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A. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS. The following are common statements and beliefs
we hear from Filipinos. Express your perspectives why Filipinos agree or
disagree with each statement. Write your own thoughts. Why or Why not?
Statement/Belief Why Filipinos Agree Why Filipinos Disagree
It is the woman's fault When it came to sexiness, Because a woman, or
if she is being sexually people were often rude, anyone, has the right to
harassed when she is especially when women wear whatever she wants
wearing skimpy wore short and daring without fear of others
clothing and short outfits. So when they’re taking action against them
shorts. harassed because they are because of what they are
dressed sexily, it is wearing. Women are
automatically their fault humans who deserve
because they’re aware of basic human rights.
this and prefer to dress Clothing is a personal
provocatively. choice, and regardless of
what a person chooses to
cover (or not cover) their
body with, they deserve
to be treated with basic
human decency! No one,
regardless of clothing, has
authority over another
person's body or the right
to harass them because of
their body! As one of a
Filipino woman, I am
frequently horrified and
disgusted by news reports
about the vile and
inhumane treatment of
women, including gang
rapes and acid attacks
simply for wearing light
clothing. Be proud of
yourself for thinking with
your own mind in such an
oppressive culture!
It is only proper that Because it is inappropriate It is proper to express
man says "I love you" for a woman to confess your love for someone,
first to a woman. her feelings to a man first, regardless of gender.
and it is also generally When a girl confesses her
relevant for women to be intimate feelings for
pursued by the man they someone, it does not
like before hearing those imply that she is
words, and what I implied shameless or a slut, but
is that a man should rather that she is
literally say the words "I confident enough to show
love you" first to the her feelings for someone,
woman they love. which is one of the most
courageous things a
woman can do. What is
wrong is judging someone
solely on gender roles that
we have long accepted.
A father doing Filipinos coined the term There appears to be no
household work is "under the saya," referring gender difference when it
considered as "under to a husband who takes on comes to housework. If
the saya". household responsibilities; the father is required to
Filipino fathers generally do housework, this does
refrain from undertaking not imply that he is under
childcare functions, an the saya; rather, it shows
attitude that can be traced that he is a responsible
back to the traditional father, and Filipinos
notion that men are the nowadays normalize a
economic providers and man doing housework and
women are the nurturers assisting his wife in their
of the family. As a result, home. It is not necessary
Filipino women have no to call or label them as
choice but to prioritize "under the saya" because
motherhood over work. they are simply carrying
out their responsibilities
as a husband and partner
to his wife, and it does not
make him less of a person
or a man if he does such
things when.
Man provides Because, in most places, A man and a woman
financially for the men are expected to be nowadays "should"
family while woman the primary source of organize their home and
takes care of the family income, As a result, family in whatever way
house and children. the family and society in they see fit. This may
general assume that a man imply that one parent,
who chooses to have a either mom or dad, stays
family is also choosing to at home for some couples.
financially support that Others may find that both
family. Pushing for a more are effective. One parent
gender equal society may work full-time while
would reduce both the the other works part-time.
expectation and necessity Perhaps one or both of
of the man being the them can work from
primary breadwinner to a home to be with the
more balanced level. children. And, unlike in
Essentially, man can not the past, women in
have the benefits of living today's generation can
in a patriarchal society work, while some men
without also having prefer to stay at home to
commensurate do household chores. And
responsibilities and the I completely disagree with
social expectation that you those who say that only
fulfill those women will have to stay
responsibilities. at home and care for
children, and only men
will work, because men
and women are free to
choose their own roles,
especially nowadays.
Wife should always A wife's role is to be Being submissive to your
be submissive to her submissive to her husband partner requires you to
husband. at all times. It is said that always obey them, but
in order to strengthen a when they abuse you, you
relationship, a wife should must fight for yourself. It
submit to her husband. A is good to know that
wife's duty is to do nowadays, most Filipinas
everything she can to are capable of making
support her husband. For their own decisions and
the sake of their family, hold such power that they
the wife must respect her aren't just wives who will
husband's opinion and do simply follow what their
as he says. husbands order them;
they are women who can
stand on their own,
defend themselves, and
stand for what they
believe is best for them.

B. Answer the following guide questions below.

1. In terms of acceptance, what are the behavioral effects of gender identity and
sexual orientation to the following? Explain. (Limit your answer by 7-10
sentences in each letter)

a. Family
- Families, particularly parents, want their children to be happy, healthy, and
safe. When a child comes out as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or
queer), his or her family reacts in a variety of ways. At one extreme, they may
reject their child and even kick them out of the house. On the other end of the
spectrum, they celebrate their child's uniqueness. Some parents express their
love and support for their child immediately, but it takes time for them to
adjust. Most parents start out somewhere in the middle but gradually become
more accepting. So, whether or not that is something you anticipated or felt
prepared for, your acceptance is essential to their health and safety, because it
proved that a family's acceptance or rejection of a young person's LGBTQ status
has significant consequences for that child's health and well-being. Young
people who experienced high levels of family rejection were eight times more
likely to attempt suicide, nearly six times more likely to experience severe
depression, and more than three times more likely to use drugs or engage in
unprotected sex, because their greatest fear is not being accepted by their
family. So, having family approval is important because it makes them feel loved
and worthy, and it allows them to express who they truly are. Above all, it
would have a significant impact on how they perceived themselves and will be
able to gain support from them regardless of their gender identity. That is why
family acceptance is critical for every individual, especially those considered to
be part of the LGBTQ community.

b. School
- School is considered our second home and a safe space, particularly for
members of the LGBTQ community, because they can be true to themselves,
showing their true colors of whoever they are, because they feel safe and
accepted by their classmates and by their school. However, schools are
frequently unsafe for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ); they frequently experience
negative or hostile school climates, including bullying and discrimination based
on sexual orientation and gender identity. Negative school climates and
discriminatory experiences can greatly affect the well-being of LGBTQ students.
Allowing students to opt out of LGBTQ inclusive education highlights the goal of
fostering acceptance, reducing bullying and violence, and improving the mental
health of LGBTQ youth. Laws that forbid any positive portrayal of LGBTQ people
foster a hostile culture rampant with bullying and physical violence against
LGBTQ students, resulting in poor health outcomes for an already affected
person. True learning occurs when students feel supported and celebrated in
the classroom and when everyone in the school community, regardless of race,
ethnic background, sexual orientation, or gender identities, can be their
authentic selves. Support from school personnel, such as administrators,
educators, and staff, is critical in promoting the safety and well-being of
vulnerable and marginalized students, including LGBTQ students. It also shows
that when LGBTQ youth perceive school personnel to be supportive, they feel
safer at school, report lower absenteeism, experience less victimization based
on their sexual orientation and gender identity, feel like they belong in their
school community, and achieve higher grade point averages.
c. Church
- We all know that the Church believes in only two genders: male and female.
They had no concept of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or other sexual orientations
because they believed that God only created two. They criticize the LGBTQ
community because they believe it is forbidden. However, in some cases, the
Church makes a distinction between same-sex attraction and homosexual
behavior. People who have same-sex attraction or who identify as gay, lesbian,
or bisexual can make and keep covenants with God and participate fully and
worthily in the church. Identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or experiencing
same-sex attraction is not a sin and does not preclude participation in the
church, holding callings, or visiting the temple. Members of the LGBTQ
community would feel welcomed as a result of this act.
d. Friends/Peer Group
- LGBTQ acceptance is critical for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, or queer. Someone who is coming out to their friends trusts them
enough to be honest and risk losing them as a friend. If their friends accept
them for who they truly are, they can gain more confidence and will feel loved
and valued by them. But it can be challenging to know what to say and do as a
supportive friend to someone who has "come out" to you. However, if they
have friends to talk to, LGBTQ people will feel free to be themselves without
hiding who they love or how they identify. They won't feel lonely anymore
because they have friends on their side who will accept them fully and truly and
who will protect them from the people who insult and discriminate against
them. That's why acceptance by people aside from their family is important for
e. Community
- As of today, many people don't totally accept the LGBTQ members,
particularly in a community. And one of the factors that makes LGBT members
afraid to confess their true identity is the community. There are still people who
are closed-minded about this kind of matter. We can see that a lot of LGBT
members nowadays are still experiencing discrimination within their
community, with hurtful and offensive words being thrown at them. But
everyone should be treated equally, right? So, why do LGBT people often suffer
from various forms of discrimination and social exclusion, including physical and
psychological abuse, bullying, and persecution? For the LGBTQ community as a
whole, LGBTQ acceptance looks like political and economic power. It means
having equal access to healthcare, housing, and work opportunities. LGBTQ
identity should never prevent someone from progressing in their career,
receiving the pay they deserve, or playing an important role in a community.
They don't deserve the hate and judgement from us. Even though their
perspectives and gender are different from ours, we must respect and accept
them for who they truly are, because they're human too and have feelings.
2. Make a diagram with a "compare and contrast between transsexual and


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