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Learning Journal 8

Complete the following questions utilizing the concepts introduced in this unit.
The assignment will be graded by your instructor.

1. Evaluate the cube root of  . Then raise them to the cube. Show the
steps of your reasoning.

From the information, we get that the cube roots of the equation of

27^1/3cis(240 /3)◦

⅓ of 27 equal to 3

240 decided by 3 equal to 80

Then, we have

= 3cis80◦

As it stated that we need to raise into cube then, we have a radius a 3 of 3 cube roots.
Using this

number, we could calculate

360 as the number of the angle of a circle, decided by 3 radius 3 as the number of 3
cube roots,

then we have

=120360 ◦/3 ◦

Then, calculate with the result that we have

=3cis2003𝑐𝑖(80 ◦+ 120 ◦)◦

3𝑐𝑖(80 ◦+ 2(120 ◦)) = 3𝑐𝑖𝑠320 ◦

2. Evaluate  .

Converting to polar form to get 5√3cis30°

So, [5√3cis30°]10

= (5√3)10cis [10(30°)]

= 237046875cis300°


[5√3(√3/2 + i/2)]10= (5√3)10 (ei30°)10

=310/5 ei10×30°



3. Find     in polar form:


Dividing 21 by 3 and subtracting 75° from 135°

Hence, z1 / z2 = 7cis60°
Zi/z2=zicis (135°)/3cis (75°)
= cis (135°-75°)
= 7cis (60°)
= 7(½+i√3/2)

Abramson J. (2015, February 13) Algebra and Trigonometry. OpenStax. Texas.

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