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Digital lit - ALTRES


Cybercitizenship -

Internet safety - BASUL

Cyberbullying – CABAJES

Cybercrime- FAJARDO

Explorinh d net: researching .... -

Integratinh d/c lit - Arpilleda

We all know that teachers utilize a variety of teaching tools, such as handouts,
slideshows, visual aids, and textbooks, to enhance the quality of their lectures. In
my opinion, this area has to be given greater importance when the plan is
delivered or when it is carried out in actual teaching moments. The quality of
those resources has a direct impact on the level of training. Knowing where and
how to discover the best teaching resources may be quite helpful for teachers.
Additional justifications for the requirement of teaching and learning materials
include the growth of learners' knowledge, skills, and capabilities, the observation
of their information consumption, and the contribution of their general
development and upbringing. Moreover, it emphasizes key concepts to encourage
and preserve a chance for all students in a class to share experiences, which is
critical to enhancing learning by introducing new knowledge. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the instructor to utilize resources that might help with motivation
and boredom reduction, information that students can apply to the real world, as
well as employing resources materials that could help with the development of
critical and creative thinking in the learners.

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