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Why support Bill 3?

Sydney Garber
Although you all may know, I will explain what Bill 3 entails
and why it is important. Bill 3 includes waste management for
companies and cutting back on uses of plastics in packaging.

What is Bill 3? It seems like an easy decision to me, as voting with this bill
will help conserve resources and lower waste. Companies will
have to change some designs and polices, but it is for the
better of future generations.
The main reason I come to
present this to you today is for
the livelihood of many marine
animals. Marine life struggle
and die daily from plastics
Why is this
invading their habitats and
ingesting small, broken down
plastics. This is a reminder that
plastic waste takes a long time
to go away.
Facts of the matter

13 There are
Million metric tons of plastic
end up in the ocean each year.
5,652 Of all seabird species have
eaten plastic, a number
expected to increase to 99%
Threatened marine
by 2050.
species, 300 of those being
Critically Endangered.
Turtles and Plastic
So, animals like this precious
sea turtle are in danger every
day because of plastic entering
their homes. Animals mistake
plastic for food or can get
entangled in certain plastics. This
makes the life of a sea turtle
much harder than it needs to be.

We are all aware that it takes a very long time for plastic to reduce,
which is one reason why it is so dangerous. But, what most have not
considered is that when plastic does break down, it becomes
microplastics. These small particles can easily enter marine life’s
digestive tract without them even knowing.


To conclude, today I hope you have learned today the importance of
Bill 3. Imagine the good this Bill will do for not only marine life, but
life all around the planet. I think this Bill is a great step forward for
us to keep Earth a place that generations to come can live. The
marine life have no vote, so someone has to vouch for them. Today
Overall that is me and I am telling you today that one way to help them out,
would be supporting Bill 3. I hope you take this presentation and the
marine life into consideration when voting.

Thank you all for your time!

Sydney Garber
 Plastic Pollution Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean. (2018,
September 24). The Pew Charitable Trusts.
 M. (2021, January 21). Threatened & Endangered Species.
MarineBio Conservation Society.

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