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NOTE SHEETS Feminist Ethics

Questions Notes
Why is it so hard to have a common belief Ethics is a set of moral standards that define
that gender and race should be a caused for what is right and what is wrong; principles
discrimination? What are the factors that are that define how people should live a good
making other people stick with the old beliefs. life; standards how people should move
around or behave; it defines how you should
behave when you are with others. When a
person is alone they do not need ethics,
because they do not interact with other
people, and therefore, they are the only ones
that will get affected by their actions.
How can sexist languages be modified? What Feminism talks about the relationship of
is the best way to avoid using gender biased genders; particularly the relationship between
languages? men and women and how they relate to one
another; men have been conditioned to be the
dominant; they think that they can make
women be subservient and obedient to them;
feminism talks about this as the root of
women oppression and subordination;
The world is rapidly changing, but why is it Patriarchy is the idea or the male ethic that
that ethical issues such as gender equality is men are more powerful, more dominant, and
still progressing slowly? have more privileges in the society; the look
of science and philosophy from the eyes of
man also manifests patriarchy or
androcentric. As well as sexist languages, for
example the phrase “All men are created
equal.” when we can say all ‘persons’.
Why is it that gender and racial discrimination Feminist ethics is the perception to over-turn
are still being tolerated at other parts of the male dominance because it is the source of
world? oppression and subordination
Can the approval of different bills or the laws Misogyny is the prejudice against women;
covering the issues in gender equality would such as the idea of women should just stay at
already be enough to really stop and eradicate home, or the works of man cannot be done by
the discrimination? a women.
Is care being the essence of women Carrol Giligan, a feminist psychologist puts
empowerment puts1 women at the advantage ‘care’ as the ethical principle that women
or at the disadvantage? Or both? operate on; when women would do
something, the reason would usually be about
other people. A man who’s running for
politics may be inspired by the power or
having control over people; but women would
usually think of running for a position in the
politics to be able to help her community.
There were and are still a lot of male
privileges existing in the community, such
things are when a women is married and
would like to buy a property, it would be
titled in the name of the husband; also
according to the civil law, which I only found
out after watching the video, the wife can be
forbidden to accept gifts if the husband says
no; when it comes to decision making,
especially in the family, it is expected for the
father to make decisions and to be the spoke
person with the reason that they are the ones
used to the public life; because as we know,
women always stays at home.
A feminist wants a women to take control
over their lives, to be able to make decisions
on their own, and to not be subordinates to
4 types of power: power to, power with,
power within, and power over. The speaker
define power to as the ability of women to
care for herself or to do the actions for her
own good; next is power with, wherein the
benefits of an action is extended to the friends
and families; last is power within, where the
benefits of the act covers the whole
community. The speaker wasn’t able to define
or give an example about power over; another
one is the standards in labor, it is always the
male pronouns that are used to addressed
workers, or hard working employers to be
The notion of equality in gender does not
‘sameness’ it is about the recognition,
acceptance, respect, and promoting the
equality of rights between men and women as
well as the LGBT community.
SUMMARY: It has been how many decades already since women started to fight for their
rights, and obviously there have been really a lot of positive changes if we are to compare the
situation before, and specifically talking about the Philippines, as stated at the interview, we
are at the top countries that promotes gender equality, in which to I actually agree. But despite
of that, we cannot deny the fact that even we have a good record based on statistics, bullying
and discrimination is still there, and maybe still rampant in specific places in the country. The
idea of gender equality speaks of equality in terms of the opportunities and the rights that men
have been entitled to; it promotes that women have the right to be equal with man in terms of
freedom of speech, freedom of action, freedom of religion etc.; basically, the fundamental
freedom accessible to men should be accessible to women as well. Because some laws do not
make these things happen that’s why feminist still shouts for gender equality; it is necessary to
change the law so that there would be better equivalents in the opportunities and rights of men
and women. And I agree to the take away of the interviewer, each and every one of us is
responsible in making sure that we put an end to the oppressive conditions concerning all
genders and encourage everyone to be gender sensitive.

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