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Q1. Watch the video produced by the Royal Society of chemistry. [Criteria A and D]
i. State the names of the gases in the air used by BOC.

ii. Compare and contrast the fractional distillation of air to the fractional distillation of
crude oil. Use this video to refer to fractional

distillation of crude oil.

iii. Describe how the pure gases can be distributed.

iv. Carry out some research to identify some of the main uses of oxygen, nitrogen and
argon gas. Outline the property that is linked to the particular use.

v. The fractional distillation of air is a very energy intensive process. Suggest some of the
environmental and economic consequences that could be.

Q2. Hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water, which splits up into oxygen and hydrogen
gas. Watch the video here to find more about the process. [Criterion D]
Your task is to write a report to the International Atomic Energy agency advising them about the
potential of hydrogen being the fuel of the future.

The points to be included:

i. Explain the science behind the electrolysis of water using your knowledge from the
MYP studies.
ii. Evaluate the potential of hydrogen as a reliable fuel. Make sure to discuss advantages
and disadvantages, linking these to any social, environmental, political, moral, ethical,
cultural or economic issues that are relevant.

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