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My Reflection

In our life we experience almost everything, whether expected or

not. Problems cannot be avoided, so sometimes we can think that it's
nice to go back in time, especially in Middle and Late childhood. I only
think about games and the problem is only injuries. The fun of those
days was great, the feeling that no one could stop anyone. But now I'm
here in the life I wanted. So the question is did I get what was
expected at each stage?

There are things that came in my life that i didn't expect just like
the passion for dancing because before when I was young I used to
dance when it was for the grade but when it wasn't, I wouldn't dance.
But now I still love dancing but I'm still shy. There are also things that
I expect will happen to me, like being a good person because when I
was young I saw a lot of things that were not good for children, Almost
every fiesta here in our area there was always someone fighting so I
was traumatized so I promised myself that I would be a good person
someday, And im so happy for the reason that it happened. Since I was
raised well and guided so that I can be what I am today as I listened to
their advice. Because for me, everything starts in the family, for the
reason that if the child is not raised well, he will carry it when he
grows up. So the important thing is to listen to a person with
experience, especially a parent.

A lot will come in life if you listen to your parents. Because we

will be on the right path. Life is good when you are a good person.
There are no enemies, many friends, and you are easy to get along
with. We are only human so we can make mistakes but we can correct
it to get back on the right path. Let's always remember that wherever
we are is because that's what we choose.

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