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The number of days it will take for the culture to reach 75% of its carry capacity is shown as

P(t) = 14250 / 1 + 29 e-0.62t
75% =3/4 – to get ¾ of 14250
1+29e-0.62t =4/3 29e-0.62t =1/3 e-0.62t= 1/87ln91/87)=-0.62T
Rounded to the nearest ten is t=ln(1/87)/(-0.62)=7.2

Let’s calculate the carrying capacity now

Logic function is expressed as c/1+bx, so then the carrying capacity is c
Therefore the carrying capacity is 14,250

What is the initial population for the model?

Initial population is as follows:

Initial value is x

Why a model like   , where   is the initial population, would not be

I would say that this model is not plausible because it is an exponential function. This type of
function has no restrictions on its growth, and only the population number gets considered.
Many other factors may determine population besides population numbers. Resource scarcity
and space limitations are very obvious examples.
Here’s the plotted logistic graph.

Abramson, J. (2017). Algebra and trigonometry. OpenStax, TX: Rice University. Retrieved from

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