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I may not be directly affected by poverty because my parents are doing everything to provide us
with all I need. However, seeing people who are victims of poverty affects me and tells me that I
should strive hard to achieve my goals so I will not be in the same situation as they are. Seeing
those people also leads me to do my best so someday I can be successful so I can help people
who are poor.

2. When I feel like I am discriminated against, I just think of the reasons why. Of course, at first, I
am hurt, but I have to think first before reacting against other people. I think of what I did for
them to treat me like that because I might have hurt them. If I realized it was my fault, I
apologize. If I think I did nothing I just let them be. After all, I can do things on my own but there
should be times when I need to defend for my rights in the most peaceful way.

3. Bullying really did affect me. At first, it scared me. It also lowered my self-confidence. But later
on, I realized that it all depends on me. If I let others continue to hurt me, then I will always be a
victim. So I became brave. I defended myself and did the right thing which is telling to older
people who can help me come out of the situation. I think the bully has a bigger problem and
he/she needs help to change for the better.

4. Climate change affects almost every one of us. Effects of climate change include higher
temperatures, increases in precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, weather-related natural
disasters, increased drought, and decreased food security. All these can greatly affect me
because these are all not beyond my control. All I can do is cooperate with the programs of
government to overcome climate change.

5. Obesity affects me in a way that I always think of eating much food will always make me fat.
Many diseases are associated with obesity so I try not to be obese by eating the right foods at
the right amount.

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