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DP economics eLearning resource

Name: Lino Wilson
Date created: 03/12/2022

Course review

the strength is definitely the pictures captures the attention of students

Choose one key concept and consider how it might be illustrated in each of the real world issue:
Economic well-being

scarcity is the main problem which leads to the urging need of economics

Complex real-world issues often illustrate the connection between several concepts. Let’s take the
example of   Floriculture in Kenya. Two important concepts here are Sustainability and Economic well-
being. Write a statement that shows how the two concepts could be connected.

sustainability is the key because we cannot live without showing a concern to the future generations
and again there arises a problem of scarcity which needs to be addressed

farming or any other activity is interdependent and needs each others resources for optimum results

Inquiry-based teaching in economics:

What are some of the inter-relationships of the elements in the model: for example, between concepts
and inquiries?
What do you use as a starting point when building your course?
What are the strengths and limitations of that approach?

concepts and inquiries

Look at the new assessment outlines for SL and HL. Without looking at the old version, try to identify as
many changes as you can.

this has been a great session

elaborately explained

What are the particular demands of the AO2 or AO4-type questions?

What are some of the most effective ways to prepare students for these?
What are the particular demands of part g?
What are some of the most effective ways to prepare students for this?

use pictures and enquiries

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