is a time God can be found, and there is a
time He cannot be found. Isaiah tells us to call on the Lord while He is near. God is not
planning to move away from us, but we often move far from Him. Don’t wait until you have
drifted far away from God to seek Him. Later in life, turning to Him may be far more difficult.
Also, do not allow the trumpet to sound before calling on Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Seek God now while you can, before it is too late.
PRAYER POINT: Father, I obtain grace to always seek you at the right time.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 25; Evening: Exo. 9-10

In Physics, we are made to understand that power is the ability to do work. No organism or
organization can perform well when it lacks power. Likewise, the church of God needs power
to function and accomplish what God wants her to achieve. The only means by which we can
generate this power is by seeking God who is the source of all powers. This can be down
through prayer, worship, and the word of God. Our focus in this lesson is to reaffirm that the
church of God can only grow in power by seeking God.


The Bible tells us over and over to seek God. It is a pity that most of us do not seek God.
We often run to God only when we are experiencing difficulties. David was not like that. He
sought God every day. Why do we need to seek God? Why does He tell us to seek Him? Is
He hiding? No, God is not hiding. The reason God instructs us to seek Him is because He
wants to be found. The word “seek” in Hebrew means “to search out by any method”. In
Greek, it means to “seek to find”. This supports God’s desire to be found in Jeremiah 29:13.
We need to seek God because we are surrounded by so many distractions and challenges. We
do not have enough power on our own to overcome these challenges, therefore, we need God
to empower us. To seek something is to crave after it. One who seeks is tenacious. It is a
“setting of the mind and heart” on God. It is the conscious fixing or focusing of our mind,
attention, and our heart’s affection on God (1 Chro. 22: 19; Col. 3: 1-2).
In verse 8, the Psalmist said he will seek the face of the LORD. When we seek the face of
God, we are seeking His presence. The call to seek God’s face was issued to His people
because they had abandoned Him and needed to return to Him. To seek God’s face is to seek
a deeper relationship with Him. We can seek God’s face through His word, prayer and
worship. When we read His word, we learn His character and His ways. As we pray to God
and spend time with Him, we learn to hear His voice. When we worship Him, He shows up
as we welcome His presence. When we come to God in prayer, we are seeking His power.


Our lives are full and busy. So many things want to take the first place in our lives. But
God wants us to seek Him first before any other thing. According to Matthew Henry
Commentary on the whole Bible, the passage centres on worldly concerns like worry or

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anxiety-temptations most of us face. Jesus warned His disciples about worldly concerns and
encouraged them to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As explained in
part one of the lesson, to seek means to crave after, to look for, go after, or search for. To seek
God’s kingdom means we have made a conscious decision to turn to God instead of allowing
anxiety or worry to consume us. It is to make a deliberate effort to seek the face of God in all
things. Looking on the face of God transforms us into His image. We become like the things
we focus on. There is an adage in Yoruba that when a leaf stays so long on soap, it becomes
soap. When we spend our time in fear or worry, our lives are filled with hardship. When we
focus on money, we become greedy. When we focus on our needs, we become desperate in
fulfilling them. When we focus on the things done wrong against us, we become bitter and
angry. When we focus on God, we are transformed. Just like what happened to Moses, the
glory of God will be seen in our lives. Apart from that, all the good things of life will be added
to us.
Ask yourself the following questions:
· Do I seek God first with my time?
· Do I seek God first with the decisions I need to make each day?
· Do I seek God first over the opinion of others?

PART 3: GOD IS NEAR YOU – ACTS 17: 13-29; REV. 3:20

There was a story about a farmer who lived in Africa. He heard about diamonds, sold his
farmland and wandered all over the world searching for diamonds. He never found what he
was looking for. He became broke and finally committed suicide. Another man acquired his
farmland only to discover that the land was covered with the biggest diamonds in the world.
The original farmer was literally standing on “Acres of Diamonds” without knowing it. A
Nigerian adage says: “What you are looking for in Sokoto is in your trouser pocket”.
The same thing happened in the passage we just read. The men of Athens were a religious
people, who did not know how to reach out to God. They looked everywhere, just like the
young man in search of diamonds, but they did not find God. Finally, they built an altar to
the “unknown God” hoping that one day, they will find Him. Little did they know that the
God they were looking for is not far away but very near. Paul made them realize that the
unknown God they were looking for is nearer than they thought. God is not far away, for in
Him we live, in Him we move, and in Him we have our being. Nature even testifies that God
is very near. Paul wanted the philosophers of Athens to know that God is not only close, but
accessible. God wants to have a relationship with us. We do not need images to represent
God. He is knocking on the door of our hearts. All we need to do is to open up for Him.

There is no power on earth that can be compared with God’s power. All power belongs to
God, and as God’s children, we are entitled to use His power for our benefit. The church will
grow in power when we make up our mind to seek God with all our heart, put Him first in
all things, and be ready to share with unbelievers that this same power is available to them if
they can embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. The God their hearts yearn for is not far away
but very near.

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1. What do you understand by the word “seek”
2. Why do we need to seek God? Why does He tell us to seek Him?
3. How can we seek the LORD?
4. What are the benefits of seeking the LORD?
5. In your own words, state what you have gained from the lesson.

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LESSON 6 9/10/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 35, 69
Devotional Reading: Lk. 14:15-24
Topic For Adults: A Lifestyle Of Godliness Is Required Of You.
Topic For Youths: You Must Live To Please God.
Topic For Intermediate: You Can Be Godly.
Lesson Scriptures: Matt 11:28-30; Lk 14:15-24; Rom 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:13-19; 2 Pet 1:5-11

MEMORY VERSE: “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure,
for if you do these things, you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1:10) NKJV.


To remain steadfast in faith or to stumble is a personal decision everyone must make. It is
your absolute choice if you will stumble or fall. You cannot blame anyone for your failure.
What we need to do if we must remain steadfast have been clearly stated in the scriptures.
The Bible says it takes diligence to remain steadfast in the faith (vs. 5, 10). The Scriptural
counsel in our text today is that we must not remain at the same level of faith after we have
surrendered our lives to Jesus. There are seven qualities the scriptures enjoined us to add to
our faith; (1) virtue, (2) knowledge, (3) self-control, (4) perseverance, (5) godliness, (6)
brotherly kindness and (7) love. If we daily continue to add all these qualities, we will not

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It takes personal diligence to remain steadfast in faith.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to be more diligent than ever before as I walk with You in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 26; Evening: Exo. 11-12


The grace of God that brings salvation according to Titus 2:11 has appeared to all men. But
not all men are maximizing this rare opportunity. Many will miss it because of one excuse or
the other. Everyone who has rejected the gospel message has at least one excuse or the other
to reject it. Unfortunately, no matter how genuine one’s excuse is, it is not good enough to
justify the rejection of God’s invitation. Jn. 3:18 states that those who reject the Son are
condemned already, their excuses notwithstanding. Do you also have excuses not to accept
the gospel? Maybe your excuse is someone’s wrong behavior or mistakes. No matter what it
is, you risk missing the last banquet if you hold on to it. You must let go of those excuses
today before it is too late.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: No excuse is genuine enough to justify your rejection of God’s

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me not to miss the last banquet for any reason in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 27; Evening: Exo. 13-14

WED. 5/10/2022 BE DILIGENT ALWAYS HEB. 6:9-12

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One popular hymn says, “Christian, seek not yet repose…” To sustain the Christian lifestyle
requires diligence from start to finish. There is no room for laziness, sluggishness or
complacency. This is because the devil, our enemy is not resting. He is waiting for our
moment of slackness to attack us. The Bible says, he is walking about, looking for whom he
may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). The good news is that we have examples of men who have patiently
inherited the promise before us that we can emulate. Jesus and His disciples that are listed
before us are our examples. We cannot afford to reduce the degree of diligence we started
with. This is the attitude of many who have slipped back. We cannot and must not lose our
first love.

Point of Emphasis: Diligence is an issue of all times.

Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to be complacent at any point in my journey with You in
Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Matt. 28; Evening: Exo. 15-16

THUR. 6/10/2022 IT PAYS TO BE DILIGENT PROV. 22:28-29

When it comes to diligence, most times we apply it to our lives, work and ministry. While
this is correct, we should not forget that for a man to excel as a believer, he needs a high level
of diligence. A man who is lazy cannot live a successful Christian life. Studying the word and
praying daily, fasting and more importantly, obeying the word of God all require a high level
of diligence. As we patiently learn to be diligent, we will realize that it is very beneficial to
our growth and maturity. You cannot be diligent and remain the same spiritually. Your walk
with God and your work for God will be positively impacted. More lives, especially “kings”
will be blessed through our lives and ministries.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You cannot be diligent and remain unproductive in God’s vineyard
PRAYER POINT: Help me Lord to reap the fruit of diligence in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 1; Evening: Exo. 17-18

FRI. 7/10/2022 UPRIGHTNESS IS GODLINESS 2 COR. 7:1-6; MAL. 3:8-12

To be upright is to be right with the “Up”; it is to be right with God. Uprightness does not
equate pleasing men for it is impossible to do that. Once a man is right with God, nothing
else matters. Uprightness is one of the qualities God pointed out to the devil in the life of Job
(Job 1:8; 2:3). Once a man is converted, the fruit of repentance must be evident in his life. God
and people must see a difference. His present life should be compared with the past. There is
no dignity in the life of a man who claims to be converted and yet there is little or no difference
between his past and present lifestyles. If you are unable to plot the difference between your
past and present lifestyles, then you need help.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Every believer needs to plot the difference between his/her old and new
life and see if uprightness is evident.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to be upright with You henceforth in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 2; Evening: Exo. 19-20

SAT. 8/10/2022 REACH FORWARD PHIL. 3:12-16

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There is no room for retrogression or stagnancy when it comes to the issue of the faith.
Anyone who desires to finish the race must do one thing - reach forward. We must reach
forward day by day. Paul’s formula to finish well is to forget those things that are behind and
reach forward to the things that are ahead. We cannot dwell on past achievements and expect
to finish well. We must know that there is a reason Christ apprehended us; we must reach
forward to achieve this reason. Because Paul was not complacent, he later had this testimony
when he wrote to Timothy in 2 Tim 4:6-8; “…the time of my departure is at hand, I have fought
the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of
righteousness…” It is only those who will reach forward to the end that can have this great
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Reaching forward is the only guarantee for finishing well.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me not to give up in my reaching the end of my journey in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 3; Evening: Exo. 21-22

SUN. 9/10/2022 SUBMIT TO AUTHORITY 1 PET. 2:13-19

Every authority no matter how little or great, secular or spiritual, has the approval of God
and every child of God has the responsibility to submit to them. Submitting to these
authorities simply means; (1) We are submissive to God, (2) We are setting a standard for
unbelievers as God’s children, and (3) We are showing ourselves as the light of the world.
Submitting to authorities is not a function of how nice or harsh the government is. Both nice
and harsh authorities are installed by God and must be obeyed. Believers who rebel against
authorities because they are harsh are simply rebelling against God. What we can do when
we feel burdened by a government or authority is to cry unto Him who installed them and He
will intervene.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Your greatest responsibility to the authority is to totally submit.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, grant me the grace to totally submit to all authorities over me in Jesus’
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 4; Evening: Exo. 23-24

For a believer to be godly, it requires a high degree of diligence. Godliness is not achieved by
being casual. No one can be godly by accident or by coincidence. One must be determined
and do everything it requires. Working towards godliness is a daily responsibility. You cannot
be complacent, else, our enemy who walks about looking for whom he may devour will find
the loophole he needs to attack. You cannot afford do less than pleasing God daily as a child
of God. This lesson exposes us to other things we need to add to our faith after we have come
to the faith.


There is no room for sluggishness when it comes to the Christian faith. Sluggishness or
lukewarmness profits no one. Jesus is the reason for our salvation. Salvation is not free as
many people think; Jesus paid the price by dying on the cross. In order for us to justify that
we deserve to be saved, we must be diligent (vs 5, 10) enough not to stumble (vs 10). This is

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what it means to make our election sure. To do this, there are seven recommendations from
our text. This means faith alone is not enough. Faith alone cannot guarantee our safe arrival
(1) Virtue: This is described as goodness, excellence, resolution or Christian energy. Virtue
reflects in our character as believers. We cannot call ourselves believers while our attitude and
behaviour do not show it. (2) Knowledge: We cannot be ignorant as believers. We must be
inquisitive; be ready to learn in all areas – spiritual, academic, career, etc. Hos. 4:6 says; “My
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” God promised to reject His people because
they rejected knowledge. Also, we cannot be ignorant of the devices of the enemy (2 Cor.
2:11). (3) Self-control: This is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviour
in the face of pressure, temptations, and all manner of tribulations. The Bible says; “If you faint
in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” (4) Perseverance: This is steadfastness, patience,
endurance, etc. It is the ability to be calm in the face of challenges. You should neither give
up nor give in. (5) Godliness: To be godly is to be holy. It is to be like God in holiness. He
says; “Be holy for I am holy” (1 Pet 1:16). (6) Brotherly kindness: God wants us to be affectionate
and loving towards our fellow brethren. We must rejoice or sympathize with them when the
need arises. We must also arise to their issues (Matt 25:21-46). (7) Love: Finally, we must love
God. Love for God will make us obey Him, Love the believers and love sinners by witnessing
to them.

PART 2: DON’T MAKE EXCUSES – LK. 14:15-24; MATT. 11:28-30

Imagine if the government of your state or the president of your country invites you to his
son’s wedding. Would it not be an honour? Now, God, the maker and owner of heaven and
earth is inviting all men to His Son’s great feast. Those who were earlier invited have rejected
His invite by giving Him different excuses. This Invitation has now been extended to you.
What will be your response? Are you going to join the list of those who ignored His Invitation
for reasons best known to you?
No one who has given God excuses in the past has gone without being punished. When
Adam was confronted with his sin in the Garden of Eden, he shifted the blame to Eve. Eve
also pointed accusing fingers at the serpent. I am sure the serpent would have given excuses
if God had asked (Gen 3). They were sent out of the Garden and all benefits were withdrawn
from them. Saul was another man that was full of excuses. Twice, he gave excuses for not
obeying God but on each occasion those excuses were turned down and he was punished (1
Sam. 13 and 15). The kingdom was taken from him and given to a man better than him (1 Sam
13:14), eventually, God’s Spirit was taken from him and an evil Spirit tormented him (1Sam
Don’t give room for excuses, no matter how genuine they may sound. God doesn’t
subscribe to excuses. Scholars and philosophers have tried to propound theories to reject the
existence of God and the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. If anyone is
fooled by these errors sponsored by the devil, he will have himself or herself to blame. Jesus’
Invitation still stands; “Come to Me, all you who labour… and I will give you rest.” Also, there is
no genuine excuse for backsliding. If you are tempted, call on Him; He is ready to help.

PART 3: HONOUR AND FEAR GOD - 1 PET. 2:13-19; ROM. 13:1-7

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Authorities everywhere, be it in the spiritual, secular or public places, represent God. As
believers, we have the responsibility to submit to the laws and ordinances of these authorities.
Rom. 13:2 says; “Whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God.” It is simple, we cannot
claim to honour and fear God and be disobedient to the authority put in place by God. Our
honour and fear for God should automatically reflect in how we submit to the authorities
God places over us.
Little instructions matter. For example, failure to pay duties and taxes, disobedience to
traffic and pedestrian laws, lateness to places of work, sleeping during office hours, etc. These
attitudes do no in anyway honour God. When we put up these attitudes as believers, it shows
we have not learned Christ (Eph. 4:20). Jesus did not disobey the government when He was
on earth physically. He advised people to give to Caesar what belonged to him (Mk 12:13-17).
Caesar in our days represents the government. If Jesus did not go against the government in
His days, we must also honour and fear God through ordained authorities.
The only exception to this submission to authorities will be when government makes rules
that are against the scriptures and the will of God. Though these authorities are approved by
God, they flout God’s rules sometimes. Daniel and his three friends rejected the king’s
directive to bow to his graven image (Dan 3). He also refused to stop praying to God when
there was a decree stopping him and the entire nation (Dan 6). He preferred to die in the lions’
den. Peter and John boldly asked the council whether it was right in the sight of God to listen
to them more than to God. He said; “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen
and heard” (Acts 4:19-20). In all, we can honor and fear God through the authorities but if
the authorities go against God, we must maintain our stand by honoring God.

One major responsibility of every believer is to please God in what we do. We cannot
present any tenable excuse for displeasing God. Examples of men of old clearly show that our
excuses, no matter how genuine, will not be accepted by God. For this reason, we must strive
not to remain on the same level of faith after conversion; we must daily add to what we have
achieved before. This is the way not to be complacent.

1. Why is it dangerous to remain only on the level of faith after conversion?
2. Discuss the seven qualities we need to add to our faith?
3. What kinds of excuses are tenable and presentable to God for rejecting His invitation?
4. Give examples of men who gave excuses in the scriptures and what happened to them.
5. Discuss some of the reasons believers do not obey authorities and why some do.

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LESSON 7 16/10/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 28, 99
Devotional Reading: Prov. 3:1-8
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be Envious
Topic For Youths: Commit Your Ways To God
Topic For Intermediates: Do Not Trust In Friends
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 37:1-5; 73:1-14; 27-28; 118: 1-8; Prov. 3:5-7; Jer. 17:5-8

MEMORY VERSE: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding”
(Proverbs 3:5) NKJV.


MON. 10/10/2022 NEVER BE ENVIOUS PS. 73:1-18, 27-28
Envy is a feeling of displeasure or hatred towards someone for his good fortune, possessions
or success. From the above meaning of envy, a child of God should not be envious. God has
a definite plan for your life. Whatever God does for anyone, He can do it for you too
depending on if it is His will and timing. Moreover, as a child of God, you don’t need to be
envious of the wicked that seem to prosper in their own ways now. There are so many things
you may not know about the source of the prosperity of many people. God gives the wicked
the space to repent. Eventually, if they don’t repent, God’s judgement will come upon them
either on earth or in hell.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God has a definite plan and purpose for you.
PRAYER POINTS: Help me Father not to be sad or discouraged because of the success of
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 5; Evening: Exo. 25-26

TUE. 11/10/2022 DO NOT FRET PS. 37:1-9

To fret means to be irritated, worried or touchy because of the success of another person. As
a Christian, you don’t need to fret because of evil doers who seem to prosper. The reason is
that they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herbs (Ps. 37:2). What
you need to do is: trust in the Lord; do good; live by the faithfulness of the Lord; delight
yourself in the Lord for He will give you the desires of your heart; commit your ways to God.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently; cease from anger and forsake wrath.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: For evil doers shall be cut off, but those who wait on the Lord shall
inherit the earth (Ps. 37:9).
PRAYER POINT: Help me Father to delight myself in you so that you can give me the desires
of my heart in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 6; Evening: Exo. 27-28


God is interested in the affairs of His children at all times including difficult periods. He
delights in guiding us if we allow Him. Elimelech’s family left Bethlehem Judah for Moab
because of famine. They left the land of God for a pagan land because of famine. It was most

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likely they did not ask God for guidance. It is dangerous to relocate to a place without seeking
God’s consent. God’s protection and provision will be the portion of those who abide in God’s

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s presence and provisions are guaranteed for those who abide in
His location.
PRAYER POINT: Help me o Lord, never to leave your presence.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 7; Evening: Exo. 29-30


As human beings, our knowledge and understanding are limited. However, God, who is
Omniscient is unlimited in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Therefore, to make wise
decisions, we must trust the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding.
Many people who have made wrong decisions in respect of marriage partner, job,
accommodation, relocation, career, courses to offer are regretting today because of the
negative consequences.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Allow God to guide you.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, guide me in all my undertakings in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 8; Evening: Exo. 31-32

FRI. 14/10/2022 BETTER TO TRUST THE LORD PS. 118:1-9

Though God uses men as channels of blessings for others, it is better to trust the Lord who is
the real source. Human beings may disappoint you. I am sure you must have experienced
disappointment from men at one time or the other. The reason of course is the frailty of man.
Man Is limited in power and resources even if they are willing to help. Also, man can be
incapacitated by one thing or the other. Therefore, it is always better to trust the Lord.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is wise to put your trust in the Lord.

PRAYER POINT: Help me Father, to always rely on you as my source.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 9:1-29; Evening: Exo. 33-34


There are many so called Christians whose lives, families and ministries are not consistently
fruitful. The reason is that they are shallow in their relationship and commitment to the Lord.
However, to be evergreen and bear fruit consistently, you must be deeply rooted in the Lord
by putting your trust in Him and by making the Lord your hope. You must establish and
develop a sustained intimacy with the Lord through His word, meditation, prayer and

POINT OF EMPHASIS: To bear abiding fruits, be deeply rooted in the Lord.

PRAYER POINT: Help me Father, to develop intimacy with you so that I can be fruitful in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 9:30-50; Evening: Exo. 35-36

34 | P a g e
SUN. 16/10/2022 DETERMINE TO ABIDE FOREVER PS. 125:1-5; JN. 15:4
The importance of cultivating intimate relationship with God through Jesus cannot be
overemphasised. A person who is connected to Jesus, trusts in Him, follows His word, will
and way will be stable, unstoppable and abide forever. There are temptations, trials,
situations, circumstances and people who may want to draw you away from Jesus, but be
determined to abide in Him forever.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You can only bear fruits when you abide in Jesus.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Father, to abide in you forever.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 10:1-31; Evening: Exo. 37-38

One of the major experiences of human beings is disappointment from unexpected people.
Some have been disappointed by fiancé or fiancée, spouse, friends or relations. Many have
been disappointed by people they felt would help them. This is why the Bible teaches us that
it is better to trust in God than in princes. While man is limited in wisdom, resources and
power, God is unlimited. No one or circumstance can hinder or limit Him.


PART 1: NEVER BE ENVIOUS - PS. 73:1-14, 27-28
Envy is a feeling of displeasure or hatred towards someone for his/her good fortune,
possession or success. As a child of God, you should not be envious of anyone for his/her
achievement or possession. There are many things you don’t understand about the source of
the achievement or possession of those whom you envy. There are many so called wealthy
people who appear to be at ease or happy but whose source of wealth is dubious, fraudulent
or satanic. Obviously, either here on earth or in hell, they will reap the fruit or the
consequences of their evil way.
In fact, many of them usually end their life in sorrow and regret. So, you don’t have to be
envious. God has definite and unique plans for your life which He will fulfil. Apart from that,
envy can lead to sorrow, dissatisfaction, covetousness, hatred and murder. Examples abound
in the Bible and in contemporary world.
Cain was envious of Abel because God accepted him and his offering while he (Cain) and
his offering were rejected. His envy led to anger and sorrow. In spite of the warning God gave
to Cain, he went ahead and killed Abel his brother.
Due to the love of Jacob for Joseph and also his dreams that suggested to his brothers that
he would one day occupy a prominent place above them, the Bible says “And his brothers envied
him” (Gen. 37:11). That was why they wanted to kill him, though, they eventually sold him
into slavery. As a result of Herod’s envy for Jesus, he ordered the death of male children who
were below two years in Bethlehem and in its district (Matt. 2:16). In our contemporary world,
many people have been killed or implicated in the place of work or in the business world due
to envy.

Human beings, no matter how clever, educated, experienced or their age, are limited in
knowledge, wisdom and power. God is unlimited. He is Omniscient, all knowing, He is
Omnipotent, all powerful. He is Omnipresent, present everywhere at the same time.

35 | P a g e
It is therefore wise to commit your ways, plans and goals to Him. Many marriages are in
trouble because the couples did not commit the relationship to God before they started. Some
businesses fail because the owner left God out of their plans.
James 4:13-16 describes the foolishness of those who plan business trip and venture without
involving God. When you commit your ways to the Lord, and you trust in Him, He shall
bring it to fulfilment. (Ps. 37:5). Don’t lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him
and He will direct your path (Prov. 3:5-6).

PART 3: IT IS BETTER TO TRUST GOD - PS. 118:1-8, JER. 17:5-8

One of the common and sad human experiences is disappointment from fellow human
Spouses, friends, co-workers, co-tenants, relatives have disappointed one another at one
time or the other. When you put your trust in a man for help, you may be disappointed
because he may forget or be limited or constrained by lack or inadequacy, even if he is willing
to help.
At times, the person you rely upon may change his mind because of one reason or the
other. In fact, the Bible places a curse on the person who trusts in man and makes flesh his
strength, whose heart departs from the Lord (Jer. 17:5-6).
On the other hand, the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in Him is blessed
abundantly and made fruitful (Jer. 17:7-8). Therefore, whatever you are going through in life
concerning your health, finance, marriage business, job, academic, and so on, put your trust
in God. He will not fail you.

Need is an integral part of man. The said need spans all human endeavours. The yearning
to have his needs met propels man to trust in his fellow man for help forgetting that the said
fellow man is limited by resources, time and space. Little wonder he fails even after promising
heaven and earth. Against this backdrop, God, the unlimited one calls man to trust in Him.
Why not heed this call? Remember, according to the Scriptures, “It is better to trust in the Lord
than to put confidence in princes.”

1. Explain the word “envy”.
2. What are some of the consequences of envy?
3. Why must you commit your ways to God?
4. What are the benefits of trusting God?

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LESSON 8 23/10/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 16, 83
Devotional Reading: Jn. 8:38-44
Topic For Adults: Come Out of The World System
Topic For Youths: You Are Special Before God
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Join Them
Lesson Scriptures: Jn. 8:38-44; 2 Tim. 2:14-26; Rom. 1:18-20

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the
truth in unrighteousness” (Romans. 1:18) NKJV.


The true personality of a person is revealed by his actions, the word he speaks and the thoughts
of his mind. They reveal who is in control of the person’s life and being. An ungodly person
is under the control of Satan. Therefore, it is impossible for the person to behave in a way that
pleases God. The person can appear gentle and civil. The power controlling his life will
manifest from time to time. Such ungodly person cannot accept or practice godly precepts.
When some people get angry, they threaten by saying “I will show you the child of whom I am”.
In essence, the person is declaring that he is going to manifest the spirit that is in operation in
his life. For the Jews in Jesus’ days, they demonstrated that they were under the control of a
spirit totally different from the godly Spirit that Abraham manifested. Abraham was under
the control of the Spirit of God while those Jews were under the control of demonic spirit
from Satan.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Ungodly people manifest the character of demonic spirits from Satan.
PRAYER POINT: I reject the activities of Satan and his demonic spirits in my life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 10:32-52; Evening: Exo. 39-40


The parable of the unjust steward is often wrongly interpreted to imply that ungodly sharp
practices in business or career are commended by Jesus. The parable is meant to illustrate that
man is a steward of God’s riches; he will give account of how the riches committed to his care
have been spent. All around us in the society, there is so much unrighteousness; people have
taken money to be their god. Employers defraud employees; employees defraud employers.
It is so bad that it is difficult to find any person with integrity. Every unrighteous person is
engrossed with the thought of how to amass wealth for himself at the expense of all others. A
dubious person should not expect to find favor or mercy in God’s sight. The Christian should
distance himself from any form of ungodly practice. The riches and goods that God gives to
a Christian are not meant to be consumed by him alone, but to be expended to also cater for
the needs of the poor people around him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Christian should flee from every appearance of ungodly practice.
PRAYER POINT: God, help me to hate every form of ungodly practice and to love
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 11; Evening: Lev. 1-2

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The Scripture that God has given us is complete and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction and for training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). Serious warning has been given
against adding to what the Scriptures say or taking away from it (Rev. 22:18-19). There have
been many Christian leaders who ignored the warning and have added what they referred to
as extra-biblical revelations. Many people have been led astray from the truths of the
Scriptures by these teachings. Other leaders have taken liberty to interpret Scriptures to suit
their carnal desires and to make them feel important in the eyes of their followers. The
Scriptures predict that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving
spirits and doctrines of demons (1Tim. 4:1,16). The heaven bound Christian is enjoined to take
heed of what he does, says or thinks and the doctrine he follows to sustain his salvation.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: In these end times, many deceivers will arise with corrupt doctrines to
lead many astray.
PRAYER POINT: I receive wisdom to follow the real truth as contained in the Bible and to not
deviate from it.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 12; Evening: Lev. 3-4

THUR. 20/10/2022 AVOID UNGODLINESS 2 TIM. 3:1-9

We don’t need a prophet to tell us that we are truly in the last days. All manner of ungodliness
prophesied would emerge are clearly seen in our society today. News come out daily reporting
atrocities which people commit in order to satisfy their love for money; unimaginable brutality
being committed against fellow human beings; loving pleasure more than God; people being
boastful, proud, and unforgiving. These acts of wickedness have found their way into the
church of God. Brethren can no longer trust one another. It is as if righteousness and
sanctification are out of fashion, even among believers. Many Christians are following the
fashions, desires, and goals set up by the world system. God has not and will never change
the standard He has set for His children. Every heaven-bound Christian will not only avoid
these acts, but will distance himself from those who practice them.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
PRAYER POINT: My white garment of righteousness will never be stained by sin in Jesus
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 13; Evening: Lev. 5-6


A Christian should keep close watch on the thoughts he allows his mind to dwell on. Thoughts
passing through a person’s mind can be likened to birds flying over the person’s head;
unwelcomed birds should not be allowed to nest in one’s hairs. Similarly unclean thoughts
should not be allowed to linger in one’s mind or occupy it. Actions that a person takes have
their source in the thoughts occupying the person’s mind. When the thoughts are unclean,
sinful actions will follow in due time. A person may assume that he is alright as long as he
does not allow the thoughts to manifest in sinful actions. But the saying is true “sow a thought
and reap an action, sow an action and reap a habit, sow a habit and reap a destiny”. The best
time to avoid a bad end is to be ruthless in weeding out unclean thoughts from one’s mind
immediately they come.

38 | P a g e
Point of Emphasis: Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
Prayer Point: In Jesus name I take authority to eradicate unclean thoughts from my mind.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 14:1-42; Evening: Lev. 7-8


Many unbelievers demand their freedom as human beings to live whichever way they feel is
right. The society is bending over backwards to accommodate sinful lifestyles such people
desire to live. Even Christians are becoming accommodating to sinful lifestyles and are no
longer bold enough to call sin a sin in order not to offend those with deviant lifestyles.
Sometimes sin is also condoned within the congregation under the guise of grace covers it all.
God’s goal for His children is that they be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Those
who have been given the privilege of being adopted as sons by God have the responsibility to
purify themselves and become pure just as Jesus Christ is pure. Any person that is not striving
to be holy as God is holy cannot be among the saints that will be raised up on the last day to
inherit the kingdom of God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Everyone who has the hope of eternal life with Jesus purifies himself as
Jesus is pure.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to run my life that at the end I will not miss heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 14:43-72; Evening: Lev. 9-10.

SUN. 23/10/2022 BOASTING IS ARROGANCE JAM. 4:11-17

There are several things that the carnal nature pushes a man to do, but which are abhorrent
before God. One of such thing is to say terrible things about another Christian. It is most
despicable if the thing is false. Even when what we are tempted to say is true, the questions
to ask are: Is it really necessary? Will it help the person become better? Is my motive right?
Another thing God opposes is when a Christian makes his plan leaving Him out of it, and
instead trust in his own wisdom, ability and ingenuity. When we leave God out of our plans,
we forget that we do not have full control over situations and circumstances surrounding us;
we do not have control over our very existence. One more thing which displeases God is pride
which makes a person to boast. Boasting ascribes one’s success or achievement to one’s power
and ability. God opposes the proud; it was pride that made Satan rebel against God.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Whatever you have or have achieved are gifts from God which you
should acknowledge with gratitude.
PRAYER POINT: Father, I thank you for all you have been to me and have done for me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 15; Evening: Lev. 11-12

Today’s lesson is a lesson for every serious minded Christian who is aiming for the kingdom
on the last days. The devil is not relenting in his determination to take as many people as
possible with him to hell. The clarion call is that believers should run away from ungodly
association which can make them forfeit their heavenly mansion.

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Besides inhering DNA from the parents, a child is strongly influenced by the character
traits of the parents. When a child exhibits character traits that are completely different from
those of his parents, the parents start to doubt that the child is truly is his, or begins to think
that the child is subjected to some strong external influence. The Jews claim to be descendants
of Abraham who is regarded as the father of faith. Abraham believed God and whole-
heartedly obeyed God’s commands. Abraham exhibited the character of a child of God.
Though the Jews are the physical descendants of Abraham, they exhibited traits very unlike
Abraham’s. They could not stand the truth which Jesus preached; and therefore sought to kill
Him. Their stubborn and disobedient hearts disqualified them from being called children of
Abraham, and by extension, children of God.
In our days, unbelievers are confused; they cannot identify those who are genuine
Christians among all who call themselves children of God. Their difficulty arises because
many who call themselves “born again” Christians exhibit ungodly character traits. Christians
are expected to be good reflection of God’s attributes: When they begin to exhibit ungodly
character they forfeit the right to be called God’s children. Godly character cannot be expected
from unbelievers because they are not yet regenerated. Unbelievers exhibit worldly character
and lifestyle. It is unfortunate that the church is full of people who are neck deep in the art of
worldliness. Those who hope to make heaven know that they have to purify themselves and
escape from worldly pollution (1 Jn 3:1-4). God is not deceived by those who get smart by
hiding their worldly practices from other men.


When one gives his life to Christ his dirty garment of sin is exchanged for the robe of
righteousness and he is enlisted among the saints. The responsibility of continuing to walk
with God in holiness is however that of the believer. The Christian lives in the world that is
full of pollution and he stands the risk of being affected by the pollutants. It is like wearing a
very white garment and having to transact a whole day business in a motor vehicle repair
village without getting the garment soiled. Many have gotten their white garment soiled by
sin in its various manifestations. To cover up the pollution, some believers engage in high
sounding philosophical arguments or propound some extra-biblical revelations and doctrines.
God is however not taken in by whatever gimmicks men may use to cover up their sin.
When a person gives his life to Christ, he becomes approved unto God—an instrument
which God can use in His kingdom. If the person falls into sin and refuses to confess and
repent of the sin, he becomes disqualified in God’s sight. The word of God is given to us so
that we may not sin; but in case anyone falls into sin, he should not remain in it (1 Jn 2:1-4).
God knows those that are still His own—those who are still walking in holiness, those who
flee from all forms of worldly pollution and manifestations of the carnal nature. Those who
desire to be used by God in His vineyard are to subject themselves to greater scrutiny. They
must study to have accurate knowledge of God’s demands, submit themselves to meet those
demands before teaching others to follow their examples. How far a person will go in God’s
service is determined by how well yielded the person is to God’s commands.

40 | P a g e
Man has no excuse in not believing the existence of God or in not obeying His commands.
In every society, notwithstanding the age or generation, God has impressed upon the heart of
man that the whole of creation could have only come through a Supreme Creator. Observing
creation itself—the order, the beauty, the variations, the sustenance—will lead any right
thinking individual to come to the conclusion that a Supreme Creator is behind it all. Beyond
this, God has left in the heart of man the knowledge of what He approves as good and what
He disapproves. In every society also, there is the awareness of sowing and reaping—that
those who choose to break God’s laws will be punished. Those who choose to believe that
God does not exist and those who choose to live ungodly lives do so in spite of what God has
revealed to them.
Those who lived without having the knowledge of the written laws of God will be judged
according to the revelation God gave them in their time. Those of who are alive today are
more culpable if we do not obey God’s commands. Jesus has come and died for our sins He
has been preached to us as the Lamb of God who takes away our sins; and we have the word
of God in print form and in electronic form. No one can therefore hide under the veil of
ignorance. Those who refuse to obey God’s command should expect the manifestation of His
wrath in full. Many people who are convinced that they can procrastinate their response to
God’s call will find themselves on the wrong side of eternity because they will enter eternity
The Christian lives in a perverse generation and polluted world but God has called him to
be part of His kingdom. The Christian does not pay to become saved; but for him to retain
his salvation will cost him everything the world has to offer. He has to jettison all worldly and
carnal desires and pleasures. Only those who are committed to live holy lives will eventually
make heaven.

1. Who is a Christian?
2. Mention five characters of ungodly people.
3. How do godly people act in the society?
4. Is there any excuse to be ungodly?
5. What are the reasons a Christian should shun ungodly association?

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LESSON 9 30/10/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 17, 32
Devotional Reading: Col. 3:1-11
Topic For Adults: Get Your Priorities Right
Topic For Youths: Know Your Responsibility
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Miss Heaven
Lesson Scriptures: Col. 3:1-11, 22-25; Eph. 6:5-8; Jn. 14:15-18; 15:10; Heb. 12:1-2

MEMORY VERSE: “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is
hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3) NKJV.


Sometimes those who fear God are overwhelmed by the challenges they are going through;
and it appears as if God is so far away or has abandoned them. But God is ever near and He
is a very present help in trouble (Ps. 46:1). For those who fear God, salvation is nearer than
they can ever imagine. God, however, demands that those who fear Him should walk with
Him in truth. He seeks those who would worship Him in spirit and truth (Jn 4:23). Anyone
who will walk with God will rid himself of sin. God is holy and calls His children to be holy
as He is. Anyone who habitually commits sin does not fear God, neither does he know God.
God also demands His children to deal with each other in truth. When His children fulfil
these conditions, He responds by pouring on them His mercy, righteousness and all that is
good. The earth responds to God’s blessings by yielding her increase.

Point of Emphasis: God is ever near those who fear Him to deliver them from their troubles.
Prayer Point: Father, help me to always trust you in all my challenges.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Mk. 16; Evening: Lev. 13-14


Sanctification is the process of being made holy which results in a changed lifestyle. Before
salvation, one operates under the rule of the sinful nature. God imputes righteousness to a
person who accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour; forgiving all his past sins. The
person who has just been saved is a spiritual babe and needs to grow into spiritual maturity.
Growth in spiritual maturity manifests in a change of lifestyle—from being carnal and sinful
to becoming holy. This is the will of God for every believer. The responsibility of living and
growing in holiness rests upon the believer. He needs to separate himself from the worldly
system and all things that defile in order to set himself apart as holy unto the Lord. He needs
to employ the instruments of the word of God and prayer and also to engage the help of the
Holy Spirit for his sanctification.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is God’s will that you set yourself apart as holy unto Him.
PRAYER POINT: I set my life apart for you, O God; deliver me from everything that defiles.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 1:1-45; Evening: Lev. 15-16


42 | P a g e
God hates pride and therefore resists the proud. Besides pride, there are several other sinful
lifestyles that God hates. Anyone that is ruled by his carnal nature is an enemy of God for he
is not subject to the law of God, nor can be. So then those who are in the flesh cannot please
God (Rom. 6:7-8). But when a person becomes born again and sanctifies himself, he is fully
reconciled to God. Because he is being led by the Spirit of God, his ways are pleasing to God.
He is under God’s full protection and provision. If anyone rises up as an adversary against
such a child of God, the adversary has God to contend with. God thwarts the adversary’s
plans and forces him to surrender to the child of God. Make your ways pleasing to God. The
world may make you the butt of a jest for obeying God, but you will laugh last.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to
be at peace with him.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to live a life fully pleasing to you, O God.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 1:46-80; Evening: Lev. 17-18


Enoch’s generation was probably as sinful as our generation today. Though he was
surrounded by a deluge of sins, Enoch chose to believe that God exists and decided to live to
please that God. He chose to seek to know what pleases God and to do it. In order to please
God, you need to have a dynamic relationship with Him. As you seek to know Him and His
ways, God will reveal Himself to you and show you His plan and purpose for your life. As
you walk in the plan of God for your life, you begin to experience the blessings that God
showers upon His beloved. The closer you get to God, the dearer you become to Him.
Abraham is an example for us. He walked with God to the point that God called Abraham
His friend. You can have such a relationship with God that He will not do anything without
revealing it to you. Do not continue to follow God from afar, get close to Him.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is impossible to please God without having faith in Him.
PRAYER POINT: Father, draw me close to where you are; I do not want to follow from afar.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 2:1-35; Evening: Lev. 19-20

FRI. 28/10/2022 DON’T LET OTHERS STUMBLE 1 COR. 10:29-33

There are various things which do not amount to sin should a Christian do them. However,
in order not to lead others astray, such a Christian must avoid such things. A mature Christian
will go beyond standing or acting on his right; he will consider how his actions affect people
around him. He will ask questions like “Though what I want to do is not sinful, will other people
interpret my action as condoning sin?” His goal goes beyond doing all it takes to get to heaven,
but also includes doing whatever he can to influence others to also make heaven. A mature
person knows that sometimes he has to forgo his right in order to achieve a common good.
The Christians at Corinth were debating either to eat food sacrificed to idols. Paul enjoined
them to not eat such food if by eating they could make another person stumble in his spiritual
walk. They should regard themselves as their brothers’ keepers.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Watch out lest your actions lead some believers to backslide or
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, guide my actions so that I will be a positive influence on others
in their spiritual walk.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 2:36-52; Evening: Lev. 21-22
SAT. 29/10/2022 BE CHRIST-LIKE MATT. 3:17; PHIL. 2:5-11

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During Christ’s ministry on earth, He received affirmation from God the Father that the
Father was well pleased with Him. The passage in the book of Philippians reveals the kind of
mind that Jesus Christ had which endeared Him to the Father. He humbly and voluntarily
laid down His glory to take the form of a servant. In humility, He obeyed the Father to the
point of dying on the Cross. He did not choose which of the Father’s commands were
convenient for Him to obey. He obeyed all. Every believer is enjoined to have the same mind
as Jesus Christ—to wait upon God to receive direction and instructions before acting; to fully
obey instructions given by God either they are convenient or not; and to give the glory due to
God for every achievement. This humble obedience to God’s will was what earned Jesus the
name above all names which the Father gave unto Him. It is God’s plan that every believer
should become like Jesus (1Jn, 3:1-2). Cast away your garment of pride and take up the cloak
of an obedient child.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Humble yourself in the sight of God, and He shall lift you up in due
PRAYER POINT: I ask for and receive the grace to fully obey you, my God; help me where I
have failed in the past.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 3; Evening: Lev. 23-24

SUN. 30/10/2022 DON’T BE A MEN-PLEASER COL. 3:22-25

In the secular world many people behave before their employers or bosses as diligent and
trustworthy subordinates, whereas all they are looking for is the approval or praises of their
superiors. When the superiors are not there, these people are in fact indolent and self-serving.
Unfortunately, the same attitude is manifested in the church. For the Christian, there should
be no dichotomy between secular and spiritual works. In any place the Christian finds himself,
he should represent Christ. Whatever the Christian is doing, he should consider it as serving
Christ. The reward for whatever service he renders will be from the Lord who sees him all the
time; either the earthly boss is present or absent. Our attitude and character should not be to
please men but to please the Lord in whatever we do and wherever we find ourselves. The
Lord will reward each person without partiality.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give unto me an unwavering diligent spirit in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 4:1-30; Evening: Lev. 25-27

God in His sovereignty has a standard and nature which He also expects from His children.
For instance, ‘God is holy’ and He also expects His children to be holy. The responsibility of
living and growing in holiness rests upon the believer. A believer must make his or her way
pleasing to God, because he is being led by the Spirit of God. The closer you get to God, the
dearer you become to Him and the closer He gets to you. A believer is also expected to be
Christlike in his way of doing things.


PART 1: BE HEAVENLY MINDED - COL. 3:1-11, 22-25
Man is preoccupied with many things in the world—attaining high position in career;
amassing wealth and all wealth can buy; satisfying the desires of the carnal nature etc. It is a
known fact that when a person is faced with imminent death, none of these things or activities

44 | P a g e
is considered important any more. They are only useful during the short time man has to
spend on earth. They have no eternal relevance. An unbeliever who has no hope of eternal
life can conveniently fill his whole life with these things that have only temporal value. The
devil also ensures that the unbeliever is fully engrossed in these things so that he will not have
time to think of eternity. Those whose minds are set on earthly things can in no way please
Jesus Christ has promised the believer a glorious place which He has gone ahead to prepare
for him. It is a place of eternal glory for those who are saved. The believer should therefore
keep this eternal place in focus while he sojourns on the earth. He should live on earth as a
pilgrim who will eventually return to his home country, heaven. He should set his mind on
what Christ has promised him and how to ensure that he does not forfeit the inheritance.
· He should keep his carnal nature, which wants to destroy his chance of inheriting the
eternal glorious place, under very strict control. He should crucify the carnal nature in
· He should strive to put on the character which Jesus manifested while on earth. He should
yearn to put on the divine attributes—tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness,
longsuffering etc—which God provides for him.
· He should live and work to please his Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will eventually
give to him appropriate reward.

PART 2: OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST ENJOINED - EPH. 6:5-8; JN. 14:15-18; 15:10

In the secular world, many people curry favour with employers by pretending to be diligent
and loyal, whereas they are not. They do anything to impress the employer in order to get his
attention and his commendation. But when the employer is not there, they show their true
colour as being uncaring and indolent. The passage in the book of Ephesians talks about
master-servant relationship; the same applies to employer-employee relationship. Often the
same attitude is demonstrated in the church by members who want to impress the church
leaders. People appear pious and holy within the church premises or when the pastor is
around; but their natural self comes into the open when no member of the church is there to
see them (living a double life). Some people choose those commands of Jesus Christ which
they feel are convenient for them to obey. Other commands are jettisoned as being impractical
or out of date or only applicable to the Jews.
For the heaven-bound Christian there should be no difference between the church setting
and the secular setting. The Christian should see whatever service he offers as being offered
to Jesus Christ, his Master. In the secular setting, the Christian should approach his duties as
being carried out for Christ. He is a representative of Christ in that setting; both believers and
unbelievers around him should see his good works and thereby glorify God. A Christian who
lacks diligence in his place of work is a negative advert for the kingdom of God. Jesus
demonstrated true obedience to the commands of God the Father. Jesus has given a perfect
example for the Christian to imitate. As Jesus fully obeyed the Father, the Christian should
fully obey Jesus. Full obedience to the commands of Christ is the Christian’s proof of his love
for Christ. Full obedience attracts great reward from Jesus Christ and God the Father. It also
guarantees full security against the storms of life which are inevitable (Matt. 7:24-27).


45 | P a g e
God has the plan of a glorious eternity for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior. The Scriptures reveal an eternity where God will be in the midst of His
people; where there will be neither pain nor sorrow nor death; where God will satisfy the
needs of His people before they even ask. The devil is fully aware he has no part in this
glorious future because he has been cast out of heaven. He is determined to induce many
Christians to forfeit or mortgage their eternal destiny. So he brings various hindrances their
way. Part of the hindrances come in form of weights which he encourages Christians to carry;
and which makes their Christian journey difficult and tedious. Weights come in form of
worries (what to eat, what to wear, health of loved ones, economic conditions, security of life
and property etc.), bitterness from offences not yet forgiven, disappointments, frustration, etc.
Satan also brings temptation to the Christian to make him to fall into sin, thereby blocking
the Christian’s access to the Throne of Grace. Satan had the audacity to tempt Jesus Christ in
the wilderness, how much more will he be determined to make the Christian to stumble.
The Christian however is surrounded by a cloud of witnesses—men and women who have
successfully travelled the same way and have won the crown. The composer says “Hear the
victors who o’er came, still they mark each warrior’s way; all with one sweet voice exclaim, ‘watch and
pray’ “. Those who will win the race have to avoid the weights and flee from sin. Many have
fallen in the battle because they were not watchful or prayerful. Many who were confident
they were too spiritual to fall have become victims. To overcome, the Christian has to keep
his focus on the Lord Jesus Christ instead of focusing on the happenings in the world; living
as a pilgrim in the world and looking for a city whose architect is God (Heb 11: 13-16); neither
loving the world nor the things in the world (1 Jn 2:15-17).

God has made the Marriage Supper ready and has given us the invitation to partake. Satan
is decided to make many invitees miss the Supper. He wants them to be engrossed in worldly
affairs and pleasures so they won’t have time to please God. It is the Christian’s responsibility
to align his life with God’s plan and purpose and put his priorities right.

1. Mention some of God’s expectations from His children?
2. How can a believer make his ways pleasing to God?
3. Give some examples of people who walked with God and became so dear to Him.
4. How should those who fear God walk with Him?

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LESSON 10 6/11/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 200, 203
Devotional Reading: Ps. 119:113-120
Topic For Adults: You Can Do Spiritual Exploits
Topic For Youths: Prepare For Battles Ahead
Topic For Intermediates: Study the Word of God
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 119:113-120, 2 Tim. 2:15-19; Rom. 1:16-17;
Jam. 1:22; Jn. 16:16-24, Matt. 7:7-11; 26:38-41

MEMORY VERSE: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41) NKJV.


MON. 31/10/2022 STUDY AND PRACTICE DEUT. 17:18-20
God set certain conditions that whosoever would be king over the children of Israel must
adhere to. Part of the conditions was that he must have a personal copy of the book of the
law. He must read the book all the days of his life. He must be careful to obey all the
commandments in the book. Fulfilling this condition would moderate the king’s behaviour
such that he would fear the LORD and would not become arrogant or over bearing among
the people. This would prolong his life on the throne. Though this condition was given for
the king, it is applicable to every born again Christian because God has promoted him also to
become a priest and a king. These days, the Bible is ubiquitous either in print form or in
electronic form. Every Christian has unlimited access to the Bible. It is important to study the
word, meditate on it, and diligently practice it.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Be a person of the word; read it, digest it, and practise it.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to be diligent in studying your word, O God.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 4:31-44; Evening: Num. 1-2

TUE. 01/11/2022 LOVE GOD’S WORD PS. 119:113-120, 11

Different people have different attitudes to God’s word. Some believe that God’s word as
contained in the Bible is outdated and have become irrelevant to us these days. Some see the
word as talisman which they only conjure when they are in trouble. Some people accept only
those portions that appeal to them or that are convenient for them to obey. But for people like
the Psalmist, they love God’s word. They put their hope in the word. They are diligent in
keeping the commandments in the word. The word guards their hearts so they do not sin
against God. This group finds that the word is not only practicable for this generation but
brings great reward when one lives by it. They find hope, assurance, power and fulfilment in
the word. Do not treat God’s word as fiction, believe it and live by it; God will become very
real in your life.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s word is true, practicable in all situations and brings great rewards.
PRAYER POINT: Father, open my understanding that I may have accurate knowledge of your
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 5; Evening: Num. 3-4

WED. 02/11/2022 ACTIVATE AND PUBLICIZE THE WORD 2 TIM. 2:15-19; ROM. 1:16-17

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Many people have fallen victims to false teachers and prophets who merchandize the word of
God and hold their followers captive. These people fall victims because they are not well
grounded in God’s word, hence, they are swayed by every wind of doctrine. A serious
Christian will diligently study God’s word with a view of having good understanding of the
word and how to practice it in day-to-day living. Good understanding of the word comes by
following planned and methodical study of the Bible with appropriate study aids. Accurate
understanding of the word, when put to practice, brings victory and security in storms of life.
The word should not be studied for one’s personal benefit alone; one should share the word
with people around. The power of the word to save sinners is manifested when it is shared
with unbelievers. God activates the word to convict and convert the sinner.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Deepen your understanding of God’s word by following a well-designed
reading plan.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, create in me a hunger to search the scriptures and embolden me
to share the word with unbelievers around me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 6:1-23; Evening: Num. 5-6

THUR. 03/11/2022 LET THE WORD DWELL IN YOU COL. 3:14-17

The first strategy of the devil is to keep the Christian so busy that he does not have time to
read the word of God. His next strategy is to make sure the word does not take root in the
Christian’s heart. He ensures that the Christian’s mind is preoccupied with other thoughts
while he tries to read the word—thoughts of things to do during the day; worries about
finance, health, family, business; regrets of past mistakes; bitterness because of wrongs
suffered etc. These distractions make the word unprofitable in the life of the Christian. In
order for the Christian to enjoy the benefits of the word, he needs to fully concentrate on the
word, pray that the Holy Spirit will be his teacher, and be determined to practise what is learnt
in the word. The Christian should go about his daily routine with a mind to put the word to
practice and to do everything to please the Lord. The word is of no use if not put to practice
in real life.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let the word of God dwell in you richly and put it to practice.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, enlarge my capacity to understand and put the word to practice.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 6:24-49; Evening: Num. 7-8

FRI. 04/11/2022 WATCH AND PRAY MATT. 26:38-41

Times will always come when one will face challenges that one’s wisdom and resources are
not able to solve. At such times, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is to seek help from
people around. Help from man is limited in terms of what can be achieved. Very often such
helps are unreliable. The Christian should learn not to make seeking God’s help in prayer as
the last resort. He should learn to bring everything before God, either small or big. Two factors
determine the spiritual power of a Christian—his knowledge of the word of God and his
ability to commune with God in prayer. Prayer sessions are times to wait upon God to know
His will for our lives at junctions we find ourselves. They are also times to seek for divine help
to overcome problems and challenges confronting us. Prayers offered by Christians are not
pacifiers to calm them, but have great powers to pull down strongholds and put the hosts of
the enemy to flight.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Prayer is one of our weapons of spiritual warfare. It is mighty through
God to pull down strongholds.

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Prayer Point: I receive grace to become a mighty warrior through prayer.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 7:1-35; Evening: Num. 9-10

SAT. 05/11/2022 ASK FOR YOUR NEEDS MATT. 7:7-11

God knows a man’s needs before the man asks, nevertheless, He has ordained that man
should pray unto Him for the needs to be met. It is a command He has given to man that man
should pray. Asking, seeking and knocking can be taken to represent increasing levels of effort
put into praying. Some prayers are answered just as they are brought before God. While the
person praying has to get more involved by seeking to receive heaven’s attention, knocking
involves greater effort in persistence and fervency. There is the assurance that if man will pray,
God will answer. “Whoever asks, receives” is an assurance that God has given that man shall
not ask in vain. God being a benevolent Father will however not give an answer that will be
injurious to His child. He, therefore, often moderates the answer He gives when we ask for
things that are not according to His will for our lives.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: We bear needless pain when we do not take our problems to God in
PRAYER POINT: I receive Holy Spirit’s power to prevail at the altar of prayer.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 7:36-50; Evening: Num. 11-12

SUN. 06/11/2022 ASK IN JESUS’ NAME JN. 16:16-24

Sin has deprived man the right to stand before God to ask for anything. Sin has made man
become an enemy of God, who is not qualified to ask God for help. Jesus Christ became man
and died on the Cross of Calvary that He might reconcile man to God. His blood shed on the
Cross opened the way to the Throne of Grace for man. When man approaches the Throne of
Grace, he cannot do so based on his own merit but on the finished work of redemption which
Jesus Christ did. Hence, when we pray in His name, we are really taking Him as our guarantor
before the Throne of Grace. He is standing on our behalf and we are standing upon His credit.
In addition, God has invested power and authority in the name of Jesus - that at the name of
Jesus every knee must bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the
earth. We therefore have a potent spiritual weapon to battle and subdue the host of Satan.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The name of Jesus is the key that opens the door of mercy for us.
PRAYER POINT: Father, let me obtain mercy every time I call upon you in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 8:1-25; Evening: Num. 13-14

Heaven minded Christians must get acquainted with God’s word. In studying God’s word,
Christians have a better understanding and knowledge of the mind of God. Activating God’s
word through prayers makes believers to stand and overcome the perils of the time and the
craftiness of the devil. It is unfortunate these days that some Christians run from pillar to post
looking for shelter when they fail to make use of God’s word. Thus, they fall victim of fake
prophets and pastors who sway them by every wind of doctrine. This week’s lesson enjoins
believers to stay glued to God’s word, live it and make it a weapon of spiritual warfare.


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PART 1: STUDY AND LIVE THE WORD - PS. 119:113-120, 2 TIM. 2:15-19; JAM.
God has revealed His plan, His purpose and what He demands from man by speaking at
different times through prophets. In these last days, He has spoken to man through the Lord
Jesus Christ. God’s word to man through the ages has been put together for us as the
Scriptures we have today, that is, the Bible. All the Scriptures we have today were inspired by
God and are meant for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness
(2 Tim. 3:16-17). God wants His children to know that they cannot live by those blessings they
seek from Him (bread) alone, but they need every word which He is speaking to them through
the Scriptures (Deut. 8:3). It is therefore of great importance for every child of God to desire
the sincere milk of the word by which he will grow spiritually. Many Christians are spiritual
babes, not knowing their right from the left, and are feeble because they know very little of
the word of God. For you to grow spiritually, you need to have a consistent daily study of the
word of God.
The word of God has little effect in a Christian’s life unless the Christian puts into practice
what he learns from the word. Studying the word of God, meditating on it and memorizing
it have their place in the Christian’s life. But all these amount to little or nothing if the
Christian does not live according to what the word demands. Those who put into practice
what the word teaches were likened to a man who laid the foundation of his house on a rock;
the house was able to withstand the destructive forces of storm, rain, flood, etc. that came
against it (Matt. 7:24-27). Therefore, you should not just be a hearer of the word only but a
doer of it (Jam. 1:21-22). The word is living and strong in revealing a person’s real intentions
(Heb. 4:12); cleansing from sin (Jn. 15:3); healing diseases (Ps. 107:20; Matt. 8:13); giving victory
over sin and Satan (Matt 4:10-11).

“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly I say to you, whatever you ask the Father
in My name He will give you” (Jn. 16:23). There are two modes of asking in this verse. The first
addresses those issues that get the disciples confused or agitated. They ask questions for them
to understand just like we have many questions we will like to ask God for clarification. A
time will come when we will no longer need to ask questions because our understanding will
be full and we will know why God does things the way He does them. In that day, we will
ask Him nothing.
The second asking is making request for our needs to be met. Though God the Father
knows all our needs before we express them, He has ordained that those needs will only be
met when we make our request to Him. Our asking Him for what we need indicates that we
believe He has the power to meet the need, and that He is kind enough to answer our prayers.
However, sin has blocked our access to His throne and we have lost the right to demand
anything from Him on our own merit. Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary to reconcile us to
God and to pay the price for all we need from the store of heaven. He does not need all that
His blood purchased for himself. He paid the price for His followers to enjoy. We can now
access the credit He paid for by praying to God the Father in the name of Jesus. We are not
limited by how often we ask or how big a thing we ask for—”whatever you ask the Father in My
name He will give you. Those who take up the challenge to pray, find that they can move
mountains in Jesus’ name. Elijah is an example to follow (Jam. 5:17-18). The effectual fervent
prayer of a righteous man avails much”

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Prayer is a potent weapon that a Christian can deploy against the enemy. Many people
ignore it at their own peril. Others engage in it feebly and get discouraged because they
achieve very little. Very limited number of people have learnt the art of prevailing prayer.
There are several things hindering people from having results through their prayers:
· People do not have the time to tarry at the altar of prayer. The disciples whom Jesus took
along to pray slept off because their eyes were heavy. They probably had had a very busy
day and were very tired or they were overcome by worry and sorrow.
· People are more engrossed in satisfying their earthly needs and they do not care to check
if what they are praying for is according to God’s will for their lives. “Now this is the
confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (Jam.
4:2-4; 1 Jn 5:14-15).
· It is the prayer of a righteous man that avails much. Sin blocks a person’s access to God’s
presence, therefore, he cannot receive answer to prayers. The prayer of a wicked person is
an abomination before God (Prov. 15: 8).
· Praying requires persistence as there may be spiritual powers hindering answers to one’s
prayers. If one gives up too early, he may not obtain answer for what he prayed for (Dan.
· Whoever will obtain answers to his prayers must ask in faith, not doubting. Doubting
God’s ability or willingness to grant one’s request nullifies the prayer (Jam. 1:5-8).

The Christian is called to a life of studying the word of God, of living the word and of
fervent prayer. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to live victoriously as a Christian without
persistent conscious effort to maintain these disciplines. A knowledge of the word of God
coupled with fervent prayer is a potent weapon the Christian is given to defeat the enemy. No
one can become spiritual if he ignores these disciplines.

1. Mention at least two Prophets in the Bible through whom God had spoken to men in the
Old Testament.
2. Briefly explain the importance of God’s word in the Christian life.
3. Why do believers need to pray “in the name of Jesus”?
4. Since God knows all our needs, why do we still need to pray in order to receive from Him?
5. Mention barriers to answered prayers.

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LESSON 11 13/11/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 47
Devotional Reading: Ps. 119:113-120
Topic For Adults: Old Nature Versus New Nature
Topic For Youths: Are You Heaven Compliant?
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Be Like People In The World
Lesson Scriptures: Col. 3:5-10; Rom. 8:12-15; 12:2; 13:11-14; 2 Cor. 5:17; Matt. 18:7-9; Gal. 5:16-25

MEMORY VERSE: “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16)


We are surrounded by many things which the devil designed to appeal to man’s carnal nature.
The Christian does not have to go looking for these things. He is surrounded by them and
they are calling for his attention in whichever direction he turns. There are sensual things that
are designed to arouse sexual desires—girls who go about half-naked, blue films in which
sexual acts are shown, pornographic sites on the internet, sex toys advertised on electronic
media, etc. Besides sexual pleasures, there are things designed to appeal to taste—foods and
drinks that make people feel high. The goal of the devil is to get people so engrossed in these
things that they have no time to think or plan for their eternal home. The pleasure wars against
the Christian’s soul and will drag him to hell if he indulges in them. If you want to make
heaven, you have to flee from these things. Don’t toy with them.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: As a pilgrim on earth, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the
PRAYER POINT: I receive the power to overcome every lustful temptation in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 8:26-56; Evening: Num. 15-16

TUE. 08/11/2022 GUIDED BY THE SPIRIT GAL. 5:16-25

One of the life-long struggles a Christian will engage in is that of keeping the carnal nature
from exerting itself and displaying its sinful tendencies. While the carnal nature wants to rule
and make the Christian manifest sinful practices, the Holy Spirit who has taken residence in
the regenerated Christian, wants him to manifest the nature of God. It is the Christian who
decides which side wins in the struggle. If the Christian wants to make heaven, he must always
decide to follow the influence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always activate the word
of God in the Christian to control his actions, his words and his thoughts; while the carnal
nature will try to overrule. To be led by the Spirit means to take instructions and permission
from the Spirit and allow one’s life to be guided by the word of God. A Christian who is not
led by the Spirit will manifest the works of the flesh, and will end up missing the kingdom of
POINT OF EMPHASIS: If you allow your life to be guided and controlled by the word of God
you will manifest the fruit of the Spirit.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to subdue the carnal nature in me. Holy Spirit, come and
reign supreme in my life.

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Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 9:1-36; Evening: Num. 17-18


Before we gave our lives to Christ, we were under the control of sinful nature; we did
according to whatever it dictated to us. When we became born again, the sinful nature was
overthrown and the Holy Spirit was given us to take charge of our lives. The sinful nature will
still want to exert its authority over us and make us do those things we used to do. It is our
responsibility to choose to obey the Holy Spirit instead of the carnal nature. Anyone who
allows the carnal nature to rule in his live will die spiritually as a persistent life of sin will
make the Holy Spirit to depart from the person’s life. The Christian should not give the excuse
that the devil made him to fall into sin. He has the power and the responsibility to choose
who to obey—the carnal nature or the Holy Spirit. The indisputable mark of those who are
children of God is to be led by the Spirit.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: As many as are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, give me hearing ears and a sensitive mind prepared to follow
your guidance and instructions.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 9:37-62; Evening: Num. 19-20


Jesus Christ foretold that iniquity will abound as the time of His coming again is
approaching.. We do not need a prophet to warn us that we are in those days He talked about.
In every society, sin is taking dimensions man has not seen before. For the discerning
Christian, he knows that the day of our salvation is very near. It is time to be spiritually
sensitive and to be alert. The Christian should not permit those things and situations that can
make him fall into sin—carnal friends who indulge in sinful pleasures, music and movies that
promote sinful desires, ungodly discussions and jokes which do not edify the soul etc. The
Christian should not be like the five foolish virgins who were unprepared for the coming of
the bride groom. It is time to wake up from spiritual slumber, to trim our lamps thereby being
ready either He comes in the dead of the night or in the day. Do not feed your carnal nature
with food that will make it strong.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Deny your carnal nature those nutrients that make it grow strong and
want to take over the control of your life.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, send your fire to consume the carnal nature in me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 10; Evening: Num. 21-22

FRI. 11/11/2022 MORTIFY THE FLESH MATT. 18:7-9

To mortify one’s flesh means to subject one’s natural or fleshly desires to very stringent control
even if it causes pain. Our carnal nature likes to be pampered, to be indulged, and to be
allowed to enjoy its desires. Pampering the carnal nature will lead to sin. Anyone who lives
in pleasure is dead while still living (1 Tim. 5:6). Jesus Christ is not teaching us to literally cut
off our hands or gorge out our eyes. He is teaching us to put strict control over what we allow
our flesh to do or not do so that it does not send us to hell. We should get rid of those things
that we like or enjoy which make us to fall into sin—sinful companies that we keep, erotic
films we watch, pornographic websites, foods and drinks that our conscience tells us are not
acceptable to God, dresses and lifestyles that can cause us or others to sin etc. We should

53 | P a g e
make whatever sacrifice we need in order to make heaven. Nothing in this world is precious
enough to rob us of heaven.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not present your body parts as instruments of unrighteousness to
PRAYER POINT: In the name of Jesus I receive power to keep my body and desires under
control in order to make heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 11:1-23; Evening: Num. 23-24

SAT. 12/11/2022 KEEP AWAY FROM WORLDLY DESIRE 1 PET. 2:11-12, 4:2
The Christian should consider himself a citizen of heaven; and should live in conformity with
what heaven demands. Unbelievers have no ambition of making heaven; they are therefore
fully engrossed in enjoying the pleasures of this world. A song composer wrote “This world is
not my home, I am just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blues”. The
Christian should consider himself a pilgrim on earth who has very strong desire to get to
heaven. He should therefore avoid worldly desires that can disqualify him from the kingdom
of God. His lifestyle as a pilgrim on earth should not only be known by him. Even unbelievers
around him should be able to note the difference between him and them. If your righteousness
does not make you stand out in the midst of unbelievers, it is not likely that righteousness will
take you to heaven.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and
Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to live as a pilgrim in this world preparing for my heavenly
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 11:24-54; Evening: Num. 25-26

SUN. 13/11/2022 GET RID OF OLD-SELF COL. 3:5-14

The things which the carnal nature likes to indulge in are things that bring God’s wrath on a
person. The heaven bound Christian must do all that is in his power with the help of the Holy
Spirit, to flee from these things—fornication, evil desires, covetousness, wrath, anger, etc. A
serious Christian will spend time examining himself to see if any of them is present in his life.
It is not acceptable before God for a person to congratulate himself that only one of the things
is present in his life. Since nature does not allow a vacuum, the Christian who eliminates the
negative traits from his life needs to replace them with positive traits. He needs to make love,
tender mercies, kindness, humility, long-suffering, etc. his regular practice. Without building
up the spiritual nature to replace the carnal one, the carnal nature will soon come back in full
force; and the end of the person will be worse than the beginning.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not allow your carnal nature to rule your life; it attracts God’s wrath.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the power to manifest God’s divine nature in my life in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 12:1-34; Evening: Num. 27-28

Coming to the Lord Jesus Christ through His saving faith is the beginning of a relationship
with Him. Being born-again is the starting point in a believer’s walk in the spirit. This week’s
lesson is prepared to aid our step-by-step walking relationship with God as we daily conduct
our lives in total obedience to His will and word.

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PART 1: BE RENEWED COMPLETELY - COL. 3:5-10; ROM. 12:2; 2 COR. 5:17
Before a person gives his life to Jesus Christ, he has learnt the ways of the world, reveling
in the pleasures that the world affords, thinking and reacting in the way most people in the
society do. When the person gives his life to Christ, the first work the Holy Spirit sets out to
do in the person’s life is to get rid of the old way the person has been living. The Holy Spirit
begins by working on the person’s mind to change the way the person thinks, the way he
reacts to issues, and to rearrange the person’s priority list so that things of eternity are
uppermost. While the Holy Spirit is at work in the person’s life, the carnal nature which has
ruled and reigned in the person’s life will oppose the changes the Holy Spirit is bringing and
want the person to conform to the world which has been the norm in his life. The Holy Spirit
does not force his agenda of renewal down the Christian’s throat; he has to willingly submit
his life to the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit works out a new life in the person. The old ways of life will become a thing
of the past. When the life of a person who claims to be born again does not manifest any
newness, the person’s salvation is doubtful. Those who submit themselves to the work of the
Holy Spirit are helped to get rid of those sinful behaviours that the carnal nature manifests—
fornication, evil desires, covetousness, anger, wrath, malice, filthy language, etc. One person
may not display all of these behaviours. Just one of them is enough to bring God’s wrath. In
their place, the Holy Spirit develops tender mercies, kindness, meekness, love etc. The
renewal is not complete overnight. The Holy Spirit continues His work of renewal in the
believer’s life all life-long. The Holy Spirit does not fail to carry out the work of renewal in
the life of anyone who submits to Him. Therefore, no one can blame the Holy Spirit for his
continuing to display carnal behaviours.

PART 2: MORTIFY THE FLESH - MATT. 18:7-9; ROM. 13:11-14

The carnal nature does not want to surrender his control of a person’s life; it wants to
continue to sit on the throne to dictate the person’s behaviours, actions, and eventually his
destiny. The Christian who wants to reign with Christ knows he has to take decisive steps to
dethrone the carnal nature from the throne of his life. One of the decisive steps to be taken is
to deprive the carnal nature of the oxygen and nutrients that make it to remain strong and
powerful in the person’s life. The ungodly associations and friends have to be cut off. Those
sinful pleasures that one indulges in must be stopped. Those things that stimulate sensual and
sinful desires must be gotten rid of. Going to places that promote sin and temptation must be
stopped etc. The Holy Spirit is available to help the believer in implementing his decisions.
The responsibility of taking the decisions and asking for the help of the Holy Spirit rests on
the shoulders of the believer. The believer has to put his body and mind under strict discipline
to achieve the renewal.
The believer does not have much time to submit himself to this discipline because the
coming back of Jesus Christ is very near. All the signs that portend His coming again are all
around us—wars and rumours of war, iniquity abounding, earthquakes, famines, pestilences,
etc. The believer cannot afford to continue to slumber spiritually. It is time to wake up and be
alert. When Jesus Christ taught that a believer should cut off the arm or gorge out the eye
that would make him to sin, He teaches us to get rid of those things that promote sinful

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behaviour in our lives. To procrastinate taking the decision to choose a life of holiness will
bring eternal regret as portrayed by the five foolish virgins in Jesus’ parable.

PART 3: BE LED BY THE SPIRIT - ROM. 8:12-15; GAL. 5:16-25

A Christian that will eventually make heaven will submit himself as a pupil to the Holy
Spirit. He will learn to wait upon the Holy Spirit for the decisions he must take, for what
actions he must take. The Holy Spirit is very important in the life of the Christian. He will
guide the Christian into all truth, He will empower the Christian for the spiritual journey, He
will teach the Christian what to pray for and how to pray. The true test of being a child of
God is when the person is led by the Spirit. To be led by the Spirit goes beyond speaking in
tongues. It involves getting approval from the Holy Spirit before making decisions and taking
actions. Many times, instead of waiting for instructions from the Holy Spirit, we make our
decisions and act on them, and then ask the Holy Spirit to back us up.
When we depend on the Holy Spirit and ask for His permission before acting, those things
that the carnal nature would have led us to do will be avoided, and those sinful behaviours
which we would have manifested will not be seen in our lives. We will be able to avoid the
works of the flesh—adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, sorcery etc. The Holy Spirit
will work out the fruit of the Spirit in us—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, etc. It is
difficult if not absolutely impossible for the believer to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit without
being led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Don’t run after prophets to learn what the Holy
Spirit is saying; learn to listen and hear from Him in your private place.

A person ruled by the carnal nature cannot enter the kingdom of God, as flesh and blood
cannot enter the kingdom. You need to consider your carnal nature dead. Do not continue to
respond to its desires. Submit yourself to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit and allow Him work
out the new nature created in the image of Jesus Christ in you.

1. Mention some characteristics of the carnal nature
2. How does the Holy Spirit carry out His work of renewal?
3. What is the believer’s role in receiving the Spirit renewal?
4. How does the Holy Spirit prepare us for Christ’s return?
5. What are the benefits of depending on the Holy Spirit?

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LESSON 12 20/11/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 183, 190
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 9:24-27
Topic For Adults: Foundation of Spiritual Failure
Topic For Youths: Breaking the Rules
Topic For Intermediates: Disqualified, Though Came First
Lesson Scriptures: Phil. 3:12-21; 2 Tim. 4:3-8; Gal. 2:1-5, Jude 3-4; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; 2 Cor. 4:7-18.

MEMORY VERSE: “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have
preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9: 27) NKJV.


From time immemorial, there have always been false teachers who twist the Scriptures to
agree with whatever they want to teach. Such teachers claim to have extra-biblical revelations
or to have esoteric interpretation of some passage in the Bible. When one examines their
teachings closely, one will find that their messages contradict other passages in the Bible. One
example of such false teachings is the one that claims that once a Christian gives his life to
Christ, he cannot lose his salvation because once saved, saved for ever. There are passages in
the Bible that categorically state that a Christian can lose his salvation and thereby miss
heaven. False teachers always go about with sugar-coated tongues and are able to easily
convince people. The way out of falling into false doctrine is to study the word of God very
well so that you can distinguish the genuine from the fake. In addition, a close scrutiny of the
life of the false teacher will reveal that his life does not agree with word of God. By their fruits,
you shall know them.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Be wary of smooth talking teachers whose lives do not agree with the
word of God.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me a discerning spirit that is able to identify those who are false
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 12:35-59; Evening: Num. 29-30

TUE. 15/11/2022 KEEP THE FAITH 2 TIM. 4:3-8

Ministers who focus on teachings which promise the congregation earthly glory and wealth
always gather large congregations whereas ministers who focus on holiness and making
heaven always have scanty congregations. One of the reasons for this observation is that
people are shopping around to find ministers who preach what the people want to hear. The
faith of our fathers which was passed to us came through sacrifice, blood and pain of martyrs.
Some abandoned lucrative employments to preach the gospel. Some were killed while some
suffered untold hardship. The faith handed over to us is to keep trusting God no matter what
our experiences may be. It is a faith that makes us believe that God exists and that He is a
rewarder of those who seek Him even if we are yet to receive those things which He promised.
It is a faith which prepares a person to sacrifice his personal conveniences and goals to reach
out to others to share in the faith. Hold on to the faith of our fore-fathers; it has great rewards
at the end.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Hold on to the true faith which is able to bring you into God’s kingdom.

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PRAYER POINT: I reject itching ears that make one to abandon true faith for man’s doctrines,
in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 13; Evening: Num. 31-32

WED. 16/11/2022 RUN WITH ENDURANCE HEB. 12:1-18

The Christian’s spiritual journey in the world can be likened to an athletic race. It has a
beginning and an end. There is a crown to be won by those who finish the race well. There
are obstacles that can hinder a Christian from finishing well. One of the things that can
disqualify a Christian is deliberate sin or sin that the Christian refuses to confess and forsake
in his life. Another hindrance is the presence of things that weigh the Christian down and
make the journey difficult for him. These weights can be in the form of anxiety, worry,
unbelief, bitterness, feeling of frustration, etc. Jesus gave us a good example to follow - in spite
of all hostility He endured, He kept his focus on the race God appointed for Him. We should
not allow temptation to sin and spiritual weights to distract us from the glorious eternity which
God has promised us. Endure all hardship, opposition and persecution for the sake of making
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not allow anything which Satan throws at you get you discouraged
in your Christian journey.
Prayer Point: I receive grace to keep looking unto Jesus, my perfect example.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 14; Evening: Num. 32-34


Satan will love to see the Christian not getting into the kingdom of God. He will bring
temptation to sin and try to weigh the Christian down with spiritual weights. There will be
distractions—achievements and success won in the past, disappointments and failures in the
past, criticism from friends and other Christians— which want to turn the Christian’s focus
from the eternal reward which God has promised. A Christian who wants to enter into God’s
kingdom will do two things: first, he will forget those things that happened in the past, either
success or failure. Second, he will keep his focus on the goal which God has set for him. The
struggle to keep one’s focus is a life-long one; no one should think he has arrived or attained
the goal until his last breath. Your spiritual race is a personal race, don’t compare yourself
with other Christians around you. The race set before you is not the same for others.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: I do not consider myself to have arrived or to have achieved the goal; I
strain daily to follow the race set before me.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the strength to run my race right to the end and to finish well in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 15; Evening: Num. 34-36


Jewish Christians during Paul’s time were teaching the Gentile Christians that the latter need
to submit themselves to the ritual laws in Judaism for them to be truly saved; especially that
the men be circumcised. This teaching disagreed with the gospel that salvation is solely based
on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. In each generation since the
beginning of Christianity, people have always come up with their own conditions that must
be met outside of the salvation by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross.
Such teaching may be in form of ways of dressing, fasting, praying, how to organize the Lord’s

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Supper, how to baptize new converts, etc. Salvation is through faith in the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ and nothing more. But after being saved, the Christian should
grow up spiritually and become sanctified. Living a holy life is the responsibility of the
POINT OF EMPHASIS: You need to know the truth in the Scriptures in order to identify man-
made doctrines.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, send down your fire to weed out man-made doctrines that
destabilize believers.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 16; Evening: Deut. 1-2

SAT. 19/11/2022 DON’T GIVE UP 2 COR. 4:16-18

Life is not a bed of roses, no, not even for the Christian. There will be trials and challenges
that our ardent prayers will not brush away. When we are in the midst of such trials, the devil
will try to make us doubt the power and love of God. While incarcerated in the concentration
camp, someone asked Corrie ten Boom: “If your God loves you, why did He allow you to be
incarcerated?” The plan of Satan is to make us forsake God and stand on our own. Times of
trial are meant to prove what stuff we are made of - Will we follow Him when there is sunshine
and forsake Him when the shadows gather? Those who follow God through thick and thin
gather for themselves weight of glory. Don’t give up on God when you are going through
tough times. We often give up at the darkest hour; forgetting that the darkest hour is just
before the dawn. Though weeping endure for the night, joy comes in the morning.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t give up; tough times never last, but tough people do.
PRAYER POINT: I receive strength to hold on to God when the going gets tough.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 17; Evening: Deut. 3-4

SUN. 20/11/2022 RUN TO WIN 1 COR. 9:24-27

Not everyone who competes in a race wins the crown. Some get disqualified because they did
not follow the rules of the competition. Some do not win the crown because they do not have
the stamina to complete the race. The Christian spiritual journey is likened to running a race.
The rules are simple: register for the race at the starting point by giving your life to Jesus
Christ. Continue the race wearing the garment of holiness at all times. Do not get distracted
or frustrated by the hardship experienced in the race. Keep running till you get to the finishing
line. You will have reasons to look back or sideways at others who are not in the race. You
have to resist this and focus on Jesus Christ who is standing at the finishing line. Don’t allow
weights and distractions which the devil will place along the way to crush you and prevent
you from continuing and finishing the race well. Put your body under discipline, not allowing
room for the works of the flesh.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The crown for winners is sure; but only for those who finish and finish
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to finish my spiritual race well and to win eternal crown
in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 18:1-23; Evening: Deut. 5-6


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“No one congratulates a failure but an accomplisher”, so goes a popular saying. Christianity
is a spiritual race that requires to the disqualified to put on his best to be able to finish well.
What it takes to run the race successfully is the focus of our lesson this week.


PART 1: FOCUS ON THE GOAL - PHIL. 3:12-21; 2 TIM. 4:3-8
Every Christian is a work still in progress, not yet a finished product in the factory of God.
None is perfect yet and none can claim to have arrived. God has a design He wants to fashion
out in each life—to make each of His children to be like an exact copy of Jesus Christ (1Jn
3:2). The process may involve some chiselling, some pruning, some chastening, taking away
some rough edges etc. The period may not be the most enjoyable in the Christian’s life but he
has a part to play if God’s design is going to eventually emerge:
· He has to forget the past successes, failures, frustrations, biases, ungodly associations,
etc.—these are distractions and obstacles to future progress. Whatever God used us in the
past to accomplish—miracles, healings, deliverances, provisions for the work of God,
souls won to Christ, etc These achievements are mere ashes of past offerings on God’s
altar. The ashes must be thrown outside the camp.
· He needs to identify and focus on what God is working to achieve in his life. We
sometimes rebel against God because we are ignorant of what He is fashioning out of our
lives. He needs to embrace those things that promote God’s purpose and plan for His life.
· He needs to avoid those things that work against God’s design for his life—love of the
world and the things that are in the world, the lust of the flesh which wars against the soul,
unwholesome doctrines, etc. Many in the church are like Lot’s wife; they are trying to
escape from Sodom, but their hearts are still captured by the glitters of Sodom.


STANDARDS - GAL. 2:1-5, JUDE 3-4
The gospel message is simple: man is completely lost in sin and needs a Saviour; Jesus
Christ was crucified as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of man. Man needs to put
his faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and to confess with his mouth that he has accepted Jesus as his
Lord and Saviour in order to be saved. But some believers, out of their desire to prove their
superiority or relevance, begin to preach that converts need to do more than follow the simple
gospel message. They introduce some doctrines and practices that cannot stand the test of the
word of God. Often, these doctrines and practices do not actually promote holiness or
increase the believer’s knowledge of God. Let the word of God be your standard.
Tons of books have been written to motivate people to achieve greatness in life. There are
other books which teach how to be financially successful and achieve financial freedom.
There are other books which teach how to bring out the leadership potentials in a person. As
useful as all these books may be, they should not take the place of the word of God in a
believer’s life. The Scriptures are given, not to just make a person successful in the world, but
to prepare him for eternity. Jesus Christ warns that it won’t profit a man anything if he were
to gain the whole world and lose his soul. The gold of Sodom and Gomorrah is there to
capture the hearts of those who desire to make heaven but at last they will not make it due to
the love of worldly materials.

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PART 3: DON’T GIVE UP, RUN TO WIN - 1 COR. 9:24-27; 2 COR. 4:7-18.
A song composer wrote: “It’s not an easy road we are trav’ling to heaven; For many are the thorns
on the way; It’s not an easy road, but the Saviour is with us; His presence gives us joy everyday”. Life is
filled with all manners of pressures and the believer is not left out of experiencing them. Many
times, these difficulties and trials tumble one over the other in the believer’s life. The devil
waits for these times of pressure and trials to attack the believer with the intention to make
him derail. The devil’s strategy is to get the believer discouraged, to doubt the power of God
to solve the problem and to believe that God has forsaken him. He needs to be convinced
beyond any form of doubt that God can never forsake him because his name is written in the
palm of God’s hand; that God has the power to rescue him; and that whatever he is going
through has been filtered by God. Don’t give up, no matter how hard pressed you may be.
You can only make it to heaven if you pursue your spiritual race according to God’s rules.
In a race, a competitor gets disqualified if he breaks the rules of the competition or is unable
to run the race to the finishing line. Many people will go through the process of running the
race but Jesus said He will tell them “I never knew you; depart from Me you who practice
lawlessness” (Matt. 7:20-23). Many people will also run; will make heaven but will have no
crown to win because they have allowed the flesh to control the works they did (1Cor 3:11-15).
Finishing the spiritual race well and winning crowns will not happen by accident; the believer
has to be deliberate and committedly follow spiritual discipline that will bring him to his
desired goal:
· He needs to register for the race and start properly at the starting point by becoming born
again. Years of being in the church or theological training will not be accepted as
equivalent qualification (Jn 3: 3).
· He needs to be committed to God’s standard of holy living. It should not be a case of
preaching one thing and living differently. Jesus Christ is coming back for “a glorious church
not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing” (Eph. 5:27). No excuse will suffice for a believer
whose white garment of righteousness has been soiled.
· He needs to be focused on the reward which God has promised; looking unto Jesus as the
perfect example (Heb. 12:2). Many people lose focus because their hearts have been
captured by the things of the world (1 Jn 2:15-17). Though they sing the Lord’s song, their
hearts are still on the cucumbers of Egypt.
· He needs to escape the temptation to arrogate to himself the honour and glory that is due
to God for whatever work God uses him to carry out.

Making heaven is the greatest reward for any believer. Many who started the spiritual race
will end so-soon, others will end badly. It is important for the believer to deliberately pursue
the goal of finishing and finishing well and winning the crown God has promised. Success
does not come into a person’s life by accident. It must be pursued, it must be worked for and
must be kept in focus. Decide to run your spiritual race in a way that you may win.

1. Before God’s purpose for a Christian can be accomplished, such a Christian has roles to
play. Mention such roles.
2. Mention some unbiblical denominational practices that run contrary to God’s word.

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3. The gold of Sodom and Gomorrah are there to capture the heart of heaven-bound
Christians. Explain.
4. To accomplish your God-given targets in life, list some steps you need to take.
5. Mention some Christian’s spiritual race distractors.

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Welcome to
MONDAY, November 21, TO SUNDAY, November 27, 2022


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 80, 83
Devotional Reading: Jn. 3:1-9
Topic For Adults: To Be Born Again Is The Right Choice
Topic For Youths: Choose To Be Born Again Now
Topic For Intermediates: Born Again: The Only Antidote To Wrong Choice
Lesson Scriptures: 1 Kgs. 18:1-22; Jn. 3:3-9, 6:61-67, 2 Cor. 7:9-11

“Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God” John 3:3 (NKJV).

SUMMARY: The criteria for admission into God’s kingdom is that you must be born
again. God is interested in your salvation. Put ego and pride aside. Be humble, seek God for
your salvation, God is ready to save all that come to Him with a contrite heart. There is
nothing like sitting on the fence. It is either you are saved or not. There is no substitute for
the experience of regeneration. Don’t wait till it is too late. Seek to be born again today!


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 75
Devotional Reading: 2 Cor. 13:5-10
Topic For Adults: Always Give Yourself Spiritual Check-up
Topic For Youths: Examine Yourself
Topic For Intermediates: Are You A Christian Indeed?
Lesson Scriptures: Isa. 44:10-28; Gal. 6:1-8; Jam. 1:19-25; 2 Cor. 13:3-10

“Examine yourselves as for whether you are in the faith, test yourself. Do you know yourself, that Jesus
is in you? – Unless indeed you are disqualified” 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NKJV)

SUMMARY: Everybody knows the state of his or her mind except the one who wilfully
wants to deceive himself or herself. Ask yourself the personal question “Am I a Christian?”
Know that a Christian is a person who is fully converted through the Holy Spirit to the
Christian faith. Such individual has made the decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, come
rain, come sunshine. If you have not given your life to Christ Jesus or you have backslidden,
this lesson avails you the opportunity to experience a new life in Jesus by deciding for Him
or rededicating your life to Him as the case may be.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 18:24-43; Evening: Deut. 7-8.

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Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 165, 225
Devotional Reading: 2 Cor. 5:17-21
Topic For Adults: New Life, New Spirit
Topic For Youths: Born Of Water And Spirit
Topic For Intermediates: Washed And Cleansed
Lesson Scriptures: Ezek. 36:25-27; Rom. 6:1-12; 2 Cor. 5:17-21;
2 Jn. 5:1-10; 1 Pet. 1:23-25; Tit. 3:5-6

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through
the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” Titus 3:5 (NKJV).

SUMMARY: Regeneration is special act of God. He alone awakens man spiritually

through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the catalyst that allows the Christian to interact
with and be in union with his creator. It is the regenerated mind that can have continuous
and undisturbed fellowship with God. A believer must understand this and employ the
means to make it real in his life.


Suggested Hymn: G.H.B. 69, 75, 222
Devotional Reading: Rom 12:1-2; Gal. 2:17-20
Topic For Adults: Living A New Life For Christ
Topic For Youths: Living A New Life In Christ
Topic For Intermediates: Living Our Lives To Please Christ
Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor. 2:14-18; Gal 2:16-20; Rom 12:1-2

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I
now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me”
Galatians 2:20 (NKJV).

SUMMARY: The only meaningful life here on earth is the one that is patterned after Christ;
it is also the kind of life that can take one to heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 19; Evening: Deut. 9-10


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 222, 213
Devotional Reading: Jer. 29:11-14
Topic for Adults: It Is Time To Seek The Lord
Topic for Youths: In Spirit And In Truth
Topic For Intermediates: God Is Nudging Your Heart
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 27: 1-10; Matt. 6:25-33; Acts 17: 13-29

“When you said, ‘Seek my face; my heart said to you, ‘Your face, LORD,

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I will seek’. Psalm 27:8 (NKJV)

SUMMARY: There is no power on earth that can be compared with God’s power. All
power belongs to God, and as God’s children, we are entitled to use His power for our
benefit. The church will grow in power when we make up our mind to seek God with all
our heart, put Him first in all things, and be ready to share with unbelievers that this same
power is available to them if they can embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. The God their
hearts yearn for is not far away but very near.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 35, 69
Devotional Reading: Lk. 14:15-24
Topic For Adults: A Lifestyle Of Godliness Is Required Of You.
Topic For Youths: You Must Live To Please God.
Topic For Intermediate: You Can Be Godly.
Lesson Scriptures: Matt 11:28-30; Lk 14:15-24; Rom 13:1-7;
1 Pet 2:13-19; 2 Pet 1:5-11

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these
things, you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1:10) NKJV.

SUMMARY: One major responsibility of every believer is to please God in what we do.
We cannot present any tenable excuse for displeasing God. Examples of men of old clearly
show that our excuses, no matter how genuine, will not be accepted by God. For this
reason, we must strive not to remain on the same level of faith after conversion; we must
daily add to what we have achieved before. This is the way not to be complacent.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 20; Evening: Deut. 11-12


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 28, 99
Devotional Reading: Prov. 3:1-8
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be Envious
Topic For Youths: Commit Your Ways To God
Topic For Intermediates: Do Not Trust In Friends
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 37:1-5; 73:1-14; 27-28; 118: 1-8; Prov. 3:5-7; Jer. 17:5-8

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5)

SUMMARY: Need is an integral part of man. The said need spans all human endeavours.
The yearning to have his needs met propels man to trust in his fellow man for help
forgetting that the said fellow man is limited by resources, time and space. Little wonder he
fails even after promising heaven and earth. Against this backdrop, God, the unlimited one

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calls man to trust in Him. Why not heed this call? Remember, according to the Scriptures,
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 16, 83
Devotional Reading: Jn. 8:38-44
Topic For Adults: Come Out of The World System
Topic For Youths: You Are Special Before God
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Join Them
Lesson Scriptures: Jn. 8:38-44; 2 Tim. 2:14-26; Rom. 1:18-20

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans. 1:18) NKJV.

SUMMARY: The Christian lives in a perverse generation and polluted world but God has
called him to be part of His kingdom. The Christian does not pay to become saved; but for
him to retain his salvation will cost him everything the world has to offer. He has to jettison
all worldly and carnal desires and pleasures. Only those who are committed to live holy
lives will eventually make heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 21; Evening: Deut. 13-14


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 17, 32
Devotional Reading: Col. 3:1-11
Topic For Adults: Get Your Priorities Right
Topic For Youths: Know Your Responsibility
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Miss Heaven
Lesson Scriptures: Col. 3:1-11, 22-25; Eph. 6:5-8; Jn. 14:15-18; 15:10; Heb. 12:1-2

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with
Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3) NKJV.

SUMMARY: God has made the Marriage Supper ready and has given us the invitation to
partake. Satan is decided to make many invitees miss the Supper. He wants them to be
engrossed in worldly affairs and pleasures so they won’t have time to please God. It is the
Christian’s responsibility to align his life with God’s plan and purpose and put his priorities


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 200, 203
Devotional Reading: Ps. 119:113-120
Topic For Adults: You Can Do Spiritual Exploits
Topic For Youths: Prepare For Battles Ahead
Topic For Intermediates: Study the Word of God

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Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 119:113-120, 2 Tim. 2:15-19; Rom. 1:16-17;
Jam. 1:22; Jn. 16:16-24, Matt. 7:7-11; 26:38-41

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41) NKJV.

SUMMARY: The Christian is called to a life of studying the word of God, of living the
word and of fervent prayer. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to live victoriously as a
Christian without persistent conscious effort to maintain these disciplines. A knowledge of
the word of God coupled with fervent prayer is a potent weapon the Christian is given to
defeat the enemy. No one can become spiritual if he ignores these disciplines.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 22:1-38; Evening: Deut. 15-16


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 47
Devotional Reading: Ps. 119:113-120
Topic For Adults: Old Nature Versus New Nature
Topic For Youths: Are You Heaven Compliant?
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Be Like People In The World
Lesson Scriptures: Col. 3:5-10; Rom. 8:12-15; 12:2; 13:11-14;
2 Cor. 5:17; Matt. 18:7-9; Gal. 5:16-25

“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16) NKJV.

SUMMARY: A person ruled by the carnal nature cannot enter the kingdom of God, as
flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom. You need to consider your carnal nature dead.
Do not continue to respond to its desires. Submit yourself to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit
and allow Him work out the new nature created in the image of Jesus Christ in you.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 183, 190
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 9:24-27
Topic For Adults: Foundation of Spiritual Failure
Topic For Youths: Breaking the Rules
Topic For Intermediates: Disqualified, Though Came First
Lesson Scriptures: Phil. 3:12-21; 2 Tim. 4:3-8; Gal. 2:1-5,
Jude 3-4; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; 2 Cor. 4:7-18.

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have
preached to others, I myself should become disqualified”
(1 Corinthians 9: 27) NKJV.

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SUMMARY: Making heaven is the greatest reward for any believer. Many who started the
spiritual race will end so-soon, others will end badly. It is important for the believer to
deliberately pursue the goal of finishing and finishing well and winning the crown God has
promised. Success does not come into a person’s life by accident. It must be pursued, it must
be worked for and must be kept in focus. Decide to run your spiritual race in a way that you
may win.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 22:39-71; Evening: Deut. 15-16.

REVISION DAY 7: 27/11/2022

Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Lk. 23; Evening: Deut. 19-20

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