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The most stressful situation of Mary Sandylee O.

BSPA 1 Night class

One of the most stressful situation I have experienced was when I needed to quit
my job because of my son. That time my son was just one and a half years old. He
always got admitted in the hospital because he was always sick. I am blaming
myself every time my son got sick because I’m thinking that I should be the one
who’s taking care of my son all the time but I can’t do it because I also need my
job. But there comes the time that I realize that I really need to give up my job for
my son. Another thing was that no one in our family can look after him when I
was working. So I decided to resigned from my work and be a fulltime mom of
At first it was very hard for me to make a decision because I also really needed my
job because it helps a lot with our household expenses. I was so stressed about
that situation that I cried every night because I didn’t know what to do. Eventually
and especially with the help of God and my loving husband, I was finally able to
let go of my work. And I am now a fulltime mom of two.
When I am stressed out, I always want to go to places that are peaceful and quiet
like mountain or the beach where there are no people. That is all I need so I can
think about what I should and must do and I will pray silently and ask the Lord for
guidance. Sometimes, I also want to drive my motorcycle and just drive wherever
my wheels takes me and return home when I feel even better.
When I have an acquaintance or friend who is stressed because of their deadlines,
I just tell them to relax, take a deep breath, and pray. Then, continue with what
needs to be done and it will be done on time. Because if you get stressed you will
just get rattled and may not be able to do things properly and will not finish what
needs to be done on time. And of course, it also necessary to be reminded that
next time, the things that needs to be completed should be done as soon as
possible so as not to be done late and pass on time.

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