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50 Essays Vocabulary Words 72 terms Freighttrain27

For EC quiz

Terms in this set (72)

querulous tending to complain; whining

quantitative relating to quantity; measurable

nonchalant indifferent, calm, and unconcerned

promiscuous demonstrating or applying and undiscriminating or
unselective approach

anthropomorphism attributing human characteristics to non humans

feign pretend something, invent something

assuage relieve something unpleasant

futile in vein, having no useful result

sanguine confident; cheerfully optimistic

philanthropy desire to benefit humanity

misogyny hatred of women

avarice greed for wealth

gentility refinement; upper class status

pragmatism practical way of thinking about results

progeny offspring; something resulting

posit put something forward

condescension snobby and pretentious manner

polemic too concerned
passionate argument,
with formal
often rules
and details

sardonic disdainfully mocking

provocative making people angry or excited, sexually arousing

candid candor-honest; directness

modulated alter something to make less strong

expunge get rid of something completely

erudite very knowledgeable through study

antecedent something coming before; word that subsequent word

refers to

parallelism deliberate repetition of words or sentence structure

for effect

metonymy a figure of speech in which an attribute is used to

represent the whole thing

engender create or arise; have offspring

genesis beginning

warrant authorization to do something

cogent rationally persuasive

cynicism belief that people are insincere

empathy vicarious understanding of another's feelings;

especially due to similar or shared experience

antipathy strongly negative feeling

ambivalence conflict of ideas or attitudes; uncertainty

colloquial informal speech

didactic a message with an instructive purpose

synesthesia the concurrent response of two or more of the senses

to the stimulation of one

prescience advance knowledge of things

qualifier gloomy, mournful;
somebody with right
or skill, atoword
an excessive
or phrasedegree
modifies or restricts the meaning of another word or

temporal relating to time; brief

concession reluctant, yielding

admonition a mild but earnest rebuke

petulant sulky or ill-tempered in a peevish manner

unscrupulous not restrained by moral or ethical principals

immutable unchanging or unchangeable

antithesis direct opposite; figure of speech that use words or

phrases to contrast each other to create a balanced

blasphemy disrespect of religion

quantification determine number or extent of something

diatribe bitter verbal or written attack

rebuttal to refute, to prove false, to deny the truth of


qualification essential attribute, official requirement

doleful sad and mournful

salutary useful, of value or benefit to something or someone

enmity hostility; extreme hatred

supposition hypothesis; suggestion that might be true

feckless ineffective; unlikely to be successful

acerbic bitter sharp in tone, taste, or manner

insolent rude or arrogant, lack of respect

egregious flagrant, conspicuously bad or offensive

nostalgic sentimental recollection

hedonism seeking of pleasure as a way of life

credibility withholding information;
believability, willingness to

synecdoche figure of speech in which part of something is used to

signify the whole

sensory relating to senses and the sense organs

confirmation act of verifying or ratifying something

anomaly irregularity, deviation

esoteric abstruse; difficult to understand

asceticism self-denying way of life


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