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Velasco, Carl Stephen M.



A. Exercise 1. Essay Type: Individual Work, each learner will think of a system integration project and
use the following product life cycle models, learners must explain why their selected project is
suitable to be implemented using the following models:

a. Waterfall Model

b. Spiral Model

c. V Model

You have an option to write down your answer in the box provided, take a picture of your answer,
include your name and submit it online using google classroom. Or you may create a document file for
the activity and submit it using google classroom. Refer to your instructor if you are about to submit
your output and for more information.

Waterfall Model

Project: Artificial Intelligence

Waterfall Model is best for Artificial intelligence for the reason that in these fields we can assume that
progress flows in one direction. Waterfall enables the discovery of problems early and allows for
correction along the way.

Spiral Model

Project: Booking system

V model is best for bookings system for the reason that his model focuses on verification and validation
early in the life cycle thereby enhancing the probability of making an error-free and smooth system.

V Model

Project: Chart Maker system

Spiral Model is best for Chart Maker because it is more iterative. Many unknown risks might occur as the
development proceeds, in that case, Spiral Model is the best model to follow due to the risk analysis and
risk handling at every phase.
Life Activity:

B. Exercise 2. In your household look for a product that you think was manufactured.

a. List down procedures on how do you think that product was made.

b. Select one product lifecycle mentioned above and explain why do you think that approach is
suitable in developing your chosen product.

You have an option to write down your answer in the box provided, take a picture of your answer,
include your name and submit it online using google classroom. Or you may create a document file for
the activity and submit it using google classroom. Refer to your instructor if you are about to submit
your output and for more information.

Product: Motospeed Mechanical Keyboard


 molding keys from an injection mold in which cavities thereof coincide with cavities of a
commercial keyboard;
 moving said keys out of said injection mold to a position above a number of corresponding
switches of a board;
 socketing said keys with said switches; and pressing said socketed keys together with said
 the numbers of said cavities are a part of that of a complete commercial keyboard.
 molded keys may be released from said injection mold after the molding step so that they may
be easily removed from said injection mold.
 board is positioned at a place near said injection mold.
 which said moving and socketing steps are conducted by using a taking-out device.

I think RAD model is most suitable for this, since RAD reduces development time and increases
reusability of components.

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