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The Effects of Social Media

Technology was used for the exchange of information, many different technological platforms

were created and this had an effect on communication itself. The effects of social media are mainly

affecting kids, teens, and young adults. Over the last years, we became aware of the consequences and

problems the use of social media brings.

If an Informative essay is written about social media we can classify the good, and bad effects on

our lifestyle, also the information on it will make us raise our awareness on any social media forum.

Trusting the source, not sharing our privacy,

opinions that can affect us mentally it's on us to believe in the information and to be affected by

this, so it's a great topic for an informative essay to inform our people.

Pros and Cons of Mobile Games

All of us are playing mobile games since mobile games are widespread and anyone can easily

access this with the use of mobiles and through the internet. mobile games have their pros and cons or

advantages and disadvantages. It would be a worthy topic for us to tackle through informative writing or

essay because of the vast use of mobile games and people will be aware of what mobile games can do

to us and our daily lives.

Pros and Cons of mobile games is an appropriate topic for an informative essay because it gives

us the good side and bad sides of it, it gives us an explanation of how we should balance their use, how

we should not play mobile games too often, and how we should minimize the use. It gives us

information to learn important skills or address serious issues.


Pandemic is a very good topic because it had effects on our physical, economic, and mental

health, and it's very important to spread awareness and to pay attention cause the pandemic is still

happening to this day and thousands and millions of people have suffered from the pandemic and by

creating an informative essay, we can reach the people easier.

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