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CS2 – Board Paper 2020 – Programs Solution

a. ALP to count 02H
LXI H, D000H ;Load address to HL pair
MOV C, M ;Store the length of block to C
MVI B, 00H ;Initialise B to 0 for counting data byte 02H
UP: INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV A,M ;copy value at memory to Acc
CPI 02H ;compare acc with 02H
JNZ DN ;If not equal, jump down on DN
INR B ;If equal, increment B
DN: DCR C ;decrement block counter
JNZ UP ;jump up for further value comparison
MOV A,B ;copy count of 02H to accumulator
STA D100H ;Store the count from Acc to Memory Location

RST1 ;Stop Execution

b. ALP to copy block of data to another memory location

LXI H, D001H ;Load address to HL pair
LXI B, 2501H ;Load address to BC pair
MVI D, 05H ;Initialise D to 5 – Block size
UP: MOV A,M ;copy value at memory to Acc
STAX B ;store value from acc to address in BC
INX H ;increment HL pair
INX B ;increment BC pair
DCR D ;decrement block counter
JNZ UP ;jump up for next value transfer

RST1 ;Stop Execution

c. ALP to Subtract 3 byte number in EHL from BCD.

MOV A,D ;Copy value in Reg. D to A
SBB L ;Subtract L from A
MOV D,A ;Store the result back to D
MOV A, C ;Move value of C to A
SBB H ;Subtract H with borrow from A
MOV C,A ;Store the result back to C
MOV A, B ;Move value of B to A
SBB E ;Subtract E with borrow from A
MOV B,A ;Store the result back to B

RST1 ;Stop Execution

a. ALP to generate 2’s compliment of each value in a block
LXI H, 2FFFH ;Load address to HL pair
MOV D, M ;Store the length of block to D
LXI H, 3330H ;Load HL pair with starting address of the block
LXI B, 4100H ;Load address to BC pair
UP: MOV A,M ;copy value at memory to Acc
CMA ;compliment accumulator
INR A ;add 1 to compliment for 2’s compliment
STAX B ;Store 2’s compliment at memory in BC pair
INX H ;increment HL pair
INX B ;increment BC pair
DCR D ;decrement block counter
JNZ UP ;jump up for the next value

RST1 ;Stop Execution

b. ALP to calculate SUM of values in a block of data
LXI H, C000H ;Load address to HL pair
MOV B, M ;Store the length of block to B
MVI C, 00H ;Initialise C to 0 for carry
INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV A,M ;copy value at memory to Acc
DCR B ;decrement block counter as 1st value moved
UP: INX H ;increment HL pair
ADD M ;Add value at ML to Acc
JNC DN ;Jump down if no carry
INR C ;Increment carry
DN: DCR B ;decrement block counter
JNZ UP ;jump up for further value comparison
LXI H, C050H ;Load address in HL pair to store result
MOV M,A ;Store sum at ML
INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV M,C ;Store carry at next ML

RST1 ;Stop Execution

c. ALP to divide 2 values

LXI H, 4060H ;Load address to HL pair
MOV A, M ;Store dividend in Acc
INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV B,M ;Store divisor in B
MVI C,00H ;Initialise C to 0 for Quotient
UP: CMP B ;Compare A with B
JC DN ;Jump down if A<B
SUB B ;Subtract B from A
INR C ;Increment Quotient
DN: INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV M,C ;Store quotient at ML
INX H ;Increment HL pair
MOV M,A ;Store remainder at next ML

RST1 ;Stop Execution

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