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Issue 37 | Vol - IV, 2019

CEO Speaks Editorial

My Dear Himadrians, Dear Colleagues
The Company has undergone a remarkable evolution in the past few The biggest Sporting News was in last April when Tiger Woods won a
years as we’ve pursued our vision to become one of the world’s Major: The Augusta Masters. The win was fifteenth in his glittering
most extensive value chains in the carbon segment. career and the first after 2008 and when the Golfing world had given
The difference between success and failure is a great team. I thank each one of you up on him ever winning a Major again.
for your passion, contribution and dedication. We have walked together; we have
sweated throughout the stress and we will definitely make it!! “Tiger Woods is totally, completely, unequivocally, and utterly done,” read one
Golf Digest in 2015.
Walking through the transformational journey over these years, one of the most
profound changes over this time has been the richer understanding and deeper His army of diehard supporters were waiting for this day patiently and when he
commitment to “Sustainability Development Goals”, which have come into focus as sank that putt on the 18th, there was a cheer at the famous course and in living
we have refined our views of what it means to be a leader. rooms like never before.
Our next leap will be bigger and mightier with our new expansions in Advanced
Carbon Material and Speciality Carbon Black. The Company is powering its next “I know some of you guys think I’m buried and done”, Woods said “I am still right
phase of growth by explicitly advocating for the comprehensive approach of the here.”
relevant Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) through its innovations, This has to be the greatest comeback story of all time. The trials and tribulations the
products and technologies, strongly contributing to the sustainability of the man has gone through, the injuries and the surgeries that he has undergone and
Company. major surgeries at that and to come back after all that and win shows not just skill
This year is again an important one for all of us, as we are preparing ourselves to but also a mind that has to be the strongest ever.
strive towards vision of maintaining industry leadership and its sustainability for the The first Back operation was in March 2014, the third to ease the pain a few weeks
years to come. The very first step for the same is change in mindset. The growth later. He had 466 days away from competitive Golf before returning at the end of
mindset is critical for our long-term success. Every one of us needs to do our best 2016.
work, lead and help drive cultural change.
One tournament into 2017 and he was withdrawing again with back spasms. That
To paraphrase a quote from Oscar Wilde — we need to believe in the impossible April, Dr.Richard Guyer performed a spinal fusion on Woods at the Texas Back
and remove the improbable. Institute, which involved removing a damaged disc.
Let me share with you all a very famous story of two salesmen who were sent to Justin Rose and Sir Nick Faldo said most people who had the sort of surgery that
Africa by a British shoe manufacturer. The goal of their trip was to investigate this Woods had would be unable to hit a ball again.
new market, and to report their findings back to Headquarters on the potential of the
market. As always at the highest level, it is temperament that separates the men from the
boys and Tiger exemplifies that.
 The 1st salesman came back with a rather dismal report, “There’s no
potential at all here, because nobody wears shoes.” That Victory in Atlanta shows how this 43-year-old man is still generating an
 The 2nd salesman came back with a rather different reply, “There’s interest beyond the collective wherewithal of the 11 men ahead of him in the world
massive potential in Africa, because nobody wears shoes.” ranking.
He used to get close but then falter and stumble on the final day. This must have
When telling this story put your inflection on the “Nobody” as it helps to clarify that been frustrating for him and may have even made him question himself if he ever
in a single situation, there are often many ways to look at the outcome. was going to win a tournament leave aside a Major.
It’s your choice as to how you interpret any situation, whether you’re looking at it That might have been a little too much to expect but there’s no doubt that the
positively with optimism, or as a challenge full of negativity. Golfing world is tremendously excited and energised by Tiger’s win at the Masters.
To summarize it, I would like to say, “It is possible for ordinary people to choose to Many Articles have been written after the famous win and the accolades have
be extraordinary.” started pouring from eminent persons all round the world but for Tiger the biggest
Our commitment is to work to extend our performance in areas where results are Trophy would have been to see the tears of joy in his mother’s eyes and the tight
already strong, while diligently addressing those aspects of our performance in hugs his children gave him.
which we see the greatest opportunities for improvement. We are here to transform To Tiger Woods, the joyous scene by the 18th green confirmed that his career, if not
the ideas into tangible concepts and new solutions. his life, has come “full circle”. In 1997, he hugged his father after his first Masters
Many companies aspire to be a global player and leader. But very few have all the triumph. Here, 22 years later, his children gave him tight hugs.
elements required: talent, resources, and perseverance. Himadri has proven that it “I just couldn’t be more happy, more excited”. Tiger said “ I’m just kind of at a
has all the three in abundance. loss for words. I cannot stress enough how much that meant to me when I was
We are going through very difficult times , as you are aware the Indian economy having a hard time just moving. I could barely walk, couldn’t sit, couldn’t lay
has reported very dismal growth rate of 5% for the last quarter , we can clearly feel down”.
the impact on our sales volumes from our esteemed customers , it is the time we Michael Jordan described Tiger Woods' Masters Comeback as the "Greatest Ever"
should look back and ensure that all types of cost rationalisation measures are
immediately taken and strictly adhered to. Please, feel free to give your suggestions "I never thought he'd get back physically. No one expected him to be back the way
to you HOD for any improvement you feel can help us to optimise our cost of he is now. But he did it. To me it is unbelievable. He’s probably the only person
production. Always remember “Every penny saved is a penny earned “. who believed he could get back.”

I would like to express our gratefulness to you all for your continued support and He had to put a lot of hard work in. But he took it head-on. He had to change his
loyalty to Himadri. We will do everything in our power to ensure that the Company game; he had also to change his perspective.
remains on its successful course. He is above the sport. Truth is Tiger doesn’t need Golf but Golf needs him.
My Festive Greetings to you all. Best Festive Wishes to you all and Happy Reading your Newsletter.
Anurag Choudhary Santanu Chatterjee
“A River cuts through Rock, not because of its Power, but because of its Persistence.” — “It is not important what other people believe about you. It is only important what
James N. Watkins. you believe about yourself " Rev.lke

be a Proud Himadrian
Issue 37 | Vol - IV, 2019

“MESSAGE OF THE SACRIFICE” Awareness of the cure of illness environment

The Environment is the Natural World. It is spread all
over the World. Its World is full of new and living
things. There is everything in this World - Land, Air,
Water, Water Bodies, Mountains, Jungle, Sea, Rivers,
Canal Bills, Animals, Birds, Trees, and Flowers. The
Fruits are aplenty and with them we, the Human Beings. The
Members of this Family are dependent on each other.

On the eve of creation, the Prajapati Brahma created with Brahma Sickness of the Members of this family is increasing day by day. All
Yajna, saying that with this Yajna they should be extended. This in our family and environment are being polluted because of us. Cities
are growing fast, and the trees are being chopped off to the ground.
Yajna is their best ‘Karma’-that is, if they perform such rituals, There is increasing Carbon Dioxide and other toxic Chemicals in the
they will benefit the most...” Air and consequent decreasing life expectancy.
Added to it, we give away poor Environment to people when we
increasingly start using many plastic varieties. Plastic takes several
years to completely dissipate. So, its increasing use harms the
This verse is the result of the ritualistic action of Vishnu. When environment.
Also, due to avoidable but huge Waste of water, the groundwater level
the Prajapati Brahma created, the proletariat advised them to
is decreasing which takes about ten years to accumulate in the soil.
practice their rituals. Prajapati Brahma has done great things for Due to the rapid loss of Ozone Layer, Ultraviolet Rays are taking
humanity by turning the people around and instructing them to do away our Age and Eyesight from us.
Day by day there is continual decrease of quality of food and its
good things for each other and turn them into human beings – in a nutritional value increases Sugar Level in Blood also rises in Blood
socialized way. The help of ten to do any great work, and when Pressure.
Our Environment helps us and other forms of existence to grow,
the mind and energy of many are united, great work is done. Thus, develop and flourish on the earth for thousands of years. As human
exchanging ideas each other , we learn not to be self-centered, but beings are considered as the most intelligent creature made by the
nature on the earth, they have lots of inquisitiveness to know about the
to be social-centered, country-centric or cosmopolitan. In this part Universe which lead them towards the Technological Advancement.
Human Beings are different and superior to other animals although
Few of such Technological Advancement executed in an unplanned
there is an astonishing development of the power of solidarity manner on the earth is destroying our environment slowly but surely.
among those other animals; they too know to be teammates. It is It has already started showing its ill effects on the health of Human
Beings, Animals, Plants and other Living Species. Artificial fertilizers
not just for the protection of others, but for paraphernalia). manufactured by using harmful Chemicals are spoiling the soil which
is indirectly getting consumed into our body through the food we eat
Poet Kamini Roy is beautiful wrote – daily. Obnoxious smoke emitted from Industries on daily basis are
polluting the Natural Air and it affects our health to a great extent as
we breathe it every moment.

In such a busy, crowded and advanced life only a small effort from
each of us can bring in a major positive change towards our declining
environment. We should not use the natural resources in wrong way
Brahma has said- , to meet our selfish end and fulfil our destructive wishes. We should
grow and develop Science and Technology for the betterment of our
lives being very sure that it would not ruin our Environment in future
This instruction of Brahma has gradually taken the form of in anyway. We should be sure that new Technologies would never
socialism and is a good indication of the formation of a republican disturb the Ecological Balance.

society by exchanging and sharing equally between the things

We need a Healthy Environment to live a Healthy Body. We can
acquired. By doing so, human society will in the best way, not make the Environment Healthy again with a little effort. We can build
deprived of others! There is no geographical boundary within this a Green World by taking care of the Plants at double of our present
effort stopping misuse of water, eliminating plastic varieties and
system of Brahma. This is the only communion between the Gods taking a step further towards betterment.
and Humans, and also between Humans.
The Loss of the Environment is our Loss.
Heal the Environment, it Heals us too.
Dinobandhu Jana Partha Sarathi Chowdhury
“Great Achievement is usually born of Great Sacrifice, and is never the result of “A Healthy Environment is essential to a livable Oregon and a strong Economy “
Selfishness.” - Napoleon Hill -Ted Kulongoski

be a Proud Himadrian
Issue 37 | Vol - IV, 2019

The Wildfire of Amazon and Its Dreadful Aftermath

The Rainforest of Amazon also called Amazonia is a On 28th August 2019, the Brazilian President stated that a Summit will
broadleaf tropical moist forest, encompassing 7,000,000 be held in Colombia, on 6th September, 2019, to be attended by all
km2 of Amazon basin of which 5,500,000 km2 are countries sharing the Rainforest excluding Venezuela, to discuss
Rainforest. 60% of the Rainforest is contained within about the ongoing fire situation in Amazon
Brazil, 13% in Peru, 10% in Colombia and some small
portions in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and Environmental Effects of the Amazon Fire
French Guiana. The Amazon is representative of more than half of the
worlds remaining Rainforest, comprising of 390 billion individual The Amazon has been the world’s largest Carbon Dioxide Sink with
trees with 16,000 varieties of it. It is also home to 2.5 million species its plants and other biomass capturing around 25% of the world’s
of insects, 2,200 fishes, 1,294 birds, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians Carbon Dioxide in it. The absence of this Sink would lead to a rise in
and 378 reptiles. global temperatures due to an increase in the level of atmospheric
CO2, making the viability of Amazon a global concern. Further, if the
The Amazon is Burning Rainforest of Amazon is lost by fire, then more amount of Carbon
Dioxide will be released in the atmosphere leading to an enormous
In 2019, wildfires in Amazon Rainforest saw a surge in fires which increase in the total Carbon Dioxide level in the atmosphere. The
occurred within Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru during the dry Amazonian flora is capable of generating large quantities of water
tropical season of Amazon. Normally, fires do occur during the dry vapour that are responsible for precipitation in areas of South America
season as slash-and-burn method is used for clearing the forest area via atmospheric rivers. Environmental Scientists have expressed
for agriculture, livestock, logging and mining leading to deforestation rising concern about Amazon reaching a “tipping point” where
in the Amazon Forest. Despite of deforestation being illegal in these Amazon would die out, becoming a Savana rather than a forest,
nations, an increasing number of fire counts in 2019 have raised a following climatic change exacerbated by Anthropogenic Activities.
global concern regarding the fate of Amazon Rainforest which is the Brazil’s deforestation is partially driven by its fact of being one of the
world’s largest Carbon Dioxide Sink playing a significant role in largest exporters of beef. In 2018 Brazil exported over 1.6 million
global climate change. tonnes of beef. In the last two decades, its cattle herd has also
The first report of increase in forest fire was given by Brazil’s INPE increased by 56%. This increase in demand of beef in world market
(National Institute for Space Research, in English) through satellite has led the agricultural sector to push inside the Amazon basin
monitoring in June and July’19. On August 20, 2019 fire smoke from leading to an increase in wildfires.
Rondônia & Amazonas caused darkened sky in Sao Paulo around The AIRS published Maps by 22 nd August’19 showing an increase in
2pm which is about 2,800 kms away. With satellite images from the level in atmospheric levels of Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide
NASA and INPE in support, this incident immediately caught global resulting from the fires of Amazon. The downwind areas of fires will
attention, becoming a rising topic among world leaders, celebrities, remain covered in smoke for a month or more leading to a rise in the
athletes and social media. According to Vox, the wildfires of Amazon number of patients affected by it. The youth and the elderly are most
are the most “ALARMING” among all other concurrent wildfires in likely to be affected by asthma or bronchitis and also have potential
the world. cancer risk as a result of the massive fire that broke in the Amazon
On 29th August’19, a report by INPE showed more than 80,000 fires Rainforest.
in all of Brazil, of which 40,000 occurred in BLA (Brazil’s Legal
Amazonia). Around 906 thousand hectares of forest of Amazon The Long term Effects of this fire can be catastrophic as the dense
Biome was lost in the fires that occurred in 2019. With increasing canopy of the Amazon Rainforest was destroyed thereby exposing the
global pressures and a rejection threat of the European Union- lower levels of the ecosystem which will change the energy flow of
Mercosur Free Trade Agreement at the 45th G7 summit, the Brazilian the food chain in the ecosystem
President dispatched more than 44,000 Troops of Brazil and funds
were allocated for fire fighting. Brazil President Bolsonaro was forced Somnath Baral
by the Governors of the fire affected states of Brazil to accept the
Emergency Aid of US$22 million despite of his severe dispute with
the French President Macron during the Summit. A decree of
“Fires are raging at a record rate in Brazil's Amazon Rainforest, and Scientists warn
preventing such kinds of fire within 60 days was also signed later on.. it could strike a devastating blow to the fight against Climate Change.”
– Washington Post

Welcome: New Joinees

Mr. Debasish Sarkar Mr. Nirupam Sarkar Mr. Partha Sarathi Chowdhury
Mr. Shobhit Sinha Mr. Sourav Thandar Mr. Somnath Baral
Mr. Soumyodeep Bhattacharya Mr. Bhairab Mondal Mr. Soumen Paul
Ms. Jayita Das Mr. Giridhari Mondal Mr. Sanatan Shill
Mr. Punit Pandey Mr. Imran Mallick Mr. Debabrata Biswas
Mr. Aveek Chakrabarti Mr. Arindam Das Mr. Prasanta Shee
Mr. Akshyay Kumar Bera Md. Sohail Manzar Mr. Kousik Maity

be a Proud Himadrian
Issue 37 | Vol - IV, 2019

Photo Gallery
CSR Activities


Computerised Eye Testing Camp of MTK Plant Employees Pathological Tests of MTK Plant Employees A Partial View of Long Serving
by Titan Eye + by Arunodaya Healthcare Pvt Ltd at OHC Employees Awarded
on 14th August’19 on 12th September’19 on 24th September’19


Pinnacle Award
Lighting of Inaugural Lamp Deliverance of Inaugural Address ( Best of the Best Employee )


Teacher’s Day Celebrated Engineer’s Day Celebrated Invoking Lord Rangoli Decoration on
Puja Gate
on 5th September’19 on 24th September’19 Vishwakarma Puja Floor

Your suggestion please

“The Newsletter Committee” would like to gratefully receive valued Suggestion of the Readers towards
Improvement / Upgradation of the Newsletter. Please send your valued inputs to
Suggestion Box Himadri Speciality Chemical Limited, Mahishtikry Unit, Newsletter Committee Members
Mahishtikry, Haripal Hooghly, Pin - 712223 Dr. S. Chakraborty Mr. K. Agarwal
be a Proud Himadrian Mr. S. Chatterjee

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