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The journey of Alana Dunsmore to Malaysia 3 years ago was an unforgettable memory.

She came to
Malaysia cause studying. She talked about the culture shock in Malaysia. The first is about the
spiciness of food. She was so shocked because Malaysian food is so spicy, and she then tried the
Chinese and Indian food. In local food court she took one bite of food that her friend said least spicy
then her faces became red because she crying. Next, grab and food delivery services in Malaysia was
affordable and super-efficient. When she started internship in the Monero Maxis Tower, she had a
meeting. Everyone has very specific places to sit around and that’s cool culture. She falling in love
with iconic Skyline Kuala Lumpur Malaysia because the moment she stood for 10 minutes she can
see a colourful bright building and dark moonlight. Malaysian street food affordable like street
market in UK. She loves to go past 5 pm in Kuala Lumpur. Next, vast culture mix in Malaysia that
mixed in one place. The weather in Malaysia a shock for her because it was so hot. Overall, she loves
Malaysia and keep saying coming back in a few days.

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