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Tuesday, 5th of April 2022

(due is on

Biston, Jasmine Adawiya B

VII Banzon

Learning Guide 14
Lesson 1
Practice Exercise 1

Idea Supporting Details

the theater is a big part of his life 1. Both his parents work in the theater
2. It was a place of great magic where
anything could happen as he witnesses
and explores the theater and it is rich to
3. The transformation of actors, actresses,
and everything is a source of amazement
to him.

Practice Exercise 2| Write 3 supporting ideas for 2 of the paragraph ideas below.

Write the idea and then make up 3 ideas for supporting details.

1. doing what I like to do

2. living with one parent

3. choosing good television shows

4. sacrificing to achieve something

5. assisting working parent

1. Living with one parent

a. Must work to help the parent and family
b. Financial problems
c. Psychological problems
2. Choosing good television shows
a. Original
b. Clear
c. Interesting and new


Living with one parent:

Children with only one parent are mostly likely to grow up having messed up life compared to
children with two parents. Single parent families are more likely to experience financial problems
because they only have one earner. Single parents are more likely to work more hours to make ends
Tuesday, 5th of April 2022
(due is on

Biston, Jasmine Adawiya B

VII Banzon

Learning Guide 14
Lesson 1
meet. They often don't have enough time to assist the child with their life. Children who have to work to
help pay expenses have less time to focus on their schoolwork and their own life because they have to
take care of their family. All these can make the child feel frightened, stressed, and frustrated by the
difference between their lives and their friends'. And because of all these emotions it can lead to
psychiatric illness and stuffs like suicide or alcohol addictions.

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