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Module 5 Activity 2 : Stories to tell

picture A:
Because of the irresponsible behavior of humans, they tend to create billions
of plastic bags rather than the eco-friendly ones. Some are thrown into the
ocean, yes some people thinks that throwing rubbish in the sea is a good idea
for them to stay away from the garbage's mess. Small animals mistook plastic
bags as their parent or food.
picture B:
Plastics are still running the world. Humans found it useful for their everyday
needs, some of them found plastics dangerous and may affect the cleanliness
of the marines. When a person doesn't like a thing or two, he or she gets rid of
it. They want to get rid of broken things so they dump it to the sea and still,
animals mistook them as food or a friend.
picture C:
Did you know that an average person uses atleast 60 toothbrushes? Yes,
majority of toothbrushes are made of plastics. People find it efficient and easy
to use. Did you know that there are 4.7 billion toothbrushes made each year?
Yes most of them are plastic. Last, did you know that there are 23 billion
toothbrushes that are thrown in the ocean every year, and mostly are plastic.
We are harming the future of the marines because of how humans overuse
their knowledge.
picture D:
We use about 180 billion aluminum cans every year. Did you know that
aluminum contains chemicals that if it rusts, it spreads into whichever it was
put in? That may cause polluting of soils and oceans. That may harm animals,
it causes them wounds and some even end up on whales. Of course we all
admit that aluminum is useful. If only humans know how to limit things. We
would have a clean green world.

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